HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-04-26, Page 7REPLENISH YOUR BLOOD IN—THE I E SEIZING Just now you are feeling "out of serte"--Byer your usual self, Quito ex- Uraueted at timea and Cannot devote real energy to your work. Sleep door not reel you anti you wake' up feeling '"a1.1 tired. out;' Perhaps rheumatism 10 jiving through your m'usoies and jo!nte or may be your skin is disfigured by rallies,. boils or pimples, 1-Ieedaehes, twinges of neuralgia, fit& 011 nervous" Berta, irt'itabilty 4f temper and a dirt. ordered stnniaehoften increase yoiu discomfort in the spring, The cause—whiter hes left.ite marls on you, These tr'eubies areelgne that Your blood le poor and watery, that your nerves are exhausted. You must renew and enrich your blond at once and restore tone to your tired nerves, or there may be a oomplete break- down, The moot powerful remedy for •tthese spring aliments In men, women and children Is Dr. "Williams' 'Pink Pills for Pale People, because these Pillsdemise bad blood and strengthen weak nerves. New, rich, red blood—your greatest need in spring—is plentifully created by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and with this new, pure blood in your veins you qufekly regain health and increase your strength. Then your skin be- oomes clear, your eyes bright, your nerves strong, and you feel better, eat better, sleep better, and are able to do your work, Begin your spring tonic treatment to -day for the blood and nerves with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills—the Pills that strengthen. - 'These Pills are sold by most dealers, but do not be persuaded to take "something just the same". If you can't get the genuine Pills from your dealer they will be sent you by mail, pont paid, at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wil- ldams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. r • iIA Fashionable Gowii it The jumper effect and barrel skirt combined make a costume distinctly smart, whileits-development in oyster - white pongee ,and Chinese blue adds the artistic touch which is the aspira- tion of all women of taste. The em- broidery used on this dress is the new kind of shadow embroidery which is very easily done as it is merely a darning -stitch. McCall Pattern No. 7743, Ladies' Jumper Blouse, in 6 sizes; 34 to 42 bust; and Np. 7737, Ladies' Two -Piece Barrel Skirt, 89 or 37.:inch length; in 5 sizes; 22 to 30 waist. Price, 20 cents each. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from The McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Don't Waste Energy. "There is no waste' of any kind in the world that equals the waste from needless, ill -directed, and ineffective motions," says Frank B. Gilbreth, the greatest authority on fatigue study. "Wasted motions mean wasted effort and wasted time. title of .the results iof this waste is unnecessary fatigue, caused by unnecessary effort expended ,during time that must, as a result, be ,wasted. Time, a lifetime, is our prin- cipal inheritance. To waste any of it 18 to lose part of our principal asset. To waste time and to suffer from un- necessary fatigue simultaneously can Abe excused only by ignorance. Un- necessary fatigue is caused by some- lone's ignorance." SLIGHTLY EXAGGERATE%, Story Which Oceltrs in a Collection of 'rheological Anecdotes. rho lilao between PurQ1y xlletsa°teal exaggeration and a reprehensible per- version of truth 11 net'zilwgs easy to draw, In the high tide of eloquence, even Preachers oc asioaallY forget that it exists, A 000Unittoe or renzon stranee osteo celled upon an old-time Nowburyport preacher to protest against the unbridled exaggerations that ho permitted himself in the pul- pit. The preacher admitted his fault very humbly, "Indeed," he said to them sorrow- fully, "I have shed over it barrels upon barrels of tears!" The "meonistor" of a country kirk in Scotland, a century ago, was less amenable to reproof., even if he in- vited it—as \1r, J. le, McRae has ret cently related in a collection of then= logiral anecdotes. Iie clerk had ven-• tni'ed to suggest the ill effect of exag- geration upon the congregation; the minister, rather offended, declared himself unaware of transgression, but requested that if he erred again the next Sabbath he might be reminded, by a discreet cough, to curtail his eio, quence. The next Sabbath he described how Samson tied the foxes' tails together, He said, irizprossively: "The foxes in those days were much larger than ours, and they had tails twenty fut long—" "Ahem!" coughed the clerk. "That is," continued the preacher, "according to their measurement; but by ours nae more than fufteen—" "A -hent!" came the cough, more loudly. "But sin ye may think that extrava- gant, we'll juist ea' them ten fut—". "Ahem! Ahem!" "Mon," shouted the parson, leaning over the pulpit and shaking a fore- finger at the clerk, "ye may cough all nicht if it suit ye, but I'll na tak aff anither fut! Wad ye hae the foxes wi' no tails at a'?" BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED TEN YEARS Mrs, W. J. Wilson, Carp, Ont., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the last ten years and can highly re- commend them for babyhood and child- hood ailments. My baby was very delicate; in fact we never thought he would live, but thanks to the Tablets he is now a fine healthy boy." Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in every horse where there are small children.. They regulate the bowels and stomach and never fail to cure the minor ills of little ones. The Tablets aro se.18.1r•r medicine dealers or by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. -Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MAKE THE BOY A PARTNER. Secure His Interest in the Business Side of Farm Work. It is essential that many of our best boys remain on the farm and help in, developing' rural life into what it could and should be. Some of our farm boys may be better suited for occupations other than farming, but those who are suited for farming and wish to farm should be given every encouragement to do so. Boys on the farm are too often al- lowed to drift along with very little attention being paid to them. The boy will be more likely to become a willing worker: if his interest is arous- ed in the business side of his work and he will gain ability to save if he is taught to spend thoughtfully and' wisely. These two factors, willing- ness to work and ability to save, are fundamental for future success. Per- mit the boy to participate in the prac- tical business transactions of the farm as the conditions allow. Let him do some of the buying and selling. When he has decided that he will be a farmer, the father may be gradually relieved from some of his responsibili- ties through a partnership manage- ment. STRENGTH OF DOUGLAS FIR. British Railway Officials Find It Valu- able For Road Ties. As evidence ' of the remarkable strength of Douglas fir, an official of one of the great British railways in a letter to an official of the British Coe tumble forestry department, stated that out of 616 railway ties of Doug- las fir laid down more than 16 years. ago, on a main line over which traffic of fifteen million tons per annum passed, only 23 had been.renewed, the remainder being still in good con- dition. British Columbia possesses an in- exhaustible supply of this magnificent timber, observes the Vancouver Sun, and undoubtedly it will compete suc- cessfully with other timber in the. markets for building :timber which Will be opened in Europe when the war ends. Present indications are that Douglas fir will be a source of immense wealth to this province at the close of the war. RP eTi1OUS NDS E.e UP s 14 YIrmI®"`.., SANDS -OF HEmTn (SMM• GIRL EAT Gr :pe Nuts ND CREAM EVERY MORNING BECAVSE WISE MgTIIERS KNOW "There's .a Reason" the High Cost of Indi- gestible ;Food falls heavily Y upon the household where there is no intelligent direc- tion of the food supply. 1 proteid* Expensive hlgh p otei dM foods,such as beef and pork, pork, impose a heavy burden upon the liver and kidneys. They are not- as nitritious as cereals and fruits. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits with milk supply all the m 'utri ent needed for a half nutriment day's work at a cost of only four or five' cents. Cut out meat and eggs, eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit with green vegetables and fruits, and see how much better you feel. For breakfast with hot milk or cream. Made in Canada. -.. SACRED LAKE OF ASHANTI. Regarded by Natives as the Abode of a Powerful Spirit. In central Ashanti there is a sacred lake, Bosumtivi, which lies about eighteen miles southeast of. Coomassie, and is the only real lake in the coun- try. It is roughly circular in shape, with a diameter of four miles, and lies in a deep depression with sides rising to six hundred and sevenhundred feet above its surface, .It has never been fathomed. An attempt was made to sound it by A. Philbrick, acting ,chief commissioner. of Ashanti, but the line broke after five hundred feet had been lowered. The water is fresh, though the lake has no outlet, and only a few small annual streams flow into it. The Ashantis regard the lake as a great fetish; believing that it is the abode of a powerful and energetic spirit which manifests itself, among other grays, by flashing lights' on the surface and making noises like the discharge of artillery. There are nu- merous villages round the lake, but no canoes, paddles, fishboats or brass pans are allowed on or near to it. The natives do, however, permit them- selves to catch the fish which abound in the lake, sand they resort to •an ingenious method of overcoming_, the disabilities imposed onthemby ' its sacred character. Plaited reed mats with gaping mouths are taken out from the shore by men lying face downwards on cigar shaped logs of wood. They propel themselves by paddling with their hands, and, hav- ing ,"lot he^ritdts as a trap, they retire long enough to : ile-7 the `Ui i u enter. They then return very quickly in the same fashion, pull together the two parts of the trap, and . retire with their haul. 0-0---°-0-0-0-0--0-0-0—O—p—p ° WOMEN ! IT IS MAGIC o LIFT 'OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then lift ° corns or calluses off with fingers—no' pain. O—O—O—e—o—o—O—e—°—o—°--o—o Just think! You can lift off any corn or_ cal- lus without pain or sore- °' '. ness. A Cincinnati man dis- covered this ether com-' hound and named it freezono. Any drug- gist will sell it tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or 'callus.. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short- ly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off. • Freezone is wonder- ful. It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up 'without evenairr tating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or after- wards, • If your druggist hasn't freezone, tell him to order a small bot- tle for you from his wholesale drug house. .5 'Gee more time and, lower heat in cooking to develop flavors and to secure all the value in the food. - Mine8d's Liniment Cures numerals. ' A WOMAN'S WORK. Scottish Sheep Farm in Care of the Owner's Wife. A very notable illustration of the work done by a woman in war time is shown by this letter in the London Times: "1n my husband's absence in France, I am trying to manage a hill sheep farm of about 10,000 acres—carrying 4,800 Cheviot and Black -face sheep," Writes Mrs. Craig, of Capplegill, Mof- fat, Dumfriesshire. "As a rule only six acres of land are cultivated. This year we are hoping to break up about 20 acres. We have always employed six extra men for the lambing, and this year., after advertising several times, have secured only two. ..- "This -Farm stands very high -from 650 ft. to 2,800 ft. above the sea. We have had a terrible winter—the worst for years—and have had to buy a great deal of hay, all of Which will have been so much thrown away un- less the sheep receive proper attention at the- lambing. The question of ex- pense is, of eourse, secondary. The great point is to enable fanners to secure the best care for their stock during the few critical weeks of lamb- ing—from April 17 to May 8 or 9 here. On this typo of farm the lamb- ing shepherds 0 quite as essential as the ploughmen are on arable farms," It takes�a lot of fortitude to follow, the dictates of a perfectly good con- 8cience, lJ lLi2E MILL WASTE. NURSES WANTED line es Discovered of Obtaining VOW'. able Products Irroln Hefei/ie. it n"vex- 1 oofthe univer- sityDr. J. G, Davidson, , UII aity of British Columbia, in ee opera- partment :of industrial chemistry of the T7nivorsitY cif Washington, has tion with Lloyd L. Davis, of the 'de - discovered' a process of distilling saw- mill watee whereby it is impaired that thousands of dollars now lost will be saved. By means of .this process :tar, a .light oil, acetate of lime, and charcoal' are formed, The gas produced by dis- tillation is carried through a pipe nine inches in diameter and twenty feet long. In this pipe is an electrically charged wire, which .causes precipita- tion of the heavy particles of tar. The tar, fatty gallons for each cord of wood distilled, is of medium' consis- tency, and. immediately marketable, The light oil, obtained in a water con- denser, is immediately marketable for nee in ore refining, and the yield is. twelve gallons to the cord of wood. Eighty pounds of acetate of lime are obtained from the pyroligneous acid of each cord, of wood. Nine hundred pounds of charcoal are the final yield. Weil Known Far 1.er Gives His Evidence Says Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Him of. Gravel Mr. William Wood of Hadlington, Ont., is Added to Long List of Cures By the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Had'lington, Ont., Apr. 23rd (Special) —Mr. William Wood, a well-known. farmer living near here, 1s shouting the praises of Dodd's Kidney Ellis. He, claims they cured him of two of the most painful and dangerous forms of kidney trouble, bladder trouble and gravel. "Yes, I was troubled with gravel and bladder trouble," Mr. Woods said when asked about his cure. "But since I took four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills my troubles are gone. I also had 'heart flutterings and shortness of breath. There were flashes of lights and specks before my eyes and I was very nervous. All these troubles have gone, too, since I used Dodd's Kidney Pills." Others in this neighborhood have used Dodd's Kidney Pills and found !that they are the greatest of all reme-- dies for kidney troubles of any -land, l Dodd's Kidney Pills . are specialists. They cure sick idilneys and that is ail they claim to cure. The reason they are given credit for curing rheuma- tism, lumbago, dropsy, diabetes and Bright's disease • is that all of these. diseases are caused by sick kidneys. QUACK GRASS. Thoroughness an Essential Quality in Methodof-Eradication. All methods of eradicating this troublesome weed are based on thor- ough tillage. The implements found on any well equipped farm are suffi- cient to eradicate quack grass. As the quack grass roots are found .loser to the surface in sod and pas- ture fields than in cultivated fields, it is often advisable.' to utilize a field for pasture or meadow, keeping the grass cut closely or grazed before attempt- ing to kill it. The work should start immediately after haying by plough- ing the infested land only deep enough to turn over a furrow containing most of the grass roots. From three to four inches will be deep enough on sod or pasture land. Disk the land thoroughly every ten or twelve days until autumn, when the quack grass will be killed. Plough the land to a good depth the following spring to bury the dead roots which will sup- ply food to the succeeding crop. Plant corn or potatoes and cultivate thor- oughly, or sow a smother crop as mil- let or buckwheat. The process of killing quack grass is not complicated, but one thing must always be borne in mind, the work must be done conscientiously and thoroughly. A half-hearted effort is useless. 6• Minard's Liniment for 5010 everywhere. There are signs to -day in Germany, one cannot call it .of .repentance; it is rather of sorrow, not for her crimes, but for the accumulating fail- ure of the object for Which that crime of hers was committed. f,'74''1 heumatiem attacks the "outside" man. Pains and aches stiffen his anoints and muscles and reduces his efficiency. At the first twinge get Biotin's Liniment, easy to apply, it pene- trates ruffhout't'ubbing and soothes the soreness. After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold,rain apply Sloan's Liniment to those stiff fingers; aching wrists and arms. For gout, nets/tight, toothache, bruises, sprains, cold feet, it is promptly eifective. At all druggists, 25c. SOo. and $1.00, ISSUE No, 17—'17, T'Aronke 13oapftal for Itnge iuSrclifroe'iln fof rtirNu9resheoIsie, lioauifrfuailbiloNOtOorlToowreaiil delevua andAi-eapilals, ((Nhn1isuhseodffeIn Ngl eiwnornsnThevipngpiolnowreo vadeatlon,Three eavmlole-' and a montlhly allownnoo, The Intornioditito year '1s snout in. 'New York, Anpileatious win b, Creeeook, 13ivod' 'byDunn the Su.410000peri,nTtendenoronto,t Miss 0 A healthy Job. The healthiest oocupation of all is said to be that in the American petrol. man works. IIere the mon aro said never•' to suffer from sore throats, diphtheria, quiney or kindred ailments, Indeed, petroleum fumes are so good fox the throat that it is quite common for sufferers from throat affections to "take the fumes," just as people "take the waters" .at Hot 'Springs or French Licit. Mipard's Lihiment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—I had nay leg badly hurt, the pain was very severe and a large swelling came above the knee. I expected it would be ser- ious—I rubbed it with MINARD!S LINIMENT, which stopped the pain and reduced the swelling very quickly. I cannot speak too highly of MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. AMOS.. T. SMITH. Port Hood Island. Free Milk Record Forms. Two five-year-old cows in a dairy herd where cow testing ° is practiced made two widely divergent records in 1916. One gave 6,616 pounds of milk and 204 pounds of fat, the other gave 8,370 pounds of milk and 288 pounds of fat, This means twenty-seven dol- lars difference in income between the two. The owner did not expect to find such a ,difference. Yet who but the I man among his cows all the ' time should'best know their possibilities? Is there as much difference as that be- tween two cows in your herd? Cow testing will help you to know, and will help you to save time, labdr and feed. For if you retain only the best cows, you keep those that you are sure will repay you'liandsomely for all you ex- pend on them. A request to the Dairy Commissioner, Ottawa, for milk re- cord forms should state whether you want those for daily or three days weights per month; they are free for asking. MONEY ORDERS When ordering goods by mall, send a•Do rifiiion Repress Money Order, Satisfaction, even sifter one has dined well, is not so interesting and eager a feeling as hunger. Mtnard's I:intment Cures Burne, Eta. The average man thinks he would have been a perfect terror in war if business had not kept him at home. MOTHER S 1 L' SYRUP The proof of Mother Seigel's Syrup is in the taking. That is why former sufferers, whose vitality was being sapped by Indigestion, say it is just ex- cellent for stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Thanks to Mother Seigel's Syrup, they are now strong and well. IS EXCELLENT FOR If you are afflicted by Indi- gestion or otherdisorders of the stomach, liver and bowels take Mother Seigel's Syrup regularly for a few days; long enough to give it a fair ohanbe to make its beneficial influence felt. Then note the improvement, in your appetite, your strength, your general condition. 3015 HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION. Ther.001otllc of Syrup contains three times as 'truth as the 500 else. A Complicated Clock: At Deanvais'Cathedral there le a clock whieil-is composed of P2'/000 separate pieees, having 52 dial -plates, This piook gives the time in the big mania of the world, as well as the local flour, the .defy of the week and month, the rising and setting of the sun, the phones of the moon and tides, as well as eensiderable other information Granulated Eyelids, ld , By es •inflamed b') ax po. sure to Sm., pusland 1 lg/ +a quickly relieved by Midas Lye Remedy, No Smarting, Just ];ye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Merino Eye SalveinTubes 25c. For Nat el*Eye Freeask Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Co,,,Cliicage Waste ground and spare time may be jointly used for the increased pro- duction of food, T[iaara!s LSr!imeut ZKi.°v°s 4914r-" la,.. The, Soul of a Piano is the Action. insist on the "OTTO HIG!U' PIANO ACTION BOOK ON 'DOG DISEASES And How to Feed frerhe o toAuthan eddross by. or America's Pioneer H. CLAY CLOVER CO., Inc. Dog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York :3EWBP.srr;z00 %'Sinn P4 W4 priO:V1'1-11iATCit+'u 'IA'W$ 0510. 4013' Offices for Valein. seed Ontario 'tome, Tito most useful and kntoreetlare of all hu81n ssee. Veil infor•matiot en onllvelierCOa:v TreRlush1 et c u pay, 78 AdelideStret,'ero, ILELV werarxhp yy 1'tIc� 11T SOUNCO GIRL To Ar7Si$T Jl vet house work, Mrs White d ;Indian 10pa4 G'rescont, Toronio,' 7 MIB0B=ANXIOUS r 1Cly'ol.laa, xaiffW iiND 'e'i>;CO3 ./ Bend, 1s. oo up., lend for. epgoial Drive not. Varsity IJyele. Worlta,- 41'8 Spadlna Ova„ Toronto, CA.NOLit, rtU11•tOES, LUMPS, Rev.,V internal and external, oured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write tie before too late. Dir. Denman Medical Co„ Limited, f,olltpgwooe, ort "Clean olAir 1301t.ER itdAY c0AIlPOWIP ror 8.11 Boller reed. Waters Oyoao Shaking and Dumping Grate $are for an roqu0romentM Canadian Stearn Boller Equlpmept Tel. Gerrard 30000", 41roRed n0 mottos fgt. Toronto GREASE IS GREASE It may be any old kind but MICA Is AXLE GREASE You will find relief in Zam-Buk I it eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam. Suk, means cure. Why not prove this 7 -Au DruggistfoosEos. avid Stores.— THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA FORVi T "P R and CA AE,E8®L FIPPING EVER. Sure and positive proventive,' no matter how horses at; any age are afflicted or,exposed." Liquid,. given on the tongue; acts on the blood and glands; expels the poisonous; germs from the body. Cures Distemper In Dogs and Sheep and Cholera.ln poultry. Largest selling live stock remedy, cures -Ila 'Grippe among ilualan.laetngs. and Is a fine Iiidne remedy, Cut this Out, Keep It. ShOW to your druggist, who will get it for you. Fres Booklet, 'Distemper, Causes and Cures.' SPO3N MEDICAL COMPANY, Chemists and Bacteriologists, Goshen, Ind„ U. S. A. e rsrAeusnrD 1842 THE RIGHT ¶71 f3J kl ° J ` O PAINT RIGHT A. RAMSAY & SON CO. For wear and beauty of Makers of Fine 4 color they ares unsur- e a i n t s and �-� paSSed. ASk your V ori idles iY �f r_ � � Ramsay Dealer %� �`` . —or write I IIKi MONTRE 1. TORONTO VANCOUVER A "2 in 1 Shoe Polish" is made for every use For Black Shoes, "2 in 1 Black" (paste) and "2 in 1 Slack Combination" (paste and liquid); for White Shoes, "2 in 1 White Cake" (cake) and "2 in 1 White Liquid" (liquid): for Tan Shoes, "2 in 1 Tan' (paste) and "2 in 1 Tan Combination" (paste and'liquid). 100 Black—White--Tan .1O& F. F. DALLEY CO. OF CANADA LTD., • Hamilton, Can. u88ER Sy51Elf Std Ir4 vl Thrift is served, and health preserved, by wearing rubber footwear around the farm in rainy, sloppy weather. Quality and long wear, whether in ' rubber farm boots, high rubber boots or rubbers, are assured of you choose a pair bearing on the sole cry one of these Trade Marks: "MERCHANTS" "JACQUES CARTIER" °"DOMINION ""GRRANDY" "MAPLE LEAF" "DAISY -4 rue MAPLE LEMS ituassrt,.ma, Canadian Consolidated Rubber C e Limited Largest Manufacturers of Rubber Goods In the British Era.jlire EXECUTIVES OFFICES e MONTREAL, P.Q • SliVErl LARGE, UPeTO.DATE MANUFACTURING PLATS IN CANADA DB "SZL4VICE" BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES THROUGHOUT CANADA