HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-07-12, Page 44
sionsamssamalsotais, Sumrnerhllll GedTownship
Front Our Spring
To ones the New Wall Papers
we are showing this spring is to
mise the best we have ever
Though we have sold Wall
Paper for years, these new
spring Goods are by all odds the
A. T. cooper
Telegraph and Ticket Agent
Clinton, Ontario
• Services will lie resumed irt fSb.
motor's tdhurah an Sunday evening,
July 22nd, at raven o'clock.
The following is the. report of $,S.
No. 12, Goderich Jud; Iiullett, for.
Sr, dth^xIi]dtG Forbes, 13ossio Liu.
dray, Gordon Dalt, Jean Farquhar,
Nellie Beacom,
Sr. 30-41abel Wright, Eddie John-
stun,Norman Wright, .
Jr, 3rd—Walter Forbes, Robert
Jr. anti—l'ioyi Mason, Russell Jer-
Pt, 2nd—Elva Smith;
Sr. 1st,—Violet Watkin, Clarence
Bal], Viola Johnston,
Primer—Juan Weir, Russell Miller,
Jean berbes, Wesley Wright, Jean
Dobie, Reginald Ball,
E, Holland, Teacher.
Mrs. (Dr.) 'rllotnas and children of
Jefferson, S, 0,, ,'are spending the
summer at the home of Mr, ,and Mrs.
J. M. Prolfoot,
Pte, T. H. Morrow, son of . Mr.
Geo, Morrow, has been admitted to
an English has
suffering from
wounds in the shoulder. He had
spent six months in a hospital at
Mr, D. Naftel who had been secret-
ary of the Public Library Board for
a number of years, has resigned and
Mr, J. Ades•Fowler has been ap-
pointed. Mr. H. Long was appoint-
ed chairman of tfie board and Mri
Coulthurit chairman of the book
MAT 3tts TO OCTOBER 30th
"ALL RAIL" - also ,by
f Great Laron Rath*"
(Swop PhAeMf.p)
Year- Futuro h In the West
1e.tedgeorahw hese rut Western
est tiu a T,rn the NIt• sone t.,er en®il eYtYirfdtrerilrti
Canedlan Picnic
District Passenger Agent,
The -ycang Ladles' Patriotic Bo-
oieby will meet; aex1) Week ab the
Borne of Miss Alma . Mott, The
rn0lnbet's are requested to bring in
sox whioh they have finished to this
meeting so that it may be aseer-
11 l
tabled how" mea,rr will
be available
Cor the next shipment..
The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have
engaged Miss Ella Darroch of 1Iarr
riston to take charge, of time soitool
for the Coming year. Miss Darreeh
holds a first class eertittcate and.
comes highly recommended. She was
chosen from thirty-five applicants for
the position, ten of whom had first
class qualifications. The trustees are
congratulating .themselves that they
have secured -a good teacher for their
A special Orange service will be.
held In St, Dames' thumb, Middle-
ton, on Sunday. naming next at eleV-
en o'clock, when the, Rev. W. 1I.
Moore of 3lensall will address the
Varna, Sharon and Bayfield ,Lodges.
Itis expected that a large number.
of the Clinton brethren will motor
out for the service. )Rev. Mr. Moore
was until recently Grand Organizer
for Nova Scotia, Alberta and, Sas-
katchewan. He is a very forcible
speaker and thoroughly versed in
the Orange Order and its principles.
His address will be worth hearing.
Among those from a distance W110
were present for the 'funeral of the
late J. G. Steep_ on Friday last
were : Miss Elizabeth Sheppard of
Waterbury, .Conn., Mr, Ben. Shep-
pard, Sault Ste. Marie, Mieh., Mr,
Joseph Churchill, Port I-luron., and
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Toppin, and Mr.
Otwell Todd, Toronto, Many, friends
also attended from Dungannon, Nile,
Goderich and other surrounding
Mrs. J. G. Steep and family, desire
to express, through the medium of
The News -Record, their sincere
thanks to the friends and neighbors
for the spa -mat -by and kindness ex-
xtended to them in their recent
Mr. and Mrs. George Cole and
daughter, Miss Mabel, of Fenton,
Mich., and Rev. W. • 11, and Mrs.
Cole of Flint, Mich., motored over
in their respective cars on Thursday
last and are visiting Mr, and Mrs.
Peter Cole and other friends in the
old. township. The Messrs, Colo' are
brothers., of Mr, P. Cole and like to
get back to the old township ,for a
visit occasionally.
Mr:- and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and Mr,
and Mrs. Braithwaite of London mot-
ored up recently and spent a few
days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs,
Harry J. Thompson.
Messrs. Jerome and and Loo and
Miss Lizzie Bedour of Courtwright
and Charles Bedour of Drysdale mot-
otored up this week to visit at the
home of Mr. Wm. Bedour: '
Mrs. John Marshall of the Huron
Road is not tat all well.
1Ir. J. A. Thompson of the Tor-
onto Police Force spent a few days
with his wife and family who are
spending the summer at the home
of Mr. F. Thompson of \the Bayfield
The garden party given by, the Un-
ity Club at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Stevens of - the Base
Line on Wednesday evening of last
week was' a great success. There was
a good turnout of people from the
surrounding neighborhood and es-
pecially, from Clinton. The Clinton
Kitty band was in attendance and
furnished excellent music throughout
the evening. The supper was such as
to delight the heart of a fearful
public in daily dread of a direful
pronouncement by the food controll-
er; the moon shone bright enough to
suit the most sentimental and al-
together the event went off most
enjoyably. The proceeds from. the
gate and from the, booth which was
upon the grounds, amounted to $150,
This. money will, be used by tyle Club
for the purchase of material . where-
with to carry on their work for the
soldiers and theyy may be depended
upon to spend it with skill and
Result' of promotion examinations
in S. S.. No. 10 :
Jr, 418h—Total 750, to pass 450
Viola Hutchings 520.
Sr, 3rd—Total 825,. to pass 495 :
Bert Notth 6041 Stewart Middleton
Jr. gra—Total 745, to pass 447 :
.Mary Stewart 602, Edward Lindsay
437, (
Sr.' 2nd—Total 675, to pass 405 :
Charles Groves 451, Shirley Beacom
425, George Groves 414. •
Jr. and—Total 565, to pass, 339 :
William iIutchings 375, Randle Cole
373, Marion Lindsay: 339, Lewis Ell-
wood 272.
Promoted from 1st class to Jr.
2nt1 p•lossie Lindsay, Marion Mid-
dleton, Joatn Groves, Kenneth Whit-
Mary R. Culbert, Teacher.
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 11 for June
Sr. 4th—Class (a)—Elsie Ferguson,
88 percent., Francis Powell 78,
Pearl Churchill 78, Rubpi Churchill
Class (b)—Glenn Fergesml 76,
Bruce Sj:olland 72. •
Jr. 4th—Clifford. Castle 65, How-
ard Currie 41,
Jr. 3rd—Elmer 'Prink 64:
Sr. 2nd—Laura Currie 63, Oliver
Ferguson 60,
Pt. 2nd—Verna Colclotigh 68,. Mel-
vin Elliott 65, Ada Biggin 00.
Primer—Viola Holland, Mervyn
Batkin, Laurie Riggin, Willie Ratrin.
Tlie liest spellers for the month
are :
Sr. 4111 Class (a)—Ruby Chuiohfll.
Class (b)—Gleno Foresee,
Jr 4th—Clilfo:d Castle.
Jr, Std—Elmer 'Trick.
Sr. tad—Laura Currie,
Pt, 2nd—Verna Colclough,
—Erma Diehl, Teacher,
Clinton News -Record
Stanep Township
]1xls. ' Jautas R'ilsop, the oldest
settler in the township , of .Staliioyi
and perhaps in the County of Heron,
passed away 'at the home • of her
nephew, Mr. Win, Pollock of the
Goshen line, O11 SUntlay mornbig lit
her 101at year. Mrs,
1)0818 11 tile t✓eunty of Derry, Ire.
land, and oame't0 this eountyi about
eighty-five years ago wttli her par-
ents, who first settled in. Lower Can-
ada, as it was then called, They
remelted there nine years. They then
came and tf/ok 'up a farm 1118 the
Goshen Lille, where she lived' with
her parents until the fall of 1868
when she was united in marriage to
Mr, James Wilson, and settled on a
faun quite convenient to her home.
At the end of five years Mr. Wil-
son died. She then disposed of her
'farm and went back home to live
With her parents. On their death
she sold the farm, left ,to her by her
lather, to her nephew, With Whorl':
she lived Until she received the sum-
rnons to come up higher. Mrs, Wil-
son's maiden name was Jane .Pol-
lock, daughter of the late' Mr. and
Mxs. James Pollock. She was al-
ways cheery and had a kind word for
everphody and was very active al-
most up to the time of her death.
She was only a few 'days sick and
retained her faculties up to the
last, knowing everybody who went
to see her, Last October she cele-
brated her one - hundredth birthday,
when she was presented with several
handsome birthday remembrances.
Among the guests on this occasion
was the bridesmaid who assisted at
her marriage fifty-seven years before,
Mrs. Ralph Stephenson of the Gosh-
en Line. The Rev. Mr. Macfarlane of
.Bayfield conducted the funeral ser-
vices at the house, and Rev. Mr.
Johnston of Varna at the grave.
The friends •from a distance were :
Mr. and Mrs. John McMann of Ex-
eter, Mr. Wm. Fee and' two sisters
of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Cook of
Clinton, Mr. Robt, Pollock and sis-
ter of Boston, Mass., and Mrs, • Geo.
Pollock of Zurich. The remains
wore laid to rest in the Bayfield
cemetery on Monday) last. `the
pallbearers were : Ed. Jobn;on,,
Launcelot Clark, Win. Rathwell, Wil-
son Armstrong, James Boyce and,
David McClinchey. The family with
whom she lived so long and whom
she loved so dearly and, who were
so kind to her, have the sympathy of
the wilole.neighborhoorl,
Another pioneer has passed away
to the great beyond in the person
of Mr. Geo. Lawrasou, who de-
parted this life • on Friday' in his
seventy-ninth pear. The deceased was
born in Beverly township, County of
Wentworth, the 80th day of March,
1838. He came to this part oft the
country forty years ago, when quite
a young man, and took up a small
farm near Bayfield, where lie re-
mained until he was called home.
One. brother survives him, James of
Troy, who is ninetjl-two, and one
sister, who lives at Brantford. Ile
was twice married, his first wife be-
ing a Miss Lake. By this marriage
there were two children, Robert of
Czar, Alberta, and Mrs. David,
Leech of Bayfield. Sometime atter
her death a number of years ago, he
was married to Miss Isabella Hoh-
ner, who survives lifm. They had
two of a family, Samuel and Car-
oline, who are at home. Mr. Law-
rasou was a member of 0.0.1e. o8
Bayfield Lodge for thirty-three
pears. The funeral services were
coud1rcited by the Rev, Mr. Macfar-
lane at the home and„graveside, af-
ter which the Foresters conducted
the last ceremony. The pallbearers
were : Thomas Cameron, Samuel
Hohner, Wm. Osmond, H. Talbot,
Geo. Greenslade and David Leech,
The friends from a distance were ;
Mr. H. Lawrasou, a nephew, irom
Troy ; Mr. Henry Adams, a nephew,
from Brantford; 1811'. and Mrs. J
McLeod of Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs.
Tweedy of Goderich, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Bailey of Stratford. He
was a quiet, inoffensive man, a
kind husband and father. He always
looked at the .briglit side' of things,
was a good neighbor and was well
thought of in the neighborhood in
which he lived. In- religion he was
n Methodist and in politic6 88 con-
t;oi alive. MS Malta Wend lea
in the Bayfield cemetery 011 Sunday.
last and the large concourse of friends
that followed showed the esteem in
which lie was held. The floral tri-
butes, from Iocing, friends which( were
laid on the casket were beautiful.
The sorrowing friends have tiie sym-
pathy of the whole neighborhood.
The following is the June monthly
report of S.S. No, 14. Names aro
in order of merit :-
5th—i'I W. Ratitwell, G. C. Mac-
Sr. 4th—R, R. 110018 moat, E. P.
Fisher., N. .J. Hood.
Jr. 4th—W. L. workman, L. E,
Hudie, W, J. Ross.
Sr. 8rd—F. R. Parsons, L. S. Near
C. E, Harvey.
Jr. 8rd—W. A. Ross, L. 0. Work-
2nd—E. Anderson, M. E._Meriam,
R, L. Meriam.
and Part -J, MelCensie, G. A.
1-Iarvey,. '
1st Part—P. McSleazie, H. Mc-
Clymont, J. A, Anderson.
The -best spellers in the monthly
spelling matches were :
5th—Iiarold Rathwell.
Sr., 4th—Grace Fairbbairn.
Jr, 4:tit—Walter Workman.
Sr. and Jr. 3rd—Wallace Ross.
2nd—Elva Anderson. '
'11 you do not know about 111e
wonderful Mountain scenery including
Jasper and Mount Robson Parks,
traversed by the transcobtinental
line of; the Canadian Northern Rail-
way between Edmonton and i Van-
couver get a copy of - our handsome
descriptive booklet, to be had for
the asking from
City Agent.
, —July 25
Whether you are going west to
homestead or only. -for a trip the
most economical method of travel is
to take advantage of our low Home -
seekers fares good going on special
excursions every Mondays, For tick-
ets and full particulars`apPlys to
Town , Ageut
Canadian Northern Railway
—July 26
Dry Goods
Coach & Co.
Ladies' and Misses
spring Coats 1-2 price
Just eight Spring Coats
left. All new this seasoa, in
all the newest styles and col-
ors, including paddy green,
rose, mustard, black and white
check, sizes 16, 18, 36 and'3$
Your choice of the 8 coats
Half Price
After the best season this
SUM has had in this depart.
inent, we have just 5 suits left
—navy and black only, 12ost
ly large sizes.
Your choice of any Suit
_74 Half Price
Children's Coats Half Price
One dozen only, Children's Coats, all new this
season, sizes 4 to 14 years. Your choice half price
Showerproof and Dust Coats $1.98
Six only, Ladies' Coats, all wool cloth, just what
you need for a shower or dust coat, Last year styles,
values up to $9,00, for $8.98
This Store will close Wednesday Afternoons
. duiiug July and Aug. up to Sept, 19,
Mr, and IlIrs, A. M0nteitll were in
1drigdo1 the past Week- sllending a
Few, trays with llev, and Mrs, Tticli-
The Misses McGuire of. Ilelgrave
aro visitors with ]8fv. and Mrs, leas-
ken at the station.
Mrs. Wm. P0118 of New Westmin-.
seer, 13.0., arrived, Sa1Lur,ay ovening
for an extended visit with ,]ter par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Cleo. Ta'lor, and
other friends, I11 is ten years since
Mrs. Pope visited here and fier many
friends are pleased to meet with her
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. McDonald mot.
ored to Essex the end of last week
to visit friends.
Dr, and Mrs. Aitken left here on
Tuesday for London where the Doc-
tor is taking further treatment for
throat trouble, We 110118 he may
return fully restored,
Mr, and Mra. King and two chil-
dren of Howiek township have been
spending some. days here as the
guests of Mr. Thos. Mallls and fam-
The community plcaio held on
July; 5111 in Mr. Isaac Jarrot's grove
was a decided success, $115 being
realized, It is an ideal spot for an
affair of that kind. Mr, and Mrs.
Jarrot aad 1VIiss Etta were most
courteous to all present.
Mrs. Piney of New I3dmburg had
a pleasant visit here with hor cous-
ins, Mrs. Watson and. Miss Margaret.
Mr. Gray and daughter of Toronto
have been welcome guests with Mr.
and Mrs, Wm. Moore. They return-
ed home the beginning of this week.
Mrs. (Rev.) Barnby of Luean spent
the weekrend with her mother, Mrs.
Wm, Ivison. It is the intention of
Mr. and Mrs. Barnby to take a trip
to Manitoba in the near future.
Mrs. J. McKay and daughter of
Goderieii are having a fortnight's
visit with their relatives, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Mr. MgKayl
enlisted and went overseas with the
161st and is now serving his country
at the front.
The Patriotic Society, met in the
basement of the Methodist church on
Wednesday and a number of gar-
ments were made up to pe sent to
Belgium, chiefly for the children
Mr. A. W. Johnston, actuarp for
the Excelsior Life Insurance Co. of
Toronto, is spending his holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
II, Johnston.
July .Ath, 19J7
----arid does please you because xt offers
that rare combination of service; satis-
faction and economy, Ask our local
dealer to show you the „Sunshine;',
or write for freed Illustratedt descrip-
tive booklet.
For Sale by Ggain & Sutter
Mrs. Patrick Finn of Detroit was
the guest last week of Goderich and
Ashfield township friends.
Mr. and Mrs. G. di. King will give
a farewell concert in North street
church on Friday evening of this
week. They will he assisted by tite
choir of the church. ,
Mrs. Cameron, widow._ of the late
Hon. M. C. Cameron, passed away
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
John Galt, on Sunday week at the
age of eighty-three.
Mrs. J. C. Carrie and Master Ted
have returned from a visit with the
former's mother at Paris.,
Mrs. le. Bartell of Detroit was 'a
guest last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Murney.
iar. Athol MoQuarrie of Simcoe is
a visitor in town.
Mr. and Mrs. S. MOV. Lloyd have
returned from Florida and will spend
the summer in Goderich.
Miss ..Hellen Ford has been supply-,
ing for yliss Fraser on the (.'. I.
staff, the Latter having been ill. -
Mrs. D. Millar has returned from
a visit to Edmonton. She was ac-
companied home by her granddaugh-
ter, Miss Lily Knight.
Mrs. F. Hewson of New Liskeard
and her little son are visiting the
lady's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Strang.
Mr. Fred Davis, formerly propriet-
or of the Bedford Hotel, has been
elected a member of the Alberta
Legislature, having successfully con-
tested the riding of Gleichen as an
Independent Conservative.
Mrs. R. 1I. llIcLean and son of
Cleveland are visiting at the home
of tife fornter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Rev. , W. X. liagor, the retiring
pastor. of North street church, was
presented by the members of bis Bi-
ble class with a silk umbrella, prior
to his removal to a hew field at
Mfrs t101l1'£arde TTas'Te11: o£ Marl:-
dale is a visitor at the home of her
aunt, Mrs. 1I. Young.
Miss Pearl Godwin of Loudon was
a visitor at the Methodist parson -
ago last week.
Mrs, 1I. Craig and Miss Edna
Ferris spent a few days last week
with Soafortlh friends.
Rev. J. E. Ilolmes of Lambeth,
formerly a pastor of the, Methodist
church here, visited in town re-
Goes to Press
July 20th
Please report changes required tetour
Local Office, to -dap.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada
Western Fair
London, Canada
September 7th to 15th,, 1917
1867—'`A half Century of Success" -1917
The Great Agricultural Exhibition
of Western Ontario.
$32,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions
A very interesting Programme, including Military
and other features—TwICE DAILY.
Fireworks Each Night,
Two Speed Events Daily
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
Lieut. -Col. PrM. es GARTSHORE, A. M. HUNT,
The, July tissue of Rod, and Gun in
Canada is a good number to tuck
into the grip of the sportsman or
tourist on vacation bent. A glance
at the list of contents shows the
following titles : "With the Maskin-
onge and the Shark : Two Opening
Days,” by Bonnyeastle Dale ; "Tu-
hoo" by Wm. MacMillan ; "Trout
Fishing in Northern Ontario" by C.
W; Young ;, "The Beloved Vagabond"
by Edward M, 'Fowler ; "The - Last
Tail? Ashore" Fa Vs Wmsd etc,
Old. Anil Ili altlitiol welt lnaintalfetl
departments devoted to Guns and
Ammunition, Fishing Notes, Kennel
and Trap -shooting. W, J. Taylor,
Ltd., Woodstock, Ont., are the
publishers of this representative
Canadian sportsman's magazine.
Clinton Carriage Shop
To Enjoy REAL Out-
door Life—
Strong — Safe
It is a pleasure to ride a
Hyslop Bicycle
'gorillas models to choose from.
Msde In Oanede fel 26 /errs bi
altsnoP 8Ut0r le1d, tithed. Tomos ,
ow, Mu sr
J. H. PL7,X6'1, MA A
Mogul Gasoline Engines from 1 to
25 h.p.
Mowers — :Binders — Rakes
Hay Loaders — Side-deltvory Rakes
Bean Cultivators — Soutilers
Oliver Plows — Peerless Gates,
McLai,ghlhi and Boyne Buggies
and Carriages
Some good second-hand buggies for
sale °heap.
Buggy, tires channeled and
All hinds of hard and soft oils,
greases, etc., ]rept in stock.
'Tops and side curtains of all kinds
All work neatly and promptly, done,
Phone 78 -- Huron street
—TO -•--
Round Trip Tourist Tickets Now on
Salo from Stations in Ontario
all Very, Low Ratesp With
Liberal' gip 6,621, ;'1!
Berth reservations and full infor-
mation at all Grand Trunk Ticket
Offices, or write 0. E. Horning, Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, G. T. Ry.
%astern, Toronto. Ont.
Phone 17.
Every Monday till October 29th,
Athabasca - 46$54.00404340.25
Edmonton . 47.00
Stattler . 47.00
4345 7736.60
3 .
North Sattleford
Regina .. ,
Forward . .
Saskatoon ,
Dauphin .
I.Uoerne .
Cs19ary . •
Hanna . ,
Rooetown .
Vorkton .
Moose Jaw
Prince Albert ..v ....,
Brandon • . .
Winnipeg . r .
7,'or Tickets, Reservations Liter-
ature and Information, apply to
T. otnnn
ton. or w o R. A. Einbir,
(1.P.A., 68 Icing St, I]„ Toronto.
CANADA .,, N0 ° TN ER M'.