HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-08-09, Page 5;August 9th, 1917 Clinton New*-Reenrd Of Interest to You and Mile 1;iradferri Witness says : "AS :lady .auto drivers are. gettlee, numine - r Mus we would like to warn them t0 be careful, as a lady at Crewel* -had her armbroken in cranking •sr ie( uar. Of (curse she was Unmarried ,and inexperienced in •handling a • crank," 4 "We were just wQnderin' who would wear 'tile clothes we'vegot now , alter -we'd been On the Hanna diet for sis months," -Hanover Post. Well, since so many of the boys :)lave gone to the war the tailors ..complain that they can't make •enough to keep 'cm in chewing, gum, Ye editor might got a new suit or :have his old ones cut down. In the Public school speller in thio United States there is a warns eulogy •4I Kaiser William of Germany. This ;.article has had a place of prominence in this school text booms for years ;but now. that Uncle Sam is at war with Germany it looke a bit ;hut of ;place, as it were. 'There is not time enough to prepare a new book before 'the opening of school for the autumn term but it is probable that on the first day of school a . few minutes 'will he given for the children to tear .this leaf .out of their books. Uncle Sam was a bit slow, of so it seemed to Canadians, about getting into the war but now that he's in he's in for keeps, until the end. `yL + With last week's issue Mr. M. A. •James entered upon his fortieth year as •publisher of The Bowmauville ,Statesman: On August Inst, , 1878, Mr. James became proprietor, pub- lisher and editor of The Statesman andhas. ever since sustained that relation. The paper was founded in 1854 and Rev. John Climie and his so; Mr. W. R. Climie, and M. A. James and Sons have been its only Downers. The Statesman is a bright, newsy, well -edited paper and its editor and publisher is an esteemed :member of the Fourth Estate. News- papermen throughout Ontario, will ,congratulate Mr; James and wish him many years longer to drive the quill. An anti -conscription orator in Mon - Areal declared the other nightthat there were three things which needed smashing up, the British Empire, the Canadian Confederation and the Mon- treal Gazette. It isn't often that a mere newspaper is honored by in- • elusion in such distinguished com- pany. But the three have been go- Ktag strong for a, good 'many rears rid the future should have some- . thing in store for them all.-FAmon- ton Bulletin, "With. all due respect to the ;ma:'ette we might say that should it get eismashed" it might not be such a calamity, as we have no doubt at all but it would proceed to rise aerie stronger than ever, But what Can- adians need to do just now is to ere that they do their share to prevent the "smashing" of either the Drattsh Empire or the Confederation, of Can- ada. 'there is a general call now for help to gather in the harvest which in Ontario promises to be an abun- dant one. The time is limited, a few weeks more and it will all be over, so there is no time to lose. The /armors for the most part are too busy to go out in search of help, it will have to bet taken to them. The Organization of Resources Com- mittee of Ontario are doing their utmost to rally the workers and the Manufacturers' Association and the Retail Merchants' Association are hacking up the movement. It is of purse unnecessary to urge the need --(that every pound of food which can be gathered will be needed. That is surely evident to all who take the trouble to think. It is also evident that the extra lielp to gather the 'harvest must come from the ranks .01 the now employed, A Rain Storm Incident (Luenn0W Sentinel) Following a recent 'heavy downpour Of rain, what might have been a ser- ious affair bappeucd to Minium Siinp- od While heand DI Slum - son, On of Atwood, 1 hil t i • rs. , Simpson and baby, and Mrs, James Porter, of Detroit, were on their way n f111'r, and Mrs• to visit at thc,lhonio o f Hugh Porter, 101,11 coIeeselon Gray, the water covered the road east of Ethel and •as,be was driving through, although the water was up' to the uggy box, they thought all was weil instil they came to ,a culvert ehero owing to(tlte depth or water the driv- er could not see when he mane to it and.drove over the end of the culvert. All went down into five feet of water. The horse they, feared' for a time would get Into the river ami the buggy upset. The women were thrown out and had to wade ;.o their necks, to reach,,tlry ground. They got off safely, only losing a suitcase which was carried away in the curr ent. Fortunately, they were near a house where they wended tifeir way, and were glad to get into dry cloth- ing and felt thankful they got out without being • drowned, o- Burk's Camp. ,Misses Gladys Oantelon, Ruby Wise and Leona Nediger were visitors from Clinton on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 13.- E. Rorke and family moved out on Saturday and are now nicely settled here, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore were out from Clinton on. Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Stevenson and Misses Margaret and Kate of Brus- sels were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cuninghame. The young ladies are remaining for a longer visit, Master Sam Screeton of London is another visitor at Camp Ouninghame. Harold Manning of Clinton spent the week -end with Fred Wallis. A Sunday school bas been organiz- ed and will be continued each Sunday morning, There were twenty-six in attendance on Sunday morning last. Messrs. John Cuninghame of Clin- ton and H. Cole of Brantford visited *the camp on Saturday, Mr. Rorke motored out to Clinton on Sunday morning to attend the Sunday school session in Wesley church, There are many men who cannot .serve the Empire in the battle field who could render good service in a wheat field and no apology need be made for asking that Hien volunteer mor service in the harvest fields dur- ing the next few weeks. Tlie Ontario -Government 'will pay the railroad fare bout ways los men who volunteer for harm service, and the present em- ployers of these mere are being asked to make up to the men the difference in the wages which they may receive from the farmer and these which they i rdly neces- sary a :are now getting. 7t is to point out that if there is a . world shortage of food, the men who ;ate fighting for us cannot be allowed to go hungry. The shortage will be 'felt right at ,inomo, in this laird of plenty, if export facilities can be provided to take the food overseas. Goderioh A Satisfactory Range "Pandora" Ranges never disappoint the cook. Also they last longer, main- -tain a more even temperature, use less fuel and require less attention than any other range you can buy, Write for free illustrated booklet. mccrarit PANDORA RANGE LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Si. JOISASKATOONAMEDMOI•NTONLGARX FOR SALE . BY HARLAND i3ROS. 111011111011. Bathing at Bagiield To Editor of The News -Record ; I have often wondered how long tlie Council of the Village of Bayfield will persist in not doing their evident duty. Bayfield benefits a great deal from the visitors who. come there every summer. It is not infrequent- ly that drowning accidents occur, many of which could he prevented by driving in a few iron stakes with a ring on the top through which could be run an inch manilla rope. The eost of the . whole thing 's not worth mentioning, alongside of the benefit in thus roping off and pro- tecting a bathing place. Hoping this idea will commend it- self to then, I am, Your obedient servant, John Ransford. . Kippen Mr. and Airs. John 'Vieille and tit- tle daughter of Detroit are spending some days with the fornier's father, Mr. Thos, Meths. They travelled in their motor car. They also visited friends at Gerrie, returning home on Wednesday,. Misses Bertha and Carrie McKenzie of Toronto spent a few days recently with their ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie. Among the many visitors Kipper, people have welcomed lately we would mention Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Paterson and son feproat of Toronto. Mr, Paterson returned home ou Mon- day, his wife .and son remaining for a week longer, We were pleased to notice tial. Mr, James Sproat of the Queen City has been renewing acquaintance with his many friends in this vicinity, Mr. Albert Taylor and wife of Lcm• don were recent visitors with the forrner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Taylor. They also visited friends at Wingham, travelling by auto. Mrs. Wm. Pope is spending a few days with friends at Hensall. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Moore drove ov- er to Hensall to call on Mr. Wesley Moore, who recently returned from the front. Mr. Moore was one of the first to enlist, ...Misses Ruth and Dorothy Barnby of Lucan are spending some days with their relatives here. The garden party held on the lawn at the Methodist church Tuesday of last week was a great success and the evening was greatly enjoyed by, all present. The supper was excel- lent and afterwards the Hensall or- chestra rendered excellent music. Rev, Mr. Jones, the energetic pas- tor, has, gone to spend a few weeks with relatives, The farmers are preparing to start their grain harvest which promises fobe t ,abundant. t. t Hosa1 Mr, Wilfred Meths and sister Mat- garet visited over Sunday; ' with friends in Howick township, errs. Armour and Miss Maida of De- troit are home on a visit. Mrs. Drysdale and family oi Ham- ilton are visiting in town, Mr, EL L, Bamford, musician, of Calnphellford is home for a vacation, Mrs. leowlie and blaster Alex, are enjoying a trip up the lakes with Capt, FoWlfe, whom they joined at .oieveland. Mrs, John Hartley anal little daugh- ter, Miss Pauline, of Vankleek Hill have beep visiting Mrs. J. C. MeS- wan. Mr. and Mrs, Walter J. Brirei- 00in110 of Detroit are spending a va- •catien with the formcr's parents, Mr, .tint] Mrs, Chas. Brimicotnbe. Mrs, T. D, Me(lillicuddy,and daugh- ter 'and Miss' Katihleein ttuddieit of To - Nieto spent a week int town as the :guests of Rev, (1, M. (bind biro. 1161111, mss. Wingham Major N. T. Sinclair, who went ov- erseas with the Hurons, has gone to France. Major Sinclair was consider- ed one of the most compedent offi- cers in the Huron battalion, Mr. D. E. McDonald and family have returned from a motor trip to Toronto, Brampton and Niagara Falls. Marriages REE'UILL-MCGUIRE-In, St. Jos- eph's church, on August 8th, Etta Louise, daughter of AIr. Andrew McGuire of Goderioh township, to John Eugene Reehill of Toronto. WATT-Ai3ER' (-In Knox church, Londesboro, on August 4th, by the father 01 the bride, Gereneth Clark, daughter of Rev. James and Airs. Abery, to James Ham- ilton Watt of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Watt, Hul- lett. STRANGWAYS - IIYNDMAN - At ,,, Exeter, on August lst, I larold Ashton Strangways of 3•i;ton, to Charlotte Louise, daughter of Mr. George A. 4lyndman of Exeter. Births NAFTEL-In Goderieh township, on August 3rd, to Mr, and Mrs. K. E. Naftel, a son. MOORE-At 821 Broadway, Winni- peg, on July 25th, to Mr, and Mrs, A,. le. Moore, a :nn. AR.MSTR'ONG-In Wingh,un, on Jrly 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. .1. Armstrong, a son. HAMMOND-In Lower Allingham, on July 25tH, to• Mr. and Mrs. E. A,•llammond, of South Bend, In- diana, ndiana, a daughter. Deaths VARCOIS-In Toronto, on July 31st, George Howard Varcoc:, aged 30 years. KLEIM-In McKillop, on July 20th, Ellen Blake, wife of Mr. Michael Klein, aged 59 years. HAMMOND-In ',ewer Wingham, fin July 28th, infant dauge"er of Mr. anti Mrs, E. A, Hammett. , A Legal Opinion J. C., Olintou,-Severall years ago I sold and conveyed some real estate - to a joint stook company, tatting the -note of tlie company in' payment. The company went into liquidation and the note is not paid. 'rhe proe- erty was deeded by the company to the town', Two members of the coin• pang were town councilors. Was the ttansactioni legal 0 (2) Can I recov- er ecovet my property or the amount of the note from the town 0 Ans.-(1) The fact that two of til directors of the company were town councilors at the time the property was conveyed to the corporation 91(1 hot render the transaction void, The contract of sale was. made between the company and the municipal cot- poration, and scalene 53 and 54 of the Municipal Act do not render such a transaction void or voidable, If the two councilloia, who wore directors of the company, voted for the par- Chase of the property they should not have done so. (2) You sold and eon- veyed the property to the company. You would therefore be stopped by Steer own deed from claiming it new. You accepted the promissory note of the c0mpauy fir payrtt0ut, 'i'hereibte you cannot claim 'payment front any- body else. Boys Wanted LIGHT FARM WORK, GOOD WAGES. APPLY ; M. G. RANSFORD FOR SALE. -A' NUMBER OF brood sows end some small pigs. For particulars apply. to i). J. Galbraith, Bayfield. Phone 4 on 150. 0d- 2 WANTED. -A WOMAN FOR GEN- eral ]housework ,in .5 family of three without children. -Box M., Clinton. -00 HOUSE FOR SALE -EIGHT -ROOM - ed house on Huron street, formerly occupied by the late Rev. J. Greene. All modern conveniences. Good frame stable on l premises. For further particulars apply to Dr. C. W, Thompson. -00 FARM TO RENT, -LOT N.O. 7, CON - cession 1, Stanley township, 971 acres is offered for rent for. two • years.-Applp to George Shipley or John Torrance, Executors, Clin- ton, Ont, -01 TEACHER +WANTED. - PROTES- N, taut, for S. S. o 3, Goderioh township, (1Iolnesville school'), dut- ies to commence Sept. 3rd. Kindly state salary;' experience and quali- fication. Applications received up to Saturday, August 18th. -Edgar .I. Trewartha, Secretary -Treasurer, Holmesville, Ont. 011-2 TEAMSTER WANTED, A GOOD reliable teamster wanted. One ac- customed to logging preferred. Good wages and a steady job guaranteed to the right man. -Ap- ply to John B. Mustard, Brucefi•t 99 Ont. WANTED, -ROOMERS OR BOARD- ers. Comfortable rooms and board it desired. -Mrs. Mogridge, Ontario street. -90 FOR,SALE OR TO. RENT. -10 -room- ed cottage on Frederick street,fur- nace, good cellar, hard and soft water. Large garden and orchard, stable on premises. For particulars apply to R. G. Thompson, R.R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 12 on I54. -00 FOR SALE OR RENT-NIOE, COM- fortable, brick house on Raglan street, town water and electric light, two acres of land and or- chard, also stable. All in good re- pair, -Apply D. Cantelon• -92 FARM FOR SALE -200 ACRES, 21 miles from Clinton, 1 from school, Lots 28 and 29, on the 5th con- cession of Hallett, to be, sold separately or together. Two barns, one 36x60, the other 30x50, stone stable under the larger barn. Frame house 18x28 with kitchen 18x28, flowing well at door. On the other farm is a brick house 20x32, kit- chen 18x20, frame stabler driving shed. 1 acre of orchard on each farm. Will rent if not sold. For particulars apply to Thos. Archer, Clinton. -`0L VOTERS' LIST, 1917, ,0F THE Municipalitp of Bayfield, County et Boron, -Notice is hcreber given,that I have transmitted or delivered to • the persons mcutioucd in seetiott • et the Ontario Vetoes' List Act the copies of the list made pur- suent to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said Munici- pality to be entitled to vote in the ,,,said Municipality, at elections for members of the,Legislative Assem- bly and at mutticipal. elections, and that the said list was first posted up at my office, Bayfield, on the 281h day of 'litly, 191,7, and re- mains there tor inspection,. And I het:eby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law,' Dated a t Bayfield this 081.11 flay of July, 1:917,--19. W. Erwin, 'Pillage Clerk, 01--•, IIOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. -A comfortable 7 -room house corner of Townshend and East streets ; in excellent repair, good cellar, town and soft water, largo verandah ; garden and fruit trees ; possession given at once Apply to Mrs. F. French, Clinton, -92 NO VOA SALE -FRAME HOUSE, , 1V - en rooms, bathroom and MI 110n- vetiten•oere ; cemented cellar ; large garden ; .fruit trees ; -barn. Can be soon Wednesdays and Salturdaye from 2 to 5 pm, -Apply to Mks, Bristowe, Frederielt: St, -99 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for Dans. We supply tvo cans free, Pay all' express charges and issue cheques twiee each month, cheques payable at par, We pay the high- est market prices Consistent with an honest teat. Testing done by a competent Jnan. Each can careful - 1y. weighed, sampled- and tested on arrival and statement.returned. Those in the vicinity f 1'Cinburn may leave. their cream with bit. Hall who will deliver it. 'here, Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty] Bros, Store and it will he taken care of there --The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont. --10 Chopping ! UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE WILL 13E DONE ON TU'ESD'AY, TIIU'RS- , DAY AND SATURDAY, A GAR OF WESTERN OATS ON HAND, CEMENT IN STOCK. BRAN, SHORTS AND FLOUR, JOHN HUTTON, Lop' ;sboro PICNIC AND CAMPING, The picnic or camping days are a pleasant and favorite form of summer entertainment for both young and old• The lunch, however, is an important factor in the successfulness of the out- ing, and with our help you can prepare a lunch that will be both tempting and satisfying. Have you ever tried this Eggs and Ham Mince boiled ham and mix it with the yokes of hard boiled eggs with a little mustard and cream, Then fill the egg whites generously, rounding each cif Wrap in waxed paper to carry. We can supply the latter, also the ingredients. Salmon Olives Pork and Beans Fancy Biscuits Sardines Pickles Peanut Butter Etc., Etc. Are Tasty Picnic Supplies Special Prices on all Teas for this week. It will pay you to get some of these lines, Pure Laundry Soap 6 Bars for 25c F -ACRE , SALE. 1010 -ACRE FOR farm for sale, 2j1. miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Mul- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x80 with stone stab- ling underneath and 14 storey, 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 180 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -82. Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. - Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. PHONE 111. Phone orders promptly cared for. Tired Eyes -o-o-o-.o•-o_0- Sensations exist for our guidance. They are nature's warn- ings 1 -o -o -o -o -o -o- -Over worked eyes need rest. -Eyes that tire easily call for help. -Properly adjusted glasses afford the only assistance possible. -I retake a specialty of relieving tired eyes and guarantee satisfaction. BEAUTIFUL JEWELERY in endless varieties of novel patterns and artistic designs-, Rings, Chains, Necklaces, Bracelets - everything in the jewelery line may be found at my store. -I give you a cordial invitation to come in and see what I have to offer for I feel sure there will be something that will just suit you. HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME house with stone cellar, 5 bed- rooms, one downstairs, double par- lor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, • woodshed, Hard and soft water. Good garden, double lot, fruit trees end small fruits, stable and henhouse: Apply on promises, west end Huron street. -C. E. Jervis. -87 IOUll CLOTHES CLIdANED RE- paired, and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice'. Iiotit Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good. work, I ata prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Snits, Gent's Suits and all kinds of Woolen olotlitng including Sweat- ers, etc. Ali ofdcrs promptly at- tended to. Rooms Orsi iohttsoli's jewelry Store -•-Wire. J. Jago. -00 Johnson's Jewelry Store (Next to Ilovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Agent for Phonolas. n. W. I AMILTON Agent for (lodorieh and Olhtton, DI'1 �AVAt ( i e -tin Separa, 11t 1110 11111 IDl1AL Green- 1 111111111 , f'oed Shoe ii Veil .A.LJi'iU 1)e II11111 Lav(41 Engines 1 SUPERLOR F. :ill bitter Oarrlers S rel red Is SII t, a ii Stactntione ii Water Bowls 1�1 11 Newcombe Pianos Edison `11f1f�'ll Amherola 111111111 , Li+ e e 0,131 Edison Records MADE 111 CANADA on hand Always Horne Saturdays for Repairing D. W. HAMILTON PHONE 207 Huron St., Clinton. 61815 WANTED WE CiAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO 'A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. 'Auto Livery Phone 80 C1!lllonFlollr 11111 Clinton Garage J. H. Paxlnan, Prop. A FULL LINE 0 BICYCLES (New and second hand), DOMINION NOBBY TREAD TIRES, ACCESS- ORIES. OPEN ALL NIGHT Have You Tried our Mill Feeds Lately ? NEVER WERE BETTER North Star (Manitoba) per cwt $6,50 Maple Leat (blended)'° " 6.26 Snow Flake (pastry) " 6.00 Graham Flour 6,20 Breakfast Food 6,80 Wheat Middlings per ton $46 Bran $36 Shorts " $42 Low grade Flour " $52 Mixed Grain per bushel 1 65 Chickenfeed mostly wheat 1,80 Just received a car of ixcelient Feed Wheat THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Let us Select Eatables for your Camping Trip John Schoenhals Phone 8. Clinton, Ont. We have had the experience and we know just what you will find handy, healthy; nourishing and wholesome. Our stock of canned goods has been specially selected for their quality and purity,' and in fact everything we suggest to you will have your un- qualified approval. Cheek from this list the goods you know you want. Come ie. and let us show you oth- ers : Canned tomatoes, corn, peas, beans, etc., concentrated pocket and canned soup, meat extracts, banned preserves and jams, bacon, all kinds cooked breakfast foods, condensed milk, coffee and cocoa, canned sal- mon, sardines and kippered herring, oranges, lemons, bananas, strawber- ries, tomatoes and watermelons, E. E. HUNNIFORD Highest market price for Butter and Eggs. OLIVES THEY ;A110 SO DELIC- IOUS, SO Iel1FIIESHING AND JUST - THIS THING FOR P1101410S. WE HAVE A' LARGE NEW ASSORTMENT FROM II) TO 85e BOTTLES, ALSO OLIVE OII. I'N ALL SIZES. OLIVES AND OLIVE OIL. W. T. O'Neil Give the Hen a Chance -_ to Increase Production Breed, Feed and Weed O 000 Now that the ooute o breeding season is o o over is the time o o to sell the roost- 0 o ers and thus make o 0 0 0 0 a saving in feed. o 0 o o 1000 Broilers Wanted and 300 Ducklings per week 0-0 0 o also a large quan- a O. 0. q o tiny of fat hens at o o top prices: o o Call us up for o o prices before you o O 0 0 o sell elsewhere. o 0 o 51 It Pays to Feed good feed to your horse or other live stock. Pays in better condition or in greater production. We carry the best feed wo can obtain. In spite of that fact you'll not find our prices any higher than you now pay. W. Jenkins & Sons FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199, Highest prices pair] Grain and Wool. Elevator. Rosldenee phone 9.1424 GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON tot Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream1 which will be taken in ever WEDNESDAY morning , and weighed, tested and paid fon while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wait - ted. Fowl received Wednesdays morning each week, T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMERIIILL, Leave Your Order Early for Eavetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HA'WKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Shop over Rowland's Hardware. PHONE 53„ Tho Big Storo ilIen's Overalls 32 to 44, Bull Dog Brand, black or blue ' with white ,stripe 81,75 Men's smocks to match above,,1.75 Men's Union Socks, not too hot for your feet, per pr Men's Harvest Mitts or Glov- es eee .50e, 75c, 1.00 Screen doorstwith hinges 1.65 Screen doors with hinges, ]took and pull 2,15 Screen doors with hinges, hook and putt 2,50 Screen windows, fit any window .35 Wire screening' for windows or floors, per yd .25 You can't beat Perrin's Bis- cuits -we sell them in box- es 15e, 170, 80c, 35C, ;.15. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Men's Nigger Brown shoes with Neolin sole, rubber heel 8,00 Women's Nigger Brown, bigh cut, 9 M. top 7.00 Woinon's extra wide shoe, Goodyear 'sewn, Dongola, black 5.00 J. d./ nn. TT,Q U. ... '�`� s her .J<..i LONDESBORO T1491 BIG STORE WITH LITTLAR PRICES.