HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-05-31, Page 88
C�li>uto>a iyowis-Recorai
fly .' Illi, our
Walt Ire Please Y
-and does please you because it offers
that rare combination of service; satis.
fa0tion and economy. Ask our local
dealer to show you the " Sunshine,,'
or write for free; illustrated; descrip7
tive booklet, r
For Sale by Bram & Sutter
Made -to -Measure
Ready -Made
Full stock of
Seasonable Dry Goods
and Shoes
This week we want to call your -at-
tention to our Clothing Department
which you \fill find on the . second.
Our stock is heavy and well assort-,
ed and bought before tate h'haviest
price advances.
Right now is the time to (get busy,
about your suit for summer or it
would even be a good investment to
bay now for next fall,
We can certainly 'save you money on
a suit if you buy now. Don't- for-
got our Special $25.00 Made -to -Meas-
ure Indigo Blue Serge Suit. Fit
lumsteei rose
More Business
Small Profits
Fo T C MFh'r'' T
FOB conservative men—men who travel in the mid-
dle of the road of Footwear Fashions, and who
appreciate the limit of Foot Comfort, we have spe3ial
Shoes that are dignified, and good
looking,' but built for Comfort.
SHOES that are made so perfectly that they cause
men to say ab soon as their feet are Inside of them : --
"Weil ! that's the best feeling shoe
I ever had on in my life!"
The leathers are blacks, tan, patents—very soft and
pliable. Low flat heels; self supporting arch, and easy
tread. . $4, $5, $6 to $9.
We fit these comfortable shoes with the greatest
care, and a man's foot troubles are gone forever,
Freda Jackson
SI -10E S P E C I A L I S T
The W. a Fair Ce.
Often the Cheapsst
Always the Best
Requests the favor of your
criticism, if you are interested
in Wall Hanging Decorations
of the values, variety and
artistic features offered in
their Wall Paper Stock.
.A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a -charm to'the room.
it has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove. We have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axininsters, Wil -
tons, etc., that w e hay e
priced at attractive pfices.
We would be moet pleased
to show them to you,—
oYAS. D 'L.J 1\ R O R
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone l 28
`Newest Fabrics
sh9w'n,, fry, ..
-''DRESS Coobs
you are cordially invited to inspect our showing of
the latest cloths from PRIESTLEVS' famous looms at
Bradford, 1~ngland, q From the attractive display you
will have no difficulty in choosing a material and color
to suit your taste, q Among the newest fabrics are Salis-
bury Serge in colors, Mohair Serge, Wool San Toy,'ete.
Lack dor tha
nam. on /ht
Indigo Serge
ooffen WEARING
Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in
town this week.
Mr."Nichol of Ridgetown has been in
town• this week.
Miss Dollie Mendel was up from Tor-
onto for the .holiday, -
Mr. Frank -Evans of Brantford was.
in town over the holiday.
Miss Sadie Maltafly; spent Victoria'
Day 'With 'Seatortli friends,
Mr. -Harold Hill has, taken a position
as junior on the local Royal Bank
. staff.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon visited
their son in I-Iensall one day this
NIr. T. Jackson was in Toronto last
week • and in London this week on
Mrs. R. J. Clint and Miss. Mabel
were visitors at Hensall on Vic=
toria Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Raid Rumball of God-
erich were visitors. In town on Vic-
toria Day.
Mr. Wellington Cook - motored up
from Hamilton last week aud'visit-
ed his parents,+
Mr. and Mrs. IV. T. O'Neil, expect to
leave next week for an extended
trip to the west,- ti
Miss Belle gaper of the Morsel
School stall spent Victoria Dap
with Mitchell friends. .
Mrs, Geo. Seigner. of London visited
her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Huller, over the holiday,
Mr. Murray Jackson of ' Hamilton
is spending a vacation with his
father:, Mr. F. T. Jackson.
Mrs. Couch and Mts. Ross and Miss
Ilelen spent the holiday and week-
end at their summer cottage - at
Bayfield. .
Mrs. Worthington has returned • to
her home in town. after spending_
the winter with her daughter- in
Toronto. -
Mrs. John 1-Iodgens' of Toronto, a
former highly esteemed resident of
Clinton, has been quite ill, -but is
now recovering. -
Mr.,Chas. Cuninghaine of Grand Rap-
ids, Mich., has been. the guest of
his brother, Mr. J. Ouninghame of
town, during the past week,
Miss -Marion Gunn was in charge of
the Public Library for a few days
over the weelc-end and holiday dur-
ing the absence of Miss Rudd.
Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Colclough of
Llopdtown have been visiting the
former's mother and other friend
in and .about town during the past
Mr. Eugene Sanderson, who has been
taking a course at the .Aviation
Training iSchool at Ottawa, spent
the week -end, with relatives in
Mr:. D. S. Cook has ,been chosen as.
delegate to the meeting of Chosen
Friends to be held in Toronto next
week and will represent the local
Miss ,Peggy McTaggart of Havergal,
Torotlto, spent the holiday and
week -end at her lions in town. -
She was accompanied. by, some
College friends. -
Miss Della Hearn of Paris washome
over the week -end and .left on Mot-'
day to spend a few days with her
sister, Mrs, Oalc of Seaforth, be-
fore returning to Paris.
'Misses . Nellie and Winnifred Owen of
Bowbclls, North Dakota,: have been
visiting during the past week with
Mrs, ` James Lindsay of town and
with other friends hereabouts.
Mr. Fred. Stephenson, superintendent
of the Boys' Club at Springfield,
Mass., was a visitor at the par-
ental home, that of Mr. and Mrs,
J, Stephenson, over the week -end.
Lieut, Wm. J. Smaalacombe, son of
Mr. and Mrs, Thos, . Smallaeombe,
of St, Catharines, and nephew of
Messrs. Shipley of town, who has
been in France since August last,
is reported wounded.
Miss Beatrice Greene of Toronto has
been a guest at the home of her
sister, Mrs, (Di.)- Thompson, dur-
ing the past weak. Nies. Thompson
has been sintering from an attack
of appendicitis but is now some-
what improved
Mr. John Pickett last week received
an interesting letter from his sou,
Capt. T. Pickett, . who is serving
on a patrol ship, lie had been re-
cently visiting Malta, anti had been
erasing around Giberaiter, Capt.
Pickett was real well and was
thoroughly enjoying the life,
Mr, J. '.1', Heid of Varna Was in
tols)i 00 Wednesday securing his
ticket for the west and ' intends
leaving on Tuesday, Mr. Reid gods
out each season to look after this
fanning interests there and usually
finds many. building contracts
awaiting hint. 1T8 is going earlier
' than usual this season,
Convenient Service. Modern Electric Lighted Equipment
Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Colonist Coaches
For Tickets, Reservatlans, Literature and information, apply to
Or Write R, L. Fa:realrn, o,P.A„ 68 king 8t. E., Toronto.
I' 5.-A z i/I'T4''
i9! Dt'ooDs'
'Blouse Waist
;Shirt 8576,
6utterlck_PPtterii6Y• .'Sultench Patterns
Dry Goods, House Furnishings
phone 87
Next to Royal Bank •
Sold at
Waist 8923
Skirt 8936
Butterick Patterns,
Custom Tailoringand
(phone 103) , Men's Furnishings.'
Opposite Public Library
Meeting of Goderich
Methodist District
Rev. Dr..Rutledge, Rev. J. A, Ag-
new, Rev, 13. G. Powell and 1Vlossrs.
J. A. Irwin, R. J: Miller, A. Hoop- friends, returning on Monday.
er and W. H. 1-lellyer' attended the Miss Fannie Scott is seriously 111
Methodist district meeting at Varna at present but we hope to hear of
on Thursday last, representing the her speedy recovery.
two Methodist congregations in Clio- Mrs liasenhore of Brussels is
ton. ' spending g few weeks at the home of
All the ministers in the district her father, ilIr. John Mole,
were present and much routine bus-' On Friday evening last the Auburn
iness was gone through; Dramatic Club presented their play,
The finances of the district were "The Village Doctor," at Leeburn,
found to be in a very healthy state,
and on `Nloulay 'evening at Dun-
galleon.At beth places the hall was
purposes showed an advance over crowded, Proceeds in aid of Red
last year. Wesley church, Clinton, Cross. '
headed the list for missionary giv- On Saturdays last one of our - aged
ings, as it did last year. and respected residents, Mr. John
The following representatives to Pierce, departed this life in bis
conference committees were an- seventy-ninth year.' He had been, in
pointed : Edugational, R. B. Malt-
failing health for several years, suf-
ning ; Sunday School, A. T. fering from chronic bronchitis. His
Cooper ; Christian Beneficience, W. sister answered the summons two
Th I-lellyar ; Missionary, J. A. , 11- months ago. IIs leaves to mourn his
win: loss, one sister, Miss Susannah.
1VIessrs, A. T-Iooper, R•. J, Miller, Mrs. A. Bobsiek and faintly from
R. E, `Manning and W. IT. Ilellyar. the west are spending a few weeks at
were appointed delegates to confer- the hone of Mr. John Hoare.
ference, uvhicIi opens in London on Mr. Geo. Dawson, Jr., is consider
June 7tii, ably improved in health, we are glad
Messrs. 0, H. Holland and W II.to ]s say.
Hell3har were appointed district fin -
ince committee. Mr, Sanford Lawlor Js wearing ono
The following were appointed a of his most pleasant smiles at pros -
committee of Evangelism : Chair- ent, his better half having presented
man, J. A. Irwin, Clinton ; Vied; G. him nvith a young son on Saturday.
M. Elliott, Goderich; Sec. -'treasurer, NIr. McLaughlin;• junior. at the Stor-
C, 19. Holland ; executive, A. Hoes -
ling Bank, is having . two weeks'
or, Wm. Rathwell, L. Clark, Varna. vacation.
Rev, C. C, Keine was appointed Mr, Nelson Robertson of Dungan -
representative on the stationing com-
Auburn. •
Mr; and Mrs. Eastman and Mr, krui
Mrs. A. Asquith made an auto trip
to Watford bu_ Saturday and visited
non is supplying at , the Sterling
bank, Auburn.
The disposal of the church proper-
ties at Brumfield; Ball's and Cole's Mr. Wm; Carter, who has been
occasioned considerable'discussicn and working at Goderich, has jollied ,the
In the case .def the latter a petition colors at London. It has been his
was presented asking that the build- desire fur sonic time to do his bit.
Ing be retained as a Sunday school
room for the use of the neighbor-
hood. On a vote being taken, how- iigtlg
ever, there was only one supporter
of the motion to retain the church. Messrs. J. 13. Watson and R. M.
A resolution was passed and will McKay visited at Melbourne recent -
be forwarded totheParliament at by The former went to visit his
Ottawa asking for Dominion prolhibi-- mother.
tion, and one was framed also and Mr. Roy Sims was a visitor at the
will be forwarded to the Ontario honto of his father, Postmaster Sines,
Government asking that horse -racing fora few days recently,
he discontinued. Dr. and Mrs. McTaggart were its
Toronto last week, the former a-
teending a meeting `of the Dental A-
Seaforth. ssociation, Mrs. McTaggart also vis-
ited her ,brother at Washago, •
Mr. I. Bolton utas purchased the
Watson cottage on William street. Mr, Wilbert Spafford of Toronto
Mrs, H. Gibb left last week for
iter' new home at 3YIai:kbam.
Messrs. II. R, Scott and A. A,
Naylor were in Stratford . recently
attending a meeting of the I,0,0.9'.
Mr. and ribs, Johnstone, who have
been visiting at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. A. P. Joynt, have returned to
Miss Collins was in Toronto 'for
over the holiday.
has been, visiting at his Thome in
. NIr, W. H. Johnston of the village
had the pleasure of a visit • from
his brother, Mr. A. Johnston of St,
Augustine. Mr. Johnston, accompan-
ied by his pastor, Rev. W. Conway
of Auburn, attended , the, district
meeting held at Varna on Wednesday
and' Thursday of last week.
Ms. McDonald of London, , accom-
panied by' her. friend, Miss Snell,
spent the holiday with the -former's
mother, Mrs. John Anderson of this
Barnby of Lucan, ,who has
been spending the past week with
her mother, Mrs. Wm. Ivison • who
has not been in the best of health,
returned to her • home " on Mcndap.
We are glad to report that ,Mrs.
Ivison is much improved in health
and able to be out again.—
Bi)!. Wm. Anderson, who has been
on a visit to Alberta and Manitoba,.
returned home on. Saturday. While
in Manitoba he flet a number who
were' one-time residents of Hay and
Stanley, among them being Robert
Fisher, and he also visited with sev-
eral of the Moir family.
Rev. 11. G. Powell of Clinton gave
an interesting account of his work in
connection with The Canada Temper-
ance Act in the Presbyterian church
last Sunday: He is -very much alive
to the work of that department • of
moral and social uplift, and seems
to be the right man in. -the right
place. We will be pleased to have
Mr. Powell speak to us again. An
address of that kind cannot help to
have a good influence an those who
hear it,
Miss Sarah Dayrihan of Tucker-
smith is visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Jas. McCly'nloit.
Mrs. Archie Nukes of Seaforth is
spending a week with her parents,
Mr.- and Mrs. Thos. Richardson.
We are sorry, to report the death
of Mrs. Hugh McDiarnhid of Seaforth
which sad event occurred in London
Monday morning of this week. De-
ceased lived for many years on the
second -concession of Stanley where
she was much and deservedly loved
and respected. The family and other
relatives are deeply sympathized
Last week we referred to the ill-
ness of Mr. David Workman. We re-
gret to state that he. is yet very
critically 111.,•but it is the hope of
his many friends that he may yet be
restored to good health,
Mr, John Mchlroy has purchased lir. Stanley Mays of the Aviation
from the estate of the. late William Corps, Toronto, was 'home on a Visit
for a few days recently.
Miss Warren of Moosentin, Sask.,
is the guest of her grandmother,
Mrs. Colin 13ethiuie,
Mrs. W. Slater has returned frohn
a visit .from her daughter, Mrs. Ed-
gar Lawson, of Auburn,
Marslhall fifty acres of laud on the
8th concession of Morris.
Mr. John Petts of Niagara halls
has been visiting his family, here.
Mrs, D. D. Crittenden and daugh-
ter, Miss Dorotliy, have hem visiting
friends 10 London and, St. Tfhomas.'
NIrs. 0. Degear of Saskatoon and
Mrs. I1. Colclough and sons spent
Sunday as the guests, of the latter'e
grandmother, Mrs. Thuill of ,Brussels,
Mrs, Jas. Mane, Sr,, is at present
suffering with an attack of pleurisy.
Quite a number of the farmers aro.
getting in a supply .01 western oat,:
for feeding,
' The regular monthly meeting of the*
Woman's Institute will be hold it::
the Foresters hall on. Thursday, Jutta
7th, at 2.30 p.tn. Mrs. Baine wilt
address the meeting on t'Tile Advan-
tages and Possibilities of the Can-
Hallett Township
Messrs. T. McMichael and Son har,
purchased the fine three-year-old gar-
iallion, Colonel Bowers, to replace the
Clydesdale, International, which then
recently lost. Colonel Bowers was
sired byt tS'aciflck, said to be one of
the best stock horses ever brought
into Blanchard township. lie was
brought from Scotland and was eon,
sidered one of Scotland's best.
Colonel Bowers will travel Interne,
tionai's route, beginning on Monday)
nest. It is hoped that the Messrs.
McMichael will have ,good luck with
their new purchase, which is descend-
ed from a long line of good. breed-
ing sires and darns,
Messrs, Joseph, Frank and 'Patrick
Reynolds are in Goderich today as-
sisting at Mr. J. EL Reynolds" barn
Mr. and Mrs. Brace Medd and fank-
ily spent' the week -end with relatives
on the 0111 con.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swiuhank of
the Loudon Road spent Sunday after-
noon at Mr. Wtn. Morrison's.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Boyle and
family of St, Augustine spent a. few
days last week with Mrs. Boyle's
parents, NIr, and Mrs, John Shan-
Call or phone
f r ,;rims
Elleetric Wrf. 1
and Fixtuires
Sanitary Plumbers, Phone 74.