HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-07-19, Page 8Look at Your Label i
Owing to tl,e high cosV of paper and other material
we are compelled to collect all back subscriptions, and may
have to advance the price of the paper to $L O.
During the •next two months we expect, all the back
subscriptions to be paid.
Notwithstanding the great advance in prices
owing to the great European troubles, we have many
lines at less than war prices, "
A few of the last lot of
Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens
left yet. The next lot will be much higher in price
A few pieces of Cut GIass at coat. to clear.
Two Specials
CARBOLA The Disinfecting, Germ -killing
White Paint. -use spray or brush
BRANTFORD SLATES See our Asphalt Slate
Shingles—red, green
Will give a list next week of articles
at Special Low Prices to dear.
Harland Bros.
Kool Shoes
In Camp, at Tennis, on the Bowling Green
or just at home, you'll need a pair of these
There are tan leathers, Buck and .Canvas
Shoes. High or low gut as you prefer.
• Rubber "Sole Shoes with the low rubber
heels are the favorites.
For Men or Worsen at $I, $1,35, $1,50 to $4
For Children at 85c, $1 and $1,25
Come in and select a pair of these
and va"e will fit them to your feet perfectly
Fred. Jackson
Our stock of Fleet Foot shoes is now at its best and consists
pf lines suitable for each member of the family.
We have pretty little strap slippers for the wee tots, pumps
and high ,shoes for ladies and good hard wearing shoes in black,
tan and white for the girls an d boys. We are also showing a heavy,
work shoe for men, canvas upper and heavy rubber sole.
Our prices on these ,goods is rook bottom and no other shoe
will givo you so much in comfort and wear for so small a price
as a pair of Fleet Foot. , , t , , . , , ., , 1 i 11 , I , 1 LIH Ltd
Head Comfort
To be comfortable you must keep the head cool. See what we
are offering in ladies' and children's hats in straw, panama, cloth
and canvas, I kr'lc1'I'! 1 ! 111 .I '.1 't' 1 l 1 1
See our men's panama and sailor . hats, They are very
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
,esaireete .sir
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to"the room.
1t has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove. We h a v e a t
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs includin
J3russels,Axmtnsters, Wit -
tone, etc., that we have
prieed��at attractive prices.
We wound be most pleased
to show thein to you.
Undertaker and Fttneral Director.
28 'IN( Phone litife. 28
.Clinton News -Record ...
July 19th, Mr
THIS picture is;to give you an
idea of the thrillsome tun
your child can have with a
•- KXDDIE KAR. It is made In
three sizes, selected wood, strohglp
put together, solid wood wheels, with
steering handle that turns easily,
Good indoors as well as out and for
both boys and girls. The hit of the
year in toys.
The W. B. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
V iss Beryl Cooper is visiting Miss
Helen Ross at Bayfield,
Mrs. A. Forbes returned last week
—from a visit in Stratford.
Mrs, T. Cook and Master Nisbit
are visiting Toronto friends.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson and fam-
ily spent punday, at Bayfield.
Dr. Ross of Clifford called on Clin-
ton friends one day, this week.
Miss 'Holmes of Sarnia is here vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. A. D. Beaton.
Mr. H. Cantelon of Toronto was in
town a day,,or two during the past
Miss Minlue Pinning is spending a
holiday with Lansing and Detroit
Mr. Heppler, teller in the Royal
Bank, has returned from a fort-
night's vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wiseman motored to St.
Marys on Sunday.
Airs. Grose , and little son of Toronto
spent ,the week -end as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cantelon.
AIrs. Shaver of Toronto and her tit-
tle son, Calvin, are the guests of
the former's sister, Mrs, J„ W.
Mr. H. 5. Walker of London was
the guest last week of his bro-
thers-in-law, Messrs. H, C. and G.
C. Holland,
Mr. John Campbell and Rev. Aus-
tin Burge of Hamilton were in
town for a couple of- days during
the past week.
Mrs. J. D. Atkiuson and Miss
Eileen returned on Friday after a
fortnight's visit with London and
Ingersoll friends.
Miss Edna Miller of Moose Jaw and
Miss Mae Carmichael of Seaforth
were week -end visitors with their
aunt, Mrs. James Mahally,
Mrs. D. Cantelon and Miss Dorothy
returned on Thursday from the
west. Tho former had made an ex-
tended visit with her son at Pia -
Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg and two
daughters left Tuesday to spend a
month at the lakeside at "Cedar
Beach." Miss Wylie of Toronto ac-
companied them.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge of God-
erich were in. town for a few hours
on Monday afternoon. They motor-
ed down. and were accompanied by
the Misses Robertson, •
Mrs, Andrew Gunn with her son and
daughter motored up from Toron-
to and spent the week-eod with
Miss Marion Gunn in town. Miss
Marion returned with then to the
city on Monday.
Mrs. Arnstein of, New York, who has
been visiting her Mother, Mrs.
Tierney of Blyth, was the guest
last week of her grandmother,
Mrs. Margaret" Thompson of Albert
street, Mrs. Tierney accompanied
her daughter.
Mrs. Geo. Tedford, add her daughter,
Miss Hattie, of Chicago, formerly
of Clinton, have been visiting with
the former's brother, ,Mr. J. Stepli-
enson, during the past week. They
will also visit Wingliam relatives
before returning home,
Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell end son,
Gordon, of Aylmer, formerly of
Clinton, Have been visiting 'the
former's sister, Mrs. S R. Mac-
ao-Math or Goderich and also her
father, Mr. A. H. Goodwin, who
is at present 'a- patient hi the
Goderich hospital.
Messrs. Thomas and t)larenee Ranco
of Toronto,. sons of. the late C. C.
Rance and Mrs. Ranee of Toronto
and formerly of Clinton, were in
town with relatives over the week-
end. The former, who is an on-
glneet, expects to go overseas
shortly in the service of his emu -
RaY. Beverley 1 etohener of Hamilton
has taken a cottage at Bayfield
Mr the summer, Mr. Ketehen, who
formerly lived at Bruceflcld,, is
considered one of the cleverest
preachers in the Presbyterian Chur-
ch in Ontario acid it is hoped that
Clinton Presbyterians will have an
opportunity of hearing him Aetore
the summer Wanes,
39 -inch Black Taffeta Silk
This Value is ort a Par wit
Dry Goods, House Furnishings
phone 07.,
Next to Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 108) , Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library,
Kippen sled vicinity have been
Pleased to welcome back a' number
of the one-time residents - here,
among thelatest arrivals being
Mrs. Robt, Fisher and daughter oe
Neilans, Man., also Mr. David
Cooper, son of Mr.' ,Rohn Coolies,
who has been visiting with Messrs.
Wm. and Robt. Cooper and other
relatives. During the past week Mr.
and Mrs. Gilmour of the Moose Jaw
district arrived to visit the lady's
brother, Mr. Jas. McDonald and sis-
ter, Mrs, Isaac Jarrot. They intend
to remain a month,
Mrs. Alex, McKenzie was in Lon-
don Monday with a party. of friends
from Wingham. They, went by motor
and the day being ideal and the
roads in perfect condition it was
a most enjoyable outing.
Mr. Nor -man Thomas of,Kent Coun-
ty has been a welcome • visitor at
the home of Mr. 'Phos. Mellis.
Mn. and 1VIrs. White and son mot-
ored up from Stratford on Satur-
day and visited Mr.- • and Mrs. W. H.
Johnston. Mrs, White is a sister or
Mr'. Johnston,
We regret to report that on Mon-
day when Mrs, Wm, Ivison was hav-
ing an automobile ride with some
friends the car got into a rut and
Mrs, Ivison was thrown out. She
was taken to the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Robt. Brownlee,, and
a physician, called - who found she
had three ribs broken and the mus-
cles of her back severely injured,
Mrs. Ivison is up in years and con-
sequently will be seen time before
she regains her usual strength again.
Mr. and Mrs. J3latchford and son
of London visited with Mr, and Mrs,
Geo. Taylor on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. MoClymout and
two sons motored to London Satur-
day evening,' returning on Sunday.
Mr. Thos, McClpmont returned with
them and will spend some time
with his old neighbors and relatives.
Tlie farmers are now harvesting
their hay and report a fair crop.
Judging from the appearance of the
gardens iii this district we will have
a bumper crop of vegetables.
Miss Helen McGregor, teacher at
Wellesley, is spendieg her vacation
with her parents, 11,r, and Mrs.
Archie McGregor.
St. Helens
Miss Lottie Henry is visiting her
friend, Miss Ethel Anderson.
Misses Nina and Winnie Woods are
visiting their sister at Erin,
Mite. Emily Weatherhead and nice,
Lula, visited friends at Blyth last
Mr, Thos, Phillips has purchased
an overland ear.
riliss i1ryrtle Little is visiting
friends in Listowel,
Mrs. Geo. Webb is visiting friends
in Hamilton and other places. •
Mr. anti Mrs, Robert Tait and
family spent Sunday in this neigh-
borhood calling on,oiti friends.
One of the worst electrical storms
of the season passed over this locality
on, Tuesday afternoon setting the
bells ringing on the telephone sys-
tem and deluging the land flattening
hay, potatoes and grain. Many farm-
ers say conditions are becoming very
serious and unless favorable weather
comes soon many crops will , be de-
Mr. J. W. McRoberts of Port
Arthur called on a fete of his old
friends here on Tuesday. He came.
down to attend his father's funeral
near Granton which took place on
Monday last. _
Miss Lula Halls of Chicago is
visiting at her aunt's, Mrs. W. Mul-
holland, this week. -
Mrs. Keenan of Detroit, formerly
Miss Ramsey of this village, is vis-
iting former friends hereabout. The
boys and girls of former days are
always welcome when they return.
Mr. Ezra Pickard motored down
to' the funeral of the late Mr. Mo -
Roberts at Granton on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Murch, who
are visiting at the parsonage are
expected to remain over the week-
end and the many friends of Mr.
Murch will be glad to know that he
will take part in the service of song
Mr. N, W. Trewartlia has added
much to .the appearance of his
poultry plant by having the main
lien house and , the chicken coops
painted, N. W. is a hustler and
likes to keep itt the front rank..
lvlr•. Watson of Durham and Itis
son, Mr. A. C. Watson, Mrs. Wat-
son and her sister, Miss Ilolmes, of
Dbtroit motored over this week to
visit with Mr. J, 11, and Miss
Holmes, and Mrs. Leech and Mrs.
Howell and Miss Itlary Howell came
down from Goderich to meet them.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson and Mr, Wat-
son, Sr., went -on to Durham but
Miss Holmes remained hare.
Mrs. R. McCartney entertained the
members of the organized Bible
class of the Methodist Sunday school
at her home on Wednesday, evening
of last week, when a very pleasant
evening was. spent,
The ladies of the congregation have
finished decorating the basement of
the Methodist churoti and it is Very
Much improved In appearance.
St. Helens
Rev. Jas. Wilson of Dovercourt
Presbyterian church, Toronto, will
conduct the services in St. Helens
.church next Sabbath,.
Mrs, Robinson Woods. has returned
front Stanley after a visit with
her sister.
Mr, and Mrs. Marvin McDowell of
Westfield spent Sunday at tic lat-
ter's home here.
Rev, John Little, Wife and dauglf-'
tors, Mit this week for 1 inlough,
Whore they tsitp et to spend , their
Stanley Township
Mr. Fred Keys of Elora, a former
Stanley boy, is visiting friends in
and around Varna at present,
Glad to report that Mr, D. J.
Stephenson, who was laid up for
several months with ' blood poison-
ing, is able to be around again,
though unable to walk yet. His
physician has good hope of his full
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hohner were
the guests of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce on Sun-
day last.
Miss Alice Peck has gone to Syra-
cuse, N.Y., to be the guest of Mrs,
Mr, and Mrs, D. J. McClinchey
and Mr. and Mrs, John Davison of
Bayfield motored to Goderich on
Sunday last.
Miss Mabel Clark, who has been
teaching at Markdale, is spending
her vacation under the parental
Mr. 1Pt t. Ito/Anon entertatued God-
erich friends over the week -end.
Sorry to report the serious illness
of Mr, Lloyd Armstrong of near
Zurich, but hope for his speedy re-
Mr, W. R. Johnstone has purchas-
ed a good brood mare from Mr.
Chas. Marks, for which he paid a
good figure,
Mr. Edward Woods of Toronto is
visiting friends in this neighborhood.
Mr, Robt. Reid, B,A., of Windsor,
brother of Mr, J. W. Heid of the
Bayfield Road, has been in Toronto
the past week reading examination
Sorry to hear that Mrs, G. El-
liott 'of Varna is • on the sicklist,
(lope she will soon be able to be
around again.
Cohvenient night train for Detriot
and Chicago.
Particular attention is called to
the convenient night train operated
via tide Canadian Pacific—Michigan
Central Route to Detriot and Chica-
go. Leave 'Toronto 11.80, p,m., ;alaily,
arrive Detriot 7.60 A,M, and Chica-
go 8.00 p.m. Electric, Lighted Stan-
dard Sleeper is operated,te Detroit.
Further paeticttlars from any Catiatl,-
ian Pacific Ticket Agent, or W. B.
Howard, District Passenger Agent;
Toronto, Ont. Aug. 15
Delightfully cool on ,the Great Lakes.
Port McNichol, a short pleasant
journey via Canadian Pacific Rail-
way, is the Gateway to the Great
Lakes, Steatrlsbip Express Mena
Detente 8.00 P M. each Wednesday
and Saturday making direct uonneo-
tion at Port la'd's/Jura With either
steamship ',Keewatin'r -or "Assiui-
bola" fttr Sault Ste. Marie, Port Ar-
thur or tort William. Particulars
irons Canadian Pacific Tiekot Agents
or5W, 13. Howard, Distract •Passenger.
Agent,, Toronto, Out. , Aug, 15
Miss L. Young of Regina is speed-
ing her holidays with her mother,
Mis. Young,
Quite a number from this vicinity
went to Stratford on the 12th.
Mrs, Arthur Kerslake of Exeter
spent a few days last week at the
home of her :father, Mr. I -I, tLyon.
A number of the girls have taken
a cottage at Grand Bend for two.
weeks, They, left on Tuesday for
their holiday,
The regular meeting of :the Red.
Cross Society will be held on Fri-,
day of this week at the home of
Mrs., Hoggart. Anyone who has fin-
ished sewing is requested to bring
it in that day,
The Red Cross ice cream parlor in
the hall every, Saturday evening
is opened about five o'clock so that
any who wish may have it for tea.
A' number of pnung people enjoyed
the lake breezes `at Bayfield on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. S, Gi'dl'ey of Blytlt
visited, their cousins, Mr, and Mrs.
T. Polard, on Sunday,
Mrs. Colclough and Arnold; spent.
Sunday with her mother in Brussels.
Mr. Jas, Willison is at present
very low, We hope he will soon im-
Mr. Tom Lawson, nephew of John
Williams, and daughters, and Mr.
MaBriou of ,Stratford were calling on
old acquaintances on Sunday,
Mrs, Sutherland and Campbell spent
Sunday with friends in Brussels,,
Miss- Addie Love of Walston spent
a few days as the guest of her sis-
ters, Miss Margaret Love and Mrs.
Eti, Britton.
Mrs. (Rev.) Allen and daughters of
Creelman, Sask,, are visiting her
sister, Mrs, Robt, Lawson, and
other friends.
Mrs. Petrie of Clinton has bem
visiting at Wrenn. A, Leitch's and
Henry Taylor's for a couple of
Miss Myrtle Lawson, Misses. Mag•
gie and Addle Love and Miss Stella.
anti Clarence Clark spent Sunday,
with friends at Walton.
Quito a number of the 'J+ F.
members attended the service yet
Burns' church on Sundae evening.
Call or ,,,phone
for prices
Electric Wiring,
and Fixtures
,�',pnitary Plumbers, Mono Pa,