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The Clinton News Record, 1917-06-07, Page 7
AFTER DOCTORS FAILED A Well Known Resident of bort Hawkesbury is Restored to 'Cf Health tend Strength. Olre of the best known men, in the town of Port Hawkesbury, N.S, lie M1' William Duff, I -Ie bas been a member '"s o4 the inuniolpai council for 1$ years, chairman of the Penpal board, and held other responsible pasitlena Mr. Duff's. Verde, therefore, can be taken as com- ing from a man who has the esteem and respect of his fellow townsdnen, He maiteg no secret of the fact that lie believes Dr. Williams' Pink P1110 saved his life, and that they restored him to good health, atter several medical men had failed to cure him, Mr. Duff tells of his illness and ,e{u'e ae follows: "About four years arta I was attaoked With la grippe, which left me in a eon• dation difficult to describe. T WAR at- tacked with general wealcn'esa, and a ARCHITECT OF HER OWN RUIN GERMANY RAS FORIOEr IAD "PLACE IN TIIE SUN," Outcast of the Nations Because She Has Proved Unworthy of Trust. Why should not Germany have her "place in the sun"? Why should she not realize her dream of.. avast Teutonic empire stretching from the North Sea to the Persian Gulf? writes the Editor of the Philadelphia Ledger. Other nations possess domains: wrest- ed by force from their original posses- sere, The United States seized ter- ritory from Spain and from Mexico. constant hull pain in the stomach, I The rise of the British Empire is a became so weak that I eolld not Walls long story of conquest. Africa was a hundred yards without sitting down divided among. the European Powers to rest, The food I ate continually with no regard for the wishes of its soured on ivy stomach. My nerves inhabitants. Japan has encroached upon China. The. peoples unable to Were all gone, and palpitation of the .heart and a fluttering sensation • all I za on hold their own in the progress of cavi - i ti or unfit to rule themselves 11 'through my chest, espeata y aiMort, have been ruled by ethers better quail - was almost unbearable, I was finally find. Is not colonization a large compelled to go to bed, and called in a part of "the white man's burden"? Is ed,, said my heart was affect- Germany to be denied her share in ed, and treated me tt that troubie, bearing it? Is she alone among the After three months attendance, and nations to be told, l "Thus fax shalt feeling no better; I called in another thou go and no farther"? These are • doctor, His, treatment also failed to questions which many ask, and they help me, and I tried, a third doctor, deserve an answer: This one said there was nothing wrong with my heart, that: the -trouble was World Must .Grow Better. duo to• my stoanach. After treating me It should be pointed out, in the first for a time he advised that I go to the Place, that the historical argument hospital at Halifax. On a previous fie• may easily be pressed too fax: We are casion when, I had an attack of rheu- not living in the sixteenth century. madam I had been cured by Dr, Wil• The ravaging of Belgium and south- • Hams' Pink Pills, and I decided t;>,rat, ern Franee cannot be justified by the rather than go to a hospital I would atrocities of Tillyts-troops at Magde- again try this medicine. I got a supply burg. The destruction of noble of thespills and began taking them. monuments of architecture cannot be In a few weeks I could feel my justified by the obliteration of Roman strength returning, my stomach was civilization by the Goths and Vandals. !giving me less trouble, the palpitation There is no nation but has some blot of the heart disappeared, and after a on the 'scutcheon. But if the world further use of the pills -I felt as well as has not been growing better all these lever I did in my life. I can truly say years, if we are to honor our ancestors that I feel more thankful than wards by imitating their crimes, then we are can express for what Dr. Williams' wprse than the beasts of the field Pink Pills have done for me." that perish. No Englishman would You can get these pills from any now repeat the deeds of Cromwell in dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 Ireland; no Frenchman would devast- cents a box, or six 'boxes- for $2.60, ate the Palatinate as Louis XIV from The Dr. Williams' Medicine -Ca., did. Thus the whole purpose Brookville, Ont. of moderh colonization is to develop r,.—•— - men and resources, to build up, DRIED VEGETABLES. not to cast down. It has 'not always been consistently carried out. Human Great Saving Will be Effected by motives are mixed, and nations are New Process. not more altruistic than their inhab-, itants. But it may fairly be said that Russian, laborers who are building England has done a great service to the railroad from Petrograd to Kale, Egypt, the- United States to the Phil - the arctic port on the White Sea, are living largely en dried vegetables. The evaporating plants, which are usually run only to dry apples, are equally ser viceable in the preservation of onions, carrots, cabbages and small fruits. The principle of removing water from vegetables without cooking them and without changing their food con- tent or physical structure has recently been successfully worked out. The wa- ter is gradually withdrawn from the peeled, sliced or shredded vegetables her governing India as England has by passing over them expanded air at done. She has never shown the comparatively low temperatures. The slightest capacity for understanding water leaves the cell structure with- the peoples over whom she has raised out displacing or breaking it, and the her flag. Her conduct during this war temperature at which the practice is is but a more startling illustration carried on is so low that the volatile than. ever before of her conception of flavors are left behind. lcultur. In Belgium, for example, she It is said that vegetables so dried has broken every obligation the eon - are fresher and better in every re- queror owes to the conquered. How ppeet, after they, have been restored can the world longer permit author - shy water, than fresh vegetables sty to the. Power that uses it only to bought at retail after being a long destroy ? How can it do less than time off the farm, in transit, in stor- secure itself from a repetition of the age or in the window of the grocery spectacle which the retreat of the store. German armies is presenting? Ger- If the practice of drying fruits and many cannot have a place in the sun vegetables is as feasible as recent in- if the rest of mankind is to sit in the vestigations make is appear, the ex- shadow of darkness. She would no pense of shipping water, which makes doubt revitalize the feeble frame of up 80 per cent. of the bulk of these Austria, bring economic prosperity to staple foodstuffs, will be eliminated, the Balkans, restore Turkey. But and if to this great saving is added what does it profit a nation if she gain the saving due to the lessened cost of the whole world and lose her, own preventing spoilage, the ultimate say- soul? And what can she give in ex - mg to the consumer will be great. Thi J31aom us Ber>i' es CAR SM'I?P Ill A CAR GAINI'1D, in your cheeks .you Gail get Rodeo Car 5itortaga by Filling tears, it by cutting out the heavy, Says C. P. R. Bulletin. expensive foods of . Winter The abject ih issuing these bulletins that clog the liver and bur- is not to start a controversy with the derz the kidneys. Here is a public and not to shift responsibility dish that will clear the ski to the public, but to secure the - co- operation of the public, and give you the bounding �- Bulletin Ne. 1 contains the follow - buoyancy of youth—Shred. ing information, from 1907 to 1910: ded Wheat and Strawber• The freight carried en Ctinadian railways increased 61 per cent,; num- ries. 11 the body-building bor of ears inei'eaaed 91 per cent.; tio- •ncre ed 131 per materi� in the whole wheat tel oar capacity increased as P Y grain combined with berries' I cent; average capacity of cars in - or other fruits. creased 5,8 tons; average weight of contents increased 3,0 tons, The present heavy volume of traf- fie will no doubt continue so long as the war lasts, Additional cars and locomotives are needed but they cannot be secured in large numbers for many months. , There is also a serious shortage of, labor and in some places of yard trackage. The only WOY to improve the con- ]dations therefore is to secure greater efficiency in the present equipment, terminal trackage, and man power, The railways alone cannot develop the maximum efficiency; the railways w Ys n lic co-operating and the p b p ng can. Consignees can help by ordering full car loads instead of minima authorized in the tariffs and classifications, and consignees canelp by loading cars' to Is -e slogan of the Toronto Fat Stock their full authorIs-the ized cubical or carry- Show, who announce their Eighth An- ing capacity. nual Exhibition, in this issue, to be held For the average train in 1915 the at the Union Stook Yards, on Decem- average weight of contents of cars bar 7th and, 8th next, Our readers w111 rf9membe-r the record prices! paid at the Made in Canada. Works -Da Clothes s Il There is a growing demand for women's overalls not only for work in field and factory but for worlc in the home as well. Overalls of khaki, with comfortable, `xodmy bloomers, worn over a plain waist and accompanied Opines, France. to Tunis and Italy to by, a becoming sun -hat, as shown Tripoli. No one would have the Dark above, completely equip a woman for Continent again what it was in Liv- ingstone's Day. Misuse of Power. Germany alone of all the Powers has been utterly unable to combine her own advantage with that of the sizes, ladies' and misses'. Price, 10 people she has essayed to rule. This cents. has been proved in every colony she has had. It is impossible to think of outdoor work. McCall Pattern No. 7860, Ladies' and Misses' Overall Suit (Patent applied far) in 6 sizes; 32 to 42 bust. No. 7073, Ladies' Waist; in 7- sizes; 34 to 46 bust. Price, 15 cents each. No. '7850, Ladies and Misses' Garden or Sun -Hats; in `2 I£ there ever was anything that wo- men could not do, they era now doing ,it or about to do it. Sounds travel through dry air at the rate of 60 feet a second; through water at 240 feet a second, and in steel wire at 17,130 feet a second. A Wise is to change from tea and coffee to POST before the harm is done. "There's EL treason" t.� change for her soul? Moral issues cannot be ignored, and poplin, linen or drilling, she will be these are the issues that Germany has dust as pleased with it. The model raised to her own undoing. Her illustrated is made with or without the © n1aQAL0 ir- Every small girl will tell you that there is nothing she adores more than a middy dress, especially in summer- time. Whether it .is of chambray, neighbors no longer trust her because she has proved unworthy of trust. That is a penalty. the payment of which she cannot escape. A MARVELLOUS MODEL. Reproduction in Plasticine of the Country Around Viiny Ridge. A -wonderful inodel was in sone measure responsible for the capture of Vimy Ridge. It is a scale reproduction of the landscape of which the Vimy Ridge is the central feature, and the hand that fashioned it is that of a consummate artist. The material of which it is " moulded is plasticine, and it shows all •Is,the trench systems, the network of roads and tracks, the railways, and the streams, and, most important of all, the contour of the ridges, spurs, gullies, and the plateau. Every mine crater is reproduced, and every belt of wire shown as it ex- isted prior to the terifiie- bombard- ment which receded the infantry at- tuck. This work of months was executed from aerial photographs, from maps and direct observation. Local knowl- edge was largely requisitioned, and the author of the model gladly ,ac- knowledges the assistance he receiv- ed from the Mayor of Viiny, himself a keen sportsman, with an intimate knowledge of the country. Over this Lilliputian landscape Staff officials of high rank pored for hours on end, and officers and non- corns, from Canadian .,and British unite which were detailed for the as- sault were coached in their parts on this wonderful model, 'Mudie artillery plotting was done over this most fantastic plan. It deserves to be placed in .some monumental nicht, for beyond all question it contributed to a degree Which it would be difficult to mutt - ate to the splendid victories so often schemed upon its Surface. yoke, and has a straight pleated skirt to an underbody. McCall Pattern No. 7732, Girl's Maddy , Dress; in 5 sizes; 6 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. These pattenrs may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co,, 70 Bond St„ Toronto, Dept. W. GROSS, SICKLY BABIES Sickly babies -those' who are cross and fretful; whose little stomach and bowels are out of order ; who suffer from constipation, indigestion, colds or any other of the minor ills of little ones—can be promptly cured by Baby's Own Tablets. Concerning them Mrs, Jean Paraclis, St, Brlana, Que., writes: "My baby was very ill and vomited all his food. He was cross and cried night and day and nothing helped him •t111 I began using Baby's' Own Tablets, They soon set him right and now he is it fat, healthy boy:' The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, 1 . Storm Detector. A device by which the approach of summer thunderstori can be de- tected hour's before the first cloud appears in the sky has been perfect- ed by a New York electric power cempany. The company needed some- thing of the sort, for on the arrival of a storm there are always increased de- mands for electricity ina city, and the central station must be prepared in advance, Tho storm detector is a wire- less mechanism, which is affected by the •electric disturbance going far In advance of the thunderstorm itself. The warning signal is given by an or- dinary electric' bell. When the storm is several hours off the bell begins. to ring at intervals, and as thunder deeds approach it gives off a cortin - eons peal. l0aai} atln1rd'r! Liniment in the 1101100, Youing.,Women Wanted Good oppertivalty Offered Young women desiring permanent work In '!ioroiuto to learn wartimes work 111 the largest establiahod restaurant In Cana de, Good wages Paid, beast working conditions and fair tl'eatllleilt. Write, telephone or call. Ohllds Coe 158 •Yong& St, Toronto, FIVE EGGS A WEAK, Allowed Wealthy Belgian Family By "Kiltdly" Huns. A Belgian family, wealthy before the war, recently arrived in London. Their estate was ina suburb of Bru- ges, and after the German oecupatiori they were not . allowed to lease the estate without a pasyyport,'and when discovered without tie they were fined 100 marks, • The Germans took con- trol nf'lhe farm and garden' produce, but allowed the owner to keep five. eggs a week. On one occasion, when they kept nine, a fine of 100 marks Was imposed The stables were emptied, the cattle were taken, • and when they tried i to hide the carriages, a representative of cl them to kultur,pistolin hand,force he give them up. "BETTER THAN USUAL" was 18.4 tons; total weight of oars, 503 tons; total weight of contents,, 344 tons; total weight 'of train, 847 tons. For the average train proposed for 1917, the average weight of contents of ears will be 23.4 tons; total weight of cars, 448 tons; total weight of con- tents, 899 tons; total weight of train, 847 tons. ' Had the average• load per car in 1915 been 23.4 tons instead of 18.4 the same traffic would have been handled with: 6,947,588 less trains hauled one mile; 1,568,765 less car trips; 29,806,- 535 lessltons of dead oar tare hauled one mile. By increasing now the average load by 5 tons per car the public would improve the efficiency of the equip- ment, facilities, and man power of the railways to an extent equal to; 64,800 additional freight cars, 482 ad- ditional freight and yard engines, 415 additional miles of yard trackage, and 18.5 per cent. increase in man power employed in train and yard service. PAIN ? NOT A BIT 1 LIFT VAUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF No humbug I Apply few drops then Just, lift them away with fingers. —o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o—o— This ew drug is an ether compound discovered by a Cincinnati chemist. It is called freezone, and can now be ob- talned !n `tiny bottles as here shown at very little cost from any drug store. Just ask for freezone. Apply a drop or two directly up- on a tender corn or cal- lus and instantly the soreness disappears. Shortly you will find Nle corn or callus so loose that you can lift it off, root and all, with the fingers. Notawinge of P air t soreness or irritation; not even the slightest smarting, either when applying freezone or afterwards. This drug doesn't eat up the corn 01' callus, but shrivels them so they loosen and come right out, It is no humbug! It works like- a charm, For a few cents you can get rid of every hard corn, soft corn or corn be- tween the toes, as well as painful cal- luses onbottom of your feet. It never disappoints and never burns, bites or inflames. If your druggist hasn't' any freezone yet, tell him to get a- little bole for you from 111s wholesale house. _ Gun Trophies for Canada. A special War Office committee has been appointed to deal with the col- lection .and distribution of captured guns, which are useful only as trophies. They will be sent in gen- eral to the home districts of the troops who captured them, and a consider- able ,humber are to be set aside for shipment to Canada. Ask for Minard's and take no other, To boil cod, -put it into boiling salt- ed water and cook till the flesh leaves the bones easily. Remove, drain well, and keep hot. 'A little vinegar added. to the water when boiling the -fish will keep the flesh firm and white. The fit of the tailor-made suit often depends upon the pockets, Mivanil'a Linlincnt used 'b3 Illyalolens, Before placing a sponge cake in the oven to bake, try sprinkling a little fine white sugar over the top. This forms the rich, brown -looking crust that makes bought sponge cakes look so tempting.. ISSUE, No. 23---'17, Auction Sale at last year's show, the G%tmd Champion being bought by the T. Eaton Company at 6'0c, per lb., live weight. Premium lists will be out in a' few days and will contain all the, old and several new dance, O -- The Model Fighter. Now emulate the busy bee; To farm and battle spring: He gathers honey all the day And also has 'a sting. Qr'aillllaicd Eyelid% ®ir1 �9 Eyes inflamed by expo- sure to Sun, Susi and Wind q,uickly relieved by biurlse esyekemedy,NoSmarting, just Eye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Markle Eye SalveinTubeo25c. ForCookolilis yefreeask Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago To repair an umbrella slightly tori, cut out a piece of black sticking plast- er rather larger than the hole and let it float in cold water until soft. Then place it very neatly over the hole on the inside. The umbrella will last like this for some time without need- ing re-covering. At the Yarmouth Y. M. C. A. Boys' Camp, held at Tuskot Falls in August, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache, ALFRED STOKES, General Sec'y. The scarcity of paper? As long ago as the reign of Tiberius the dearth of papyrus.was so alarming that the Roman Government took over the dis- tribution of the available supply. MONEY ORDERS... BUY your out of town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders, Five dollars costs three cents, Great Britain now has 276 electri- city companies, with a sapital of 66306,000,000, Minard'5 Liniment Lnmbeimaia's Priend, Children now and then are greater than their parents, but they wouldn't have been if their parents hadn't given them the proper start. compowo Tor An nosier Seed Waters Cyclone Shaking' and Dumping Grate Ears for all requirements Canadian Steam Boller Equipment Co., Limited Tel. Gerrard' 3660 20 meGee St. - Toronto America's Pioneer Dog Remedios AFICIrermaeccevnomior 830020 ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed .rellod free to auk address by the Author II, CLAY GLOVER CO„ Inc. 118 West 31st Street, New York The Man With the Plow, As the British• troops began their goat fight on Easter- Monday they had one great fellow -worker -the Man with the Plow, "There was one Agnro in this landscape of war who made some officers about me laugh,"' says Mr, Gibbs, In the London Chronicle, "He was a'French • plowman who 'up- holds the tradition of war. Zola saw him in 1870, and I have seen him on the edge of other battlefields, and here.he was again, driving a pair of sturdy horses and his plow across the sloping field not a furleng away from a village where German shells were raising rosy clouds of brick -dust. So he gave praiseto the Lord on Easter morn and prepared the harvests which shall be gathered alter the war." MA • COULD AMY ST1110 Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. P� a Fulton, N. Y. - "Why will women pay out their money for treatment and - receive no benefit, when so many have proved that Lydia E. Pinkham's•Vege- table Compound will make them well? ' For over a year I suffered so from female weak- ness I' could hardly stand and was afraid to go on the street alone, Doc- tors said medicines were. useless and only an operation would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has proved it otherwise. I am now perfectly well and can do any kind of work." -Mrs. NELLIE PHELPS, caye of B. A. Rider, R.F.D. No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let- ters written by women made well by Ly- dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you have bad symptoms and do not understand the cause, write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given fres. EIGHTH ANNUAL TORONTO FAT STOCK SNOW Unice Stock Yards TORONTO DEC. 7th 81 8th, 1917 WRITE FOR PREMIUM LIST TO -DAY sl : 4d f`r;+!itis17 n 1 'IS ata +i 10Nro , N ' r :! Purely Herbal -Ne poisonous cclorblg Antiseptic --Stops tluod•polsan Seedling -Ends pain and smarting, eta pure --Bost for baby's rashes. Heals all sures, 50c. box. 411 Draggles and S(orea ;`mat4iIY'i`"'l)i'�'fl r_-•._. XIWSPAPZZRS POR SAr.I0 1)ROIPIT-MAILING NEWS AND 7.013 A Offioosfor sale In !road Ontarlo towns, The most useful and interestlnp or ,all businesses, full Information on application to Wilson Publishing Clem-. pang, 78 Adelaide Street, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS CAmmar, TU05099s, Lu mPs, •IOTC,, Internal and external, -'oto' d with - nut pain by our !tome treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Ballroom Medical Co„ Limited, 0ollingtyood,Ont, AUTOMOsXLES POR' SALE. 1910 nnDlLnlnGa9pe tire. Price $K50,oltio, aSpar UDSON, 1016 gerMODEL, 6 CYLIN- dol,, 7 PassenTouring Cnn triO lights a starter, Recently over- hauled ee ro- - hauladand newly painted. Tires in good shape. Price $1,800, HUDSON, 1016. MODEL, 6 CYLIN-- der•, 7 Passenger Touring Car, with electric lights and starter. Thoroughly overhauled in our shop and newly. paint - 00 Seat covers on all seats and doors, ersize tires. Price $1,200. =SON, MODEL -87 -6 PASSENGER, .l A. 4 cylinder Touring Car. ElootrI lightsand starter, In good running order' and newly painted. Looks like a new car. Price ;650, FAIGE SEDAN, A VERY PINE looking closed car seating 000, lectrlo lights and starter, also inside dome lighltt. Nearly 511 the windows 09011, whlbh gives ample ventilation for Summer driving. Price $700. HUDSON, MODEL 88. 6 PASSI7N- ger, 4 cylinder Touring Oar, in good runninr,order, at a special price, $950. UDSON 1813 MODEL "54." A I-IIGEL powered, six cylinder, 5 passenger miring Car. In good. running order and looks like now. Price $750. T9JDI,BACICIDR, SEVEN PASSEN- I, gel•,- 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good running order. Tires in good shape. This car was painted this year and looks very nice. Price $350. . 1f ACICSON, 6 PAssnmuc5E, 4 CYLIN- 4➢ der Touring Car, Has electric lights and starter, good tiros, and is a bargain at the price. $300. USSELL, 8 PASSENGER CABRIO- let. A very handsome closed oar, suitable for a dootor. Price $1,000, We only sell used cars after the pur- chaser has had a demonstration and satisfied himself of the running quali- ties of the car he Is buying, Call at our showroom next time you aro in Toronto and let our salesmen show you any of our used cats and give you a demonstra- tion. PHS DOMINION AUTOMOBILE. 00., Limited 146-150 Say Street, Toronto. Ont. .- Catalcurne mailed free =' .1 Buy nit�3ot Rook bottom Prices . ` / ✓ r \ lir x: rh ��_•. � -J; t=g`�Lg,-•.-' Savo Pro 20% 3o 33 1-3 '1 V:::u'" I:wi,POTTri q0 ao at tines PO rel Oxxo The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the `" OTTO HICIELV PIANO ACTION 1 J Las CT1 Foe; T nose goad Acres rut up a banat will hut ultra Mao —a fano that can't oaganr break down—that will hold a 0114 l o"o—t1ut hoes . n t1,I, masa h1 ol,flul. ortvetther an fon. on g°an raceme PEERLESS 1'ERREOPION remise Is made of n°nvy Opon Muth ala,1 Wl,e nll the Inlp„rltiea 0rna�t d it the .tray¢ h g. t ugh into Ein. GipY 11 Pf,. Ev o, I !°see can In !1011 01 wilt th r sec n?.n ,.''I'ha.,fR aNy wr[nea SIP, �,ar laws a II 5'%° d ] aan,9�P n,ra.StPPIti'trnSu.a.lt I to tit • e, trnwal wor tins, n. dant todny 11 , ,r,. lie � if quh.uEf a3 hnnq�p I fa,0O.001L.____ wi_ti FL 0.010, L,1 Wlnnlv,f. Menitabv H.mREan, en,grl ' 6.1'. DALLTY C6.OM CANADA LTU, HAMILTON, CAN, es. kT4r!: tr .1:.' tugai 1a 4 LAK65IDE YACHTING 15rMOO Ib P S ammer We ai`� at o k -and Play Don't work in heavy, leather boots this slimmer. Wear "Fleet Foot" Shoes. They are honest and ' sturdy enough to stand the farm work. , Easy and comfortable—light—sensible—and so much cheaper than leather. When you go out in the evening, wear "Fleet Foot" White Shoes. There are plenty of different styles and shapes, for every occasion, day as well as evening— and they are far, less expensive than leather boots. Next time you go to town, be sure to see The "Flet Foot" Shoes for summer wear. zos Y 61AXIXE a�:stxt�ri^'aaurlrsausss�assa:,��.,a+ v, zw: Mitt SYST&M Awa 4'snrinwca ter; SSi'u ATHLETE 550,