The Clinton News Record, 1917-07-05, Page 6t+I. th, 1017 Oiinton ,New-Recnrd JUBILEE MESS ASES . CLINTON PASTORS DELIVER INSPIRING SCR - MONS ON CONFEDERATION. AY, O al~ 'Pa Sunday ()venin " f the Rev.. A. :Sinclair, the .enexge'le and promising ,young pastor tof Holmesviile Method- -let church, preached a patriotic ser - no 1 e ch from ser- mon in Ontario stns()) el Ur the text, "Righteousness exaltoth a .nation, but sin fs a reproach unto .any peoples" TI'o spoke. on Great ;,Britain's rola- tion, to her colonies. 'dwelling prin- cipally on our Don inion, the 'great- t o zed es colony, Ids emphasized the Met 0 i at Y' p .ofBrftainoutstanding*s lacein the world as a builder of nations, and ',during these clays of war Britain's .colonies are showing their love and ,gratitude to the Motiherlaiid by their loyalty, The' world as never before is learn- .ing to understand Britain's - char- . other, har-..atter, her soul, her human nature, 'Phe speaker showed what the world owes to Britain, and said in ,Britain and the British race could be taken out of the world, for the ,past three' hundred yearsthat •the civilization of the world would be thrown Mack one thousand years, 'When leribain's colonies have helped. titie Motherland to win this war, the . world will wake up -to find a mighty Umpire. Today the colonies; send no members to the British House ' of Parliament, but tomorrow we will see these colonies sending representa- tives' to the government of the Homeland, The. reason for the loyalty of Can - oda and- the other colonies at this time can be given in one word, 13ri.- ,tains justice, as exemplified the 'world over. It lis because Britain 'has a higher standard of civil ser-- Novice than any. nation on. earth. The address was closed with a tribute to the ( boys who had gone to serve the Empire. Those who re- eturn will -be welcomed and unnoted, •while 'those who have laid down their lives on the alter of freedom will live in the meaiories of succeed - tag generations, "The Jubilee of Confederation was :marked in St, Paul's church :byy spec- ial services both morning and even- Ing • At the holy communion service the following "Biddings" were used be- -lore the prayer 'for the church' mil - gent i First -"Let us pray that as --a :people we may have greater faith . 3n God as the Ruler of the world." • Second -"Let us pray that as a people we may realize our -responsi- bility I in God's sight for the ielen- ded opportunities He has given us in —thi•s Dominion," Third -"Let us pray that every. :citizen of this Dominion may carry his 'religion into his daily life and -devoutly) strive to do the will of • .God.". The choir gave point and uplift to the service by the hearty lead they. •gave,tlfe congregation in singing set oral of the beautiful ,hymns for na- tional occasions while Mrs. de la :Penetiere was soloist iti the evening and sang in excellent .voice ICip- ding's "Recessional." The rector's text in the evening -was Jonah 1-8, "Whence cometh thou ? What is thy country ? And -of what people art thou 1" in .speaking of the wonderful,grow- -th otethe Dominion he said : ' "That in the gathering of the many differ- -ent peoples and races here, an exper- iment was being .tried out of the possibility of a world federation and tha brotherhood of pian. There was 'something very pathetic to see so ,many people coming from so many races seeking a home, braving as they did perils by land and perils by -sea, making the great adventure for a last chance to found a home. • The broad acres of the Dominion were , not to be looked upon as the last chance to get rich but God's refuge for the homeless ones of the earth." In speaking of the grave situation lacing our statesmen he said : "That we were not Here so much to glory in' -the results of Confederation in the rich harvest we are reaping from 'the sacrifices of our, forefathers but •to ask ourselves the momentuous kquestion whether, it was possible any, longer for Confederation i'o 'exist, 'Whether we were willing to forget personal grievances and become a •united, people and in the strength of, amity stake one music as before. • Canada Heeds today then of vision :and unselfishness to assist her to ,make and to keep her rightful place •as' "God's Dominion," says Rev, J. 1;, Hogg,the earnest and eloquent ,pastor, of . Willis church : • "God's Dominion" "'Ile shall Havedominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of tete earth," Psalm 7e:8. This psaltn is clearly messianic. Ie fit is suggested the idea of the evo- elution of a kingdom. The ancient ikinigdona 9f Dllvit1 eVolyog into .tete, Spiritual kfifgdOm o'A King David's greater son, Jesus. Today we cele - r j►iil ate the Jubilee et Cgnada. In the Jefstory of these fifty years there id an evolutionatialogous to that of ttho ancient kingdom -the lesser into the )larger -a few colonies into a nation, ' When the fathers al Confederation :sought a name for this confedora- 'Zion of provinces, Sir Leonard Tilley ' 'is credited with having said : 'Gen •Ilemen 1 was reading in my bible 'this morning 1• "Ile shall have domin- ion from sea to sea and from the river into the ends of the earth."' I move we callit the 'Dominion of ,Canada,' And the' whole assembly ::arose and christened it the Dominion of Canada, And so tame about the evolution of a natio,). •This evolution v inion Bout rc n k ] ce w it 1 n a •h taken p 5 1t a wfthdut: bloodslicd, without separa tion from the Motherland, Canada -Wes thus the first Brlb sli• colony) to ;oecainplish this great aehievenienb of a dotnom:ate: n )tion. ' And ' so she led the way, for other eelonles that today. loris the galaxy of nations within, the lihUi)ire, The United Statee evolved. dem oraeY ‘hut it was by bloodshed and separation from the Motherland. Canada, has not only retained her place itt1 the Empire, but es,rour • gallant boys have fougili side by side with other Imperial,• troops during these last three awful years that bond has been cemented more iirinly than ever' by the blood of ton thousand of her noblest sous; • During this half century Canada has Mit the thrill -of nationhood, and development hag characterized every, phrase 01 her life. It id the duty of the Church to seek to realize the prophecy and make this land. truly "God's Ring- dom." In this task vision vs. selfishness. The fathers of Confederation had a vision et these provinces bound to - gather in one trawl Dominion. And - to, secure that end sacrificed selfish desires for the greater good -party politics for principle: And what is needed today is that vision of the vast sweep ,of this broad Dominion with its splendid possibilities and glorious prospects as will lead all to 'sacrifice selfish purposes to the great- er good of the whole land. But it must be remembered that this vision of the greater good, this spirit of self-sacrifice. comes not of legislation but in the individual life. Each must for himself : "Seek . first the Kingdom of God and His right- eousness." And as the composite of a nation oe souls in 'whom ,the King- dom of God and His righteousness is realized, so -shall the vision of God's Dominion become an actuality, and the prophecy be fulfilled i "He shall have Dominion from sea to sea and. from the river tante the end of the earth." . Rev, Albert E. Jones took for his subject in Wesley church on Sunday evening, "C1anada," taking as his text, Gen. 12:2 : "I will make of this a great nation ;: I will . bless thee, and thou shalt be a blessing." He said in part : "Abraham came out from Syria not for greed of gain but for conscience sake; that he and his children might worship and serve the true God, which ,privilege the laws and customs of his home lased denied him. Canada among na- tions is but an infant, being dis- covered • only four hundred and twen- ty-five years ago and united iu a Confederation . of . Provinces fifty years ago, Our forefathers carne to this country not tor greed of gain but for conscience sake, that they and their children might worship and. serve God according to the dictates of their !own conscience. They came 'The Pilgrim Fathers', stalwart men and devout women, representing the best blood of Northern Europe, and had to them later twenty-five thous- 'and United Empire Loyalists from the United States, who again were people who were willing to make great -sacrifice for principle', God never gave a more goodly land to any people than He has given to us in this vast Dominion forming a great confederation of provinces and stretching from Atlantic to Pacific. Unsurpassed in the world in her cli- mate and natural resources, and sec- ond tat no country, no matter what their age or traditions, iu her School System and in the organl.:a- tion of her church'life. And now the time has coma- 'alien we as a people, should cease to re- gard ourselves as a weak, struggling, little nation to be cared for by oth- ers, and should regard ourselves as .i a youth: full of energy and strength, under the blessing of God, to be made a blessing to other nations, We -have more Saxo than had King Alfred when lie found€d bis noted kingdom ; more Normans. than h8d William when he drew from them the Wren who conquered Britain,' and more people of Moorish blood than_ had their kings when they ruled Bri- tain. But it is not numbers nor resources, natural or developed, that make n nation 'great, but the spirit. and character 'of her people. We see the spirit and character of our peo- ple in the example of our noble sons who, nearly 4Q0,000 strong, have head the call of country and of t de- fendduty and hastened 1 tiers t •' y S to ran to fence the principals of freedom and liberty, principles that they deem dearer than life itself," • The speaker then spoke with pride of the forty brave fellows • whose names were on the honor roil be- fore him in the church, and of Sir Arthur W. Currie, who, though but forty-two years of age had risen to the position of conunander of all the Canadians, a native of Stratli- roy and whose mother, sister and brother were members of the church, from which he himself land so recent- ly tome, 11Phe spirit that acitlates atm 80188 in Flaeders is bhe spirit. that we at home should possess. Canada has always, had her problems and they are not growing less, 7'o ' deal with these and to stand in all things for. that righteousness that exalteth a nation 15 the first fluty of ell who mast stay at home," The speaker then 'dealt with 80m0 of these as tollows•G "Temperance Which had made suelt rapid strides but for Which there was work yet to do." , "'f'lle sail0tityn of the Lord's Day and borne i•eligioll with the family alter, for which our fathers stood so firm," "'that wO• avoiV1the curse of self- indulgence and .ease, and •use great moderatiolt attd wisdoth int the pres- n tt 0 t crisis lest r a d d .a- e len ste Coufd ea, tion be marred as 111 180s threatened now as neves' before iftt•flfty years," "Tlief:el Wee glee the 'assimilation Of- the new comers who would i`loek he the Ihurelteds .of thousende to thls tountey at. the .lose ,of the War," "Theft problotn5 will 1101 right tllem'selyQs, alar stn) right after be- ing put right, We Must, right them and keep them right,. w u h work ur 1 the at part O1 aYOry 9ne Of es the sante spirit of -heroism aeteatiilg our bays at the front, Oee•1 f in h' t Ourn t o living reg neon sl and 6 Y near to • God is groater 'than over befor',e6" "I believe in Canada and in her future --that she will become great, that she will be blessed, and be a blessing to other nations," Marriages , MoQAUGHEY--SHANAIdAN-1n St, Joseph's church, Clinton, on July 4th, by 1'fov, leather Hogan, Elizabeth Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Shanahan of Mullett, to Francis 'eholnas Mc- Caughey, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. MoOaughey of Clinton, I-IANLlhY-ELLWOOD In Clinton,' on June 80th, by Rev. W. 13. Moulton, Mary Ellwood of God- erich to usbi to Earl iia le of w P, n y) GoderlcIi. AJRMATINGEIR-POTTS - At. St, Thomas' church Toronto June , 217th, by the Rev. O. Ensor Sharp, Charles Oakes Ermatinger, junior judge of the County of Elgin, to Jessie Marguerite Potts, young- est daughter of the late George Jerrold Potts, M.D. . EDDY --FOOT - At Frank, Alberta, on June 25th, by the Rev. Wil- liam T. Young, Isabel Foot, daughter of the late William Foot of Clinton,, to William Douglas Eddy, rancher, of Lund,- breck, Alberta. MARTELL.-BORTHWIOK = In,l3ay- field, on July 3rd, by Rev. A. Macfarlane, Abbie Borthwick to George A, Martell, both of Fort Frank, PLANT-STIJWART-At the Immo of.. the bride's parents, Selafortlf, on June 27th, byiRev, F. H. Larkin, William R. Plant, to . Hazel, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. ` D. 1-1. Stewart: THI:OBALD - STEWART - In Mg-, mondville, on June 28th, by Rev. James Argo, Beatrice, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Steiwart, to Charles Theobald,. all of Egmondville. Births CLUFF-In Goderich township, on June 29th, to 1Nlr. and' Mrs. Rob- ert C'lul?, a daughter. GRIEVE -In Seaflerth, on • June Si h, to Mr, and Mrs. James Grieve, a son. LOVE -In Goderich, , on June 22nt1, to ML, and 1VIrs. Fred Love, a son. H•ODGINS-1n Seaforth, on Jure 24111, to Capt. and Mrs, Hodgins, a son. McLEOD-In Wroxeter, on June 22nd, to Dr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Leod, a son. CARDIFF -In Grey township, on June 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred Cardiff, a son. i+ORTUNE-In Tuckersmlth, on June 280, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert for- tune,' a daughter. Deaths STEEP -In Goderich township, on July 4tit, John George Steep, aged 60 years. STIIPLEY-In Stanley' township, on Juno 28th, George Alvin, •son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Shipley, ag- ed 7 months and 10 .days, NICHOL-At Goderich, on June 28th, Adapt Nichol, aged 48 years. WANTED, -ROOMERS OR BOARD- ers. Comfortable rooms and board if desired.-hlrs, Mogridge, Ontario street, -06 WANTED. -QUALIFIED TEACHER for Union S. S. No, 10, Mullett and Goderieh. Duties to commence Sept. 40. -Apply, stating salary and qualifications, to Jos, Morris, Sec., R. R.' No. 1, , Londesboro, Ont. 90-4 Western University London THEE MORE NEW PRO- FESSORS EQUAL • 7'0 ANY IN CANADA. STUDENTS CAN ,NOW OB- TAIN AS GO015 AN EDUCA- TION ; IN ARTS AND MED- ICINE AT THE WESTERN' A5 ANYWHERE. PRESIDENT, E. E. BRAITHWAITE WT. A.,\ Ph, D. 94-4 MAIL CONTRACT Sealed tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, tife 27th day of July, 1917, for the con- veyance of His Majesty's Mails, 011 a proposed Contract for four years, six time per week over Varna No. 1'rural route from the est October next, Printed notices' containing furs - 'Wier information as to coticlttions of proposed contract may lie seen and blank forms of tender may be ob- tained at the posto•Sces of Varna, eed and at the l3ayficld, and i3ruce rh , oillce of the Post Oflice Inspector, London. ' G. C, Anderson Superle- 0nG , tendetnt, Post Office epartinont, Canada, Mail ,Service Rath, Otta- wa,: btawa,; lath- Ault, 1517, 01-8 ONTARIO. STATUTES 191,7e -COP - Me of the Ontario Se58101 al, Stat- utes for 1917 have been received bp me for distribUtiou to Justices of the Peace and (11111) be obtained .on application et my 001e0 10 00 Court'HOUso, Goderioh, or will be, 1 ,i•s ,():wane ed, by axe to s upon retluest, GoSlertcli, JOno 25th, Seager; Clerk. of the Peace, 96-2 WANTED, FEMALE '1EACIIER fog S. 5; No, 0, Mullett, DntfeS to commence Sept, 8rd, Apply stating salarp and qualifications°'to J, 0, Gibbings, R, R. No, i, Olin. toll, 05-g COTTAGES €"FOR ' iRENT-18WJR- nished summer cottages at Bayfield to rent, Tennis, boWling and boat- ing., --P. J. Thompson, London, 04-3 FOR SALE OR RENT House on Isaac street, for cal• or to rent.- Apply ent;Apply 1 to Oliver Johnston, Box 403, Goderich. -94 TEACHER WANTED -MALE • OR female,. Protestant, for S, S, No. 3, Stanley township,, Huron county, certificate, ono Normal r with ex- perience preferred. Salary .around $000. Duties to commence Sept. 4. Personal applications proferred, -R, G. Reid, Seo.,, Varna, P.O. 04-4- FOR 4-4 FOR SALE-A,MATCHED TEAM, heavy carriage" horses (roan), extra good roadsters, sound and true, will sell reasonable for quick sale as we are replacing them with mot- or truth. -Hall & Co., Constance, R. R. No. 2, Seafoxtih. 93-1 HOUSE FOR SALE -SEVEN -ROOM - ed cottage on Rattenbury street, west, goad cellar, town and soft water, electric light, e. acre lot, fruit trees and small fruits. Stable on premises. ' Possession given July 1st. Reasonable terms -Apply to Isaac Jackson, Clinton. -Ot FARM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES, Lots 28 and 29, on the 5-11 'con- cession of Hullett, to ' be sold separately or together. Twobarns, one 30x80, the other 30x50, stone stable under the larger barn. Frame house 18x28 with kitchen 18x28, flowing well at door. On the other farm is a brick house 20x32, hft- ohen 18x20, fraino stable, driving shed. 1 acre of orchard on each farm. Will rent if not sold. For particulars apply to Thos. Archer, Clinton. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. -A comfortable 7 -room house corner of Townshend and East streets • ; in excellent repair, good cellar, town and soft water, largo verandah ; garden and fruit trees ; possession given at once, -Apply to Mrs. F. French, Clinton. -92 FARM FOR SALE. -= 100 -ACRE .'arm for sale, 2 miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hal- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x60 with stone stab- ling underneath and 14 storey, 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; . first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. =82. IIOUSE 18OR SALE -GOOD .FRANC house with stone cellar, 5 bed- rooms, one downstairs, double par- lor, arlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, woodshed. Hard and soft water. Good garden, double lot, fruit trees and small fruits, stable and henhouse.- Apply on premises, west end Huron' street. -C. E. Jervis. -87 YOUR CLOTHES ,CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest pobsible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work, I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits 11 kinds est g S is and a Suits, G of woolen clothing including Sweat - bra, . etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store. -Wm: J. Jago. -55 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having Dream to sell write to ns for cans. We supply two cans free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice) each month, cheques payable at par. We pap the high- est market prices consistent with net, honest test,; Testing done by, !A coifpetent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of Milburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall wile will deliver it .here. Write for cane and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity+ of Varna may, deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The •Seaforth Cream- ery„ Box 480, Seaforth, .ant. We have another car of choice western OATS and also a car of cement. JOHN NHUTTO�- , Lortdesboro FOR SALE OR RENT -NICE, COM- fortable, brick house an Rag184. stteet, town water" and eleotrio light, two aeras of land and 05. chard, also stable. All in good re.. pair. -,'Apply »,'.Caaatplop, Auto Livery Phone 80 Clinton Garage J. H. Paxrnan, Prop. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES (New and second hand), DOMINION NOBBY TREAD TIRES, ACCESS ORIES. OPEN ALL NIGHT C6ulonFlourll�l North Star, Maple, Leaf, or Snow Flake FLOUR +so Just received a car of WESTERN OATS will sell at 75c Middlings and Low Grade Flour A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited John Schoenhals Rhone 8. Clinton, -Ont. TO TIIE BRIDE -HAPPINESS l Express your good wishes by a hitt (IN Glass Cut in charming 'designs Fruit Bowls. , Spoon Trays Cream 'and Sugars, Vases Bon -bon Dishes Every piece shown is a fine sample of skilful workmanship. A full line ,of silverware always on hand and at reasonable prices. Rog- ers silver' knives and forks from $2 up, absolutely guaranteed by the makers. Optical goods of all kinds and dens re -fitted. Eyes tested free and satisfaction guaranteed, All repairs promptly' and nnlatly, hone, Clocks called for anis returned', j Johnson's Jewelry Store (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses: , Agent for Phouolas, Does .Your Appetite Need Coaxing - S this is the time of year we desire something in the line of relish to help along our appetite during the •busy, seas- on of housecleaning , and seeding time, a glance at our windaw and yen will see; a lino of relishes that Will Won 'erea7e an ,appetite :, Sweet pickles Mixed pickles ; Olives Tomato soup Tomato chutney' Tomato chili sauce Horse radish, etc. PINEAPPLES. Leave your order for your supply of this -healthful, juicy, luscious, fruit with us. Tref our Gsen Tea at 850 per 111. Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. Johnson & CO... Th Store of alit... The Quality. .� PHONE 111,• ' lshoilo Orders promptly; cared .fior, D. W. HAMILTON Agent /or Goerle , and Olinton, DPI LAVAL 01081 Separlt» tors IDEAL Green, fed a Slips ALPHA. De Laval Engines SUPERIOR Litter Carriers Stalls and Stauntions Water Bowie Neweembe Planus Eclison Amberola Gramophones Large stock of l7disonRee rde o onhand 31111111 IIUlr�r111� i1 111111111111 (III AI I IIIII�1ID1 I!iIU cr „JJ!11 ��VlI .L• 11'1 1 it 1111111111111111 n11. II { •t1 {1 III I 11 rI I'ai {l1l1I11II1r' 1III fIi7II:] II 1.1111111111111111 11 1. x111 I1111111111111{111111;, ;11 11101111m001 II 111 MADE IN CANADA Always Home Saturdays for Repairing D. W. HAMILTON PHONE/ 207 Huron St., Clinton GIRLS ANTED WE CiAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO. Al FEW MORE KNIT, TERS, ETC: APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Give the Hen a Chance -- to -- Increase Production Breed, Feed and Weed 0000 Now that the o 0.o 0 o breeding season. 'is o o over is the time o o to sell the roost- o o ens and thus make o 0 0 0 0 a saving in feed, o a o 0 1000,Broilers Wanted and 300 Ducklings per week o o o o also a large quan- 0 0 0 o o titp of fat hens at o o top prices. o o Cali us up for o o prices before you o o o o o sell elsewhere, o o o o GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The tip -.to -date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON TIDE OOO EO STOOE Line and Let Live Sug r«i r JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SUGAR. SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK. CALL AND GET PRICES 13301801313 BIJY- INc+. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY -i Strawberries Pineapples Oranges Lemons Bananas Lettuce f' • Green Onions Tomatoes Cucumbers Radishes and Water Melons,, lelelee.s. E. 1 1.illi171-1 E. E. IIUNNIFORD ............. Strawberries. and IVIinuf. e Tapioca mweesemeeeemumemeeemeieep Cook for 15 minutes '"111; a double boiler } cup minute ra ioea cup sugar, ar t 1 tea- si0 f bt ttet and 3tu s of hot water. Crush . 1 pint $tlrawbcrries, sweeten to taste and let stall half hour. Take Tapioca from fire and stir in the fruit, Serve very cold,' 5I MUTE TAPIOCA.' 1 15e PEG., W. T. O'Neil It is your assurance el perfect • satisfaction in all your concrete work. In- sist on getting Canada Cement. If you are doing any building or repairing in wood remember we have what' yoou want, • including dressed flooring, and sid- ing, McNair shingles, B. C. Fir and Cedar products and Canada fibre board. Do not delay in placing your order with us for your supply of coal. De- livery will again be made to Bayfield at • 51.00 per ton, to Varna and Kippers' at 50c per ton, and to our own town customers ah 25c per ton. This scarce- ly covers the expense this year but we are bound to have, your business. John Bo Mustard BRUCEK1ELD Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream„ which will be taken in every; WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid fon while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday) morning each week. . T. E. MASON, General Merchant, ' t'f SUMMERHILL., 1 "' Leave Your Order Early for Eavetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done ,this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HAWKINS. Agent_for Hecla Furnaces SI6op• over Rowland's Hardware. i PHONE 53, P. I•Iighest market price for • Butter • and Eggs, Store ,ThoBig It Pays to Feed good feed to your horse or other live stock. Pays in better condition or in greater production. We carry, the best toed - we can obtain. In spite of that fact you'll not find our prides any higher than you new pay. c -=y W. Jenkins & Soni. noun AND FE ED iS09a Highest prIcee paid tog Grain and Wool. t.iovator. aettidenee p10One 9-142. ,,e Screen Doors complete witli hinges, hook and spring, panelled and grained at 51.661 Screen Doors ready for hang- ing, a nice catchy door, painted, grained,. varnished.,, 1151 Screen Doors complete, beau- tifully panelled, painted, 1 grained and double var- nished, a beauty 2.50, Screen Windows, extend 44 in,,, .35; Screen Windows, extend 36 In,,,! Sugar Boot Hoes, Gold litedal, the best made .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,., .810. Turnip Iloes, Gold Medal,,;,,,,,, ;,8if Garden Hoes .66; Perrin's Biscuits are crisp and tasty, nothing better made got a package .10 —' SPECIA'L FOR SATURDAY, The balance of our turnip seed will be cleared at 45 and .60 1 lb. Cheese for .20, 1 pair children's oxfords 80. 1 ib. Berger's Paris Green....,, .0 J.O.Lounsbery Lo1V Li p,DESBORO R Tat0)161 ST0101 WITH LITTLE PitICMS, ,. 1,, , .,