HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-06-07, Page 1No, 1992' --.318th. Year
IT IS MORE PATRIOTIC to. get right down to work and GROW POTATOES, , BEANS or WHEAT just now than to lustily
5ave Itour `Cites
ccr Arles and ,ic Masses
e Jacka ,well Sat
mak l
OOR. eyes make 'backward children, Exhaustive tests
.have proved, this, Lad eyesight retards both menttrl and
physical progress. When "supplied ,with proper glasses,
backward clrildren have fairly raced ahead. We make a
specialty of examining children's eyes. If any trouble is devel-
oping we will prescribe the proper glasses. If the eyes are nor-
mal we will, gladly tell you so.
We have a large variety of spectacles from which to select
the most satisfactory in gold filled, alumnico or steel, whichev-
er, you .prefer. Prices from $2,00 up,
Oldest Established lewelery Store in Clinton
Incorporated 1880,
Capital Authorized . $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 12,000,000
Reserve and Undivided .Profits 14,800,000
Total Assets 270,000,000
400 Branches, With world wide connection. ,Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits. General Banking business tran3aeted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager -• Clinton Branch
A..1 1, r.l..Yii N ly... r
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
Q6 1►ranches in Canada.
A General Banking Business Transacted,
Circular Lt niers of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings ark De ate
t0 -i
Interest allowed at, higbest current rate.
CE. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch.
2 he gi/lorrish
Clothing ',Co.
ings for
EVER in the history of our business have we
Al cold so many suitings tor ladies as this season.
They are beginning to appreciate the fact that
it pays to buy. 11Ien's Suitings instead of the
light weight usually shown for ladies wear.
We are showing a large range of Blue,
Black,- and Grey Serges, Colors guaranteed.
A.11 goods shrunk free of charge,
Now is the best time to naake your selec-
tions; for the prices will gomuch hi gher.
Agent aP.R.
Pltotte 18 for Sunday or night trails=
Wheat $2.25,.
Barley '1.1,pr ,
Oats 750,
Butter 300 to 82c.
]eggs 34'c to 85e.
Live 1 -.loge $15,00.
'Sir R. A. Falconer, principal of
Toronto University, who was among
those honared with L•llighthood in the
King's birthday list, is a brother-in-
law of Dr. J. G. Gaudier of town,
Lady Falconer being his sister;
A dlass of twenty-four was Pre-
sented, 'for
re•sentect'for ordination at St. Joseph's
church an Thursday last, Bishop,
Fallon of London being the atliciat-
ing bishop, Assisting .in the cere-
monies, besides the parish priest,
Father Hogan, were Father Mcrae,
Goderich, leather Corcoran,. Seaforth,
and Father Fallon, Winghafn.
Mr, le. Rowland, who a few years
ago bought a piece of property on
IIigh street. and erected for himself
a handsome dwelling, has been stead-
ily improving the place ever since
until now he possesses one of the
handsomest properties in town. He
has had the hill terraced lend sodded ;
has laid out flower beds and walks
til where where a fewyearsago was a pas -
titre lot and during the late summer
was anything but an addition to the
beauty of the street, it now aa: neat
and pretty a piece of honielikeness
as one would wish to see. Mr, Row-
land has clone 0 -vast amount of the
work himself, being at it early and
late besides attending to his business
down town,
?,Ir. and Mrs, John Torrance this
week received further word from
their son, Lieut. le, J. Torrai e,
who a few weeks ago was reported
wounded. - Lieut. Torrance reports
that his left eye was so badly injur-
ed that it had to he reviewed, lie is
bow in England and writes cheerful-
ly in spite of his misfortune, which
is deeply regretted by his many
Mrs. Leppington received word
from her son, Pte. T. Leppington,
the other day, "Tommy" hasn't
been having good luck at all. He
was not wounded while in the tren-
ches but became i11 and has been in
a base hospital in Frances for
months past and doesn't Beene to
improve very fast, at least not
nearly so fast as he would with for
lie craves action and grows tired or
'rhe council inet on Monday even-
ing, Reeve Ford occupying the chair
in the absence of the mayor,
A Conunueleation was read from
Mr. M. G. Cameron on behalf of Mr.
W. Doherty regarding part of a
street which the town had granted
to a couple of citizens for the grow-
ing ..af potatoes. Tlie claim was that
as Mr. Doherty had had peaceable
Possession of the street 1 nineteen
years, the town never having
l,la n -
r k e a
o taken over seme, that the
council now had no right to it. The
council, however, did not think any-
one but the town had any legal claim
to the street in question, which has
been fenced offll the time,
a o
ferred the ytatter to the' town solic-
oif -itor.
Chief Wheatley and Sergean(4 Welsh
sent a request.,to council asking for
an increase of fifty dollars each in
There was a feeling at the count]
board that this request should have
been made at tbe time of their ap-
pointment to o!fleo in February but
after some little tis ussion the
ter was refereed to the finance com-
mittee to be reported et at • next
meeting 01 council.
The, park committee reported the
fence at the pack in very bad, condi-
tion and asked that wire, posts,
etc., be supplied to repair same,
which was granted.
The street committee reported that
considerable work sboiild be put in
on the streets in order to put them
into good repair. John Bayley was
given the ooutraet of supplying grav-
el.at ninety centre the load, to be de-
livered when needed,
There was some discussion regard-
ing the payment of taxes, in June
and whether or not a discount would
be allowed, but the council ruled
that, iso discount would be allowed,
Reeve Ford passed 011 to council a
suggestion made by Rev. J. A. liob-
insoe that the park bo turned over
to the Boy Scouts„who evould plant
shrubs, lay out walks, ate. A com-
mittee, composed of Reeve Ford and
('ouueillots Wiltse and Sheppard, was
appointed to confer. with Mr. Robin-
soil regarding the proposal.
The sacci committee was ordered
to look into the )natter of a drain
which is being made by Mr, R.
Walker which, it is deems',' helps
drain three. streets to sr:e if the
town slieuid bear a part of the cost
of collstrtleti0h,
The grant to the town band ngnin.
eatne 115 ler dieetfssien and nater
WPM talk a Motion was passad
granting 050 for sixteen open air
0on0erts during the snnnmar, canr-
melting in Jstie,
Miss Constantine oe Termite died.
very suddenly while
aut driving
the city] one day last weak, 'Pilo de -
mood was a sister of Mr, J. A.
Co1stantine, formerly' a member of
the local branch of • the l7toisous
1'3anlc, -
Sorge, Normon V. Levy, sore of Mr,
and Mrs. James Levy of town, who
Wont overseas with the 33rd-batta•-
lion and who has been wounded
twice, Ilas been awarded the D.0110,
a decoration next to the Victoria
Cross. This is the first decoration
to be bestoi ed upon a Clinton : boys
and hearty congratulations are er-
tended the family..
The: ILIIty band' vi]e he out in hill
force en Thursday everting next.
Mrs, H. R. Sharp will be at 11011e
on Friday afternoon of next week
from four o'clock to six.
The 'Kitty Band will give a sacred
concert in Seaforth on Sunday after-
noon. next,
"To close or not to close” on
Wednesday afternoon seems to ee ag-
itating the hinds of local merchants.
So far no decision has been reached,
The Sacrament of the -Lord's Sup-
per will be observed on - -abhatl
morning next at -eleven o'clock. Pre-
comm'union service will be held in.!
the church. on l'ridav evening at
eight o'clock.
On Tuesday evening'the members
of the Covenant Bible class will
meet et the manse for a social time,
One of the features of the eveuing
will .ac the arranging and, packing of
boxes for the boys of the class wire
are overseas. It is hoped there will
be a good attendance of the members
who are kindly asked to bring dona-
tions for the boxes.
The Women's Patriotic. S fie
will hale their-n1,01101y tea on Fri-
day afternoon, the ladies whose
names begin . with S. and T. being
the hostesses.
.Also all afternaon on Friday, from
one o'clock until six, the hall will
be open to receive a shower of eggs,
which it is hoped the owners of hens
will generously supply; all for the
good cif the cause. One, two, half a
dozen or a basketful, any number of
eggs, will be acceptable and the la-
dies will sell same and apply the
proceeds to .patriotic work, See that
Biddy does her bit by supplying an
egg or two for the occasion,
"There seems to. be 'solve mistake
about this net" method of paying
taxes," remarked a ratepayer to The
News -Record the other day. "We
were given to understand that it we
paid our taxes in two instalments,
one in June and the other in Decem-
ber, that we'd be given a ' discount
on the first. The way it works out,
however, we're given no option but
to pay the first instalments in Juno
and frust pay the full amount. In-
stead of a discount, therefore, we
it b• interest a :Air
lose six moots o 0
money. There is no advantage at
all to . the ratepayer for if any
Money is left over and is hanked we
only get at the rate of three' per-
cent, Most of us could make better
u f our spare ca it 1
so oa.
Capt. It R. Sloan, a soldier home
on sick leave, and Mr. Newtolrleylie
of 'Toronto addressed a meeting in
the town hall on Tuesday evening
under the auspices lit tele., Young
Ladles' .Auxiliary,
Capt. Sloan was the nest` speaker
and he told something of the work
otcaring fertile wounded on the bat
tlefield and in the different hospitals
throughout France and England, 1 -le
spoke in the highest terms' at the
care exercised and the atteli'tion giv-
en to 'the boys in the, hospitals and
urged the women of Clinton to go on
in the good work of giving every as-
sistance possible. Iie warmed against
any undue optimism in regard to tits
duration of the war as he could see
110 indication 1:hat the enemy'' was
Mr, Wylie, 10110 has made a . more
or less exhaustive study of •the sub-
ject, spoke on the subject of. the
food problem in Great Britain. He
showed how serious a menace the
German stibmarine has proved to he
owing to the fact that Great Britain
bas to import two thirds of all the
food consumed and how. 110aessery
food eonservaticn as well as extra
prothiction is; not only in the 1Juitecl
Iingdom, but tlroitghout the world,
He touched upon the subject of pro-
hibition in the Old Land,as he said
ono c(iuldn't dtecuse the food prob-
lem: Without discussing the Oink
probikm, as the British people had
been "drinking too much of their,
food,,' anti he hoped that the Imper-.
Tal 0oveenm0n1) .would soon see its
way clear to introduce n prohibi-
tor measure.
y^ rlos r
ur ,
Ranee 0CC0 led the
Col, H. T. eta P
affair Mud during the evening (our
.yotieg ladies, Misses Gibbings, .Pair•-
full, Wallcei and iloMurchy, rendered
a quartette and Mrs. La Penetiere
Mel Mi' L.18 Doherty sang a duet,
both hlrmbers being very much en-
joyed elle heartily elmered,
Amongst tine cillualties 10ported in
the lank
boys at the trent
during the past week are .
Fresumed Dead Lance -Corp,
haps ortit.
WornidSoatecl : Pte, Thos, Morrow, Godo
ecicll , Pte. 'evnst 110(003' and Pte.
W. A, Clark, Exeter, and Pte, Jos-
eph Mugford, leen:Sitter.
III Sorgt, 1, Lutton, Wilgham
Messrs. W. Jackson and J, Wise-
man were in Stratford 011 Friday
attending the annual meeting of tate
Fail! Association. This Association'
consists of six towns, - G oderiele Clin-
ton, Seaforth, Mitchell, Stratford
and St; lerarys and the, Bret tourna-
ment Si the season will he held at
Stratford on June 2h, Two [nk
of - local bowlersit takethe
w 1 partint
tournament. '
The Yining Ladies' Patriotic Auxil-
iary had a 'tennis tournament and
tea on Saturday afternoon last, the
games being played on the Collegiate
grounds and the tea served at the
tomo of :1'Irs. J. Gibbings. This lit-
tle entertainment was to have been
held on Victoria Da}' but had to he
postponed on account of the weather.
Tlie afternoon was mucin enjoyed and
as a result of the tea the young lad-
ies hada snug little suns to add to
their treasury, •
I. 0. 0, 1e. DISTRICT AI1•Ii:TINC1.
The held their annual dis-
trict meeting in Clinton - yesterday
afternoon, the following representa-
tives being present : Goderich :
Messrs. \ 1111010 Pemba and Lenox.
Seaforth : Messrs. Harburn and
Thompson. ITensa!l : Mr. Stacey.
Btucefield : 11r. Chapman, D,D.0.1l.
Scott of Seaforth presided and , the
usual routine business of the district
was gone through, 11r. Wm, Dougall
of lleusall was elected District
Deputy -Master for. the ensuing year.
We'll rally round the hoc, boys, and
joie the ranks of toil, shooting the
battle cry of "heed '0111 1" We'll
train the crops to grow, boys, as
tillers of the soil, shouting the bat-
tle cry of "heed 'em !' Where there
is work to do, boys, we'll gather on
the spot, shouting the battle cry of
"Feel] 'on !" To duty we'll be true,
boys, and till the vacant lot, shout-
ing the battle cry of "Feed 'ern !"
Nature, hind ,nater, will aid us i11 out
need. Down with the tater ; up with
the weed ! S.o we'll rally round the
line, boys, and traits the criers to
grow, shouting the battle cry of
"Feed 'mu !'-1liiwaukee levelling
Lovers of music were given a treat
on Monday evening when . 111r. Roy
Davidson, 'a brilliant young musician
10013 London, gave a recital at the
home of Mrs. Gunn, High street, un-
drthe auspices of The Clinton '\rav-
el, Club,
Mr:, Devirlson's splendidly rendered
program was listened to with gen-
ti pleasure 1
line eas e byall resent most of
Whom appreciated t all the more
because of the fact that the 'oppor-
tunity 0r-
tunity of hearing such playing does
not come every clay. Mr. Davidson
is a pupil of ,Mrs. McHardy-Smith of
London, formerly of Clinton, end he
is speedily coining tothe front. as
P 6 a
remarkably clever pianist,
During the evening Mrs. La P0110-
111000 sang a pretty song and Miss
Lucile Grant gave a reading.
Mr. R. E. Manning acted as chair-
man, The Travel Club made a email
charge for admission to the recital
and after Payilb the expenses the
remainder will be devoted by the ex-
ecutive otic The
eattt ve to: patriotic 1 cur poyes.
evening teas thoroughly. enjoyed by
'all present.
Mr. Davidson gives' a recital jnthe
Masonic Temple, London, this even-
ing under the auspices of the Lord 111 01£11
Roberts Chapter of I,0,0.1 ,
of Soldiers' Comforts ]fund,
When the 11010 law relating to Can-
adians going to the States went- in-
to effect- last week, some of the erne
migration officers hardly knew
evhltt its provisions Incept, with
the e•esul1) that they were very strict
and arbitrary. here le it case 10,
point : Mr. Randall Cole, yonegcst
son ..of 11r, Peter Cole. of , Goder'ich.
township, for the last four years
has resided, at Seattle, . where ho
1101(15- a good position, owns a \ihones
and has taken out •eis first papers to
become 1111 Atlietical citizen, 'Three,'
months ago be came .to Ontario on
a visit,. his wife, who is else a
Canadian, being with hint, A few
days ago they ' went to Tor-
onto, en route for their weetern-
honte, but 111e i e nigeation author-
ities absolutely refused to grant 1,110
necessary pupped, though informed
of the .circ nlstanees. A visit was
enede to the Am0810011 consul with
no more si100Css. After cern' Cole had
spctlt nearly a week in ai vain en-
deavorgot beck,to Seattle,. a
deMVO to1p 1C a
friend, anggee11eri that he telegraph
the Superintendent of Tullnigtatiott
at Ottawa, giving the citcunlstances
and asking his help, This was d
and iitt, Cole was ,:ea eyed, of )01111 er
worry by a message stetieg • that
proper papers slt0ulcl be issued • blur
at 011Ce,
Word was received in town on
TtcsdaY morning of ,the death, wttich
occurred in Detroit iorr. -Monday", of
Minnie -Snell, .widow of the late Rev.
1-laraoe' Jaekson, The remains `wore
brought to Winghaln for - interment
mut yesterday" were laid in etre f in-
iiy plot there, Winglieen being the
former home of the .Snell family.
Mrs. Jackson's death was 'dale til
"Witty" Mr, W: 'Brydone's• Scotia
terrier, the best 11110101) clog in Clin-
ton, had to .be chloroformed on Mon-
day, "Warty" hadn't been well for
some days and it was feared that
ho had had a dose of something.
wbi.eh didn't agree with 'him at all.
Every known remedy Was applied but
his condition rather grew worse nn
tit it was considered best to • speed
him on his tvay to the happp hunt-
ing grounds, May Ire rest in peace,
The following are `some of the
changes made in the first draft . of
stations in this Methodist district
as published yesterday : • '
Wesley ehtirch, Clinton : Rev,
(1, Reid ; North street, :Clodericit
Rev. W. fe Rutledge, D.D., Victoria
street,' Rev. George Jewitt ; Wing -
harp : Rev. E. T. Armstrong ; 'Wrox-
eter : Rev.. F. Stride. Itev. W. K.
1 -Tager of Goderich is (101011 for
In the absence of the pastor next
Sunday a minister of the London
conference will preach morning and
. A congregational meeting was held
on.Wednesday evening of last week
-when reports were presented from
the different department's, showing
the work to be in a healthy and
progressive state. The Ladies' aid
reported hallo; raised during the
)Lear $295, the 0'. M. el, raised $225
and $075 was raised for the general
rnl$sion fund. This was the banner
amount for the district. The follow-
ing congregational representatives
were appointed : George Shipley, 1e.
Ct. C'ourtiee Win. Connell, 0. 'Weir,
1C. 1'lumsteel, Fred Leonard,
REV. 'MR. Pownt, LLLtV1NG.
Reee l;.' Cr, Powell, who for some
years 'past has been delcl secretary
for the temperance argalriZatia115 of
Ifuron teed Perth counties, has re-
signed his positid:u to accept a posi-
tion with the Committee of One.
Hundred as late enforcement Officer,
h15 territorytakingo
n'r t most 0f south-
western Ontario. 1Ir. Powell's - new
duties commenced June let and he
will remove his family to London iii
the course of a few weeks, Clinton -
citizens 'will regret the departure of
Ibis family from teem.
The executives of Huron end Perth
Temperance Association will.hold a
joint meeting almost inimerliatellr to
arrange rot a successor to Mr. Powell
and itt the n1eahtilue Mr, A. 'I'.
Soopee is attending to the Sunday
services and 1110 clerical work,
"News consists
f re arts oFe en's
0 events
that have .taken place. Notices of
events before they take place is ad-
vertising and, 51101114 ,be paid for as
That is the way an exclntulg0 puts
h valuable k
it and there is a I lee cone] f
a o
truth in it. Any notice of an enter-
tainment or gathering held for the
purpose of making money sbould ho -
considered as advertising. People
will say : "It is a good cause, you
know. It is for patriotic purposes."
That is all right. Patriotism is' a
good cause and the ,great majority of
publishers Til Canada are wi11111g to
assist as mud' as possible in - this
good cause, but a publisher. is -not
overlooked when the eoilector is on
his rounds. Ile is called "upon as
regularly] as Mi nrie. But he sbould
not iie asked to. contribute his space,
which le his stock -in -trade. Advertis-
ing space should be paid for and
then a publisher can make his cash
contribution as ire sees lit, as others
According to• nine regulations which
came Into effect a fortnight ago it
is now necessary for every Canadian
male between the ages of eighteen
and forty-five who wishes to go any-
where curbside the Dominion to secure
a permit to Maya .Canada, Forms to
be filled -out will be supplied by any
postmaster or ticket agent. A plan
needs to have his photograph pasted
on two 'pieces 011 1,1115 Form teed 11)11St
fill it opt correctly in the proselro
of a juselee et' thepeace and it must
'else be .endorsed by a bank manager,
chief of ,police, clergyman or gnvern-
ntone official and sighed by all im-
migration OiTleer,
Next Tuesday the Greyhound ee-
0ursion will be rtlrt from Oodericlr to
1)etroit. '51115 has always been a
.00pular trip and a number of n1en
•iys0all3 take it. 'IYlie new 00gulatl0(1
will effect all men of military ago
504 alYseen wiel
to Melte this,
Trip err any other 011(10de else mutts.
of tlnnada- will save the neelvts (310011
traulilt if they will see that •their
PUMA is ready before the date ftp -
ort wlrfell they wish t0 etatie "This
re51(101ion does Trot effect wontelt or
rnnles funder or over elm ago Speci-
fied, •
Mr, and, Mee. Dunean 0. 3foEwen
announce the eneagerneut of their
youngest daughter, Ubesie M,, to
Mr, Will 14. 'I'ebbutt of Goderieb.
The marriage .will "take place on
June Loth,
Mr, and Mrs. Robt, J, Woods of
St. Helens announce the engagement
Of their eldest daughter,. Mary Edna,
to 1(1x, R. Arnold Barbour of Erin,
the lnareiage to take Place the late
ter part of June.
Mr. and lllrs, Roger Pepper: of
Tuekersmith announce the engage.
Inept -of their youngest daughter,
Rosa Isabelle, to Mr. Reward M.
('rich, the marriage to take place
this month,
Therewas a goodly number at the
W. C. T. U. SlIvex Medal contest,
held iu Wesley church oe Thursday,
evening last.
Mrs. Wallis,, president of the local
union, occupied the chair and there
were eleven candidates for vocal or
elocutionary honors. All the boys
a11c1 girls did well, sowell that it
was' difficult 'for the judges to ar-
rive at a . decision, but Leslie Pear-
son was awarded the . medal for.:
singing and Earl ,Powell for elocu-
tion. Silver pins were presented to
each of 'those taking part. Misses
Lucile .Grant, Emma Laeis and L.
Stephenson were judges of elocution
and Mrs. J. („ ('howen, 'Mrs. G. M.
Elliott and Miss Barbara McIver of
the singing,
<t small admission fee' was charged
and the proceeds will lie devoted to
the supplying of hot soup, cocoa,
etc„ to the boys in the tronvhes,
Pes» 1e Yoiu fti'UU.(.W
Sirs. Walter 3lanniug has 'been visit-
ing friends in 'i'oronto..
Reeve .l. A. Ford. is in Clodetich this
- week attending the county council.
Mr. 13„ II. Johnson spent from Sat-
urday tillTaeslay at his home neer
Paisley', .
1lrs, (Mev, Dr,) Rutledge is spending
it few tweeks with her daughter at
South Bend, Ind. -
Rev. Dr. Rutledge and Rev. J, A.,
Agnew are in London this wee&
attending conference. •
Miss 1•:. Hartleib of Toronto was a
guest at the home of lir. and
Mrs. P. Cantelon on Monday,
hiss Delle O'Neil of the 'Toronto
Public school teaching staff was a
visitor in town over, the week -end.
Mrs, .1, A. Agnew and .Misses Agnes
and ,Iean are this week the guests
of the lady's mother, firs. Hart of.
err. R. L. Manning is a delegate to
the London conference this year
and. ilirs, Manning and little Miss
Helen accompanied hint for a visit
in the Forest • City.
Mr, J. W. Stevenson, formerly of
the Clinton Electric Works, but
who has • been running a sale mill
in New Ontario, has disposed of
tile' same, and has moved to 'Tor-
onto for the present.
:Mrs. Walter King, was in Blyth over
the week -end visiting
her sister,
Mrs, Bennett, h i
n and m nc ce 14Trs',
(Capt.) Sloan, n , who hasrecently,
returned, from England with her
husband, who is •recovering from
severe wounds received in France.
Mrs. le, Walsh- of Detroit, a former
resident of town, is spending a few
weeks here and in Goderich, as is
her usual custom during the sum-
mer season, Mrs, Walsh has bus-
iness interests hero and then she
likes to conte back to the old town
occasionally as she lies litany friends
Wedding In St. Jaitnes'
Church, Middleton
The marriage of Miss Hattie Mid-
dleton, (laughter of the late John
Middleton and Mrs, Middleton of
"Waite 'Hall," Goderich township,
to Mr. George Stewart of Goderich,
was quietly solemnized. in St. James'
church yesterday at half past eleven
o'clock in the forenoon, Rev. W. B.
Moulton performing the ceremony.
Mrs. John SlcNoughtc,n of Varna
played, Lohengrin's wedding march
as the bride. entered escorted by her
.brothel: Fred, who gave her away.
The bride looked extremely well in
a smart taupe taffeta suit touched
with cbampegno and blue with bot
to match and carried nn exquisite
hoquet of lily-ofltlic-valley and - eel
After the ccreu0rty a reception ryes
held at "White Hall" and a dainty
lunc'.lieon served. The tables were
artistically dllc0rated with 005e8, x11(1
asparagus sprengerii.
Thee toast to the bride was pro-
posed by ltev. 11r, Moulton, to tho
hostess by Mr, ie. Cl, Middleton- and
to the ladies by Mr, Jack McNaugh •
Among the many beautiful and
useful 11
Cf l gIftS Y CciVr
d byt10 bride
was a handisome platinum leveller,
set with diamonds, the gift of the,
1'le, and 11''•- net left o11 Tile
eaten:Nen train for C''leveland and
other A.mericnn point:5 117111( showers
of confetti and the good wishes of
the. gorses.