The Clinton News Record, 1917-07-12, Page 8Zurich
• Mr. Abel Sohlbe of l'i'aterloo and
knurl. John Settrlbo of Detroit were
store last week attending the funeral
if Mir.. Sister, the late Mrs. R. Ho.
Rev, Mr. Ehlers,
of the Y. M. C. A.
DeMisplvania, gave
5ng address in
Church on Sunday
who is seer'ettiry
for the State of
a host iutereet-
the revangolical
litessts. II'red 1Jowald of St Marys,
Ed, Howell of Exeter, Thepclore
UTowald .of Aicren, Ohio, Fred of
Waterloo, Eldon of lurlelt, anti
11Irs Ed. Reap of Detroit were all
in attendance at the funeral of their
mother, Mrs. Maly 13owald, last
Rev. II. ltomhe and Mr. Jacob xIa,
hirer have been in Hanover attend-
ing a mooting of the synod of the
Lutheran Church,
Notwithstanding the great advance in prices
owing to the great European troubles. we have many
lines at less than war prices.
A few of the last lot of
Perfection Oil Stoves and Ovens
left yet. The next lot will be much higher in price
A few pieces of Cut Glass at coot, to clear,
Two Specials
CARBOLA The Disinfecting, Germ -killing
White Paint.—use spray or brush
BRANTFORD SLATES Shingles5redltgreen
Will give a list next week of articles
at Special Low Prices to clear.
Harland Bros.
Zool ShoeB
In Camp, at Tennis, on the. Bowling Green
or just at home, you'll need a pair of these
There are tan leathers, Buck and Canvas
Shoes. High or low cut as you prefer.
Rubber Sole Shoes with the low rubber
heels are the favorites.
For Men or Woinen at $1, $1,35, $1,50 to $4
For Children at 85c, $1 and $1.25
Come in and select a pair of these
and we will fit them to your. feet perfectly
Fred. Jackson
Our stock of Fleet Foot shoes is now at its best and consists
of lines suitable for each member of the family,.
We have prettp,little strap slippers for the wee tots, pumps
and high ,shoes for ladies and good Hard wearing shoes in black,
tan and white for the girls and boys. We axe also showing a heavy
work shoe for men, canvas upper and Heavy rubber sole.
Our pricee on these ,goods is rock bottom and no other shoe
will give you so much in comfort and wear for so small a price
as a pair of Fleet Foot. tl
Head Comfort
To be comfortable you must keep the head cool. See what we
are offering in ladies' and children's hats in straw, pauatna, cloth
and canvas.) • , 1.1 , I , .. I I (I ; , .1 . , it
See our men's panama and sailor hats. They are
Plumsteel Bros
Small Profits
More B"bsiness
A- Beautiful
+ Art Square
lends a charm to the room.
I t has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
toremeve. We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axminsters, Wil -
tons, etc., that we ha v
priced at attractive prices.
We would he most pleased
to show tbene to you.
Undertaker and Funeral Director,
28 Phone 11100. 28
..„---,..„,...,-,,..7,,...„,„__.---.. ______,
THIS picture is , to give ,you an
idea of the thriilsome fun
your child can have with a
KIDDIE KAR. It is made in
three sizes, selected wood, strongly,
put together, solid wood wheels, with
steering handle that turns easily.
Good indoors as weir as out and for
both boys and girls. Tho hit of the
year in toys,
TDB W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
Rev. J, W. Hedley of Nile was in
town yesterday.
Mrs, Wiseman and Mrs, Counter have
taken a cottage at .Bayfield..
Miss• Patience Scott of Blyth was
a week -end visitor with Miss Iiar-
riet Cantelon,
Mrs, R, Sweet and little Miss Myr-
tle have gone to Sarnia for a
couple of months.
Miss Flossie Hoskins of Brantford
was a guest over the week -end
with. Mrs. L. Cree of town.
Mrs. James Young is ;speeding a
couple of weeks with her sister,
Mrs. Robinson of West Moncton.
Miss Edna Wasntan, who has been
teaching at Newmarket, returned
home on Saturday for the summer
Misses Ethel and Margaret Daly of
Seaforth were visitors over the
week -end at the hone of Mr, and
Mrs. Geo. Davis,
Mrs. R. L. Moore and two sons,
Lloyd and Harold, of Toronto, are
visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Finch of town.
Mrs. W. Atkins and two children of
Toronto are visiting at the hone
of, the lady's parents, that of
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Cook•.
Rev. J. A. Agnew and Mr. J. A.
Irwin will attend a meeting of the
chairmen of districts and Members
oP missionary 'district committees
in London this week.
Mr. Thos, Archer arrived home from
the. west on Fridays last and • will
remain until the autumn. Mr. At-
elier is advertising for sale his fine
farm on ;the 6th of, Mullett.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Snyder, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Snyder and daughter of
Kitchener and Mr. S. Rict and
Mr, M. Bare of Preston visited at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. J, Sny-
der part of last week.
Mr. Wellington Cook motored un
from Hamilton on Monday and is
spending the week at his Home in
town. "Welly" has a host of
friends in the old town who are al-
ways pleased to have hint return.
Mrs, (Rev.) D. MacLeod of Montreal
arrived in town on Monday even-
ing and will spend the next few
weeks with her. parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Tiplady, She will rhe
joined by her husband later in the
Sergi. George Weber was up from
London over the week -end. Sergt.
Weber is connected with the mil-
itary stores; in London and will
probably be there for the dura-
tion of the war es the, Medical
Board, indeed several of them, for
so anxious was he to go that he
'would not accept "tile 'decfsTolf 01
one, has definitely refused him per-
mission to go overseas, •
bir, le, G. Scotchmere of Tugaskc,
Sask., visited relatives ' 71 Clinton
s t
and vicinity during the past week,
His wife accompanied him east and
after visiting at Montreal and
other points down tliat way Mrs.
Scotchmere stopped off with her
family at Lanark, Mr. Sco•tchmero
joins his wife the end of this week
and they intend spending a week
at Dalhousie before returning to
the west. Mr. Scotchmere reports
crop•eonditions in the west to be
very favorable, though the season
is somewhat later than usual. '
Clinton News -Record
The� &A. Corset
Is Staged .at the Vital Points in such a way
that the shapely lines of your gown are accentu-
ated and retained. At the same time this corset
is soliable and easy that absolute freedom of
movement is assured. It lends a youthful
th grace and elegance to the figure.
The wearer of a D. & A. Corset is Always
Distinguished bg Her Poise and
`Elegence of Figure.
Not one woman in ten thousand can really
have a "figure" without a corset. D. &A. Corsets
furnish the actual support necessary to every lady.
A few light strips of the peerless D. & A. boning
give as much control of the figure lines as the
stiff, heavy, cramping corsets of former years.
Whatever the design, style, or price
of the D. & A. Corset you buy, it is the
best value, best fit and quality for the
We illustrate four styles of D. & A.
Corsets --there are many --and, whatever
your physical type, you'll find a 'D. &A.'
to please You. A Corset that will
keep its shape and beautifg hours.
"Will not break, or rust, or tear,
D. & A. Corsets made for wear."
See Them. at
July 12th, 191
Dry, Goods, House Furnishings
phone 67. 13
Next to Royal Bank .
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) i Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Rev. W..11. Moore of Hensall will
preach an Orange sermon in St.
John's church on Sunday afternoon
next at three o'clock. Visiting breth-
ren and their friends are cordially in-
yited to this service.:
The Misses Latliem of Sarnia Have
been visiting Rev, A. and Mrs. Sin-
clair at the .parsonage.
A very successful Orange service
was held in the Methodist church on
Sunday evening last when nearly one
hundred of the brethren met at NIr.
Trewarthees and marched in a body
and took, their places in the newly -
decorated church, where the middle
seats had been reserved for them.
The band from L.O.L. No. 300 ac.
cotnpanied the Orangemen and 'they
presented a very fine appearance as
they marched through' tlio , village.
The church was taxed to accommo-
date all who came to the service.
There were two sermons, one by Rev,
W. B. Moulton, incumbent of the
Middleton-Iiioltnesville parish, and one
by the pastor of the churcli„ Rev, A.
Sinclair. The former took for his
subject 'Loyalty," preaching from
the text : "Let everyone be subject
unto the' higher powers," dividing
the subject under three headings :
"God, Lodge and C'ountry." His
discourse was earnest and practical
and was listened to with great at-
tention, Rev, Mr. Sinclair took for
his subject, "The Duty of Being on
Guard," taking for his text the
words : "Watch ye., 'stand fast in
the fa'i'th ; quit you like men, be
strong." His address also showed
depth of thought and was timely and
appropriate, The service was coni
sidered the most successful 'Orange
service ever held in Ilolmesviile. The
brethren met after the service and
hearty thanks were tendered to of-
ficials of the church and the preach-
ers for their part in the service.
Several of the ladies of the con-
gregation are this week papering,
painting and renovating the Sunday
school rooms of the Methodist
church, thus improving its appear-
ance in harmony with the auditor-
Mr. and Mrs, Newton Crich and
two daughters, Misses Evelyn and
Mattie, of Macklin, Sask., are vis-
iting at the home of the lady's
mother, Mrs, Geo. Nott of town.
It is nineteen 'years ,since Mr,
Crich, who was assistant operator
at the G.T.E. Here, left Clinton,
He spent six years in Michigan
then, principally fat itis Health's
sake, lie came back to the Can-
adian west, He is now farming
0051 Macklin and is very well' sats.
isfied with the way things have
turned out for him. IIe thinks the
old town has improved in appear-
ance sines be left it but he misses
many familiar faces, most of his
old friends having gone, The Wil-
ily intends visiting several points
in the United States and Canada
on their~ retnrn trip.
One of the most severe electrical
storms ever experienced passed over
this village on Monday evening last.
Some trees were struck in tbe,vicin-
ity, several washouts of culverts oc-
curred and slay and grain was lev-
elled in many eases. Orchards also
suffered through trees being blown
down throughout the surrounding
Rev. A. Sinclair and family motor-
ed' to Sarnia on Wednesday last
week returning ou Friday,
Biy th
Dr, McAsh, who with his wife and
family bad been taking a motor
trip from Tara to Mitchell, visited
for a couple of Mays with the doc-
tor's sister, Mrs. James Scott, last
Mr, and Mrs, '1', H. Bothwell of
Toronto were the guests of -Mrs. W.
11, Rattenbury last week.
Miss Aggie Beattie has returned
home from visiting London friends.
Miss Edith Bowey spent Thursday
in London.
The little Desciple s Mission Band
held a very successful ten cent tea
on the manse lawn on Friday, even-
ing. Proceeds, in aid of Red Cross,
amounted to thirty dollars.
Rev, I. H. and Mrs, Woods were
London visitors last week.
The sad news reached here last
week of the death of a former resi-
dent of our village, Mr. Jack
Jamieson, who was killed by light-
ning at iris home at Patchett, North
Mrs. Glanfield and son, Ed., of
Jarvis motored up to visit Mrs.
Glanfield's son, Dr. Glanfield.
Miss Reta Jarrett of Toronto is
the guest of her mother, Mrs, R.
A garden party will be bald es
Mr. Madden's lawn on Fridays even-
ing of next 'week in aid of the Red
Cross. Tea will he served from six
till nine, -
Miss Margaret Ross of Toronto
spent the week -end at Her home
Mr. Charles Wright and' fancily
have got nicely settled in their new
NIrs. Joel Gray and family, of Ham-
ilton are guests of Mrs. Gray's
uncle, Mr. B. R. Higgins.
It was a great shock to the com'-
munitp when word came on Friday
last of the accidental drowning at
and Al-
k ow
Tuxfol•d Sask., 4
of Mr. 1
len, eldest son of Mr, James Allen
of Tucicersmith. Howard, with a
chum were ,in bathing. The remains
were brought home and lac was bur-
ried from the parental residence on
Tuesday. Interment was made in
Baird's cemetery. The Bruceield
Oddfellows attended in a body, There
were also member& from Clinton,
Scaforth and Hensall. The Tuxford
OddfellowS sent Mr, Robert Franks
with the body. Howard's uncle, Mr,
R. McCartney, also accompanied the
remains. Mr, and Mrs. Allen have
the sincere sympathy of all in their
sack trouble. The floral offerings
were very beautiful.
Mrs, 'I'hos, Pblard, Ilerbert Glaz-
ier of Clinton and Campbell Suther-
land spent Stmday at Ethel,
The lawn social held on Monday
evening on the lawn' of Mr, Chas,
McGregor, on account of the rain,
was not as big a success as would
have been, but nevertheless' the
bated came out from Clinton and a
nice ,crowd gathered. The proceeds
alnoutited ' to about $70 all told.
Among those from a distance who
Breve in to the social' were Mrs.
Kirby and children of Morris town-
Miss Edith Spackman of Toronto
is spending a week under the par-
ental roof.
Mrs, George Woods and daughters,
Misses Nan and Belle Woods of Sea -
forth are the guests of the latter's
aunt, Mrs. Hewson.
h ado I o
Thomas Brandon n of Hamilton d n o n
Miss May Barret of Wingham were
the guests of the former's'mother a
few days the past week,
Mr. W. Johnston, wife and daugh-
ter, of London are enjoying their
summer home in l the Terrace,
Mr. and Mrs. Copus and family
and Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Strat-
ford were guests at the Albion over
the week -end.
Miss Winnie Thompson of Clinton
is the guest of her cousin, Mrs.
Green, this week,
Mr, 'Graham Moorhouse of Bay
City, Mich., was the guest of his
mother, Mrs, Moorhouse, last week,
Rev.. A. Macfarlane' motored to
F outhamptoa on Monday.
Miss Edith Vasstoae , is .spending
her holidays with her grandmother,
Mrs. Green.
Dr. Metcalf, wife and; family, Miss
Jessie and, William Metcalf, of De-
troit are now •enjoying their sum-
mer home at the lakeside.
Dr. Tillman, wife and family, Mr,
M. P. McDonagh,: wife and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Cole and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Burrows and family, and
Mrs. J. S. Chapman and familp, are
enjoying the breezes in Lakeside
Mrs. George and family and Miss
Ethel Grieve of Seaforth are sum-
mering in' Mr. Thos, Sanderson's
cottage on Colina street,
i- 1 and son
Mr,and Mrs. Fitzgerald ala d
of London are spending the summer
in Deer Lodge Park.
The following ,are summering in
the White City : Dr. Reid, wife and
family, Mr. H. S, Reid, wife and
family, of Detroit ; Mrs. W. C, Jam-
ison and daughters, Misses 'Helen
and Wilma .Jamison, Brooklpn, N.
Y., Mrs. B. S. Monkhouse and fam-
ily, Toronto ; Mrs, Phitfips and
daughter, Mrs, John Daly anti fam-
ily, London, and Mrs. Malcolm NIc-
'i'aggart and family, Clinton.
Mr. Richardson and Mr.' Heard of
London are the guests of Mrt 14.
5, Reid at their summer cottage in
the White City.
Rev. W. T. Pearcy of Harriston, nr
former pastor, preached in Knox
church last Sunday.
Mrs. Watters and little son 01
London are visiting the ladp's
mother, Mrs. Riley.
Miss Ivy Roberton of London is
spending a few clays with her grand-
Miss Della McCool has gone to .
Toronto to take a position.
'Hiss Dora Riley of Toronto visited
friends around dere for a few dap.,.
this week, .
The lawn social held on the par-
sonage lawn last Friday even'ng was
a good success.
Mrs, Chas. Manning, we are glad
to say, is' able to be around again •
after her' illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lee and family
of Port Colborne are visiting the
former's mother, Mrs, William Lee.
Miss Edna Lyon, who has beat
teaching at Dresden, has returnee'
kerne. She visited with Detroit
friends last week,.
Mrs. Chas. De Geat left on Tues-
day for her home in Saskatoon,
Sask., after spending a couple of
months as the guest of her father,
Mr, }tory Coiciough, and other
Mrs. Thos. Andrews and son 1'l-
liott returned to Gorda 00 Monday
after visiting her daughter, Mrs, B.
B. Stephenson, and other friends,
t11ite a number from around here
intend taking in the 12th at Strat-
Visiting Clinton.
J. Y. Egan, who specializes in tit
treatment of Hernia, (Rupture),
who has been visiting Clinton pro-
fessionally for many years, is spend-
ing a few days with friends here.
Any ruptured person or parents of
• 1lt t
children so
1 consult
(free) by , enquiring at Motel Nor-
mandie this Saturday, Sunday, Moe-
day, Julyv 14, 15, 10. Our readers
wild are interested may then male,
mutual arrangements for treatment.
Wo have been furnished with the
names of several persons In this
town and neighborhood, as well as
children, who have been cured by the,
means adopted by this gentlental.
where all previous trials from other
sources liad failed and cases where,
as a last resort,. an operation t,wee
advised, Consulting hour's ftp
to 5 p. m.
Call or pho t'
for prices
Electric Wiring.
and Fixture:F
Sanitary Plumbers, Pima 7n ,