HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-14, Page 8ar.Irkr TDB r SIM Fair 4J„ Notwithstanding the . great advance in prices owing to the great European troubles. we have many lines at less than war prices. A few of the last lot of , Perfection 011 Stoves and Ovens left yet. The next lot will be much higher in pride • A few_pioces of Cut Glass at cost, to clear,:. We carry a Complete Assortment of Everything hi the Hardware Line Will give a list next week of articles at Special Low Prices to clear. llarland Bras. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES Eool Shoes In Oamp, at Tennis, on the Bowling Green or just at home, you'll need a pail' of these coolers. `.Gere are tan leathers, Buck and Canvas Shoes. High or low cut as you prefer. Rubber Sole Shoes with the low rubber heels are the favorites. OUTING SHOES For Men or Women at $1, $1.35, $1.50 to $4 For Children at 85c, $1 and $1.25 Come in and select a pair of these IDEAL SUMMER FOOT COMFORTERS and we will fit them to your feet perfectiy Fred. Jackson QUICK SHOE REPAIRS. 1 FLEET FOOT SHOES Our stock of Fleet Foot shoes is now at its best and consists pf lines suitable for each member of the family. We have pretty tittle strap slippers for the wee 'tots, pumps and high *hoes fox ladies and good hard wearing shoes in black, tan and white for the girls and boys, We are also showing a heavy work shoe for men, ,canvas upper and heavy rubber sole. Our prices on these goods is rook bottom and no other shoe will give you so much in cora fort and wear for so small a price as a pair of Fleet Foot. Head Comfort To be comfortable you must keep the head cool. See what we Are offering in ladies' and children's hats in straw, panama, cloth and canvas:, See our men's panama and sailor hats. They are very, Robby, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits PHONE 28 AGENTS—SEMI-READY CLOTHING, More Business NEW , IDEA PATTERNS, A Beautiful Art Square - lends a, charm to`the room. It has other advantages al- so, being easy to dean, easy to remove. We have at present en excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels, Axmtnsters, tons, etc., etc., that w e have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you., JAS. DU FORD Undertaker and Funeral :s irector. 28 " Phone 1311W. 28 1 e 0 11 e 1� Se for Maly Often the Cheapest A.lwarts the Best Clinton 'News.Recorci Jo lne 14h, 1:I7 Requests theffvor of your criticism, if you are interested in Wall .Hanging Decorations of the values, variety and artistic features offbred.- in their Wall Paper Stock. Y,Ilylf II1111eu11uuomW 1111111 •••• umtlt{iiht.. Miss Lizzie Burrett leiit Tuesday for Souris, Man. Miss Elizabeth Shanahan was in London on Monday. - Rev. W. B. Moulton has been in Brantford this week, Mr. Harold Holmes was tlfe guest of his mother over the week -end. Mrs, R. G. Angell of Hensall is the guest this week of Mrs. John Wat- kins of town. Rev. W. T., Guff and Mrs, Cluff motored up from Stratford on Monday returning Tuesday, Mrs. Harry, Twitchell came over on the Greyhound and is spending a few days with friends in town. Mrs. Campbell left Tuesday, morning on a trip'to Edmonton, being tick- eted through by, Mr. W, Jackson, Mr,, and Mrs, Mullen and tEeir moth- er, Mrs, McFaul, of Seaforth, mot- ored up the , other days to visit Mrs. T. Jackson, Sr, Miss Mamie 010 returned the end of the week from a visit with her uncle, Rev. W. 'P. and of Strat- ford. Miss Emily Morrison has returned to her home in Hensall after a visit at the home of Mrs. R. J'. (Iuff. Mr, Robt. Mclrveen, who ban been visiting in Clinton and vicinity for some time past, left Tuesday• for Edmonton. Mr. Chas. McKinnon, who has been taking a special course at Toronto University, has joined his wife and cfiild in town. Mrs. Thos. Dunbar and child of Sar- nia are visiting at the home of the lady's parents, Mr,. and Mrs. Geo. Burnett. Mr. Fred J, Hill of Ottawa has been in. town during the past week, having come to visit his lather, wlio is very ill.. Miss I. Foote left Monday for Tor- onto and intended going on to the 'west, going as far as Lundrick, Alta., where a sister resides'. Mr. Z. M. Smyth of the Strathroy Furniture Co, has been visiting with his brother-in-law, fir. J. C. McMath,, during the past week, Mr, John Scarlett of Leadbury was a visitor in town on Friday, hav- ing come in to attend the meeting of the L.O.L. for South Huron. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Coleman and little daughter, Chalfont, oil God- erich spent ,a few days, recently with the lady's mother, Mrs. An- nie fickle. Mrs. J. B, Lindsay left Monday on a trip to the west when she ex- pects to spend a few weeks with friends and. relatives in Saskatch- ewan and Manitoba. Mr. 55, M, Snell of Detroit was in town last week, having accompan- ied the remains of his sister,. the late Mrs. Horace Jackson, ,which were interred at Wingham. Mrs, C. 13. , Bartliff and Miss ,Julia attended the graduation ceremonies at Victoria hospital, London, last week when Miss Annis Bartliff was given her diploma as a nurse. Miss E. Landsborough, nurse, came over from Doti cit on the Grey. hound and has been the guest• of her cousin, Mrs, Albert Seeley of town, and with other relatives in Tuckersmith this week, Mrs, W. Glen left Tuesday for Win- nipeg. She will meet her daughter, Miss Bessie, there end together they intend. visiting several points in the western provinces, goipnf as Par as Edmonton. Mr. Howard Jackson of Chicago, Mr. Harvey Jackson, Rainy River, Mrs. W. Hyslop, Detroit, and. Miss Edna Jackson, Buffalo, have been home this weelc, being called hither on account of ,the sudden death of their mother, the late Mrs, Isaac Jackson, Mrs. Roderiolc McKenzie of Winni- peg, was the guest last week for a few days or Mrs. A. Forbes of town, Mrs. McKenzie carne east with her husband, who is secretary of the National Council of Agrlcul- ,bre, and who was delivering a series oft lectures throughout On- tario. Mr. anti Mrs. J. W. 'i'retel5veb, and Miss Norma, Mrs, Ross and Miss Helen and .Miss Mattie Courtic.e motored to London no Sunday to attend eonferencc, They went dowk) principally to hear Rev S. J, Al - lin of Wyoming, a former pastor of Ontario street church, who preach - in ed r t Itfd tt �ree. - • ii 0 t sl, {� chtnt t, and spent a pleasant day with hint and" 1 Mrs, Allih. Fashions Net Fabrics OOK Dross 9025 R S aooDS you are cordially invited to inspect bur showing of the latest cloths from Pamsvr,$vs' famous looms at - Bradford, ZBngland, q from the attractive display you Will have no difficulty in choosing a material and color - to salt your taste. QlAmong the newest fabrics are Salis- bury Serge in colors, Mohair Serge, Wool SanToy, eto. took Ar A. Indigo Serge Bufterikk P'e er THEY ARE ALL WEARING • uI• DS GOODS' i Cut from BUTTERICK PATTERNS L: tl vllt� rBlouseWaist I a(sk8irt 518576 (5 I Butt lick _ E ltei-h ;WOMEN'S STORE Goods, phone 67 Next to Royal Bank House heft 4057 9045 Furnishings Outten& Pattens Sold at ZROWN'B MEN'S STORE 1 , Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library, Stanieg Township On Tuesday ening of last ;week a very interesting and profitable prep, er meeting was held at the home. of Mr. A. McEwan of the second con- cession. Rev. Dr. Rutledge, pastor of Wesley church, Clinton, conducted it, delivering an earnest address. It was an, inspiring sight to see gather- ed together those of several'denom- iaations. There were over , eiglity persons present. The next meeting of the Blake Woman's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. L. Foster on June 20th at half past two in the; after- noon. Miss Annie Scott of 'Nottawa, the government delegate, will' give an address on "Foods, Economy and Health." There will also be a short programme and a light lunch served at the last. The ladies of the sur- rounding neighborhood are heartily invited to attend. The following is the May report for S. S. No. 10 :'• Sr. 4th (a)—Lorna Aikenhead. Sr. 4-th—Alice Mustard, Ruth Higgins, Edna McCowan, Ada Reid, Janet Aflcenhead, Joo Higgins, Frank . Weiph. J r, 4th—Austin Wheeler. Sr. 3rd—Isabel Fraser, Irene Snider, Evelyn Beattie, Clete Pep- per, Edna Thompson, Wilfrid Aiken - head, Lorne Pepper. Jr, 3rd—Gladys Addison, Margaret Aikenbead, Elgin Thompson, Edward Welch, Jack Kaiser„ Norman Wheel- er, Sr, 2nd—Florence froyce, Laura Swan, , Annie Beattie, Grace: Addison, Johnny Helmer, Jr, . 2nd—Eleanor Snider, Jeati Fraser, Mabel Boyce, Ruth-J,arrott, Pt. 2rel—John .McCowan, James Fraser, Gordon Fowler, Dorothy Welch, Norman Baird, Sr, l.st --Alex. Addison, Lorne Beattie, Kathleen Snider. Jr. 1st—Shanley Reid, Mary Woolly, —M. Elliott, Teacher. Seaforth. Fidelity 'l:oilge,',, observed their annual decoration clay, on ,Stn:- tlap. A procession was formed at the lodgcroont and, headed by the Clin- ton Kitty Band, proceeded to the Maitland, flank cemetery, where the graves of the departed members were appropriately decorated with bou- quets of flowers. Following speeches were delivered by Joseph Oliver, P. Cl, M,, ex-ritayor of Toronto 1 ]Lev, J, A. Robinson on ('lintoe, and the resident clergy, Tho three members ni the lodge, Ptes. 'Phomas (lnven- lock, C. Itolph anti 3 ,1, Ilutchinson, who Were killed in tenon in Franco, Witte not forgotten, .4 large Union ,Zack, festooned with red, white and blue hunting, was sprend on the ground to represent the three graves. Largo bcmq;uets of flowers were then Placed on the flag fn loving memory of these gallant young hien. Hullett Township Mr. and Mrs. Parnell W. Blake and little son of Edmonton, Alta., who have been spending a - few weeks at Mrs. Blake's home near Lindsay, are this week visiting the ,farmer's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Blake, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McBriee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Mason of Summerhill. Mrs. L, Lassage of Little Current arrived last week and is visiting at the parental home, Mr, and Mrs. R. Blake's. On Saturday Mrs, Susan Crawford- of rawfordof the 13th con., or ''Granny" Craw- ford, as she is familiarly and af- fectionately known by all her neigh- bors and friends, will pass another milestone in life's journey. She will be eighty+ -one, somebody says, though most of those who know her will dispute it. But be that as it may "Granny's" heart is as warm and beats as true and is as quick to un- derstand both age and youth as it was twenty or thirty years ago, geed woman is "Granny.," one who'd rather do aneighbor a kindness than eat her own dinner. Slie hasn't an enemy and may count a!0ng bier friends everyone who knows her. May tier last days be full of , bless- ing. Mr. Thomas Livingston has sold a fine two-year-old Clyde filly; for which he received a 'good price, This is the fourth Gleams colt Mr. Liv- ingston has disposed of, two of them being sold to Messrs. T. Mc- Michael and Son when foals and at three years, one of the two brought the handsome figure of $1050 and the other $1200. Who says it 'does not pay to raise good stock? Hansa!! The crops in this section are •look- ing very promising, The fruit crop is also very promising, except the apple trees, which in many localities have shown no blossom, The May shipment for the Patrio- tic League was 30 shirts and 135 pairs or socks. John Merle of this village is be- coming a large producer of gentian routs, which are so largely used for medicinal purposes, The death occurred recently of• Mary Ann McIntyre, relict or the late Jas. Rea, who has beer living with her daughter, Mrs, (John MCD. Wilson, of this village, and, lately of the township of flay. The deceased was in her 87111 year and was . most highiy respected, The remaTt were taken to St, Marys to be interred in the family plot there, Thomas Sharp has purchased Win. Ilildebrnntl's dwelling and propertdt on Queen street, nearly opposite' his blacksmith shop, iicv. J, Knight aiid Mrs. Chas. Redmond, the latter as representa- tive:ef the cotgrogatlon, have been attending the conference at T,ondon, Rev, 112r, ((night being on the sta- tioning c00itnittec, Londesboro. Miss Jean, daughter of Mrs. Jan Govier, was united in marriage at the manse on Tuesday to John Rad- ford. Both the young people are residents of Hullett township and both have many friends who will join in, wishing them many years of liappp married Life. Miss Ivy Roberton -of London spent the week -end with her grand -mother, Mrs. William Riley, A number of the young people from around here took in • the moonlight excursion at Goderich on Monday night. Mr. John Hutton unloaded a car of bran and shorts, also a car of cement last week. Mr, Thos. Millar unloaded a car of furnace coal last week. Tlie regular :nesting of the Red Cross Society will be held on Fri- day, June 15th, at the hone of Mrs, Fingland. Mr, Robert Gibbs left on Tuesday tee W*IipIg. The Woman's het/tette sre holding an ice cream social in Cartwright's hall on Friday evening, June 150. Thea,roceeds are to buy 'eomfnrts.for our boys who are overseas. A good program is being arranged, (Received, too late fon last -week) Mr. John Hutton attended the funeral or his brother near Kincar- dine last week. The Misses Rutledge of ' Holmes - villa were the guests of Miss Bella Roberton for the week -end. Mrs. C. unite autood with friends froth' Drayton, to Visit het brother, Ilir. T. Millar. Mr. William Weymouth of Wood, stock spent Sunday under the par- ental roof, Mr, Russell. Atchison of Stratford was visiting his aunt, Mrs. C, Red - dell, for a few daps last week. Mr, and Mrs. bluddell, Mrs. Rober- ton: and Miss (lertie autoed to Stratford for over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mogridgo and daugh- ters spent Sunday at the home of the former's sister, i4Mrs. Cl, 51, Manning. Rev, C. 1'. Tame is attending con- ference this week, 011 Tuesday night or last week the Belgravo Dramatic Club gave their popular play, "Lodgers Taken In," which was much enjoyed by all who saw it, 'rite proceeds amounted to over one hundred dollars which went towards the Red Cross fund, . Mrs. 0, Brtgden spent a few days with her (laughter Bertha of Lon- don, 4 Zurich Mr, and )Mfrs. Ruby and daughter have gone to Kitchener to .reside. 141r. Arthur 'i"ru e:veer of Toronto Tian been visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Tommie): of town., Miss Sadie 'Woods of Sealorth and Mies Times of (lleheoe .were ,,guests last week at the home' of btr. T. I„ Worns, Brwcefleld. Mrs, AIex. McCartney of Moose Jaw is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm'. Scott, Miss Alice Rattenbury has return- ed from an extended visit to Toron- to and Hamilton friends. The W.M.S. and the Kelly Circle held a meeting on Friday, wiietk Miss H, I. Graham of Seaforth gave an excellent report of the gen- eral:meetfng. ;hold in Kingston re- cently. Mrs. Seeley of Clinton caJ1ml on friends here one day last week. Rev. Mr, Hogg of Clinton preached; the preparatory sermon here o: Fri- day and the Sacrament of .the Lord's Supper was ,dispensed; 'oh Sunday: morning. Mrs. George Swan spent several. days in Clinton last week. THE NEWS -RECORD LEADS FOit TOWN, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY: NEWS, Self Defence Patriotic Photo Drama Massive, Thrilling. Appealing, Spectacular 50000 troops, 3000,borses, east of 400 battleships, aero planes, artillery, cavalry;and infantry. THE 1101st HURONS AID iN' PRODUCING THIS, A STORY 01' AN UNUSUAL SORT. BETTER THAN THE BATTLE CRY OF PEACE, Doti't Fail to See Selfnefellce at Princess Theatre, Jun 15 & l ADMISSION : EI'ENINGs 2,5,.. SATC'blDAY MATINEE, 3.30 p.m,, 10e And 20e, Call or phone f r'i' prices Electric Wiring an* Fixtu1°'i>s BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers, Pirrone 7n,