HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-04-05, Page 8q rk , l.:;lj(R'u
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1917 Ford. Touring Car_.
F. 0. B. FORD, ONT.
You pay less for this car but it gives you more enjoyment,
more mileitge, and Iongor service than those which
cost more. •
The Touring Oar gives the utmost in- automobile value,
pride of ownership, and eoonamy.
Buy a Ford this year and save money --when saving is a
national duty
ert Langford
An Ounce of Prevention is Better
Than a Pound of Cure.
Protect yourself from the spri,lg rains and avoid
the risk. of a bad cold or• a dose of pneumonia by in-
vesting a few.dtillars in one of our new Raincoats..
We are •shovk hog an exceedingly large •
range at from $3.50 to $15.00
Special for. Horse Show Day -lien's
and Women's Raincoats at
Also some very"special values in Ladies' Spring Coats,
Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes.
Don't fail to see our special made -to -measure, pure
Indigo blue serge suit at $25.00
Smalllum.steel Bros.:u::ess
°o �v ew.
Clinton News -Records
Fragments from France
The war reduced to grim and grue-
some absurdity' the fun of the war by
one who has been through it, and.
chows what he bee seen, and heard,
and felt -and laughed :tot.
25,000 copies sold in a few months,
Some of the )words said about it
•are, "Bindle will twist a senile
Grout the wryest mouth," "it
Tnalces ns gurgle quietly and con-
tinuously." A delicions'piece of
Both above are good to send to the
boys at the 'front or in the hospital.
They will help the efforts of the med-
ical men,
Tile W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest
Always the. Best
Be Good to Your Feet
Foot Comfort Means. Mind Comfort
Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes
Means Foot Comfort
There are many makes of shoes that are
Stylish and Durable, though few indeed
are also Comfortable. -
Dr. A. Reed Cushion., Shoes are made for comfort,
in all styles and leathers, and have many individual•
features that are exclusively their own. making them
vastly different from any other make of shoes.
Without a doubt they are
to he had only at
( maim m i mi nuau
-...: s si li it.
Mr, A. T, Cooper has been in Tor-
onto this week,
Mr. G, L. Saville has Leen visiting
Londesboro friends during the past
Miss 'L,ctta Bowden retained Satur-
day from a visit in Leaden and
-Watford. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robb are spend-
ing the Eastertide with their son
at Clifford.
Miss Emma Levis returned home this
week, having spent the past month
in Toronto. •
Hiss lie:tn. lli:;bs left Tuesday -to
spend the Eastertide with friends
in Toronto. -
Miss Lois Holmes left Saturday for
Toronto to tape a position in a
munition factory, -
Mr, and Mrs. 1). G. McLaughlin left
Tuesday for their home in Aber-
deen,North Dakota.
Mrs. McTaggart of 131;rth has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. Thompson
of Albert street, this week,
Mrs. J. B. Lindsay is spending the
Easter vacation with her daughter,
Mrs, W. S. Elliott of Toronto.
Miss Irate Parke of Bayfield left
from, Clinton station on Tuesday
morning for a visit in Buffalo.
itir. John Eellyar of Bowmanville
cane up Tuesday, remaining for
the funeral of his niece yesterday.'
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid C. Farquhar at-
tended the Johnston -Farquhar wed-
ding in Goderich on Saturday last,
Mrs. George Turner of Tuckersmith
has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Tipladyl of town, during the past
Mrs. Cartwright and little Miss Jan-
et Jaques of Wingham visited last
week with the, former's sister, Mrs.
J. 0, West.
Mrs. Wm. Flukcr is this week visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Cam-
eron of Lucknow, and with friends
in Kincardine.
Miss Minnie Gilchrist is in Ayr this
week, having been called thither by
the illness and subsequent death of
her sister, Mrs. Neal.
Mrs, George Farquhar was in Gocl-
erich last week attending the mar-
riage or her On, Mr. Chester Far-
quhar, to Miss Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and
Mrs. J. Johnston and Miss Isabel
attended the Gibson -Johnston wed-
ding in East Wawanosh- recently.
Mr. and Mrs. John Woon of the
Bayfield Road attended the mar-
riage of the lady's brother, Mr. C.
C. Farquhar, in Goderich last week.
Mrs. Challenger of Goderich was the
week -end guest of Mrs. `Dean of
town. Mrs. Challenger's old friends
were glad to welcome' her to their
midst again,
Lieut, H. Ray Cantelon left on Mon-
day for Lake Edward, l'.Q„ where
he will undergo medical treatment.
He had spent a week or so at his
home in town:
Dr. and Mrs. W. J. R. Fowler and
Mr. Percy Izzard returned to Tor-
onto on Monday, leaving come up
to attend the funeral of the lite
Joseph Izzard,
Miss Emma. Stephenson returned last
week from Port Arthur; owing to
the illness of_ her mother, and will
probably remain at home until af-
ter the' summer. vacation.
511'. M. C. Graham, Mrs, Graham and
little daughter, arrived last week
from Rosthcrn, Sask., and are the
gttests of the former''s parents, bit.
and Mrs. Reuben Graham. They
will probably remain some months.
'Miss- Grace Walker, who has been
teaching in Tuckersmith for the
past three years, has accepted the
Entrance class work in the Brus-
sels Public sehool and will coin
mouse iter, now- duties after the Eas-
ter vacation.
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a charm to;the room.
1t has other ad vantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove. We have nit
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, AxMID cters Wil -
tons, etc., that w eb Lav e
priced at attractive prices.
We would he tnostpleased
to show them to you.;
Undertaker and Funeral Director.'
28 Phone 28
Are a Special Feature of Our
FIbRIESTLYS' Dress Goods are famous for their
A wide range of fashionable shades, their fast colours
and splendid wearing qualities, Made of the finest
grades of silk and Wool.
We are showing a ,most attractive,asaortlnent of
the new Spring, Priestley fabrics. Yon must see them
. to realize how delightfully they combine beauty with
long -wearing utility.
ill In this, year of world-wide scarcity
of woolens and dress goods, we are
showing a remarkably fine display
of the world-wide
' DII,,S- 4OD3
4(( Whether your fancy runs to Blacks or Blues or
Colors, Wool or, Silk and Wool Material in heavy
or light weight, you can satisfy your taste.
And remember when you buy PRunsmevs' Dress
Goods you are obtaining goods that have won the
approval of the women of all nations.
4( Among the newest cloths are Salisbury Serge,
Mohair Serge, wool San Toy, etc.
Looks for the nem. on the selvedge.
See Our New
Spring Coats and Coatings
Our Stock of
Guaranteed Indigo Serge
is one of the Largest in Canada.
Women's Store
Dry Goods, TloueeFurnishings
phone 67
Next to Royal. Bank
Mrs. W. W. Collyer and two ttiiugh-.
tern leave today to join lllr. 'Chole
yor int Hamilton where they will
make their home. For the summer
they intend residing at B•rrlington.
Mrs. Collyer remained behind . her
husband in order to' care for her
mother., the late Mrs. Gardner,
Pte, H. 5. Chapman of the 216th
overseas battalion, "The Bantams"
was a visitor in. town over the
week -cud, This WAS Mr, Chapman.'s
last leave as the battalion. IS
warned for overseas and may go
almost lmmed;tttily, Ile is loo'.tireg
Well, as if soldiering agreed with
lien's Store
Custom Tailoring and
pb one 103. Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Londesboro. i Goderich Township Holmesville
Mrs. John Brigham of Blyth is A sitecial Easter serbicc will be
visiting at the home of NIr. Thomas held in St. James' church, Middle -
Miller. - I ton, on Sunday evening at seven o' -
The Londesboro sawmill started I clock. The preacher will be Rev. E.
the season's out on Wednesday of this 1 L. Williams of Lakewood, Ohio, On
week. ) the evening of Good Friday Rev. Mr.
The Presbyterians are having a naw Moulton will give his illustrated lee -
organ installed in the church, ture, "From the Garden to the
Next .Sunday morning the services School report of S. S. No. 10 for
in the Methodist church will he ifi S the month of March, names in order
charge of the Sunday school. of merit. Fourth and third classes
were examined in geography and com-
position, the others on general pro-
ficiency :-Sr. 4th -Edward .Hutchings
62 percent. Jr. 4th -Viola Hutch-
ings 63, Sr. Ord Stewart Middleton
58. Mid. and -Shirley Beacom, Jr.
2nd -Charles Groves, Randle Cole,
George Groves, Willie I3otohings,
Lewis Ellwood. • 1st class -Marion
Middleton, Joan Groves. Primer -
Reta Beacom, Edith Middleton, Mur-
iel Rathwell, Dorothy. Rathwell.
Number on roll 24. Average atten-
dance 12. -Mary R. Culvert, Teacher.
The Young Ladies' Patriotic Socie-
ty will meet next Wednesday after-
noon at the home of Mrs. (1, 13,
Mr. and Mrs, lien Lytan have re-
turned to their home in the west af-
ter visiting friends around here for
tho past two or three months,
Miss Bertha Brogden of London is
home this week, attending the funer-
al of iter brother, the late )1. B.
Brogden. •
The funeral took place on Wednes-
day afternoon to Londesboro ceme-
tery of Alvin Benson Brogden, who
died in 'Toronto on. Friday last.
The deceased was a son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Brogden, and was a na-
tive of Londeo`boro, being b,orn; here
Aug. 10th. 18.78. He graduated from
Clinton Collegiate and went to. Tor-
onto in 1835. There he spent some
years in a drug store and at the
College of Piiarmacy, graduating and
obtaining his degree of Phm.13., in
1901. In 1002 he went to California
and was for thirteen years employed
with the Owl Drug Co. at Oakland
and San Francisco. 1-Wwas assistant
manager of one of their large stores
at Oakland at the time of the earth-
quake. Owing to ill -health Mr. Brog-
den came home in January of 1918
and remained until September when
hewent to 'Toronto and took a pos-
ition with the Liggett Drug Co. and
later with a 'firm on Lansdowne av-
enue. On Monday last he - contract-
ed blood poisoning and on Wednesday
was removedto the hospital, where
everything possible was done for him
bat owing to• his system being in a
weakened state he was ' unable to
throw pa the poison and on Fri lay
at two p.m, he passed 'away. Owing
to the fact that his condition was
not consideredt so serious his- parents
were not notified until Friday morn-
ing, when his ' father immediately
started for Toronto, but '.the end
carne before he reached his son's bed-
side. Besides his parents he is surviv-
ed by a brother, Will, Winnipeg, and
three sisters: Mrs. D. Moody, Blyth
Mrs. W. H. Liyon, Londesboro,' and
Miss B5artha,Loudbn, t Ail 'were, present
at the funeral on Wednesday. The
services at the house and graveside
were conducted by Rev, 0. 0, Keine
and Rev, .I. .Abery. Tire pallbearers
were t T. Miller, F. Johnston, W. '1'.
tirrtnsdon, F. Adams, 0. Manning
and 0. Watson.
Mr, and Mrs, Ilrogdonand
family wish to thank t b er f r
friends and neighbors
for the kindness, and sympathy show!)
thein in the tad hour, of their • be-
Mr. Geo, Coats of New Vork
City is visiting his sister, Mrs, Wm.
Clarke, and his father, Mr. Robert
Coats, who at time of- writing is in
a very low state.
Miss Stella Clarke is vi€iti •g at
the home of Mrs. Robert Duyl7uont of
Kippen for a fete days.
Messrs,• Ball & Co. have purchased
a car and trailer feu use hs their
business and will no doubt ma' s it
boom during the coming season,
The Women's • Missionary Society
Mond having v0, rubber social during
Easter week, Old rubbers or rubber
Will be the admission let. In case
none is avalarle a sinner admission
fee will be charged. Miss Nellie Medd
of Wiuoheslea will he one of the
The following is the report of S.S.
No, 12, Goderich and 'Mullet{ for the
Easter exams, showing the classes in
which the pupils will appear after
the holidays :
Sr. 4.0 -Gordon Bali 70,1, Bessie
Lindsay 74.8, Hilda Forbes 74.7,
Mary Wright 70.7, Jean Farquhar
67.2, Nellie Beacom 60,2.
Jr. 3rd -Eddie Johnston 60.0,
Mabel Wright 57.0; Norman Wright
61.7, Robert Johnston 08.9, Walter
Forbes 60.
Pt, 2nd -'Ray Mason, Russell Jer-
vis, Eiva Smith.
lst -viola Johnston, Clarence Ball,
Violet Watkin,
Hest spellers for the month aro i
4th-4lltary Wright. '
Ord --Mabel Wright,
P1. and -Ray Mason.
1st -Viola Jchnatolt,
13, Holland, Teacher.
The school house at tiolmesville was
taxedto.its ututrst capacity on Wed-
nesday,on the occasion of a concert
given by the teacher and scholars of
S, S. No. 3,CioderichTownship in the
interests of the W. P. Society. Inter-
esting addresses were also given by
Rev. 4V. B. Moulton, N. W. Tr e%earthn
Rev. A. Sinclair end A. J. Courtice,
but special credirrmust be given the
�a 'tsainin
teacher, Mrs. Garrison, fur the g
of the scholars and the success of the
entertainment. The proceeds and do-
nations amounted toabont$100,
Miss D. A, Holmes spent tho week-
end with Goderich friends._
Mr. Frank Macdonald and family
moved into the village recently.
Tho many' friends of Miss Lizzie
Ford will be glad to hear that she
is recovering nicely from her recent
Mr,' Fred Mulholland arrived from
Chicago on Monday and has been -vis-
iting his parents in the village.
Mrs. Eldrid Yeo and Baby Frank
visited in Goderich last week,
The meeting of the Gleaners' at
the home of Mrs. W. Pickard on. Fri-
day evening was very well attended.
The folloiving item copied from a
recent issue of the Detroit Times has
reference to an old Holmesville boy,
son of Mrs. Iloidsworth, Old fri-
ends will be glad 'to know that he is
making good in the big outside
"J. 7l• Holdsworth, Dean of the
University of Pittsburgh, a national-
ly known educator, author and lect-
urer, will address the Detroit Asso-
ciation of Credit Men on 'Business
After the War' at the monthly din-
ner on -March 27th. Bean Holdswor-
tit is a lecturer of national reputa-
tion and is the author of several
books on economic subjects.. He is a
very cultured gentleman and an elo-
quent orator and the subject will be
of special interest to business men at
this time." •
The unveiling of the' new chancel
window of St. John's church will
take place on Sunday afternoon, Eas-
ter Dap, at three o'clock. Rev. A.
L, G. Clarke, rector of St. George's
church, Goderich, will be the special
preacher, while Rev. Rural Dean Rob-
inson of Clinton will perform the
dedication. Itev. 11. L. Williams of
Lakewood, Ohio, and the incumbent,
1Eov. W. R. Moulton, will also be
present and assist, Tire Laster 'ves-
try meeting will be held on Tuesday
A few in this vicinity are making
Maple syrup and report a tine run,
Ploughing has commenced and the
farmers are malting an early effort
towards greater production,
Rev, A, Siuclair's address in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening
was on "the subject ; "Why Britain
Continues the War to a t•inisll." It
was enlightening and instruetive and,
in the light of, current events, very
(Dufferin Post, Orangeville)
"The Assistant Postmaster has re--
signed and enlisted for overseas ser-
vice, following the lead of Postmaster -
General Blondiu. Miss Carrie Steep
is a new member of the still,
DR. GANDJER wishes to announce
that be is moving his office frorn the -
old location on Ontario Street to the
property on Victoria Stt eet, two doore
south of the liattenhnry House, form-
erly known as the "Whitehead place,''
He will be in his new office nn Wednes-
day. March 23t.h,
1,SOto3.80 p,m.
7.30 to 9.00 p.m.
Sundays 12.30 to 1,30 p.m,
Oilier hours by appointment. only
A Ten 1)eatTea will he served by the
Y. L. P. A. at the home of
Mrs. W T. O'Neil on
aid/ a Cl an e s d a g after-
ftor-•noon, April 1lth,
from 3 o'clock to 7.
Easter as'' lards
Lilies, s'i oses,
Spireas, Etc.
A fine assortment of Easter
Cut Flowers.
Roses, Carnations, Tulips,
Daffodils and Violets
Let us supply your
Easter Floral needs,
Sanitary I'tuiubers, Phone 7a