HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-07-26, Page 8Look at Your Label r
Owing to the high cost of paper and other material
we are compelled to collect all back subscriptions, and may
have to advance the price of the paper to $1,50.
During the next two months we expect all the back
subscriptions to be paid.
Notwithstanding the great advance in prices
owing to the great European troubles. we have many
lines at less than war prices.
A few of the last lot of
Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens
left yet. The next lot will be much higher in price
A few pieces of Cut Glass at coot, to clear,
Two Specials
CARBOLA The Disinfecting, Germ -killing
White Paint.—use spray or brush
ORANTFORD SLATES See our Asphalt Slate
Shingles—red, green
Will give a list next week of articles
at Special Low Prices to clear.
ilarland gyros.
Zoo]. Shoes
In Camp, at Tennis, on the Bowling Green
or just at home, you'll need a pair of these
There are tan leathers, Buck and Canvas
Shoes. High or low cut as you prefer.
Bubbler Sole Shoes with the low rubber
heels are the favorites.
For Men or Women at $l, $1.35, $1.50 to $4
For Children at 85c, $1 and $1.25
Come in and select a pair of these
and we will fit them to your feet perfectly
Fred. Jackson
Clinton Nows44ecord
July MU, 1
PAtI NT3 PCH:Mill .�.. .1'
of picture is. to give you an
ea the thriilsomo fun
your child can have with a
KIDDIE KAR. It is made in
three sizes, selected wood, strongly
put together, solid wood wheels, with
steering handle that turns easily,
Good indoors as well as out and for
both boys and girls, The hit or the
year in toys,
Tile W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
� a
{„ ,]LI[Jltd IIIAIItl. nunauunnti
. t
Alli illy.
Miss Howard of Exeter has been a
guest of Mrs. French.
Mr. Gordon Cuninghame spent the
week -end with tFIeniryn friends.
Miss Jean Carling of Toronto is the
guest of Miss Elizabeth Chidley.
Miss P. McKenzie of Mitchell visited
Miss D. Barr during the past week.
Mrs. Gordon Cuningktame and- Miss
Kathleen Last were in London on
Mrs. Hugh Ross and Miss Jean have
returned from a visit with friends
at Leamington.t
Mrs. Ti. Clucas and daughter of Tor-
onto are the guests ot Mr, and
Mrs. I, Rattenbury.
Mrs. G. Collyer and children of Lon-
don are visiting with the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Steep.'
Judge Taylor of Lampton County*
called on his uncle, Mr. Andrew
Taylor of town, the end of the
week. •
Rev. J. A. Robinson was in Forest
on Sunday last conducting special
services in connection with L 0.
0. F.
Mrs. E. Floody and Miss Olive
Fleetly of Toronto are spending a
few weeks with friends in town and
Mr. Veitch, accountant in the Mol -
sons Bank, with Mrs. Veitcli and
children, leaves today for Corinth
for a fortnight's vacation.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald and
their son and Mrs. McLaren of
Toronto were guests over the week-
end_.with Dr, and Mrs. Gaudier.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Langford motored
over to Detroit recently and spent
a few, days with , friends. They
were accompanied by Mrs. George
Pte. Gordon Taylor of Exeter, who
has been in France for aborti two
years, and. is home on sink leave,
called on friends in town during
the past week.
Mr. Earl Steep of Stratford spent
the week -end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Steep of Stapleton.
He was accompanied by a friend,
Mr. Douglas Sproat.
Mr. Richard Baker has returned from
the west. He had gone out a coup-
le of months ago on account of the
illness of his daughter, the late
Mrs. J. R. Andrews of Transconia,
Mrs. A. Weatlierwax 1 and her two
children and maid returned to Or-
filia on Tuesday after spending sev-
eral weeks at • the hone of the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
Mr. 'mid Mrs. W, N. Manningaid
Miss `Taylor motored up from Lon-
don on Tuesdays and on their re-
turn were accompanied by Misses
Eleanor and Marion Manning, Who
have been visiting in town for a
few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs, harry Marsh and Mas-
ter Norman and, Mrs. Phillips are
spending a fortnight as the guests
of Mrs. Marsh's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. George Davis of Huron street.
They came over from Detroit in
their motor car.
Our stock of Fleet Foot shoes is now at its best and consists
pf lines suitable for each member of the family.
We have pretty little strap slippers for the wee 'tots, pumps
and high .shoes for ladies and good hard wearing shoes in black,
tan and white for the girls and boys. We are also showing a heavy
work shoe for men, canvas upper and heavy rubber sole.
Our prices on these goods is rock bottom and no other shoe
will give you so much in con fort and wear for so small a price
as a pair of Fleet not. ,
Head Comfort
To be comfortable you must keep the head cool. See what we
are offering in ladies' and children's hats in straw, panamla, cloi{h
and canvas, i r., . 1 I'lg'1*I#i'!'1"i"'•"1-1 11 islet 1 1.1-11
See our men's panama and sailor . hats, They aro very
I1 ,t . 1l ,
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
A Beautiful
, Art Square
lends a charm to -the room,
1 1 has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove, We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Breesels, Axmanstere, Wil-
ton e, etc„ that w e have
priced at attractive prices.
We wnuld bo most pleased
to show them to you.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 f Phone lir, 2S
- Saniteiiu.m, Luke hldward, true,
39 -inch Black Taffeta Sillc
This Value is on a Par wit
Dry, Goods, House Furnishings
phone 07
Next to Royal Bank ,
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) 1 Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Kippen Hullett Township
Mr. Henry Monteith and family of I Mr. and Mrs. John Shananan, Sr„
da fn with spent Saturday, night and Sunday
Powassan, Ont., are hosf
y g
friends on the London Road and at
Clinton, Goderich and Ripleyy, They
spent Monday at Bay
field. They travelling in their automobile,
Dr. and Mrs. Aitken drove to 13en-
sall Sunday evening to meet a friend
of the Doctor's, 1VIr. Thornley, of
Brampton, who was supplying at
Carmel church last Sabbath,
Mrs, McDonald of London visited
with hers mother, Mrs. J. Anderson,
and other friends during the past
A quiet wedding took place on
Wednesday of last week at the home
oMr.and e • esecond fd • daughter,r
orr, , -.When
Aramintba, was united in marriage
to Mr. Basil Edwards, second con-
cession of Hays township, De. Alt
ken, the bride's pastor, performing
the ceremony, None but near rela-
tives were preseit. The blue ride taffeta wore
her travelling go
and hat to match. The couple were
unattended. They motored to their
home the same evening. The bride
will be greatly missed in St. An-
drew's church, Where she was a
most willing and capable worker in
the Sunday school and other depart-
ments of church life. She has the
best wishes of the community for a
happy married life,
Mrs. Archie NoakesiSeaf rth,
who, has ' been - spending the
month with het parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Richardson, returned to
her home on Sunday.
Mr. A. W. Johnston, wiio has been
holidaying the past three weeks at
the parental home, left on Saturday
to resume his position in the office
of the Excelsior Lite Insurance Co,
at Toronto.
Pte, G. M. Elliott o It t h e
Mechanical 'Transports, C a an p
Borden, was home for a few
days, "Gabe" was one of twenty-
five chosen from thvo hundred to be
sent overseas and expects to leave
in the course of a few weeks,
Mrs. 'P. Jackson, Sr., has returned
from a month's stay with friends
in the State of Ohio, The lady's
Health is not nmch improved by her
visit as the weather continued wet
and generally cold and disagreeable
during her stay, The farmers were
much hindered in their work there
by the continued rains.
Mr, IL Ray Cantelon, son of Mr.
and .Mrs., DI, Cautclon, who enlisted
With a western unit and served in
-the trenches for several months
with the Princess Pats, is now
spending a few weeks at home. lie
Was invalided Bonne. several months
ago and has been tutder medical
treatment at the Lake Edward,
with their daughter, Mrs, Joseph
Boyle; at St, Augustine.
Mr. and Mrs, Matthew Carbert and
Mr, 'rhos. and Miss Alice Carbert
were guests of Morris relatives on
Miss Clara Carbert of Stratford is
spending a holiday. with her cousins
in the vicinity',
Mr, Wm. Morrison and Miss Louise
Healy spent Sunday in the county
Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn Sunday -
ed with Mr, and Mrs, J, B. Reynolds
of Goderich,
Mr. Thos. Flynn spent Sunday with
Walton, friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Tony Lawson and
family. of Clinton were Sunday visit-
ors at the home 0f Mr, and Mrs.
Jas. Medd.
On Friday evening last the people
of S. S, No, 0 met at the home of
Mr. Janes Roberton to spend the
evening with Gunner A. Manning,
who was home on leave from Pete -
wawa Camp. A very happy evening
was spent and before its close Gun-
ner Manning was presented With a
signet ring in token of the goodwill
and esteem of his friends in the
neighborhood. This section is justly
proud of all those who have heard
the call at duty and have gone
forth to represent them upon the
field of honor and daily follow then
with prayers and kindly thoughts.
Miss Mary E, Blake is visitfag
with friends in Blyth.
Mr. John, Hanna and wife of Wing-
ham- accompanied, by- the former's
mother and sister, were recent visit-
ors at. the home of Mr, Alex McKen-
zie. They also visited at Grand
Mrs. Geo. Taylor along with her
daughter, Mrs. Wm. Pope, is spend-
ing a fortnight with her daughters,
Mrs, S. Thompson and Mrs, Geo.
Troyer, v,
1VIrs. Finlayson of Scaforth spent
a few days with her sister, Mrs.
Geo, McKay. .
Mrs. Robs, lelgie and Mrs. J. W.
McLean of 'Tuokorsmith left on Tues-
day for an extended, trip to the west.
They intend to go as far as Edmon-
ton, We Vish them a pleasant visit
and safe return.
We understand there will be quar-
terly service hold at Goshen appoint-
ment next Sunday-, conseryttetttly there
Will be no Service in the Methodist
Mrs. Wm. Ivison is recovering from �1VoTlly,
Farmers are hailing the improved
weather conditions with delight
and are working at the hay with all
available forces.
Cheering prospect of abundant har-
vest if weather conditions now con-
tinue favorable.
Mrs, T. H. Atkinson of Vancouver,
B.C., is visiting her father, Mr, E.
Levis, for the summer.
Rev, A. Sinclair preached excellent
sermons to large audiences in -the
church on; Sunday last and
the service of song conducted by
Mr, Norman Murch;, both morning
and evening, were greatly appreciat-
Another sale of cheese was made04
for the factory at 2cents. Such
prices indicate the quality of cheese
made by our cheesemaker, Mr. A.
Gray, who is giving the best of sat-
Stanley Township
'The following is the, June report
for S. S. No, 10 :
Sr. dth—Alice Mustard, Ada Reid,
Edna McCowan, Ruth Higgins, Joe
Higgins, Janet Aikenhead, Frank
Jr. 4th—Tustin Wheeler,Sr.. 3rd—Isabel Fraser, Evel yn
Beattie, Irene Snider, Edna 'Ihomp-
son, Wilfred Aikenhead, Cleta; Pepper,
Lorne Pepper,
Jr. 3rd—Gladys Addison, Margaret
Aikenhead, Elgin Thompson, Jack hl
Kaiser, Norman Wheeler, 'tlpverd
Sr, 2nd—Antlie ?instalo, A'lorcnce
Boyce, Grace Addison, Laura Swan,
Johnny TTohner.
Tr, 2nd-1'llco.nor Snider, Jean
Fraser, Ruth Jarrett,
Pt, 2nd—Jn1m McCowan, flew -don
Fowler, James Fraser, Dorothy
VVelcTf, Norman Bnird,
Sr. 1st—Alex Addison, I.arne
Beattie, Kathleen Snider,
church he Jr. 1st -Stanley, Reid, Mary
110 recent accident.
---ItT. Elliott, Teacher,
Misses Kate and Julia Brown,
pupils of Miss Alice Bell were suc-
cessful in obtaining first class honor;
in the recent theory examinations in
connection with Toronto Conserva-
tory of Music,
The Varna Patriotic Society wish
to have all donations of clothing for
the Belgians brought in by July
31st. They ask that they be brought
in on -that date or left at any of the
local stores before, plainly marked
that no mistake may occur,
Mr. Albeit Lashbrook of town was
married in Toronto on Saturday
week to- Miss Ethel Maude Cash, late
of Dudley, England-. 'Phe couple will
reside here.
Mr. Theo Sunbury, organist of
Knox church for the past year or
so, has resigned his position to join
the Mechanical Transport and is now
at Camp Borden.
Miss Henrietta Moore, for nineteen
years a missionary' in India, visited
recently with her brother, Mr, C. L.
Moore of the Dominion Road Mach-
ine Co. She expects to return to In-
dia in September.
Miss Mabel Tom left hast week to
report for duty as a member of the
New York Hospital unit which leav-
es shortly' for overseas.
Dr. Strange has resigned as Classic-
al master in the Goderich C. 1. ills
resignation goes into effect. at t•h, end
of the present year and if a suitable
substitute can be obtained itis dunes
for the fall terns will be light. Pr,
Strang has been oonncattd with the
G,CJ. for forty-six years, for over
thirty being principal,
Mrs, ,1, F. Joyce and Miss Agnes
Doyle or Ch:ltham were questa COr n
couple or weeks nt the home cf, the
former's parents, ;lir. and Mrs. Jelin
Alias l' 11n 1licltson ni Cohunhns,
Ohio, has beers visiting_ Inspector and
Mrs. .1, E. 'Tont.
Airs. (het.) W. 11'. Sinddart and
three Children of Rtu'hester, N. -V.,
are 1°iaihilig relatives in town.
Miss Mime Kidd Is home from the
Tlnrper hospital, Detroit„ spending n
Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy of Wing-
ham visited Dr. and Mrs. Blackall
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Taylor and:
little son visited , last week with.
Stratford and Port Dover friends.
Mrs. Glen Blaekall and little
dlughter returned last week from a
visit with friends at Bothwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams and
their son, , Howard, returned last
week from a lengthy visit with the
former's daughter in Chicago. Mr.
Adams is somewhat improved in
Clotielrich Township
The 'Young Ladies' Patriotic So-
ciety will meet next Wednesday after-
noon at the home of Mrs. Oliver
Miss Florence McIntosh of Toronto
is spending the holidays as the guest
of her aunt, Mrs, H. Colclough,
Miss Vera Colclough and Misses
Jean and Annie McMichael spent
Sunday as the guests of Miss Louise
Clark of Hensall.
Miss Mayme Hall is spending ri
week with friends alt Bayfield.
Mr, and Mrs, Jas, ;Dann, Sr., spent
n couple of days with friends in-
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Riley spent
Sunday as the guests of his brother,
Mr. Chas. Riley, of Tuekersnith.
Ilnying is now on, Good crops arc
the rule.
Call or ph
for pric
Electric Wiring,
and Fixtures
Sanitary plumbers: Phone 7e.