The Clinton News Record, 1917-06-21, Page 5•Juin 2Ist, 1917'. Clinton News-Rece►rd. of. 11000E4 lt();You and Me Wo'ra to haye' day1i h saving, ; it seems. They're adopting it over in lhigland 'and any day now we in -rr•„(]anada may be ordered to push on. our clooks for an hour. 'rhe idea is that we shall got” ftp !d 'ois ar al 1301. ()S' earlier .1d toan h St e lac. to bed an liotn earlier at night,, thus utilizing an extra ]lout of any-. light and saving en 'hour of work..-.,, , ;0r play -by artificial, ligliIr. As matter of fact the fail -nets 'awe been doing this, without the formality of putting their °looks. on, ;tor a good many! semens, They rise with the birds and,`in the buoy seas- on, usually. go to rest almost as 'early so that the. 0111}= difference it will snake with thein, probably, is that they'll bo getting up, an hour earlier by the clock, Several Canadian cities tried this same out' last summer, without any brilliant success, principallyt• be- causethe effort was local and ' confusion :ensued, Then, too, it was said that workers .who put in long bents got to work an hour earlier in the morning but failing, to go to deed any earlier they lost an hour's sleep. When the movement is general it mayArk out better, Ilio railroads and every branch of industry fall- ing in line. The clock will be put - ;back again is September. There is an insistent call through- -put Ontario for help for the farmer's wives during the sunnier moaths. ]MSF Harvey, 15 Queen's Park, Tor- Pato, sends out the oall in behalf of the farmers and the need is said to be a pressing one, Farmers , cannon )the men enough to handle well . the .growing crops unless they' have help in the house to assist in cooking fox them and dping the hundred and one ,`chores" about the house. This is not picturesque work but. it as said "to be eery real patriotic work. A girl does not need to don :those very fetching overalls to en- gage in it and, as Miss Harvey re- marks, "she will not be likely to :have her picture in the special .Surr day! papers." The work is hard and .not in the least exciting but it is zeal work and will count in the gen - 'era' summing up of things. What is wanted isa band of from 'five hundred to one thoutand, yotmg 'women and -,girls, such as student, teachers milliners, those .having Song holidays, who will be able to sign up for July and August, and alto will bo willing to go out on s ••, farm, don a big blue gingham apron,' :05 like as not with a hole in it, and help the farmers wife with the daily round of work: This work casuists, as most people are aware, of "'general housekeeping, washing, -ironing, baking, preparing meals lot -.hungry leen, looking after a garden, picking and' preserving fruit, tending fowl, : etc,, and in many cases milk - ting and, tending to., milk. ':The .work is hard and the pay not so high as that earned in munition factories but the services performed will be . patriotic and worth while. It is said that many girlsare ready to volunteer for farm work in the fields, few being strong enough to perform t. Any, healthy girl, however, could he of great help to a busy) farmer's wife and might thus save the time of a man who, could be working she field. There -are :many things to take the attention of 'those inclined to lend a helping hand to those needing as- sistance; and it is not strange per- haps that something should' be over- looked or forgotten.. Soefeties enumerable have been or- ganized for the purpose of providing comforts for the soldiers in the field, and there s no more worthy world The men who are defending -our liberties with their lives deserve e bept that we can do for tlieln. ed Cross work also calls for our • best efforts, and .rightly so, for sure- ly those who have been stricken in the fight should receive comfort and succor without stint. There: is another line of helpfulness which we have not been paying as .much attention to as wa might, -That is caring for the prisoners in ;Germany.. There are said to be 40,- 000 Allied prisoners 1n 'Germany, many of them •being Canadians, and ' it may well be understood that their lot there is not a bed of roses, It is not now possible for people to send parcels; to individual prisoners but arrangements "can he !Wade through the Red Cross. and the Prisoners of War Society whereby individual prisoners eau be supplied with necessaries, There is. a call now for money to supply.' the prison-- • ers withbread-lust plain bread, -as Otherwise they have to 'eat the Coarse, black bread of the German, and our Canadians find that very hard :to do. Even then, supplies are limited and in many cases the pris- oners are, said to be 'suffering, Two aioliars per month, is said to supply! a man with bread, These leen, many of them from good homes in Canada, all our own Canadian boys, have to (, 1v4thout every luxury, they ought :to Iiave enough bread, A contribution sent to Mr. Pane Sewell, HonrTreas- urer.of the Prisoners. of War Society, Canadian Bank of • Cotnimoroe, College and Spadina, Toronto, will find its way to the 'proper quarter and. will be used to the greatest advantage in .carrying necessaries to the soldiers • vlio are in the German prison camps. Goderich Mr. and 1VIrs, Wm. Sharman " have returned from a pleasant holiday jawtt, Thoy,spent the winter in Cal^ ifornia and came Borne by the Can- adian west, visiting friends at var- '.ions points. 880'.J, W. Trusslor has g0lio to ;Windsor to take a position, having 'disposed of his photograph business ,Sere, , Ooderlchi. Mr, I4lchar'd Jaffrey of (laic lies, ifeen the guest of 1Vira. (h A. Natalif, Mrs, 10301: of Taled0 hen been a. 50es1 at the 0111 home in Goderieh. Kr, .and Mrs, James ,5traeba]t 01 Detroit and their sou and daughter were visitors tri tete old town last week, having collie over 021 the (trey - hound r'e,. 1 ounti onou sr n Mrs, Wilson of Bottineau Nor*Dakota, 'has been visiting tier Moth- er, Mrs, Hart, and on .her 0otnrn home will be accompanied by her mother, Marriages •t A1. TYNDALL-4COnNLLL In Hullett township, on June 19th, by Rev, J. A. Agnew, Myrtle A;, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, (Am- non, to Fred. W, Tyndall al 'ruekorsmith, TEBBUTT--M'ioIIWAN-In Clinton, on June 19th, ;by Rev, J. lie. Hogg, 3ltssio 1t1,, younger: •daugh- ter' of Mr, and Mrs, Duncan 13, 141ao1wan, to Will E. Tobbutt of Goderich. • bR'ICH-PEPPER - In Tuokorsmitli, on June 20th, by Rev, J, A. Ag- new,. Rose Isabelle, younger daughter of Mr, and rs. R oger Pepper, to Howard M. Cried, all of Tuokersmith, ARMSTRONG-BENNETT,- In Col- borne township, on Jamo 6th, Viola Harriet Bennett to Joseph Armstrong, TRA,QUAIR-MITCIHELL - At Hill- crest Farm near 1=iensel', on Jame 130, John Melvin Traquair, to •Alice Edna, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Johu.T. Mitchell. '- 8.013,13 - COWAN In Goderich, on June 9th, Chas, Robb and • Mar- garet Clarissa Cowan, all of Ash- field township. Births STEWART-In Hullett, on May 26tH, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Stewart, a. son, (Lloyd Earl.) ARMSTRONG -In Hullett, on' June 15th, to Mr. and Mrs: Howard Armstrong, a daughter, TAYLOR -In Tuckersmith, on Juno 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'Taylor, a son. MoLEAN-In Goderich, , on Juno 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McLean, a daughter, (Helen Jean Elizabeth,) CURRIE-In Winghatn, on Juno 5th, to Mr. and Mrs, R. lir: Currie, a daughter, Deaths RATTENBURY - At Toronto, on - June 20th, Martha J. Logan, widow of the late Joseph Rat- tenbury, aged 57 years. COOMBS -In Blyth, on June 0th, Joseph Coombs, aged 87 years ' and 25 days, PRICE -In Goderich, on June 8th, Harriet A. Dempsey, widow of the late Rees Price, CAMERON -In Goderich, on 'June 10th, Janet Hidd'iaston McLean, relict of the late Hon. M. C, Cameron, in her 85th, year. COOK -In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Henry W. Cook, wlio entered into rest on June 20111, ' 1916. -]Wife and Family.. FOR SALE OR' RENT -House on - Isaac street, for sale or to rent.- Apply < to Oliver Johnston, Box 463, Goderich, - -94 • COTTAGES • FOR 'i RENT-FUR- nished summer cottages at, Bayfield to rent. Tennis, bowling and boat- ing. -P. J. Thompson, London. 14-3 HOUSE FOR SALE -SEVEN -ROOM - ed cottage on Rattenbury street, west, good cellar, town and soft water, electric light, acre lot, fruit trees -and small fruits. Stable 011 premises. Possession given July, 1st, Reasonable terms -Apply to Isaac Jackson, Clinton. -e4 MAIL CONTRACT Sealedtenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, . will be received at -Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 27th day of July, 1917, for the con- veyance of His Majesty's 1liails, on a proposed Contract for lour years, six .times per week over Varna No. 1 rural route from the 1st October next. Printed notices containing fur- ther information as to conditions of proposed contract may be' seen and 1310010 forms of tender may be ob- tained at the postoflices of Varna, Bayfield. and Brucefield, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London, G. C. Anderson, Superin- tendent, Post Office."Tueparttnent, Canada,Mail Service 130aneh, Otta- wa, 15th June, 1017i 04-3 APPLIANCE . n SPECIALIST HERE New Invention nota1nes . Rupture Without Kell's, Danger or Pos. 1d•f sh lono dgalling, slipping trusses s A n l 10116 r ori rm etvds are A Avvit Ytrn wonderful invention of a d [adlau vas !este retention,rest an lly Lahre1205(01151wAo doVoCBd PATO lidY• marvelous new glean CiRAtRU„ ohers have failed. IS Imovonts all irritation. , osteres every part to its natural.1p)90itlon ad 0911 as 1t is used, and old style 1rusa0s are away. names note atrtnet s intended o aesis2nature to close t11@ openinglnthe short. Pt them known without an operattion and at mall o001. Testimonials Livia )nen; warners aild parents. Nothing oom heated. No11)oonvenl- 51200 or loss ed time, but just au/aura retentive method, 1:t ousts you nothing to investigate. Delays mlty 60 dangerous. Now IS the time to melee yourself pllysiaallv lit for,you7r dally work. Tsar off coupon now. ',Made 111 Canada.” J. V. 051)10, SPECIALIST, WILL VISIT the time below. sroo demonstration and cumulus. tion of earn nee, Ask at hotel canoe foray room. Nato datos. Clinton, Normandie Hotel Saturday (all day and night) 1 day only, June 23rd. Goderich, Bedford Hotel June 25th and 26th FOR SALE -A GOOD nuts COW, just recently freshened. -Apply at The News -Record Office, 04-1 TEACHER WANTED -MALE OR female,: Protestant, for S. S. No. 3, Stanley township, Huron county Normal certificate, once with ux- perionce preferred. 'Salary around $600. Duties to commence ;Sept 4. Personal applications proferrod.-R:' G, Reid, Sec.,, Varna, P.O. 04-4 FOR SALE OR RENT -NICE, COM- fortabie, brink house on Raglan street, town hater and electric light, two acres of land and or- chard, also stable. All in good re- pair. -Apply D. Cantelon, -92 SOWS FOR SALE. -I IIAVE A FEW sows to sell that come in in about two weeks. -W. 85. Middleton, R. . R. No; 3; Clinton, -111 AUCTION SALE of surplus furniture and house- hold utensils will be held at the store on Huron Road, next John Soruton's butcher" shop, on• SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd at 2.30 p. m. 11136. H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer -93-2 Western University London THREE MORE NEW PRO- FESSORS EQUAL TO ANY, IN CANADA. STUDENTS CAN ,NOW OB- TAIN AS GOOD. AN EDUCA-- TION IN ARTS 'AND MED- ICINE AT THE WESTERN AS ANYWHERE:, PRESIDENT, E. E. 'BRAIT^HWAITE . NI. A., Ph. D, 94-4 Sealed tender's 'addressed to the undersigned, and. endorsed "Tender for Supplying Coal for the Dominion Buildings; ' will be -received - at this office until 4.00 p.m., on Tuesday, Julyi 3, 1917, for the supply of coal for the Public Buildings throughout the Dominion. Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained on application at this office and ' from the caretak- ers of the ,different Dominion Build- rots, Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered unless' made on the printed forms. supplied, and signed with their actual signa- tures. • Each tender must bo accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to' tiro order of the Honourable the Minister ^ of Public Works, equal to tet per cent (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so or fail to complete the contract. It the tender be not accepted the cheque will. be returned. By order, • 11, 0. D1,SR0CHERS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Juno 0, 1017,• k ARTILLERY HORSES WANTED Ages, 6 to 0 years ; height, 15.2 to 16 hands ; weight, 1200 to 1350 pounds and, 1500 pounds and stand 10,1 hands, Colors 1 Ani except light greys, white or light buckskin, All horses must be sound, of good conformation 'free from blemishes and broken to haulers or saddle, 11ors00 will be inspected at 1 LISTOW EL, JUP41 30, 1191'1 14, 'ROBINSON POR ; AL1'1-.2-A Mn ,cure,n T. nlvl, heavy carriage. horses .(roan),.ertta good roadsters), •(10uitd and -:true, Will •' Sell reaSenable fee quick sale as we aro replacing.Oleni with "net - or truck,•-I1a11 a; 00,, 001161101100, R. 'R; 'NO, a, Sealorth, TEACHER • WANTED' FOR NO,- 4,Goderich a]to' n ii � sec 1 t class profossiana],•duties to cont- menee Sept, 8r,1. Apply stating salary incl 2ua111tctitione to 11.00031 J Thompson, Secretary, R.R. No, 2, Clinton, --99 FARM FOR SALE. -200 ACRES, Lots 28 and 29, on tho 5th con- cession of l:luliott, to bo. sold separately or together. Two barns, ono 90x00, the other 30x50, stone stable under the larger barn, Frame house 18x28 with kitchen 13x28, .!loving well at door, On the other farm is a brick !rouse 20x32, ]cit-, Chien 181220, frame stable, driving. shed, 1 acre of orchard on each farm. Will rent if not sold. For particulars apply to Thos. Archer, Clinton. - -014 HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT,=A comfortable -room house corner of Townshend and East streets' ; in excellent repair, 'good cellar, town aad .soft water, . largo veranda]! ; garden and fruit -trees.; possession given' at once. -Apply to Mrs, F, • French, Clinton. ' '-92 'TENDERS WANTED -Sealed tenders marked "Tenders for Drainage Work," will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, June 28th, 1917, at 2 p.m for the drainage work of the Kinburn. Swamp Drain and River Improve- ment, in the Township of Hullett, County of 'Huron. Plans and spe- cifications .may. be seen at the clerk's office, Londesboro, or at the office of JOHN ROGER, O.L. S., Mitchell, Ont, An accepted cheque for 15 • per cent. of the am- ount of tender to accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily' accepted.-JOISN PING- LAND, Clerk of Hullett, Londes- bore, Ont. -92 IF YOU HAVE ' .ANYTHING TO Sell -It will pap you to advertise same in• ' The , News -Record. The cost is small, °tileresults large, MoCORMICK AGENCY. -I HAVE taken over the agency for the 121c - Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep on band a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention. - Wilson Elliott. '-43 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED- RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest po'ssible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. Ws guarantee to do good work. I ate prepared to French Dry Olean Ladies Suits, Gent'§ Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms .over Johnson's jewelory Store, -Wm. J. Jago. -58 FARM FOR SALE. - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 21.4. miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road,, Hul- lett township. • On the- premises are a bank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ling underneath and 1t, storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130. Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -62. HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME hoarse with stone cellar, 5 bed- rooms, one downstairs, double par- lor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, woodshed, Hard and soft water. Good garden, double lot, fruit trees and small fruits, stable and henhouse: Apply on premises, west end Huron street. -C. E, Jervis. • -87 CREAM WANTED. DAIRYMEN having oream to loll' write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue Cheques twice] each month, cheques payable at par. We'payn the high- est market prices consistent with ea honest test. 'testing done by a competent man. Eaoh can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and .statement returned. Those in thevicinity of ICinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver 113 here. Write for cans and give 'us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity+ of Varna may, deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Sealortlr Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, int. We have another car ofr choiice' western OATS and also a car of cement. JOHN HUTTON J_� , Londesboro Auto Li,ve:l',y ..., Phone 80 CltlltOROEarago J. H. Raman, Prop. A It'U.I.L LINE Q ]' BICYCLE$ (New and second hand), DOMINION NOBBY `PR,L+",A.D TITLES, ACCESS ARIES. OPEN ALL NIGHT C!ill!OIIF!OIIF Mill North Star, Maple Leaf, or Snow Flake FLOUR Just received a car of WESTERN ,OATS will sell at 75c Middlings and Low Grade Flour A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited John Schoenhals Phone 8. Clinton, Ont. Watch Sale ! FOR TWO :WEEKS ONLY is your time to buy O 'v •W a' good , reliable watch and save money. For two weeks only. I will put on sale every, watch ha the store at greatly reduesil prices, As rap stock is largo and includes everything'from an Ingersoll to the highest, grade Waltham -stop watches, .alarm wat- ches, etc -o-you will be certain to find just what you want, Now is your opportunity to buy a good watch and save dollars. HONSOLAS Having taken over the agency for the tPhonola, tie best and cheap- est all Canadian machines on the market, those thinking of buying would do well to call and hear the Phonola before purchasing elsewhere. Needlesand records always on hand. Call or write for further information. I shall esteem the privilege of giving you a free 'demonstration. Spectacles of all kinds always on hand, Eyes tested free, and satisfac- tion guaranteed, Johnson's Jewelry Store (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Does Your Appetite Need Coaxing AS this is the tune of year we desire something in the line relish to helA g our aloe of x appetite during the'busy seas- on of housecleaning ; and deeding tine, a glance at our windaw and you will see' a lino of relishes that will soon create' an ,appetite c Sweet pickles Mixed pickles . Olives Tomato soup Tomato chutney Tomato chili sauce Ecorse radish, etc, 0 PINEAPPLES Leave yotir` order for your supply of this healthful, juicy, luscious, fruit with tis. Trym, our Green Tea 250 _per lb. Highest Prices for Butter and l5ggs. Johnson Sc. Co. The Store of Quality. PHONE 111, Phone orders promptly cared ,for, D. W, HAMILTON Agent ter Gabriel' and Olinton. D 2)1'.AVAL4 ()retro Separa tors IDEAL Green - feed Silos ALPHA. De ' Saval i UPERl0lIngines 111 Litter'Oareioes Stir Is and Stauntions -. Wetei' Bowls Newcombe Pianos Ed lsoii Am.bevola Gramophones Large stock oe Ed1son Records MADE IN CAI,JADA, on hand Always -Home Saturdays for Repairing 01116I1111 VIII III Q 1111111111 111111 III 1A lll�nj,l.ylll, 11111 ,1111 III tl11 11111 i t I �11111111� �llll N III 1 i c 11111I I ill III !1-11,II011111110( IIIB ,IIIIII 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111110 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi T. HAMILTO PEIONE 207 Huron St.,' Clinton SIRLS , 11 TED! '0.0 WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO'Al FEW MORE KNIT- , TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, ' Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED. Give the Hen a Chance to - Increase Production Breed, Feed and Weed o o0o Now that iihe 00, o breeding season is o o over is the time o o to sell the roost- o . , o ers and thus make o O 0000 saving .in feed, 0 0 0 0 1000,Broilers Wanted and' 300 Ducklings per week O o o o also a large quan- 0 0 0 0 o tits of fat hens at o o top prices. o Call us up for es b prices before you o o c c o sell elsewhere. , a o o e GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON THE COHNEH .STORE Live and Let Live Sugar i JUST RECEIVED' 'Pi LARGE SHIPMENT OF SUGAR. SPECIAL PRICE' FOR THIS, WEEK, CALL AND GET PRICES, BEFORE BUY- ING, 4_ ,SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY 1. Strawberries Pineapples Oranges Lemons Bananas Lettuce Green Onions Tomatoes Cucumbers Radishes and Water Melons, E. E. HUNNIFORD Highest market price for Butter and Eggs. SOLDIERS ASK POl2, IT,: CHILDREN CRY l Ilx I'0 i, EVERYBODY 'Alms 1'P,, au O'NEIL'S 1RAWBERRY and RAS,P`1311R1'IY ..JAM 15 20 and 25 Cents, We advise canning Pineap- ples this week, O., You ,..glow What This :Label Means 2' ` It Pays to Feed • good food to your horse or other live stock, Pays in better condition or in- greater production, We carry, the best feed we earl obtain. In spite of that fact you'll not find our prices any higher than yeti now pay. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED, Phone 199,; Highest prices paid for Braili and Wool, Elevator, Rtisidefuco phone 0-142, It is your assurance of perfect satisfaction in all your concrete work, In- sist on getting Canada Cement, If you are doing any building or repairing in wood remember we have what' 3aou. want,' including dressed flooring, and sid- ing, McNair shingles, B. C. Fir ,and Cedar products and Canada fibre board. Do not delay in placing your order with us' for your supply of coal. De- livery o-livery will again be made to Bayfield at $1:00 per ton, to Varna and ICippeaz at 50c per ton, and to our own town customers ab 26e per ton. This scarce- ly covers the expense this rear but we aro bound to have your business. John. B. Mustard BRUCEFIELD Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every, WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid ion while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wait - ted. Fowl received Wednesdays morning each week, • T. is. MASON, i ! General Merchant, `l SUMMERHILL, 2 ' 1 Leay.e Your Order Early • for Eavetroughing, Heating of Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Meta Furnaces Shop over Rowland's ' Hardware, 11 PHONE 53, The Big Are Screen Doors complete with hinges, hook and spring, panelled and grained at.,,.;,,,$1,65 , Screen Doors ready for hang- ing, a nice catchy door, painted, grained, varnished,,, 2,15 Screen Doors complete, beau- tifully panelled, painted, grained and double var- nislied, a beauty 2.50 Screen Windows, extend 44 it, :.85 Screen Windows, extend' 36 in,,,Z 1.83 Sugar Beet Hoes, Gold Medal, the best made .00 Turnip Hoes, Gold Modal .60 Garden 1-loes .60 Perrin's Biscuits aro crisp and tasty, nothing better made get a package ,lit • fl -- SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY -- The balance of our turnip seed Will be cleared at 45 And .50 1 lb. Cheese for _ ,29 1 pair Children's oxfords .86 1 1h, Berger's Paris Green .60 .s J. 0. L01111SberY LONDI SBORO T1IE BIG STORE WITH LITTLEI PRICES.•