HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-21, Page 4AL PITH Ri From Our Spring Stock To to ( he New Well Papers W43 are showhig this spring is to miss the best Nye have ever shown, Though we have sold Wall I aper for years, these now spring Goods are iiy all odds the best. L T. Cooper Telegraph and Ticket Agent, Olintorl, Ontario • MAY 8th TO OCTOBER 30th Every ALL RAiL" - also ,by THURSDAY'S STEAMER `r Great Lakes Routes" Mahon Navigation) Your Future Is in the West me fertile prairies have put Western Gentile on the map. There are still thusands of acres walling for the man is who wants a home and proapariy. Take. advantaao of Low Rates and travel via Canadian Pacify W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto W. JACKSON, AGENT CLINTON Clinton .News -Record Godejr,lcb Township 1111'x, J. id, ,lau•y metal alai children Of lioissovaloe, Man.,.arrived ,last week and will spend the summer with the lady's mother, Mrs, lX, 11Turpby, et Willow Heights, The Yotuig Ladies' Patrlotlo So- 6iety are plaunin;to have a straw- berry festival or something of the, kihil before the season 18 over. Word has been roeedved `of the death of Pte. Frank Ellwood, son of t11r. Thos, Ellwood 'ofthis towns -ship. 'Frank spent the first fifteen years oflits.life at hone Hien went to the west and Per seine time he-. ford oiilistitag was engaged in the harness business at Vermillion, Altar, He enlisted with the 151st at Cal- gary 'and( went overseas last fall. Tae had been ill the trenche ,all wart ter and died bravely doing his duty, fighting for King and country. Much sympathy is felt` for his father, and family in, their bereavement. • Sergt, i'1, A, R. Garrett of the 33+rd Battalion, now Invalided home from France,' will preach rn St: Janes' church on , Sunday morning inex't at eleven o'clock, Do not fall to hear his message from "Some - Where in France," The fifty-third alms els u:y el Bethany ohureh will he celebrated is services . held on- Sunday next at el- even o'clock in the 8orenoon and sev- en fu the evening. The preacher for the dart will be the Rev. J. E. Hogg,. the recently appointed ininister . of Willis church, Clinton, The tYoung Ladies' Patriotic' So- ciety will meet next week at the home of Mrs. 1). Deeves. Mr. and Mrs, George Pearson of Wayne; Mich„ have been visiting their parents aud other reratives in the township, Mrs. Snyder, teacher in S. S. No, 4 for several years; has engaged to, teach at Summerhill at a salary of six hundred dollars per year. Mas. Snyder is at Varna this week pre- siding at the SII. 5. Entrance exams, Constance. Mt. and Mrs, Win, Staples of Win- throp inthrop spent, Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann,, Sr. ' Mr, and Mrs.. J,. Crovenlock and daughters of Seaforth - were visitors with Mr., and Mrs. F. B. Hall, on Sunday, Miss Bertha Cole of ttliol' spent Sunday' as the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Pollard. Mrs. Sutherland and grandson, Sin- clair Kindy of Toronto,' arrived ]Home on Monday. Mr,' Howard Armstrong now wears a broad smile because anis wife pre- sented him with a bouncing baby girl on Friday, Mr. , David Wilson shingled his house dile day last week. Mrs. DeGear spent a couple of days with friends at .Stratford. lCst, 194' • ApbPrn tory !ION' g'ltllering •mums held at pleasant View Farm, the home of Mr, and Mrs; Cleo. Sturdy, on Wed- 1lescl3) aft0211004 lust when the Ball fatlliliee froth several townships ani surroundialgtowns gathered aud spent the day togothets About sixty. persons were present, Games of var- ious kinds:were indulged In and the day was thoroughly enjoyed, Amens those prosout were : Mr, load Mrs.. Lear and fttiiiYily, Mr, and Mrs II, I1, 1101 and family, Mr. and Mia. W. 71. Ball sand' family, Mr, and Mrs, W. ,Shepparcl anti . family, ide, and Mrs, A, Taylor .and family, Air, mutt Mrs, Nelson Ball and' family, Mr, and Mrs, J, Ilaithby'and family, Mr, and Mrs, J. l.aicllaw and family, Mr. and -Mrs. W, S, R. Iioltnes and family, Mr, and Mrs. 5 1::1. Chellew and faintly, Mr., and Mrs, M. Bill and lemily1, Mr, and Mrs, 'Noi'nian Ball and family, Mr,. and Mrs. Chas,' Lovett and family, Mr. end 'Mrs. Al- bert Lovett and family; Mf. and Mrs, Gordon Johnstone and family, Mrs. Elias Ball and Master Cordon, Mr. 1phraim Bali,` Mr, 13, Sturdy and Miss A. Sturdy and Miss Bed- ford. een ft oi i. B P re the company biko up a collection was taken for the Bed areas, nearly , six dollars being con-' trihuted, ICtppen Mr. Jos. Coombs .01{ Toronto and 1111. Wm, Pollock of Blyth Called on Mi, Alex, McLCeezie this week. Mrs. Duncan McGregor visited at the home of her son, John, and aft., so with her daughter, Mrs. Wni, Workman, a few days last •week, Rev, Mr. Davidson, who has coln- pletedhis college course' 'et Mon- treal and who has been the guest of Rev, and Mrs, A. W,, Browns of Var- na, occupied the pulpit of the Meth- odist church here on Sunday after- noon.' He also rendered a solo in good voice. 'Mr, Davidson was or- dained at the last conferenceheld in Loudon and will be stationed at Bel - grave. -• Mrs., John 'Anderson of Alice, Sask„ visited with her relatives here last week. She is the eldest daugh- ter of Mrs, McShirray of Hay town- ship; MTs. Munro and son, Ralph, of Auburn, accompanied by Miss Blair and Miss Pierce of..the same ,village; motored to Kipper and called on their relatives, Mr, and Mrs. W, 13, Johnston, and went on to London, Mrs. Johnston accompanying them. They had fa most enjoyable outing. We regret this week being called upon to record the death of Mr. John McLean of ,Tuckersutith, which sad event occurred at- the home 01 his daughter, Mrs, Hugh McGregpr, second concession. Mr. McLean had been in poor health for the ,past two }oars; Hardening of the arteries being his chief ailment. Mr.' McLean London born „ on the o ndon Road , Tuekersmitll, oli the farm 110W oc- cupied by his nephew, Mr, J. B. Mc- Lean, and was the eldest son of the late. James McLean., For, a number of years he lived on the second of Tuelcersmith, the farm now owned by his son, James W. McLean, but for the last number of }13itrs he bas liv- ed on the Mill Road near Seaforthi but since his illness overtook him. he spent some tune in Seaforth at his daughter's home. The funeral tools place from the residence of Mr. HIugii McGregor on 'P.uesday "ter- noon and was largely attended.Mrs. McLean predeceased diem a nber of years ago. He is survived bone son, J. W., of Tuckersmith, 1,none daughter, Mrs. H, McGregor.Also by three brothers, Robert ofthe London Road, Stanley, Daviof Henson, and Andrew of Font. ako, Sack,�... Some time ago we made mention oP' the, death of Pte. Fred. Richard- son who fell in adtion in France, May 3rd. The following „meter .. was received by his mother, Mrs, , A. Richardson : "Dear Madam,—No doubt previous to the receipt of this letter you will have received from official sour- ces the sad news of the death of your 'son, Pte. F. Richardson. May I extend my sincere sympathy • with you in the terrible loss which has caused you so much grief. Perhaps when time. has lightened the burden Ofyour sorrow it will be some shall consolation for you to know that he died bravely hi the great cause of Freedom and Justice for which we aro all lighting, and that his name will ever be remembered as one of the herons of this great struggle. During the period your son was serv- ed with' -this battalion he bas bean highly spoken al by his officers as a brave soldier -and a true friend, and we all feel that while you have lost your son we have lost our comrade. Yours in sympathy, H. McLaughlin, Major 0. C. Second Canadiatn-Infantry Batt., East Ont, Regiment," Easis+A.iIYv;1r-,. ATTRACTIVE TRIPS 'l o MUSKOKt1, LAKES ' AT GONQUIN PARK MAGANIITAWAN' RIVER , LAKE or BAYS KARIM/VPFTA LAMES GEORGIAN BAY Round 'i'rip Tourist Tiolcets Now on Sale front Stations in Ontario at Very Low Rates, With Liberal Stop avers. t 13P YOUR 'TICKETS IN ADVANCE. Bettis rest4ivatiois and full infer- matidn at all (band Ti'innic Ticket Ofriees, or write 0. 131. Horning, Dis- trict Passenger Agolut, G, T, Ry. S} gtef0, Toronto, Ont. J. 1tAliST'OZt rC SON, 1?fioAB lee Christians Must Let The Light Shine. -Fortner lledtor of St, itstnl'S Church, Clinton, preaches .strong 801: - Men to yiauug, priests et ofdMatlult cervico lit London on Sunday : • Speaking of, the inoeessity at the present,`•thee for the IOfluenee, of powerful charaoters itt the ordination of foul; young nigh as • priests slid dile as ldeacou at St, 1?au'i,'s Cathed - rel, London, on ,Sunday summing', Rev, . Canon Guano' declared, "Mover was there more ateod • for them 111311 now, Christians mast lift tip their vetoes .egailist the social evils that exist, If, as history shows us has acourr'eil with every war in the past, this war ,is followed by a period of vice and wickedness, then It will not he worth.tlre sacrifice which is being made, if better .social condi- tions do 0014 result after thewar then German militarism will Have been crushed in vain. Democracy is"a splendid it+,stitution, hitt it has • its own' peculiar danger." Bev, Cannon Gleam took as itis text ; "Let your light shilio before.. inen that they may see pour good works end glorify you r 1 arbor who is in heaven," "This' passage," he. pointed out, "is from the Sermon on the Mont, which applies : only to Christians' throughout the world. The light which we have must he a reflection of the light of Christ. It :Js' the nature of light to radiate, so that if we have light we should manifest it:" In. the 1i 1h century broad -milled Hess was punished aud eptimsiasm was frowned upon, declared Canon Gonne, because uniformity was in- sisted upon. "Enthusiasm and broad-mindedness do not eeeu1 to go together,, for when you have . en- thusiasm I you n-thusiasmIyou have difficulty in, being broad-minded, yet in the light which shall show to the world we must have something of both.' The light comes from character. People will only believe our character. Accord- ingly our life will be brilliant • just as our character is modeled after that of Christ. The noiseless., yet powerful example of character, Is a wonderful thing." • • Addressing himself particularly to the candidates lie advised them ito avoid "self -display," "you may be popular. 1lrumerous congregations may gaoler around you, but avoid self -display. You are pledged to draw your ;teaching from tine Bible. Be mindful that yon are to teach only - what you find there, and that you drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines," In ' closing, Rev. Canon Gunne urg- ed : "Live, therefore, dear brethren, so that you will be Christians among Christians," Blgth • lvliss Annie White e o N t t Woodstock has been, in totgn visiting her sister, Mrs. 81. Spafford Rev. T. H. Farr and Mrs. Farr .of Kincardine were in town Jest week, having been in attendance at the Taylor -Spafford wedding. Mrs: Jackson of Uxbridge has been visiting her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Regley. Mr. and Mrs. Cockerline took in the excursion to Detroit last week, Rev. R, J. McCormick, Pastor of the Blyth Methodist Church, was ap- pointed journal secretary at Confer- ence last week. Rev, S. A. •Anderson, a former pastor of the local Methodist church has promised to he present and preach on Dominion Day, which will be 01d Boys' Day in Blyth. Mrs. (Rev.), W. 13. Hawkins and her three little daughters are spend- ing a fortnight with the lady's mo- ther at Dutton. Joseph Coombs, ode of Blyth's es- teemed entisens, passed away on Sat- urday week at the Home of , his Bon- in -law, Councillor Otrtt,' He was 87 years of age. On Friday previously, Williain Brown, another old resident of the town and only seven years the jun- ior of Mr. Coombs, • died after a somewhat lingering illness, The funeral was conducted under the aus- pices or the Masonic arder, of which the deceased was a member. Mr. John Stewart also obeyed the hlnal summons on Friday, his death coming as a shock 'to many, the seriousness of his illness .not being understood generally. On Monday week Miss May Spof- ford, second daughter of Mrs. Mar- garet Spofford of town, was united in marriage with Mr. Roland Taylor of London. The eeremoii}t was per- formed by Rev, W. B. Hawkins, as- sisted sisted by Rev, T. H. Farr of Kin- cardine. • meseekerrs' Excursions Every Monday till October 29th, LOW FARES PROM TQ .0K Q leo Albreda Athabasca Edtnsnton , 8tettler Cahore North Battleford Regina Forward Sahkatoon , ......... Dauphin „ Lucerne .. affiary CaMroae 46,75 Hanna , • 46.00 RaaetoWn 43.50 Yorkton ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 39,25 Mbose Jaw 41.00 Prince Albert ., 43.60 Brandon „ 37.05 Winnipeg .v „., ,,,..,.35.00 rrbr Tiokets Reservations, Liter - attire and information, 8p)nlyy to A, '.r, Cooper, 15oOlf Stour, Cl ton, 00 write 12, A, :a'alubah•n, O,P,A„ 03 Ring at r0,, 'Toronto. 854.00 48.50 47.00 47,00 39.76 43,75 40.90 40.25 42.25 37.75 53:00 47.00 CANADIAN NORTHERN' esfor'th. Ma 1iitrrold Ward 1ias onlisled with t110 arbBiery and is now In tralltuag at Potewftwt Cant). . Miss Gray of 'Toronto has returil- ad to stile oily after a' visit at the Ileum of Mr, fires, Elder. Mrs, harry Beattie and two sans have arrived from Winnipeg and weal spend the summer at the lady's old lionie in town, Mr, lioitttio is now in England and expects shortly to be. in Franco, having enlisted with the Iradepencle)t Forestry Battalion at Winnipeg, • , Mr, Stewart lllclutosh and family Have removed to London where they intend making .their'home in future. Mr, aud Mrs, W. J, Morrow and ehlldren of Moose. Jaw arovisiting with the parents of Mrs, Morrow, Mr. and Mrs, James Sproat al ?gig- nlond, 1Vi , vldlesand Mrs. Clial:les Layton halo returned from Detroit, .where they were attending the funeral of the lady's brother, Mrs, S. Dickson. bas gone to ition- tr'eal to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Rev,) B,, A, Corbett, The Misses Strong of Egmontiviilo have gone to Gainsborougii, Sask., and wilt; be , absent most, of the summer. THE W3i1S'I,E'RN PAIR, Sept. 7111 :to 15th, 1917. The management of the Western Fair, London, Ont„ aro planning great things for their Exhibition this year which w111 be held from Sept, 7th to 150. This will he the fiftieth year with out a' break and having adopted as their slogan the words • "A Half Century of Success" they are going forward - with a de- termination to made this year's Ex- hibition surpass all former ones, good as they have been. The Board have sustained a very great loss in the death of their president, Mr, W, J, Reid, who filled the position so ac- ceptably since the year 180.5. Lt. Col. W. 111. Gartshore has been elect- ed.hissuccessor, and with several new 01611 on the Executive Commit- tee and Board, the Exhibition will doubtless be the best this year ever held. Any information regarding it will be promptly given on application to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt,. Domin- ion Savings Building, London; Ont. ARABIA rho 11 ERN; LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA If you aro going West, take ad- vantage of the Iow Floineseeker's Ex- cursion Fares offered b -y the Can- adian Northern Railway, good leav- ing Toronto every. Monday. For lit- erature and all information, apply to A. T. &'OOPER, Town Agent, -. June 30 THE CANADIAN ROCKIES The best and newest sections, and highest peaks are seen from the transcontinental trains of the Can- adian anadian Northern Railway leaving Tor- onto every, Monday, Wednesday aud Friday, For attractive' booklets, through tickets, and full information, apply to A. T, COOPER, Town Agent ems.. Comf rt in the Home The sunshine Furnace chases 'chil s from, coldest .corners and insures ut- most comfort in the home throughout the 'winter. Don't buy any furnace or Pleating plant until you, have inn vestigated the merits, of the �6Sunw shine." ea ,,,JUNISIAN 141E LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VA COLTER GT, 3013N 13,B. HAMILTON CALGARY 5. SAtILAT°ON EDMONTON For Sale bay 1Et1gnm & Sutter 16' 11111111111111111111 II 1111111111 unuluu11u1u1,,,,11, a IOMI1111uw , IMO MINM,tl1 mg limb Aboard the Wealth W pC7eon" 4 „1111,1111111„1,1110010111,u,111111„Nu,n,11111111,1,,,1,111„en„11,,,.1,1110,,.e,,A,I,,,,INY1,e1 To stimulate energy and maintain strength, Bicycle Riding is recognized to be one of the best forms of outdoor exercise. Doctors order it— Teachers recoznrnend_x, Everyon likeis it.: To be always up to the mark, physically— Ride a Hyslop Bicycle Manufactured by HYSLOP BROTHERS, Limited, Toronto la 4.4-4,46N44'Y' -101, rOn SAL[ nY ., �,. +."•^'a.l Ha P,AXJ I,AN, - Clinton Blyth Will Celebrate Dominion Day The committee in charge of the work of planning for the big semi - centennial celebration at Blptii. on Dominion, Day has been working al- most night and day to get eyery- thing into shape. They have just issued their prize list 'tvbich con- tains eighty prizes and' it looks ' as if it were going to be a lull) and en- joyable day. There will be. sports for the young, middle aged 'and olcl, something doing all days long. Din- ner and supper will be served upon the grounds and the , entire proceeds of the day , will go to (the Red Cross, Here's hoping the weather man will be kind. UEEN'S UNIVERSITY 41 0.l •'F r' KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Minium, Chemical C�, Meobanioal and Electrical HOME STUDY Atte Course by correspondence. Degree with one year's attendance. Summer School Navigation School Juts and August Decamber to April 15 GEO. Y. MOWN. Registrar ,ee.orn/// w.nilen..Alai.....rey,,,,iioiiawwar.../i/V////Me!/%/fid 44 31 `iiiil1c it hrillilllili;fi •'YmiiE Hid :rfl;iiutt;l ,::chs' y,.'11 s.. aaS 1 :x0I3arm 0 19 19 3 4 ////• /.(/ll!% /l!///74 sir WilMOISOKIRERSENVkagr Vick Iliaullmr t MLNlvat'vl Market UST think of the time the Ford saves a busy farmer in hauling milk to the cheese factory—vegetables, butter ,eggs and poultry to market—fruit to the railway station. One fruit grower, last season, made four trips a day to the railway station, a total of .144 miles and carried as higli as 72 crates of 4 7 quarts each on a trip. He couldn't have made more than one 36 mile trip a day with a team, The Ford soon pays for itself in tate time it saves the farmer. With help so scarce, every farmer needs to make use of every precious minute of his time, To him the Ford car is a real necessity, Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm work under present labor conditions if it wasn't for the time the Ford saves thein. } ,f No farmer need be without a Ford. In fact, the average farmer could afford one if it were double the price. It is as easy to drive as a horse, three times as fast, and costs less per mile to run. Why not order one today? TOURING, -- r ' $495: RUNABOUT -- F. 0.13. FORM, ONTARIO Phone 483 p'wl -- $475 .1 .. ,x,,,11,,,# - r)' 1 Bert . LIgfc,rd DEALER Clinton, Ont. Dry Goods , , and . Flouse Furnishing �1 Conch(ft Co. PHONE 73. Millinery and lteady.tc- Wear Garments Buy Sllmmer flress-es READY TO WEAR FASHIONnever ureated prettier patterns of more attrac- tive styles than we are showing in our ready to wear summer dresses, smart, dressy and cool, that you will be charmed with them—made of muslin, lawn, embroidery, likens, in all the new shades, We are skirts this. Pique and anti• prices.' J 4 showing season Gabardine; 0 a larger range made of tadianhead, neatly made, 4, of wash Repp, All sizes IiiiiC ,A flt,tll:t ft tea rIr, „ . �rs� to ° Etlilti` EAIEil% t .:.lt.tt ee6r;�E4 , s , \ pc` 11,Pi t rual.. 1 ' } �� �f,��sti'rg ,, Hone Brees I`ivo dozen House Dr asses made � ity print, mostly black and white, trimmed with mauve and grey cliembreps Short sleeves, elastic belt, very i special 8 of Dutch good q collar, a'0$ Pretty Summer WaistS Waren days awaken interest in the large and varied assortment of cool white waists we have in stock,' Our waist department will be found well equipped to supple every need. Prices range from $1.50 to $1 lCst, 194' • ApbPrn tory !ION' g'ltllering •mums held at pleasant View Farm, the home of Mr, and Mrs; Cleo. Sturdy, on Wed- 1lescl3) aft0211004 lust when the Ball fatlliliee froth several townships ani surroundialgtowns gathered aud spent the day togothets About sixty. persons were present, Games of var- ious kinds:were indulged In and the day was thoroughly enjoyed, Amens those prosout were : Mr, load Mrs.. Lear and fttiiiYily, Mr, and Mrs II, I1, 1101 and family, Mr. and Mia. W. 71. Ball sand' family, Mr, and Mrs, W. ,Shepparcl anti . family, ide, and Mrs, A, Taylor .and family, Air, mutt Mrs, Nelson Ball and' family, Mr, and Mrs, J, Ilaithby'and family, Mr, and Mrs, J. l.aicllaw and family, Mr. and -Mrs. W, S, R. Iioltnes and family, Mr, and Mrs. 5 1::1. Chellew and faintly, Mr., and Mrs, M. Bill and lemily1, Mr, and Mrs, 'Noi'nian Ball and family, Mr,. and Mrs. Chas,' Lovett and family, Mr. end 'Mrs. Al- bert Lovett and family; Mf. and Mrs, Gordon Johnstone and family, Mrs. Elias Ball and Master Cordon, Mr. 1phraim Bali,` Mr, 13, Sturdy and Miss A. Sturdy and Miss Bed- ford. een ft oi i. B P re the company biko up a collection was taken for the Bed areas, nearly , six dollars being con-' trihuted, ICtppen Mr. Jos. Coombs .01{ Toronto and 1111. Wm, Pollock of Blyth Called on Mi, Alex, McLCeezie this week. Mrs. Duncan McGregor visited at the home of her son, John, and aft., so with her daughter, Mrs. Wni, Workman, a few days last •week, Rev, Mr. Davidson, who has coln- pletedhis college course' 'et Mon- treal and who has been the guest of Rev, and Mrs, A. W,, Browns of Var- na, occupied the pulpit of the Meth- odist church here on Sunday after- noon.' He also rendered a solo in good voice. 'Mr, Davidson was or- dained at the last conferenceheld in Loudon and will be stationed at Bel - grave. -• Mrs., John 'Anderson of Alice, Sask„ visited with her relatives here last week. She is the eldest daugh- ter of Mrs, McShirray of Hay town- ship; MTs. Munro and son, Ralph, of Auburn, accompanied by Miss Blair and Miss Pierce of..the same ,village; motored to Kipper and called on their relatives, Mr, and Mrs. W, 13, Johnston, and went on to London, Mrs. Johnston accompanying them. They had fa most enjoyable outing. We regret this week being called upon to record the death of Mr. John McLean of ,Tuckersutith, which sad event occurred at- the home 01 his daughter, Mrs, Hugh McGregpr, second concession. Mr. McLean had been in poor health for the ,past two }oars; Hardening of the arteries being his chief ailment. Mr.' McLean London born „ on the o ndon Road , Tuekersmitll, oli the farm 110W oc- cupied by his nephew, Mr, J. B. Mc- Lean, and was the eldest son of the late. James McLean., For, a number of years he lived on the second of Tuelcersmith, the farm now owned by his son, James W. McLean, but for the last number of }13itrs he bas liv- ed on the Mill Road near Seaforthi but since his illness overtook him. he spent some tune in Seaforth at his daughter's home. The funeral tools place from the residence of Mr. HIugii McGregor on 'P.uesday "ter- noon and was largely attended.Mrs. McLean predeceased diem a nber of years ago. He is survived bone son, J. W., of Tuckersmith, 1,none daughter, Mrs. H, McGregor.Also by three brothers, Robert ofthe London Road, Stanley, Daviof Henson, and Andrew of Font. ako, Sack,�... Some time ago we made mention oP' the, death of Pte. Fred. Richard- son who fell in adtion in France, May 3rd. The following „meter .. was received by his mother, Mrs, , A. Richardson : "Dear Madam,—No doubt previous to the receipt of this letter you will have received from official sour- ces the sad news of the death of your 'son, Pte. F. Richardson. May I extend my sincere sympathy • with you in the terrible loss which has caused you so much grief. Perhaps when time. has lightened the burden Ofyour sorrow it will be some shall consolation for you to know that he died bravely hi the great cause of Freedom and Justice for which we aro all lighting, and that his name will ever be remembered as one of the herons of this great struggle. During the period your son was serv- ed with' -this battalion he bas bean highly spoken al by his officers as a brave soldier -and a true friend, and we all feel that while you have lost your son we have lost our comrade. Yours in sympathy, H. McLaughlin, Major 0. C. Second Canadiatn-Infantry Batt., East Ont, Regiment," Easis+A.iIYv;1r-,. ATTRACTIVE TRIPS 'l o MUSKOKt1, LAKES ' AT GONQUIN PARK MAGANIITAWAN' RIVER , LAKE or BAYS KARIM/VPFTA LAMES GEORGIAN BAY Round 'i'rip Tourist Tiolcets Now on Sale front Stations in Ontario at Very Low Rates, With Liberal Stop avers. t 13P YOUR 'TICKETS IN ADVANCE. Bettis rest4ivatiois and full infer- matidn at all (band Ti'innic Ticket Ofriees, or write 0. 131. Horning, Dis- trict Passenger Agolut, G, T, Ry. S} gtef0, Toronto, Ont. J. 1tAliST'OZt rC SON, 1?fioAB lee Christians Must Let The Light Shine. -Fortner lledtor of St, itstnl'S Church, Clinton, preaches .strong 801: - Men to yiauug, priests et ofdMatlult cervico lit London on Sunday : • Speaking of, the inoeessity at the present,`•thee for the IOfluenee, of powerful charaoters itt the ordination of foul; young nigh as • priests slid dile as ldeacou at St, 1?au'i,'s Cathed - rel, London, on ,Sunday summing', Rev, . Canon Guano' declared, "Mover was there more ateod • for them 111311 now, Christians mast lift tip their vetoes .egailist the social evils that exist, If, as history shows us has acourr'eil with every war in the past, this war ,is followed by a period of vice and wickedness, then It will not he worth.tlre sacrifice which is being made, if better .social condi- tions do 0014 result after thewar then German militarism will Have been crushed in vain. Democracy is"a splendid it+,stitution, hitt it has • its own' peculiar danger." Bev, Cannon Gleam took as itis text ; "Let your light shilio before.. inen that they may see pour good works end glorify you r 1 arbor who is in heaven," "This' passage," he. pointed out, "is from the Sermon on the Mont, which applies : only to Christians' throughout the world. The light which we have must he a reflection of the light of Christ. It :Js' the nature of light to radiate, so that if we have light we should manifest it:" In. the 1i 1h century broad -milled Hess was punished aud eptimsiasm was frowned upon, declared Canon Gonne, because uniformity was in- sisted upon. "Enthusiasm and broad-mindedness do not eeeu1 to go together,, for when you have . en- thusiasm I you n-thusiasmIyou have difficulty in, being broad-minded, yet in the light which shall show to the world we must have something of both.' The light comes from character. People will only believe our character. Accord- ingly our life will be brilliant • just as our character is modeled after that of Christ. The noiseless., yet powerful example of character, Is a wonderful thing." • • Addressing himself particularly to the candidates lie advised them ito avoid "self -display," "you may be popular. 1lrumerous congregations may gaoler around you, but avoid self -display. You are pledged to draw your ;teaching from tine Bible. Be mindful that yon are to teach only - what you find there, and that you drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines," In ' closing, Rev. Canon Gunne urg- ed : "Live, therefore, dear brethren, so that you will be Christians among Christians," Blgth • lvliss Annie White e o N t t Woodstock has been, in totgn visiting her sister, Mrs. 81. Spafford Rev. T. H. Farr and Mrs. Farr .of Kincardine were in town Jest week, having been in attendance at the Taylor -Spafford wedding. Mrs: Jackson of Uxbridge has been visiting her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Regley. Mr. and Mrs. Cockerline took in the excursion to Detroit last week, Rev. R, J. McCormick, Pastor of the Blyth Methodist Church, was ap- pointed journal secretary at Confer- ence last week. Rev, S. A. •Anderson, a former pastor of the local Methodist church has promised to he present and preach on Dominion Day, which will be 01d Boys' Day in Blyth. Mrs. (Rev.), W. 13. Hawkins and her three little daughters are spend- ing a fortnight with the lady's mo- ther at Dutton. Joseph Coombs, ode of Blyth's es- teemed entisens, passed away on Sat- urday week at the Home of , his Bon- in -law, Councillor Otrtt,' He was 87 years of age. On Friday previously, Williain Brown, another old resident of the town and only seven years the jun- ior of Mr. Coombs, • died after a somewhat lingering illness, The funeral was conducted under the aus- pices or the Masonic arder, of which the deceased was a member. Mr. John Stewart also obeyed the hlnal summons on Friday, his death coming as a shock 'to many, the seriousness of his illness .not being understood generally. On Monday week Miss May Spof- ford, second daughter of Mrs. Mar- garet Spofford of town, was united in marriage with Mr. Roland Taylor of London. The eeremoii}t was per- formed by Rev, W. B. Hawkins, as- sisted sisted by Rev, T. H. Farr of Kin- cardine. • meseekerrs' Excursions Every Monday till October 29th, LOW FARES PROM TQ .0K Q leo Albreda Athabasca Edtnsnton , 8tettler Cahore North Battleford Regina Forward Sahkatoon , ......... Dauphin „ Lucerne .. affiary CaMroae 46,75 Hanna , • 46.00 RaaetoWn 43.50 Yorkton ,,,,, ,,,,,,,, 39,25 Mbose Jaw 41.00 Prince Albert ., 43.60 Brandon „ 37.05 Winnipeg .v „., ,,,..,.35.00 rrbr Tiokets Reservations, Liter - attire and information, 8p)nlyy to A, '.r, Cooper, 15oOlf Stour, Cl ton, 00 write 12, A, :a'alubah•n, O,P,A„ 03 Ring at r0,, 'Toronto. 854.00 48.50 47.00 47,00 39.76 43,75 40.90 40.25 42.25 37.75 53:00 47.00 CANADIAN NORTHERN' esfor'th. Ma 1iitrrold Ward 1ias onlisled with t110 arbBiery and is now In tralltuag at Potewftwt Cant). . Miss Gray of 'Toronto has returil- ad to stile oily after a' visit at the Ileum of Mr, fires, Elder. Mrs, harry Beattie and two sans have arrived from Winnipeg and weal spend the summer at the lady's old lionie in town, Mr, lioitttio is now in England and expects shortly to be. in Franco, having enlisted with the Iradepencle)t Forestry Battalion at Winnipeg, • , Mr, Stewart lllclutosh and family Have removed to London where they intend making .their'home in future. Mr, aud Mrs, W. J, Morrow and ehlldren of Moose. Jaw arovisiting with the parents of Mrs, Morrow, Mr. and Mrs, James Sproat al ?gig- nlond, 1Vi , vldlesand Mrs. Clial:les Layton halo returned from Detroit, .where they were attending the funeral of the lady's brother, Mrs, S. Dickson. bas gone to ition- tr'eal to visit her daughter, Mrs. (Rev,) B,, A, Corbett, The Misses Strong of Egmontiviilo have gone to Gainsborougii, Sask., and wilt; be , absent most, of the summer. THE W3i1S'I,E'RN PAIR, Sept. 7111 :to 15th, 1917. The management of the Western Fair, London, Ont„ aro planning great things for their Exhibition this year which w111 be held from Sept, 7th to 150. This will he the fiftieth year with out a' break and having adopted as their slogan the words • "A Half Century of Success" they are going forward - with a de- termination to made this year's Ex- hibition surpass all former ones, good as they have been. The Board have sustained a very great loss in the death of their president, Mr, W, J, Reid, who filled the position so ac- ceptably since the year 180.5. Lt. Col. W. 111. Gartshore has been elect- ed.hissuccessor, and with several new 01611 on the Executive Commit- tee and Board, the Exhibition will doubtless be the best this year ever held. Any information regarding it will be promptly given on application to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt,. Domin- ion Savings Building, London; Ont. ARABIA rho 11 ERN; LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA If you aro going West, take ad- vantage of the Iow Floineseeker's Ex- cursion Fares offered b -y the Can- adian Northern Railway, good leav- ing Toronto every. Monday. For lit- erature and all information, apply to A. T. &'OOPER, Town Agent, -. June 30 THE CANADIAN ROCKIES The best and newest sections, and highest peaks are seen from the transcontinental trains of the Can- adian anadian Northern Railway leaving Tor- onto every, Monday, Wednesday aud Friday, For attractive' booklets, through tickets, and full information, apply to A. T, COOPER, Town Agent ems.. Comf rt in the Home The sunshine Furnace chases 'chil s from, coldest .corners and insures ut- most comfort in the home throughout the 'winter. Don't buy any furnace or Pleating plant until you, have inn vestigated the merits, of the �6Sunw shine." ea ,,,JUNISIAN 141E LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VA COLTER GT, 3013N 13,B. HAMILTON CALGARY 5. SAtILAT°ON EDMONTON For Sale bay 1Et1gnm & Sutter 16' 11111111111111111111 II 1111111111 unuluu11u1u1,,,,11, a IOMI1111uw , IMO MINM,tl1 mg limb Aboard the Wealth W pC7eon" 4 „1111,1111111„1,1110010111,u,111111„Nu,n,11111111,1,,,1,111„en„11,,,.1,1110,,.e,,A,I,,,,INY1,e1 To stimulate energy and maintain strength, Bicycle Riding is recognized to be one of the best forms of outdoor exercise. Doctors order it— Teachers recoznrnend_x, Everyon likeis it.: To be always up to the mark, physically— Ride a Hyslop Bicycle Manufactured by HYSLOP BROTHERS, Limited, Toronto la 4.4-4,46N44'Y' -101, rOn SAL[ nY ., �,. +."•^'a.l Ha P,AXJ I,AN, - Clinton Blyth Will Celebrate Dominion Day The committee in charge of the work of planning for the big semi - centennial celebration at Blptii. on Dominion, Day has been working al- most night and day to get eyery- thing into shape. They have just issued their prize list 'tvbich con- tains eighty prizes and' it looks ' as if it were going to be a lull) and en- joyable day. There will be. sports for the young, middle aged 'and olcl, something doing all days long. Din- ner and supper will be served upon the grounds and the , entire proceeds of the day , will go to (the Red Cross, Here's hoping the weather man will be kind. UEEN'S UNIVERSITY 41 0.l •'F r' KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Minium, Chemical C�, Meobanioal and Electrical HOME STUDY Atte Course by correspondence. Degree with one year's attendance. Summer School Navigation School Juts and August Decamber to April 15 GEO. Y. MOWN. Registrar ,ee.orn/// w.nilen..Alai.....rey,,,,iioiiawwar.../i/V////Me!/%/fid 44 31 `iiiil1c it hrillilllili;fi •'YmiiE Hid :rfl;iiutt;l ,::chs' y,.'11 s.. aaS 1 :x0I3arm 0 19 19 3 4 ////• /.(/ll!% /l!///74 sir WilMOISOKIRERSENVkagr Vick Iliaullmr t MLNlvat'vl Market UST think of the time the Ford saves a busy farmer in hauling milk to the cheese factory—vegetables, butter ,eggs and poultry to market—fruit to the railway station. One fruit grower, last season, made four trips a day to the railway station, a total of .144 miles and carried as higli as 72 crates of 4 7 quarts each on a trip. He couldn't have made more than one 36 mile trip a day with a team, The Ford soon pays for itself in tate time it saves the farmer. With help so scarce, every farmer needs to make use of every precious minute of his time, To him the Ford car is a real necessity, Indeed, some farmers tell us that it is doubtful if they could carry on their farm work under present labor conditions if it wasn't for the time the Ford saves thein. } ,f No farmer need be without a Ford. In fact, the average farmer could afford one if it were double the price. It is as easy to drive as a horse, three times as fast, and costs less per mile to run. Why not order one today? TOURING, -- r ' $495: RUNABOUT -- F. 0.13. FORM, ONTARIO Phone 483 p'wl -- $475 .1 .. ,x,,,11,,,# - r)' 1 Bert . LIgfc,rd DEALER Clinton, Ont.