The Clinton News Record, 1917-05-10, Page 1filo, 1988 -38th Year
IT IS MORE PATRIOTIC to get right down to work and GROW POTATOES, BEANS or WHEAT just now than to lustily
1 Qja.Q 1
V//`Qi/� V
You will find our selection of engagementrings a choice land
interesting one. We have Diamonds of unquestionable
quality, many mounted in the newest and latest Settings,
'u s to iarawndi WGunted in adies,
+ from X25 rep.
Qur now story,, The PUrplc Mask11,
baghla 'lits issue. Ii; IS a story fut
of action and of absorbing interest.
Read the opening- chapters.,
CADETS $ TNST 1:01170.
The G. (. I.. Cadet were inspected
on Tuesday morning by •Capt, Bar-
clay of London. They made a good
allele/hag, though few in number, on
account of so many of the boys be-
ing absent on the farms,
- Wheat $2,60,
$arley yt 10
Flutter 84o to Site,
Eggs 87c to. 38e,
Live Hogs $16,00.
GRhe steamer
The steamer Greyhound will roll
.its annual excursion Irom Detroit to
Goderieh and return again this year,
They leave Detroit on June 11th and
On Tuesdayit was announced that
Dight battalions and oeveral drafts
from (i1nada had -reached TJneland in
safety, Among this number wits the
220th York Batta,ion•, of Whiclt
Lieut, 11 J, Runtball Is Auteuil,
and the il. C. D, Strathcone s fIorso
to which Trooper' W,. W. Nimmons is
attached,.;. •
'$rigadter Rawlinson and Steil (MP-
On reaollieg I.o'ndoe, l;ugland, re-
cently Miss ,sate Scott 'vas met by
1301 brother, .Pte. Stewart .Scott of
the Burma Battalion, who was givoli
a few, days' leave to visit wittr* his
'sister, Ana quite by accident while
to Landon theyCell in with 1)r. and
Mrs, (colo' and Miss Isabel, It goes'
without saying that the meeting was
e• mo'r'ally pleasant ono.
1'0 h';;tl'PETt'PAIN GODERICi1 M. A,
Mr, 1:E, R, Sharpe, acting manage'
of the local 'wanoh of the Nlolsent
Bank., has moved Ms family Iron
Alvhtston and they are 000upylu
the residence on Maple Street re
eenhly vacated by Mr. H. E. Paull,
The News -Record bids 'item v'01•
come to Clinton Mind trusts the se;
jotun here of Mr. Sharpe and fare:
fly will be a pleasant one.
..,O�((( t al ge»ai'tr ant
n `Our eY�! IC CLatvxonoe
We are in a better position than ever before to give you an
accurate and comfortable fitting pair of , Spectacles or Eyes
lasses,—A UALL SOLIOOTf9D. Mr.
West was presented with
a set ..of military brushes by a num-
er of his, friends at the home ..'of .
W. Cole prior to his leaving ;
town, and his S. S. class, 4f which
returning leave Goderich for Detroit
June lath, returning ,June 11th;
Tho Sacrament of the Lord's sup-,
pee was administered at the close
of the sermon on Sunday morning,
fain White of London conducted
special services in the Salvation
Army -hall on. Sunday and. Monday,
On the latter , day ,several. Salvation-
fists from surrounding points came. in
for the meetings, which • were well
attended and both interesting and
The 0, H. Ministerial Association
will hold their monthly meeting in
Sri ,Paul's school room, on Monday
afternoon next when the Goderich As-
OMR-Von will he their guests aura
will furnish the Program• At the
conclusion of the program the local
The Young Ladies' Petriotlo Aux,
:Diary,held a ward tea at the hone
of Miss Marionarion Gunn on 'Cuesdaj
afternoon, It was a most successfu'
tea m every way,, The afternoon be
ing fine ,a number took advantage o:
the opportunity of going out, Thr
100 Yi. e�l ail.
Oldest ;Established Trowel Store in Clinton
Mr, W. Walker is teacher, presented
him with a fountain 'pen.
At the regular meeting of Murphy
Lodge on Tuesday evening there were
g Y g
two initiations and two members
Rev_. L, G.- Powell preached fn the . helpful,
evening, NO LACIC Ole • SEED,
Next Stutday will. be observed as
"Mother's Day," when the evening The town council has purchased
sermon will be 'fn keeping with the three hundred bags of potatoes which
spirit of the day and the choir will : are to be sold to the- citizens for
Have special music prepared. seed purposes only, They, are from
association will entertain the visit-
ors to a banquet, Rev, NJ, K. Hager
of Goderieh will bo the chief speak
Mr. A. Case of Rose, N.Y.,. who.
proceeds amounted to sixteen dollars
In addition there was a shower e
soap and notepaper for the Chute)
boys at the front, a Alto eollect1e,
having been brought in,
by certificate. Also four ap•
- New Ontario and are reported to be
usually 'spends a few nionths in Clin-
The Y. L. P. A, is very grateful
Some mon-
P, S. NOTES, an excellent 'saing'
ample. The 'price laid
ton in the autumn, at apple parin
the generaus response tvCn to tht
plications were received.
ahs' ago it was anticipated that the
A tea will be served at the Worn- down Isere will be about $4,00 per
time, does not forget the old town
request for a supply of soap ant
membership would reach a hundred
before July lith and as there are.
en's Patriotic Society meeting on bag. They are promised within • a
Friday afternoon, when everyone will week, in plenty of tine for spring•
even when he's far .away. This was
evidenced by his offer to the council;
notepaper for the Clinton boys a'•
the front. Parcels will be sent Bien
: * '' ' e ® �1 Ba�
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 12,900;000
Reserve and Undivided'Profits 11,300,000
Total Assets 270,000,000
400 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposita, General Banking business transacted,
MANNING, �� 7a��r
R, E. MANletI G, lelahager A Clinton Branch -
now ninety three members in good
standing }t looks as if the objective
would bo reached easily. In addition
to the "routine' business of the mouth
the lodge voted sixty collars for
the erection of e, arch in the lodge"
Tho town council met on Monday
. all the members present.
A communication was read from
the secretary of the Kilt, Band ask-
ing for a grant of $200 for weekly
concerts during the stammer. A. sec-
and communication put $150 as the
lowest figure which would be air
after some
be welcome, piantitig. -Ails Clerk Msephexson
Anyone having flu}shed work is re about tiiom,
quested to bring . the same in this LITTLE LOCALS.
The following donations 'vete grate- "A dose of hoe -handle -medicine once
fully received by the Society during a clay will ,keep you in health—and
the mouth of April : potatoes. Zimmie tee the Lon-
Ladies' Aid Qnt, St, Church $25.00 don Free Press, .
Mrs. Gaudier 0.00
5 Miss Ross has moved toe'
mise Wallace 6.00BRIDL
s residence she recently purchased for
f�U�ON MEN IN'LIST, herself •+n Kirke street,
A Patriotic Party was held at the .
Among the casualties effecting Hur- home of Miss , Iona Bouok on , Fri-
on mon reported during the past day seeming last, the proceeds being
week are : for the Y. L, -P. A.
Killed in action :Pte. Bruce Noble, The annual meeting of the 0oder-
Goderich ; Pte. Percy Lawson, Ex- tell Methodist District will be held
Pte. 0. McLeod, Tordwich,
unsolicited, of the. free use of the
ground around the evaporator for the
growing of potatoes or sometbing in
the way of food stuffs. This ground
will be ailoted,by the committee ap-
Pointed by the council as other town
Properties _and will no doubt bo
made good use of,
The following letter has been hand-
cd us with a request for publication.
IS the suggestion it contains work-
able ? Would action upon it prove
wise or profitable ? What de the
bulk of the ratepayers think ?
Clinton,, May 9, 1917
again soon,
A collection of rags is being mac,
by. the Auxiliary on Friday of not,
week. Anyone having rags whirl
they will donate if they will kindll
tie in bundles or sacks .and have
ready the Public school pupils wil
call for tliemc
At the Metropolitan Toren
to, on April 26th, Miss Doxothl
Tierney, daughter of !Mrs. A. H
Tierney of Blytli, ,was united in star
riage to Mr, Joseph Kunstein of Nev
York, The bride is well known ft
Clinton, having graduated from tie
C. I. here before entering the Univer
cepted but the council
discussion $1,25, the band
eters at Varna on the 23rd and 2&thi,
Wounded : Percy ' gI}tehins,
Editor \ews-Record :
sity, Toronto. She is a grand
to give twelve weekly concerts on
Clinton ; T, C. Cr, Taylor, Sea- AS OLD AS TITS DOMINION.
Dear Sir,—I understand that our
daughter of Thompson of Al
•••••••••••-• ...... • INCORPORATED 1855 ••••••••• ....•..•
the night suitable to themselves.
forth ; Pte. Fred, Taylor, Seaforth
toren council has decided to secure a
bert street. Mr, and Mrs. Arnsteit
I _
j ��'intend0nt
• p /�
Capital and Deserve $8,800,000
r •
96 Branches in Canada.
General Banking Business Transacted•
Circular L6iters of Credit
'Bank Money Orders.
i Y
Savings Rank Department
Interest allowed at highest current rape. A..r�
C. E. Dowding, Manager,'. Clinton Branch.
_. -- _ •''
TiiO subject of the cemetery super-
camp up again, havingBrokenshire,
been shelved for, a month or two.
The subject was introduced by chap_
plication from Hiram Hill for the
position. At the first meeting of rho
year a motion was made to reap
P Dint the superintendent and another
to appoint a former accupant of the
position, both notions being lost on
vote. Each time • the matter
came up ,since the vote was tied un-
til Monday, when the mayor declin-
ed to vote and Mr. Hill was ap-
pointed superintendenti:•for the re-
minder of the year, to take over
the duties immediately.
A communication was read from
the British Sailor's Relief asking for
Geo. Brock, Hensel]. • Pte, A. The Orilla, Tines came out east
Exeter; Pte. J, Nic- week with a twenty page vainer in
Leod, Goderich. honour of its fiftieth bixtliell.
Pte. Axtliur Parker, Ilensall, teas was established in 1867 by r Bieck•
reported' messing but his father re lett Robinson, editor and proprietor
cawed a message later announcingat that time of the Lindsay Post,
g the first editor and manager, of Th
his safety.
Tinges, than called The Expositor, bo-
THD1 RL "DOING THEIR BIT. ing the late Peter Murray, who six
months later became proprietor.
The following . boys from the Clin- The 1'Imes is a bright, , newsy
ton Collegiate Instituto have for the
past fortnight been assisting in farm sheet, carries a fair amount of act-
work at the places indicated after vertising and altogether is- one of
Ontario's foremost weeklies,
their names. The boys for the most . ,
part are enthusiastic over the work Here's hoping that it may live to
and are doing very well, indeed, so celebrate its .hundredth birthday curl
their employers atitrm : still bo hale and hearty.
E, Livermore, with Mr, J, Knox, A CHANGE,
oar of potatoes for seed purposes to
be sold to the people at cost, This
is a move in the right direction,
and the might sural
y g y go further
and considering the high prices of
all the necessaries of life take u the
coal question and have the Public
Utilities handle that also for the
benefit of the people in war -times,
Yours truly,
—A Citizen,
At hal[ past four o'clock on Wed
Metro -
nesdey of last week at the Metro-
politan church, Toronto, a pretty
wadding was solemnized When Miss
daughter of u
Lucy, only agMr. W. J.
l d
Cooper now Toronto but formerly
will reside in Now York, Clintoi
friends of the bride extend, goof
Tlie News -Record would, be glad i
the correspondents from all the dif
'emit localities would endeavor tt
let us have regular weekly budgets
We would 111 a every community
within a radius of ten miles to • h(
represented in .our news column,
each week. Sometimes our cones
pondents are busy and ,as news i,
not very plentiful they think it doe;
not matter for one week •but• even i
!hare are but a couple of items tv
would like those when they ar•
fresh. Get correspondence in earl Y t(
•••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••'
a contribution toward their work:
A.'Eagleson, with Mr, C. G. Mid- Mr, A, Wilken has purchased lir.
Thos, 'Watts' shoe repairing business
of ()Linton, became the wife- of Mr,
ensure its appearing the same week
To bo obliged to leave
Twenty-five dollars were granted and
latch, Huron Road
and has this week removed his stock
Chas, H. Watkins,
over i a disappointment to us as wet
a subscription list is to be left
open at the clerk's office for 'Priv-
Cr, Middleton, at his home in (Tod-
erich township•into the .shop lately occupied by Mr:
The bride wore a handsome tailor-
as to the community from whirl
2 he CJY�orrish
Clothing Co.
ate individuals to subscribe,
A -communication was read from
Mr. A. Case; Bose, N.Y., offozin
to the town the use of the ground
P, Currie, at'his home Goderieh Watts, which has been overhauled
township and renovated. It is an excellent
F. Hanley, at his home in Godorich location and ,as Mr, Wdlken is a
township' good workman and one who sticks
ed suit of fawn cloth trimmed with
white stilt, with boots and, g10VCs.
to match and a pretty ],clack picture
hat, She also -wore a corsage boo-
it comes.
The celebration of the second Sun
about the evaporator for the rail-
G, Green, at Mr.: Wm. Piakard's, right to business :bo will 110.doubt
' do well,
quet of roses and lily -of -the -volley.
At the conclusion of the ceremony
day in May as "Mother's Day" ha
• •
NewHat for rng
And you will surely find -
just the hat you want here
ing of produce. -The offer was
gra accepted and, the ground
will he utilized.
The property committee rep erten
that the piping to the Public tfo:m_
rain had beencompletedand that
a s}If}cient supply of water was
The .report, which, recommended
several improvements to the public
square which would add -- much to
the attractiveness of the public pro-
petty, was considered clause by clause
but was final, rejected. A motion
was passed to have the fountain
painted and the square rolled and,
Holmesville -
E. Mills, at •,his home near, Blyth Dir. Watts is as yet somewhat ,un-
E. Dougan; at his hone near Blyth certain what he will do. He is of
M. McNeil, at Mr. Roy, 1'elumsteel's, Present occupying his time finishing
London Road up the repairs to the building which
G, Evans, at his uncle's near Kilt.- he has had greatly improved, If a
carditte scheme essfu he has ll mind worksre-
I. Kahle, at J. Pratt's fIaxloelc out successfully h0 will probably re
I . McGregor, at his homely Start- main in Clinton, if not he may de-
ley ride to locate elsewhere. It is hop-
S. Jackson, at his home In Stan- ort' that matters may so adjust
ley themselves that he will find it prof-
J. Townshend, at his .home in ;table to remain in town.
W. Townshend, at bis home in
Hullett Clinton is to hear no band music
I Ferguson, this summer except what leaks out
the bridal .party drove to the Rome
of the bride's brother, Mr. bred
Cooper., where a dainty wedding feast
was spread,
Many handsome gifts were shower-
cel upon the young couple, among
them being a couple of sub ataati:el
claques from the bride's brothers,
NIcssrs. Fred and Amga Cooper. - +
Mr. and Mrs. Watkins have taken
a suite in the Earnselitle Apartments,
where they have taken up housekeep-
The bride's many Clinton frieails
extend hearty good uvisnCS fur a
come to, be quite a common prat
tise and bids fair, indeed, to soon b
ono of the institutions of the tour
try. It is a grotty, practise, on
which tends to foster and nourish
sweet and refining quality in me
and women, a reverence for moths
hood, In most of the churches a
propriate sermons are -preached an
everyone wears a Elovex in honor
of !"Mother," white if she is no lot
er here, something more gay in co
or if she is still with us. N
Sunday is. "Mother's Day" and 1
doubt the greater majority of pe
pie will honour the 'day by wearin
a flower. A good plan : olio,
0 U.u "; ri, ant
It ere
a; k a
�°' °�' "' '
Are the latest
Are the most popular
Are easy fitting
Hold their 'shape•
Are exceptional
We know you will like
these very reasons.
out about them,
Soft Hats
50c to a$r94.50
on the head •
valuta for the money
our fiats for.
Come and find
Stiff Hats
q� gg��
50C to $3.®0
grass seed sown wherever it had
The street committee's report Was
received and adopted. Ashes have
been removed Prong the premises of
citizens and the drag has been. used
upon-the,principel back streets ;
street workers ara to be allowed t
wage of two dollars per day ; the
roads leading into the town, which
lash year were. built u with crush=
ed stone, are to >eoetsa a top dress-
ing and twenty-five or thirty loads
( of sand are to• bo obtained. in road;-
ness for use when the tarvia for the
streets arrives. The businessmen in
tolvn are to be requested to sweep
the street in front of their respeo-
Live places of business once a work,
of Friday morning, until the tarvia
is put on, the town to remove the
refuse. •
Revs. J. E. Hogg, J. A. Robinson
and Dr. Rutledge waited upon the
council as a committee from the
Ministerial Association to urge upon
them the need of a strong lead in
promoting extra, production. Each of
the gentlemen spoke, saying that
they had been asked to urge this
matter .upon • their congregations
and that in the face of the need of
unite(' action it was thought ad-
visabla to ask the council to lend"
. their efforts to encouragea r0^
mote a general move along the line
of gi:eatet production.
Phe council listened to the dale
iv, Cooper, at Mr. R. CT. Thome-
sou's, Godericb-'township
IT, Ford, at his hone in Goderich
R, Hawkins, at his ]tomo near
1p, 'fholnpson, at his home near
C. Powell, at NIr, 'C. W. Williams',
,Goderich township
F, 1lallis with Mr, TI. Cox, Pot-
tar's I1i11
Harvey Stewart, at his ;tomo in
Ii. -Nanning, with Mr." Bert Lobb,
Goaoricit township,
- Tho fallowing girls from the 0. C.
I. are else "doing their bit" by
helping on the fnxm :
Miss , Iludio, eat her home in
Goderich township
Miss 78, Sterling, at her home in
Goderich township
" Miss V, Asquith, at the trona 01
Mr. M. Holtzhaue., 0 ofelesboro
Miss 0' Fear; at her home near
Miss Ruth McGowan at her home
in West Wassanosh
Miss R. McGowan, at her home in
W, Wawanosh
IIs i, Sinclair, at her .home ie
"Pit korsmith
llliss 10 Dowzer, with liar uncle,.
NII. Wm. Shipley, Hullett town-
Miss C. Jervis, at ter hone on the
T3ase 1 1110
of the baud room an a ictise nights.
I '<to
The reason for 'this is that the
Kitties refuse to accept the grant
Ducted by the council for three
months weekly open air concerts.
The Kilthes asked fora grant ' of
$203 Inc the season, but before tlhe
council met on Monday. last sent a
communication ,to the effect that they
would accept 0100.. Tile council,
ltoitever, cut it another !went -floe
dollars and it is all off.
Leader Muth says .$125 is not
enough ; that they can make much
more playing away. from home as
they can splay every spare night they
have during the summer season, In
fact, he asserts that they are just
as well pleasetd not to bo tied down
to spending one evening a week at
home. They have already been ask-
od to play at Brussels on the 29th,
being offered $100 for the day, and
as thus is the only band in the conn-
ty this year. tbay Meet to have as
many engagements as they can fill,
The Brussels- celebration has 10100
been postponed, but they still want
the Kitties presoltt. They were also
invited to I,ttcknow this week,
The council is no doubt endeavor-
ing to be economical with the pe0-
Ple's money, The taxes are high
and they do not wish to lay them-
selves open to the citaa:ge of tv.iste-
fulness. Rut putting oneself in the
place of the bandsmen one can easily
ttnclerstanrl that tUey. aann011 be uta
happy married life.
Rev. E. G, Powell preacUed at the
mornin service on ,Sunda After
g y
the sermon. Clic Sacrament was ad-
minlstareri, The pastor preached its
the evening.
On Mender. evening the League
had the annual election of officers,
rite Pastor in charge. The fol-.
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing year :
Hon. -President, Rev. Dr, Rutledge
President, Norman }Tolland
let Vice, Miss Mary Turnor.
end vice, miss Gertrude Chant
3rd Vice, Miss Emma Southeolnbe
lth Vice, Carman Powell
Convener or Social. committee,
Miss Susie Powell
Secretary, Stanley Jackson
Treasurer., Frank Watson
Pianist, Miss Ruby Wise
Assistant, Miss Leona le diger,
Next Monday evening the meeting
will Ua• in chnigc: of the C. E, rte
partnteni, and Rev. A. Sinclair of
1(olniesvillo ,will give an address,
The last ttaltcrl official board -for
this conference year its connection
with Wesley church was held on
Tuesday evening, a good represeuta-
tion being present,
The ratable business was. transact-
ed mad the old staff of ofliters re-
A res0httimt 0f appraa,ibiolt aP
try to bring joy, in so
way,. to the heart of some mother.
This con re anon celebrated ""Moll
g' g
er s 'Day on Sunday last, op a,
count of the anniversary service
whirl' will be held next Sunday.
Almost everyone wore a flower 1
honour of tUe mother mrd at tl
morning of.,
the pastor, Rev. ,
P+,, Hogg, Preached an aopiopliml
sermon frau the words : BOho]
shy mgtirer.
The • choir rendered approprial
music and Miss - Kathleen Dowzt
sang the solo, "Thy Mother's Pre,
c1 :very sweetly,
'sat Sundry will be anniversar
clay, when the Rev, D. C. MaeGrrl
or of St. Andrew's church, Londe]
will be Abe special preacher, 0
Monday evening the ladies tvi
serve a supper and Mr, NlacGreac
will give a lecture,
S1 • P:1311 S 01111 1011.
Next Sunday being Rogation Sul
ria t
y here will. be special services i
St, Paul's church iuvolriug the hies
ing of God upon the labours ,
those who sow the sped autl ft
seasonable weather that we may
duo time gather in the fruits of t1
Choir practise this weal' of Thur
clay evlining aL eight o'clock,
gation and the recommendation seem-
eel lit into their desire to assist
along this line, A committee was,
Miss V. Snyder., at her home in peeled to provide their own illsbru-.
Goderich township ittonts, music, ore,, spend their tithe
Miss V. Wise, then 105c
aha wnrlc of the pasi,cr, Rev, Dr,
Rutledge, and also of the work tie-
I'lic ai}nual financial statentetti,
being printed incl Will be found in, t
THE` moDiusliSPL
Epi C.)D
Ag l✓
Phone 18 for Sunda or
ill tl
therefore, appointed, consisting of
Clerk Macpherson and Councillors
Miller and. Paisley, to see
y, e about ab-
taming $eed, pobatoas, whir1i will he
sold at abs' to mnyOnC wishing to
Blah' win, and with Power' to ap-
Pprtloir t0 stiltatilo persons any psi)-
110 property, as unused streets, etc•,
m, suitable for growing produce.
in praatisRlg and money
Nllss h„ lltggtns, at Iter itonie near playing for the home town,
Bruceleld Bttt: Clinton should 'occasdnitali 1
Miss IM. Lensing, at hoe Bothe near 'have an oPportttnity ot Hearing its
Au�urn , mon hand,, ,
1\Ts s J3. Elliott, at Iter home ;tear Tlic Daws -Re os4 Would sugiJas$
Bityifold, that the zitu0le m d ho baht, try
Archie licXenzie of the Public and got together in sonic way, A
school 1a also workntg MI a fortnight}3 open air concert would
� farin ilamr IIg11n1eSV,lle. hr: bei'tet: tban.:ilblte�
cottl)lfshed by Mrs. Rutledge was un-
atilinnusl passed,
Y i
A. cougr0gatiettal meeting will be
hold oil the last w dttosrltty Of m
.bo elect rho representatives fr0n1
the congrei+al,ihn,
Meysls, J, it, Irwin aid W: t1.
/loll were aPPofni;rd tlalr.�st' io
the 4lsfrlct mertih• t0 I
t, bo laid at
YTai'llm0lg Mar 2•itl1.
vows or Sunda .
big', Phos. Tlawltfus vvas appoint
by the vestry chairman of th0 ca
nttteo ars cloau to and bcautif i'
P y
grot.iendls a,rauul the elutrcb.
Tlteza'vert, s0vottal visitors at
Pane's a. Sin a v .
t �t 1 my a enn,g tq to
,art; fit h0 ni " set"111 c i a
11. ., sl a nnle
eeh...4eMite, artufvelsnry ni the Dint