HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-05-24, Page 7Hard to'1)1rop Meat °? WHERE HEROES
All depends on what you eat
as a substitute. it a good
time to study"food value."
You may be eating the IIAST HONORS FOR EVERY MAN
wrong foods, the foods that FROM CANADA,
cost most and give the least 1
nutriment, Shredded —`
Wheat Biscuit contains holy the Remains of the Fallen are
more real, body-building I3eing Cared for and Plans for
nutriment, pound for pound, Future 11lemorials,
than meat, eggs or potatoes A blessed and a glorious thing it is
and costs much less, Two to die'for one's country, So (moththe
of these Biscuits with milli ancient Romans, Every alter
heart echoes this noble sentiment,
and a little fruit make a thilrlcing on that gallant army of Can-
nourishing meal at a cost ofdason ' sons who have laid down their
a few cents. Make Shredded
Wheat your "meat." A satis-
fying breakfast on which to
start the day's work. It is
ready -cooked and ready -to -
eat. Made in Canada.
Deliberate Plan of the Gerinans in Oc-
cupied Countries.
Mr. J, P. Whitaker, an Englishman,
who recently effected his escape from
Roubaix, and'arriving at Copenhagen,
gives an interesting account of his re-
marlceble experiences behind the Ger
man lines.
"Enslavement is part of the deliber-
ate policy of the Germans in France.
It began by the taking of hostages at
the very outset of their possession of
Rorbaix," said Me, Whitaker•.
"A number of the leading men in
the civic business 'life of the town
were marked out and compelled to
attend by turns at the town -hall to graveyards with their rows of white
be shot on the spot at the least sign head boards.
of revolt among the •townspeople," Regimental Designs.
continued Mr. Whitaker,
"Not a few of the mill owners were To these cemeteries, wherever hue
ordered to weave cloth for the invad- manly possible, the dead are borne
ere:, and on their refusal were sent back from the trenches, wrapped in
.to Germany and 1'ield'to ransom. Many the soldier's blanket, and. laid to rest.
of the mill operatives, quite young Though, be the graves in the trenches
girls, were, directed to sew sandbags and insider fire, the padre comes,
for e German trenches. They, too, nevertheless, to Lead the service over
refused, but the -Germans had their them, while their comrades stand by
own ways of dealing with what they with bowed heads. Even iii those
regarded is juvenile obstinacy. They God's Acres which . cling so close to.
dragged the girls to a disused moo- the •firying line is displayed the little
ing picture hall, and kept them there touch of'`human sympathy. Here, for
without food' and water until their the most part, regimental crosses of
will was broken, distinct pattern adorn the burial
"Barbarity reached its climax in the ground.
PR.Q R ' + SIYI'i..CROWE'I'.
New Way . of Prying 01d,
fashioned Galion
yon live in a might mimed where
there are, seal lawns snitablo for,
croquet not separated from one ane
other by any great distance, you can
arrange a progressive party that will
be different from the ordinary .sum-
tnor evening entertainment, It will
interest a surprisingly large number
of persons, Even those who consider
the good old game of croquet as quite
"'gone by" will be glad to play it enc
der these cenditione,
Five or six croquet grounds, one
lighted by red Japanese lanterns, ane
other by blue lanterns, a third by
yellow, and o on, aro the tournament
fields• The players progresa from one
li round to another as from table to
lives in the greatest of causes. Never table in a progressive indoor game, A.
forgotten will be the graves of these small pxiae for the winner will hie
heroes, Even now*, in the chaos of
crease the interest,
war, the Canadian military author),
progressiverefreshments go appro-
ties are—have been since the, .,very priately with the game. Serve them
beginning carefully registering every at small tables on each croquet field --
grave, locating it for future. honor. n
sandwiches o the" first, salad and
Not oven those brave men killed
in furious action in the front line,
wafers n, wicond, fruit on the third,
buried, perforce, by dead of night, and so on, with cake and ice irearii at
mayhaP in the very parapets them -
last. Those who finish their games
selves, or roughly sepulchred in No first will have the longest time at the
Man's Land, not even those whose refreshmrnt tables.
Of course you can have the same
graves are deep dugouts,are omitted sort of party, except forthe lanterns,
from this' careful chronicle, mapped in the afternoon, but the ""atmospheres"
out on almost surveyed lines. , will not be quite the same.
Tho•Wooden Cross:
To -day, right in among the trete- AFTER THE WAR?
ches, one sees the little, temporary Allies Must Compete With German
brown -stained wooden crosses sup -
Efficiency in Production.
Plied by the Government. Each bears
the name, rank and battalion and the According to statements made to
day of the death of the man who high officials, for two years following
sleeps' beneath it. These are the the outbreak of the war Germany
foremost graves. Farther back, but kept her factories _running at full
still quite close to the lines, up in•_papacity, turning out great quantities
the desolate Ypres salient and at of productsnot required by the war,
other places, I have seen the little which were stored away to be dump-
ed upon the world's markets after
peace Os declared.
A. remarkable statement made in
this connection is that one German is
worth two Americans as a unit of pro-
duction. For cheapness of manufac-
ture, it is said, the Germans will coin-
pete even with the Chinese. Conse-
quently, it is believed the Germans,
defeated on land and sea, wllleturn to
manufacture and trade as never be-
fore, and thus take revenge on their
present enemies.
The Allies also are warned by
members of the French mission that
the "virtues" of the Germans must
not be overlooked. "Virtues" in this
connection mean co-operation, eo-or-
dination, discipline, tenacity, self-
sacrifice- These qualities displayed by
the Germane have won the generous
admiration of their enemies. But
American officials are given warning
that their people must compete active-
ly with the Germans along these lines.
so-called 'deportations.' They were
just slave raids, brutal and undis-
"The procedure was„this; Tjie town teries are more carefully tended than
was divided into districts. At three those within the shell area. Deputed
o'clock in the morning• a cordon of by the British Red Cross, the chief
troops would be drawn round a dis-1 gardener from Kew Gardens has been
trict—the Prussian Guard and espe- j superintending the laying out and
cially, I believe, the 69th Regiment, planting with flowers and shrubbery
played a great part in this diabolical of these places. Of the thousands of
crime—and officers and non -commis- Canadians who have died in France
sioned ofiteers would knock at every and Flanders some eight thousand
door until the household was roused. graves have already been registered.
Many of these are in groups, but
some in isolated villages.
Deaths' in Ug
nited Kin dom.
-"But, if Canadians who have died
rise and dress immediately, pack up a in France have been so carefully re -
couple of blankets, a change of Iinen, membered, their comrades who sue -
a pair.of stout boots, a spoon and combed in these islands in nowise
fork; and a few other 'small articles have been overlooked. Those nine
and be ready for the second visit in hundred and fifty graves of Canaian
halfanhour. soldiers scattered over Britain. and
"When the officer returned the fain- Ireland, be they on the edge of a great
ily, were •marshalled before him-, and city or, in some peaceful country
he picked out those whom he wanted churchyard, whose gnarled yews and
with a curt, 'You will come, 'And YOU,' ancient Norman church recall the
'And You.' Without even time for beautiful lines of Gray's Elegy, and
8,000 Canadian Graves.
Farther back of the lines the ceme-
r A handbill, about •_ octavo (note -paper)
size, was handed in, and the officer
the `t ils
:�on to Hhoex e. The
handbill contained printed orders that
everymember of the household must
leave-taking the selected victims were
paraded in --the street and marched
to a ,mill on the outskirts of the town.
Thera they were imprisoned for three
days _without any means~of cominuni-
catien'with friends• or relatives, all
herded together indiscriminately and
given but the barest modicum of food,
Then, like so many cattle, they were
sent away to an unknown fate. '
Codfish for Bindings.
A bookbinder at Bremen is using
codfish skin as a substitute -'for
leather in bookbindings. The new
material is said to give excellent re-
sults, and it has many advantages
over shark -skin, which has frequent-
ly been used for de luxe bindings.
The strength and durability of the
new material have been tested and
approved by the Imperial Testing Of-
fice. It is easy to work, literally
untearable, and has the beautiful
markings of snake -skin.
is excellently at
tainted by adding
to the daily menu
a ration of
Grape -N is
oodness—Ener-gy-••Ease of Di-
i-gestion •,Excellent Flavor are
all found in this
truly remarkable
wheat and barley
Ga•c�t• ::�(/' •` rvi�f� ria
where our soldiers lie near to crusad-
ing knight and cavalier, each resting=
•placeis faithfully set down.
Hearing that Canada was about to
purchase ground in cemeteries at her
own expense, the War Office protest-
ed that all graves of overseas men
who laid down their Iives for the Em-
pire should be the especial care of the
Mother Country. It was the least she
could do, and she would be glad and
proud to do • it. So, wherever Cana-
dians lie beneath the soil 'of Britain,
whether in groups or singly, their
kinsmen of the Old Land will plant
bowers and keep their memory fresh
and green.•
They Will Prove a Bulwark of
Strength To Our Empire.
Thrift is the handmaid of produc-
roducttion, Of what avail would lavish pro-
duction be without the . strong re-
straining power of thrift? A fight-
ing force in action, unsupported by re-
serves, is like a runner who exhausts
himself by an ill-judged -spurt, and
when he most needs it finds his re-
serve strength gone, What a reserve
force is to an army and -reserved
strength is to a runner the product of
thrift is to the individual and the na-
tion in time of dire need.
From one end 'of . Canada to the
ether our people, old and young, Hien,
women, and even children, have begun
Even the Most Severe Cases Can
be Cured by Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Isyo z dg yu • child fl ' et restor ., est r
rltab•le ? Are the hands shaky or the
arms jerky ? Does the face twitch ?
Do the legs tremble or drag ? These
are ssgns of St. Vitus Dance,_a nervous
disease Which is eonflned chiefly to
young eigldran, but which often affects
highly -strung women, and sometimes
men. St, Vitus Dance le caused by
disordered nerves, due to poor blood,
and ie always cured by the use of Dr.
Williams Pink Pills, whfoh fill the veins
with new, rioh, rod blood, stengtitenr
ing the nerves, and tines drawing out
the disease, HIere Is proof:—Mrs,
John A. Cutnaninlg, Lower Caledonia,
N,S„ says::—"Wthen my daughter
Myrtle was about nine years of age
ishe became, afflicted with S•t. Vitus
Dance. The trouble ultimately be-
came so bad that she could not hold
anything in her hands, and had to be
fed like a child. She could not even
wank across the floor " without help.
She was treated for some time by a
physician, but did not show any int.
prevenient. One day a neighbor said
she had read of a case of St. Vitus
Dance cured by Dr. Williams' Pint[
Pills, and we decided -to give this
medicine a trial. By the time the
third box was used there was some
improvement in her eondition, and we
continued giving -her the pills for about
a mon'tb longer when she was entirely
cured, and has not since had tb.e least
return of the trouble,
Dr, WiMiame Pink Pills can be ob-
tained from any dealer in medicine or
by mail at 50 Dents a, box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr, Wlliiants' Medi.
cine Co„ Brookville, Ont.
English Antiques That Are Found in
Lands Across The Sea.
An English traveller lately returned
from Japan ei:pressed his surprise at
coming across some old -English furnl-
ti.re in Tokio. Holl' did it find its
way there?
a campaign of production which is ex- Possibly the explanotion lies in the
hibiting. to the world another phase of migratory movanent which is affect -
our invincible National Spirit. ing so many English antiques. Maley
Now, with equal ardor, energy and valuable articles of furniture—histor-
deterntinatior, let us learn the lesson ical chairs, ancient tables, and relics of
!—and put it in needled—of indidldual, centuries that have gone—have found
ifamily, social and national thrift. their way across the Atlantic to give
Thrift in each of the varied and coin-, "atmosphere” to some modern Ameri-
plex asses in which eve livo and move
can home, The British aristocrats
land have our being; thrift: in what we who originally possessed theft have
oat or dzinls; thrift, in what we buy, been tempted by American dollars, tied
or sell; thrift in the things we use --1 they have thus parted with their
the very olothes we wear, Thrift ineheri;had possessions.
rho sunshine of prosperity, that we i T3csides furniture, much old crock-
may be prepared and seasoned for the cry, pewter and glass are deserting
time that ate bound to come Blitfsli shores. Sometimes Ameri-
when.we will feel the pinch of adver-1 Dan millionaires pw•chaminiumTudor and
si,t1 Jacobean interiors, and have them
Let the rich man --as well es the 1 shipped aerotds.
poor man—study and practice thrift. If the old -English furniture in
No selfish, miserly thrift however„ but �'1 okio was imported from America it
wise, timely and patriotic thrift,' hid rho metroet 2of time it ewnacrossthe comworldplete
worthy of the Canadian name—that)ma
the wor`I-tear, Then England shall
will peeve a bulwark of strength tb'
find het old treasures returning to her
lfeephtg Your I rietds,
Don't expect to keep your friends
if you give them away,
our Empire, our allies, anh a staunch
support to the fighting cause of jus,
tied and freedom,
Salt should never remain in anYe.
thing rubber. It closes the rubber
to rot, -
Ask for ziinard's and take no other.
An Up-104ate Costume
Foulard figures among ' the smart
silks for summer this year, and the
polka-dot pattern -is especially favor-
ed. The bolero dress illustrated is
developed in this silk. Highlyup to
date is this model with the short bolero
and straight skirt attached to a yoke
belt, McCall Pattern No. 781b,
Ladies' Bolero Dress; round or instep
length. In 8 sizes; '34 to 44 bust.
Price, 20 cents,
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer or from
The McCall Co,, 70 Bond St.,Toronto,
Dept, W.
Mrs. 1. A. Lagos, Ste, Perpetue,
Que., writes: --"Baby's Own Tablets
have been of great value to me and I
would strongly ,.recovtmedld them to
other mothers." Thousands of other
mothers' say the same thing. They
have become convinced through actual
use of the Tablets that nothing can
equal them in regulating the bowels
and stoxa8ch; driving out constipation
and indigestion; breaking up colds
and simple fevers; expelling worms
and During colic, The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Out of Present Turmoil Will Come a
Future of Joy and Peace.
Here are a few pertinent questions.
Isit possible ]e that
Germany's infallible
efficiency as cf'ystallized .in her army
is doomed to failure? Will England's
insuperable navy be compered by the
submarine? Will the France of
"fashion and frivolity" be known
hereafter as the land of sobriety and
heroic endurance? Will the United
States, prodigal son in the family of
nations, learn to save, that it may
feed the exhausted world from its ex-
uberance? Will Russia, its monstrous
autocracy dead, set a luminous ex-
ample of democracy? Will rival na-
tions join a league of human liberty?
Will you and I forgo luxury and agile
fishness to practice the Golden Rule?
These questions are uppermost in
men's minds, and events day unto
day will answer them. The only one
we can answer now is the last; the
others will be answered when and in
the way God sees beat. There is
something new under the sun every
time is rises. History is in a fluid
state, So are men's opinions. War
itself cannot efface the record and the
promise of human life upon this con-
fused and busy planet. The eye of
faith serenely looks beyond the hide-
ous turmoil to the age that must ar-
rive when the law of love shall be
paramount and the character of an in-
dividual or of a people shall be seen
and known for what it is.
A'fdnard'b -Liniment Used by Physielens.
It is surprising how ignorant girls
can be -at times. They should all
know what a kiss means, but they
often insist on having it repeated,
� U
Tho Support You Need end Just
Where You Need it
Ail the latest styles of corsets to
suit any figure, ,
If your dealer cannot supply yon
write 1.10 dlraot for cataloi;tl,i and
mcaeuring form.
E,onrbsentativob 'Wanton
a4 Bi3IRsAIri 1$T: T1t10liT0,
He hows Just W
He Admires 'Them
Dodd's Kidney Yi?1a Curgd N rs..
Special Sort of ltlaterial Wooded for
the Purpose.
Tho steel holznets adopted by the
French and British weigh from one
and a quarter to one and a half
pounds each, The' materials Used, says
the Sphere, consist of plates of steel
for the convex helmet and for the
she Had Seen 111 Two Years and Could visor and neck piece, -leather• and cloth
Find No owe, They, why her for tho lilting, and aluminium for the
waving plaquettes that form the
Husband Is Enthuelastio Over Dodd's springs between the lining and theizr-
kidney PIlis. terior surface of the steel.
Port Smith, Alberta, May 21ut 'rho rolled-steel plate bas to be sup -
I) all the tions oriels or. Pile enough to e worked cold, as heat-
Canndfane who raiee Dodd's Kidney mg woula loosen its resisting gutke
p' ties. That roquiremeltt eomuels the
ia117s Por ill's good
fervent they haveirer dodoof 111050 manufectur'ers to use a special' steel
is no more admtate obtained from ver
y pure castings that
great kidney remedy than Isidore MO: aro' free from phosphorus or sulphur,
erodi, of axle place. The helmets are coated with a dull.
"Yes, it always gives pie pioasure'to gvty similar to that used on' the 15-
807 a good word for Dodd's Kidney millimetre gun, which is difficult to
Pibis, Mr, Mercn'odi says, . MY wife distinguish even at a short distance, In
was sick fors' two years. We coulld Holt painting them, the manufacturers use
lind anything to restore her to health, a spraying recess that has the nd-
Then we round a pamphlet telling of p
Several persons who had been cured valitngo, of being very rapid and of,
by Dodd's KidneyPills, giving no inequality of surface. To
•" "My wife used just two boxes ofd t nthe permanoncoetof the print
diem and she Is perfectly well, to the ey s spend tree helm son bol in
great surprise of all our neighbors, a Oa drying oven,
They can tell you the same thing. I The lining consists of a cloth cap,
enough." cannot ugh." dttond Dtrdd's Kidney to which is fixed a segment of black
Pi'Lls glazed leather out in a particular
Dodd's Kidney Pills are the greatest form One sheepskin provides about
of, all rem�e'dies a for weak, sglrfering five linings; for making three million
women, Tiley euro the kidneys. The helmets t}b ee six hundred thousand
kidneys are the root of ztlnehenths of skins have been used, The lining pro-
wonten'eills•, Moreover, euredkidrrpys jects a little below the helmet, so that
mean pure clear blood all over the the metal in no place comes into con -
body. That mean's good health every -tact with the wearer's head.
Post Office System Still Marvellous
in War -Times
In these war -times the Post Office
is still one of the wonders of the age.
The way the mails still go to and fro
from the ends of the earth is a won-
derful certificate to Britain's command
of the oceans.
One heard the other day of a letter
sent from Melbourne to Salisbury
Plain to one of our splendid Anzacs,
says an.English writer. The man to
whom it was addressed had gone to
France, and the letter followecbhim.
But, meanwhile, he had been wound-
ed, and it went on to Havre. There it
was discovered that he had been dis-
charged, and had actually gone back
to Australia. Away went the -letter
back to the Antipodes, -and the man
and the letter arrived home almost
simultaneously. That letter had
travelled thirty thousand miles, at
Even the mistakes of the Post Office
are wonderful. A letter addressed to
"The Registrar, County Court, Brom-
ley," some months ago did not arrive
within any reasonable time, and was
given up for lost. It has lately turn-
ed up, with various Indian Postmarks
on it. It had been delivered to the
Registrar in Bombay.
You say to the drug store man, "Give
me a small bottle of freezone." This
wild cost very little but will positively
remove every hard or sett oorn or oaI-
lus from one's feet.
A few drops of this new ether coin -
Pound applied directly upon a tender,
aching corn relieves the soreness in•
silently, and soon the entire corn or
caLiixs, riot and all, dries up and can
be rifted off with the fingers.
This new way to rld one's feet of
coma was introduced by a'Cineinnali
Man, who says that freezone dries in
a moment, and simply shlvels up the
00r11 or Millis witllontt irritating the
surrounding skin. '
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen, you get your
money back,
In the New Testament the cock is
mentioned in reference to the denial of
the Lord and indirectly in the "cock-
crowing." There is no mention in the
Old Testament of the cock or hen.
These domestic birds were known to
the early Greeks apd Romans and
probably were introduced by the Ro-
mans into Palestine. It is said that
these birds were prized be the Romans
both as food and for cock -fighting.
Had ehip'e anchor fall on my knee
and leg, and knee swelled up and for
six days I could not move it or get
helm, I then started to use MINARD'S
LINIMENT and two bottles cured me,
Seagulls are undoubtedly weather t
prophets, Dwellers on the coast have
noticed that when certain winds be-
gin to blow the gulls collect in large,
flocks and fly fields to the or circ'e
hi hover the land screamingall the
while uneasily. After such dem-
onstrations it is said that a rainstorm
is certain to follow.
After he Ttaorino la Eyea for a Lttotime
Mufor Tired Byers.
11,8 Byoe-8ure Ryes -
Granulated eyelids, pests
Rotrases-SRestore c.
Morino Is ariaverlteTreat-
andsmart. Give your Byes as mush oP yoorloving
Caro es your Tooth and with the same regularity.
Care for Thom. You Cannot Buy New Eyesl
Bold at Drug and Optical Stores or by MalL Esc
Murillo Eye Remedy Co„ Chicago, :or Free Boos
Baking sodagives instant relief to
a burn or scald, Applied either wet or
dry to the burned part immediately,
the sense of relief is magical.
Sea) Minard'a Liniment in the house.
If an article has been, scorched in
ironing, wet in cold water and lay
where the bright sunshine will fall
directly on it. This will take the
Don't let father die of 'lethal= or mark entirely out.
Iockjaw from whittling at his corns,
but chip this out and make him try it.
It your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell `him to order a small bottle from
his wholesale drug housefor you.
Could Even Make Entire Battleships,
Says Scotch Engineer.
The head of a big Glasgow ship-
building firm, speaking at the opening
of the exhibition of women's war work
in London, paid a warm tribute to the
excellent results obtained in his busi-
ness from "dilution" with women
"Given two more years of war," he
said, "I would undertake to build a
battleship from keel to aerial in alt its
complex detail entirely with women la-
"The idea is neither fantastic nor
visionary. The woman who line train-
ed for a trapeze can find her vocation
at Um giddy heights of a Scotch crane,
and rho girl who. is proficient at danc-
ing is well equipped for undertaking
the work involving movement of posi-
"There are some operations in the
smiths' and press shops in which the
aptitude of 'women for correct appre-1
clarion of time intervals shows to;
groat advantage. In tine training of
women the results obtained from their!
labor and the shortness of time in
which they arrive at proficiency liave1
exceeded all expectation."
Editorial Elysium.
"Fellow dropt into the office the
other day and ordered the paper, and
We were pleased. Said it was a good
paper, and we were glad. Said it was
more than worth the money to any
mum of intelligence, and we were tick-
led. Said it was the mahlstoy of the
town, and we Worn supertiekled. Said
It was the greatest booster and the
most reliable town -builder and dovel•
leper in this whole comntmtity, and wo
yelled with joy. Paid for his paper,
and --we slid gently to the floor itt
blissful unooneciousnees. Nature ha(i
--,a.oma-^emeem,-a,o....ee reached its limit.
ISS1Jr. No. 21---'17. I1i1uard% tistbacat Zemlya3m5a0le svioad,
Catalogue :sailed free
L -ay.
Prices j+
�y .1 ,t ,.ey.'r
t,,, '4 , '
h. ,..1g -at
-'° Yo ,3
L'sll'POTTS d ry
me Boyar bigot arts. 705105TQ
Write tin-rda9' for our .ir,iid
showing our full line of Bicycles for
Alen and Women, Boys and Girls—
Tires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner
Tubes, Lamps, Bells, Cyclotuetors,
Saddles, re iii i
sq pu err and parts for
ilieycles. You eau buy your supplies
from Us a�tgwholesale p�prices.
T. . yY . BO 11 D & SON,
27 Notre Dame Street. West, Montreal.
Fly Polsf >ns Attract
BothFlies and Babies
lssAe lset three years the prise lure roll rt.d 100 AY
Cloleonlabc095s-nloraaplvportlpni'ulni', 1'hoiml000nt
"mldngonn ar th ilo ow0ottenad W ' r-thosnoeoref poi•
00,, i o re-hoeh on,4, i1 arsWt4o, deoJlirsS 0f poisnos.
loo .Tether toold put Ay he (longer. n 1, r kill.
8w" ropooO it she realised 110 dunsor, Yet it 18111,
!core altil roe Handle ether poiados oomhiuol•
71"0Is rho U.8. Gov. •,ou,,C wetobit; a•nInot
try bleeds, mhos Pram II. a. Srstiiu llsaltk pdri•Ice
nliiIstia eo, i istnant Na 53
Or a+r fly Woo. I7 notmoollou ohOlfid bo mode, m°ml nor Ulf o of au J tl f n pn d f ordure. r°wl
yvi a lug of IIID !brooch pl e f ocob volopouodonm Alt too (mo d,
dovrlos lollsi.omblowle ofp lr°lpolpanioetosimmerdiarrhea.4
@bal Int, ro Ill h 1i and 0y 4,. tarns roverrad Jo nue, L, nor
nwpMw !tn f 1 1 h n1e,a .0,8eeo,lay dnsl¢va mupt ba ,nIW se°.:
, 1 dead... dtllieulJ uvvvr bs atlW, seas It Wl tr weeaumtl ton nae
k h i �."
The on afe, sure, non-poisonous, efficient Op
Vlach ontei,on tho ay 0, 1 rmhnlmslt:mdnil thodonrlly
germs it carr) s la a thick coattail of varnish. (lm
find° in Canada Gy
THE 0. & T. THUM COMPANY, Walkervlfe, Ont.
American Address:. Grant Rapids, Mich,
Certain chemists are enuearoing to
adapt the horse chestnut to the human
dietary. The•nuts are more than half
starch and sugar, with some protein
and fat, and are nutritious. Their
value chiefly depends on the elimina-
tion of the bitter elements and the ir-
ritating saponin-like glucosides.
.L _i 5- If ill ng contrition. HIas spare
tire. Price $250:_
.8 IL der, 7 Passenger Touring Car, Eioe-
trio lights and starter. Recently over-
hauled and newly painted. Tires in good
shape. Price 51,800.
1 5 UDSON, 1916 MODEL, 6 CYLIN-
H. der, 7 "Passenger Touring Car, with
electric lights and starter, Thoroughly
overhauled in our shop and newly paint-
ed. Seat covers on 811 seats and doors.
Oversize tires. Price 51,200.
..�tt 4 cylinder Touring Car. Electric
lights and starter, in good running order
and newly painted. Loops like a new
car, Price $650, .
looking closed car seating five.
otgio lights and starter. also inside
dome light. Nearly 0.11 the windows
open, which gives ample ventilation for
summer driving. Price 5700.
nrupsorl, MODEL 33. b PASSEN-
r��u3lniining'or•e, acylinder sspecilalgCar.
ice. 53good
I�tIDSON 1018 MODEL "64." A HIGH
powered, six cylinder, 6 passenger'
Touring Cart In good' running order and
.looks like new. Price $760,
5: gger, 4 der! er Touring Car, 1n good
This ea order! Tiles 1n good shape,
This ear was a painted this year 1 1 e and looks
ta der Touring Car, ."las electric lights
and starter, good tires, and is a bargain
at the price, $300.
1.1u let, A very handsome closed can
suitable for a doctor. Price $1,000.
We only sell used cars of ter (he pur-
chaser has had a demonstration and
satisfied himself of the running quali-
ties of the cal' he is buying. gall at our
showroom next time you aro in Toronto
and let our salesmen show you any of
our used cars and give you a demoinsired
a -
T8E 11011aIN20N AJToM0fILE CO.
146-150 Bay Street, Toronto, Out.
Offices for sale In good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses, • Pull information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 78 Adelaide Street, Toronto.
Henri. 512.01) up. Sand for special
price list Varsity Cycle Works, 413
Spading. Ave.. Toronto,
VV internal and external, cured with -
mit pain by our horde treatment. Write
us before to late. Dr. i:elltnan :Medical
Ce,.. Limited. Coltingwood• (int -
0 810085 ON
And How to Feed
h Author CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc.
118 West 31st Street, New York
Doe Remake
11511,4 free to any nddress 05
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
"OTTO S iC „•L '
rot Ad1 73oiler feed wator0
Cyclone Shaking alta Dumping Grata
Baro for all raduirontents
Canadian Stoma Eviler Equipment
a. united
Tel. Gerrard 3600
20 Mo5ee St. Toros to