HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-07, Page 8What Wijl Cone of
It ?
evrtain Llboxal newspapers ,who
lack the courage to oitettly op -
peep compulsory military 'service
are doing their host till defeat
it by ,claiming, that it oan-
net be put into effect by of party
Government, What about the Utaitact
States 7 7'he WitsOfl Administration
lues just emerged vietoxlously frons
one of the. most Mutes, partisan batt-
les :that any contest for We Presiden-
cy has •ktrown, harsh echoes of that
conflict might reasonably be expected
to be hoard in the ,present Congress.
Yet the Democrats have Tut conscrip-
tion into force, and not a worst of
critiofsm, let alone a demand for
coalition, lias been voiced by the Re--
9lnblioan leaders, "Wo have . a Mali -
tion of every Republican and every
Democrat, a coalition of comma pa-
triotism,," declares Ellin: Root, the
Roliublicaii Party's greatest states-
man, "We are all standing behind
the President, and we will stand be-
hind him until the war is won," says
:William Howard Taft,
The opposition at Ottawa is rath-
er fond of, quoting the 'United States,
telling of how much more forehanded
ithas.sliown itsel€ to he in regard to
its war poUey. WNW, since tbo op-
ening 01 tite,iiar has the Government
ai Ottaivo had anythinl; !ilea the
frank and .generous support of leaders.
Of "tllo opposition wliicli alio Wilson
Actniinlsixation itas a'eooived ,since a
state of war` was dee areal. If Sir
Wilfred Laurier , will not consent to
orator \a coalition and a war tine
election is forced upon Canada what
Inference ma be drawn but that the
opposition puts party interests before
the,wolfare of the Country and, in
the absonoe 01 thousands of her brav-
est I: sons, 11Opes,to step into power
OR alto ,votes - of •those who
for one. reason Or -another are
opposed to any form of com-
pulsory military sorviee'1 What
is the policy al the !Dominion 'opposi-
tion '1 Has anybody anp idea what
stops would ho taken, should a gen-
eral election result in a Liberal vic-
tory, to rehiforco the Canadian ba-
ttalions at the front, ox would they
be left, without reinforcements of any
kind ? These are questions which
ought to be takenseriously to heart
by every Canadian who loves his
Our stock oI Fleet Foot Shoes is noiv at Its best, and consists
of lines suitable for. each member .of -the fantil}t.
We have 'pretty little strap slippers for the wee tote, pumps
. and high shoes for ladies and . good Bard wearing shoes in black,
tan and white for the girls and boys. We aro also showing a heavy
work slice for men, 'canvas upper and heavy rubber sole.
Our prices on these goods 'is rock bottom aid no other shoe
twill give you so much in comport and wear for so small a price
as a pair_ of Fleet' Foot.
Head Comfort
To be comfortable you Must keep. 'the. head cool. See what we
are offering in ladies' and children's hats in straw, pttnanra, cloth
01111 canvas. %
See our liien's iana= add sailor hats. '1•'hey aro very
Small Profits
Insteel Bros.
More Business
OT I M e' a1 T
FOR conservative men—men who travel in the mid-
dle of the road" of Footwear Fashions, and who
appreciate the limit of Foot Comfort, we. have special
Shoes that are dignified, and good
looking, but built for Comfort.
SHOES that are made so perfectly that they cause
men to say an soon as their feet are i,lside of them --
°VdeAl ! that's the best feeling shoe.
I ever had on in my life 1 "
The leathers are blacks, tan, patents —very soft and
pliable. Low -flat heels, self supporting arch, and easy
tread. $4, $5, $6 to $9.
We fit these comfortable shoes with the greatest
care, and a man's foot troubles are gone forever,
Fred. Jackson
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to,tbe room.
Ithas other advantages al-
so, being easy to glean, easy
to remove. We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axtninst ere, Wit.
tons, etc„ that w e' have
priced at attractive prices,
We wnold he most pleased
to show them to you.,
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
por ����+wFN CANADA
of i'"vl `may tG wr A M,W I i .If-rr i1. • in
CertvetrfArrf.S xfi'fcti,.Tr/1'odernElectric Lighted Equipmelft
Standard sn4 Tourriat iifeepina Cara and Colonist Coaches
For rkkato, riessev,itlents 1.1 Waters, And leforritatlon, apply to
A, Y. coor'Clti 0O01< STORE/ CLINTON,
Or write R', 4, rralrbolrit, C.,p,A„ ed 1<Inn it, 0, torento,
The Y DM Fair Coo
Often /he Cheapest
Always the Best
Requests the favor of your
criticism, if you are interested
lit Wall Hanging Decorations
of the values,- variety and
artistic .features offeree- h
their Wall Paper Stock.
s • , rt ImnammA�uin ueiww,,,:
Mr. W. Jackson is in Toronto- this
week on business,
Miss Wylie of Toronto is visiting her
sister, Mrs. :(Rev.) J. 1d. Hogg, at
the manse.
Mrs. Wiltse of Sea[orth is in town
this week visiting her lather, Mr,
A. D: Wiltse.
Miss ]5Va 01011 reterned Saturday
after a• yv rk's visit with her sister
In Hamilton.
Miss Emily Morrison of Hensall is a
guest this week at the home of
Mrs. R. J. Cluli.
Miss Amy Rowson spent the week-
end as. the guest of Mrs, (Dr.)
Ferguson of Kincardine.
Mrs, Wm, Glen and Mrs. J. B, :Lind-
say leave shortly on a visit to
relatives in the west.
Mr. A..'1'. Cooper was `ha Burgess-
ville on Sunday in. the interests of
the Dominion Alliance.
Mrs.. D. W. L. Cantelon and children
of Toronto are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Cantelon.
Miss Crooks, who has been in Or-
illia during the spring millinery
season, has returned hone,
Mise Norma 1anStone of. Wiugliam
was the guest this week for a few
days of Miss Julia Bartl.iff,
Mr. John Cantelon of the Wilsons
!lank staff, Toronto, was a week-
end visitor at his home in 1000.
Mr. George Irving of Chicago, form-
erly of town, has been visiting his
brothers, Messrs. R. and W. Irving,
Mr.. and NIrs. W. S. R. i'Iolmes and
children and Miss Ball motored to
Molesworth on Sunday to visit
Miss Jennie Robertson was with
Goderich friends over the week -end
and Monday, which was a Bank
Rev. W. 'I'. Cliff and Mrs. Cluff plot-
ored up from Stratford last 'wee!.
and Bliss Mamie Clutf accompanied
them home,
Miss Maida Cooper left Tuesday for
Torontotake to to e a Position, hav-
ing finished her course at the School
of Commerce.
Mr. D. S. Cook is in Toronto this
week attending a convention of the
Chosen Friends as a delegate from
the local Circle,
County -Crown Attorney Seager and
his son, Rev. Dr. Seager, principal
of St. Marlys College, Vancouver,
B. C. were in town on Monday.
Miss Bessie Porter was the delegate
from Wesley auxiliary to the branch
meeting of the W.M,S. of London
confcrenee held at Petrolea last
week ,
The Misses Chidlep of Toronto have'
taken Airs. J. Johnston's furnished.
house on Victoria street and in-
tend spending the summer in .the
ofd home town. --
Mr, and Mrs, E. J. Jenkins and
little son, Master George, of Tor-
onto were guests fora fete- days
.over tite week -end with relatives
and friends in•town and 'vicinity.
Mr. T. Jackson leaves tomorrow for
Winnipeg where he will attend a
meeting of the -Canadian Manufac-
turers' Association next week. Nyrs.'
Jackson and little daughter, Miss
Huth, will accompany him.
Air. E. D. Helstrop, teller in the
Maisons link, who has enlisted for
overseas service;, goes to Toronto
shortly to begin his training, . Mr,
King of 7'eeswater will succeed
him on the local Bank staff,
Mr, Newton Wylie of Toronto, who
addressed a public meeting ha the
town hallunder the auspices of
the Y,L. .A., on Tuesday evening,
was the guest while iu' town of his
sister, Mrs, J. L. Hogg at the
Major ,Joseph Beck and Mrs, Beck of
Toronto, well known to many
*readers of The News -Record, are
now on _a trip to the Pacific Coast,
Mrs, Beek went as a delegate to
the convention of the Daughters of
The Empire at Vancouver, B.0,
NIr. and Mrs. W. P, O'Neil lett on
Tuesday, on a trip to the west.
']'hey will visit their. slaughter, Mrs.
(Dr.) Ross, at. Swift Current and,
another glatighter, Miss Jessie, who.
is teaching, at Olds, Alta,, and will
also visit at Calgary and perhaps
go las far 'as Edmonton, :They 0s.-,
poet to be absent a couple of
Mr. .1. U. Warrington of Cornwall
was in town this week looping up
choice fowl and called an Messrs,
W, .J, lIanihlyn, '.I' E. East and 0,
Levy of town and Mr. Wm. ("tarter
of (l0nstanc0, Mr, Warrington was
offering oheloc prises for the birds
lie wanted- and some good sales
were made, Ile also admired the
finch of Mt. TIM, Watts hilt as
that gentleman was out of (XVII
00(10 110 pttrehases,
'Newest fabrics
Ahow ii
'—Dil hoops
YOU are cordially invited to inspect our showing of
fIt the latest cloths from PRIESTLEYS' famous looms at
Bradford, Ingland. lir From the attractive display you
will have no difficulty in choosing a material and color
to suit your taste. (If Among the newest fabrics are'Salis-
bury Serge in colors, MohairySerge, Wool San Toy, etc.
Look far Indigo Serge
selvedge, Indigo Serge
Jens 7th, 1917'
blouse Waist
to 8575 t r% /,, : Coat
;Skirt 8576 C 9057
,13utterich_Pdttern$i 3uti•ench
Dry Goods, Ilouse Furnishings
phone 117
Next to Royal Hank
9045 Sold at
LVaist 8923
Skirt 8935
a 8uiterick'" Patterns_•
Tuckersfnith Township
Bliss Nettie Terryberry is spending
a couple of weeks visiting her sis-
ters in Essex' county.
Airs. frank Walters has returned
hone after spending a week with
her grandmother in _Auburn,
Miss Hattie 'Turner is hone from
college at Tomato,
r 111i Crich had hatched last
NI }
week 238 chickens, 22 ducks and 12 l
The farmers of this vibinity are ;
busy every flue day getting in corn
and beans.. Marc corn is being put
in this year than usual,
Messrs. H. Crich, W. Crich and J.
Labeau liave given orders to Mr.
Chas, Layton to have silos treated
this summer.
An extra large acreage of beans is
also being put in.
On Tuesday evening a number of
the friends and neighbors gathered
at the home of 1110. and Mrs. Whit-
field Crioli on the second concession
and, in view of their intended de-
parture for their new ]tame in Clin-
ton, read, them an appreciative ad-
dress and presented them with a
handsome clock, Mrs. Ira Johns
read the address and Mrs. (4. N.
Turner made the presentation, in
the ,name of tate assembled company.
Mr. Iloward Crich replied, on behalf
al his parents, thanking them heart-
ily for their kindness, and others
spoke of the long residence of the
fatally in the community 'and the
respect in which they have always
boon ir:eid, There was also 1)1115111
and games and refreslmtents, which
the visiting ladies had prepared, and
the 'evening- was very pleasantly
spent. Following is the address t
'l'o Mr, and Mrs. Crich :
Dear Friends,—We, your neighbors
and friends, have taken ..this oppor-
tunity of expressing our regard for
you. We verb much regret your re-
moval from this neighborhood as it
will sever relations which have been
of the most pleasant character. We
reel ‘that you have ever, been promot-
romoters of any good work and have been
faithful attendants at the church,
with which you ]rave so long been
connected. In your removal from
our midst rest assured that yoe
carry with you the very best wishes
of all. We feel confident that those
with whom you are to assoeiato itt
70000 111100 sirtroandiags _will soots
learn to appreciate your worth. We
trust that while tnauy now friends
may be made, the old ones will not
soon lie fargotten, We rogttest that
you will aceopt.this clock as n. tole•.
eat of the rontenibranceand regard of
your] Tmekel.'Smftlt friends, and our
wish Is that your future home may
he one of great •happiness,—Signed
on behalf of tine comrnimity : Mrs.
If, J. Pepper, Mrs. J. 1'), Ball, Mrs.
1,'1V, Johns, Mrs, (1. N, Tattier.
flcv. W. A, Prawn IS in London
this week attending the annual 0012-
Kipp a n.
Mr. Thos. Meths was called to
Iletvick last week owing to the .loath
of a relative, Mrs. Vanstone, who
had reached the great age of ninety-
twq years,
Mr. 'Wm. Reid and wife 01 Luck -
now visited the latter's brother, Mr,
1V. H, Johnston. 'i'hey also ‘motored
to Lambton to visit friends. Nlr.
Johnston accompanied them, return-
ing on Saturday.
We ¢'egret this week to have to re-
port the death of Mr. David Work-
man, which sad event occurred, at
his home in 1ackersmith on:Tuesday
evening of last week, Mr, Workman
had been ill with pnmenonia for al-
most three. weeks. Ile 'was . in the
prinie of life, being only forty-two
years of age. I3e was a most affec-
tionate husband and father: and his
taking away is a crushing blow to
his wife. and two young daughters,
who survive him. Ile is also sur-
vived by two brothers, Thos. and
John of the London Road, Stanley,
and four sisters : Mrs. Wm. Butts
and Mrs. A. McGregor Tuokersmith,
Mrs. J. Reid, London, and IVI_rs. R.
P. Bell, Seaterth, The funeral on
Friday was very. largely attended,
tlie• services being conducted by Rev.
Dr. Aitken of Sippen, the, deceased's
pastor. Interment was made in
Hensall Union cemetery.
IVo have also heard of tite death
of Mrs, John Turner, Sr., of Stan-,
ley, which occurred at hes: home on.
the Parr Line Sunday evening. The
deceased was seventy. -two years of
age and most highly respected, Her'
fhmily have the sympathy of the
community le their bereavement,
The Natal tools place on Tuesday
Miss Margaret Meths left on Sat-
urday for a fortnight's visit with
friends in St. Thomas and Toronto,
Mr. IIol:bort 11'hiteman of Toronto,
son•ot Mr, and Nlts. John Whiteman
of this village, was quietly married
on Monday of this week to Niles
Aline Hart, daughter of Rev. John
Hart of Brumfield, The ceremony
was ,performed at the residence of
the bride's sister, Mrs. Madden of
13rucefleld, the bride's father olftc'iat-,
ing, Mr,' and bars. Whiteman have
the best wishes or a ]cost of friends,
both being well and favorably known
in this community, They lett on the
afternoon train 011 an extended wed-
ding trip.
Rev, John Itit:hardson and wife of
Brigden were visiting with friends
around. I<ippen Tuesday and Wednes-
day of last week. All were pleased
to meet with them again. They left
on Thursday for Woodstock to be
present at the marriage of Miss
.Etta Richardson, which happy - event
took place on Saturday, Miss Rich-
ardson was a influent visitor at the
manse during her haOtlter's pastorate
hero. We join with her many friends,
in wishing iter a long and happy
wedded life.
NIr. John Moffat of the London
Road, has invested in a car for the
pleasure of himself and family,
F a tlie11
SiKIRT 8983
Custom Tailoring and
(Phone 103) Men's; Fuxnislnn;�,
Opposite Public Library �l
-firs, Adana Thomson incl daughter,
'Airs. McMann, anti- child of Goderich
were the guests of the fornrer's sis-
ter, Airs. Cowie, on NIoatlay. .
Mrs. Dinront of Detroit is spending
a few weeks -with her parents, 121x.
and Mrs. John Tippet.
Rev, J, 17.. Jones is attending the
1VIethodist conference at London this
week. bars. Jones and daughter are
visiting her parents at Sombre, 1,1
his absence, •
A. L. Erwin, reeve, is attending
the June county council meeting at
Goderich this week.
Mr. D, 0, Cameron of Luckrtow
will occupy the pulpit of St, An-
drew's church on Sunday morning in
the interests- of missions,
Mrs. Northcott of St.. Marys is
the guest of Mrs. Parsons this
Mr. George Green and wife and
family of Drayton were the guests
of his. 'mother, Airs. Green, over
Sunk. .
The, annual meeting of *e 13ayfleld
branch Bible Society will be held in
the Methodist church on Tuesday ev-
ening next at 8 o'clock, The Rev,
417. E. Ilassard of Toronto, field sec-
retary, will address the meeting on
the work of the society and, will al-
so illustrate his address on a black-
NIr. and Mrs, .I. Govenlock ot Sea -
forth were the guests of their daugh-
ter, Mfrs, William Ferguson,'brt Sun-
day last,
I -lo nrnesville
Our village and vicinity was. al-
most •deserted 011 Friday evening
last, on account of the "New Idea,"
a barn concert, at Ebenezer which
report says was very successful.
A meeting of the coct.gregation of
the Methodistchurch' is called for
Thursday evening. The trustees hav-
ing decided to renovate the interior
of the church, the committee have
had plaster repaired nue are going
to paint and decorate at once,
People are busy doing their .'.'bit"
these days--•gari1ens are coining along
fine since t1te few waren days came iu,
Mr. and Mrs. Langford of St.
Mary;, ntotbe: and brother: of Mrs.
1). J, Burns, have been visiting at
Mt. Burns' for the week.
Our genial postmaster, Mr, A. J.
Courtice, is the proud possessor of
a field or r}a, out iri head.
The Patriotic Society held its an-
nual meeting on Thursday last, when
the following officers were elected
President, Mrs., W. Jenkins
1stVice, Mrs, 13. T. Walter
2nd Vico, Mrs. ;Sinclair
Treasurer, Miss Cololough
Secretary, Miss 'Noma Cou0tice.
The fitnancial statement for the
year sbotvad the ,total receipts *40.1,-
117, expenditures 5388,00. The. work
accomplished in the year was as fol-
lows : Sake_ Rai t, 380 pairs ; flan-
nel shirts, 1.3.2; Woollen scarfs, 0;
leeingorless Mitts, IA pairs ; boxes
shipped to the boys et the trout, J°(,
The Society has a membership of 27.
,Hiss Alice Bell went to 1. inter:
Monday evening to attend thm piara
recital given by Mr. Roy 1)1rn'sv,,
of London.
Mrs. D. E. Dewar and son, Ilon
ald, left for C'alup 13ordes1 tie . nes•
day, where they will be oo tt1. 11,.
Dewar for the summer.
The Women's Patriotic Soi'iety w•f 1.
meet next .week at the hone of airs.
Tyner. During the past month the-
Society has :shipped the following ar•
titles : Sixty-three pairs of socks,
twenty towels and twelve shirts.
Little Misses NIabel and Joy Me..
Lean of Hanover are visiting their.
grandparents, NIr. and Mrs. A, hlder
while their parents, Rev. Walter cat+
Mrs. McLean are in Montreal, the
former attending the General Assem-
Self Defence
Patriotic Photo Drama
Massive, Thrilling.
Appealing, Spectacular
50000 troops, 3000 horses,.
cast of 400 battleships, aero-
planes, artillery, cavalry and
info ntry.
PRO.D0CIN(k T1IIS, A STtrliV 01.'
Don't Fail to See
Self Defence at Princess
Theatre, Jun1 15 Si I
1.0e and 20e,
Call or phone
for prr ce
Etcch11c W1iirll g
and Fixture
Sanitary Plumbers. 1'hono 7,