HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-04-26, Page 6a siYTr.oko..s a�+t F.sr x�t� MItr Nfatl �kfa y� ,t,,, 3Y�*�U 40,e � r n rtyl,r SJ,, t o 1�,kS d 1 F` �Fn i When you ihlult of lag `fir is d ikt Fr" .,ing Think of PARKER'S , /Get : no restore to seeming'lewaess your T<aee Curtaine, Catpets,;Blenlcets and other household and permute' effects, Fee Parker process is through; the charge is very moderate, and we pay car'r'iage one way. Send for our Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing. P KK E DYE WORKS LIMITED 791 /tootle Street e Torantte 17 o THROUGH THE DARK SHADOWS Or The Sunlight of Love CHAPTER XXVI.—(Cont'd}, When ho arose from his knees his face had lost all its old languid self- er, more Possession; 1ighthinh s ewas eyeedranras his lips pressed the hand of the dead girl they muttered a farewell vow, which was never to be forgotten from that hour till his last. Lady Constance, bravely overcome- ing her own pain and horror at the double tragedy—for Jasper's body hid been recovered and brought back to the house an hour after the death of Jessica—hid retired with poor re- morseful Ada to her own rooms, where she did her best to soothe and com- fort the unhappy woman' Over - ie me with remorse at her reviou neglect of the girl, a blamed he •s bitterly for not watching her enem more closely, and thus protecting a concerned from danger. Meanwhile, the last painful duty had to be done. In the Blue Room were ruin seated Morin timertShelton, L rd and Mr Harker. On the table lay the papers which Mr. Harker had brought with him, ainongst them the all-important roll which Jessica had rescued from the street. The three men were waiting now for Adrien, with patient respect, knowing the cause of his ab- sence. Presently the door 'opened, and the young man entered. ' Lord Barminster held out his hand without a word, and his son, as silently, grasped it; then, with a sigh, he seated himself at the table, prepared to learn to What ex- tent he had been robbed by the man he ,rusted so fully. Without comment,- Shelton passed him paper after paper, all drawn up in the clear -writing of Mr. Harker; Adrien, with deep humiliation, exam- ining them all. With another sigh he ee dropped the last one upon the table and looked up. "This tike some hideous dream," he said in a low, shocked voice; "Jasper Vermont, then, was not only a traitor to me but a forger g olid flied.. I scarcely bcIfeve it—though, of cotusel it is impossible to get away from these proofs, He must have even bribed that jockey to Iose the race, as the man hinted, That he could so have used my trust and confidence to. gain money, and by crime when he could have had it for the asking, seems past bei1ef," His kI tether looked pityingly at hint; ' he , knevr only too well what a blow tire'idas to th ever been known to use. "You o not ask whether anything can me re- gained?" "I am willing to pay the penalty of my folly," said Adrien, in a low tone; "and if only it can be arranged that you, too, do not suffer, I shall not m1nd," "Not even if it should leave you penniless?" asked his father. Adrian raised his head with a mournful etude. "But for one reason, I am indiffer- ent," he said. His father's face lit up: "Yes," he said, "I think I know that reason, Mr. Harker, 'will you .be so good as to place Mr. Leroy in posses- s Sion of the facts which you have ilready given me. I aalmost too m al - 11 fl tired to speak, alter the strain of these ,last few hours." • Adrien looked at him remorsefully; for the old man had indeed undergone e' much suffering during the last event- s'rful weeks, - Mr:, Harker laid a small book upon (the table, "This will do so better than I can, gentlemen," he said. "It is a list of the' various investments in which Mr. Jasper Vermont placed the wealth he had so fraudulently amassed. His ex- penses were small; and l the invest- ments which were niade with Mr, Leroy's money, and which he hoped, of course, to put to his own use, amount s to a large sum. When realised, they will cover the enormous embez- a elements, when the forged bills are j destroyed." Adrien took up the book and glanced through it. "Is this true?" he said ,with an earnestness that -all present under= stood. "Am I still a rich man?" "The statement is correct, sir," re- turned Mr. Harker respectfully. "You will find that you have in reality bene- fitted by his cunning and astuteness, even after the racing debts are fully y Adrion laid ad ontheboolc the table. "I am grateful," he said gravely. "But I would Ieave this room penni- less, and gladly, if by so doing I could bring one life back to us." Then, al- most overcome by his emotion, he abruptly left the room. War,Time Savings, The economical housewife givee tie the benefit• of genie of, hoe diseoveties, 'Tho other clay I made an ap pie, the dye, which looked a pert succees, but, alas, when I attempted slip it oft' the plate I found that under crust had not baked well. the top crust was beautifully brow simply turned it upside down, tura od off the undone crust and cove the apples with a nice meringue; 1' the members of my family were lighted, We do not use stove polish on stoves, as we find it economical save fall our old stockings, sew th together and use them moistened wi coal oil for cleaning the stoves. Cu must be taken, however, that the sto is not hot when cleaned. When i put my roast away to ser cold I wrap it while warm in chee cloth; both the flavor and the moistu are retained, and, speaking of ehees cloth, if you will wrap a double pier ;wet in vinegar; around that piece cheese, when you get ready to use again it will not be hard, mouldy dry. Should you wish to keep. cream fa future use add two or three lumps sugar, cover and set away in a co pantry, Ofnelet is cheaper and much tender .made with water than Before eating canned foods bright, clean, steel knife into as soon as opened, Leave for ute, and if ptomaine is 'present ` be seen on the knife. Throw th tents out and you will escape p ing, rile oat to risen bread -dough, one-half" cup the butter, one and one-half cepf As maple -sugar, two eggs, one-half t n I spoonful soda, one._fourth teaspoon tr-el l eves, one-half teaspoonful cinnam red otic -half 'teaspoonful mace, ono -h a d teaspoonful nutmeg, one cupful se de- ed raisins, one-fourth cupful slit citron. Take dough, when ready our eitapo into loaves, add other ingre to ants, and mix and beat with hen em Turn into tube calve=pan, and well tit light (it siuld not quite double. re bulk) bake in oven at a 1.',ttle to ve temperature than Tor bread. Wh cold pour nipple frosting over ea ve and decal -lee with pecan or hickory: se nut'meatt, re Maple Frosting.—One cupful maples e- sugar, one-half cuifdl boiling water, e, whites of two eggs, one-half teaspoon.. of ful vanilla. Cock sugar and water it without stirring, until syrup threads or when dropped from spoon, Pour syrup In a fine stream onto • whites' of eggs r beaten until foamy, beating constant- pf ly meanwhile. Set saucepan on range of for a moment and continue beating, un. til egg is cooked. Add vanilla, set re over cold water, and beat occasionally until cool, enough to spread, a Maple Cookies.—One cupful maple n sugar, three tablespoonfuls butter, on _ egg, one, cupful sour cream, one -had t1 teaspoonful salt, one-haif teaspoonfu •soda, flour, maple -sugar. Cream butte t- and. sugar, add well -beaten egg, cream Sift soda and salt with a -little flour dl then add to mixture enough mo flour to make of right consistency t s drop from spoon. Care should be n taken not to get the mixture � ur e too stiff. ifP. Grate maple -sugar on top of each I cooky and bake in moderate oven eight minutes. Cookies should be kept in an air-teght receptacle, How To,Use Skim Milk. Many people do not realise how nu- tritious skim, milk is. They imagine that because it so generally has little or no commercial value it is hardly fit for human food. As a food it is not so valuable as whole milk and cannot take the place of the latter in the' diet of children. Nevertheless, skim milk (can be used to great advantage in Icombination with other food materials, especially in cooking, and is altogether too valuable to be wasted,' The uses of skimmed milk are natty and in cooking it adds to quality as well as to food value. If used in place of water in bread it adds about. as much protein to one pound of bread as there is in an egg. Skim milk used in place of the usual half milk and half water, of course increase the quantity of protein in a loaf by the amount that is contained in half an egg. To cook ga cupful. o of cereal ' m three cupfuls of skim milk instead of three of water adds as much :protein as that contained in three eggs. There are many dishes which may be described as vegetable milk soups, usually made by combining milk and the juice and pulp of vegetables. This mixture e is then thickened with th fl and starch and enriched with butter �r other fat. If a fire is kept allthe itime and .the cost of fuel need not be taken into consideration, the fallowing method i. • a recommended omme add as a moans of utilizing skim milk: Chop the raw vegetable or cut it rots, small pieces. Put it with the .skim- milk into a dcuble boiler and cook until the vege- table is tender. The mixture can then be thickened and enriched as described above, By this method no part of the vegetable is thrown away and the liquid of the eoup, instead of beim• part milk and part water, is all milk. A soup so made, therefore, usually has about twice as much pro- tein as that made in the other way, and has the additional advantage of a particularly good combination of r,.ineral substances, for milk is rich in calcium and phosphorus and the vege- tables are rich in iron taking up korai/one oil eta d ether grease. spots, Maple -Sugar Ttepes. " Cdlonist Bread Calle.--Two eupf ails fail uls ee- ful on; elf ed - ed to di, de, en in, wo1`" en ke mo milk put the ca It 1011 it evil a con oiaol Do not melt your butter if too har to serve; just fill's. bowl• with boiling water, let this stand until the bowl i very hot, throw out the water and tui the hot bowl over your butter. This will not impair the taste or waste the butter, In making croquettes always use three tablespoons of boiling water to one egg in which to dip them, Beat the water and egg well together and you will find that it endears the pur- pose just as well as two `eggs. Cut your stale bread up in small pieces and crisp in a corn popper, and your crou- tons will be made, MelWhen I•use half a lemon I place the ,. half on a small saucer; cut. ide downward, and cover with a tum- bler. I also warm a lemon before queezing, and I find that I get more. eke. As potatoes grow old I add a easpoonful of lemon juice to the wa- ter in which they are boiled, and they do not grow dark while cooking. It is not necessary to use a lot of tea in order to have it strong; just add a tea'sponful of sugar; this opens the leaves and makes :t stronger. When a fowl seems tough I acid a pinch of pbda or a little vinegar to the water in which it is cooked, or I cover it tightly I and g d bake' Y it a whole ino • ' tnnr g in a moderately hot oven, after adding lard, boiling water, salt and pepper and sprinkling with flour. Food Values. CURIOUS FACTS REGARDING BIRDS. BYU)EN1.' ABILITY TO Elf ST' WITHOUT WATER, Island Entirely Without Water Which Ilarbor'e'Some'Forme of Animal' Life. Recent investigations on the known and rarely visited Bend 90 Elizabeth Island beveled to discovery of a complete and cu little Colon Y of zoological total. stainer£], The island, which is liabite<d, is situated about 120 northeast of Pitcairn Island — sufficiently out of the way, but fe as the home of the descendants q mutineers of the Bounty, /There is no water on it, not. a swamp, and it is only, nix miles Yet it harbors quite- a menaget'i kind of rat, a lizard, described as abundant, and no fewer than kinds of birds, a11�• peculiar to island. These are a fruit pigeon lorikeet or honey -eating parrekee little rail or crake and a reed war The. strange thing about the inn of this curious little natural aviar coral rock, surrounded by waves stead of .wires, is that two of its mates are birds, one especially a elated with water—the rail and warbler. • Live Without Water. Yet it evident that these, like rest, must do without drinking un the dew can slake their thiest, or have acquired toleration for sea w e ter ae a beverage. A similar cane f that of the peculiar and very han 1 some wild goose of the Sandwi ✓ Islands, which frequents the barn , lava flows, where there is no perm ent water supply, but it feeds o re juicy food,, such as sow thistle, . an O berries. Here'we get ' an even mo aquatic type of bird marooned on d land, but the Sandwich Island goo takes to water readily enough whe kept in Europe, "As to the existence of animals without drinking, it is well known that many have the power of sustaining themselves in this way, and the phe- nomenon occurs irrespective of their diet being vegetable or animal, at any rate in some cases," says The London Standard in commenting upon Hen- derson Island life. "Rabbits, as is well know -n, can live without water if giv- en plenty of salad, and so can per rots if supplied with »op; yet both will• drink on occasions. So wil hawks and owls, but these birds can subsist for long periods without drink ing in captivity; in fact under the old management at the Zoo the owls neve had any water given them. Neither did the curious hornbills, which are by nature chiefly fruit eaters, receive any. They have the opportunity of drinking now, but do it so awkwardly trying to peck up the water with their great bills that the habit hardly seems natural, Adapted to Surroundings. "It has been recorded ed that. a great bustard lived for months in captivity without drinking', although the species does drink occasionally, and it may be suggested that the bustards are'' a family of birds accustomed to frequent dry places, and hence have acquired the power of abstinence, "But setting aside the fact that the great bustard is often :found near wa- ter, this explanation would not serve in the'case of parrots and hornbills, which are, as a rule,f • otest birds. Moreover, the family of birds Y mpst,es- pecially. associated with desert condi- tions—tire sanegrouse: do not .show any tendency to dispense with drink- ing. Indeed, they are very dependent on water, flying to their drinking places twice daily, and watering their chicks by soaking their own plumadse in the fluid, which is afterwards suck- ed off by the young. Endurance of Animals, "The caintl itself, proverbial for iia adaptation to the desert and endue- ante of thirst, is equally in need of drinking, although on account of wa- ter storage arrangements in its stern - etch 'it.can do without a fresh supply for days. Yet its endwnince of thirst can be maintained only about twice little einem the) 0•ioua ab- unin. reliefs —"itself mous f the even long, e -a very four the , a t, a bier, ates y of in- $B0- the n- sso-the the less they HAS 13 Q l lA&.. ,{ it not only softener the water but darublen I::Ixn cieanne ing pOwer of snap, anti niefsec overything sanitary tend wholesome reseu$p_ eunattrurne, WAR DOGS DOING THEIR BIT. Ttemarkable Treats that Trained Doge Are Doing on 1� attlefront. 'rite Germans entertld the war with hundreds of dogs tritttdffftned to pule= various services. They had the dogs that did what the St.. Bernards used to do, namely, hunt out perishing• mon, and bring their friends to them. They had also scouting doge, and dogs that would growl or bristle at the approach of a stranger. They had dogs that would recognize an' enemy, by what moans- we do not know, but maybe by his uriifotn, and seize him if the• opportunity arose. In the natter of teething their dogs for war the Germans; as usual, led. France„ however, copied very quickPy. The Belgians, always animal=lovers, had made use for years of the dogs that dragged their rapid-fire guns in time of war as'they dragged their milk wagons in time of peace. It we''s not long before both Belgians and French had established a dog service in the army quite equal to that of the 14,- Gormans. Sonia of the things the clogs ha rs been .taught to do remain almost.m d- aculous even to those who are not oh together ignorant of tem brain -pow ant that may be developed in a dog, t n' re di se nl ORKNEY ISLES HELD IN PAWN) ORKNEY AND SHHTLAND; BELONG TO BRITAIN. HOW Giving an Interesting Bit of Histoi'yt Which Is Not Generally Known, It is not generally known that the! Orkney Islands, though supposed to be Pant and parcel of the British Empire,. are in reality held by. us exactly , ae the pawnbroker holds the watch of the impecunious individual who .has tem'. porarily: parted with that useful are, title. These islands nee only held by us in pawn, arid. Norway, as it were, holds the ticket. : Long ago Orkney, together with th<� Hebrides of the west coast of Scot d land, belonged to Norway. After the battle of Large, Norway ceded the ve latter to Scotland for a cash payment fr- of 4,000 marks and am annual tribute 100 mar al ks, This tribute, known ee ! in history as the Annual of Norway, Pot• has to bo paid regularly under a pen- alty, On the morrow, despite all efforts to hush the •matter up, the news went flying throe Y g au •lr the land, Adrien Le - ,1 oy, the well -beloved of Vanity Fair, tad been betrayed by his friend and :oufidant, Great was the sensation when all the fads came out into the full light, t' g and it tva known own t ha t Ad- rian had been save e d lin the traitor's own daughter, who had given, her life that his might be spared. Mr. Harker •was well rewarded for the part he had taken iu exposing Jasper Vermont,' and preserving the Leroys from the pitfalls and ruin he had dug for them. All the forgdd bills were -promptly burnt, and there remained only those real amounts that Adrien had signed, and which, all put together, only amounted to but a min- ute fraction of the supposed sums ow- ine• by theyoun man. Jessica was buried in Windleham churchyard; the funeral was attended "I believed 111, him to the last," con - ti Untied d Ailrf en 1n • Lh e same low toi „ les. I Believed. ' firm true to spite your warnings."' of all He turned to his friend, "Shelton," he said, "I cannot thanlc you as I should like,.nor 'indeed, you either, Mie. Harker. I am deeply grateful to you all for what you have done for me, • Truly a man should take heed of his self-coneeit, lest he fav; as,T have done." He dropped his he'd on hie hands, and -his father turned to hint affection- ately. "Yon do not ask if the evil this man has worked can be remedied, Adrien," he said, in a softer tone than he had • '('his most valuable of term books costs you not one cent. It - will, it properly used, mean hundreds of dollars in actual profits to you. It covers all the uses of Concrete on the farm .Lrom fence -post ,to silo, ii"rfle fur 11 Io -day Canada Cer ent Company Limited .8'Q"` td Building Montreal GI'VODiN1,'"v» PASTRIES ./ IOU1t neighbour; famous for her ;aloin-� maybe Site peen Five l.otad , In the.present state ore the food market it is a wise economy to serve two or three vegetables at dinner and less meat, Those which have the highest food value are the legumes, peas, beans and teethe, which contain starch, protein and mineral matter: The green ve etable' g s have a largo proportion of water, and are principal- ly useful on account of the mineral salts which they contain. Potatoes and other. root vegetables are about one-half water, and the dry matter consists of starch, sugar, protein, min- eral matter and fat, A Cure,foc Floor Stains, Should you accidentally spill shoe - blacking on n wooden floor, put a handful of corn -meal ori the spot -im- mediately and rub in briskly, Sweep off; not even a sign of the stain will be seen. This, twill also answer for fruit juices or almost any liquid that leaves a stain. It will also greatly aid in by all the Leroys as well as by many of the countryfolfc, for her sad little story had become known, Ada Lester was also present; she paid her last visit to the neighborhood of Barmin- stee on that day, and,' with a tact most - unusual to her, refrained from attract- ing any attention so far as the Leroys wore concerned, Well planed now in money matters and proprietress of the "Casket' Theatre, she settled down to learn th art of acting• as well as dancing. and eventually married her business man - a ar. She also undertook to look after her sister, who, however, died shortly a``ftorwaeds, without ever re- gaining her memory, or learning of the fate which had befallen the man whom she had once Ioved, or the daughter of whoa existence she had forgotten since the day of her birth, (To be continued), Work, Let mo but do 111y work from day to day, In field or fared, at the desk or loom, In the roaring market; -place ot.• tranquil room; Let Inc but find it in rev heart to say, When vagrant wishes beckon me astray, "rife is my work; my blessing, , y b ossni not.! my doom; . g, r Of all rvho'live, I am the one by i whom ',Chis work can. best be done in the right way," Then shall I see it not too great, nor small,. To suit trey spirit mid to prove my powei'si Then Shari 1 cheerful greet the lebcring hours, And cheerful turn, when the long shadows J'e'll Al. eventide, to plrry and love end rest, t Because 1 know for fie. my ivtn' • is 1 ,hest. r Food• Value of Beans. I0 is estimated that an average acre of beans produce as much real food material as is usually obtained from five to fifteen acres of pasture land in the production of either meat o1 mills. According' to recent deter- minations and prevailing• ,,,•fees much valuable food material fol h as ',much consumption could, be obtained e /from the pui'ehasc of '•beans with Itwenty cents as from line ptn chase' of cheese with forty -Hired cents,•oe beef steak with seventyenine-den le, and of !eggs with one dollar and' sixty_Sne !cents, Field beans,approach animal (foods in nutritive veled, They sof thin a high perceetage'of protein, and in this roped seemed the cereals Commonly use<l as food seen ae wheat and oats. There is a higher percent- age of protein in beans than in the best cuts of meat, but it is not quite so completely digested.—Prof, Zavitz. The Food Question a Vital One, Everywhere, the world's reserve supply of fodstufls is being rapidly 'reduced. Recent advices indicate that the wheat pt'oductiol of Argentina, New Zealand end Auseralie is esti- mated at only 70 per cent, of last year's production. The factors tend- Mg towards reduced production, Such as labor shortage and iuereaeod ecs0 of seed, will adversely effect evei.•y department of the farm', This means that supply will not overtako.�demand fon' aerne time to come, It will be both patriotic And profit- Able for fanners to put' forth the 'tit- mest effort to Menage the :feed sup- ply Unlimited food is a vital ueees- sity to the `euecossful prooention of he war, mid its rreeluctfon is trite rational cervica, fi'respectfve oi''•'the award that. may be looked, ler' In attars and cents. 91 --Ilcnry Van Dyke. d A , instance, a dog at a listening post, whose business it is to give warning of the approach of an enemy, has been taught g do so not by.barking or even by growling, but merely by pricki his ears or scratching on the ground He has been taught to cross groan that is being swept by shell and b let carrying despatches, to continu even after he has been wounded. II has been taught, in some cases, to di tinguis}t between an offensive and defensive, to know when to hurt him self upon an enemy patrol, and whe to lie close to the ground to let th Roche pass, In one authenticated instance ' a nglish Airedale, et his' master's bid dung, seized a bomb that had fall i en iia trench and rushed with it into th open. The dog was blown to pieces but the lives of a clown men were sav ed. They are taught to work some r,' times for two days and two nights without rest. They are taught to ig- nore the trench rats a articular) p Y (hard job to teach a'terrier, and to make no sign whatever unless a Ger- man approaches. • They can see and hear further than a man, and at night they have frus- trated' scores of sarprise , attacks, Their services in the past couple ,of years of t •enc t h war are f have' � u Tee invaluable, and we ar8 glad to' learn that on more than one occasion par- ticular clogs have been mentioned in • official French despatches, and have even been decorated. THE MINISTRY OF DOLLS. Meet Life -like Dolls Leave Too Little to she Imagination. Payment Refused. In 13- 97 Norway, w Sweden andDen- L1 n y mark were united under one crown, ng and when Christian became king of • the united realms Scotland had neg- cl lected the annual payment for forty bit years, incurring a penalty of over 40,- e 000 narks, King Christian promptly e sent ill his account foe the :whole sumo s - a• with a request for immediate pay-( Scotland declined to pay, and as 1i' King Christian insiated, a rupture ba. o tween the two countries seemed inev-' itable, The King of France,'however, n who happened to have alliances with - both countries, used his influence and n suggested a marriage between Prince e James of Scotland, afterwards King , James the Third, and Margaret,'King - Christian's daughter, trusting that - such a union would lead to a friendly settlement. Marriage Arranged. After much haggling the marriage, treaty was arranged and the princess' dowry fixed at 50,000 florins; 10,000 to be' paid within the year and the Iso lands of Orkney to be pledged for the other 40,000. Only 2000 florins was paid, the Shete land Islands being pledged for the re- • mainin 5000— and there the pay 1 Y ments stopped. Though unable t pay, King Christian would on no ac- count accede to the permanent cession of the islands, and it is quite certain that he intended to redeem them, a he was quite entitled to do,, for 80 tat as 1668 the plenipotentiaries of Eu rope declared that' the islands er still el w redeemable. However, neither; he nor any of Ids successors have been able to do so, and that is how Orkney' anti Shetlandbelong tail to Britain. i. But supposing that the present ru! ler of Norway produced the ticket along with the money due and de -1 mended back these islands, it would be interesting to know what would happen. Toa Much Water. George was hampered by a mother, whose Idea of godliness was cleanv,, nese. Notwithstanding the frej quent baths to which he was condemns ed George thrived exceedingly. One day a. neighbor remarked on his rapid growth. "Yes," said George; "that's ma's fault. She waters me so muchl" as long as that of the horse lcept en- der similar conditions, and as an ab- stainer it cannot compare with the giraffe, the eland and some of the other antelopes, which can exist, with- out ddnlnn ' for months at a time, and probeb y indefinitely. "Ability' -le exist -without drink- ing is 'eviden`t'ly a physiold is g ai peva-� liarity of certain species of famines of animals, and it obvious from what has been said above that this power is capriciously distributed and has no; necessary cotlnection with the (Tea - tune's envh•onment, though ender tile' pressure of circumstances it nay bc- coin a invaluable." - - •70 - In the cloll'e house, too the cost of living. steadily ra srs. Many a doll— like many a real, live musiciaree-was made in Germany, and the •war has jchecked the emigration. But there will be dolls • as long as there. are hungry little hearts to mother them. The poor child will fashion 'a baby of rags, or a cornstalk, or a broonIII stick end, if no better is forthcoming. It may not be a glorious r`eation, with a <btwn-flush on its waxen cheeks, the teeth of pearl, the ring- lets a butter -yellow, eyes that open and close and a chest that under pres- sure emits its squeaky salutation. These dolts that have all but the soul of a human child are not the best, for they leave toe little to the imagina- tion; that wondrous -power of "make- believe" whereby childhood builds its own new heavens and earth and peo- ples a solitude with Ind :fns or fairies. The love of a child for • a doll does not depend •o11 clover mechanisms and a face that is t1 work of art, - The ad- ' joining high chair at the table or space side by side oe the pillow may have to be given. to tt smudged and battered specimen that is just :t hunch of ravelings--n small edition of. 1.11e vampire who leas but "a ,rag', a bone and a hank of hair,,, Poor, indeed, is the child life that has no -doll .and no dog. Either ie a competency, and 10 have both ie. ii foettme, If. one could watch the whole lay of a little girl with her doll oil would find therein the complete epic ane of human life. "As if her whole vocation were endless imitation,•' she doss witltbee stolid papoose what she tae seen her mother do. Itis as -real o her es flesh and blood. It must be ed and soothed. and aired and pun- shedlike a regular baby, That in - tinct of motherhood tenderly homi- est in• the little girl is not to be de- fied or discouraged out of her life vithout irreparable loss, c • ft Cavalry Surprised C,ernurna. The arse of ci(Valr•y by the 't;'i•itish1 and i'rencit seems to have taken the t Germans by surprise, upsetting some f el' their calculations.' in oua village • i supper, which had been laid out, was . s abandoned, together with much mum -r f nition, and in other places newly i ei opened innate of high explosives were, i found, with which the Gcrmatle • had planeed to destroy the villages. bee lore leaving That the wholesale de- sttuction WAS systotnotized iu teleen- nee characteristic of Gormaef theirs , th an inns, ' gt e lues shown by captured or- N dens on the subject, 'Pilose directed eV the blowing up of rill • houses, wells o and cellars, except these occupied by h the reametnn'd outposts, tate reamw gllrtrd being held responsible ,for malt II r Mg their shelters uninhebital•lo be-; lb •Por of felling Intek. ramble: implonoiite l th won' all burned or destroyed 1�rltenel go ever rebuilding was awed it was 110et tis rendered finny. The orders also iii -1 sw reeted the aasenbdittg of filth in theednelghbotrltood aall wells for the ptn'-� peso of eofttamlrrating the water, The destruction of fruit trees how mucor-{ entry covers the entire belt p1 eva+u- of Med tcrrii:nry, omen nth ‘e -cliis'5 r Ie '1110 walla having been r tr leeed s Blvd el Sweetest Song. It is said the larks of Scotland are e sweetest singing birds of earth. o piece of mechanism that man hper made has the soft, sweet, glori- es music i11 it that the lark's throat ns. When the farmers of Scotland alk out 'early in the morning they Ili the larks :from the grass, and at ey rise they sing, and AS they sing ey circle and higher and higher they circling es they sing; until at, last o notes of their• voices die nut in the eetost strains that earth ewer listen- to. Wel tomb in Woetmiester Abbey n v entered by twenty Canaeli,,n 111050 of it be tee lien • from CaleI Mg the Islet placed tltcrct.. twee value a ye:nig holm A is judged mast eften by of the roof. Get permanence end security into your toof end Yo0 to your !moo. PEDLAR :4 you both. at small coat. Made of specially tented gelvanired /raw— Ch11110t 101101 rot or break away, tight nn all lour .11 Yon traittehle to you end others for Soffs, if'11 eine you Palletized Vitito tor 'the Right TIZEPEDLAIL (Sofnlifielt,t/I 1840 glecutivo Delco Se ilactorlos: Dotticluaf likonttnel Made Ottawa fif Two Toronto etyloo