The Clinton News Record, 1917-07-05, Page 1-Record.
No. 1996 -38th Year
you have anything you wish to sell, Advertise it in The News -Record --
Z(our. 'e
9eor es and No glasses
Flake jack a fhcll .936u
OOR eyes make backward .children. Exhaustive tests
have proved this, Bad eyesight retards both mental and
physical progress. When supplied with proper glasses,
-backward children have fairly raced ahead. We make a
specialty of examining children's eyes:- If any trouble is devel-
oping we will prescribe the proper glasses. If the eyes are nor-
mal we will gladly tell you so.
We have a large variety of spectacles from which to select
the most satisfactory in gold filled, alumnice-or steel, whichev-
er you prefer. Prices from $2.00 up.
Oldest Established Je'welery Store in Clinton
The Royal Bank 1
Incorporated 1869.
Capital Authorized
Capital Paid-up
Reserve and Undivided Profits
Total Assets
400 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted,
R, E. MANNING, Manager
Clinton Branch
{ Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
Q6 Branches in Canada. .
A General Banking Busine.s Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department.
interest allowed at highest current rate.
H. R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clinton Branch
2 heofsh
Clothing Co.
Every man will soon be rushing to get under
cover of a Straw Hat.
Ev€ty man's favorite style of hat can be '
found here -as our showing is large
Panarnas. French Palmas, Sennets
Split Straws, Etc.
Hats to Suit all Ages.
50c, 75c, $1.25, $1.50 to $4.00
3 dozen -Men's Soft Hats, broken lines
and sizes, reg. $2 and $2.50. to clear aft
4 dozen men's black and colored Stiff =1.1,
Hats. Your choice for
Agent C. P4 . .
:Phone .18 f`ot'Sunday night m1s.
Beginning next week the drygoods,
clothing, boot and shoo and drug
stores will close on Wednesday, af-
ternoon each week during July, and.
Auguet and until the 10th of Sep-
W. P. S,' NOTES.
The Women's Patriotic Society will
meet on Friday afternoon of this
week ihstead of next in order to Ar-
range for the French Tag Day on
the 14'th. For information regarding
the 'French Tag Day read Lady Beck's
letter, whichtwill appear next week,
Lieut. Will Hall, younger son of
Mr. and Mrs, Y. B. Hall of Con-
stance, who has been in training for
several months, is now one of the
aviation instructors at Camp Bor-
den, Clinton boys , usually make
good and 'Billy" is no exception
but old friends here congratulate him
and wish him further success.
Word was received yesterday that
Pte. A-. D. Doherty, youngest son of
-Mr. and Mrs. Doherty, bad been
wounded on June 17th. The official
notice was sent to Mrs. Doherty. at
Edmonton, Alta., but as she is vis-
iting here it was forwarded. No par-
ticulars are given but it is hoped
the wound will not prove to be a
serious one, Pte. Doherty enlisted
with a western unit.
The Rev, Alex, K. Birks; pastor
of the Morrison street Methodist
church, Niagara Falls, dropped dead
at his home on Wednesdays of last
week. Tho late Mr. Birks had just
finished rolling the cinder roadway to
his garage when he sank to the
ground and was pronounced dead
when a doctor reached him. He had
been doing a good deal .of extra gar-
dening work this spring being an en-
thusiastfe promoter of the greater
production movement, and had a-
greed to give a month's work on the
city's garden patchh. It is thought
that he : may have overtaxed his
The Rev, Mr. Birks 'was well known
in this vicinity. Several years ago
liis father, who was also a Metho-
dist minister, was stationed at
Hohnesville and in later years he was
himself pastor of the Seaforth Meth-
odist•church. His with was•forinerly
Miss Minhie Elford of Holmesville.
Ile was fifty-six years of sage and had
been ordained to the ministery thir-
ty-three years ago. He is survived
byhis wife and four sons : Dr W.
H. Birks, a missionary in China ;
R. T. Birks of Toronto, and A. P.
,and D. E. Birks at home.
The council met on Tuesday even-
ing instead of Monday, which was a
holiday. Mayor Thompson, Reeve
Ford and Councillors Wiltse, Shep-
pard, Miller, Nediger and McEwan
were present.
A. communication was .read from'
the clerk of the county informing
the council that the apportionment
for county purposes this year would
be $8216,68. -
Miss Cooper and Miss O'Neil ad-
dressed the council asking thatthe
band` be allowed i to play at a garden
party which the Young Ladies'. Pat-
riotic Auxiliary have_ in mind, the
occasion to count as one of the
weekly concerts. Also that the band
be allowed to play out on Saturday
week, French Tag Day. After some
discussion the matter was handed
over to a committee to decide, but
it was deemed inadvisable to have
the band out on Saturday evening
as there was too much trafficuon the
The cemetery committee reported
the cemetery. in unsatisfactory shape.
Councillor Wiltse said it was unfair
to_ accept money, for keeping .the •
plots in order and then not having
the :vork properly done and that
complaints were being made about
Councillor Sheppard : .Last year
was just as wet as this one has
been and yet the place -novas neat
and well kept.
Councillor Nediger was delegated,
in the absence of Chairman Paisley,
to see the caretaker and see what
could be done about it,
The property committee reported
that the fountain lied. been painted,
that the committee had given the
Rev, Mr. Robinson permission to al-
low the Boy Scouts to fix up the
park and recommended that the fire
escape on the Hall be painted. Tho
roadway north of the hall also
came in^for some discussion but it
was finally decided to leave it as it
was for the present as expenses aro
rather iiipli this year.
The street eommitteo reported that
the tarvia had been put ori bho
streets and recommended that a man
be employed for one day a week to
remove any accumulation which
might gather and so keep the streets
With regard to a drain being made
by R, Walker, which is supposed to
be of public benefit, it was
to pay part of the eat, of tile, lvtr,
Walker to put hi the tile,
1t was -decided to purchase a they
of the Municipal;Manual, the town
Arid ;town solicitor tutto •pay hail'
'the eget, ten dollars eaeli.
A number of, aocounts were ordered
to be paid,
Mr, and Mrs, Finlay MoKereher of
pounce the engagement
Soaforth an
their sister, M, Era Sperling, to,
Ile. E, Doan W. Courtiee, B•,A,Sc,,
of Hamiltop,son of Mr, and Mrs,
E. G, Courtice of Clinton, Tile mar-
riage 'veil) take, plebe early in July.
L. O. L. No, 710 and brethren from
the surrounding Iodges will attend
divine service in Ontario street
church on Sunday afternoon next at
three o'clock. Rev. J. A. Agnew,
Pastor of the, church., will preaob and
it is expected that other . clergy, Beit
will be present. -
Amon; Huron casualties during
the past week are the following
Killed,,: Pte. Theodore ltleDonald,
and Pte. George Hales, Wingham.
Wounded : Pte, A'. D. Doherty,
Clinton„ Ft. Lieut. -D. E. Holmes,
Winghani, Pte, James F. Hill and
Pte. A. E, Okos, Hensali and Pte.
John Thibedeau, Brussels.
Fever and gas : Pte. Neil; Mc-
Donald, Goderich. '
Pte. William Bezzo, son of Mr, I
Bezzo of town, who was the first
Clinton boy to offer himself at the
beginning 05 the war and who has
been several times wounded, arrived
home on Tuesnay evening. The date
of his arrival was not known, even
by his own people,. 'so tbat he was !,
not met at the depot, but a cele-
bration was held for flim later in
the evening, when; the mayor and
other prominent citizens, in brief
speeches, endeavored to show' that
his self-sacrifice and patriotism were
Pte., Bezzo has been nearly three
years in the trenches but has now
been sent home and it is hoped he
will regain sonic 'of his wonted,
On Wednesday ;morning at St.
Joseph's church the nuptials of Miss
Elizabeth K. Shanahan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan of
Hullett, and Mr. Francis T. ' Me-
C.antighep were celebrated. Tlie bride,
wlio was given away by her father,
looked charming in a costume of
grey belwarp serge, beaded ninon
blouse and leghorn fiat trimmed is
grey. Her corsage bpuquet was of
mauve orchids. Hera sister, Miss
Anna Shanahan, who acted as maid -
of -honour, was prettily 'gowned in a
sand ' coloured serge suit, georgette
blouse and black milan sailor, and
wore a corsage • bouquet of sweet -
peas. The groom was assisted by
Mr, A. V. Quigley, Tlie groom's gift
to the maid -of -honour was a pearl
necklace, to the best man a pearl
tiepin and to Miss Edna McCaughey,
who played the wedding march, a
gold rosary. During the ceremony
"All "Joy be Thine," was sung most
acceptably. Mr. and ,Mrs. McCaughey
left on the early train on a honey-
moon trip and will visit Toronto,
Hamilton and Buffalo before return-
The News -Record joins the gen-
eral felicitations being offered to
this popular young couple,
The Rev, A. E. Jones, the newly -
appointed pastor of Wesley, church,
preached' the initial sermons of his
pastorate on Sunday, TR the morn-
ing he took for his select: "Christ's
Need of Workers," preaching an earn-
est ;sermon to the members of the
congregation, urging upon then, the
need of definite, aggressive work in
the Kingdom of Christ. In the ev-
ening the sermon was appropriate to
the occasion, the fiftieth anniversary
of Confederation. A short_ synopsis
will be found in -another column, The
choir rendered "0 Canada," very
nicely after the sermon,
On Tuesday of next week the an-
nual congregational picnic will be
held at Bayfield,
Rev. A. Sinclair of Holmesville
preached at both services in Ontario
street church on Sunday, tido pas-
taking the re -opening services at
Holmesville. In the evening the ser-
vice was especially patriotic, ser-
mon and music both being appropri-
ate, During the service the choir
.rendered the anthem, "I Wile Siiig
of Thy Power." Miss Wiltse sang,
"Hail Canada" the choir rendering
the chorus, and Miss Marion Gib-
bings sang, "Let Us Have Peace."
In the afternoon there -was a spec-
ial service in connections with the
Sunday school, when Mr. J. W. Tre-
leaven gave a most interesting ad-
dresson the "Development of Can-
ada,", There were also several pat-
riotic choruses by the school and
Mr. L. Weir sang in good voice,
"Keep the Home Fires Burning."
A special patriotie service was
held in connection with Willis Sun-
day school on Sunday afternoon,
The school sang patriotic hymns, a
chorus of five boys and five girls
reacted a selection and ldtrs. de la
Penetier° and Mr. J. E. Doherty sang
a duet and Misses Elsie Permitter
ad Edith Torrance Torre did likewise
Rev. J. E. ,Hogg delivered an impres-
sive and inspiring %Striatie address.
A tynopsis 'of the address given
by Itov, "Mr, Fogg. on Sunday oven
hog •will °be .foarid hit anotbee oolunin.
Willis Sunday, tchool, fS Picn10164
• set Daylield today,
Capt, (Rev,) ,C. E, Jeakins, rector
of St. church,
Jude'ss ch
formerly rector of St. Paul's, Clin,-
ton, bas been appointed chaplain at
Camp Borden during the absence of
Lt, -Col. Williams with the lIritisit
Recruiting Mission et New York,
Capt, Jeakins went overseas with
the 58th Battalion but was ordered
home on account of nervous trouble,
He has been, doing a good deal of re-
cruiting work since his return,
Among the marriage announcements
this week will he found that of
Miss Isabel Foot, daughter pf :the
late William Foot of Clinton, to
Mr, William Douglas Eddy, a ranch -
is:, of Lundbreck, Alberta. The mar-
riage took place at Frank, Alberta,
on Monday of fast week. The bride's
friends in Clinton, of which there
are many, waft good wishes for the
happiness and prosperity of the new
ly-wedded pair,
The only Clinton citizen o1hl rued
doing honour to the natal day of
our latest Allies, the United Stat-
es of America, was that well-known
Britisher,. the genial G.T.R. agent,
Mr. John Ransford. It is whispered
that there was a special reason for
this unwonted concession. is there
not a charming lady from New York
visiting at Stapleton ? It is a well-
known fact that "J. R." would do
much to please a lady,
Capt. Anderson, who has bean in.
Clinton in conn"ee'tion with the Sal-
vation Army corps for the past eight
Months leaves today for Palmer-
ston. Capt. Anderson has just been
promoted to the rank ` of captain and
will be in charge of the Palmerston
corps. Capt.; Jones, wbo has been 1u
charge of the local corps 'for the
past six months, is also leaving foe
Walkerville. Capt. Scott of Ridge -
town takes charge Here,
Many News -Record readers will be
interested in the announcement of
the marriage, which took place in
St. Thomas' church, Toronto, on
Wednesday of last week, of Miss
Jessie Marguerite Potts, youngest
daughter of the late Dr. J. G. Potts
of Clinton,-to:.Charles Oakes Erma
tinger, junior judge of the county' of
The bride was very well known by
many in Clinton, she having made
her home here while her brother,
the Rev. J. C. Potts, was, rector of
St. Paul's church. During her so-
journ here she made -many warm
friends, who- will. join heartily • in
good wishes for her future happiness
and well-being. Judge and Mrs. Er-
matinger will reside in St. Thomas. .
Mr. James Doherty has removed
froom Raglan street to the residence
at the corner of Townshend . and
East streets.
Mr. Henry Corey of the Bayfield
Road on Monday delivered twelve
ducks to the Gunn, Langlois Com-
pany,' Clinton, which, though just
eight weeks old, weighed sixty-four
pounds. This shows what breeding
and feeding will do.
The Clinton girls who volunteered
to assist in fruit picking. left yes-
terday for Beamsville. TIiey will to
absent during, July, ,Augustand part
oft September.
The mixed quartette of Ontario
street church goes to Ailsa Craig
today to give the musical program
at an entertainment there,.
Mr. James Scott took his Sunday
school class of young girls to God-
erlch on Monday and they spent the
day very happily, together.
The, following reference to the Rev,
A. E. Jones, the . new pastor of
Wesley church, Clinton, appeared in
the last issuo of '1'Re Age, Stratli-
"Rev. A. E. Jones, retiring pas-
tor of the Methodist church, con-
cluded his-. very successful pastorate
here on Suuiday last when he deliv-
ered farewell messages to the church.
The big -auditorium was filled to
capacity in tlfe evening. . . Mr.
Jones in his farewell address feel-
ingly referred to their exceedingly
enjoyable sojourn in Strathroy and
the good fellowship and kindliness
that had, been shown teem right
from ' tiie beginning. He Heartily
thanked all the organizations in con-
nection with the efiurell for the
splendid c0 -operation in the work,
IIo and Mrs, Jones would always
cherish fond memories of Strathroy
and its people. Last week farewell
presentations were made to Mr. and
Mrs. Jones and their little daughter,
Madeline, Thursday evening the men
of the congregation presented Mr,
Jones with a motor rug and driving
gloves'o (in l riday. evening „fie lad-
fes gathered at the home of Mrs, F.
W. Andy and presented Mrs.J
With acase of silver and is
Mad -
elite With An ivory manicure set,
Each gift was accompanied by
Suitable address expressing the good
Wishes of the aura and 0ougrega-
thin, i41rfi;.:7onos'seas also presented
with a life inembetshi:p fo e W.
M, 8.”
Clintontown t, citizens for elle most part
celebrate o Ca Ju -
n da
ilee en Monday, Bayfield, a I31ytsh anbal,
Goderich each lured its quota Who
more or less enjoyed the day, A
number also remained at Boole and
tliese wore probably the better rest-
ed and ready for renewed effort the
following day, However,"it was the
first time Canadians ever .had the
dance to celebrate a semi -centennial
of Confederation and most of us
will not be here for the centennial.
Hayfield • .
Miss Gower of London is a guest
at the Commercial.
M •
r. and Mrs. Orval Weston of De-
troit are visiting his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Richard Weston in the vil-
lage, -
Messrs, Lawrence Foley and Clar-•
ease Pollock of London spent the
Holiday at their homes in the vil-
Mr, Thornton Mustard, wife` and
family of, Toronto arrived last week
and are now enjoying; their summer
cottage on the river bank,
Mr. Alexander Thomson of Louis-
ana is visiting his brother, Mr.
James Thomson in the, village. They
left •this week to visit friends at
Mr. William' Johnston, wife and
family of ^London are now enjoying
their summer residence on the Ter-
Miss Rae Govenlock of Lindsay
and Miss Graves of Seaforth are the
guests of the former's sister, Mrs.
Wm. Ferguson.
Mr, and IYIrs. Charles Edwards of
Toronto and Miss Baxter of London
the guests at Miss Ferguson's.
Mr. E. A. Sauder' of Kitchener
spent the holiday with his wife and
daughter, who are spending a . few
weeks with her parents,, lir. and
lOirs. H. W. Erwin,
Dr, Tillman, .wife and family and
plaid of London arrived this week
and are summering in' Lakeside Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Gray and 1 daughter
of .,Detroit are guests at Mrs.
Mrs.' James Donaldson of the
Soo is the guest of Mr. Donaldson's
parents, Mr,' and Mrs. James Don-
es Dx Partrid a of London spent a
few ys un the village fast' week,
Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson, Mr. and
Mrs. Nichol, Miss Eagleson, Miss
Olive Eagleson and Miss Nichol _ of
Parkhill were the guests of Mrs.
Ronatt on Monday.
Dr. Gray and wife and Mrs. House
and Miss Brierly of St, • Thomas
were ire, the village on Tuesday,
Mr, and Mrs. J, G. Stanbury and
family of Exeter spent' the holiday
with Itis mother, Mrs. (Dr.)' Sten -
burp, at her summer residence on
Dow stt.•,
Mrs..s.. Jamieson and daughter of
Brooklyn, N.Y,, and Mr, and Mrs.
J. Doty and family o£ Detroit are
spending the sumiimr in the White
Mr, and Mrs. ,J, S, Chapman acid
family of London arrived last week
and have taken possession of their
summer residence in Lake Sideipark,
Dr,, Atkinson of,Detro•it spent the
holiday with his family' at their
summer residence on'the Terrace.
Dominion Day opened fine and
bright and people began coming into
Bayfield early for the celebration.
Before one o -clock a large crowd
liad•gathered in Jowett's Grove, and
indeed everywhere. At hall past one
Die autos gathered . in the village for
the procession„wfiich,passed over the
bridge to the Grove, The ears were
decorated gaily and presented a very
festive appearance. During the after-
noon tfie following games were con-
noted for
10 yard
s open race—William, Sin -
Boys' race, under 17 years -J,
Dutot, Leslie Elliott. ; -
Boys race, under 13 years—Norman
Toms, IAlex, Chapman,
Girls' race, under 15 years—Edna
Al'exar' ler, Abbie Stewart.
Girls, race, over 15 years -Florence
Elliott, Ruby Taylor. •
Long jump—Peter Moffatt, Wnr.
Run, hop and step—Peter Moffatt,
J, Townsend.
Standing dive in ricer—Granville
Long distance dive in ricer—Tilos,
Bost decorated auto—Dr, Atkinsou,
Much credit must be given the
Woman's Patriotic Society for the
interest they took in serviig light
lunches during the afternoon and ev-
eningiOn the grounds while a number
el paeeng girls sold patriotic buttons
wliichi netted them about $100.
Roe. Mr. Darling and , his wife and
family moved into the parsonage on
Wednesday of last week and on Sun-
day evening held his inAugural ser-
vice le the Methodist chureh, which
Was well attended.
Mr. II. W. Erwin ii and
soli Prank
left today for Kiticheeer,
De, and Mrs, Reid and family alfa
Mr. and Mrs. 14. S. Reid and. thins
'sly of Detroit grit,iii the Whfte City.
:for the stlnitner,
Mrs, Io1nieS and Miss Lois • of
tllintOn,aro iguctt8 at Mro. ltovatt's,
New Clinton Pastor
Rev. A. E. Jones 1
Who on 'Sunday last preached the
first sermons of his pastorate in
Wesley. church, Mr. Jones comae.
from Stratliroyi where ho has just
finished a successful four-year pas-
torate and where he made malty,
friends. The News -Record bespeaks
for him a'n equally successful sojourn
in Clinton, He and Mrs. Jones and
little Miss Madeline are now becom-
ing comfortably settled in the par-
People You Know
Mr. Harold Cantelon is fn Toronto
this week,
Mr. Albert Kemp was up from Lon-
don over the . holiday,
Mrs. Relton of Windsor is visiting
with Mrs. W. Cochrane.
Mr. James Connolly of Goderieh
was in town on Tuesday,
Miss Ella Robertson al Auburn is
the guest of Mrs. H. 0. E'astm'an,
Miss Edna McCaughey is in Seafortir
today trying her Intermediate
Mrs. J. 13. Ayers of New York City,
is the guest of her , sister, Mrs. 3.,
MMIiss Leila • Ford, who i has been
teaching at Richmond, is hoe for
the vacation.
Mrs. Fairlull is visiting her hus-
band, Capt. J. K, Fairfull, in
Kingston this week.
Miss Grace Walker of the Brussels
Public school steer is home for the
vacation in Clinton.
Miss Ruby Irwin of Toronto is holi-
daying at the home of ber parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Irwin.
Miss Della Carter of Stratford was
the guess, of her aunt, Mrs. W.
'Cochrane, over the weekrend and
Mr, J. Danford has been very Oil
since Saturday last but this morn-
ing seems easier and it is hoped.
the worst is over.
Mrs. H, T. Rance has returned from
ie visit at the home of Mr. and.
Mrs. H. E. Paul, Alvinston, and
with London friends.
Mr. and Mrs, Blatcfiford and son
motored up from London and spent
the weekeend with the lady'sisi,s-
ter, Miss Graham of town.
Miss Verna Vance,, nurse -in training
at Victoria hospital, London, is
visiting at the home of hen uncle,
Mr. George''Holland'of the Bayfleld
Mrs. D. W. L. Cantelon and children
returned to their home in Toronto
on Monday after spending some
weeks with Mr, .and Mrs. P. Can-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Kennedy and
two little daughters of Detroit
have been visiting the latter'.s'
grandmother, Mrs, D. B. Kennedy,,
the past few days.
Miss hiaudelean Carter was one 01
the guests at thee reception at the
home of Mr. and Mrs., Martin,
Godericliy on Monday evening for
their daughter, Mrs. J. Schulte,
who was recently married at Wind-
Hullett Township
Mrs. J. L. Lesage left last week
for her hone in Little Current after;
spending a few weeks with her par-
ents, Mr. and bars. Richard Blake.
Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn and Mr.
Thos, Flynn were in, McKillop yester-
day attending the Flynn -Holland
Miss Elizabeth Morrison, who has
been teaching fn S. S, 5, No. 2 for
the past six months, has resigned
and left on Saturday Oor_hor home
near Owen Sound.
Miss Anna Shanahan returned home
Friday evening Stun Stratford where
she has been attending the Convent
Mr. Prank White of Toronto spout
the week -end at the home of Nur,
and Mrs, Matthew Oarbert,
Mr. Wm, Morrison Spent the week-
end and holiday? with Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph Reinhardt of IKitchener.
Quite a number from the vicinity'
the semi -Centennial in
Blyth on
Mr. Cowen Reynolds had his barn
raising di ,Saturday.
Masa Mary Brown, who Gas beeds
stiffeting from rheutuatlsm for the
Past Iew.y'tloears, Wont to Lotulen l ou
Saturday Undergo treatment 104
St, Jooeph's' hospital.