HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-07-05, Page 8rA HtROINE OF THE FACTORY 'WORI{ER IN A GREAT . ENGLISII MUNITION PLANT, • Pathetic Little. Tale of a Girl's Dove; tion to the Cause • of Duty. All her mates in the great munition !factory wondered why _ she worked with such -feverish' energy. She was not- robust. They knew that she wee married, that her man was "out yonder," that she had no one dependent upon her, and that she kept herself to herself, sharing none of their joy's and pleasures, but ever ready to help bear another's -burden; ever ready with that`'practieal help which is worth a poundof pity, says an English 'writer. ' But all appeals to her for assist- ance and' advice had to be made out of working hours. From the instant she "clocked on" for her particular shift until, weary anw , worn, she "clocked off," she did not and would not waste a Moments • 'And , somehow the quiet resolution, the grim tenacity,- the; almost white - heat concentration of this womart`'on her work exercised a beneficent influ- enle in her shed, which percolated even to the most flippant among that band of workers. Her form was frail and thin, Her outdoor clothing was of the plainest description. She mystified them. A Wasted Day. Why, they asked themselves again and again, did she*work with such - feverish energy ? Why did her plain, uninteresting face become suffused with radiant enthusiasm as she bent lovingly over her shells? That she was not a miser, they knew, for she was generous 'to a fault, 'so that she was not working like a slgve, harder than all the others, to earn the extra pay. , The excellence of her work began to be talked about. In none of the shells she handled was there ever the slightest suspicion of a flaw, Inspec- tors out of lire curiosity, had sub- jected her work to the most search- ing tests, and had found it blameless. And how utterly impervious she seemed to -the influence of the injuri- ous ingredients she had to use. Cor- dite, lyddite, chloroform, nitro-gly- cerine, poisonous, noxious fumes, which rendered the other workers sick and dizzy, and caused them to re- tire to the rest -room compulsorily provided by -Governmental orders, left her untouched. Although her com- piexionyellowed, and big, black circles formed under her eyes, she was al- ways at her bench, always beneling grimly over her shells, handling them gs almost lovingly. Vainly they had tried to penetrate the armor of reserve in which she had encased herself. She was always courteous, never lost her temper. But when they asked her point-blank why site was slaving herself to death in this manner, she deftly switched the conversation into other channels., • 'Nature Rebelled. Once the factory had a day's hell- day. olmday. It was a compulsory holiday. Had she been permitted, she would have gone to the shed, and bent her back grimly over the shells which seemed the Alpha and Omega of • her existence, But as she vete not allowed to work she joined a party of woman and girls and went for a. day to the seaside. She spent her money lavishly; she did everything that the others did, and as she had donned her best clothes she cane in fora certain amount of . admiration. t Yet, to the keenest observer it was plain that. sho was not,really enjoying herself. Something was lacking. And only the woman knew what it was. She wanted to be back at her bench. Every hour spent away from the shells she loved meant torture. To her simple mind, always with the great idea, as yet uncommunicated, at the back of it, it seemed sinful to bask in the sunshine on the silvery sands when the lathes which turned the shells were silent: Came one morning when she did not appear at the factory. There eves quite a commotion. Everybody was speculating what had happened to her. She had never lost a minute since she started, and she had work- ed every hour of overtime the author - Mee had permitted. When night came one of the wo- men to whom she had been . exeep- tionaily good went to her lodgings to See what was the matter. She found her ill—desperately ill. Nature had •at length rebelled. The Reason Why. The woman's ,yellow -hired cheeks were sunken and hollow. She was so Weak that she could scarcely' put out a hand to greet her visitor. There was no lack of comforts in the room, and a doctor had been; but the pain In the woman's face was pitiable to, behold. And it was not physical pain, but mental agony, caused by her en- forced inaction. The women ,talked, as women will. At first the invalid WAS reticent and evasive. Gradually the visitor wak- ed the conversation round into inti - Mate channels. She spoke of horse I liife, of life before the war, and • of bear ones at the :front, and at last learned what she wished to know. . Why dict this woman work so ter- ribly hard? Why did she turn out a ,larger neither of shells than any' ;other woman in the shed? Why did she teke such a pride in her Work? ,she was she so particular that every sholl which passed through her halide !should be so perfect? Tho woman on the bed turned a `radiant face to her visitor. The old ,,'enthusiastic look leapt back into her eyes, "I'll tell you, Sarah)" she answered yia�rpily. "My man's a ginner! die 'may use spine of the shells I fill!" .fust that; nothing more. But it was understood by the woman at the General Henri Phillipe Petain, Commander-in-chief on , the Western Front. When the war, began he was a retired colonel, In nine months of war he rose to the most important military command in the history of the world, His defence of Verdun made of him a world hero. 9' r bedside, just as you and I will under- stand. THE REGIMENTAL 'MOTTO. Tells How it Came Into Existence and Relates Some Anecdotes. If you look- at the badge of a regi- ment, you ♦fill generally find in it a word or short sentence expressing some guiding principle or idea. That is me' -the motto. I may be in English, Frenc, Ger- man,- Gaelic, or Welsh—examples in all these languages are, in fact, pos- sessed by British regiments—but us- ually I am in Latin, and I often give a clue to territorial connections, mili- tary exploits, etc. Originally I carne from the motto of a particular family,. which- was sometimes nothing more than the war - cry of its remote ancestors. Such a motto is the "Esperance" (hope) of the .Northumberland Percys, famous in Border fighting. It `rang high above the din of battle in many a bloody conflict between English and Scots. But in more recent times I became of territorial or other significance. Look at the regiments whose motto is that of their own city or county. The Devonshire Regiment, for instance, bears "Semper"Fidelis" (ever faith- ful).. the motto of the city of Exeter. In other cases the mottoes' of par- ticular regiments were given to them for military achievements. "Geier et audax" (swift and bold) the King's Royal Rifles owes to Wolfe, and the unique possession of the Worcester- shire Regiment—"Firm"—appears to have a similar origin. • It was formally conferred, with new colors, after the,Peninsular War. So, again, with "Primus in Indis" (first in the Indies), the motto of the Dorset Regiment. This famous corps, formerly the 39th Foot, was the first European regiment of the Regular Army in India, and to it.fell the task of avenging the horror of the Elack Hole of Calcutta. The most remarkable motto' khich commemorates military achievement is that of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment, the only one in the British Arany bearing the name of a person not of royal blood. In the first bat- talion, the old 33rd Foot, Wellington spent many years, and on his death— in 1852—Queen Victoria, wishing to mark her appreciation of this connec- tion, ordered that the regiment should adopt his crest and motto for its badge. The motto is "Virtutis for - tuna comes" (Virtue is the companion of valor). WASHED UP! Villagers Who "Make a Bit" by Gar- nering the War -Harvest of the Sea: "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good"; and though times have been hard for the inhabitants of the East Coast towns of England this war time, there are marry dwellers by the sea who have profited in an unexpect- ed though tragic manner by the "frightfulness" of the Him The ravages of the U-boats have added materially to the harvest of the sea, and during the past few months whole shiploads of merchandise have been washed ashore, to be salved by the villagers. The spoils have consisted princip- ally of timber and margarine, though earlier in the season the Hun sent us a cargo of fruit—the fruit in many cases sound and eatable. A few weeks.i ago great tubs and cases of butter and margarine came rolling in on the waves, A large quantity was quite uneat- able, and the rest, sandy and soaked with sea -water, was ,collected in carts for distribution to munition factories, first going throughsome cleansing process. This salvage work forms a profit- able sideline for the villagers. Each man narks his individual heap with his name; carts and waggons collect the spoils for the Admiralty, and the salvors eventually obtain for their labor two-thirds of the value of the goods when they have been sold. Thus a morning's work may bring in several dollars' in cash, particu- larly when the cargo consists, which is often the case, of new timber; and on news of a wreck; mon, woman and boys are on the Shore by daybreak, wading in and triumphantly securing plank after plank. At the present moment, at one small place on the East Coast, there is tim- ber awaiting disposal salved from a vomit* wreck to the tune of some thousands of dollars, of which amount roughly two-thirds benefit the "local gatherers. • It's up 'to as married mini- to bo a husband --not merely en ex -bachelor. Scientists have derided that bad temper Is hereditary and can be trate- id to ancestors and ti'ansrnitted to deacendnnte. STRENUOUS WORK .SOON TELLS ON YOU Business Men and Breadwinners the Victims of Nervous Exhaustion. When worry is added to overwork men soon become the victims of ner- vous exhaustion—.neurasthenia'—the doctor calls it, Some have no reserve strength in thein systems -to bear the strain; others overtax what strength they hetve. If you find that you are emirates and not sure of yourself, that you sleep badly, and wake up tired and aching, your nerves are out of Artier, Other signs are -inability to take prop- er interest in your work; your appe- tite is fickle; your back 'feels weak, and you are greatly depressed 10 spir- its, One or more of these signs moan that you should take prompt -steps to stop mischief by nourishing the nerves, with the, food they tlhrive on, namely the rich, red blood made by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, , These pills have cured thousands of eases of nervous disorder, including nervous prostrae tion, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance and partial paralysis. Here is an example. Mr. P. Il Callan, a well known busi- ness man in Coleman, P.E,I., says; "I owe my present health, if not life itself, to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had always been an active man, and when I began to run down in health paid little attention to it as I thought it only a temporary weakness. As time passed, however, I found myself growing worse, and consulted a doctor, who said that I was not only badly run down, but that my nervous sys- tem was badly shattered. I lost flesh, my appetite was poor, I slept badly and notwithstanding the doctor's treat- ment grew so weak that I had to leave my business and was confined to the house. Time went on and I was steadily growing weaker, and my friends were all greatly alarmed for my condition. 'In this condition I was strongly recommended to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and as the doctor's medicine was not helping me I decided to do so. By the time /, had used three boxes I could tell that they were helping me. When I had taken eight boxes of the pills I felt able to attend to my business again, and people were surprised to see me out. I continued" the use of•the pills until 5 had taken twelve boxes, by which time I was feeling as well as ever I did, and was being eongratulat- ed by all my; friends on my full re- storation to health. I feel now that if'I had used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at the outset I would not only have saved much money spent in doctor's bills, but would have had renewed health sooner. I cannot speak too highly of this medicine, and would re- commend it to every, man who feels weak, nervous or run down." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer, or by mail at 60 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DO FISH FEEL PAIN? It Is Generally" Thought That They Do Not Suffer to Any Extent. General opinion appears to be that fish are almost insensible to pain. A keen angler, who has had con- siderable experience, states that, in his opinion, which has only been ar- rived at after most careful observa- tion, fish are almost, totally unable to feel pain as we understand it. "When, as a boy," he says, "I was fishing on the Leith, it was a com- mon occurrence to hook, cast after cast, a young salmon. (known locally as 'parr'), which, according -.to the fishing regulations, we were required to throw back into the river. "As we were fishing for trout, these young salmon became a great nuis- ance, and in consequence were not re- moved 'verse carefully from the hook. Some of these, therefore,. were rather badly wounded when thrown back into the water,..and one would have thought that they would lie low until they had recovered. "One day .when I was fishing this river I actually hooked the same fish on no less than three different occa- sions. "Since then I have gathered a con- siderable amount of similar experi- ence, and_ am firmly convinced that fish are practically insensible to pain." The Danger Zone for Many Is Tea and—Coffee Drinking' Some people find it wise to quit tea and coffee when their nerves begin to "act • The easy way :ni wa- days is to switch to Ilistant. POStUk Nothing in pleasure is missed -by the change, and greater comfort :R)))ows as - the Nerves rebuild. Postural is economical to both health' and purse, There's a Reason„ [1 Modes TXl Q11e Aloineui,'s Although the straight lines in frocks are "very. popular, every now and then one sees a stunning frock diverging far from this effect. The frock il- lustrated is an example of this; a short panel in the front and back hangs from the shoulders to well be- low the normal waistline, breaking the straight lines of the skirt while large. square pockets'd'o the same at the side. A long narrow girdle confines the panels at the waistline. McCall Pat- tern No. 7820, Misses' Dress; four - piece skirt, in two lengths, suitable for small women. Pattern in 3 sizes; 16 to 20 years. Price, 20 cents. Chasing butterrires or rolling hoops is lots more fun when we have practi- cal little short frocks to romp in. This smart model has such cunning pockets hanging over the simple straight gath- ered skirt, it will surety appeal to the little one. McCall Pattern No. 7796, Child's Dress; in 4 sizes; 4 to 10 years. Price, 16 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. BABY'S OWN TABLETS OF GREAT VALUE Mrs. J. A. Lagace, Ste. Per'petue, Que., writes;—"Baby's Own Tablets have been of great value to me and I would strongly recommend them to other mothers." • Thousands of other mothers say the same thing. They have become convinced through actual use of the Tablets that nothing can equal them in regulating the bowels and stomach; driving out constipa- tion and indigestion; breaking up colds and simple fevers; expelling worms and curing colic. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont THE KAISER. An Italian Artist's Representation of the Devil -Man. During the restoration of a .,well- known country church in England lately, an Italian artist was commis- sioned to re -carve one of a series of heads which had been accidentally smashed by a laborer. . The original head had represented "a man of no control, debauched, un- der the power of the devil," and, on viewing the new head, the rector at once recognized the Kaiser, upturned moustache, and all. "That is my conception of the devil- man," said the 'artist, and the artist's conception was right—and so say all of us. But this is not the only Lima the Kaiser has appeared thus in church— though not as the devil. He appears as the Prophet Daniel on the exterior "ai±'the Cathedral of Metz, the French fortress which wed captured by the Prussians in 1870. The Prophet Daniel is an unfortirn- ate choice as a prototype, for even' if the Kaiser escapes from the lion's Glen—which is very doubtful—he likely to fulfil in his own person End time the prophecy of the original Daniel found in the eleventh chapter of that book: "His kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and hot to his pos• terity, nor according to his dominion Which he ruled; for his kingdom shall be plucked up." • _—� Owing to sharp corners and uneven- ness of the molars, many horses fall to properly masticate and digest their food. Have a good voterinarinn or othor experienced horseman Gentili() the mouth carefully and file or "flout" the teeth into normal condition, By ao doing, much feed And 110150 energy will be caved, The !teal "War Biread" must contain the . entire wheat grain -,not the. White flour. center r= but every paltiel"e of gluten and mineral"salts-•also the outer bran coat th`At'is so useful in keeping the bowels healthy and active. Shredded Wheat Biscuit is the real "war bread" because it is 100 per cent.. whole wheat prepared in a digestible form. Contains no yeast, . baking powder, seasoning, or chem!' cals of any kind: Food ebn- servation begins with Shred- ded. Wheat Biscuit for break- fast and ends with Shredded Wheat Biscuit , for supper, Delicious with sliced bananas, berries, or other fruits, Made in Canada. UNTYING THE RED TAPE. How the Commanding Officer Got What Hi Wanted. Since the chief requirement in a torpedo-boat destroyer is speed, speed, and yet more speed, it has always been the aim of naval constructors to keep the fittings of such vessels as light as is consistent with strength and to dispense with all fittings that are not absolutely necessary. Sometime in the year 1904, says Lieut. F. H. Roberts in the Army and Navy Journal, a flotilla of destroyers sailed from the Atlantic to the Philip- pines by way of the Mediterranean and the Suez Canal. It so happened that the commanding officer of one of the destl•oyesa weighed about two hun- dred and thirty pounds. His two as- sistants, both of them ensigns, each )weighed more than two hundred pounds. Out of a half dozen,petty of- ficers three were heavyweights, and in thecrew were two or three others of the same size. When the flotilla arrived in- the Philippines the weather 'was,.hot and sultry, and the sun kept- the steel dock of the vessel like a stove.... Tho vessel'syriginal allowance list had in- cluded one electric.- fan,..and .so.,.the commanding officer immediately sub- mitted a requisition asking that a fan be furnished for the wardroom "and one in each compartment in whicliTie crew were quartered, five fans in all. The request in due time reached Washington, and some: three Months later was returned disapproved, since the bureau "did not wish to add any unnecessary weight to the vessel for fear of reducing its speed." Nothing daunted, the commanding officer returned the requisition with a statement thereon of the weights of himself, his two commissioned assist- ants and other members of the crew, and requested that one or two of the heavyweights be transferred, and that a }gran weighing about one hundred and fifty pounds be assigned to his place, and further requested that the disapproval of his requisition be re- considered. Needless to say, the -fans were forthcoming and no one was transferred, not even the command- ing officer! Minard's Liniment Cures 001d8. Eta. ir Motoring at Night in the .Coat[try,. Over the city's doorstep, Wli .'e the paving wines to tan end, We alip with a Jur cf the throbbing car; And then with a Cotrgii of the horn we are off On t'li,e road where the willows bond, Tito city was hot and brilliant, There's only the light of the star sown It is nightcool,out here and dark, And away at the back of a,f'ariuhouso black A solitary spark, Damp and fragrant the meadows, Afid"wide and dim as Time;. There are wraiths in the airl Their fingers, their hair, Are breathing my face, as madly we race To the foot of the long, slow climb. Up we skwindies, through the forest) tip till the top we gain! Then a pale surprise in the eastern. As down we dip like a plunging ship To the luminous waves of the plains 1 For across the silent reaches Of that radiant world, it•seema, From the old, old moon, by the stars a -swoon, Sets sail, through the bright soft sea of the night. A silver fleet of dreams. Oh, world of sweet white magic, All drenched in a dew of light! This monster of brass a'hd of iron 'and of gas Is'?carrying me .irttR..,,A.rLady ,,,.,..„.,. -. By a country road at night. • —Mary B. Mullett. Correctly Defined. Little Catherine was playing in the garden when she discovered JA worm crawling along. "Oh, mamma,' she exclaimed, "there's nothing with a tail to it!" ereeulaied Eyelid% S Or £`r' Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Ousi and Wind ,(. Dquickly relieved by Muria° EyeRemedy. No Smarting just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Marine Eye SalveinTubcs25c. For Beek olthe Eye Frecask Druggists or tMuria° Eye Remedy Co., Chicago Double Meaning. Tourist—You have a very large acreage of corn under cultivation. Don't the crows trouble you a good deal ? Farmer—Oh, not to any extent! Tourist—That's peculiar, consider- ing you havb no scarecrows. Farmer—Oh, well, I'm out here n good part of the time myself. Minard's Luriment Co., Lit'tited. Gents,—I cured a, valuable hunting dog of • mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT after several veterinar- ies had treated him without doing him any permanent good. - . Yours, Sec. WILFRID GAGNE, Prop. of Grand Central Hotel, Drummondville, Aug. 3, '04. A New Pine. The teacher had been reading to the class about the great forests of. Amer- ica. "And now, boys," she anounced, "which one of you -can tell me the pine that Ms the largest and sharpest needles?" Up went a hand in the front row. "Well, Tommy?" "The porcupine!" IS$UI'i No, 27-'17. 0— 0--0=0-0 0-0 0 0 0 8 ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A BIT! No foolishness! Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers —It's like magic! _. 0-0—o o-0 0 0-0---0 0 0 0 Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn, can harmlessly be lifted right out with the fingers if you apply upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. „For little cost one can get a small bottle of freezone at any drug store, which will positively rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain. This simple drug dries the moment it is applied and does hot even irri- tate the surrounding skin while -ap- plying it or afterwards. This announcement will interest many of our readers. If your drug- gist hasn't any freezone tell 'him to surely get a small bottle• for you from his wholesale drug house. A baby's bottle ought never to be washed with soap, but the moment it is empty •it should be washed in.,Fold water, then filled with a weals solu- tion of boric acid. Minard's Liniment Cures Gorget in Cowe Clothes sprinkled with hot water can be ironed in 15 minutes, and the results will be as satisfactory as though dampened in the usual way and allowed to stand for many hours. MOE Ey ORDERS. PAY your' out of town accoufits''by Dominion '' Express Money Orders. Five dollars costs three cents. Even if apples aro low priced it will pay to spray this year.` Neglect in one season means a. debilitated •or- chard in the next. Miaard'a Liniment Cures Distemper. If the beds are wanted where hya- cinths and tulips are pleated, they can be taken up as soon as the plants have done flowering and healed in an unused space wherethey can fully ripen their bulbs. lcrlwe arairta area, sAi'5 'H . )ISUI•J.A.A1 A KIN r..,N1.104 11 JOB ufrIt,a 1u1 NIt1e itt good asteria. towns. The )mast uellful and intereatlna 05 nil OM iligkling. cal apjlleallun to Wilson 1'uldieh1nt A,ote. punl', 75 A delalda' street, '1`uriate. AT1SODLLA'DD0170 A Y.iNL'la1t, 'ru!fugiaita, `) in411411h' and external. Lured.with- sit L.petln:hy our home treatlment. Writq ue harc ra too late. ire. Itelltlalt Aledleal Co., Limited, (Iolrrneweod,.Ont. -- The Soul of a Piano is the Action. insist on thb "OTTO FilpEL0' PIAN® ACTION • .ner Amedcs's Plsosar'- . P1. CLA$'GLOVER CO., Inc. )rag Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York noose ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed iiallod free to any address py the Author A fraternal and Insurance society that frauds rte members In accordorrco with ttio Mario Government ¢taudard. Sick and atural benciiis optional. Authorfzed to -obtain members and charter Iotiglioin outcry Province in Canada. Purdy Canadian, cake, sound end coon. mical. Ifthere's nolocalloden of Chosen mends tto your disti'e!, apply direct to au. of Lha following amoral Dr.J. W,Edwards, M.P. W. P. Montagne, Mond Councillor. Grand Recorder. W. 15. Campbell, .1. SL Dell, M.D., Grand Organizer. Grand Medical Es. HAMILTON - ONTARIO Even if the farm tractors de come, Eod horses'4111 'sti'tl be needed. And uropepis already short of horses, and the United States will be equally short if the war goes on. arnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Frugality is' -good if liberality be joined with it. The first is leaving off superfluous expenses; the last be- stowing thein to the benefit of others that need. The first without the last begets covetousness; the last without the first begets prodigality: 0 AN SICK TWO YEARS Could De No Work, Now Strong as a Man. Chicago, Ill.—"For about two years 1 suffered from a female trouble so I was unable to walk �a # 1 ' 1 or do any of my own work. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound in the news- papers and deter.. mined to try it. It brought almost im- mediate relief. My weakness has en- tirely disappeared and I never had bete ter health. I weigh 165 pounds and am as strong as a man. I think money is well spent which pur- chases Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. '—Mrs. Jos. O'BRYAN, 1.756 Newport Ave., Chicago, I11. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, inflam- mation ulceration, regularities, peri- odic pain ns, backache, bearilfig-down feel- ing, flatulency, indigestion, dizziness. and nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound is the stan- dard remedy for female ills. ' The Peerless Perfection lance Div dos your stork and they azar whoop You put thou. The 201100L w, ime eorvoa Fpr for an Minn, Om t runt. nog or break do,vu. Stains auy' 22111140. tach joint securely hold with cue Peerless lock, nil ports .tioavlty anivnntrad, ihp strongest, moat eorrlooahle farts fouvo natio and nutty suurnntood. S Et10 poR OATALOO nt nil kind, a Snoring for Pnrmr, rnnrima, n arks, cemeteries, awns, oa11rr yards, ornn,nonl I funeing and grim. nor Ito -Peerless men se your hart deniers. Agents ,noted la open territory. THE BANWELL.HOXIE WIRE PENCE COMPANY, Ltd. Winnipeg, Manitoba Hamilton, Ontario • •1; t1)1 (L4 It Is part of our Service to worry for you, 00 • why should you worry about the high cost of living interfering with your annual vacation. Our excellent buying facilities combined With Increased patronage is enabling us to give the 'high-cost oflivitig irblaok eye, and with our assistance you pan get more for your sixpence than you can elsewhere. .That Is why you should spend your vacation In Toronto. Canada, or send your wife and kiddies. they will he very much at home at the Walker House, the House of Plenty, as the management give special attention to Indies and children traveling unescorted. REAsoNAAOI.E RATES ••- AMERICAN PLAN manE ua,-naune,-ia.AN. n{. `Y..-+,IREO remm ,id`S.f PLAN EUROPEAN PLAN. it2''°rSE.e1REp The Walker House °"i, on',gur` Ce. , T tb, Canada A "2 in I Shoo Pollak' is made forevery use. lr or Black Shops, '2 10 1 Black'. (paste) and "tint 1a l ekkCombination (mete and liquid); for White Shoes, "2 in 1a2Whitn Calm" _Centroand "2 in 1 White Liquid" (liquid); foe l'e f Shoes, "2 in 1'Ton" (pasta) and '2 in 1 Tau Combinatitfe (paste end .liquid). Oe Blitt¢9 :';.*TM`t, ph1'(:e—Tar• n 2.0(0 ti. r, DALL,PI? CO. OP' CANADA LTD., . Ilamilton, Can.