The Clinton News Record, 1917-06-21, Page 2I1, D. McTAGOAR?
D, McTA0011T
McTaggart Bros.
--- BANIIVIRS ---+
OMc.- Sloan Meek -CLINTON
Office on Albert Street ooeuped bI
Mr. Hooper. •
In Clinton on every Thursday,
, and on any day for which ap-
pointments are made. Office
bonne from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
A good vault in connection with
the office. Office open every
!reek -day. Mt. Hooper will
• make any appointments for Mr.
,Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Qommiasioner, tete.
Issuer of Marriage Licensee
Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S.,
Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B.
Office Hours: -1.30 to 8,30 p.m., 7.30
to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30 p.m.
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence -Victoria St.
Special attention given to dis-
esteem of the Eye, fear. Neu
.ted Theost.
Eyes earefully examined and snits
able glasses prescribed.
OMee and residence:3 doors west of
the CommenoiaL Hotel, Huron 85,
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
made for Sale , Date at The
News -Record, Clinton, or, he
sailing Phone 13 on 137.
Charges moderato and satbsfsctios
We've made j Would like
it hot for' to make
quite It �11 jjjl�ll it hot
a few 11 to U I I L for yon
We've made it 1 of for a lot of folks
who were looking for satisfactory coal,
and if you will place your spring order
with ns, we would be pleased to give you
the good coal and two thousand pounds
to the ton.
A. J. Holloway,
.A first-class bedroom suite for .private
sale, as well as other articles of Turn(-
' lure at Residence on Ontario St.
The IUIoKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
`Head ogee, Seaforth, Ont.
President, James Connolly, Goderich;
Vice., James Evans, Beechwood;
Sec: Treasure., Thos, E. Hays, Sea -
-Directors: George McCartney, Sea -
forth; D.
P. McGregor, Seaforth; J.
G. Grieve, Walton:; Win. Rina, Sea -
forth; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert
Ferries, Harlock; John Benneweir,
Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderich.
Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W,
Yeo, Goderich; Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth;
W, Chesney, Egmondville; R. G. Jar
• muth, Brodhagen.
Any money to be paid in may be
paid to 1Vloorish Clothing Co., Clinton,
or at Cutts Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desiri:,g to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
promptly attended to on application to
any of the above officers addressed to
their respective post office. Losses
inspected by the director who lives
merest tho scene.
, .irwtat.E
Treble will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows:
Going )last, depart 7.88 A.M.
c rr ,r 2.58 p.M
Going West, ar, 11.10, dp, 11.17 a.m.
£M4 5.53, dp. 6,45 pan,
" depart 11.18.nt.
Going South, ar. 7:83, tip, 7,50 pan,
a rr depart 4,15 p.m,
Going North' at. 10,80 dp. 11,10 a.m,
Going North, depart 6.40 pee.
News - Record
Terme01 ubsor6one paa,
in advance; $1.U noy be charged
it not so mild. No paper •dlocon-
tinuod until all arrears are paid
unless at the option of the pub -
Ilse date to which every
eubsoription is paid is denoted on
the label,
Advertising Rates -- Transient ad.
vertisemente, 10 Dents per non-
onpareil, line for first insertion and
4 cents per` line for each eubee-
quont insertion. Small edvertiee-
meats not to exceed one inch,
ouch as "Lost," ' Strayed," or
"Stolen," etc„ inserted once tor
85 cents, and each subsequent in-
sertdon 10 cents,
Communications intended for pub-
Iication must, as a guarantee of
good faith, be accompanied by the
name of the writer.
We carry a Complete Stock of
Stone's Natural Fertilizer. No
better an the market.
We pay at all seasons the highest
market prices for Hay for baling.
American Feed Corn, Red Mo-
yer, Alsike, Timothy and Alfalfa.
How is Your
Ton know that Jewelry Store
Cutlery is out of the cone -
mon class. At least,. OURS
It carries a distinctiveness -
an air of superiority, that
tonne from being made with
the greatest care and ut-
most skill from the highest.
priced materials.
Ifon can nee some of this
Cutlery in your home, you
will be proud of it every
time you see it on the table
Carvers, cased, 83.00 np.
Knives, Forks and Spoons.
$1.00 doz. op.
Knives and Forks, steel, wbits
handles, $3.00 dos. up
Let as show you our Cutlery
line, Let us, tell you more
about why it is the most
desirable that you case put
your money into.
4L %kLt s and lee( Lit of
"News -Record's"
New Chiu ung Rates
For 1917
News -Record and Family Herald and
Weekly Star - 1.85
News -Record and Canadian.
News -Record and Weekly Sun 1.86
News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.60
News -Record and Farm & Dairy. , 1.85
News -Record and Canadian Farm 1.86
News -Record and Weekly Witness 2.36
News Record and Northern
Messenger, 1.60
News -Record and Saturday Night8.60
News -Record and Youth's Com -
Penton 3.25
News -Record and Canadian Sports.
man 3.25
News -Record and Lippincot's Maga-
zine 3.25
News -Record and World $2.60
News -Record and Globe 8,80
News -Record and Mall & Empire3.60
News -Record and Advertiser 8,60
News -Record and Morning Free
Press 3.60
News -Record and Evening Pres 8.60
News -Record and Toronto Star, , , , 8.35
Naves-Ttecord and Toronto News.•, 3.35
If what you want is not in this list let
us know about it. We can supply you
di lass than It would ou ld cost y
d In remitting please do so by Post -
office Order, Postai Note, Express Order
or Eegistered letter and address
Publisher News -Record
As long as the teeth of a sheep are
strong and in good working order, it is
reasonably safe to keep her.
The safety of the flock may be
greatly insured by calling up the
sheep every night and shutting them
into a tight fold. They soon get
the habit and are also more docile the
year around. A flock o2 iees) can
not be made too tame. A wild flock
is of less value and makes loss growth
and shorter fleeces than a quiet one.
Unless you intend to keep the lambs
for home use, let the bucks go the min.
ute they are big enough. More money
in them now than there will be alter a
while. are
Yare smarter than most folks if
you can tell what the wool market
will be six months from now. Nino
times out of ten it is well to sell your
clip soon after shearing,
Keep the little chaps that are thrifty
and have a good, thick -set growth of
wool on their backs.
If you want to sed the lambs grow,
give them oats to eat often.
There are less titan ten per cent, of
all weeds which sheep will hot eat.
Cattle and horses eat only about halt
she different weeds,
Henry G. Bell.
" s)i,,
:.r" y.mi+tli!,e e l;, :aa,!+Rut'. alVi
Conducted by Processor Fairy G. Bell,
The object of this department Is eq piece et the
service 1 e of our farm readers the sdeice of en Pekflew
edged authority on all 'Onsets pertaining to soils dei
Address all questions to Professor Henry S. Bell, Ie
care of The Wlison Publishing Company, Limned, To'
mete, and answers will appear In this column In the
order In which they are received, As apace le limited
it Ig advlsebie where immediate reply Is neceesary that
a stamped and addressed envel�o��pa be enclosed with the
mention, when by gnawer wlli Firinalled direct
Question -C. K.; -I have a field of
about forty acres of heavy June grass
sea. The laud is mucky, with clay
sub -soil. I would like to know if buck-
wheat would be of any use to subdue
the June grass on this land? X have a
good crop of beets on this land seven
years ago. After the beets I had
oats, but they grew rather too rank
and lodged, thereby killing out part of
the seeding which caused the June
grass to take a start and it has been
left in that way ever since, so that
it is now almost a solid June grass
sod. Now if you believe that buck-
wheat would grow on tideland then I
would like to know what kind of buck-
wheat to get and how much to sow
per acre.
Answer: -The soil thatyou describe
should produce a rank growth of buck-
wheat. The crop, however, is better
suited to a clay loam. If you seed
buckwheat on this soil, it should make
sufficient growth to overcome the
June grass, if the seed -bed i$ well pre-
pared. In vier. of the fact that your
grain lodged so badly, I would advise
you to apply at least 200 pounds per
acre of acid phosphate, which supplies
phosphorus, the kind of plantfood that
gives strength to the straw of the
grain, This will give strength to the
buckwheat vines and will plump the
buckwheat kernels. Silver 'Hull buck-
wheat is considered a good variety and
requires about five pecks of seed per
acre. Another good crop to use under
the conditions you describe would be
rape• • This can be sown broadcast in
rows. Rape requires about five or
six pounds of seed per acre if sown
broadcast, and three pounds if sown in
Question-A.J.W.:-We expect to
stet,, a silo 10x32 feet. Have six and
a half acres, about half of this field is
sand loam and the other half is clay
loam. We plowed down a heavy June
grass and timothy sod last year and it
was partly covered with manure. We
have covered it again this winter and
want to plant- it for silage. How
should we drill the corn and how much
seed per acre? Would it pay to use
some commercial fertilizer; if so how
much and what analysis would you re-
Answer: -In planting corn for sil-
age, both drill and check -row systems
are successfully used. The check -
row system, which is really the hill
system, allows of cultivating the corn
Doth ways. If the land is not very
weedy the drill system is satisfactory,
drilling it in rows about 30 inches
apart. In drills it requires about 10
quarts to the acre.
To make sure of the germination,
you - ould do well to buy the seed on
the ear and test the ears for germina-
tion. This can be done by taking out
six kernels from each ear, two from
the tip, middle and butt, numbering
the ear and placing the kernels on a
square of blotting paper or cloth, num-
bering the square the same number as
the ear. Place the cloth in a pan or
large plate where you can keep it
damp and warm, and inside of a weolc
the kernels should have germinated,
spfficiently to tell you whether the ear
is strong, weak or dead. Take the
medium and strong ears and shell,
them out together and discard the
ears that show very weak or dead
kernels. It world surely ray you to
fertilize your corn. For this purpose
I would recommend the use of 200 to
800 pounds per acre of a fertilizer
analyzing 2 to .3% ammonia,'8 to 10%
Phosphoric acid and 1% potash. This
will start your corn crop off strong
and vigorous, just the same as whole
milk gives a vigorous start to your
Question -A. C.: -I have a five acre
field which has a heavy seed about four
years old which was turned down and
planted to beano last year. On ac-
count of wire worms I did not plant
to oats or corn this Spring. • I have it
plowed again and intend planting to
beans, but some of nny neighbors said
they would take the beans. Will
they? If so, is there anything I can
do to prevent it? I do not find many
now. Would the dry weather effect
them any?,,. i'he soil is a clay loam
with a heavy clay bottom.
Answer: -The wino -worms which
effected your crops last year found
a. suitable home in the sod which was
plowed 'under. You are planning cor-
rectly to plant this land to a cultivated
crop this year, since through cultiva-
tion it seems possible to get rid of the
wire worms, It is impossible forme
to say whether the wire Nonni will
take the beans or not this year, how-
ever, thorough tillage of the soill in
preparing the seed -bed will do a great
deal to drive them out, as will also
the application of 200 to 400 pounds
of fertilizer per acre when seeding
your beans. The late Prof. Smith
of New Jersey, Who made a careful
study of the life history of the wire
worm, strongly recommends fertilizers
as a means of getting rid of the wire
worm. The wire worm does not like
fertilizer, and beside fertilizer gives
added strength to the young growing
crop and hence helps it to withstand
light insect attacks. For your con-
ditions, I would advise a fertilizer
analyzing 1 to 2% ammonia, 8 to 12%
phosphoric acid and 1 to 2% potash.
This should be worked thoroughly into
the soil before you plant the beans,
by scattering item the surface of the
plowed land and harrowing it in
thoroughly or by drilling it in, if you
have a grain drill with fertilizer dis-
tributing attachment. Cultivation
and fertilizers are about the only
things that you can do to combat the
wire worm. I do not believe the dry
weather has had very much effer't on
them .
Question -R. W.: -We want to use
commercial fertilizer on our bean land
this year ar 1 we don't know just how
much is best to put on per acre to get
best results out of beans. Also, which
would be best, to sow fertilizer broad-
cast ar in the hill with beans? Our
land is practically clay land.
Answer: -For fertilizing beans on
clay soil, I would advise the use of
from 200 to 600 pounds per acre of
fertilizer analyzing 2 to 8% ammonia,
8 to 10%phosphoric acid and 1 to 2%
potash. This chords be worked,thor-
oughly into the soil when you are pre-
paring the seed -bed at least a week
oto ten days previous to planting. It
can be spread with a lime spreader or;
if you have a grain drill with fertilizer
drilling attachment, it is well to apply
it that way. The important point Is
, to see that the fertilizer is evenly dis-
tributed and thoroughly worked into
the soil. It is rich available plant -
food if it is worked into the soil where
it can dissolve so that the plants can
melee use of it. It is not best practice
to drill the fertilizer in with the beans.
Broadcasting has been found to give.
best results.
Bruises of the heel will be indicated
by lameness, tenderness upon pressure
of the quarter of the sole, usually the
inside. In severe cases where pus is
forming there will be tenderness ex-
pressed when the heel is pressed.
Remove shoe, pare the sola of the
quarter well down to expose the corn
and allow escape of pus if there be
any, apply hot poultices until soreness •
disappears, then get shod with a leath-
er sole between shoe end hoof and no
pressure upon the quarter of the walla
When breeding the mares, bear in'
mind that it pays to have one breed in
a community. The gre:•test progress;
in breeding is possible where fanners;
cooperate to produce the best of one
Neither mare nor foal is bettered
when the colt follows the cultivator.;
Keep the colt penned in a roomy, well -1
lighted and ventilated box stall. Do!
not keep them apart for a half day
the first time. •
A good pasture is a pig's paradise.
If you want to get full value for
your skim -milk, whey and buttermilk,
let the pigs handle it for you.
The man who liuy; the stuff he feeds
his hogs has only the feeder's profit.
By growing the fend he has the grow-
er's profit, too.
If the corn drowns out, sow some
rape for the hogs. Forage helps to
put the gains on hogs et the lowest
Put the sett -lender where the pigs
can help themselves. Let them do
the work until marketing time.
Pigs mal be more important than
pedigroce, but it is a wise practise to
look after both in t rare -heed herd,
A ped t;'::•= i. '.' selling time,
Hogs de ,ii,....i,.,• 0011 mutt -holes
Long-legged drafts are not what the
market demands. Don't breed that
rhe.racteriotia into the young animals.
1 Select ao1`W-set sire.
Let the mare rest several weeks
after foaling. Start gradually when
prttt`ttg her to work again.
After feeding, and brushing the
horses, tiler] them out in the pasture to
rest for the night. j
Disinfecting the stables with coal-.
tar dins will go a long way toward
protecting the le- des from flies.
Clean the stables every day in hot
Condition' in a horse is manifested
by keenness for work, brightness of
eye and bloom of coat. A horse is
capable of his greatest effort only
when in condition.
Before letting the colt -to the mare
aC re^altime, partly milk out the udder,
In 'hot weather let the mare rest and
cool off a few minutes before the colt
Colic often result:; from working a
horse immediately after feeding. Ai -
low plenty -of time at noon.
as the result of choice: It is often a
last resort. A cement tank, sunk ten
or twelve inches in the ground and
filled with clean cool water, answers
much better.
Castrate the male pigs before they jo
aro weaned, ,when they are about six be
or •eight weeks old. Choose a clear
dry day for the work.
Methods of Combating the 1{nemies of Plaint life in the Carden
As soon as potatoes are well up
they should be sprayed. The little
flea beetle begins operatioes as Soon
as the plants are fear or five inches
high' and so do the potato bugs.
Whether or not potatoes have been
grown in the vicinity before, the bugs
are sure to be on hand early in the
season and crops can only be protect-
ed by spraying. Then, too, blight
must be checked by a spraying every
ten days or two weeks. Cover the
plants, thoroughly with the spray, the
upper and lower 'surfaces of the foli-
age, Vitrio is a good preparation to
use for this purpose or arsenate of
lead and bordeau may he used.- If
vitrio is used ten pounds should be
mixed with fifty gallonsofwater.
For asparagus, beans, 'other garden
vegetables, email fruits and rose
bushes, one pound of vitrio dissolved
in five gallons of water will produce
the desired results,
Place the required amount of paste
on a pail and add cold water gradually,
slowly stirring until sufficient water
has been added to produce a smooth
milklike liquid. Pour this -mixture
through a fine wire strainer into the
spray tank, which has previously been
fl:led three-fourths full of clean water.
Cucumbers' and melons should be
sprayed every ten days. Tomato
plants should be sprayed as soon as
set out and occasionally as required.
Young celery plants should be spray-
ed in the seen bed and at intervals of
ten days with a mixture of ten -pounds,
Of vitrio to fifty gallons of water,
Arsenate .of load spray should be
used for codling moth, caterpillars,
flea beetles, browntafl moth, gypsy
moth, cucumber. beetle . and currant
worm and combo, 11 paste le used
three pounds to fifty gallons of water
should be used for codling moth and
eltreulio, For canker worms, eater-
pillars, cranberry ineeete and leaf
eating insects in general gee four
Ronde to fifty gallons of water as
soon ass the insects appear, Repeat
on later broods if needed. Arsenate of
lead is deadly to human beings and
must be used with caro. Fruit and
vegetables that have been sprayed
must bo thoroughly washed before
they are used.
For -cabbage
lice take a lump of salt-
peter, the size of an egg, and put in
sprinkler of water, . Sprinkle the cab
bege once or twice and there will be
no more lice on them.
Bordeau mixture is a fungicide and
a plant stimulant also, preventing
blights and rusts during the growing
During the growing season toma-
toes, celery, asparagus, 'email fruits,
beans, etc., will be benefited by spray-
ing with bordeau mixture.
JUNE 24.
Lesson „XIII, The Purpose of John's
Gospel -Review -John 21. 15-
25. Golden Text d�ghn 20. 31.
1. A social faith. Both at the be-
ginning arld end of his Gospel John
makes it clear that he is not writing
simply. a human record. . Just as
the projiliet backed his•message with,
"Thus said the Lord," so John sets
forth the eternal sanction behind the
life and the teaching of Jesus. Here
is "the Word made flesh." - Here is
the everlasting truth working itse
into character. Have we anythin
to add to that record? Is therean
other body of evidence than John po
sensed which has come to us? H
the Spirit led us in these twenty ce
turies of Christian development i
more truth? What John gave us ha
now been tested by the human co
science through twenty centuries.
has been further confirmed by t
social struggle of that period. John
affirmation is increasingly the con
viction of the human race. Most o
its leaders turn to -day to Jesus fo
guidance: The development of hu
man life is not away from his princ
Iles, but toward them. With
Breed the best to the best.
Raise the calves; quit eating veal.
Type is not the real test of a cow's
value, The scales and tester are bet-
ter indications.
Keep all calf pails, and the uten-
sils with which milk comes in con-
tact, scrupulously clean. Scald them
with hot water and then expose them
to the sun during the day.
To make a real success at the fall
shows, begin now to care for the pro-
spective entries. It is no honor to
win on an untrained, poorly fitted
animal just because competition is
Iacking. Make your entry worthy of
the red ribbon if it is the only one in
its class:
One farmer says that with silage
and clover and alfalfa hay he had
been able to bring a large herd of
s_ dairy cows through the winter in good
as menditic n, with fairly heavy produc-
n- tion and without much grain.
in Where chronic dysentery is present
s in a dairy herd, try washing the cows'
re: udders with a two per cent, solution of
lLe coal -tar disinfectant before allowing
,s the calves to suck.
Evey heifer calf killed means one
f less cow. Without any restriction,
r the sale of calves and cows for mea:
can proceed so far that there will be
i - 'a serious shortage of cattle. Already,
cross -currents, the drifts, and the ed
dies in the stream of human progres ,
it yet moves clearly forward in the
good cows never were so scarce and
y high.
dircetion of his teachings. With an
increasing number of people outside
of the church developing a clear faith
in the leadership of Jesus, it is no
time for the people in the church to
' question the practicability of the sett -
mon on the mount. They must
develop a faith that shall triumphant-
ly a,>ply the principles of Jesus to the
whole of life,
2. Why believe? John was not in-
terested in developing faith for the
mere sake of faith. , The belief that
he wanted was no mere reptition of
words. He was not trying simply to
secure assent to an historical Christ
and stop there. Fox him the purpooe
was that people might have
life. Unless faith transforms life,
individual and social, it is not faith
at all, but a mere imitation. To -day
we need a conviction of the social
vitality of Jesns's teachings. We want
no mere applause for his leadership,
but a faith that will transform his
principles into social living.
3. What kind of life? John is not
talking simply about life eternal as
the end of faith, but of eternal. life
that begins here end now. The kind
of living he wants is the kind that
Jesus taught and showed. In his
epistles he makes it clear that it is a
pure and brotherly life. Those who
profess to believe in God and do not
love their brothers are liars. Those
who do not love do not know God: the
are infidels, no matter what faith they
may profess. It is an axiom with
John that a man who does not love
his brother cannot possibly love God.
This is to be no vague emotion: it is
to be manifested in gifts, It is even
to go as far in case of necessity es the
laying down of life. ' Here is the
test of faith: it must produce a pure,
brotherly, serving, self-sacrificing life.
These lives must be joined together in
a social order, in states and nations
and a world life which'is organized in
justice and righteousness and peace.
4. The challenge, • Is the purpose
ie i
of Ja .l in his Gospel being fulfilled to-
day? This is thei responsibility which
the Gospel pmts upon those who hear
it;. This was Jesus' stere test. Well
he knew ti10.fatal facility of humanity
to pass resolutions and then forgot
them. What happened to those who
listened to his teachings and did them
not, he set forth in the parable of the'
sower and of the men who built their
houses on the rock and on the sand.'
He requires of those who believe in
him that thoy translate his words
into life; how else shall the kingdom'
of God come? This is his challenge: -
"Why call ye me Lord, Lord, and do
not the things. which I say?" Either,
we accomplish the social living that,
e taught, or we fail of fellowship, and
the end is, "Ye did it not; depart from
Wanted Definite Instructions.
Officer: "Now, Private Jenkins, I am
oing to give you a very responsible
b. Under our advanced trench is a
ego mine, I want you to stay thane,
and when the mine goes up I wart you
to blow this whistle, Now, do you
clearly understand?
Private Jenkins: "Well, there's one
thing I'm not certain of, sir. When
do -I blow the whistle -going up or
coming down?"
An Appeal to Campers.
Tho Canadian Forestry Association
is endeavoring to secure the co-opera-
tion of Canadian flshermen, hunters
and campers in making n special effort
to adopt fire prevention this year as
one of their personal contributions to
national 'thrift.
Test the seed corn before planting,
All whey from cheese factories and
butter milk from creameries should
be pasteurized befot'e feeding to hogs.
A mixture recommended for hog
parture is barley and rape, the hogs
to be turned on when tite barley is
attesting to shoot. If not overdone,
the barley will keep the herd going
till odd heads began to Ripen, then the
grain and rape make a good lotion
until altos :frost arrives.
Hogs on pasture require grain for
greatest profits in ports nrotiuotion,
but a .full food is not economical when
pasture, is plentiful and grain high
RbottmaUsal d P .nds on en void
bb the blood, which affects the
musclesand points, producing in -
ammo on, stiffness and pain, Thi'*
aeid gets into the blood tiirougli
some defect in the digestive preemie,
ITood'a Sarsaparilla, the old-time
blood tome, is very successful in the
treatment of rheumatism, It acts
directly, with purifying effect! on
the blood, and improves the diges-
tion. Don't suffer, Get Hood '0 today,
Any falling off' in the production of
live stock will be noticeable in grain
farming. Without plenty of stock,
soil fertility is difficult to maintain
and high prices for foodstuffs coming'
from the soil are more liken', It Is
apparent that something must be done
to keep the productive animals on the
Damp and filth are the two prime
causes of disease among poultry. Idle-
ness is a disease breeder, busy fowler
as a rule, keeping in good health.
Filthy drinking vessels breed undesir-
able germs about as quickly es any-
thing, germs often hiding in the scum
that is allowed to accumulate.
Keep the houses thoroughly ventil-
ated during the month, for June has
some very hot days and nights.
June is a good month for caponizing
the young cockerels.
To keep in good he.,lth, a hen, in
promotion to its size, requires almost
seven times the amount of fresh air
that a horse needs. Th'e horse sweats
through his skin, but the fowl must
get rid of the waste of the body by
means of the' lungs, and therefore
breathes seven times as fast as heated,
sweating animals.
For winter green feed there is noth-
ing better than lawn clippings. The
grass should be gathered as soon es
cut, and spread out on a shed roof so
both sun and air can strike it. As
soon as it is thoroughly dry it should
be raked up and packed in barrels for
the winter. Care must be taken that
it does not dry too much, or it will
lose its strength and bleach out con-
siderably. It should, however, be
perfectly cured before storing away,
or it may heat and spoil. '
In feeding, soak the grass in luke-
warm water for about twelve to eigh-
teen hours, after which either mix the
mash or squeeze out the water and
feed in troughs by itself.
Fifty -Fifty,
Passing a hand over his forehead,
the worried drill -sergeant paused fol•
breath as he surveyed the knock-kneed
recruit. Then he pointed a scornful
finger. "No," he declared, "you're
hopeless. You'll never make a soldier,
Look at you now. The top 'alf of your
legs is standin' to attention, an' the
bottom 'all is standin' at easel"
Conducted" isho „Won rmir
Mothers and daughters of all ages ars cordially invited to write to thla
department Initials only will be published with each question and Its
answer as a means of Identiflcat(On, but full name and address must be
given In each letter. Write on one side offpaper only. Answers will be
matted direct If stamped and addressed envelopeia enclosed.
Address all correspondence for Ma department to Mrs. Helen Law, 233
Woodbine Ave., Toronto.
L. T.: -For household use, the most
effective and least dangerous of fly
poisons is theone-to-five per cent. solu-
tion of formaldehyde. To a pint of
water add three teaspoonfuls of com-
mercial formaldehyde. It is not ex-
pensive, and can be bought at any
drug store. Take one or more thin
table tumblers and fill each one of
them half full, or more, of the solu-
tion. Cut a piece of blotting paper
into circular form, slightly smaller
than an ordinary saucer. Place the
blotting paper in the saucer and then
invert the saucer over the tumbler;
holding the hand on top of the
tumbler and the saucer, quickly invert
them. Then place a match under the
edge al the tumbler. That will break
the air seal and allowthe fluid to per-
colate slowly into the blotting paper,
and to keep it moist, so that the flies
can drink from it. This solution at-
tracts flies, and usually kill them with-
in two or three minutes.
"Reader": -1. When a person re-
marks, "I am very gladl have met you,
1Miss 13-," after having been introduce -
ed to you, respond by saying, "I am
t" "
sue the pleasure •
i re is mutual"; or, I
am glad to know you," There is no
set phrase for such occasions. 2. To
remove tar, apply turpentine or kero-
sene, followed by soap and water. 8,
Almond meal is an excellent substitute
for soap for use on the face, 4, To
destroy roaches, dip slices. of potato in
arsenic mixed with sugar. Gather
up every morning and drop into boil-
ing water, as some of the insects may
still be alive. But never allow poi-
son to lie around if there are childt'en
in the house, Paris green is anoth-
er remedy, and pulverized borax is
"Subscriber"; -1, The word "Argen-
tine" means "silvered," and is 1te-
societed with the Plata River because
"plata" means "silver" in the Spanish
tongue. Thus the name given to the
groat South American country tools
another form to describe the land
through which the Plata flows, 2.
Mercury is the planet nearest to the
sun, 3. A panarea hat may be clean-
ed by scrubbing with cormeal and wa-
ter. • 4. Red -bordered towels and
naphins will not fade if a little borax
is put in the water to set the color. 5.
It is said that the juice of an onion
will remove scorch marks from silk,
6. An invitation to a church wedding
need not be acknowledged unless en in-
vitation to the breakfast or reception
is included. Wedding silver, linen,
and all gifts intended for the bride
should be marked with the initials of
the bride's maiden name,
Mrs. T.:-1, To clean a greasy car-
pet, mix together whiting and corn
meal, heat it and sift it thickly over
the carpet; then cover with gasoline
rub hard until the gasoline eva-
porates. Sweep clean and wipe with
a damp cloth. This should only be
done in the open, as the danger of fire
from gasoline is very great. Be
careful also in rubbing when the gaso-
line has been applied. If it is not
possible to do the work in the open,
use only the powder, allowing it to
stand for several days, then remove
and repeat the treatment until the
grease has disappeared, ' 2, The red
paint marks may be removed from
your dark blue wool suit by rubbing
the spots
with alcohol.
No matter how careful
one is when 'sewing, often en oil spot
gets on a dress while making, if the
machine has recently been oiled. As
your fabric is silk, cover it thickly
with powdered starch and leave for
twenty-four hours, After the starch
has been brushed off the stain will not
be noticeable,
Mrs. D. P,:-1. There . is nothing
that will take the taste of leeks from
cream or butter, The best way is
not to allow the cows to graze in
weedy places. It is an argument in
favor of cleaning up all the weeds on
the farm, isn't it? 2. A good style
of dress for a two-year-old boy is dark
colored knickerbockers buttoned to a
white or light -blue waist with large
pearl buttons. Sailor suits of white
cotton with navy-blue collar, cuffs and
tie are also suitable, They may be
had readymade fol• 01.50 at the large
department stores, in sizes for one and
a half years and upward, 3. There
are two styles of hair -mut .for little
boys; one being the close shave which
the older boys favor and the other the
Buster Brown or Dutch cut.
"No more headache fol' you ---take these
Dont jna' "'another" the headache without removing the mimeo.
Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Teblete, They not only cure
the hendncl,e but vivo you n Noma, henitlifol feeling because they
tone the liver, 'Weston the stomach and cleanse the boweln, Try them.
511 Druggi,it, 25s., sr lq sill
CIOAMIERTAIN 00010106 00,
9Toronto, Oni. 13