HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-05-31, Page 44 Clinton News -Record ti May 3 Is', (Q17 . Varna .. sr, J :i. rlwee formerly 11 ) i .L 1 of this vtllabe, ,has sold his farm at z ; [h d It ssla, Sask,, and gives immediate possession, In the meantime Mr. Barnwell 'does' "otot 1r110\V exactly wilctr0 he will 10gate pertuanently,. :. Althottth lie lied a good faun, the locativewas nob 'altogether pleasing r h 1 9 b to h'ftnsolf and 1Vfrs, ,1•Iarnwell, their 'neiglebors being for the most part of , , ,troilnced Alsoi far 'from tion, and ahoy were also far 'from church, The old. frieitdi about'faros will not regret the ., l; change it it ehOuld mom that . -Mr, and 715, 'larnw0ll H ally decide• to' a tot rlt to OnItario or , 'to , the old Jiome here, . . • 11frr ,J, T. Reid eaves next week loves for his farm in, Saslcatehew at: He, athe will probably be most of the f p t, summer. (,UT ( IG1� 1 �N� L1R•61pEN FOES FitId Beans in Canada (Hy .W. L. Glabalrt, i3,S•A.; Assis- taut hold Ilu4handnzan,) li'lolrl Deans .comPris4 Malty) typos or vpeefee•of which they bush or dwarf ' the l 1' 111 varieties, including Ll cidr cy anti haricot typo, ar4;groivn tor the pro- lief" n of mem e fox' hui t (Motion x havo1 se rf mei food, Beans have a'.twosield value, rank m- u the va tablo • . The au a U .g t t ,valuable foolp, eon ailiiug a higher' percentage of than wheat or o t and v-. p. tp a oats s. o meat. a aro 'also all In sx Beans a, 4[ oleo frem a soil cultural aspect as' .they .belong to a moot important oasts cif agricultural ,P,lants termed to um g es which are capable' of taking up indirectly,the' free nitro en of . the air -and storing, it in tubercles on root syetcuas of: the Plants in an a'va1 Iii form of .plant feed . for future ceope In Canada the produce tion of field beans, cominereially, has been carried on fp} flit .past, sixty years', }peing,, t' confined largely to you, 1916 Souibhern Ontario, 1t1 .the e according to the Census and: Status- tics'ltoports df'.rhe Dominion' Da partmeut of 'Prado and Gbmmerce au area of 32,500 acres was planted to beans. Tho average yield per aero was Y2,7 bushels with a zriaxkot value of �S.dO eery Uushel.. Tile total value' of the ,crop was 82,228,000, It . tv111 be, xeoallell that, in certain dis- tricte in 1916 conditions for Dropping • were verytinfavourabie. `!'hese. cost ditions prevailed in our best: bean producingsections .lvnth rho result a vera'' •' . leid pet acrd -.i • that the t bey P s - - lotv:. Innocmal seasons in the past aha yield po acne has been •aper ox- imateiy 17.bushols, At the present thne.Heid Deans art grown in four prnviuces of the Dominion 'of Can -enough a,ta,' Ill 1916 Ohtario had a yield of 317,000 bee'tlels' Quebec,' 78,000 bush- els';. Nov Sc tis 113 800 • •welters altd a e tel New- B stvick, 3,800 bushels. Thus' thepast season 76.8 percent. of P the benne prodtreed n .Gamat o, were r Ii ' r the )xov'n:o f ntttrio. grown u 1. z 4 q Duringthe las two .oars the ie past w y e pre, a of commorcial beans -rias more than _doubled. In Merck, 1915, beans were sellingfor $3 per bushel,. In Meech, I 1917, the prices quoted for beans •a ran e.fr•Om 00 ,to 07 per bushel, .Olsig types o: soil are suitable. fo'r 1 Yipa{;holo the growing of beans. providing theta is good drainage. L"nderdrainage - is not , absolutely necessary but is acs- visable here as with other, farm 11 a choice o£ land. can be macre, select rich learns and sandy foams. Clay soils, liawever, in a lie p state of frith a expected t0 grow )Ears satisfactorily. In file g p 1 -fuel rotatior,.beans should follow clover flay, pasture or meadov.. They fall at the hoes crop class lienee assist admirably in the preparation;of file sell. for grain crops and the accent- panying seeding mixtures of grasses and clovers wlireh should 1011pW for best results. Applications of barn- yard manure in fain liberal quan- Y titles may be expected to produce a profitable crop of beans. A good dxessm of well- reserved manure at g p the rate of 1.0to12 tons per acre, once 1n three or four years is sof- ficient: The application :pay bo made in the fall, winter or spring or dui- ing the PYcceding sumnr0r. The man- ore, i£ ploughed in, should not be buried -too 'deeply, but whether Ploughed in or rlssectI in, it s'b.ould ii0 thoroughly incorporated with the soil. Commercial fertilizers have home by planting a unf()rrn barupit Uf the tie (i in a plot o IlloiI ea - soil l)laued in a priglty warrtt 1>t>si- tion t e, living r m' beteg a very. a 7 ti oq b It b r) suitable location. GUnd net slwuld produce .uniformly strong sPeellte in a paled of nee Or Si la n.to'k p s • (lays, ?some of :the host jNeidtng varietros qf held 1)0005 :r0 Po ree'is 1n roved T' a a t P . pee, Schofield. Pea, Mediltm. Or llOY, Coltn'10a1 White Petr end WhiteWon- a White tier'. These varieties require from 112. to 115' .[fa `s 10 which to •eye k f a h the proper' stage 01 maturity f liar- P g y.or 1. b vesting, After planting, but 'before 'the plants a1pear, which will uSually be fxotn Vireo to six date dePending Y A 6 largely upon the weather, it is advis- -able to harrew the soil ii idyl with b• a. slaut,tgoth; harrow or, even a light slnoothtreg harrow, This opCna+ti0n will break. ♦;lie crest, destroys' wom s, nelP' waren the soil and annulate rapid germination o1:• the seed and rotvth of .rho , rants A u' g P 5 50o as possible after •the beans aro ftp, .laid p an ba aeon fu the row, t110 single anti two -row tultuvatoee should be used, It should be the amt Of every' glrowel ,to beep rho' soil stirred up on the surface, Thus ' as promptly as Practicable after rain and in time to prevent the rooming of a crust too soil sitauld' U0 stirred by menus of Ilte ,cultivator. The work of cultivation also should U0 • kept well-<rn stand early in the season s0 that little cultivation need be given after the blooming stage of the growth has been reached.. Usually a certain amount of .hand-hoefn ' is nuc- g essay and this o . Y Pcration map be . veiy� much reduced by prompt and thorough Toeing iii the early part' of the growingseason. Where there is helpox whore small areas Only aro grown the beans may be Pulled •by band, For large crops of beans it is generally profitable to use bean harvesters which consist of the ordinary two -wheeled cultivator e- gulped with two flat knives placed t0 P Foam a V •cutting two •rows ab a time and. placing, both. rows into- lane wind_ row. The beans may be bunched lit hand or by means o£ the side deliv- cry rake which places from three to rows to ether; Afier cortin the B g, beans should be' kept 'clean and should be• stored with as little tveatheriug as possible, ..as constructed thYeshers are available. Sometimes with special arrangement the ' coir- molt thresher call be used ; hgwever, by.this 11105112 there is more loss through beans being broken or split, . These cannot be solei either. for corn - mama or- •for seed -purposes,. 1 posed. Pox small quantities Or for a Special vel- iety groat for seed it is often ad- visable to do the threshing with the flail. Cos{; of growing one acre beans at current wages £Or manual and horse. labour and prices for seed': ploughing 02.50 2 hasroving ,00 Harrowing 6U Seed, 45 lbs, at 150 per 11),, 6.75 Planting ,,,„,,,, . . J0 Harrowing (1), cultivating (7)times 4.0U IToeing, 2 days 4,0i) Cutting 11,25 Benching sere Hauling ,90 Threshing1,60 Gleaning and baggi:ug 50 Rent of land and use of machinery 6.00 Hensall Pito 2alh Passe(i vet; ,quietly ill Ohl a n: village, as them wag 4 ,Public cote nation 1n this oat of xvar, and flit b Y mistime and roads were so unfaver ea' y everybody able as keep n .1,19 y • y a hot�to, In the ovpnlzig, notwtthatand 1! '0 ds a 1 x ing the rain and e r a , age number assenthled at Carmel Presby a farewell v tprfa2l phuroh to ,have t q e mane: with the paster, Roll, B. I1' & whor to •1 r0 Met; Smith, II.A.; eEt ty" a ora stgner_1 his charge a p st+.t of tumefy 18 years,. George J, Sett ellaud, postmaster, doted es chairCo: M frit, Tho cbale an 'spoke of Rev Mr, Smith as a man, secondly, as citizen z d lastly as a minister 0. , p 1 this the Gospel. At this 'uncture Tien } "lulu, Smith- ane Mrs, Smith were in n v1 d to , to the front; eviler per; Henry Horton, out of the es tet. nixed elders of the cbn negation o g' road an adst of expr0asive of tie von hJ.gh esteem in wliigh l4lr. Smitl Y and laniary. were held by rho congYe Batton, of the recognition of his grew' ability and untiring -zeal in the min' istrya, and getrel'aI •regret at his re siguation. Mr, Alex, Buchanan, fo' in the 0,00) many years an stepped ed fprward and 0 gation, alien the ,Ooop.er the name of rho elders and end,gA. ton, presented Mr. Smith with- 1 purse containing over • t178, Mr Smith,- on behalf of himself ned fame it rade a most feeling reply. TM Y, t g chairman and Mr. Horton follows with short addresses and the rest o t a a the evening was sew • h pleasan social intercourse. a ' CHOOSE Y�UO WALL PARED NOW IUoImesville 'rr. Wm. Jenkins boasts"M lutein^ A, .. b potatoes, in blossom -about tttonty tis under glass, Ai"ss S'usio' 1eh l ll t g. 7 s. , eson also has quite a nice Patch, „ 1latine starred teem Ill boxes in the u an ' t'' ns )riot icier thorn 'ntu hose d ra 1 .t ; r ._ , , file eel tri, and cu1el.ing tbtrn . at night when it was coli1. They aro S a 1 5' w' + (loitlg. well, ,ole , 1 of e er,, tibal) Destroy Them or They May De'' WS Vuur cra ,' .. -•-^r- , S RA.V1Nt1 A ItEADV REMEDY - err This.'Oelumn Che Amateur is ha to: Insaats and ' tt (ntgud $ That 110 Iv Know ' `herprotein o ._ C IAS I n by ; . ; Meet Tlroir [lust Names, (13y ,5,. • a )O? Ns'rON, Vegetable :, dpeelanat :Oatare Deeartreent of. Agriculture, Tonti;) ', t , Garden Foes;' Unfortunately the backyard-veget- ab1 glower' has fume c lflculties tog 9• 1 . overcome. ft will not be all pleasurep .and profit which he must look for- ward to beeause.th'ere are innutner-, able insects and fungus diseases which cause much wprry and trouble and necessitate'che use of eatiaordsn- arY methods to prevent or control. Most Of these troubles may be over- come by spraying the plants with remedies which can be secured from' (seed' stores and other hand- ling thein The, following is a list of the more :common vegetables and the insects and plant diseases attaching. them with remedies or preventives: ASPARAGUS. Beetles. Elie blank. or yellowish' colored, about One -half - inch long, Which appear early in May• and feed on the young shoots, Keep the bed closely cut In the. spring or allow poultry toren through it, After cutting season is over, spray with arsenate of lead, - Encourage the lady bird nettle which destroys many of these insects: Anthrachoee or Pod Spots.. Brown or reddish spots •• tho'foliage and or Pods, Pound en low' damp ground. Plant only seeiis which have no signs a the disease. Pull up. and burn diseased plauts as.1)hey appear•' •• . CAI313AGE, CAULIFLOWER., AND . GLS SPROUTS,; Root Mag- got. A small whitish colored mag- got one-quarter of an inch long. Looks' something iiko a grain oe wheat, found just below the surface of theground either eros -to or the roots. • PheY'e'at the roots, -cause Mg- the Plant to drop' over. Amity --- a solution of eorroesive' sublimate one -halt donee dissolved in five gal -five bons XT -water, at the rate of hall a teaeu f ! ower" a ]i la.n once week for five weeks 'alter' they'. y set out, epmmoneing three or four days after planting. r Out Worms and White- Grubs. Greyish white grubs'which work at the surface of the soil cutting off the plants. They may be trapped. by- spreading a mixture of poisen bran over the surface of 'the soil close to the plants, A pail of bran with- s�fa-may Ci011t parts green to highly Cobol it, should be moistened with molasses until it crumbles readily in the Band. This mossture should be kept on the ground during the early part of tale season, Worm. A small greenish worm three-quarters of an snob long, which appears quite early in the season. Aust with pyrethrum or hellebore powder •when the plants have headed,Disc or dust with a teaspoonful ofparis green mixed with three tablespoonful flour when young. piece 000f burlap may be used for this purpose burlap r Y c p ncU o an empty an with boles 'u ed to the bottom, . Aphis, also called louse, Small greyish insects which multiply rapid- ly. They may appear at any time in the season. Spray forcibly with a solution made from steeping one co refuse in one ga ton of waterlund of bapThis solutio t miry be used on all plants on which Aphis are found, CELERY. Blight, Black spots appear on the' foliage followed by wilting of the plant and a soft root on' the stock. Spray each week with a mixture of Bordeaux mixture cov- ering the entire plant, CUCUMBER. Striped Beetle. Black and yellow striped beetle which feeds ravenously on the ten- der leaves of the plant in the very earl stage of growth. Dust leaves when wet withashes or air -slaked lime, Squash Bug. Dark brown nettle which sucks tbo.j[tice from the plant.• Band pick and destroy. Found on the Induce. MELONS. Cite her.insects usual- ly attacks and may be destroyed as given above. ONION. Onion Maggot, A white maggot similar to the cabbage root maggot. No effective means of con- Spread charcoal over thetot ground or, try the .eorrossivo subll= mate solution as . recommended above. •- Blight. A violet. color, -partici appearing on the leaf of the onion.. Some advise sprayingwith Bordeaux mixture from the time the onion plant is' three inches high, POTATO. Colorado 'Beetle or Po- tato Bugg Dust with paris green when the dew' is still on the Plant, or place a teaspoonful in a watering oan of water a),d pour over the plant, If possible have the plant dusted with paris green before the - bugcabappears, massly regognized"Uy char- ueterist• io rqughness of the skin. Im- merge the uncut tuber dust before planting in a solution of two Haid ounces of formalin with two gallons of water. Dry, cut, find plant. alight. Brown spots distributed over the leafy surface, usually found !n July. If they are not prevented -in from growing, the whole plant will be destroyed, Spray • once a week. for four or five weeks with Bordeaux mixture from July 1st, IiADlSLi, Root Maggot. Use the 5am0 remedIos as given for cabbage and onion maggot. , : TOMATO. Tomato Worm ok IJorrr Blower, A large worm which lapid! defoliates the plant. 'Hand pick' and de'stray. Blight. Black spots appearing of the • leaves Whicit spread rapidly and us0 the whole Plant t0 die, .Keep ca• the plants growing. v• igorously. eseees sesase.+. --- From Cour S171'ili Stock were planted in APril are lust ' be- , ground, ginning to appear above the ground, Waune' woatho: is badly neoderi fur growth, • " The-f'Iolmost ilio Cheese and. flutter have sold their factor} and Wen s ' To miss the New K all Papers. weare (hewing Lhis s p pin is t i e P g n miss' the best we have ever sl (shown. .. Thou b, we. have sold" Wall raper for years, these new (foods by plant to The cl.aroii Cheese Co. X ill and ho take )ease si[in in So iteili- thou I s 1 bop next, The Company intend to' •, keep running during the winter seas- on as tvoli' as the, summer, The. price realized was $1000., this :hits- - i] mess change ought to result .in, add-. ed prosperit1 to ettr village. t F. Crop13e l`lrt p Ottawa, May 12th 1917, ' The first crop roped 0f the present season issuod'•to its ,the Cbnsus and'Sta-, Y by tr5tics,Olftce.relate,s to the aaea,and Eoiditipu. of rho fall Wheat crop' the condition of hay and clover meadows at Ilio end of rho winter aid the progress of 81)ring seeding, cls repos-.. hyi cor.r0sppndents',at the End, of r\nxii; WINTER dCILLTNCr AND CON- ' . i - , 0 DITION OI, ,PALL ;WHEAT 4the, area estimated-. to be sewn to, i rte •` he's' a t fa.li is 813 405 w i. 1 w tis r ' acres ; of which O6G,uU0 acres are in On aria "1105,700 acres in Saske1) i- man, •318,0110 acres in Alberta, 8,000 acres !n anti 0"200 notes ill Columbia, ,in Ontario file proportion of the area reported Ito bo killed is 25 ger teat in Manitoba 14 r 'nt .in ,1 uta 1 r ten' rid po Ce be 5 per t a in British Columbia 8 per cont, No mut, ori tate whiter ki11Ju o1 fall 1 t e wheat are available for Saska'telre- t o n in the wan,but as the •yvneighbouring u'i h irh provinces two u ig bot tg Ito inces of Mani -e. iota and Alberta axe .11 and 15 per cent respectively it is assllmcrl that the Proportion of 1n .per cent also p p n al per°es to Saskatchewan. The result is a total esthnai',Cd -destruction through' . winter killing of 157 000 acres of fall sawn wheat or 23 ])e cent, This proportion is larger' than in any of -the two , previods years: when however the am0ant of winter was exec,tinnally low beancrops. g I g not more than about 8 Per cent in each, year. After deduction of the areas estimated to Ue winter Trilled.good ' the Area.to., be: harvested of fall wheat is 026,4'00 acres: 'Phe Bondi- tier of fall wheat on April 30 is re- ported as 'G7 per cent. of the sten- [lard representing a full crop in On-, tarso, G5 per cent in 'Mani one, 88 pax cent in .Alberta and. 85 per cent in T3rrtish Coiumbles making the if •use far all Canada g (Saskat ohewan excluded to be. 60 per cent, ) 1 ilus•12 a: lover percentage xopre- senting condition than any previous - 1 recorded at the saute date since y 190'9,- and reflects the exceptional •severity of the past 'winter. • 1IAY AND CLOVER MEADOWS Owing to the lateness 01 the spring this year, it was rather too early April 30th to judge of the ex- tent to which hay and proven, mea Bows lead' suffered from the effects of thepast winter • but. tfie indica- tions are that something like 9 pet cent •of the area under these eros has been winter lulled. Their con- ditions in percentage of the stand- ard, is' for the whole of Canada 86, as compared with 92 last year, the range by provinces this year being 82 slid 9G' p. e, of the scan dard. - PROGRESS Ok' SPRING SEEDING For'. the three Atlantic rovinces iL was too soon on April 30 .to rept rt as to spring seeding, In the other six provinces the' spring 1s reported as be ng very- late, even.later than last year, and 0111y about 11p, n. of the total seeding' was, accomplished on April 30. Tits is the lowest pro- portion) sown on April 30 since the records began M 1910. hast year the proportion was only 18pv c., but in 1915, ' when the spring was 0X- optionally early and cond[tinns were highly favourable, the proportion rues as .high as 63 p. o. for wheat the proportion of seeding completed on April 30 is 113 P. e. as against 27 p, 0. last year and .04 p. c, in .1,115, for oats the ; p):oportian Is 1'd p,, o. a- garnet 8, per cent lest year and 45 'per cent in 1925, and for barley itwill p } is 0 per cont as against 3 per (Fat in 1010 and '38 per oat in 1015, Theprovinces most asi0000rd in the seeding of Spring wheat are l)utateo 28 Pax cant, 58 compared with 4 per cont last year and '3 par cent 10 1915, Alberta a7 per cent compared with 80 per cent and p1. ,per cent, and British Columbia 20 per cent tvitit Ol pe> .Cant. In a anly 5 per Cent had been seeders of tbe' ar00 to he devoted to spring wheat as against 36 p, . c, and 04 ), to on the torics 1 p)ndiag dates of ,1916 and 915 sprung aro all odds the best. ' - grtlsdal:e Another few remaining Td Telegraph and Ticket Agent. B t Clinton, 'Ontario / of ,the pr ue rs of Iia ow%nsUl in the, el- o E Y t p,per- son Of John Boward, was called a wayn) Monday last ht the ape d o .YI 1y i ad ago pf eighty-eight. )'ears' dud two months, The deceased .wei horn in Ireland and moved to this'country'ted when a •oun man, He .tools au ae- } • " 15 true )art in the ,clearin, up of tits counts Which at that time was i'' covered ,with forest, He was po- ssessed of- a wonderfully strong eon- stitutron' and until of lateyears, heart Weakness. in, "was_ - - when sot seaxcei t ill a da +; Por over' 'twenty. } ) r y ,,,�It Poultr Disease' linVest g,BftOr. 1t will be of interest to poultr} lce0 urs throughout - Canada to know P 6 that there is now an expert who dr votes his time investigating the dis 00808 01 poultry. Dr.' A. B. Biot ware, Assist ant' l'athologrst--t0 the Health of Animals Branch has bee, assi ned to that work byDr, Torr g duce, Veterinary Director General. Dr: Wickware is by no means a nov lee 1n paltry 'diseases. For severs 1''ears, under Dr. IIsggins, Dominio g 1st, Ito has devote[i some o his, •bine to the diseases athletin, poultry and bas 5!000 special atter tion to Black Haad. Ilealizin til g importance of Investigations ill pool try diseases, Mr.'J• H, Grisdale, Di of Experimental Farms an Dr. Torrance arranged for Dr. Wick g ware t0. take up this 'quast7.0n-Cxellla. He IS 'therefore nOW CO -0 CTiI ting) 'with the Poultry Division Co' Y tral Experimental T'arm, where 511100 last fall, he has been conduct ing experiments along this note needed and very important rias o tvorlc, ' Continued attention is being give] to Black Head its turkeys and man! new investigations are bein g g started These relater o iseas diseases as ever as to genera diseases of poultry, in eluding parasites of all kinds. The annual losses that accur Iron pouitry parasites are tremendous No person knows what the amour is but it is well into the million of dollars each year. D. Wick ware's work will no doubt, do some ‚thing to eliminate part of this, bu the' co-operation of all pouftryme; who have any disease in their floc will be appreciated. Pp As usual, communications to til Experimental Farm re' diseases n poultry will he welcomed and witl Dr. Wickware now giving all, hi, time to''this matter, oven more in formation will be available. Specs mens of slckd birds should be sen when practicable and may a ex } U pressed 'collect if addressed to Biolog ictel Laboratory, Experimental Faint Ottawa., d F-I�IVI ESEEK.E RS �o SO N �+ def _ years he drove His'Majesty's mail between Drysdale and ICippen, His YBritish life partner, nes Mary McDonnld, pie- deceased hint, eight years, 1'o them y ]i a d r , , - ,, . I ,;, . i.11 J �rw 1 • s i,. were born. eight children, four . sons and four daughters ; Wm, J. Ilan_ ry and OIrs. English at home elVTrs. Tavel' of -Grand Bend ;:Mrs: Pollock. Uf RJpiey •; 11Irs. Porritt of P dmon- i3�•{-,,.;,;i,i;�' , h�ry� .,` •,e es•. f �! s ll a,` vii q �, a ".:..,... ?1 k, AY 8t1)c TO, CTOBIER 30th Every aII :i l •g "ALL RAIL" - also by THURSDAY'S STEAMER "Great Lakes Routes" (Season Navigation) les y� ton; George S. of Zurich, and Jas. R. of Cloderich. The funeral services were cGnrlucted by Rev. D. Johnston of Varna and the remains were bald to rest in the family plot in Bayfield eemetrj% on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The pall bearerswere Nessus' J. A. 3finsou, .Jas. I)riismore, J. snider ' R. Turner, G, Sparks, and '1', John- sten', •killing ani Future fis �9i the Wes The Fertile prairies have put Western Canada on the map. There are still thousands of acre, waiting for the elan who wants a home and prosperity. Take df advantage of Low Rates and travel via dian 5 Hai ®- r� 6 _ - W. B. HOWARD, District 1=asseneer Agent, Toronto r • W. JACKSON, AGENT CLINTON tt 'reefer Winghain - - Pte, Harry Willis wa,2 11p front London for few recently, lieu, J, W. iIrbbert was in Toes- water last week Presiding at the Methodist District meeting. The Misses Little have cone up from Toronto and have taken up thrix residence in the cottage re- cantly purchased' from. Mr. A, J. ltoss, • Dr, Margaret Calder has returned' from a visit in Toronto. - .. ..... .- ... � Dr Goods Dry andC } House Furnishing Cone si „ 0• PHONE IS. Millinery and - Ready•to- Wear Garments •p 's � µ f!- !•hi e ... ... I ' )r r �Y: it` .,,- `t { a i 1 e " ` - f -.._.-.� ..- � at ,,''''''.;i'-',71--.hettveen ft„ +fes r'ny li .-- a ; • ' ' 1r i it } [1 I; 1A1er r,? t;') !. a �Ifuel. t Sy n}N Hula w, `i)1 } }� i : tdx , c . 1,'i 'I' " . t 1, t l' } I ;d' ttb,lii, ill' t! x ' • r' fr; Cuntirealob. _ „F� "'+ ,, .- r :�Total a :-'1g' i , F.� sz) b,- , r d �: It'. f=:' • ! - i not been used to anygreat xtent in Canada are they Nicely to prove profitable where suitable dressings of barnyard manure are' given' and jud- icious crop rotations and cultural methods arc practised. • Where it is necessary to use clay land for Lectins, it: •is generally adyisabl0 to plough inCost the autumn, turninga well set-upfor moderately lee furrow approximate- p ly 6 to 8 inches deep or as deep as the surface prodlietive soil will al- low. If lighter land is available good results may be expected from spring ploughing where the furrow is turn-. e[l\flat -and not deeper than 4 or . 6 Inches. In either ease the. manure may be ploughed in. or worked in on .tile surface with the disc harrow. A suitable seed -bed is fine and mellow at the surface but. £aixlp firm under- neath, which condition is obtained only, by combined ef!ort and thoitglit on the part of the grower coupled with judicious use of the disc bar_ row, roller and drag harrow, Tits success of the crop depends largely upon this' feature of thorough scel cultivation before seeding. As spun g as weather and soil conditions will permit, beans should' be Sown. The last week of May. or the first week in June is usually the most suitable time for planting, although the time of planting may,: vary s'lightly ac- cording to district ,and 'season, but should not be delayed alter the soil has became warm and dip, Field beans nue usually planted in rows 28 inches apart: TI>e plaints should be spaced from four to. six inches apart `the rov, butin seeding st is ad - vrsablo to sots more thickly than this and t11131 to the ' required ilia- fano when the plants appear, For . plauting special bean platttpx5 aro available, but where file grower has a grasp seeder that Sows in caws, it can, by having some of jthe seed spouts closed, Ue used as a boat] $81'90 From an acre of beans worked as indicated, from 12 to' 18 bushels might ,be expected. Taking.15 bushels as an average aro g p, then one bushel ready. for, market would cost 02.00. of extra equipment necessary bean cultivation and harvesting: - Double cultivator with liar- vaster attachment 000.00 Single cultivator .,,,,,,.. 10.00 070.00 (1) The bush or dwarf varieties of beans' are grown, for the production 'of ripened seed for human food, (3) . Beans provide a concentrated and veryvaluable form, food. (3)` Beans are a valuable crop in a rotation, leaving the soil'in as veep stutabie condition fox following crops. 4 In 1916, (') 78 percent. of the beans produced in 'Canada were grown in the province of Ontario, (5) Beans will grow on miss hell- drained and well manuared soils (6) Thorough soil preparation Is nccessarp for success. (7) Beans should be sawn as soon a5 weather' and soil canditions permit that is, when the soil has become warns and fairly dry. . (8). • Beans are usually planted in rows about 28 inches apart, the Plants being thinned from. four to six inohes apart in the row. (9) .Sow seed, free from clisease,'ot gtroltg .vitalsty find of raliabla pax- reties. (10) Cultivate as neeessaly to keep the sttrfaep soil _stirred and free from` Feeds. • (11) Harvest. the beans when dry and clan and with as' little weather- lug ae possible•, (12) Thresh carefully, split or broken beans cannot be sold either for seed or food .purposes. ' 11 e MEDICINE Mining, A,rn Summer lalg 10 ae Ij� hr Yx-`'' , •UNIVERSITY t a2 �i'' -• ••• ^ (d 1 r APPLIED SCIENCE chem(cat, civil, lileatrlcal $ngiacertng. HOME STUDY Course by corrcnpondeucc. w][n•oue year s School Navigation and Ausu,t Doawaber CEO. Y. CHOWN, ----- ' "'-•°""^'-'®'°The ENS KINGSTON KINGSTONTARN ARTS EDUCATION Meolanicae and Dcg,•at~`' attendnnce. School to April It4ai,traz • 0 C ;' Sweeping of Ladies and A 'sl[•atchewan 199 MissesSuits Marked at a figure which is navy and black, Sizes 16, 18, 30, less than their cost of. iodic- 38 40,42, Only 12 suit left to PY $ tion event suit is .smart and clear, there is ,diversity of style as 035.00 suits for $•20.50 well, !here aro Norfolk coats,' $30,00 suits for $22,00 straight line ' effects, others $25.00 suits for $18,75 smartly made with a few pleats $2'0,00 suits for $13.75 and many buttohs', some gather- A. noteworthy bargain fes ed nicely,rundcr hefts, Colors a10 early comers Saturday,. y a��1�1E � 3,49 We are putting on sale Safe' smartly irimincd. Values up urday 1 clown ladies colored to $5,50, for quiodt $ aa�� hats, all mew , this season, clearance $aD• 9 " ' . n - aline at 4 .�� Three dozen raincoats to value at $ 8 ,'e 0 , W h i 1 e band this week, All sin t h c y 0 tt 5 t 0az They would be g p o cl ,,.,,,,,, + �,9aq „� ""�"a • �,•it Tt'c i.'. -�� ,XSe % .� ..' " '3'�°a[ :' `-- agg��yy,eggcompared • • ., t ; $ •I t?IZBU� C . me • Via; a 'r Is Soi :°s � "" - Aird 1 know, fOY I have ridden all Incises and the i ysiog I1ras served Iris the best. t l 1. y'i' "' � iry�Iln! df LW Y1Y'' '"`'! :SYS ' :' -ly planter aim, thus save the outlay For 1 ' Y a special implement, The de th of P Planting will depend upon the kind o£ soil And its fnnditron with It regard to heat and moisture, The amount of seed per a'cr0 will depend u )on the 1 size' Used. Prom 3' to 5' pecks, of seed will give a satisfactory stand. Only welt developed, well -matured, tint- form, sound seed of strong vitality should be used. Beans from plants infected with the 'common disease kltown - as antllraouioso or pori spot', 51101110 not be used foe geed, bis- eased seed will usually produce itis- caret, plants 'mei 111100ision maY Y b0 51)x1110 t0 ire 113313) plants, Renee it fs advisable ,where posssblo, to select, the ftt'turo supply of seed from lihe growing Drop, from Healthy Wattle stook, 'ph0 vitality of, th0 sped; '61(11 e germing- be learn1d by c..o0513 all tion Mgt, 'riffs test can be Medd at �Venghann. Walter Dennis, a molder, is in a , serious condition ag the result of the braeelt o£ a gen blow lig out oil the evening of the 24th, throwing the powder bask into Itis 'face and l�ad13' beu:teing and lacerating it, ••It Will at least be some time before he will be around again. :kis brother, HatIrjt Dennis, also a molder, had a 01089 call at 4 o'clock trio follow- in 0)0111in when a chicken broodoti g g 111(311) he had ilalte11 into his llbttse, took lire', The brooder was dCgtrO •• eel, as well as a Number of nbicketrs• it was a close call for the family, ) lvho ,woke asleep ill the hoarse at the time, Mrs, Jaynes Irving of L ueknow vis•• Had last 'week with her daughter, Mre. A, ae �51111tlt. y EXCURSIONS - RoundStrttipl�ticketsp1;0 11011112 ill Manftoha,.'Sasiratchovah and Alberta via North I3ay, Cochrane and Trans- continental Route, qr Via G'Itraago,' St, Phil or Duluth) on sale each Tuesday until Oct, 30 inclusive, at lots fates. Through 'Tourist Slecpieg Gars to Winnipeg on above dates le -vin '100011 •� U lrp.' .a g Vi 1 , a eoItb non change of •cars', via Transcontinental Route. Rettire limit, two months, ex- erosive of date of sale, Berth rosorvatsons and_ full )amici- tars at all Greed Trunk tact of- fees or write C, R I Iorni. 1 Dis- trier Passenger, Atom, 'Toronto, Ont. J. RA.NSIIOII,I) ,til SOFT,; 1; hojiw re , 1 l `Vingham - George Turbitt, 80 years of ,ago g ' ono of the earliest pioneers of till district attd. living about a tulle acid j a half loan towll luta been Seitierl with a paralytic stroke and la in a sailors eondstson, Rev, limn, Lowe returned .last week to his llolnO bit Deceit after spending a coo le of weokts with Tt2i, aaixl P Mos, Win. Dawson of Creeesas. s " $d t ;• l "aY> Mane in Canada for 28 Steers. Wall Finished -Strong -Safe -Speedy manufactured by IP itYsf of .1350311511a8, Limited, Toronto rod rare at .A �r H A"lt+X d •