HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-07-12, Page 2D. D. MpTAGCINICT
IC D. McTA‘GA 111
McTaggart art Bros.
Office- Sloan Bleak-CLINTON
Office on Albert Street oecuped hl
Mr. Hooper.
• In Clinton on every Thursday,
and on any day for which Ap-
pointments are made. Office
hours from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
A good vault in connection with
the office. • Office open every
week -day. Mr. Hooper will
make any appointments for Mr,
Conveyancer, Notary Pohl*,
Commissioner, Ete.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Dr, W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.,
Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B.
Office Hours: -1,30 to 3.30 p.m., 7.30
to 9.00 ran. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence -Victoria St.
' ffpecial attention givers to dis-
eases of the Eye, Ear, Nass
and Throat.
Eyes carefully examined and snit -
able glasses prescribed.
Office and residence: 9 doors west of
th. Commercial Hotel, Huron Si.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Aaron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
road* for Bale i Date at The
News -Record; Clinton, or bi
sailing Phone 13 on 167.
Charges moderate and mesh:totloa
We've made a(IN
g toWouldmak like
it 'rot for 'ylAl/lil to make
anise it hot
0. few
for you
'We've made it hot fo • a lot of folks
who were looking for satisfactory coal,
and if you will place your spring order
with us, we would be pleased to give you
the good coal and two thousand pounds
to the ton.
A. J. Holloway
A•first-class bedrbon suite for private
sale, as well as other articles of furni-
ture at Residence on Ontario St,
The McKillop Mutual
Fire ITisural.ce'C
Head office, Seaforth, Ont,
President, James Connolly, Goderich;
Vice., James Evans, Beechwood;
Sec. -Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Sea -
Directors: George McCartney, Sea.
forth; ,D. F. 1ttcGregor, Seaforth; J.
G. Grieve, Walton; Wm. Rine, Sea..
forth'; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert
Ferries, Iiariock; John Benneweir,
Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderich.
Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Yeo, Opderich; Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth;
W. Chesney, Egnondville; R. G. Jar -
moth, Brodhagen.
Any money to be paid In may be
paid to Moorish Clothing Co,, Clinton,
or at Cutts Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiring to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to
any of the above officers addreesed to
their respective post office. Losses
inspected by the director who lives
Leered the ecene.
A • W
Trains will arrive at and depart
from „Clinton Station as follows:
Going East, depart 7.88 rani,
0 tit a 2.68
Going West, ar. 11.10, dp. 11,17 am,
" " ar, 6.68, dp, 6,46 p.m,
' 1t depart 11.18 p.m.
Goi»g South, a', '7.38, dp. 7.60 p.oi.
tit " depart 4.16 p,m,
Going' North, at, 10.80 dp. 11.10 a,tn,
,f,loing N'arth, dopeat, 0,40 pa.
News. Record
'Perms of subscription -$1 per year,
to advance; $1.50 DAY be charged
if not so paid. No paper diseon,
tinned until all arrears aro paid
finless .at the option of the 'pub.
lather. The date to which every
subscription is paid' le denoted on,
the label.
Adverileing hates - Transient ad.
vertisomente, 10 cents per' non.
pareil line "fol' first insertion and
4 cents per line for each subtle.
quent insertion. Small advertise-
ments not to exceed one inch,
such as "Lost," "Strayed," or
" Stolen," etre, inserted cease .• ter
85 cents, and eacb subsequent in.
eertion 10 cents.
Communications intended for pub•
lioation must, as it guarantee of
good faith, be accompanied by the
name of the writer,
G. E, IIALaI.,
We carry a Complete Stock of
Stone's Natural Fertilizer. No
better on the market.
11'e pay at all seasons the highest
market prices for Hay for baling.
American Feed Corn, Red Clo-
ver, Alsike, Timothy and Alfalfa,
How is Your
Ton know that Jewelry Store
Cutlery is out of the com-
mon class,. At least, OURS
It carries a dietinetiveness-
an air of -superiority, that
comes from being made with
the greatest care and ut-
most skill from the highest,
priced materials.
11 yon can use some of thlt
Cutlery in your home, you
will be proud of it every
time you sec it on the tabic
Carvers, cased, i63.00 up,
Knives,` Forks and Spoons,
$1.00 doe, up.
Knives and Forks, steel, white
handles, $3.00 ddz, up.
Let us show you' our Cutlery
line. Let to tell you more
about why it is the most
desirable that you cats put
your money into,
�>'111:LNit and. ISSUER of
v/` Q
Conducted by Professor Henry G. lien.
The object of this department Is' to place at the
service of our farm readers the advice of an acitnowl-
edged authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and
Address all questions to Professor Henry 6. Bell, In
care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, To.
ronto, and answers will appear In this ,column In the
order In Which they are received. As space Is limited
It is advisable where immediate reply to neceseary that
a stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the
question, when the answer Witt be mailed direct.
Question -C. 11,: -What ie your
opinion regarding summer -fallowing?
On wit hint does success depend?
Answer: -Summer -fallowing is an
efficient practice of getting rid of
troublesome weeds, if the soil is tilled
sufficiently often co as to slit off the
youngeweeds as they sprout. It
also stores up moisture to a consid-
erable extent. and if'the soil is fairly
full of organ matter, it conserves
plantfaod for succeeding crops,
Success of summer -fallowing de-
pends upon working the surface of the
ground sufficiently often to prevent
the escape of moisture and to prevent
the growth of weeds which a chaustt
the moisture and plantfood of the soil.
The groundshould be plowed early in
spring, disked and harrowed imme-
diately after plowing, and harrowed
and disked sufficiently often to keep
the surface clean and opep. ..
Question -L, J.; -Can ono pasture
new seeding for a while this summer
and theta turn the cattle out and cut a
crop of clover seed? The wheat 00
this field was thin last year and while
the clover came up evenly: and malle a
Splendid growth it was weedy in places
and for that reason I do not want to
cut it for hay.
Answer: -It is possible to pasture
new seeding if there is sufficient clov-
er growth, granted that the soil is not
a heavy clay type. If the soil is
heavy clay, pasturing with heavy stock
will tend to tramp the soil together,
so that the clover setting will be
smothered out. I am tffraid you will
find the weed seeds among the clover
seed a greater detriment than the
weeds in the hay. They certainly
reduce the value of the seed, Cut-
ting' the crop for hay will do a lot to-
wards killing out the weeds.
When birds drop over as if paralyz-
ed, the trouble is heat prostration,
caused by pressure on the brain.
To prevent this, provide protection
from the sun and avoid overcrowdinga
keep bird cool and apply cold water to
the head.
At this time of the year broody hens
are in the majority and cause no little
trouble to the attendant. While it is
advisable for those who do not run
incubators and brooders to set every
broody during the entire summer, at
the came time there will be many
broodies that can not be utilized. How
to rid them of the hatching fever has
been the cause of many experiments
by farmers and poultrymen.
It is to be regretted that some of
these methods are extremely cruel and
should not be allowed. In one instance
noted recently a hen was tied by the
leg with a piece of rope to a post; in
-the other instancethe hen was being
immersed in a pail of water. In both
these cases the hensbecame excited, and
the theory is that in this excited state
they forget their broodiness. While
that may be so to a certain extent, it
is equally true that excitement often
makes nervous, scary hens; and in
the case of fat hens it is not uncom-
mon to have them die from fright, or
lneett with some severe injury, -- A
more humane treatment is to place
them in separate coops without nests,
or in a flock where they are kept out-
door the entire day and permitted to
roost in a house only at night.
Kindness should be an order that is
never violated.
Keep the summer chicks growing,
Provide shade. Give the youngsters
all the range possible. Exercise is the
best tonic growing stock can have.
This is considered a good month for
There is still a good market for
young ducklings and soft roasting
• If breeding is finished, the males
are best removed from the pens until
after the molting season.
July is the month in which rats,
minks, 'possums and weasels do their
most deadly work. Be on the look-
out. When their presence is discov-
ered dig after them; give them no
Kindness -is a cheap supplement to
the ration and produces big gains in
milk flow.-
' Keep the calf pails as clean as the
milk pails.
The cow giving the richest milk does
not necessarily bring the biggest
cream check. It is the total amount
of fat produced that counts.
Heavy milkers due to calve during
July should be milked once or twice a
day for a couple of weeks before calv-
ing, if the udder is distended. This
attention may prevent the loss of a
valuable cow from milk -fever, or in-
jury to the udder, which makes a cow
almost worthless for milking.
When the butter granules do not
form after churning a reasonable time,
try putting a small amount of table
salt in the churn. A little warm wa-
ter has the same effect of hastening
the granules, Too much warm wa-
ter makes soft butter.
Memory is rather an uncertain thing
to depend on to identify the calves that
are taken away from their mothers
and raised by hand. When the ques-
tion of ownership or parentage is
raised, it is much more convincing to
have each calf marked with a metal
tag fastened to a strap around the
calf's neck. Records are half the
value of a good herd.
"News -Record's
New Clubbing Elates
For 1917
News -Record and Family Herald and
Weekly Star 1.86
News -Record and Canadian
Countryman • 1.60
News -Record and Weekly. Sun 1.85
News -Record and Farmer's. Advocate 2.50
News -Record and Farm & Dairy,. 1.86
News -Record and Canadian Farm 1.86
News -Record and Weekly Witness 9.36
News Record and Northern'
Messenger 1.60
News -Record and Saturday Night8.60
News -Record and Youth's Com-
panion 8.86
News -Record and Canadian Sports-
man 8.26
News -Record and Llppincot's Maga-
sin'e_ 6.28
News -Record and World 53.60
News -Record and Globe 8.60
News -Record and Mail & ShOptre,8,60
News -Record and Advertiser 180
News -Record and Morning Free
Press 3,80
News -Record- and Livening Free
Press 8.80
News -Record and Toronto Star..,, 3,s6
News -Record and Toronto News.,, 3.36
If what you want is not in thla list lot
us know about R. We can supply you
at less, than it would Dost you to send
In remitting please do so by Post -
office Order, Postal Note, Express Order
or Registered letter and address
Publisher News -Record'
Nearly everyone -has
r ppinf, tearing headaches
at times- Disordered stoni-
ach--sluggish liver does it.
Cheer up 1 horo'o the real
relief- Ohara bcrlai n'a
Stomach and Livor Tabrote.
Thor Put the utomaah and bowels right.
All druggists, 21c , or by mail horn 9
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Toronto
Choose Your Associates.
The bond of friendship is a beauti-
ful tie; it is to be highly treasured.
True and- lasting friendships are the
outgrowth of mutual attraction, grad-
ually developing through intimacy, and
ripening into a firm bond with respect
and keen appreciation of merit as the
basis. And as time goes on such
friendships become cemented and aro
unbreakable. Choose'your associates;
leaving it to chance is not a safe
course to pursue. •
There is no failure• except in no
longer trying,
The Possession of a Comfortable Room Where He Can Keep His
Treasures Will Do Much to Safeguard Your Boy
in the Haven of His Home.
Why is it that the boy of the house
is usually sentenced (I use that.last
word deliberately and I believe appro-
pritately) to the least desirable, most
uninviting room in the house, not in-
frequently two of them being packed
in together for no reason than to save
trouble caring for two rooms instead
of one? Not only is the boy's room
rather doubtfully located and of shoe
box dimensions, but it has a sorry
habit of being meagerly furnished or
else crowded, being used as a sort of
dumping ground for thecast-off furni-
ture from the rest of the house, Any-
thing seems good enough for Bil1'. o -
cause, mother reasons, he hardly
knows one piece of furniture from an-
other; has no conception of good or
bad taste, nor is he appreciative of
beauty, Isn't he? Perhaps he couldn't
express it in so many words, but -oh,
well, let's begin et the beginning.
The thing of first importance is that
a chap should have a room of his own
if possible. The kind of room and the
location are secondary matters.
Some one has happily described
one's own room a( "a home within a
home." It is •more -a haven. The
house may be seething, our loved ones
may for the time misunderstand
(and who so often misunderstood as
the average boy ?) but with closed door
in our very own room we can breathe
"I've shut my door and I am all alone,
Here in my room all fragrant with my
better self,
* 8 4 8 :N *
Outside, the strife and struggle and
the strain;
In here there's peace and quietude and
and come out with itew poise,for the
living of life among others. 'And
that is what a separate room means to
a boy, too, though he would scorn to
express it so poetically.
" With his own room the boy will
have an opportunity to express his in-
divideality, Ho should be allowed
to hang up posters, pictures of *one
heroes, pennants and banners, and the
many ether tremendous trifles in
which boyhood revere, Nearly every
lad has a collection of colored stones,
coins, butterflies, or something, This
collection he slhould'be allowed to keep
in his own room; whore, safe from`tin-
sympttthetie fingers, ho may proudly
keep it upon display .upon a shelf or
table or in a little cabinet. It is his
room, rereember, and he should be al-
lowed to keep his treasures in it,
provided they are sanitary and that
he keeps them in reasonable order.
Pride in a room is the best incen-
tive to orderliness. A boy cannot be
expected to take pride 01 a shoddy or
shabby room, where the furniture is
totally unsuited or is of various woods
and finishes and, therefore, unrelated.
- Did you ever know a boy who did not
love to paint? If it is not possible
to have matching furniture for his
room, suggest to him that hz first re-
move the quarreling finishes from the
.variegated articles with some commer-
cial paint remover and then paint it all
the same color. Pride? That boy
will take a tremendous pride in his
room. Just think of showing "the
fellows" a room full of pretty furni-
ture painted by himself!
To make order as easy as possible,
the room should never be crowded. The
essential pieces of furniture are a bed,
single or iii couch form if the room is
small, a bureat- or chiffonier, two
easy chairs for himself and a possible
guest, a desk, and a bookcase, if the
youngster can be trusted notate get up
and read in the middle of the night -
as sonic have been known to do.
Rather thein an ugly old carpet oe a
shoddy rug, place ole or two small
'rugs upon the painted floor. If the
room happens to be large he should be
I allowed to keep other things in it be-
sides those mentioned, but always with
,the stipulation that he keep n reason-
able amount of macler. A room sereer
is fine foe a fairly large room, as it can
Iia made to partition off' a corner for n
study or den.
It does seem that moat mothers
cannot help being annoyed by their
sons' tastes in "art." The treasured
posters aro eyesores, the worshipped
field heroes cue en abomination, the
pennants are dust -catchers. Bat
Blease, oh, please, don't throw those
things away or bundle them away out
of sight! They tlo mean so much to a
boy, et least for a while, Ile will
throw them away himself when they
are outgrown, It is wise to give
him really good pictures that he will
like, such as Howa'c! Pyle's tolor:fui
pirates, Romington's superb Indians
and cowboys, or the inspiring pic-
ture of Sir ttalahaci. These are ail
well executed subjects trfter his own
heart, and aeon, by mavens* he will
see the tawdirtess of his chosen prints,
-1t.. S.
Cuts Labor in Half
Do ,you flra't disinfect, and then
go oyer all aurfaees• again with
Whitewash In order to keep Your
stables, dalrles and poultry
houses bright, cheerful and free
from lice, mites, fly eggs and the
germs of roup, white diarrhea,
cholera, glanders, etc 1
Such a, method is a waste of
time, Money read labor, Use
Carbola instead-lt does the two
things at the same time. It is a
disinfectant that dries out white
-not dark and Colorless -and
gives much better ranks,
14/13 01,4
11 a mineral pigment combined
with a germicide twenty times
stronger than pure carbolic acid.
Oomos in powder fornt ready to
use as soon as mixed with water,
A $plied with brush or sprayer.
Wilt not ofog sprayer, flake blister
or peal orf nor spoil by standing
Nodlsagreoable odor. Absolutely_
non-poisonous, Satisfaction guar-
Sold by Dealers Everywhere`
H. S. HOWLAND SONS & 00„ Ltd
Toronto - Canada
Sheep become assets on thin, hilly
Don't expect to 'sell the increase of
the flock for breeding stock until theta
oughly experienced inbreeding,
The smaller the flock the better the
sheep will do. One sheep ser acre is
the limit and often that'is too many.
Pretty soon the gadfly will emerge
from manure pile's and begin to tor-
ment the sheep. Be ready for it.
Smear the sheeps' noses with tar,
Don't keep sheep and horses in the
same field. Some of the sheep are
almost sure to be hurt when the horses
Sheep detest odors in drinking wa-
ter. If a tank is used for watering,
clean it .often.
Mix enough sulphur with the salt to
give it a yellowislf.tinge. Keep the
salt boxes filled all the time.
A long-range, gun is one means of
solving the dog problem and making
sheep raising. more profitable.
Sheep are now doing well. , Wool
never brought such prices.
Baking -soda relieves the distress of
colic by getting rid of the gas.
Poor teeth prevent a horse' malting
full use of good feed. It may be
necessary to file the teeth down in old
horses, so the grain can be properly
A mixture of equal parts of the
tincture of iodine, turpentine -and sul-
phuric ether, applied once a day for
several days, is said to be death
to splints which are forming.
As long as a horse can chew well,
meal is a poor feed for him. It is
eaten too feet and sticks in the horse's
throat. Give the animal a chance to
use his grinders. That is what they
are for.
Maybe you think you can save time
by feeding the horse enough in the
morning to last all day. That is a
good way to make a job for a horse
If the yearlings are slow to shed and
seem to have little appetite, try doe -
tering them fo_ worms. Mix three
drams of powdered iron sulphate and
three drams of gentian root. Use this
dose twice a week if necessary.
In Orchard, Field and Garden.
If the strawberry bed is to bear
fruit again next year it should be
mowed and worked over soon after the
fruiting season.
Any red rust on blackcap or black-
berry plants? If so, dig out and burn
the diseased canes, roots and all.
Too much hot sun causes picked
blackberries to turn an undesirable
reddish color. Hurry them into the
packing -shed.
The spring -set strawberry bed needs
cultivating regularly and often. Your
standing sign should be: "Weeds not
allowed here." Treat surplus runners
the same as weeds -for tweeds they
are. '
Some folks seen to think that a nice
little fringe of growing sprouts about
the base of an apple tree looks pretty.
That may be their taste, but those
sprouts are sucking life out of the
tree. Out with them! i
After a rain and before a hard crust
forms, is the ideal time to harrow an
If there are any tont-caterpillars on
your trees, give thee. quick siege
a torch.
A stony side -hill, sloping toward the
north, taken out of an old cow pasture,
is the best orchard we ever had.
From thne to time during the sum-
mer go over young trees to guide their
growth. If too many limbs are start-
ing front a given point, they may be
thinned to the required number. If
a rank limb tends to fill the center o•
cross other limbs, it may be removed.
If the strongest limbs all grow in the
sane direction, thus giving a ones
sided tree, they may be pinched beck,
thus encouraging other limbs to start
on the opposite side.
After the Lima Henn vines have
reached the top of 'the pales, they
ought to be pinched off to insure
stronger vines enol a greater yield of
berme, sae
If weeds get the upper hand of you
it is good-bye garde* 1
Seed -bearing stops bloom, There-
fore pick 111111aiea, sweet peas, 010., re-
gularly and often,
Watch the sweat: peas closely for
aphis. Spray with soap and water
or some tobacco pt'opa'ntion.
See i.hnt tho tomatoes are starred or
kept of the ground, Some of the
branches may be cut away. This will
give lager fruits, batt not so many,
tate celery should now by nail) the
field, Colony needs n :fresh maibt soil,
To this end the land should be -towed
and thoroughly worked down just be-
fore setting' the plants, The boils
should he wet down be:rove the plants
are tai -en tip,Shear tho tops and ciip
off lona roots, If the weather is very
hot and dry, water.' tho plantaris they
are Seta
Tommy's Stamp 13oolc.•
When through my book of stamps I
-What wondrous things I see!
It's dearer than the storybook
My mother reads to me.
With great delight ten times a day
I stop my play to glance
Upon these stamps of Paraguay,
1'Greece,Italy and France.
They beam on me in every hue
That in a stamp is seen-
In crimson, lavender and blue,
And cardinal and green.
I look upon aha book with pride
To see its pages fill;
And yet I an'. not satisfied,
And shall not be until `
The postman paus% in his tramp,
-And in his outstretched hand
I see a letter with the stamp
They use in Fairyland.
The Fairy of the Roses.
Most people thought the old lady -
who lived in the house that stood all
by itself was very gqb,eer and very
cross; but Alline said she was cross
only because she had rheumatism, and
that if you could get her to tell a
fairy story she would forget all about
the pain, and be just as pleasant as
"I'm going to her house non," said
Alline, "for she promised she would
tell me to -day about the fairiea of the
"Can you -see that rose tree?" said
the old lady, wben Alline was com-
fortably seated on a stool beside her.
"Well, it is owned by a fairy who, like
the old woman who Iived in a shoe, has
more ehildren than she knows what to
do with. She is so dreadfully afraid
of having anything happen to them
that sloe has shut each one up tight
in a rosebud. There they will stay,
until they grow big enough and strong
ene,ugh to burst the buds open, and
then each one will fly away."
"And where will they go?" asked
"That I cannot say," answered the
old lady; "there are so many of them,
and they choose such different places,
They are also very fond of disguises -
sometimes one might take them for
butterflies, at other times for hum-
ming birds. Often, when you can't
see them at all, you can find out just
about where they are by listening."
"Oh," dried Alline, "what do they
The old lady shook her head. "Who
can tell what they'say? If that were
p ssihlo, mortals would perhaps be
wiser than they are, You can often
hear them either whispering among
the leaves -though there are some
who will tell you it is only the wind-
er singing by the brook a little tinkl-
ing song."
When your blood is impure, weak,
thin and debilitated, your system
becomes susceptible to any or all
Potyour blood in good condition.
Hood's Sarsaparilla acts directly
and peculiarly on the blood -it pari-
ties, enriches and revitalizes it and
btiiids up the whole system,
Hood's Sarsaparilla -leas stood the
test of forty years. Cot it today.
It is sure to help you.
While the old lady and Alline were
talking, a sudden ehower that had
come up passed over, and the sun
shone again in all its warm } right:ness.
The birds began to sing, and in
through the window darted a hums
n -:ng bird, It darted right our again;
but not before the old lady and Alline
had both seen it,
"Milne," the old lady said, "a bud
on my rose tree looked this morning
as if it might he pushed open soon,
Go to the window and see if the fairy
hasn'tcome out,"
Alline ran to the window. "I see a
great white rose," she said. "That
little humming bird must have bean
the fairy. Oh, I'm so glad we both
saw it!"
If you believe in good roads, pave
the way over which the pig must
travel to become porn.
A.smail pen built close to the sow's
pen, with a hole through which the
pigs can_passand eat grain by them-
selves, will encourage them to eat
grain much sooner.
Alfalfa is one of the best pastures
for growing pigs. Sweet clover is
one of the earliest pasture crops on
which pigs thrive almost as well as on
alfalfa, Rape is a good forage crop
which is.ready six weeks after plant-
ing. It can be sowed in the corn at
the time -of the last cultivation.
Dead pigs at farrowing time result
from the sows climbing over a piece of
two by four in the door of the hog
house, The remedy is apparent -
take out the cross piece. a
A small amount of soft coal for the
hogs to eat is a good thing. Too
much is constipating.
Marketing a sow that can be,or has
been bred, is at this time comparable
to killing the goose that laid the gold-
en egg. The meat supply of the
country can be increased more quickly
by means of the hog route than by
any other.
Pork production is cheaper with
grain and green forage crops than
with grain alone. Some grain is nec-
essary for fattening hogs on pasture.
Clover and alfalfa rank among the
best crops for swine pasture.
Lead suitable for the casing of tea
is needed at Amoy, China. European
dealers formerly- supplied this pro-
r .t-.4.3;
L .
'--f-.7-2'=-),,L,,..) -. C :6Y.'1rd.7(e&n..Crzar..
Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this
department, Initials only will be published with each question and as
answer as a means of identification, but full name and address must be
given in each letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be
mailed direct If stamped and addressed envelope Is enclosed.
Woodbglee alt correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 235
e., Toronto.
May: -1. It is not good form to and knees and the girls hopping on the
wear face veils in the evening. The right foot. Another way to race is to
only excuse for a veil at night is go as partners, each holding onto the
when one is motoring. 2. Since your opposite ends of a clothespin. Of
friend has invited you to her party course, the flags captured by each,aro
and asks you to bring a man with you, retained. Ringing the Victory Bell is
it would be quite proper to write to a another good game. Forni an arch of
pian whom you knew well and ask him three cross poles, rising considerably
to go. Word the note thus: My Dear above the heads of the company, Im-
-: Miss - is giving a little party bed the uprights in the earth and nail
next Friday evening and has asked me the crosspiece firmly on. Then de -
to bring a man with me. Would you °orate the arch' with red, white and
care to go? If you can, let me hear blue bunting and from the top bar
as soon as possible, and stop for me hang a large bell. The game con -
that evening at 7.45 o'clock, Very lists in hitting this bell with balls
sincerely, )flay- . 3. To clean a which are provided, each player being
straw sailor hat -try the following: given three or more throws in a
Dissolve one teaspoonful oxalic acid round. The tai5b.race is fun. Have as
Crystals in one cupful boiling water, many lengths of tape as there will be
and, after brushing the hat thoroughly players and have 'a11 the tapes about
to remove all dust, lay it on a flat sur- the same number of feet -ten or
face and scrub with this solution, us- twelve -then provide several pairs of
ing s small brush for the ptu•pose, sharp scissors. Attach all the tapes
Work rapidly, beginning with the to a fence. Four or six players may
crown; rinse in cold water, wipe dry contest at once, according to the pairs
and place on a flat cloth in the sun to 01 scissors available. The contestants
dry. Do not let the hat become thor- hold the loose ends of the tapes, which
°uglily saturated with the water.they draw out taut. At the signal
Gardener:=Try cayenne peppe_ to each player begins to split his tape up ,
rid abb ai a heads of worms. Sprinkle the center line with the scissors, the
the cabbage as soon as the worms a player arriving at the end which Is
pear. A remedy for cutworms and tied -winning the race. After each
onion grubs is to mix the seed with sot has tried, Match the winners for
sulphur before planting. This may the final decision. This would be suit -
used with seed corn also, able for the older guests. Another
M ed C. L.: -To make an endless trace consists in pushing four pebbles
clotheshine fasten two grooved wheels over 11 prescribed course with walking
wherever you avant your like and sticks. All fon must be rolled at
stretch a wire lino around the wheel once, Baan iu turn.
As you hang tip each piece of clothing �' Y. 7..: -The engagement ring is
you can turn the wheel aid thus make put on over the wedding ring and tuns
room for the next piece directly in gua'ds it. The former is removed
front of You. The clothes may be bolero the ceremony, leaving tho fin -
taken from the line by this same con- ger free. Then the bride slips baci-
veniont method, which saves many the engagement ring at het first back
steps and is also n boon in ease of rain. portunity.
1C, T,: -•--A widow when re drill W' B.: -To teeters the coley of 1 egg
p p g Icid, unix ink with tate White of nn egg A
Toe her second marriage should drop and apply with a soft sponge. To
the inane of her former husband at1101 clean white loci, dip a cleat white flan -
have i1o' en na00ld linos nmrked with
cloth in a little ammonia and rob
het' maiden rritle, Linen procured lightly on a rape of white soap, Rub
after her marriage should be Terkel the soiled parts gently, changing the
with the nano of her second husband, cloth as soon as it becomes soiled, To
a rences -'l'ho following are sug- polish tan shoes, wash the shoes clean
gosttens for your Sunday school pica with a sponge and warm water. Wipe
Me, You can have the usual races, with a dry cloth and let dry. Then
some of them fo' the younger folks, rub freely with the inside of a leanest
others for the older persons. Fight- pool. Wipe carefully with a dry cloth
ing for the flag is a particularly time- and polish with cotton :flannel, Patelli
ly game for the younger boys and leather shoes should not be "polished"
girls, You will need about a dozen in the strict sense of the word. Ap-
medienl-sized cotton flags of the in- ply a mixture of one patrt linseed. oil
expensive kind, One flag at n time to two ports bream to the shoos, rub -
is placed uptight in the ground and bing it well in with a soft flannel
six girls or boys start in a race to cloth, '.Phis will keep the leather
obtain it, Give them some hnndleap', soft and 11 will not crack as readily.
The boys salt face with potato sacks, ,lee, ---Even though you have not
while the loris cern raco blindfolded yet met the. bride, the proseat should
or running backward; at the 'boys be sent to her. Wedding presents
Might once crawling on their handy aro never sent to the bridegroom,