HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-14, Page 44 Ipt‘Moasdanalimaimadassuasamaaxammaiirj.We 11110SEYOUB WALL Pt gill NOW ereseelehaeerkeee.eeeees. Prom Our Spring Stock C17.13=1:=111.1=19WOWS69.7.W To Imam1 he Now Wall Papers we are/aiming thisapelng le to ndzs aest we have even Though we linae Mild Wall Paper for. sumer:, 'hope new apringGoods aro by ail table t he best, A. T. Coopol Telegraph and Ticket Agent, Clinton, Ontario WRICUIrite, HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS •Coclorich, Nov, G. -1Vt. , Holmee, pastor of the Baptist chervil, was eleasal. Mederate or of the Baptist Aasociation at its meeting Welkertpa last week', Mrs. D. Stoddart bee Paola it LOT 8011, wt I(10 1850, Man, Miss lda Velistone left last week to visit, friends In tableago, Mr. E. 11. Wigle wae. in Toronto last week, attending a' meeting of the cotinell of the College of Pbarmacy. Mr. Chas, Oirvinahas been ia 1,011- d011 cluing the past week 'attending the alethedist conference, represent- ing North 'street ebarela Mrs. A,. G., Macdonald -.left on Tuesday of last week 'Lo visit bar son, Mr: Lorne iViaedonale, at Wal- cleek, Sask. Mrs. G. J -t, Elliott has . returned home, She visitedfriends- in New York for a few weeks same retura ing arum England. Mr. Geo, 11. King, who has been organist in the North street church for the past seven years, has re- sigued hieapomitien and .accepts a similar one in the airst Methodist ehurela, Peterboro, Mrs. King • has received the aPpointment of soprano soloist ia the same church. They Rev. J. E, Ford and Rev. W. K. Hager have been attending the Lon - doe conference' during* the past week, The former has applied for superan- nuation and ant1 continue to reside, in Gocleriela havancpurchaaed a home here. • leave town about the end, of the month. Their departure will oma - saw mach, regret. Miss Edith Norma Sanderson was united in marriage on Wednesday of last week. to Aar. James Bisset of Sanford Heiabts, MAY lith TO OCTOBER 30th Every TUESDAY "ALL RAIL" - alscaby THURSDAY'S STEAMER ereat Lakes Routes". Memel Nroleenom Your Future Is In the West The fertile puddle have put Wim Canada on the map. There are Will Wounds of scree melting for the we • atm want hams and preeperitar. Take , edivantapsaf Law Rates and travel vls Canadian Pacific . • , W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto W. JACKSON, AGENT CLINTON To Enjoy REAL Out- door Life— Ride a HYSLOP Strong — Safe Speedy It is a pleasure to ride a Hyslop Bicycle -- Various models to choose from Made in Canada let 28 yam by HYSLOP INIOTH158, Limited, Tombs FON SALE 110 J. H PAXMAN Dry Goods and House Furnishing Couch & Co. PHONE 78. Milliueiy 00(1Ready to- ' Wea r Garments Buy Storm) Dresses READY TO WEAR A.SHION never created prettier patterns or 111.01:0 attrac- tive stales than we are showing in our ready to wear summer dresses; smart, dressy and cool, that you will be charmed with them—made of Mesta', , 'em broidery, in all the new shades. Wull Skirls We are showing a larger range of wash skirts this season made of Iadianbead, Repp, pique and Gabardine, neatly made. Ali sizes and prices, Ooderieh Township Dar, ,Weawiek 0010 reeently invested 116v.ctievrotot eqL , Mr; ends, Mra. 'Geo,. ateertioa Of Weaate, lYlieb,, are visiting relatives here and ia. Clinton. Miss- Mayeae Chia visited pert •Cg last week with relatives in Stoat, Lord, • ale.Stepaeu Westeott lateirtalla, wee law spent !the past couple of menthe visiting his sieter, Mrs, J" B. Little in 'Ma Umatilla' and two sisters at Alliston, left the begian-Uig of the week for Greed Porae, alttrall Dakota,where he has a coelae of brothers, Air. Weeteatt was bora on the 7th of Millet(' ,but it is' Miley years same he left the old town, - able.. Ile expects to lama his home about July ath, 'The Sojourn here proved very beuelleial to his health. • The ;Young Ladies' Patriotic So- ciety meets, neat week at tim home of. Mrs, W. W, Wise, Tbe graduation Mass of S. 5, No, 4, all of whom- passed with high i»arlas their Easter exams„ presented their teacher, Mrs, Snyder, with beautiful gold necklace. There were no appeals against the asscsaiiaant roll at the court of rd- vielon recently held.- Three dogs wore ordered to be taken oll athe roll, the _owners claiming they had died slam the assessor made his rowels. Sever- al changes were made on the, roll, some 01 the ratepayers selling and others renting singe property was assessed. Moved by Councillor Van- derburg, seconded by Couneilloi Ginn that roll as read be accepted. Clea- ned. Athletes of last meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by Councillor Holland, sec- onded by 'Councillor Ginn that bylaw No, 4, authorizing the Reeve . and Treasurer to .borrow money for township purposes at now read be passed, Carried, The following accounts were order. ed to be paid': B. H. Lindsay, as- sessing township, salary, $60 ; 13. la. Lindsay,--- postage and stationary, $3. Council then adjourned 'to meet Monday, 18th of June at 1.30 p.m. —Adam Cantelon,. Clerk, Mrs. Snyder, who has taught the school GA the lata eon, far the past five years, has resigned, Mrs. Snyder has proved herself an excellent teach- er. She, with the , assistance- of tiie trustees, has made No. 4 school one of the prettiest and, -most attractive in West Huron Inspectorate. Mrs. Snyder will take a much needed rest on the 'farm for a while, ' The following is the report of S. S. No. 11, for the month of May : Sr. 4th (Class a)—Elsie Ferguson 87 percent:, Ruby Churchill 79, Pearl Churchill 74, Francis Powell 58. (Class b)—Bruce Holland 6h, Glenn Ferguson 60. Jr, 4th—Clifford Castle 64, !toward Currie 42. .Jr. 3rd—Elmer .Trlek 68. Sr. and—Laura Currie 64, Oliver Ferguson 50. Pt. and—Verna Colclough 78, 'Mel- va Ellie -W/0, Ada Riggin 58. Primer—Viola Holland, Mervyn Batkin, Laurie Biggiii, Willie Batkin. The best spellers for the month arser:. 4th (Cllass a)—Elsie Ferguson. (Class b)—Glenn Ferguson. Jr. 4th—Clillord Castle; Jr. 3rd—Elmer Trick. Sr. and—Laura Currie. Pt, aad—Verna Colclough. —Erma Diehl, Teacher, Holmesville • Dr. T, G. and Mas. Holmes' of De- troit came over on the Greyhound and have been guests. this week with their brother and sister, Mr. J. R. and Miss Holmes, Mrs. Leech and, Mrs. Howell - of Goderich are also guests this week with Mt.., and Miss Holmes. Mrs. Leech Is just recovering from a some- what severe! illness and her friends are glad to see bet able to be about again, Nu Dram 98c Five dozen House Dr esscs made of good qual- ity print, mostly blank and vabite, Dutch collar, • trimmed with mauve and grey cliambrep. seaaa * Short sleeves, elastic bet very; special •a`au Pretty Summer Waists Warm days awaken interest in the large and varied assortmeat of 0001 white waists we have in stock, Our waist department will bo foetid well equipped to supply every need, Prices range from $1.5o to $7 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Mining, Chemical, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. HOME STUDY ArCo c°41Z.V.;°.`;;MIttrtf,%. Deg"t Summer School Navigation School July nod August December to April 15 GEO. Y. CHOWN, Resirtrar rokairruirtntlille RAI LWAv nun \ tYsTEM ATTRACTIVE POPS —TO— MUSKOKA LAKES - ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER LAKE OP BAYS KARIVARTHA LAKES GEORGIAN PAY Round Trip Tourist Tiekets Now en Salo frohi Stations in (Mario at Very Low Rates, With Liberal Stop overs. GE'P YOUR 'TIGRE:PPS IN ADVANCE. Berth reservations and full inlet - 'nation at all Grand Trunk Tieket Offices, or write 0, E. Homing, Dia- ttict Passeager Agent, G. T, %%stem, Toronte. Ont. atANSIVORI) at, BON, 1Shak. 171 Jai-, ; %Into* Nevm-Regsord Ione 14th, (917 Kippen. 11818, Pere), Olerk .044.8011 of 101 01'0 gualts at the 1)01110 of Mr. .W111. Anaersom Mr, Clerk WOO QV - 0t88118 With 1110 161St battalion and Wee 111,E/1111N about fire: 111011the ;when -,he was invalialeal belt Ito Iallg- land saileailar, float a .11eVere attack ef alleumatlana Be was equaned 40 bed tior ten weelre but' is new on the • Way to reeoverp, being able to ratio abort messra. 1), and 11. Alton of A.the field toweehip were viSialuir last week .at the home of their relativee, Mr, awl Mrs, •W li Jobaaton. They ceme eolith to uttond the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs, John Turn- er of Stanley, MI:. oupiod AtbeTulpt Coiui)01 (1ia00; chereh last Sunday Mahe interests of the Dominion Alliance. Those who beard him would like to have the op- portunity of hearing him agent,. Mr, W.Jolineton leftaen Tues- day for 'Exeter to preside at the entrance examinations now being held in that place, Mr, Wilfrid Mollis spent Sunday with friends in Seaferth. • Everything is growing flue in this vicinity since the warm weather has setC'raincile Roll day was observed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday last. Five infanta were preaentea for baptism; Mrs. T. Kyle and Miss McLean were.,visitors with Clinton friends on Sunday. • - Mrs. Seyanoma_Watson of ValWOUV- or and her sister, Mrs. Stewart of Crystal City, Man„ leave for their respective homes this week. They were called here owing to the recent death of their mother, Mrs. William °admen. Mr. John Pepper and children of Tuckersmith visited (('1411 Mr. and Aare. George Taylor thia. week. While here he took Mrs. Taylor for a ride in his car which was a treat for her, she 'being confined to tho house for almost a year, the result of a broken limb. Mr: Alden Jones of London re- ceived the sad, news last week that his pnly, sen haat )Zee a killed in ac- tion in France. Mr. Jones' many friends in this vicinity will deeply sympathize with him in his sorrow. Mr. Jones is an old Stanley boy, being brought up on the second con- cessiou, near Kippen, a son of Mr, John 4ones now of Ellaville, Mrs. Watson, wbo has been an poor health for some time, we are plea - cal to note, is 801110 better, Soldiers Returning to • the Land Not till the able -boated men return can we tell how many soldiers are likely to take up land and farm ' it. The chances are that the number will be large, if the men ,are con- vinced that the schemes for helping them will be; so developed and work- ed as to offer a clear hope of sue - cess. A census. is now being taken among Canadian soldiers overseas., and on this it sheen' be possible to base an estimate of the number agricultural- ly inclined. Among the questions asked aro the fo11mving PDO you: desire to take advantage of any available scheme of assisted agricultural settlement ?" "If 'so, what Province do you pre- -ler to settle ill 1" "And would you, if necessary to gain experience, work for prevailing wages 011 a farm after your return, providing your dependents were in the meanwhile given the same sup -- pert as they now receive; The Training Board, it may be ex- plained, consists of a Vocation Of- ficer, a Medical Officer, and a third member, generally representing the Provincial. Commission established to help returned soldiers in finding em- ployment, When a man is found un- able, owing to any effect of his sera Vice, to take up his former occupa- tion, he may claim the privileges of the Govenunent's Re-education Scheme, That Is, he is entitled to receive free training for a new occu- pation, along With free maintenance for himself and his family while the training lasts, annl foi a month long- er, Poultry -raising will probably be taken up on a large scale in Mani- toba, with the co-eperationof the Produce Association of 'Canada. A deputation from that body visited the Commission in Ottawa the Ohm: day, and pointed out that than was a considerable field for partly dis- abled men at the marketing end of the business,—for example, in egg testing and grading, and in the grad - [ng, and in the packing of poultry. The great re-education centre for Ontario, at Guelph, just taaen over as a going conceit by the Military Hospitals Commission .from, the Ptovincial-C(evernment, is fully equip - peel for the most thorough agrieta- Ural training, The -property covets 850 acres, nearly all available for this use, and re great oroportion 'of it alreadp under cultivation. There 15 a lane green -house, for gardening under glass ; a model dairy, barn ; up-to-date maellinerY ; ; a1n0 ltvt stock of all kinds Complete the equipment; for animal hasbantIty, Seaforth Rev. George McKinley was 14 Lon- don last Week attending conference, Mr. Clyde Rankin of the abaft of' the Bank of Corranereo has • been transferred to the branch at Dundee. Mater 11. 5, Hays has aetathed horn overseas. Mrs, Hays went tO Montreal last week , to meet laim, Mr, A. McIntyre of Baal Axe, Mich., has been in town vialting her slater, Afra, A. McNabb, Miss Barbara Sproat line 'Alined to Detroit after a vacation apent at her home here, Belgian Belief The following letter ' eXplain matters in regard , to the situation 141 Belgium and the 180611 of von- tiauea assietance for the long -suffer - 1315 .aeople ()Radials puma wronged eQuntry. Those interested i11 last, gam Relief mega will be glad to have the information herein eontnal- ed To the. Editor Dear S1r,-1 view; Of the recent statement issliea by -Mr, Hoover, Chairman' of the Commission for Relbol 10 1801515141 which points ant the impossibility at present of ' ob- taining the neeeaseap shipping _ton- nage to forward to Belgium the food supplies in' the same quantities as 111, the „past, and also draws at- atentioa- to' the fact that the 'Jetted States Cloverament have meat) - are raugements to loon the Belgian Gov, - eminent the OM, of $15,000,000— 'marina' to the Commission for Re- lief inallelgiunt in aix monthly in- stalments--whieli stun will cover the cost of such food supplies as *can be slapped in that time by the limited lumber of ships available to the Commission, the Central Executive Committee ab the 13a1g4an Relief .Funcl in Canada finds it unnecessary for the present, tcr make appeal to the generously disposed people of Canada, on the plea of the urgency of support, in order to stave off star- vation. The. needs of Belgium continue, however, as pressing- as in the past and, the situatioa may be considered at being even more pitiable as, through the forced decrease in an ,ports, Belgium will be compelled to fall back on iter last native ream:. ces already so denuded, In order to maintain that so limited ration that has been doled out in the past it will be necessary to eneroach 'upon the country's stock of milk cattle which has been reserved to maintain a supply at fresh milk fox the chil- dren. In the !lope, however, that the re - 'cent swiftly developed shortage in the world's shipping—the cause of this new departure of the' Relief Worif—rima, inat peamently enatiae; ia the Ileac that the necessary • funds may be available should any. emera gency or special occasion arise and in alma of the fact that in any event , relief in many forms will be required after the war, the commit- tee hone that all the generous sup- porters 01 4110 fund in the past and all those who have pledged them- selves for future payments will con- tinue to support the fund and thus contiime to show their sympathy with the people who gave their all for the cause of Huraanity. All such donations received after the 15t1s of June will be disposed of to the beat advantages Of this stricken people, according to the wish that may be (expressed by any donor or according to the actual or more pressing needs of any of the already orgnized channels of relief work such as : _ "Help to the Chil- dren removed from Belgian Front," "Queen's. Fund for the Mounded Sol- diers," "Home for the Belgian Sol- diers," "Relief for Belgian Prisoners in Gerraany," "Anglo Belgian Com- mittee of the Belgian Red Cross," "Relief for Belgian Children suffer- iag from tuberculosis and rickets," "Belgian ,Orphana --Fund," "Belgian National Relief Fund for War Or- phans, etc." All donations received ,prior to the 15th of June will be- held at the- dis- posal of the Commisaion for Relief in Belgium, for the purchase in Can- ada of !Canadian produce, according to our previous pledges. The Central Easecutive Committee will issue in the immediate future a .report covering the whole of their operations up to the 0344 of June. Thanking you for publishing the above WO remain, Yours, trulp, . A. De Jardin, Hon. Secretary -Treasurer, RU'PTURE IS CURABLE Results Not lefluenced by Age or Length of Time Standing ' Reports Expert Rupture is not 11 tear Dr arellell in the abdominal wall, as commonly supposed, but it is a stretching or dilation of a natural opening, says L. Y. Egan of Toronto, thenoted Rupture !and Appliance Speolalist, who will visit Clinton, Normandie Hotel, Saturday, June 28rd. . The "Cutatrus;" as now used and appro- ved will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording imme- diate and complete comfort, but is. intended to assist nature to close the opening in the shortest time known without au. operation. This appliance has received highest awards wherever shown, producing results without harmful injections "pr other aids, Mr, Egan lies testlimonials from our own section tor inspection, It interested call, he will be pleased to aliese you same without charge, Wingham Mrs, Dailead, Rae, said children have been visiting relatives at St Paul's,. MX, Jerry Maddigan, has returned from a visit in Toronto, Mrs. Arthur Pellman and two chil- dren of Toronto are spending a yam - tam tt.t tho home of Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Lloyd. ' Dr. C. A. and Mrs, Campbell of Brooklyn, N.Y., spent a few, days last week with Mr. and Mrs,. Davis. Dr, and Mrs, Campbell are going to Muskoka for the samataa, the form- er having just recovered from a way severe Illness. Mrs, A. Iloni has recently return- ed from a couple, of menthe' stay in 1108 1)0111 nviaiting friends in Morris Miss Agnes McGuire 01 Edmouton, toWnship and is 4�W With friends it 'Stanley. , • • . , igeoalte.0.-INAlk.ati.aaord./L-1,1, •Fulfill Every - Claim No furnace can do wore than satisfy -7 - but the Sunshine " trnace absolutely and invariably does satisfy fUlly and completely witroperly installed. Ask our local dealer to show you this good furnace, or write for free booklet. caw. UN saumr,_ F RNACE LONDON TORONTO MONTREAL wiNpuT.ED vaacOnVaa ET. JOHN, EX, HAMILTON CALOAAY • 4 11116115910028 BDMUNTON For Sale big `"'uatn .1( Sutter PlaVaga.1.4 arDllen_ *ale aaa "aa 13 Hate t#e • ++:44, 51e'4640 o01i50e41flMA0 or!,?: taat' 400 1110111 .d1A1-41 ,..+ets?..+444 1»0e. 4Y+. . •t • a . L W ETU 'IN FARES TO WESTERN CANADA al ONCE". A 'WEEK aaat 1111 Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment Standard and Tourist Sleeping Caro and Colonist Coach', For Tickets, Reservationa, -141terature and Information, apply to A. T, DOOPER, HOOK STORE, CLINTON, Or write R. L, FaIrbairn, G.P,A., 68 King St.. E., Toronto. CA:NAP:IAN:. NORTHERN RAI LWAY 1111. Extra Profit From Selected Cows One remarkably satisfactory' result of keeping simple dairy. records, yields of milk and cost of feed, is bo imowledge gained that cows of gooil dairy type do repay the coat of extra feed. One example map be given. Not far from St alpaeinthe, Quebec, one hundred cows produced 104,804 pounds of milk more during 1916 than one hundred did in 0015. The 1915 records showed that ten were Mat paying so they were beefed, and again in 1916 eleven were sent to the block, being replaced by better milkers. Better feeding contributed largely to the above noted big in- crease in milk yield : more' corn was fed, more clover and a little higher meal ration. The value of the extra feed was $605.00 ; this produced more milk to the value of $1,677.66, so that the extra clear return was $1,072.66, and the cows were in much ' better condition. Dairy records help to select good cows and to ensure larger. profit. Write the Dairy Commissioner, Ot- tawa, for free milk and feed record forms. —C. P. W. Tlie June issue of Rod and Gun is. out and its 'contents are such as to appeal to lovers of the out of Roars. "Learning the Way" by Edward T. Martin is descriptive of the various stages involved in becoming •a stilled shoo'ter, "The Reeoad of a Cruise on the Kawartba Lakes" tells of a motor boat outing in' this attractive part of Ontario while the "Diary of a Canoe Trip in Algonquin Park" describes a successful fishing trip in the Park. Other stories there are of similar interest and all the regular departments are 'well maintained. Dog lovers will End a full report of the recent big dog show held in Montreal with a last of all the awards given at the show and ac- companying descriptive matter. Pod and Gun in Canada is published at Woodstock, Ont., by,. W. J. Taylor, Ltd. An Unconscious Tribute In deSpateli, from Washing describing United States. feeling on entering the war, Mr. Harry, Ander- son, the Toronto Globe's well-known political correspondent, says : "Cousin Jonathan is saluting Jack Canuck these says, Uncle' Sam is looking northward for guidance and leadership, At the clubs., in the hotel lobbies, in the offices and stores, wherever 0110 hears the problems of prepara- tion and Organization discussed, prob.- lams of recruiting, of training, al equipping, of . medical and nursing service, oE censorship, of patriotic endeavor in all linos, the determining decision seenas to be, "Well, how did Canada handle it." To equal Canada's effort the Unit- ed States, in Proportion to popula- tion would have to recruit, train, equip and send overseas approximate- ly 476,000 men within the next sev- en weeka. TR. maintairt the rate of Canada'effort it would have to raise 5,000,000 men within the next thirty nionths and send over 4,000,- 000 overseas. Is it any wonder abet Canada's achievements have evoked cobstant expressions of" amazement and admiration from the UMW States 7 Any wonder that the peo- ple or Canada are getting tired and sick of hearing professional politi- cians (leery their countey's cantribtl- tien for,purposes at party ? tit Zurich Mrs. E. Siebeat ta Detroit is vie - Ring 0141( 110 Imam of ,Mr. W. L. Sie- bert, • Mr. R. T. Dunlop, manager of the , 1(10150115 Bank, has moved tate the 11 house just Vaeatea. by Mr, W.., 5, ' Reim. "A Stitch In Time" Had Father Noah been quite wise he would have killed the pair of flies that roosted in the ark ; he let that pregnant duty slide while he and Shem and japhet tried tot nay- igatq their bark Two aka Were, 4511. there were, all told, and Noah could have knocked them cold with. one good lusty swat-; he had the chance —lie let it slip, while lie went moon- ing round his ship—the knowledge makes -• mo hot ! And ever since the sons of men have toiled and wrought,' and toiled agaia, to kill the measly, flies ; the more we kill the more -we find, the more we. knock the blamed things blind, the more their legions else; , We're all like- Noah more or less!, responsible for, the distrtss that makes all hope seem vague ; we see some ugly things alive, and let them Bye, and grow, and Virago until they are a plague. Wo calmly, view the noxious weeds, and habits bad, and evil deeds, which breed so beastly fast, We lot them grow and multiply as, Father Noah did the fly, and kick ourselves at last 'A stitch la time,' the poet said, (lie had a long and shapely, head) 'will save you niae, by guni, and nothing truer will you End in all the pears that lie behind or all the years to come.—Ex. THE WESTERN FAIR Sept. 7tb to 15th . • The Priae List of .London's popular Exhibition has just been issued and will be of great interest especiall31. to intending Exhibitors. In these.stren- uous times the pressing need peems to be greater praduction. The man- agement of the Exhibition having this in mind have this. year gener- ously added $2,000,00 to their Prize List in order to encourage the Farmers and Breeders to produce more and better Live Stock, Grains, Roots' Etc. This amount which has been distributed throughout the list will certainly make it a most at- tractive one as it brings the Lis -17-10 near the $30,000.00 point. Send to the Secretary, A. 58. Hunt, London, Oat., for a Prize List or any infor- mation regarding the Exhibition. • Seaforth. Mise Robb of Toronto speat a couple of days recently with her sis- ter, Mrs. 0. L, Williams. • Mr, and Mrs. A. le. Colson of St. Thomas have been visiting Mr, and Mrs. J. 0. Greig, While Mr. Thos. Pullman, was Working with a gasoline tank in Mr. Edge's shop one day last week he 'net with an a,ecia;ent which resulted in severe burns about his face -and chest, Fortunately assistance was at hand or the accident might have resulted fatally. Aa it is Mr. Pull- man will probably be laid up for a considerable time. Alas, (Dr.) Mulligan has yeturnea to her home at Grand Forks, • N. Dakota, after a lasit of sovexal Weeks with her mother, Mrs, Mc- Quade, THE BLOOD AND THE BRAIN. Among the manp important i'.1/411Psio- logical facts that should be as well known bp people generally as they are by physicians, is the dependence of the brain for its proper action on the vitality of the blood. It this is impaired,. the blood, affords .an. 1111- 1)0111004 atimulus to the brain, and, as a necessary consequence, languor and inactivity of the entire nervous system follows, and a tendency to 1.1.)eetartthech:. 'or faintness makes its ap- .1It is probable that no other mod- eVer produced has done more in the way of revitalizing the blood making it pure and rich, Mat lifIced's Sateaparilla, which slieuld certainly al given a trial where. there is any Tama to believe that the blood. is defective in quality or deficient uantity,