HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-28, Page 5June ;800 917 Clinton News -Record Of Interest to You and IVIe Sunday nc7Et is ,July 1st, Dom Mice Day, the fiftieth anniversary of tide �. Ca fgdgratloii of the 1 aoytneos : o Canada. ti 11v a Re ac 1 0 Olnellt 15 iA That was ugh ou C n. t was bratt,ht ab t by a Bilk statesmen in 1807, an outstamlin event in the history. of •C•anada, • v s l But foil to aircturistltnceh of ieli B it o 11 . ;�, present Chile no doubt Canada would be making some, effort to do, sorne- tbin to fittingly celebrate the event. g 3 Butthethe co - 1 t as it is mind, of 1 un. try,ist taken toomuch i enwitha v f cl up th to grim fact of the weir and the best method of conducting this na lob's part in it to waste muoh eeorgy in planning. or carrying out celebra- tions, • In various places on Monday, which will he observed as the holidlay, tiro usual sports will be held and sono - thing of • a .special feature will - be hi. :broduood ,into the celebrations but the- great Majority of the thinking people aro concerned not, so muoh with the thought of the welding of Canada into a Dominion fifty! • yaears • ago, as with the more vital ques- tion . of Trow to keep 'the• people of • the Dominion united today in an. effort to do their share 'in bringing to a successful termination the gigan- tic struggle which has threatened not only'the freedom and unity of Canada but the unity of the Empire .as well, Fifty years Canadian states- men • t - y . ago a to es men came together in a coalition for the .,purpose of bringing the Prov- tl-duces tAgether, Then as now party- iam was strong in Canada. The leaders of the two great parties did .not love each ether any more ar- dently, perhaps, than at' presont, but for the, sake of the oountry they formed' themselves into a• anion government and the - Dominion of Canada. was brought. into being. •The record of the past fifty years leas amply justified the men who had foresight enough to sea that the .formation of the federated provinces would lift Canada into nationhood .and wlio had the courage and inia- tive to bring it about. Sir John A. Macdonald, Sir George E. Cartier, Hon. George Brown, Sir Charles Tupper, D'Arcy McGee are among the names of those of whom we think'when we .try to recall the fasts '•surrounding Confederation. There are others, of course, perhaps .not quite,so outstanding, but whose work' was none the Less important. These men did lien` work and passed on. The Government is upon 'other shoulders today and the prob- lems of the presont are not less real nor difficult than those which •,confrrated• .the statesmen Qf fifty 1 mars ago. Anid we, who love Canada, :who wish to see her keep her place, -mot- only that, but to make for her- self a still more honorable place in the Empire, would have bean glad at :this dime if our leading statesmen ;had seen 'their way clear to unite in •rappling With the problems • which vconfront us as a people. But even though we cannot have a union of the leaders lye may have a union of the people. Let the people unite In an effort to reinforce our brave men at the front and to do ,our full share in the terrible strug- ,gie which has. been forced. upon us. In doing this we shall be adding an- other polished stone to the noble structure of our natlonhget.. There is really something rather pathetic in the way •. some Liberals •cleavelto their party leader, even though ho has, for the time being ;given over his leadership, of the party. A leading edits.;' .-9 in last week's issue of The Simcoe Reformer, whose editor is Hal B. Donly, a well-known and outspoken Liberal, gives one a remarkably clear 'insight •into the workings of the Liberal mind at the present time, The writer, who has all along fav- •ored conscription and also shouted aloud for: a coalition, expresses the .hope that •Lnglislr-speaking Liberals will support Sir Robert Borden's ,Conscription Bfll as the "immediate passing of the Con- scription Bill . is the only . way of keeping faith in our promises to, the Empire and our obliga- tions to our. sons brothers and friends who are fighting for us." He further goes on to say quite frankly. that not only for these rea- sons would he urge the passage of the bill but that "it is the only .party, strategy that contains any hope for the Liberals of Canada." "For the Liberal party at Ot- tawa to vote •solidly behind Sir Wilfrid Laurier .in this crisis and; aided bye the'Nationalists and Trench -Conservatives, force a general election will inevitably precipitate a schism that will destroy the party, , . In, the event of a general election in Canada on the single issue of conscription with Borden stand- ing, for it and opposed by a French -dominated, anti-Conscrip- •tion Liberal party, Liberal news 'papers (enumerating several ,Which are in favor of conscrip- tion) much as they would regret being • forced to do so, would. stand bp oonseriptian and sup- port Our, soldiers."' Sir Wilfrid Laurier, it would 'ap- pear, is a good enouglrleatler pro- ividod the party is not going any- wliere in particular. While there . is .no vital issue at stake ; when skies are blue and winds are balmy Sir :Wilfrid is a fine, picturesque figure 60 follow. If there is nothing par- ticular to say he 'can be depended tut to say it in nicely rounded sen - tenses ,and high-soUncling eloquent phrases. But when winds 000 con- trary ; • when there is work to be done; when the country faces a crisis •sucll as it never faced before, why, Sir Robert Berke seems to be the safer leader. 13e !mows where he's going and brakes straight for the foal. Tiro great lnajori:ty of .Eng - i 1' dti g 0 lash -speaking leiberals and all the leading English Liberal 1lgll'spallers recognize this feet a11d •aro following Sir Robert, for,.' as the ,Mall aiid Empire remarks "The tWo parties •111 . Ontilrio, acid it .might be',said also 01 the West, ,are as nearly of the same Bald 011 the e Mind . subject Of 00138000- Hon as it is possible for two political parties to be," 'Dub while this is so, while the majority, of Liberals are in favor of eonseript bn and have been clamour- ing for it, they find it ,hard to for- give Sir Rort b..ooau a SirWilfrid refuses to have nnpthiitg to do With. it. Tlioy are glad, to follow tete lead of Sir Robert because- Sir Wilfrid gives no lead, but they cannot for- give lain for having been the cause of forcing Sir Wilfrid to show just where ire• stood. ' 'Flee Simeon Reformer has been aslcing for.i, conseriptiop measure and oleo. for a coalition but though .Sir 'Wilfrid refuses an offer to enter a coalition, on stieb generou's terms that no • fault eau be found with then, Tlie`"Eeformer "finds it in its heart to forgive him." All ,the in- dignation one would, expect to sei� levelled against a leader who utter- 1 'fails in time of stress is heap- ed ti p ed instead upon the head of the Premier. Upon the man Who was not afraid to grapple with a difficult sit- uation. It is a peculiar attitude, ono which eft is rather hard to under- stand. From the tone of the Liber-, al press it would seem that after the crisis is over and the skies are again blue and the winds fair, the Liberal leader will be brought for- ward once more and. restored to his rightful place,. Perhaps, -6yi that time, however, the icountrp will have come to the coneldsion that the man who can measure up to,, an emer- gency in times 0f trouble is the safest kind of a man to have at the head of affairs in- times' of peace as well, Coderich. Rev, J, E. Ford was called to Glencoe last week owing to the ill- ness of his sister-in-law. Miss Grace Strang is home from Orangeville for the summer vacation. LAWN SOCIAL AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL Under auspices of Unity Club at the home of MR. IVES. STEVENS BASE LINE, ON Wednesday July 4th Clinton Kilty Band Supper from 7 to 9 ICE CREAM, • ETO., FOR SALE.. - Proceeds for Patriotic Work. ADMISSION: ' 35c. Patriotic Lawn Social Under the auspices of the Y.L.P.S, . Goderich Tp., on the lawn of MR. W. W. (VISE Tuesday;,Evening, July IOih CLINTON KILTY BAND IN r ATTENDANCE Strawberries, Ice. Cream, Cake and Pie lei sale on grounds. Farrar Animals and Produce to be Raffled or Auctioned. Fish Pond on Grounds. ADMISSION 5 and 10c. Clinton Carriage Shop MOGUL ENCTINES Mogul Gasoline Engines from 1 to 25 h.p. MeCORMICK MACHINERY • ; Mowers - 'Binders - Rakes Hay Loaders - Side -delivery Rakes Bean Cultivators - Scuiilers Oliver Plows. -'Peerless Gates, .f McLaughlin and Boyne Buggies and Carriages Some good second-hand Buggies for sale cheap. Buggy tires .channeled and re-rubbered. Ali kinds of hard anti soft oils, greases, etc., kept in stock. Tops and side curtains of all kinds repaired. All work neatly and prornptlyl done. WILSON ELLIOTT Phone 73 - huroii street Tucicsrsmillt Township' Alts. Cahill,,.., her - daughter, Miss Agnes; Arid hoe 8011, Ilir, Let/:, 'and Mr, a11d Mrs,. J, 130nnon, niotlrer, brother and sisteroiid cousins, 01 Mrs , Chris,.0'Brienmot ored u from Stratford ei ,Saterday andap spent p th s o- 'i, '. p o v v eel t<nd , s the guests 'of Mr. aucl AIrs, .O'Brien, M ar ab:ages AIK11N - CROOKS -. In (iodeiicli township,ip, oil Juno 27th, by Ret. J. A. Agnew, \Teresa Elizabeth, only daughter ot Mr. IVn1, Crook, to W. Moffat Aiken of Allenford, 1.IILL-BALL-At Fairview Farm,: 111111ett, cm June 27't11, by Rev. J. Abrrya of Lonrtesboro sthenia, daughter et Mr, and Airs. W. H. Ball, to tlowaril Hill of Taber, Alta, BARi3OUR-WOODS-In West Wawa- nosh, on June' 200, Mary Edna, daughter of heir. and Mrs, R. J. Woods,. to 11. Arnold Barbour df Erin. . $WITZER---OURRIE-In Clinton, oft June 27111, by Rev, J. A, Agnew, 'Ruby, daughter of . Mr. •and Mrs, , Arthur Curiae of G•odoxich n to -. w • ship, to Charles Switzer. EDWARDS-A1vjY-In Goderich, on June 00ah, Ida Amy to Thomas I-Ienry Edwards of !London, Births FAROUHAR-In Clinton, ori June 17th, to Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Farquhar, a daughter, (Margaret Ellen), STEWART-In Seatbrtle,, on June 21st, -to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Stewart, a son. CA.LDWELL-In .East Wawanosh, on June 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, a daughter. FRANKUM-In Wingham, on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Frankum, a daughter. CURRIE In Wingham, on. June 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Currie, a daughter. Deaths RILEY-In Hullett, on June 24th, Ettie Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John E. , Riley, aged 23 years, 9 months and 6 days, OLIVER-In Clinton, oh June 22nd, Minnie M. Oliver, daughter of Mrs. Fannie Oliver, aged 23 years, LINFTELD-In Goderich, on June 14th, Annie Al lin, wile' of Mr. J, P. Linfleid,• ONTARIO STATUTES 1917.-COP- ies of the Ontario Sessional Stat- utes for 1917 have been received bp Inc for distribution to Justices, ea the Peace and map ile obtained on application at' my office in the Court House, Goderich, or will be forwarded; by express upon request. Goderich, June 25th, 1917,-0. Seager, Clerk of the Peace. 95-2 HOUSE FOR SALE -SEVEN -ROOM - ed cottage on Rattenbury, street, west, good cellar, town and soft water, electric light, acro lot, fruit trees mid small fruits. Stable on premises. Possession given July 1st, Reasonable terms -Apply to Isaac Jackson, Clinton. -04 Western University London THREE MORE NEW PRO- FESSORS EQUAL TO ANY IN CANADA. STUDENTS CAN ,NOW OB- TAIN AS GOOD.AN EDUCA- TION IN ARTS AND MED- ICINE AT THE WESTERN AS ANYWHERE. ' • PRESIDENT, E. E. BRAITHWAITE NI. A., Ph. D. , 94-1 MAIL CONTRACT Scaled tenders, addressed ,to the Postmaster General, , will be . received at Ottawa until 110011, on Friday, the 271ih day of July, 1917, for the con- veyance of His Majesty's klkails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over. Varna No, 1 rural route from the 1st October next. Printed notices contaiuiug fur- ther information as to conditions of proposed contract may be seem and blank forms of tender may be ob- tained at the postollices of Varna, Bayfield and Brucefield, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London. G. 0, Anderson, Superin- tendent. Post Office `'%liartment, Canada, Mail Service Branch, Otta- vera, 15th June, 11117, . 04-3 ARTILLERY HORSES WANTED Ages, 0 to 0 years ; height, 15,2 to 16 hands; weight, 1200 to 1.350 pounds and 1500 Pailfuls and stand 10.1 !rands. Colors : ring except light greys, white or liglit buckskin. All horses must be sound, of good conformation free Prem blemishes and broken to harness or saddle, horses will be inspected at ISI tTOWEL, JUNE 30, I917 I, 1I. M: ROBINSON WANTED. 13`101\74LT3 TEACHER ior S, S. No, 0,.l;Iallett, Duties to .eornrlielice , Seat 31.4 'Apply, stating salarp tied ivaliflcal'dofs '4a J, C, Gibbings, 11, 11, No, 1, Olin- ten, 00-d, COTTAGES FOR ' (RENT -.FUR- 11islted sunriner oottiagos at ]Bayfield o lit. 1 isbowling and b rent enn n lboat- ing.-P. a Lo t- , n .- ; J. liom icon London; - 1 g P i 1 1 0 on. 91 3 0013 SALT, 011 RI3NT-:louse on 1 Isaao street, for Oahe or to rent.. Apply ; to Oliver Johnston, Box 408, G oderleh. -04 • 'rEA.031ER. WANTED-oo LE' OR female,. Protestant, for S. S. No. 3, Stanley township, Hurn county,. Normal certificate; one with ex- perience preferred,. Salary around :$000. Duties to oofimence Sept, Personal ` applications preferred, -R, G, Reid, Sec., ;Varna, P,O. 94-4 10013 SALE_ 011 RENT -NICE, COM- fortable, brick house on Raglan street,t town water and, electric light, two acres of land and or- chard, also stable. All in good re- pair. -Apply D. Cantelon, -92 FOR SA E-A MATCHED TEAM,, heavy carriage horses (roan), extra good roadsters, sound and true, will sell reasonable for quick sale as we are replacing them with mot or'truck.-}hall Fi' Co., Constance. R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. -93-4' TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. No. 4, Goderich township, second class professional, duties to com- mence Sept. 3rd. Apply slating salarp and qualificatiogs to Harry JI Thompson, Secretary, R.R. No. 2, Clinton. -98 FARM FOR SALE. 200 ACRES, Lots 28' and 29, on the 5th" con- cession oncession of Iltdlett, to be sold separately or together. Two barns, one 36x60, the 'otlier 80x50, stone • stable under the larger barn. Frame house 18x28 with kitchen 18x28, fleeing well at door. On the other farm is a brick house 20e32, kit- chen 18x20, frame stable, driving shed. 1 acre of orchard on each farm. Will rent if not sold. For particulars apply, to Thos. Archer, Clinton. -90 HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. -A comfortable 7 -room house corner of Townshend, and, East streets. ; in excellent repair, good cellar, town and soft water, large verandah ; garden and fruit trees ; possession given at once. -Apply to Mrs. F. French, Clinton. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO Sell -It will pap you to advertise same in The News -Record, The cost is small, the results large. FARM FOR SALE. - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 2-- miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hul- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 53x60 with stone stab- ling underneath and 14�• storey, 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone..5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For, particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson . St.; Strat- ford, Ont. -02. HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME house with stone cellar, 5 bed- rooms, one downstairs, double par- lor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, woodshed. Hard and soft water. Good garden, double lot, fruit trees and small fruits, stable and henhouse., Apply on premises, west end Huron street. -0. E. Jervis. -87 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RD - paired and Pressed and at the shortest po'ssible notice. Both Lad- ies' snd Gentleman's. clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, G'ent'le Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing 'including Sweatt era, etc, All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store, -Wm. J. Jago, -59 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having oream to sell write to tis for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the high= est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of. Kinburn may leave their oream with Mr, Ha11 who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may, deliver their cream teP Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -Tho Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. We have another car of choice western OAT. and also a car of cement, 3011N HCJTTON, Lottdesbet' o Auto Livery [11to _ ra e Phone 80 J: H. Paxrnan, Prop. A. FULL LINE O IP. BIOYC,LES (/New and second 1 hand), DOMINION .NOBBY TREAD TIRES, . ACCESS- ORIES. OPEN ALL-NIGHT Cliu(oilFlourNlill .North Star, Maple Leaf, or Snow Flake FLOUR , s.. - Just received a car of WESTERN OATS will sell at 75C Middlings and Low Grade Flour A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited John Schoenhals Phone S. Clinton, Ont. Watch Sale ! FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY OWis your time to buy a good , reliable watch and save money., For two weeks only I will put on sale everyy watch in the store at greatly reduced prices, As rap stook is large and includes everpbhiug from an Ingersoll to the highest grade Waltham -stop watches, alarm wat- ches, etc, you will be certain to find just what you want, Now is your opportunity to buys, a good watch and save dollars, PHONOLAS Having taken over the agency, for the iPhonola, the best and cheap- est all Canadian machines on the market, those thinking of buying would do well to call and hear the Phonola before purchasing elsewhere. Needles and records always on hand. Call or write for further information. I shall 'esteem the privilege of giving you a fres demonstration. Spectacles of all kinds always on hand. Eyes tested free, and satisfac- tion guaranteed, Johnson's Jewelry Store (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Does Your Appetite Need Coaxing S this is the time ot year we desire something in -the lino of relish to help along S our appetite during the 'busy seas- on of housecleaning and seeding time, a glance at our window and you will sea, a line of relishes that will soon create an , appetite : Sweet pickles Mixed pickles , Olives Tomato soup Tomato chutney Tomato chill sauce Horse radish, ate. PINEAPPLES. Leave your order for your supply of this healthful, juicy, luscious, fruit with us. '0031 our Green. Tea at 85e per lb, highest Prices for Butter and .Eggs. Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. PHONE 111. Phone orders promptly cared;, for, D. W. l-iAMILTON • Agent for (1Cder'itli wild 01)131013, li Qi� I i i lin 9 111111101111111111 1171111111 h hilllli ,� � Y IIIII� rl i hada iil�! lin : II k�" R in IIUIIIIII. C9�.11 � l 111 t 1111 cum t _I II� I III III IIII III I I '1 II . II I I DI 111111. III�IIII D13 LAVAL Cream Separa- tors `s IDEAL Green - feed Silos ALPHA. De ' Laval Engines SUPERIOR Litter Carriers Stalls and 1 Staniiti0ns Water Bowls. Na mann Pianos Edison Amberolit, Gramophones Large stock of (3,,em. Eclisoirlocdrds h ADA iN CANADA on Band Always 'Horne Saturdays for Repairing L)..W. 1-IA1 [ILION PHONE 207 Huron St,, Clinton GIRLS WANTED 0OI, WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT Y N ME T TO Al FEW MORE KNIT, T.ERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Give the Tien a Chance to -- Increase Production Breed, Feed and Weed o o o.o 'Now that the o 0, p o o breeding season is o ' o over is the time o o to sell the roost- o o ers and thus make o 0 0' o o a saving in feed, o o. o o 10001Broilers Wanted and 300 Ducklings per week • pogo also a large quan- oeo0 o tits of fat hens at o o ton prices. ' o o Call us up for 0, o prices before you o agog sell elsewhere. ,, 13 0. 0 0 GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Sugar • JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF SUGAR„ SPECIAL PRICFE FOR THIS WEEK, CALL AND GET PRICES BEFORE, BUY- ING, , . SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 1. Strawberries Pineapples Oranges Lemons Bananas' Lettuce Green Onions Tomatoes Cucumbers Radishes. and .Water Melons, G. Ea tIUNNIPOPD Highest market price for Butter and Eggs.; It Pays to Feed good feed to your horse or other live stock. nays in better condition or in greater production. We carry, the best feed we can obtain. .In shite 91 that fact you'll hot find our prices any higher, than you now pay, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOIMR AND FEED, Mete 109 highest prices paid for Grain and Wool, Elevatoo(, Residence phone 0-142, Bargains For 1st of July >ea On Saturday we will sell :100 inks granu- lated Sugar 88,65 An opportunity n' ult tose- cure - cure your supply for pre- serving before the price advances. SPECIALS Strawberries Pineapples Cucumbers Asparagus Cabbage Tomatoes Cauliflowers New Potatoes Watermelons Do You Know WhatThisj ti 47: Label Means It is your assurance df perfectsatisfaction in all yiour concrete work. In- sist on getting Canada; Cement. If you are doing any, building or repairing in wood remember we have what ' poll want, • including dressed flooring,' and sid- ing, McNair shingles, B. C. Fir and Cedar products and Canada fibre board. Do not delay in placing pour order with. us for your supply of coal. De- livery' will again be made to Bayfleid at 21.00 per ton, to Varna and Kippen at 500 per ton, and to our own town customers • at 25c per ton. This scarce- ly covers the expense this Fear but we are bound to, 0 have your business. i John B. Mustard BRUCEFIELD Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream', which will be taken in every WEDNE.SDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid fon while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday morning each' week. T. E. MASON, 1 r General Merchant, , : i' -j SUMMERHILL, Leave Your Order Early for t3avetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Sfibp over Rowland's Hardware. PHONE 53. fi The 0.'8 Screen Doors complete with hinges, hook and spring, panelled and grained at 11.60 Screen Doors ready for hang- ing, a nice catchy door, painted, grained, varnished2.11 Screen Doors complete, beau- tifully panelled, palated, grained and double var- nished, a beauty 2.50 Screen Windows, extend 44 in,,, .85 Screen Windows, extend 86 in,,,t, ,,80! Sugar Beet hoes, Gold Medal, the best made Turnip Hoes, Gold Modal .00, •Gardou Hoes ,00; Porrin's Bisctiits aro crisp and tasty, nothing better made get a package ,1S .60 • --- SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY --- The balance of our turnip seed will be cleared at 45 ,and .50 1 lb. Cheese for. ,. ,, .29 1 pair ehildren's oxfords .89 1 lb. Berger's .Paris Groan,,..,.,, .60 ti e Lounsbery O D L N ESEOIIo THE BIG STORE WITII LITTLE! PRICES, •