HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-28, Page 8Il
0 Ail
Notwithstanding the great advance in prices
owing to the great European troubles. we have malty
linos at lest than war prices,
A few. of the last lot of
Perfection) Oil Stoves and Ovens
lett yet. The next lot will be much higher in price
A few pieces of Cut Glass at cost, to clear.
We carry a Complete Assortment of
Everything in the Hardware Line
Will give a list next week of articles
at Special Low Prices to clear.
llarland Bros..
Zool Shoes
In Camp, at Tennis, on the Bowling Green
or just at home, you'll need a pair of these
There are tan leathers, Buck and Canvas
Shoes. High or low cut as you prefer,
Bubber Sole Shoes with the low rubber
heels are the favorites.
For Men or Women at $1, $1,35, $1.50 to $4
For Children at 85c, $1 and $1.25
Come in and select a pair of these
and we will fit them to your feet perfectly
Fred. Jackson
Our stock of Fleet Foot shoes is now at its best and consists
of lines suitable for each member of the family. "
;We have prettye'littie strap slippers for the .wee', tops, • jfumP5
and high shoes for ladies and good Bard 'wearing shoes in black,
tan and white for the girls and boys. We are also showing a heavy
work shoe for men, canvas upper and Heavy rubber sole,
Our prices on these goods is rode bottom and no -other shoe
will give you so much in comfort and wear for so small a price
as a pair of Fleet Foot.
Head Comfort
To be comfortable you must keep the head cool. See what we
are offering in ladies' and children's hats in straw, panamn, cloth
and canvas..,
See our men's panama and sailor - bats, They aro very
nobby. 1, i,•
Plu. ,steel Bros.
Small Profits
i I More Business
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to -the room,
It has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove. We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Ax esters, Wil -
tons, etc, that we have
priced at•attractive prices.
We would bemost pleased
to show them to you,,
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 ' j Phone .. 28
Clinton News -Record
TRIS picture .is.to give you an'
Idea of the thrilisome fun
your child can have with a'
KIDDIE 1(AR• It is made in
three sizes, selected wood, strong131
put together, solid wood wheels, with
steering handle that turns easily.
Good indoors as well its out and for
hotbrboys and girls. The hit or the
year in toys.
The, W. D. Fair Co.
t,.. .I
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
,c^'G iteimenunutliiiiunq
Mrs, R. J. Clulf is :visiting friends
in Ripley and fllincardine,
Mrs. W. Hyslop and little son re-
turn to 1,Detroit this afternoon. "`
Miss Nellie Rapson left this week
for Toronto to take a position.
Mrs. Maloney of Sault Ste. Marie is
visiting with her mother, Mrs, R.
Mr. A. Cantelon visited with Tiver-
ton friends for a couple of days
last week.
lVliss Pearl Shipley leaves this week
for Toronto to take a position as
Merrit Nediger has taken .a position
in the store of Mr, F. A. Edwards,
Bayfield, for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McCaughey spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. •J, B,
Reynolds of near Goderich.
Mrs. Guy. Jones and little son left
yesterday morning to spend a fort-
night with Lueknow friends.
Miss Jennie Holmes returned on f ri-
day after spending three months
with her brother at Lucknow.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Southcombe of
Collingwood have been the guests
of the Misses Southcombe of town
during the past week.
Mrs, C. E. Jeakins of Brantford was
here for the funeral of the late
Mrs. Rattenbury. She was accom-
panied by her son, Reginald.
Messrs. J. A. Sutter, T. J. Mans-
ghan and J. B. Campbell represent-
ed Court Maple Leaf at the High
Court at Hamilton last week'.
Mrs. L. D. Poyntz of Winnipeg, ac-
companied by Master Toni and lit-
tle Miss Eileen, are visiting the
lady's mother, Mrs. Pratt of
Mr. A. Taylor is • in Toronto this
week attending a meeting of the
Grand Lodge of the Sons of Scot-'
land as a delegate -from Clinton
Mrs, George Levis left 00 Tuesday
for the west. She will spend a
couple of months with relatives in
Winnipeg, Oxbow and in North
Mrs. F. French and her little grand-
daughter, Miss Florence, returned
yesterday after spending a few
weeks with the lady -'s slater at
rrs C. C.
Rance returned to-- her
home in Toronto on Monday, she
having come up to be present at
the funeral of the late Mrs, Joseph
Mrs. J. E. Johnson and her little
daughter, Miss Viola, of Heward,
Sask., arrived last week avd are
visiting the lady's mother, Mrs.
George•Nott of town, -
Mr. and Mrs. "W. E1. Tpbbutt re-
turned Saturday front their honey-
moon and spent the week -end at
the parental )tome of the bride,
that of Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Mac -
Mr. 'and Mrs. J, T. Mustard and
children of Toronto are the guests
this week of the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, D. Macdonald,. They
will probably go to Bayfield for
the summer.
Mrs. A. Doherty andtwo children of
Edmonton, Alberta, arrived fu
town on Friday and aro the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. Doherty. Mr.
Doherty( is with the Canadian for-
ces at the front.
Mr. A, 13, Stephenson has taken the
contract ol_ conveying 1118 Maj-
esty's mail over Clinton Route
No, 5, Mr. W Crich being the
present courier, Mr: ,Stephenson
begins his contract on Monday,
Rev. Dr, Gandier, principal of Knox
College, Toronto, was the guest
Over the week -end of his brother,
I)r, J, C, Gaudier of -..town. Dr.
Cfanlier preached at Kippen in the
morning and in Willis church, Clin-
ton, la the evening.
Mr., harry G. Evans of Ilasswood,
Man,, has been the guest during
the past week of his aunt, Miss
Minnie Mudd of town, and with
other friends in and about; Clinton.
Mr. Evans, who was born in God -
each totvnshin, being a son of Mr,
and Mrs. P, J. Evans, alid went
to Manitoba when a lad, came cast
to attend the High Court 0,O,10.
-;at Hamilton.
1 -
28th, 19117'
k i d{�i Yer
4 PN tl'F4
Is Stage•, at the Vital Points in such a way
that the shapely lines of your gown are accentu-
ated and retained, . At the same time this corset
is so pliable:and easy that absolute freed +• m of
n alovement is assured. It lends a youthful
grace and elegance to the figure.
The wearer of a p & A. Corset is Alwa!s
Distinguished big Her Poise and
Elegenee of Fig re.
Not one woman in ten thousand can really
have a "figure" without a corset. D. &A. Corsets
furnish the actual support necessary to every lady.
A few light strips of the peerless D. E A. iboning
give as much control of the figure lines as •the
stiff, heavy, cramping corsets of former years.
Whatever the design, style, or price
of the D. E A. Corset you buy, it is the
best value, best fit and quality for the
We illustrate four styles of D. f A.
Corsets --there are many --and, whatever
your physical type, you'll find a 'D. &A.'
' to please You. A Corset that will
keep its shape and beautify yours.
"Will not break, or rust, or tear,
D. & A. Corsets made for wear."
See Them at
Dry, Goods, House Furnishings
phone 69'„
Next to Royal Bank , '
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) i Men's Furnishings
_ Opposite Public Library
A Pretttj Wedding In
A very pretty wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Pepper of the second concession of
Tuekersnith, on Wednesday of last
week when flieir youngest daughter,
Rose Isabelle, became the bride of
Mr, Howard. Crich, a popular young $
man of the same township.
The ceremony was performed on
the lawn, in the shade of the trees
and beneath an- arab of -clustering
bridal wreath, to which was sus-
pended a largo, white floral wedding
rhe bride, who was given away
by her father, wore a pretty wedding
gown of ivory silk crepe-de-ellen°, a
veil of embroidered tulle with orange
blossoms, and carried a bouquet of
white roses and ferns. Rev. J, A.
Agnew' of Clinton performed the
As the bridal party, took their
places on the lawn Miss Ivy Plewis.,
played -Lohengrin's bridal chorus,
and during the signing of. the regis-
ter Miss Jessie Buchanan of Hensall
1 tl
sang "Until." •
After the ceremony and when the
newlyt•wetided pair had received the
congratulations of those assembled,•
the wedding feast was served,' the
table decorations were in pink' and
The bride was the recipient of a
number of very handsome gifts. Tho
groom's gift was'. a lovely pearl pen-
dant and chain, and to the pianist
he presented' -a pretty brooch.
Later the same evening the bride
changed her wedding gown for a
suit of blue cloth. and the young
couple drove tb their own home oa
the second concession, whore they
have started housekeeping. They
have the good wishes of a largo cir-
cle of friends for happiness and
prosperity in their married life.
There were about ,eighty five guests
present at the wedding, guests being
present from C'1inLon, llensall, Sea-
fortit and Detroit.
4 .
Miss Minnie Campbell of the Sarn-
ia Collegiate teaching stall is home
for the vacation,
Mr, G. 0, Temple, accountant at
the local branch of the Bank of Mon-
treal, has resigned from the bank
and will remove hisfamily. to'Toron-
Mrs. Soxsnutlt is visitipg friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart • henry of
Windsor, who have been spending a
honeymoon in Quebec, Montreal and
Ottawa, liavo taken a cottage over-
looking the lake and will spend the
stutterer here,
Mr. A, L. Caldwell has diaposed
of his drug business to Mr. J. 1I.
Lanier, a recent graduate of. the On-
tario College of Pharmacy. The new
proprietor has already taken Po -
A West Wawanosh
A pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.: R. J.
Woods, West Wawanosh, at rix
o'clock on Wednesday evening of
last week, when their daughter,: Mary
Edna, was united in marriage with
Mr. R. Arnold Barbour, sou of Mr.
Robt. Barbour of Erin.'
Promptly,at the hour appointed
the bride, to -the strains of Lohen-
grin's bridal chorus, played by Miss
Ethel McPherson, entered the draw-
ing room leaning on the arm el her
father who gave her away, and took
her place beside the groom under
an arch of evergreen and flowers.
Misses Clara and Wimtifred Woods,
sisters of the bride, acted as ribbon
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. J. Little of St. Helens and was
witnessed by the immediate friends
of the contracting parties. -'
The bride was charmingly gowned.
in white sills crepe de chene and 007
tied a handsome bouquet of roses,
lily -of -the -valley and maiden hair
Alter congratulations were extend-
ed to the bride and groom, Miss Myr-
tle Little sang, "Beloved it ' is
Morn." After the solo luncheon was
served and the evening was spent in
pleasant intercourse and music.
Thursday morning the young couple
left for Brucefield, Stratford and
Guelph after which they, will reside
at their home near Erin.
Tlie groom's gift to the bride was
a liandsomo pearl necklace and to the
pianist and soloist dainty little pen-
Mr, and Mrs, Barbour are both
popular young people and have the
good wishes of a large circle of
friends for a happy and prosperous
married life.
A carries pidgeon, which lighted on
Mr, 1)an Graham's tug one day re-
cently and which was mentioned in
the Goderich.. papers, has been Claim-
ed by the' Western IIotnitig Pidgeon
Association, Toronto. 1t is said to
have been 'lost in a race,
Ilugli Belcher, wile .enlisted 'with
the .122nd Battalion at Galt in
March, has returned home. TIe was
rejected on account of being under
age, IIe had gotten to Halifax and
was on the boat for England; Ho
is only a little past sixteen.
Pte. David Bell has also returned, he
being over age, 'I•Ie had been in Eng-
land but was not allowed to go to
France, and though bffcred a posi-
tion in England entered to return
(tome. Three sons are novo 111 the
fighting forces,
Little Frances 'l'itolnson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Jams F, Thomson,
fell while. trying to climb a tree
and broke her arae f,1 two places,
Miss Agnes Hamilton of Hinear-
dine is home for the vacation,:
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Crozier and
daughter of London have been guests
of Mrs. Crozier's brother, Mr. Jas.
McClymont, and family.
Mr. Robt. Brownlee and family ac-
companied by Miss Gretta Ivison
motored over to Seaforth• to visit
with Mr, Win. Brdwnlee of Edmonton
who came East as a delegate to the
meeting of High Court C.O.F. which
was held in Hamilton last week,
Miss E. M. McGowan of McKillop
spent some days visiting with her
cousins, Misses Florence and Louise
McClyntont. She, also visited with
her uncle, Mr. Robt. Daytnan • of
Idippen Presbyterians were delight-
ed to Have a visit from Rev. Dr.
Gandier, Principal of Eno: College,
Toronto, on Sunday. He preached an
excellent sermon and was listened to
with the. closest attention, a number
coming from outside points to hear
Tho Lade' Aid a ttiso Paeabytar
Ian elihreh - /Omit Holding a commun-
ity picnic July Sth. A good time is
anticipated. Music will be furnished
by "Pipers"
which will delight the
Scotch at any rate. Other interest-
ing entertainment features will also
be provided.
Miss Margaret Meilis returned Mon-
day night' from a three weeks' visit
with friends in St. Thomas, Vienna
and Toronto.
Ileo. A. W. Brown preached ills
farewell sermon in tite Methodist
church on Sunday after a pastorate
of three years, Mr. Brown was very
mueli alive and earnest In his work
and we wish hint great success In
his new field at Idirkton. Rev, J. P:,
Jones of Iiavfield succeeds him, A
clever young minister of good ability
who we are sure will make good in
his new' charge.
The Patriotic Society -held its
meeting this week at the home of
Mr. J. C. McLean.
31r. and Mrs. A. Johnston of St.
Augustine 'were the guests of W. II.
and Mrs. Johnston Friday' and `"at-
urday, going on to visit the former
lady's sister, Mrs. Harvey of Exeter,
Mr, Arnold lia.bitirk of Danville
was hone for a few days last week.
Dr, and Mrs. Fisher have returned
to their hone in Bette, Montana, af-
ter visiting friends here,
)Hiss Mary Gillispie of the Park-
hill Collegiate is spending the vaca-
tion at her home here.
Mr, and hirs. James Beattie and
and Mr, and Mrs. Smith were away
last week ou a motor trip to Lon -
den, Detroit and other itoints.
Mr. .10hti Calder of Swift ('m rent
and his sister, Dr. Margaret ('nider
of Wingham visited recently wit 11
their uncle, Mr, James Cowan.
Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy itnd slaughters
have gone to speed the summer at
Their cottage al I iii rardine.
Dominion Day at Goderich*
Goderich will celebrate the fiftieth_
anniversaryof Confederation on Mon-
day, July 2nd, with one of the boat
Dominion Day programs ever gavce.
in the county town.
In the morning there will be a flor-
al parade, with prizes for the best
decorated autos and bicycles; a baby
show, and a program of games for
children. frllese I events will ' taker
place on -the Square ; no admission
The afternoon program at the Ag
rloultural Park will include two
horse races for liberal. purses (free-
for-all, purse $250 ; 2.40 class, purse
$150) ; a grand patriotic demonstra
tion, with a chorus of 200 children's:
Voices ; Highland dancing, baseball,
etc. The 03rd Battery from Queen'.
Park, London,' is expected to give a1.
exhibition of artillery drill and thii
famous musical ride. Goderich bras.,
band in attendance all day. Admis
sion to Agricultural Park 25e, Ali
Ooldiers'in uniform free,
Mrs. r. II. Butcher nt:d elotdt03
left last week for Priu'e Eewnrd'r
Island, where they will spend tie:
The following offffo.rs were app,in!-
ed by the Wingham Ladies' Liber:(.
Association at a recent oreiMy, :
President, Mrs. Geddes , Vice, pros •
dents, Mrs, Phos. Pens, MIS. Jos•
eph Pugh Secretary, Miss 1111y1e
7.'ice:sure'f-, fdlss P. Powell
Miss Edna Gannett is sprouting
few weeks in Toronto,
The Merchants have decided to 0'
servo a Wednesday half holiday 11
summer. The first holiday will 1
The second Wednesday of July,
bir, A. 11I. Sonny, manager of the•
local bran::h of the Banit of u'o i.-
uterce for ,some time past, has bac
transferred to Toronto. lir.
Blomfield ofi Toronto is his slam—
set here and will move his family
to town very shortly,
bir, and Mrs. Skinner of 1-1.
11.10 spe0t110g a honeymoon with th'.
bride's sister and brother, Mrs. 0•
Thompson and :lir. Donald I. U
Call or plea
for s^rices
'Electric Wiring
and Fixtures
Sanitary Plumbers.
Phone 7n.