HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-14, Page 1• t`Io, 1993 --.38th Year } CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 14th, 1917 ............. THE HOME PAPER If you have anything you wish to sell, Advertise it in The News -Record-- . RESULTS ARE SURE 5 arse our ties e. 1. Ms+. 9oor V . es and No Slasses Make lack a Dull %3eq OObaRckmedrebackward airclhyildrarceend. ahEeaxdh , auswteivme akt ph5sis 1 Progress, When supplied withproper glasses eortahaveProved this. Bad eyesight retards both mantel an 9 specialty of examining children's eyes. If any trouble is devel- oping we will prescribe the proper glasses. If the eyes are nor- mal we willgladly tell you so. We have a large variety of Spectacles from which to select the most satisfactory in gold filled, alumnioo or steel, whichev- er you prefer. Prices from $2.00 up. 'W . ... ell ar Oldest Established leu/elery Store to Clinton The Royal Ban OF CANADA. Ineorporyted 1889. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,90000• Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,300,000 Total Assets 270,000,000 400 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch (. INCORPORATED 1 55 C TtII' l MOLSONS B , Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 P ctg Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted. Circular Letters' of Credit . Bank Money Orders. .. Savings Bank Department. R Inter,est allowed at highest current rate. LH: R. Sharp, Acting Manager, Clintpn Branch K r. . IRRADY-Ta-VIDAR1 QLOTSINQ I he 'Morrish Clothing Co. ORDERED 1 OLOTnING 1 •. STIIAWS ,t, r /. 2fo A 3.0 fie --,-- ,,i..--------- -,... Every Every man will soon be rushing to get under cover of a Straw Hat. Every man's favorite style of hat can be found here as our showing is large Panan as, French Palms, Sennets Split Straws, Etc. Hats to Suit all Ages. 50cS 9 $ 73c 1.9 25 $1.50 to 4.00 4+ ..-- Two ec als 3 dozen Men's Soft flats, broken lines and saes, 1,2,�,_12 and $2,50, to clear at f 4 dozen Inen's black and coloredd Stiff Hats, Your choice foie- • �ur C ME a 1 It i opoisul oimc Co. Agent P .a�. �'1R!ii tom® r R. one %8 far Sundo or night calls. Phone t i PREACHED IN CITY CHURCHES. Rey, Dr. Rutledge Pr oalied in Stio. Andrew's church, London, on Sunday last and Rev. E. G, Powell in Tal- bot street Baptist ehurcit. SOLDIERS COMING IIOlVIEl., In a , of soldiers returning from Eng,u,.J which arrived in Hal- ifax ,the other day were two Olinton men, J; T, Taylor and R. N. Cole, and a Goderich man, D, Bell. - A GR•EA! SIIOWING.'• ati automobile dealer from Tiver- ton stopped in Clinton on Tuesday on his way,liome with about tweitty- ive oustomers, each driving his own new car. They had lunch here and made quite an imposing procession as they came -and, went. HURON CASUALTIES. Among the Huron casualties re- ported 'during, thepast week -are ; 'Presumed dead :- Lance -Corp. E. Rivers, Seaforth. Died of Wounds': Pte. Ross For- syth, Wingbam, _ • ' Wounded : Pte. jW. E. Black, Wrox- eter, Gunner T. W. . Erritt.on Auburn, and Pte. "Joseph Yuill, God- erieh '.township, LEAVING CLINTON. DVir. T. E. East, for some years in the employ of the Doherty Co,, has resigned, and bas accepted Fa position with a motor company at Oshawa. Mr. -East left Saturday for .Oshawa and Mrs. East and Master Jack will follow .later, though they will probably spend most of the summer here. The removal of this family from Clinton is much regretted, es- pecially will they bo missed in Wes- ley church, where Mr. East has been choir, leader for some years and Mrs. East .leading soprano. While regretting their , departure from town theie friends wish Mr. and Mrs. East success and happiness in their flew home, DON'T FORGET THE WAR STAMP. The special War Revenue Act pro- vides for an adhesive stamp of the requisite value be placed on all pro- prietory or patent medicines, per- fumery, talcum powder, stock foods, bank checks, etc. The stamp referred to is the Inland Revenue War Tax Stamp. Postage stamps Should not be used 1n.localities -where- the In- land Revenue War Tax Stamp can be procured. Druggists, merchants, barbers and others selling articles subject -to the war tax can procure these stamps' at 44Iie Molsons or Roy- al Banle, Clinton,, which have license to sell the one and two cent' War Tax stamps. The stamp must be aP- plied,to article before or at time of sale, and it is also necessary to can- cel stamp with indelible ink or pen- cil in order to render such stamps incapable of being used again. Some people are often neglectful of placing stamps on checks in Paying aceounts, The penalty of neglect of this as well as any ounce in con- nection with the war tax stamp act will incur a fine of not less than e$50 and not exceeding $250, PASSING OF MRS. - L JACKSON. Clinton people were much shocked on Friday evening on learning of the death of Mrs. 'Isaac Jackson, who passed away suddenly while walking in the .garden at her home on Rattenbury street. The !deceased was a native of God- erich township, her maiden-. name being Charlotte E. Burnett, but for a great many years, ever since her marriage, she has been a resident of Gluten, She was a quiet, home -loving wont- an, with kindly, emotberly ways, and devoted to her husband and ehfidren, wbo in tura were devoted to her, Sha was a member of Wesley church and when her health permitted• was seldom absent from her place on Sunday morning. • For some years Mrs. Jackson had not enjoyed the hest of health and for some days before her passing had complained of not feeling well. She was going about her daily duties, however, and her condition was not considered serious. The end was most unexpected, Besides her aged husband she is survived by a family of four some acid three daughters : Mrs, ' -1+ P. 4. Germain of Portland, Oregon ; Lance- ^orp. Wm. Jackson, who liar been for two years and a loth at the front, Harvey, collector bf customs at Rainy River, 'Howard of Chicago, Ernst of Clinton, Mrs, Wnl, Hyslop; Detroit, and Miss ,Edna of Buffalo, 7'here are also two step -sons, John and Alfred of Winnipeg, and one step-dattghter, Mrs, Hutchinson of 1'Iulsi k. , England. Mr. George Burnett of town is a nether anti another brother, john 3nrnett, and a sister, Mfrs, Mettler - it, reside in Dakota. The funeral took place on Tuesday ifterrtoon, Rev, Dr.. Rutledge coining conte from conference to conduct the iervieete The pallbearers were : A. r nl l ,Y 1` tar I, h.Cbant, Ia A. T. v, o ee 17 o G. Savilt0 J. G P urn - r n tante and 7, Cl, McMatie 'All bet Own family, with the ex - e tion of the son in Fiance and ers. Germain, ware Meseta for the unorai, To the aged husband and family be sympathy, of the eomenintty goes flit in their sadden borelteemcnt,. TIIE LOCAL MARKIiIT, Wleat,2.1r 0 Wheat Barley arl$1.15 Oats 75c Butter 800 to 3 2o -c Eggs 30c,to 310 Live flees $14.50. TO :SKIP TWO RINI{S; •Messrs. B. G. Coureice and J, W, Nediger, inner of the Failf trophy 1g w s last season, will skip'''ia couple of rinks from among the local bowlers to compete at the tournament - at Stratford on Wednesday nest, Good luck, gentlemen, LITTLE LOCALS. Tile tarvia for the streets is ex- pected this week, and none too soon), they're dusty. The Kilty band went to Seaforth on Sundry after000n-to take. part in the decoration ceremonies by tate Oddfellows. They gave a sacrgd'con- cert in town at half -past eight "in the evening. - Rev. J. A. Robinson was one of the speakers at the decoration cere- monies of the L0,0.F. at Seaforth on Sunday) afternoon. . A' COUSIN FALLS. Among the casualties publishe'd're- cently appeared the name -of Pte, G. P. Rorke of Wellington, son of Mr. James Rorke of Winnipeg, and a cousin of Mr. I3. E. Rorke of town. Pte. Rorke was tiirotigh the big fight of Vimy Ridge and apparently came out unhurt as a letter was -lat- er published in the Pieton Times describing tite fight. But later his time came. There are many) of this name in the ranks of Canada's lflght:- ing forces at the front while some have already made the supreme sac- rifice. - S. H. L, 0. L. MEETING, The Orangemen of South Huron district met in Clinton on Friday last, there being a good representa- tion from nearly 'all the primary lodges in, the thstriet. 'rhe meeting was insiring, spirited addresses be- ing delivered by Messrs. Rammage of Lucan, Ireland of Stratford, Sear - lett of Leadbury„D. Cantelon, Clin- ton, and . others, It was decided that the celebration would be held this yearatStratford,- the executive being unable to get railway accom- modation to and, from. Goderieh. A - resolution recommending conscription• for militaryservice was' unanimously. passed, Much routine business re- lating to• the good and welfare of the Order was gone through. THE COUNTY CotINCCIL, At the meeting, of the county emu - oil held in Goderich last week it Svas decided to call a special meeting on Tuesday next to deal with the ques- tion of good roads. It is the inten- tion to have about three hundred miles of the leading roads in the county treated under the Provincial Good Roads System, The council heartily endorsed the work of the various Red Cross and patriotic societies throughout the county, a resolution being passed to that effect, and a grant of $8,000 was made ,to be distributed amongst the different municipalities for tate purchase of wool, etc.,, for the socie- ties, A deputation waited an the coun- cil to ask for a grant of $2,500 to buy the St. Lawrence property tn. Goderieh as a shelter for the chil- dren tinder the care of the Children's Aid. This was referred to the execu- tive committee, who reported adver- sely, saying that the property was unsuitable. They recommended, how- ever, that the council give, the grant and that a'lnitable building be pur °based or leased for the purpose, This the council decided to do. AMONG THE CHURCHES. he Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was administered at Willis church on Siutday last at the morn- ing service. At the preparatory ser- vice' on Friday evening several per- sons were received irate' membership, Mr. J. A. Irwin preached at both services on Sunday in, Wesley church, the pastor being at conference, On Monday evening the literary com- mittee had charge of the League meeting, when Miss SouthOombe, the convener, presided, The evening was' given up to a study of ,Service's Poems, Mt, 1.1, 1e. Rorke and Miss Olive Cooper reading extra'ets from them; Mrs, Last and Mr, O. Aa - draws each contributed a solo. wee, me, Faulkner came up from London and preached in Ontario street church on Sum - day, morning and evening. On Monday evening the Missionary com- mittee was in charge of the League meeting. The topic, "Work in West China;" was divided into three parts, Mise L, Stevens, Miss t;,,Pickett and Miss M., Biggins each contribut- fttg ata interesting paper, Mrs, Jer- vis anal Miss Beatrice rendered a tluett during the evening. Mr, W, W presided, resided, Ilegttlar services aI St;. Paul's on Sunday next. On the following Stilt, day, the 240, Sergt, Garrett, a 15 - turned soldier, will preach. The Spied of eletratt meets in London on Monday next: The rector, Reef, J, A. Robinson, Mr, J, 1lansford anti Lt, -Col, Ranee will attend. , HAS StlPERANN'U'ATl l). v ,T, E. I ori Re L. for h u ,to a Mur ,P s4 0 years pastor of the Victoria street Methodist church, :Goderieh;• and previous to that pastor of Wesley. church, Clinton, has Superannuated this.. year, Ile will continue to re- side in Goderieh, where be Nes mer - chased a residence. DEATH ON JOB COOPER, R, Job Cooper, an old resident' of ,Stanley township, just south , of town, died suddenly on t1'huraday last at the 'age of sixty-five years. On May 21st his wife died after but a short illness and this was a great shock to him. The - funeral took place on Friday afternoon, his re- mains being laid .beside those of his' wife, who had been buried a little over a fortnight before, LAND STILL r,,YING FALLOW. The people of ,Seaforth have .beep taking the idea of increased produc- tn seriously, so much so that last week they ' had their recreation grounds ploughed up and planted to beans or something of the kind. Sea - forth has always rather prided itself upon o its r ace track but proliab]}+ the people are arguing that beans will prove a better crop than bets-. Al- though much has been done toward getting a larger acreage under cul- tivation this ul-tivatiottthis year there is still much uncultivated land inside and outside the corporation of Clinton which . if planted with beans or potatoes might have yielded many:bush'els of food stuff in the auttunn. FINAL BRUT OF MINISTERS. After an all night- session the stat- ioning committee of the London Meth- odist conference announced yesterday the fallowing final changes for this - district from the first draft publish- ed ublished last weak : Goderieh, Victoria Street.: J. He Osterhout, Clinton, Wesley church : A. E. Jones. Auburn: T. S. O'Keli. Bayfield : W. ID, Dar- ling. Varna.; J. B. ,Tones. J. 0. Reid goes to Streithroy and W. IC., Hager to Aylmer ; George Jewitt remains at Springfield, W. Conway goes . to Trowbridge, Rev. E, G. Powell, who shortly removeto n s London; will be attached to Dundas street church. Rev, J. A. Agnew of Ontario 'street is- chairman of Goderieh district and Rev. Geo. :McKinley, Seaforth, secre- tary. Rev. S. W. Muxworthy of Ex- eter xeter is president of the eouferenoe this year. - W. P. S. NOTES. There will be no regular meeting of the Women's Patriotic Society this week;, but the ship -ping commit- tee will be on hand Friday afternoon to receive the finished work which is to be gotten ready) for shipment. Those who have goods ready+ are re- quested to bring it to the council chamber, 'A business meeting of the Sofetyt will be held an the second Friday of each mouth during the summer, The Society is giving socks to any another or relative who may get a request from overseas asking for them. An application to Mrs, W. 1). Fair or the president, Mrs. Brydone, will be attended to at once. The Society gratefully acknowledges the following 'donations for May : Mr. Wm, Robb $ 5,00 Mrs, McGatva 13.00 . A Friend 1.00 Mrs. Bristow° ,50 Mrs, Pluntstcel 1.50 Huron County, grant 1,28.80 Giris' 50.00 Mrs, Young's estate 10.00 Clinton Patriotic Relief 8.65 Miss: M. Southcombe'.,, 5.00 Thanks are also due those who so kindly helped to make the egg show- er the success it was. Tho receipts from the shower were in the neigh- borhood of $15.00, Proceeds of the very pleasant tea given by the ladles whose name be- gin with el and T amounted to $13, HAS CLOSE SHAVE, (The Express, Aylmer) Last week Mrs. W. Glenn Camp- bell,received a letter from her broth- er, Pte. Douglas Goodwin (somewhere in France) with the 5th Canadian. Battalion, in which -he referred as fellows toione taesthe recent battles : "Say maybe we didn't have some scrap the last time we went over the top after Fritz, We were up against the '"fghtenest" soldiers the Rafael: has, tits; very cream of the Prussian Guard's, but the old 'Fifth trimmed them to a peak and then knocked the: leak on. We were few in number When it was over, but we Who are °eft are happy) and thankful. '.lhte Colonel told us he was proud of us and the General sent tis a mess- age of congratulation, I was lucky enough to come through alright,, but had some mighty close Shaves, T was lying on the ground) when a mall shell went into the ground about a foot from iny head. It ex- pietled and knocked my steel h'rimet off aiul ,filled it with earth. -A little later a' big seal box buret between the and another fellow. The other fellow v c otv lr.c l tint ll i .l. "`Lin a all g s 1 thsou h Igot is fu o a w i g Ve ar 1 t ti t 1 an. Later a° few of its seem in dan- ger of being cut oft and ran to join Fritz our Main bend, Fritz got several of its and just nicked iny sltouldcr. blade with Ft bullet. 11 ripped my coat, sweater Mal shirt for about ,Ove inches adorn' ley hack, 13u1 a miss is as geed as - a mile." ENGAGEMENTS, r Mr. Fuld Mrs., ,, , ' a 7p.W � I3a1 o t, , IT:Ball F I'a r „' vtewr Farm, Hallett boivitship, an- nounce the engagement; - of their daughter, Annie,. to Mr, Howard Hill, son of Mr. G. W, -Hill of Tab- er, Alta, ' Tile marriage takes place this month, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Currie wish to announce he engagement o cnt of their daughter, Ruby, to Mr, Charles Switzer, the marriage to take place the Iatter part of June, LADIES PLAY BOWLS, A comet:o.oi rinks of ladies tried their 'prentise hands at bowling on the green on Tuesday afternoon and they say they had a real nice time, too, They do not expect to be ask- ed this season to assist in winning the Faill Trophy, but just welt un- til next year. The ladies will play each Tuesday and 'Friday a:ternoon and any lady wishing to engage in this sport is invited to. see the president, Mrs. Axon, or -any mem- ber of tiie executive about it, SCOUTS TO,TAKE A HAND. The property committee of the council met with Rev. J. Ile Rabin - son, scout -master, on Monday even- ing to conferwith him in regard to the beautifying of the Library park. Mr, Robinson had made application to the council to have • tlio work of putting the park in order handed over to the scouts and the matter being referred to the committee they met to talk over plans. The Scouts w111 work under instructions from Mr., Robinson, who will be respons- ible for them, and no radical changes will be made .without consulting the committee. The committee will sup- ply gravel for walks .and shrubs for planting and the- boys will do the work and will keep the grass cut, It is to be hoped that this piece of town ..property will .be much improv- ed before many weeks go by. - ' .HELP FOR THE FARMERS, The London branch of the Provin- cial Government's Public Eniptoy-. meat Bureau is taking up quite ser- iously the matter of securiug effici- ent Help for the farmers. They have done much to assist during seeding operations, having placed between two hundred and three hundred men and, boys weekly during the seeding period. They are anxious that all applications for harvest help should be forwarded es soon as possible so that enough help may be available when needed. They, assure the -public that the wages asked will be reason- able, according to the worth of the - worker, and that the required help will be forthcoming if only the farm- er will chaise known his needs. A card addressed to W. N.. McQueen, Asst. Supt. Ontario Government Em- ployment Bureau, 106 Dundas St., London, will bring to the farmer an application blank, which diYIed in will state plainly what sort of help is needed, Y,L.P,A. NOTES. The Young Ladies' Patriotic Aux- iliary gratefully acknowledge the following 'donations which Imre been received during 1Vlarcie April and May: Mrs, Robb F 1.00 bliss B, 11. Sloman 5.00 Mrs. R. G. Thompson5.00 bliss .0i•. Cantolan, dance 5.05 Miss Bentley - 1.00 1VIiss H. Greig, card patty 10.00 Mrs. (Dr.) McCallum 2.00 Public School Bird Club 1.20 Wesleyan' Girls 2:50 Dorcas Band 2.00 Miss I. Houck, card party 10.00 Miss M. Cantelon, deuce 4.50 Mrs. John Middleton, Sr 5.00 Donation, no name 5,00 At last week's meeting of the Auxiliary $25 was voted to the Kingston Convalescent Home, with which . Captain Fairfuli is connected, and 525 to the London Convalescent 3:I0nte in our own military district. ' At this week's meeting the sup- plies hot the parcels to the Clinton men in France will be given out, Those wishing to pack boxes are re- quested to be present. COME ALONG EARLY, The News -Record aims to print all. the news which is wotth printing about file town, the surrounding townships, and the county. News items sent - into the office aro nmch appreciated and they are doubly ap- preciated when seat In early in the week. Fel: several weeks past news has been arriving so late, Wednesday afternoon and Thtn'sday morning, - that the staff has been - nruel4 1110011- venienee'd 111 atten&U1tg to it. 'Phare aro always happenings on Wednes- day afternoon and evening and these aro all that the can promise to han- dle Thursday before going to press. Ansi event worth noting should be sent in immediately after it happens: If it is kept. over from Friday until the following Wednesday, c yen though it is a news item which we would much like to 'publish, it will probably )aveto be left out Owinght g wet of h •ix rlr to a t s o at the Last mine Itis, We greatly, - appreciate the ef- forts of our Mende to ltelll as ga- filet the news and would respeetfnl- iy suggest that they semi in tows items at the earliest possible mo- ment, 140 will they icceive tale bless- ings of The, News -Record editor fled - staff. SCHOOL BURNT' OIVER ZII S HEAD. Mr. Harold Holmes, w1 o has been teaching 11051' Dresden and who is this week visiting bis mother ' in town, bad a somewhat esefting ex.. perience last ween one day when during an electric storm the school house in which he was 'Goading was struck by lightning, 11 was during the afternoon n session and although. the cease wassevere sl1 very se oro neither teacher or pupils ,at - first realized that the situation was so serious. p'lamee burst from the .building, how- ever, and the school "skailed"with- out • delay or the formality in ,many, cases of gathering up books, The school building was completely, destroyed, Mr. ,Holmes losingseveral of his personal , belongings besides some books.- Tribute ooks:Tribute to Former Clinton Ladg In a letter written by a soldier of the 142nd, London, battalion to kis friends -at home -in which he tells of a meeting at which Rev. Geo. Adams and Harry Lauder s oke to the - boys, ends up with this fine tribute to Mrs. McLean, wife of Major Ie. ef, McLean of the 142nd, Major and Mrs. McLean fj are both very well known in Clinton, having resided here prior to going to London a °few. years ago. Mrs. McLean seems to be endeavoring to "do her bit" by, cheering the 'convalescence of the wounded boys. She probably is not thinking much of the approval or disapproval of anyone here but many friends will rejoice that site is thus able to bring help and cheer to the brave lads who have been stricken in the light and, some may, be able to assist inthe work through her. "By the bye, if you know of any- one who wants to make tile wounded boys happy rand do it directly, tell theta to send what money they can spare to Mrs. E., M. McLean, 7.27 Seabrooke Road, Seabrooke, ,Shoen- 011110, Tient, Eng. Mrs. McLean is doing a wonderful work among the bop; at Shorneliffie and Bevan ' Hos••• pitai, and all .on her own, too, I was in one of tier parties. She coils on the boys at the hospital, brings tbem cigarettes, cheers them up won- derfully, always jolly, Ounny, and sympathetic. When they are able to - go out, she takes them to a show, and perhaps tea after, at a eiassp place, or perhaps arranges a trip on 'bus or motor to some interesting' town nearby, She is our Major Mc- Lean's wife, of 1,42nd, ye ken. You would love her, I know. I can't say: too much about her. She called on inc two or three times when I was in the hospital ; you remember me telling - you. She- bas friends in Lon- don. oudon. Good-bye, It's supper time and I must go or starve," Bagfleid The anneal meeting of the Bible Society) was held in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening, when the . Rev, W. 1. Hansard of Toronto, Field Secretary+, addressed the meet- ing on the work of the Society. Miss Lula King, who has bean attending Normal school at Strat- ford, returned home this week, Mr. William Osmond, wife and child, and Messrs. - William McBee!, Frank Cameron, John Tippet and Fred Fowlie took in the excursion to Detroit this week on the Greyhound, Mrs., Dimont, who has been spending a fele weeks with tier par- ents, Mr, and 1VIrs. John Tippet, re- turned home to Detroit on the steam- er Greyhound Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh McLaren of Port Elgin. is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Stirling, in the village. Mr. L, A•, •Sauder of Kitchener spent a few daps the past week with his wife and child, who aro spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. II, W. Erwin. - Mrs, Bogue of Windsor and jVlrs. Stott of Detroit sante on tate Grey- tiound exclusion on Monday and wero the guests this week of Mrs. Dr. Atkinson at her summer: house on the Terrace. Mrs. A. McDonald of Windsor took in the excursion on the Grcyhiaund to Goderieh and is tite guest et ber voice, Miss Maud McGregor, for a few days this week, Mr, D. C. Cameron of_Leclieow 0t_ copied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church on Sunday last, morning end evenilig. In, the morning he s,le1n on missions and in the evening on, patriotism', Constance. Mrs, DaClear of Saskatoon, Sask„ t1'Irs, Thuoli and son of Be'ussels au') Arnold Colclough and sister, Vera, motored flewll to London en Mcnolay to vfeit'friends, returning on 'rues - tray. Mr. Wm. Milson of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting itis mother, Mrs. Nilson, and.. other friends, Mrs. Moore and son of Toronto are visiting her mother, leers, Mann, Sr. Mr ei Riley friends Vln. Rale and f len � of 1 11 n' sse. r ls. spout Snnclayr with his sis- ter, Mrs, Jas, Mann, Quite a number from around here were out to the Maitland ,Beak cem- etery on Sunday, it being deeoratlmt day, lire, Atwood and children of Wind sot spent a week with her parents,: ler, end, n'irs.ee Rlfey,