HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-05-31, Page 5u a N 3 i a El i May 31st, 1917 Clinton News -Record .1 Long IiIve the KI g, ether fished I4tonday. and• mons ay awing t a0 dined t Stanley Township M. Wm, Taylor carload Staple Township i The 'following is (the lVfay menti lyfen's WANV 1 ,-IloOMi AND BOARD IN private ri 1 y > y rl nl le a egad man. State tarns and location, T D, 4), J, 1 �ws- , IZeoord OIf]eo, 9l. c7ALVES S'9Tt 1AT�1s•-WELL' BRED Durham and puce bred Holstein lief- I , else Somo Veiled Angus -A, TI. Matheson Seafofltlt P. 0, . Phgno 17 On 13G'. Maga, _se, l .gent 0, i11111111 W ` f°r:G°derieh '� IN HAMILTON and Otintott, D e m VAFe Dream Se11t41'0.- tors • ! TEAL Green, At .t s , + Y t° t �,,; L. `,• ! z a s ' l ' .:,, shi Ped. a y p of eettlo and hogs front 13nuceheld to ' TokOnte on Monday last, Mr. Jamas icoys of filo Babylon Line ]tad the misfortuee to lose _a valualilo brood mate on 'l'ltuxsdti;s last. ' Mr, J. 1lozell and Miss Sarah Xtabltwell of Clinton, were the guests of the latter's cousin, Mt, Wm 'Ltatltwell, on Sunday. Mr« andMrs, L]diglioffer .of Daslt- wood were the guests of the let tux's sister, A2rs. J. C. Reid, cm Sunda Y• Glad to solicit Mr, 1)•. J. Stephen- son still improving in health, lvhicll nts many. Moues will be glad to hear. 'Cho" animal riistrtet nicotine' of the Methodist church of Go,clerich dis- triet was hold. ,fn, the Methodist church, Varna, on 'Wednesday and the 23rd 24th, report of te. B, leo, 14, names ate 14 •-Address order of met ; lith-l'Iarolcl W. 11at1WR11, G, Cl. McLean. '. Sr,. hili -R, • V, AI4C1ymOnt'; E. P. 'Fisher, N J, Hood, jr. 40,-,-L, E. Hyde, W. L, •Work.• man W. A1, lives. Sr, crd-Loon• Newt, Trod Persons, Jd`w'11401 r' 3 A, Ross L, C, Work �, man, and -E. F. ;Anderson 0,• M. " Ana z nerSei, M• D, Meriam, and Pt, J, E, Me1 eli2ia; Cx, . A• Harvey, H. Dinsdale, let Pt. -P.' 1V1..McKenzie, 13, .{fir, ]VIeCI ant, J. A. Anderson. yill The Host spellers in the monthly spelling. matches were : • 5tit-Harold I3ativell. , • Sr. Oh -Ella Flaller. . Auto Luer Phone 80 y . ' + I 1 8 I� la r-� I�1., 1 It'll�l��i{ 1i .ell i� lir :il' �IIMI� 11111 a� 7(� 11;d►.ia Milli 1 t ill IAN I i I i ed Situ a ALPHA 130 Laval .n ince SUPERIOR" Scalia Onrrfars Steentions . k WltLer BoN1a NelvcotnUo .Pianos il' Edison Gramophones •' Neils , --eel , Z AAx PRI7i'A:IIED 't'0 l)Q ONE 0l7 two washings weekly, at homes- Alps. F, W, Sones, 7ariu0css street, Clinton, 934-2 ORGAN FOR SALE. --A GOOD, SIR ' octavo organ, in :first class condi g , tion, Will be sold Rlioap for quiclt sale,^Apply to 1\2n_ s, A°, Beacom, Ontario street. 01-2 - Large stoolt'of ...*- n f n r�' /� p CI�111iO11 {� ��� V MADE Always INICANADA oh band - Home Saturdays 'for l e[�alring PINEAP PLTS• STTtAWBBRRTf;S HOUSE TO RENT, -A. SEVEN- ponied house 011 Mt Istreet, in good state of xepais town WatR1 conneotion and soft water in kit- then, good cellar, easily Heated, I.atylysoceupied by +II, 13artlifL. For particulars appih to Arthur Coot, Albert' St;, Clinton. 91-1 � . . J. 1l, Pa to a, Prop. A ': jt' jJ j� L LINE U F D. HA L T'ON PHONE 207 Huron St., Clinton TOMA'1"OES RADISHES LETTUCE and GRELON ONIONS, George V, King. of Great Britain and Ireland. awl,Emperor of India, who on. Sea- steel'ceIobrates ariothes'birth1ar, Thursday, •and The ministerial session opened at 2,30 on Wednesday, all the ministers of alto district being present. In the even. ill a public meeting was held and although the evening was very wet, a forge crowd gathered to hear the Il 4th, ,Jr, and Sr. 3rd -Wallace Ross. 2nd -Elva Anderson, 2nd Pt, -•Jean McKenzie. -Kr• 1I, . Johnston, Teacher, BICYCLES (New and second hand); DOMINION NOBBY TREAD -TIRES AC .,E > S§- • QRIES, G R a ii Ls fiNT D W E� '" +011; WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO 'Al s a . j FARM FOR SALE --LOT 23 CON. ' 17, Baso lino, Goderich township, containing 80 acres: Good frame 1(01165 •atrd barn, sinall orchard, good well. For particulars apply' to Mrs,' Robt, Mason, Albert St., Clinton, 80-2 addresses given by Rev, Mr, I3edley. • 4 It Shall' Not Fail. w .* � h .�' 4 " > . ,>• , E `c� 't t s r• �:< ; �• �.�c � a�a ; a ad 1` a x ke x } i w s r 3 ' T l ` 0 �� � " , • s SSMu yx , es a ..,: • of Nile, and .Row. G. Q. {alto of Londesboro, Mr, Heeler , took for his subject, "What Have We to Give to the World.'l World." Mr. Mr. SCaine's subject was, "The Place, of the Church in the Community," Both subjects were well handled, On Titursday the gen-. eral business •session was held when the ministers' and lay delegates met and ,a lot of important business-,sp came before file meeting and was disposed of; The lap delegates met in_session .in the afternoon and dis- cussed important questions, Tho 701- lowing brethern were appointed stem- bars of the Laymen's Forward. Evan- .gelistic Movement : Mr. 3, n.' Irwin, Clinton, chairman ; 81i W. II. Hell- ar, Clinton, SecretaryMr, 1 aunce- y ' + ' lot Clark, Bayfield, and Mr.. Wm. Iiathw°ll, Varna, executive commit- tee, On Thursday dinner and supper was provided Abp the ladies of Varna and Goshen appointments,. and served in the town 'fall. Both- ministers and 'laymen sPolta very, highly of the hospitality extended them by the Varna Marriages w TYNERTHO'ULAND -- At S p r u c 0 Greve Farm, Goderieit township, on May 80th, Mandena, eldest daughter of Mr.. and Mrs', Geo, C. Rolland, to" Chat:1es.L, Tyner of Hallett, A3irihS - LA1V7.OR-At Auburn, -on May26L'(i, to lVir, and Mrs; Sanford Lawlor, a son. 130X -In III Seaforth, to Air. and Mrs. E. C. Banc, a daughter. - Deaths - WWIporatiof th In Buffalo, 1et1., on May 23rd Emma C. Field, wife oL Mr, S. A. Brown, formerly, of Ilul.- lett, in her 62nd year, CRA.WFORD-In Walton, on May, 20th, David C'ra vford, Iia his BCth Pear. ' DAVIDSON-In Colborne township, on May 21st„ Saralt Davidson, in iter' 48th year. y FEW MORE KNIT - PERS, ETO. APPLY AT ONCE: /. Clinton Y1nittill Knitting ®. `. -' \ , CNNdA�n' � Do .You " =`" ;VP."' . IF YOU" HAVE ANYTHING TO Sell -It will pap you to adven flee same in The News -Record. The cost is small, the results large. h -e • . ' y LIMITED, What Via' nP''0,':'''''''' i dab l jV('0'< 1 ✓ Council, The council of the oar- MEETING OF HURON 'COUNTYiiinr • of the Count of Huron y will meet in the council chamber in the 'town of. Goderich, on' Tees- day the 5th day of June at 3• o'clock, el W. Lane, Clerk. Dated may 21st, 1.9L7. 90-2 �' �y oA.t,j: Star Leaf, or SIf9fi� I� �C�, IIsi iseB • mw�: When buying Flour Noah Star, Ma Flake Brands. Do not sell yon any other brands oat the above ONOE USED -ALWAYS --- A Share of the Patronage i Rifi ._., " s Maple h�/ l utke Rr• q , d , ask vrnu' deafer let sour dente till you USED Public Solicited z * try The British Empire . ',ails for More de 6. , Eggs� Poultry. Itis therefore our duty to increase producilon in these Heys, and rices p promise to be exceedingly login for all poultryproducts durin this coming+ p g Year - e es - OUP 9�. J. t1� �GQJ ®�IJ Are buy one�andrf payforit in poultry next fel] Fat Hens V✓anted' at Itiser, pound Our wagons will c flier your eggs as usual, paying top prices in cash, or. rt IL is your assurance of perfect • satisfaction in all your concrete work: In- sist on getting Canada Cement, you are dein an If g y building or repairing in wood remember we have what' 9Jn want,includin 1"' g dressed flooring, and sid- ing, McNair shingles, B• L. Fir and Cedar products and Canada fibre board, Do not duIaq is piecing your supply of coal. Ile - livery will again be made 81.70 ton, tto oeld at Varnaand Kippen at 50c per fou, and to our own town customers at 25e per ton. This searce- ly covers the• expense this but we are bound to have your business: — MoCORMICK AGENCY, -I HAVE taken over the agency for tate Ma Iuiplements and moved it to my place of business, the car- liege and repair shop, Huron street, where I will keep 011 hand s full tine of implements, repairs, twine, et°, • An order from • you will receive prompt attention,- Wilson Elliott. 43 1181 gat, • A. J. Balfour More clearly as 'tlie months go n, it becomes evident that this is recoming a World war, eietween the owers of'democracy on the one side ad the powers of autocracyi on the side. We in this room, what, at ver shade of difference may separate s, can in such a'contest take only; ne side. We can only be on ,•Elie isle of democracy, "We have staked our last .denier - Pon democracy, and 1f democracy ail us we are bankrupt, indeed: But know that democracy will not fail people of circuit. The Iollowing'lotter was received by Mrs, Douglas, president of the Blake Women's Institute, -from a soldier in Frame : "Somewhere in France Dear Airs. Douglas t -I think it my duty to express nip gratitude to the Women's Institute for their kind a -The ttention and you being President would you thank them all very much indeed for the parcel received safely. do not get all plea c out hero I can assure you but I cannot say itis altogether dull. There is always something among the fellows, even in and out of danger that is hard to ex- but IIOVVARD=At Drysdale on MayCormick y 91st, John Howard, aged 88 years' t CLARIs'-Dearly cherished by herfor family is t1(5 "-retinue memoxp of Margaret S. Clark, wino departed this life Juno 1s$; 191G, "Although a year has gena slime last we sawour face, memory of it still holds dear. For naught can take its lace, l= P +Tis -only those wbo have lostcantell The pain of parting without. farewell, We miss thee and mourn thee in sit. nee, unseen, And dwell on the memory of days that have been." • YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE- paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad -rear fes' and Gentlemen's clothes, we guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent% Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ere, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 orders given on town stores. g q John Sc6a'i1®ellhGtt.^9 ,�„ q l �t9911�N y 04/Al�f fie Aa9 GUiThi A A ATGA ®A6.° CO John B. Mustard • �'�����' lam" jet s. Ido not pretend, I do not hick anybody who has ever studied be history of the past or has look- d :with impartial eyes upon the resent, which will soon be history,. ora moment deceives himself with he idea that democracy is plain seems to make us think of other things than what is scall"- go-- ing on. We have had a hard trip up this, last time. The weather was heti and so were tate shells and our ensu- attics were lots considering that we did not go over the top or, in SONS FOR SALE. --I HAVE A FEW sows to sell that tomo in in about two =weeks.-1fi. H. IVlicicileton, R. R. \°, .3, Clinton. -51 "-Alone $. Clltl$Ofll,�On$. l'he Up-to-date Firm Crean!. Wanted FARM FOR SALE. s nor ACRE farm for sale, 21 runes north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hui- lett township. On the Premises are a bank barn Saxe° with' stone stab ling underneath and 1a storey 8- roomed• e house with good cel- ` lar, Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. - This farm is convenient to schools and aerobes ' will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit perches- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St,, Strat- -Ford Ont. -BZ. ' Phone 190. CLINTON • •Highest I.s Afor for and adieu, lief, ing would the PHONOLA t °Bol tauten over the a beet the PIIONOLA, filo best the the cheapest all Can- machine on the mar- those thinking tof buy- do well to call and hear before purchasing Needles and records al- 1,18E t� Soldiers 17 w,.: .0,--- A'' LitezzledaasUhtofro boysUMivi suggest : 0 I N E and Let Live Comforts T what "" Weto g price paid for ctearo which will be taken in every, WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested sad aid fon g p while you wait. Also all kinds iv live cowl sloe 11 ted. Fowl received Wedneadayf j morning each week. , T. E. MASON, General EMerchant, R e :an easy oxm of, government, It is the only: arm 'of government; but it is not an asp toxin. of government. It has in Brent difficulties ; it has always had hem, ,it'always will have •them; and am not sure. that every race is ifted enough to surmount these die. mattes, That -the great countries other words rush the chem . Things are looking bright for us and before you read this Ie$ter, y weather Per- muting, you evili read more of the great doings by the' Canadians, and. there are a Iot of the 861st bolts that are'taking part out hale, al- though the Battalion Is in England LOST. SOME TIML 'AGO, BE -THE teem Fair's store and , the Public school, a monogram brooch -made of an old English gold coin, 'Suitablyotwait- reward if the finder will leave ' at News -Record office,. -01 pat represent western Civilization etbut aveonly lar el�overcomeethelmmY largely already, think is assured. -But dor not let S imagine that the task, • however uccessfuli.y di; map liave been accom- up to the present thne, isProceeds me which' does not ,require our, con=' Cant effort, lest 'where failure is , yet. It will be a great experience for e man to,go through this and a seeder himself, because only seeing will really coueinco'one of the events and thtngres they are and happen- ed, We -are all bolting for' the end , pretty soon and, will be glad to DAavOdTson's recL ital tiieLho>naR. Oof Mrs, Gunn on Monday evening, June 4th, under the auspices of The Txavel • Club, Admission 25e. over expenses for pat- riotic purposes: •nolo elsewhere. ways on baud. r 7 also handle the celebrated "SIL- „ VO ysilver polish. 1t will clean in- st'an.tly every article made of gold, silver, platinum and ever"- kind of platltvare, ', producing . a, brilliant', lasting polish with ease and certain- 1st•r ri hill lino of CLOCKS, WATCH- ES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE always on hand. SPECTACLES a specialty -all kinds, and repairs for same, EYES TESTED FREE, At- 9s Jeweir Johnson J Store (Next to Hovey's Drug Store) Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Reindeer Reindeer G. Washington Cltocoiate. Cowan's Chocolate Nut bars, Bovril Oxo cubes Calmed, Canna Pork and Chewing S P E t'iifelapPies Oranges Lemons ( coffee cocoa g coffee milk chocolate in cakes • , cheese fish and mea1M beans gums C I A' L S t Bananas Lettuce and Rhubarii, s°'� Leave Your Order Early f or Envetroughing Ieating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST .,v; THOSHA�NKINS• • Agent for Hecla FurnacesPay Shiop over Rowland's Hardware, i • PHONE 53, t - , HOUSE, FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME house with stone cellar, 5 bed- rooms, any downstairs, double par- dining iot>m, kitchen, pantry, woodshed, Hard and soft water. , Good garden, double 10±, fruit trees and small fruits, stable and henhouse,. Apply on premises, west end Iinron street --C, E.. Jervis. -87 asy, faiture should °tour e_et. et alfour in House of Commons on get home again if we are spared, I hope every one around the settle- pleat is well. T have. to thank the Women's Instituto for the kind:at- FAR]VI FOR SALE, -••200 ACRES 28tor, Lots and 29, on the 5th.con- cession of Hallett; to be• sold Goderich. bIr. and Mrs, I1, Either, son of 13. fiber, M,P.P., for South Iltuon, .ac- impanied by Mrs, Hugh Girvin, Motored up frons Crediton last week nd visited at the home of Mr, and (es. Chas, Girvin: , Rev, Dr, Seager et Vancouver, le „with Airs: Seager said children re tis guests of Crowe -Attorney toation given to the wife and family" but she has. already expressed her thanks, so please accept mine, and now I must close, wishing yott all kinds of best- wishes. Believe me, pour sincere friend. Pte. Arthur E , Clarkeaa.' Mrs., Clarke ami family ace living in BayOeld at present. separately or together. Two barns, , 'one 30x60, tbe'othex 80 o0, stone staple under the larger barn, Frame house 18x28 with kitcliien 18x28, flowing well at door. On the other farm is a brick house 20x32, kit- ' ohm 18x20, frame stable, driving shed, acre of orchard Dr each farm.. Will rent if not sold. For particulars apply to Tlios, Archer Clinton.' -gh - - CR AM 'WANTED. a• DeiTRYMEN havingcream to sell write to ns for cans. We .supply t�vo, cane free. all express hargaq ffid issnu' cheques twice eaceh month, cheques at par, We pays the high- lir au honestttestCe nesting consistent by n competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tests arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity. or Klub= �aho 'wl will cream deliver with Hall leave Iters. Write for ems and glee ne a trial, . Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may, deliverSte their cream to Beatty y Bros, Store and it will be taken. care of there -The Seaforth Cream -tai cry., Box Ess, seaforth, amt. ' •payable Mis Seager. Rev. W K. Hager was in Toronto g sb Week T Mrs, Walter Aaftel has actin visit-" rgher old home at Perth, Mr, E R T.weedle of Columbus bio, is - visiting at the parental )nte in town. Musa Manson has returned from. .amnion Mr: Roderick Mckenzie, Secretary,t the Canadian Council of Agricul- tie, vVas i town last week, being . "5 1�� f� �trr y P. ,9 - f • r� . • .. rh`_� • — NINE I , - . -w TEEN1'• H ANN'UAL EXCURSION y . l ,tee - '" ,. • F r 5 _ \ Fa' „ ^n, 4cIceman-lee�r. .; o E. E �g }Tqf� IUNNItFORD �,� _ . t d oes ou App 1 e Appetite Highest market g Price for Butter a'nd;Eggs.• 0 rOPO Need Coaxing - +� v. - - i2 `�,i ,.I ti f this is the time of year we rtesite sometitur to the line 6 of relish to ]ic1P elan our appetite during the'bus seas- pp g Y, g {find seeding tl'my 0a.. housecleaning at 101 , g our tviudaw and you will sesta line of relishes that will soon create ad Appetite: Sweet pickles 'k Mixed pickles , Olives 1 Tonsato soup Tomato chutney>. sauce T°corse radish, Horse radial eta, -----' 1 PINEAPPLES,..., Leervo youx order for your supply of this healthful, Inseams, fruit with us, Try ourG'reetl Toa Yc pet Th. �' Highest Prices for Butter and ,iigg'S' ,aper + ee 'I''- �r /M1 good dive steals. or in best spite of prices R�1 �9 I, t 4 h '. ~� It Pays feed Pays greaten feed tbat any ]tigllar lJ o aa�"AI�CAAIS ,�1 i .,� la � it ,: > "^ ! to to your in production, we tact you'll than '-' n 7 v i r �,e ,, s , .°t t. a f�"t � K: r FEED " , L • Feed horse or other Better condition We carry can obtain, not find you now a i SOIL z ., et „ ,. Iiies our paq, Seed Corn, all filo ood hinds g bus, • $Z.5(f Seed Potatoes, New'Ontario stock, per bag 4,50; Turnip seed, all Swedes, pet lb. .. .55' and .GQ . Cora Stack, worth tOda'y, 179 °, , P package lq Laundry. starch, worth n2}° to 15e, per package,,,,, „ .Y Seedless Raisins, worth today, lip°, for l+fA 3 bozos matches, worth today, 2'Oe, for ,,,.,,,,.� •,1s Powdered Bath Brick in vans O5 and .1a PernWeeder Oil in Bottles ,.25 and .5a' Perrins Biscuits are just dandy We have them in package* tb, <30, .35 and ,iq 1 Also at -17e per Ib. loose. SPECIAL. ,POR. SATURDAY 1100 lbs. Flour Jewel et $7,2 i "Jewel" 40 lbs, rolled oats at 4.05; 100 lbs, graftulated sugar at 8.70 5 lbs. black anal mixed tea for 1,°il; a e I a lecturingtour throughout this g " ' - r; , � a. ea'tee+-1 . •.: M-... s letton, Alts. A, L. Caldwell. is vlsittng, her enter Ronne in Barrie: ,_ ' • Miss Retia Clark is home from tris r a ;s . .w `~ .;like, e.•.' " s .e �, �� ,� _- i� �v-a'4\ )r_-.," C " � ."•'.,, � v��- ~✓'� -k �\�� �"� �' E: have another Car of choice western �+ O T S and also a car of cerent., JOHN HCJTTON,, Londesbor0 University for the long --.- _� -�-"' -- _ n N.�i`'. �'.- `-----. atoned: (cation. J. II, Farmer of M°14Taster Prof.Psi f.siby preached auniversaty , ser- in the Baptist Mintel. oil. Stine STEAMER GREYHOUND b GOD E R . T C ---:•-aC-- week and on' the Monday fol- addressed the Canadian. Club their n°oil Itrnclleon, Hugh Cri:aham .Ross; son of Ray. G. Ross of Montreal, formerly as- y p of Knox church, Gadericii, hat an. aviation corps and is now Toronto: DETROIT 1VD n 'TURN +_ LEAVES GOD1;ItiCI3 I+Ont DL ► Til01'1 9.80 aan. ,• , 0 . TUESDAY JUNE 12 Rntttxning, leaves DI TROPI' ii'017� - T y Thursday, June 1the C#ODPRICH, 11,00 p, m., Yf 'visit Sale Calves forjuicy, r v I 71970 made arratigemett.t tU f •011 -:d secure 6 number ° W bre young calves each week, p p'V .MARQUISThe Phone 14 011 166 at This will be )sour 'nip opportunity to Detroit by -boat during the catalog summot, as thero'ivitybo no regular steamer Seaforxh, service oat of God °rich this seasoli, Mr, John. MeNab,one of SeaLorth'a NO TROUBLE' ON ACC . ACCOUNT OF: TIM NEW T' IMIORATION LAIV. iciest inhabitants, passed away at. Canadians coming to Detroit far a tielttptll:ary stay ate itot requited to Is lltlme 00 Jalnes stud 0'11 Trees. Pay a 1(0ad.,'ta'X o7 inake,a deposit. Immigration officers will by on board sir of last weep,. Me, had net been ethernet, ort the trip to Dntroiti lar the purpose of passing all extcorsion- L Lha asst of health but his death nets, • ee :most aneep0etetl. Band Moonlight Excufsiori Mr. 3, q', Pell has disposed of his ASP tOD'l�dRICII 1VIONDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, S p.m, 1lotograp71 business and has par- 25 CENTS .-;,,,1.xi Ulla:4, M ;,,' /anrtnriritr. ' - WI -PPM; STAR Y:,INE - - n1'r'1ftOtr. MICH. FLOUR ANIS PEED, Johnson79� stot'e of Quality." -both no, Zlighest prices pald Cur DRONE III, Grain and WCdl. Elentiters rtw.... ,,,,.,.t..,.,,,,...,.,a,Y...,.,,...,'_r.,. . c o f� 1�5 LONDESBOI erkA1.:M a4.a.:»...1skIi441.h o O is«:.ae,ri. 11681UrnCy "-none ii 9.20(