HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-05-03, Page 5, :May 3rd, 1911 ' Clinton News -Record intron Count9 Convention. Temperance Convention. The Huron Coilnty '1'epmeractte 'Convention met in Wesley Church; Clinton, on Tuesday, ,the. first ses- sion being at half Vast tell. The President, lame, J. Ii', Knight oar iiensell, presided, W11)11 Rev, R. 'J. McCormick off Blyth, "ScicreterY• Among the delegates present -Axe : Rev, 0. M, 1lolmes, and Messrs, R. .1. McCaw, U, IVI. Elliott and .W. '1', Pellow, Goderirh; Rev, J. A, Hilo- -herb and IViesars, P. 13echanait and. S. Bennett, Wiughano ltev. G. MJ- ' Rhine( and Messes, f1'icMilian and ti. Goieino:ic, Seaforth ; Rev, A, M. Boyle, J3elgrave ; Rev, I. A. ird McKel- vey, Dungannon ; Itov, 1 W. B. ti , Mr.- 11. W. Houston, hors, • Fohick and a delegation from the W,cJ.'L U., I+l eeter ; W, tiX. Lobb, Coclerieh town - Ship Rev, Dr Rutledge, Rev, .,J, A, Agnew, IVIessrs A, T. Cooper, J. A. .Irwin, (James Miller, Ret 'L, G. Powell, MissCourtice, Aire.' Cr, Lav- . ti's Clinton. d o et s n n a , The fleet business at the morning session was the report of the local o•. 'secretary, followed by the report or the treasurer, Mr. A, M. Robertson of Goderich, which showed the atnokiet 61 $1871:00 as .being raised during, the year which was distribet- •ed•in Salaries• and other expenses, leaving a balance of $51.00 in the treasury; after all accounts were 'paid. - A committee on resolutions' was ppoiatod after which Mrs. ninth, the Evangelistic Superintendent of Heron County of 'the W.C,T.U., ad•' ' dressed the convention, urging spec- -ia1 prayer in viety of the serious -condition .or present affairs, and the great need of further legislation in -• connection with the drinktraffic in 'Canada ane in the Mother country. On motion of Rev. J. 1V. Baird it was agreed that 'tic matter. be brought before the `churches on Sunday, May 1-30, and that in the Young Peaele's meetings and general prayer Meetings of the succeeding week this be the •subject for special consideration and 'prayer. Mr. A. T. Cooper then delivered an -.address in relation to the Canada Temperance Act, showing the amend- ments which had been secured during -tale year and the important clauses that had been .a.dded to the Ontario "Temperance Act to facilitate the sc- outing of convictions Eor violations. Tice afternoon session opened with 'who spoke ie a very optimistto .strain and showed clearly tlia't con- ditioiis were very liopelu'l" 1n every part of the county. The Rev, E. G. Powell, Field See rotary, then presented has report ' in which ho stated that los had eon- ducted ninety-three Sunday services in the county, keldt alive: the several. local organizations', succeeded in soM curing many needed amendments to the Ontario 'Fetnperauce Act before the •govorolnent, and secured data leading to numerous convictions for. violation of Temper4n-e Act, so that !furan County has Income a moccl and inspiration iratlor for the whole country.' Then followed the election of (of- ficers for the- ensuing year as !el- bows : •• Hem -president, Dr. A 3, Trwin, Winglram President, Itev. J. F. Knight, Howell • Clm o n t jet Vice,. J. <A, Irwin, and Vice_ Rev, G.• 116, hollies, C, odu o,c h Secretary, Rev. A. M. Boyle, Boigrave Treasurer, A. M, Robertson, God- erich. Vice Presidents of Divisions - North heron, 13'. Buchanan, Wingluen South .11uron, II. M. Houston, • Exeter Centre Huron, J. R. Govenloek, Sealorth, 'lis Rev. A. M. Boyle introduced a resolution asking for Dominion wide prohibition and memorializing the Right Holl. David Lloyd George, in view of conditions in the Mother land, to seek to bring about Imper- ial prohibition, • Rev, E. G. Powell Was unanimous- ly re -appointed Field Secretary and many expressions• of satisfaction, and appreciation of his work were given. After some resolutions on matters to be referred' to tbejoint executiv- es of Huron and Perth counties, the convention was brought to .a'close at about 5.30 P. m. Considering the condition of the weather tlio attendance was very satisfactory. 'Much regret was ex- pressed that by some oversight the date had been set on the day of the meeting of the Presbyterian Synod, which prevented many of the faithful workers of that church from being `the annual: address- at the president, present. Blyth' 'our +pwortlt Ifeaguc of the Meth- odist church held theft tlnrnhd' Nee - tier' of sippers last week,resulttclg as lolioWe : 11on.4Pres., Rev, 1i. 3. McCor- mick President, Mrs. "1-T, J, 'Mar'shall let Vice, Mr, E, Bender 2nd Vice, Miss Sara Belitloy, 3rd Vice, 1.1 J. .Mershall Mid IOlut Ctarniss , 4th Vice, Pres, 'of the Mother- hood Secretary, Mise ID, Sanderson Treasurer, Miss A. Gillespie Pianist, -Miss Pearl g5alpy, A special meeting of laic ''Brotlier- Iio.,d of tate sane' church • was also' held to close accounts ler the year, 'This young organization has popular- ized !self ia the church and has t 1r t t raised $180. 'farcy decided not to disband dutiug the summer. They will sing at the "Old Boys" service, Sunday evening, July 1st. An offer- ing of $50 was liandeil : the ''trustee board: They also decided to pur- chase American flags and have the Stars and Stripes entwined with the British flags in the church' during g the war. �n has s `0 n who MCL (Rev.) W. a Mrs. R , been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Elder, has returned to her loonic in Hanover, • -Camp Borden to Teems With Life �.,irt... Again This • Summer In spite of_ the fire of adverse and unreasoning criticism, whieli last summer, would have consumed the. big camp had it.been possible, it is. now thought likely that the United States Government_ will use Camp .23orden for the training of their troops this sun oler. Time has justi- vied the 'camp, which is now admitt- ed to be . the most complete and per- fect en this continent and even its bitterest enemies' haven't a -word to aay against it. Amendments to • t!>I` . T. A.- • Recent amendments to the 'Ontario 'Temperance Act requite ' that every Railway and Express Company shall keep a special boob for liquor ship- ments .only, .and all liquor shipments roust be plainly labelled. The books of the Companies may 'be examined et any time by the inspectors.' Any person drinking liquor to a- '"44111111" ---C:. may be placed on the "Pro- Tibited list," so that they would bo -unable to bring in liquor of any hind, or have it in their possession, Goderich. Marriages THOBNTON-McCARTNEY-In Clin- ton, on April 30th, by the Rev, J. A. Agnew, Mrs. Eliza 3, Mc- Cartney o-Cartney to James Thornton 01. Guelph, Stanley Township The following is the report of No. 01' for April, names in order of mer- it : 5th -G, C, McLean, H. W. Rath well, 4th (a) -R. V. MoOlymont, M. A. Cooper,. A. R. Parsons. 4th (b) - E. P. Fisher, G. C. Cooper, N. J. Hood. 4th (c) -L. B. Hyde, W. L. Workman, \\', M. Ross. Sr. 3rd -F. R. Parsons, L. S. Near, C. E. Har- vey. Jr, 3rd -L. 0. Workman, W. A. Ross. 2nd -le. F. Anderson, 0. M. Anderson, M. Co •Merin, 2nd Pt. -J. T:, McKenzie, H. A. Dinsdale, G. A. Harvey. let Pt, -P. McKee- zie, J. A. Anderson, IT, 111. McC'ly- mont. Tho best spellers in the monthly spelling • matches were : Oth and 4th (a) and (b) -Grace Fairbairn, 4th (c) -Walter Work- man. 3rd Sr. and Jr. -Lloyd Work - 11150 . rid -Olive .Anderson. 2nd Pt. -IIelen Diusdale. The town council Ias decided to, put-tervia on the streets this year, The Horticultural Society is dis- ,triiiuting gladiolus bulbs to the mem- bers, sixty-five to each. Miss Augusta McLeod of town has received'lror 13. A,' degree from Queen's University, Miss Edith Young is spending a few weeks witli Buffalo friends, Mt. Walter Macdonald was home xecently on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Macdonalkl, prior to leaving for overseas., Cant. (Dr.), GalloW was last week .wa a trip east with his battery but will spend, a few days in town before going overseas. Mrs, 'Galion visited her husband in Landon recently. Mr. and ,Mrs, McMurchy have re- turned froni a visit with their daugh- ter in Toronto. Mr. 1.1. L, Glass of 'Toronto spent the week end - with his family. • in. Goderich.,.,. ,,,11VVr -Tack Patterson went to, Mid- land last 'wbeJtato.111ce 4 'pdstton"i'Jt -the steamer Riverton Miss Mollie Bidet of Toronto has been visiting her Ito -Moot, Mrs. Rob rent Rider of town. Mr. Athol lticQQuarrie was in town •att' Weele. Owing to the death of his father, who died at Brussels; be load boon 11 the vicinity for a'' few days - Geo. Creeper, alias W. 1.1 I.351 11101 at. Turuberry townsltip, who pleaded guilty to a charge of, bigamy before ,Judge Dickson on April 20, and was remanded two vWeeks, was given a; six months' term in central prison, op .Monday morning by the same judge, Cecelia was arrested an the sarin of Robert Yen, where fie was living With hie (Meohd wife, waren). he Mar- ried iii :April, 1916,.hie :married his first wife in i,indday .sonic eiX years aeo, 1,0ST•--SOME TIME AGO IN 01,IN- ton, e gold • chain • and ' pendant. Anyone returning same to M., A. Stone, School al ' C-omrneecli,; Will be rewarded, I' 0 It' .S A L E-A. SECOND-HAND meeure 11,tr,�eailet, in good tvorlsdig order. Will bo Bold at hail price. Can be seen at but 28, con; .0,'iIul- lett,--,David •'I7oggerth', Ldndostiorc. -'-07 ,IXOUSli FOR SALE -GOOD T�'1'iAMP hose with stone cellar, 6.. bed- rooms, one doesestairs, double pal;-. ler, dining rooni2 kitchen, pantry, woodshed, Ilarde and soft water, CI owl garden, double lot,fruit trees .and small faults, stable' and henhouse. ripply on pietnises, west end Hermit street, -C, ITO Jervis, -87 Births HEWI'1'T-At Hanley, Staflordahire, Tngland, on April 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hewitt, Clinton, a daughter. CALDWELI:-In Hensali, co . April '22nd, to Mr. and Mrs, 3 0111 Cald- well, a daughter. Deaths tI:ARQUIS-At Woodrow, Sask., on April 23rd, Hannah Monk, wife of John Marquis. DAWSON-In Auburn, on April 23rd, Mary Gluyas, wife of Mr. George Dawson, aged 72 years and 0 months, LOCKHART-In Auburn, on April -29th, Mary Ann Taylor, wife, of Mr. Matthew Laclehert, in her dist year. Tucke rsmit h Township The Sunday school at Turner's church is being opened for the sum- mer next Sunday afternoon ail half past one. The Sacrament • 01 the Lord's. Supper will be administered et the close .of the sermon at the preaching service on Sunday after- noon. The weekly envelope system is being introduced in this congrega- tion ou Sunday. Seaforth. Miss Kate Killcuan of Toronto has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. 0. Greig. -Mrs. W. A. FIolt of New York is the guest of Miss Evelyn Greig. Mrs. H. Vansickle left last week for Chicago. Mrs. F. Case and Miss Case re- turned last week alter spending the winter itt Toronto. Miss G. Brown has a visit in Monttrea1, Rev. J, Kier Fraser of (felt was the guest last W51of Rev. F. Fi, Larkin. - Miss Margaret DD:ehoe hasretuned to Toledo, She was called !conte re- cently owing to the illness i'f lier another. Mrs. R, Murdie of .Stratford has been lvisitiffg her mother, Mrs. Win. Bullard. Mr. Wm. Sleet of Picton spent a few days with his mother recelttly. Mr. Wm. Bethune, who has been pursei: of the C.P.R. steamer As- sinilioia, has been appointed superin- tendent of the C. P. R. upper lakes fleet- and will hare his :lteadquerter4 at Pere Mcbicho1 ., ... ,, Felson (ioveh'iddk acid, Robif eat have enlisted with -a flying eorji1' and left last week to join theft .unit. Mr. George Bethune loft last week to )_esuine his duties as' purser 04 one of the 0. P. It, boats. Mrs. G. 18. Henderson has been vis- icingfrietttls in Toronto. Pte, Norman Bnchannan, who re- cently returned from France, loft last wcek'Obt a military hospital in. Londoh to .undergo further treat- ment, Mrs, J. Sproat is visiting Mende in Detroit. ' Mrs. ,1, C, 'Ereig -Is lit Kingston this wcele attending the general con- f0reflec of the Womoh's Missionary Society orf the Presbyterian Church. lire, George ..laoiesan returned te- n a, trip to Vl'oit'real, retureed • from FOR SALE -GOOD FARM HORSE. -Apply to John Stephenson, Hur- on street. -87 0OCKS1IUTT IMPLEMENTS. - 1 have taken over the Cocksliutt Ta- 1Hemetis Agencyen and, �v ill keep on hand a full Aloe atmachinery and repairs; Frost as Wood bintlees, oorn aad field u mowershay rakes,' cultivat,ors, bean hare -esters, rid- ing and walking ploughs, seed drills and disks, waggons and buggies ; a full line of everything required on the farm. Order your repairs early'. Il. A. HEARN, opposite the Market Square. -80. EGGS FOR SALE. -FROM L. R. Guild's 218, and J. W. Park's 235 egg strain Barred Rocks, 02 per 15, $3.50 per 30, unilertile eggs replaced free of charge. -A. H. Tlovey. 87-2 Mau i" au Tea. Under the auspices of the Yotmg Ladies' Patriotic Aux- iliary, at the home of Miss Marion Glum on Tuesday af- ternoon, May 8111, from 3 o'clock to 7. A shower of Soap and Notepaper ger Clin- ton mens overseas.' FOR SALE OR REN'.! -Comfortable six -room frame ]louse, with sum- mer leitchen, on Isaac street. Two lots, with all kinds or fruit trees, also small- fruits, and stable. PRIVATE SALE of furniture, in- cluding Happy Thought range, coal heater, etc., and a number of Buff Orpington hens. Sale commences April 27th, continuing until all is sold. For particulars, apply on the premises -Mrs. J. Emmer'ton. -86. FOR SALE -BARRED ROOK EGGS, Bred -to -lap, Last year 87 of my .pullets Ja.itl 1.61 egge each for the 1tear, Eggs from ;these Ilene and their daughters '$2 per 15, 00 .per, 80, 04 per 50, 07 per 100. Fairview Poultry Yards -Jabez hands, Clin- ton,. lin-ton,. -78 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE - paired and Pressed .and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent'k Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 • MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TINDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 8th day of .June, 1917, for the conveyance of His !Majesty's Mails, ou a Proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over Seaforth No. 4 Rural Route, from the 1st of July, 1917. Printed no- tices containing further intormatign as to conditions of proposed Con- tract may be seen and. blank forms of Tender may be obtained . at the Post Offices of Seaforth, Egmand- ville and Clinton, and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, London, ' G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent Post O•flico Department, Canada Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, 27th April, 1917. 87-3 .The H s IO Bi bN, � ..ke,,. -And 1 know, for I have ridden all makes and the Hyslop has served me the best. Auto Livery MsCORMICK AGENCY. -I HAVE taken over the agency for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved it to my place of lousiness, the car- riage and repair shop, Huron street, where 'I will keep on nand --a-full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order from you will receive prompt attention.- Wilson Elliott. -43 Ride a Ilyslop Made in ConBda tet 28 `?ears. Well Finished-Btt:ong--•Safer;Speedy mareifebteere, by ' ItYstoe BiOTril5Rs, Limited, Toronto rok 5515 55 J. Ih PAXM[AN Phone 80 Jlintor hi'ag J. H. Paxlnan, Prop. A FULL LINE OF BICYCLES (New and second NOBBY DOMINION TREAD TIRES, ACCESS- FARM FOR SALE. - 150 -ACRE farm for sale, 54, miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hul- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 5000 with stone stab- ling underneath and 14storey 8 - roomed frame house .with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will. be ,sold on easy tame ; possession1 to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -62. ORIES. We have another car of choice western OATS Book yourorders early. We carry a large stock of Bran, Shorts, Low Grade and High Grade Flour. John Hutton, Londesboro Cliu�ouFloar Ill North Star, Iillaple Leaf, or Snow Flake FLAW P. W. HAMILTON Agent or 0ederieh antt'S31Inton, 1)B LAVA.-,, ()yearn Separa- tors IDEATE G•reen- reed Silo ALPHA De Laval Engines 13tT17E510R Litter Carriers cicalas arid S"team eions 'Water Bowls Newcombe Pianos Edison • Am hernia Gramophones Large stock 'of Edison Recorde on band 14th Always Hoole Saturdays for Repairs eats.. • When haying Flour ask vnur dealer for North Star, Maple Leaf or Snow Flake Brands' Do not let your dealer sell you any other brands till you try oat the above EGGS FOR SALE - FROM L. R, Guild's 218, and and J. W. Park's 235' egg strain Barred Rocks, $2 per 15, $3,50 per 30, infertile eggs replaced. free of charge. WANTED -1000 . muskrat skins at 60e each. Skins must be well stretched and free from holes, .Kitts and damaged skins at value, No shot skins taken at any price. -11. A, Hovey, Clinton. 82 SEED OATS FOR SALL- A quantity of goods clean Clydesdale Oats, the `C in, Tehbutt oats, at OOc per bushel. Your credit isgood.-.S,'R. McMath, R. IL No. 2, Goderich. 81 INDIA RUNNER DUCK EGGS FOR I-Iatching-These dudes are good foragers, also splendid layers, some Iaying 200 eggs in a year. 01 per setting. Chas. (Hew, R. R. No:' 4, Clinton, Phone O on 162. 85-3 • FOR SALE OR RENT --MODERN 6 - room cottage on Victoria and Cut- ler streets, also 7 -room cottage on North street, good garden Foe. pitrti'eulare Apply-Neevs-Record or • 0„.13. I-i;tle, Clinton, ,CALVES FOR SALE -WELL BRED Durham and pure bred Holstein hei- fers, also some Pelted Angus -A. E. ,Matheson, Seaforth P. 0., Phone 17 on 136, Clinton, 84, 'ONCE US SD -ALWAYS USED A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT- Roomy house on Menet of Ontario anti William street. All modern eonveniencee. Garden and young fait trees. -Apply( to Miss. A. Bea - OM b11 prel1ises or td W. Britton° Clifiteli, 77, D. W. HA. 1 1LTON John Schoelihals Phone 8. Clinton,!Ont. PHONE 207 v 1-luron;St., Clinton 1113 .S WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. U! Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED. Perliect Sight is a Matter of Foresight Many cases ofl ceye eior of trouble are avert- ed by early app proper lens PRESF+EUTURE ETROUBLE MEANS We fit them perfectly and satisfac- torily or no charge -and no charge for consultation The British Empire Calls for More Eggs and Poultry. it is therefore our duty to increase production in these liees, and prices promise to be exceedingly high for all poultry products during this corning year Is as good as any in town, anti prices lower than any - Our line of Clocks is surpassed by none Diamond Rings, Signet Rings and Engagement Rings Pearl and Pearl and Ruby combination also Cameo Rings, latest mountings Diamonds ranging from $15 to $00 mounted in Ladies' Tiffany, some in Platinum settings Watches, Clocks, and Jewelery Re- pairing of all kinds promptly and neatly done -Charges Moderate. R. H. JOHNSON, Jeweler and Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Next Hovey's Drug Store THE SpriugBrive Tho time for the big drive is ap- proaching and nbw is the tithe for yon to prepare and get your ammunition ready for the big drive of Dust and Pest that has accumulated during the long.winter months. Here we give to few suggestions, as to the ammunition you will need for a successful drive, Powdered Ammonia Lye Dutch Cleanser Napt,ha Powder OiilorMe, of Lime Scrub33rushes Fnrllttere Polish Soap Brooms ..Bon -Ami Pearline Stove Brushes Dust Bane Soap 0h.ps OUR LEA.DEII--'7 bars Pure Soap for ■25 Our Ineubators Are giving the best satisfaction, and why not buy one and pay for it in poultry next fall ? Fat Hens Wanted at 18c per pound Our wagons will call for your eggs as usual, paying top prices in cash, or orders given on town stores. You will enjoy a, nice enp of tea der• ing house cleaning season, We recon-, mend our bulk teas, which area good Sony now. Ask our prices this week- They will interest you. Highest Market Price for Produe° JOhl1S011 a Co The Store of Quality. (rain and Wool, pllevatori PI/ONE 111,Resi dents Phone 9-142442 GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Finn Phone 190, CLINTON THE I;QHNEH STORE 1)0 YOU KNOW IIOW 61001), GOOD PRUNES : CAN BE '1 -fat, jtiley, California onee. This week • we can • offer you nothing better for your money than Prunes at 16c and 18e per lb, unless you would like some.i , PURE MAP'I.E SYRUP. A limited quantity only, Live and Let Live 9 Q/W Campaigning Against The Household Pest The time for the Spring Campaign apps caches. Soon the double window will be ofraud the sun will be warm and bright, you will be thinking of cleaning them. After the long months that the house has been closed it will need it, no matter how good a housekeeper you may be. See that you have your ammunition ready. 13erepared for the Spring Drive against the moth and the germ. Here is the ammunition to help you to success. Lay in your supply now Powdered Ammonia Sweeping Powder Chloride of Lime Liquid Ammonia Sink and Bath Cleanser Lye Furniture Polish Metal Polish Brushes and Brooms Soap E. E. IUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. It Pays to Feed good feed to.,your horseor other live stock. I'ays in ,better condition or in greater production, We carry the best feed wo. can obtain, In spite of that feet you'll -not find cur prices any higher than you now Pm!. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR ANI) FEED. liiiiono 109. Highest Oleos paid 10 T. r l n, , ;i, i C m ,61 C laves for Sale •a.so I have made arrangements to secure a -number of well bred young calves each week, MARQUIS �a Phone 14 on 166 Cream anted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every; WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday) morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMERHILL. CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYM.E'NI having cream to sell write to ns for cans. We supply two cans free, Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the higk- est market prices consistent with an honest test: Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested eta arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with ' Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicineep-e-of Varna may deliver .their cream to Beatty, Bros. Store and it will be taken .care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., 13os 486, Seaforth, Ont. Leave Your Order Early for EaVetronghlllg9 Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Stoop over Rowland's Hardy" PHONE 53, The���e 1I4,f Ore Mengel seed, all kinds 35o Ilii Sugar Beet seed, at 25e and 4013 ib, Turnip seed (Swede) all the best kinds - Canadian Gent, Jumbo and Derby. , 60e ib., Hall's Westbury\, anti Purple , Top 550 1G. All kinds of Vegetable and Flower Seeds in packages 5 and 100 each, Royal Purple Citick Teed pkg. , 26e. Royal Purple Chick Feed, any quantity 40 1bi, Royal Purple Calf Meal, 25 lb. sacks $1,20; Royal Purple Calf !Meal, 50 lb. sacks 02.10 Royal Purple Calt Meal, 100 ib. sacks $4.00. ' SATURDAY ONLY 2 tires Spanish Valencia Reis - , fns, the best that grows 25e Easitirst Shortening, better than lard. 250 ib'. • 5 gallons oil 90o 6 bars of Richards Pure or Naptha Soap 25o O. er .O Lounsbery The big scot e with little pr°iees