HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-04-05, Page 7iq
You Can Do Your Bit
in the trenches, in the home,
in the office,in the factory,
.Q Yr
in the store, when the body
is nourished with foods
that build healthy muscle
without' overtaxing the di-
gestive organs. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit contains the
greatest amount of body-
building nutriment at lowest
cost. It strengthens the
muscles of the stomach and
intestines by making them
do their normal work in a
natural way. A better -
balanced rationthan meat
or eggs, more easily digested
and costs4iuch less. Ready
cooked and ready - to - eat.
For breakfast with milk or
cream, or for any meal with
fruits. Made in Canada.
for Spring
1 1
f J
There will be two fashionable si
houettes this spring. The slim si
houette, with its straight, clinging
• lines will continue to be first in. favor,
as it has been all through the winter,
but the new barrel skirt will give wo-
men a chance to indulge in the bouf-
fant effect, 'which will, doubtless, be
welcomed by those who have complain-
ed of being tired of the eternal
straight line.
True to its name, the new silhou-
ette -is in the outline of a barrel, bulg-
ing at the hips and dravvn in at the
waist and ankles. There are many
ways of accomplishing this puffiness
over the hips. One is by the clever
draping of the material at the waist-
line somewhat after the fashion of the
"peg -top" skirts that were used some
years ago. This type of the barrel
skirt is shown in the sketch, which 11-
(Dress of Pongee Showing the New
lustrates a dress of figured pongee
;with sleeves and belt of plain pongee
in natural color. The skirt narrows
down to two yards at the hem; for the
narrow skirt, especially in this form,
is to come in with the spring, fashion
authorities says. This silhouette has
also been named the "bowling -pin;"
;and looking at the whole silhouette
from shoulder to ankles, and not mere-
ly from the waist downward, the name
is indeed most appropriate.
Perhaps the most generally favored
of all fabrics this spring will be satin.
It is to be used for one-piece dresses,
for suits, and for separate coats. This
material will also be in demand for
evening gowns and afternoon dresses,
and for these its popularity will be
shared by chaimeusewhich is very
closely related to satin. The suits
and dresses of satin will be decorated
with braiding and embroidery, and
Those Nerves!
If it's caffeine—the drug
in tea and coffee—that's
oausing shaky nerves, the
remedy is perfectly plain-=
Quit both tea and coffee,
and for a pleasant, health-
ful table beverage, use—
Postum is a delicious
cereal drink, pure and
nourishing and absolutely
free from any harmful in-
There's a big army of
Postuln users who are en-
joying better health and.
eyinfori: Since joining the
"There's a Reason "
Canadian Posture Corea! Co„ Ltd.,
Windsor, Ont,
MUD No, 14—'17
Muth of, the embroidery will carry out
the Oriental colorings which are dis-
tinctly in vogue tills setlson.
;`;lose Patterns may be o'htahied
fora your beef McCall dealer or from
'The McCall Co:, 70 Bons; Street, Ter -
Methods of Disposing of the White
White ants are pests the attacks of
wllicli trust be guarded against, since
they may seriously damage wooden
structures, stores of food and cloth-
ing, field crops and plants. They have
been known to eat,out the core of, a
wooden beam for several feet before
being discovered. Woodwork which is
in contact with damp soil is. especially.
likely to be infested. The ants colo-
nize in large numbers and attention
is geneially attracted to them by the
passing in and out of the flying mem-
bore of the colony during: the swarm-
ing time in the Spring. Long traelcs
of earth leading to a section of a
structure is also an indication of their,
presence. If infested tirnber has not
been weakened too much, it need only
be drenched with kerosene;.but if it
bee totoe much eaten away, it wWill
be necessary, to replace it with new
timber g newtber with
Ptin theim
coal -tar creosote will keep the . ants
away. If the colonies nest in the
ground near the.wood, applications of
carbon bisulphide may be.used.
Should stores of food and clothing
be attacked, the rooms in which they
are stored should be thoroughly spray-
ed with a 5 per cent. solution of kero-
sene emulsion. The clothing and
similar goods should be aired in the
Field crops and plants are liable to
be attacked when near ground which
contains decaying logs and stumps.
Such attacks can generally be pre-
vented by plowing late in the Fall the
ground in which the crops are to be
planted. Should the pests appear in
spite of this, the young sprouts should
be sprinkled with the 5 per cent. kero-
sene emulsion. Infested trees and
flowers should be treated with' the
solution in the same manner.
I t0)—
The Passing of Winter Leaves
People Weak and
As winter passes away It leaves
.many people feeling weak, .depressed
and easily tired. The body lacks that
vital force and energy which pure
blood alone can give.
Dr. Williams' Ph?k Pills for Pale
People are an aNWyear-round blood
builder and nerve tonic, but they are
especially useful in the spring. Every
dose helps to make new, rich, red
blood. Returning strength commences
with their use and the vigor and cheer-
fulness of good health quickly follows.
There is just one cure for lack of
blood and that is more blood. Food
is the material from which blood is
made, but Dr, Williams' Pink Pills
double the value of the food we eat.
They give strength, tone up the stow-.
ac11 and weak digestion, clear the
complexion of pimples, eruptions and.
boils, and drive out rheumatic poisons,
If you are 4a1e and sallow, if you
feel continually tired out, breathless
after slight exertion, if you have head-
aches or backaches, if you are irritable
and nervous, ,10 your joints ache, if
your appetite fails and food does not
nourish nor sleep refresh you, Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills will make you well
and strong, To build up the blood is
the special purpose of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and that is why they are
the best spring medicine. If you feel
the need of a tonic at this season give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial and
you 'will rejoice in new health, new
strength and new energy. Do not let
the trying weather of summer find you
weak and aiding. Build yourelf up now
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills—the
pills that strengthen,
. Ask for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People and do not be persuaded
to take something else. If your•doaler
does not keep these Pills they will be
sent' by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for 32.50 by writing
The Dr, Williams' Medicine Go„ Brock-
ville, Oa
They Contain No More Nourishment
Than Other Green Vegetables. -
We sometimes hear the complaint
that by neglecting to use the mush-
rooms that grow wild in the woods
and fields Canadians are wasting an
important food. The would-be econo-
mists telrus that it is easy to dis-
tinguish the edible from the poisonous
varieties, and urge us not to despise
this food supply, which, like the man-
na of old, comes overnight and asks
only to be plucked and eaten. They
sometimes attempt to show that in
nutritive value a pound of mushrooms
is equal to a, pound of beefsteak. That
is an exaggeration that the chemist
easily disproves.
As a matter of fact mushrooms con-
tain no more nourishment than any
other of the green vegetables, and do
contain as much or more indigestible
material. Protein, wlhich is the muscle
'building and waste -repairing element
of food, contains nitrogen; and se food
analysts formerly assumeet-that they
could estimate the protein content of
any food by the amount of •nitrogen' it
contained. That is how the mistake
came about, Mushrooms contain, it is
true, a considerable proportion of ni-
trogen, but so do crab shells.
Some of the nitrogenous eonstittl
ants of mushrooms, furthermore, aro
substances related to protein, but
readily converted through putrefactive
changes within or without the body
hate active poisons. The amount of
actual utilizable protein is perhaps'as
much as is contained In cabbage or in
other greens, but scarcely more.
• A good mushroom, properly cooked,
is a very luscious morsel and as such
is a welcome addition to the dietary,
If yell are absolutely sure that the
variety that grows en your lawn or
in the neighboring Bolds is of the
edible kind, by all means soak it and
eat it; it Will do you good and start
the secretion o' the gastric jyice by
reason of its palatlbility. But if you
have the least doubt of the 100050ous-
Ness of the growth—and manypoison-
oue kinds look attractively innocent --
you had better leave it alone; the risk
is too great and the possible gain in
nutriment is too slight.
U Fourteen ��
d e is
In . One e Afternoon
But Is Made Well and Strong By
Dodd's I{idney Pills.
Mr. R. J, Thompson, of Uxbridge, Tells
the story of His Terrible Trouble'
and Almost Miraculous Cure,
Uxbridge, Ont,, Apr. 2u6, , (Special,)
—Mr. R. ,1. Thompson, living near
here, had fourteen convulsions in one
afternoon. The looters did not think
he could live. To -day he Is well and
He says Dodd's Kidney Pills
id i
d t. But let him tail his own � story:
"I ant delighted with Dodd's Kidney
Pills," Mr. Thompson states, "I have
only taken eleven boxes' and I feel like
myself: again,
I was taken ill very suddenly. I ate
my dinner and went to take a man
home. I just got about three-quarters
of a mile when I was taken.witha Con-
vulsion fit. I had fourteen that after-
noon and the third day I had nine
"The doctors said I could not live
and if I did I would never be able to
do anything again, as 1 had chromic
Blight's' Disease, But thank God I am
doing my own work once again, by the
use of Dodd's I{idney Pills."
Bright's Disease is the most advanc-
ed stage of kidney disease. It can be
avoided if the earlier stages of kidney
trouble are remedied by the use of
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Spending tfi'e Night in a Cottage in
Snowbound Siberia.
A snow -bound Siberian village in
the full light of day looks about as
desolate and uninviting a human haunt
as you can well imagine, but to .the
traveller who enters it at night, after
a long day of sleighing against the
wind, its cheeriness is overwhelming.
I found Brookhanovor a very plea-
sant spot, says Mr. Bassett Digby in
Through Siberia. Every little win.
dow blazed out its warm welcome.
Here and there I caught the glint of a
brass samovar on a table with a knot
of people sitting round it. Cascades
of sparks poured from chimneys.
Men's voices rose to accompany the
brayings and bleatings of an accordion.
We stopped at a two-story log cot-
tage. Supper was a banquet of soup,
potatoes, meat, bread and milk. There
was no,guest room here; so I went to
bed with the rest of the family.—men,
women and children.
Going to bed in a Siberian peasant's
,hut is a simple matter. You take a
'blanket or two, cocoon yourself in
them, lie down on the floor and go to
sleep there and then. There are no
bedrooms, no beds. You do not dis-
robe, Men, women and children, cats
and dogs, chickens, ducks and turkeys,
lie down side by side. The last per-
son to turn in stacks pine logs into
the stove to its fullest capacity, Then
he extinguishes the lamp, and another
day is over. 'Soii'ie times there will be
a bench,,a pair of chests or a niche in
the wall to serve as a couch; and
sometimes the grandfather or grand-
mother of the household exercises the
prerogative of sleeping on the flat,
whitewashed top of the brick stove,
hazardous_as that may seem. But in
the great majority of cases everyone,
with a fine democracy, shares the
I found that the thin blanket with
which I was provided did not do much
toward softening the hard brick floor,
and noticing .a pile of hay in the cor-
ner, with a couple of ducks resting on
it, I asked if I might take some to
snake myself a couch. The family
put the matter up for debate. There
was a noisy discussion. The ducks
woke, snuggled more comfortably into
the hay and surveyed me with frigid,
unblinking hostility. For a while one
of the women seemed to take my part,
but eventually she capitulated' and a
unanimous decision was given against
me. The clucks turned their heads
under their wings and waddled off to
the land of Nod, while I had to resign
myself to the bricks.
You say to the drug store man, "Give
me a small bottle of freezone." ',;„his
will cost very little but will positively
remove every hard Or sort corn or cal-
lus from one's feet,
A row drops 00 this new other com-
pound applied directly upon a. lender,
iching corn relieves the soreness in-
s'tantly, and soon the satire corn o'
callus, root and all, dries up and can
be lirted.off with the fingers,
:1.'his new way to rid one's feet of
corgis. was introduced by a Oincinnati
mail, who says that freezone dries in
a moment, and simply shrivels up the
corn or callus without irritating the
surrounding skin,
DMA let father die of infootion or
tookjaw from whittling at his coa'ns,
but clip this out and make him try it.
1f your druggist hasn't any freezone
tell him to order a small bottle from
his wholesale drug house for you,
There will be no time :Pdr repairts,
to tools or harthess after spring work
begins. NOW is the time to attend to
all that sort of thing.
tSlnitrars Liniment Relieves ttouriiiglib,
FIRaraitaOK OROS,, Limited
283 King Street Eaet, .Toronto
iiteflying Hes Demi Favorite Amuse-
rnent in China for Centuries,
The kite is one of the oldest toys in
the world. It appears to have had its
origin her 1
in China, na, w a for thousands
of years kiteflying has been the favor-
ite amusement not only of the children
but of grown persons, too; In Japan,
Burma, ,the Malay Peninsula and
other Eastern lands, kiteflying' has
long been as popular with all classes
and ages es it is in China. From the
Far Hast the kite long ago made its
way to all other, parte of the world.
The young people of the Far East
would consider it as very poor sport
to fly kites as plain and simple as.
those. which Canadian boys l y. Their
kites are o many shapes and sizes.
Most of thein represent a bird, or "a
fish, or a dragon, or some other curi-
ous imaginary
monster. The
work is commonly made of bamboo,
andcovering colored the oveln g is colo ed paper, or,
in ease of the best ones, silk. Often
the kites have tails of great length.
The grown-up people have kitefiying
festivals in which all the people of the
village join. On such occasions some
of the kites are'of 'great gine and of
most elaborate design. At night they
are sent up with long strings of lan-
terns tied to them. Nor are the peo-
ple content with kitefiying simply as
a pastime. They have contests that
rouse great interest—contests in
which one person tries to keep his kite
in the air longer than his rival can, or
contests in which one person tries to
make his kite bring down or destroy
the kite of the other.
In our times the kite has become a
very useful tool of science. Men use
it to study the conditions that prevail
in the air far above the earth; thus
it helps them to forecast the weather.
It also helps them in building airships,
in taking pictures, in signalingL and in
life saving on the coast. The Chinese
have long used kites to tow boats, and
to drop their fishhooks well out to sea
while they themselves stand on the
This Simple Rule
Soon Strengthens
A Delicate Storaeh
it really Is unnecessary to dose your-
self with pepsin 0111s or artificial diges-
tives or to live on a miserable nursery
diet. If you will observe one easy rule
you can eat the hearty, nourishing foods
that your appetite craves and your body
neeclS. That rule is to take a.teaspeonful
of Bisurated Magnesia In a half glass of
hot water with each meal. Blsurated
Magnesia Is non -laxative and harmless
and possesses medicinal qualities that
promptly overcome unpaired digestion,
fermentation, acidity, catarrhal condi-
tions of the stomach, gas, distress after
eating and other stomach disorders. As
magnesia is prepared in carious ways be
certain to Insist oil obtaining It in the
Blsurated form, especially recommended
for stomach purposes. Sold by all drug-
A Willing Victim.
Margaret, aged four, had eaten one
of two boxes of berries that her moth-
er had purchased for company. Her
mother cried, "What would you do if
you had a little girl and she ate a
whole box of strawberries?"
"Oh, mamma!" she exclaimed, eag-
erly, "I'd make her eat the other box,"
To whom it may concern: This is
to certify that I.haire used MINARD'S
LINIMENT myself as well as pre-
scribed it in my practice where a lini-
ment was required and have never
failed to get the desired effect.
C. A. RING, M.D.
Give -:.e fine days between now
and spring to pruning' the orchard.
Regardless of price prospects this
year it will not do to neglee't the fruit
trees. Neglect this year means poor-
er returns next year and the year
Granulated. Eyelids,
Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sun, Dust and hind
Eyquickly relieved by Murine
s*`" Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
r' just Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's SOc per Bottle. Murine Eye
SslveinTubes 25c. For 000hol'be Eye Freeask
Druggists or Marine eye Remedy Co., Chicago
The needle of a compass does not
point true north. • The north mag-
netic pole does not coincide with the
north pole,
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere,
A fraternal and Morrow o society that
5010010 its members Iii accordanco with the
ntarfo. Government Standard. Sisk and
unoralbenofita optional.
Authorized to obtain mqtu�bera and charter
lodgoe In every Provineo 0, U,nada.
MicahPurely Canadian, polo, round anti coque•
1t,ttlimro i local lode of Chosen Priepde
iollYOUP o}I6 le {'ppb' lodge
1. any oI tits
Dr.J.W.$4ser4144.P. W. P. Montague.
Grand Record
W. 1: Ceindbtli, J. H. Ba, M,D ,
►iu Orgrdllaer. OrenlidMedige1En.
Impossible. nntllllttllfltun inunitt,Iigtnnunt111Iieg
11111, u P • �i lncretee Yiehlo
be .careful thexel cried the .
o E Iapprgva QuelSt
f xernan of tole munition works.' Y
i9 H'
'� a nMat 1'
l.o ,
Ilii ha' 'u Y
t 'e
dl t t if In r 0 'fell
� e na I
s o
y S yin��pp Gro ,
veal" i � i� p Mvtoteir Fertility
sc: r ., " I Plan your 1917 work so as i e w t e C
V1 hat s wrong wid Jt 4 asked R . k h
Cassidy, who had hold of it with Etreat money from every sato, , Lpwil 5
costs pen bushel for plowln(;, seIedinit,11.
C ! boir't ou�rknow " replied the ,interest and labor result whorl crops w
y r p h. ,.are wzelbfed; Faer.PiU2rera will pal/ on n
man, "that some•of that same powder my
aprony crops, Higher prices-,
elcploded 'last month an Mowed up , e - ln pr ducts nuke proms from wang la
fertlllzer larger than ever 4efore.
tell men " I C Bon fon pur Isar Crop Berfelf,N 5
"Shure, that couldn't happen now;'t Eggp imkpryour
rfnelit 7uor►mimilt n
replied Cassidy, "fur' there's only two 'qit/ellia,ttonul Fertlf,Yer Alldooae*Joos
av ue here!" - P°0^7.11:::201010,ii M n y040. g
,� e.pt, uta li targi.a
iiuullpufnllfnlff111tin11tfutulell/lI 1h
Mre. Timothy Bowes, Blisefield, N.17,
writes; -"I have always used Baby's
Own Tablets for my three ehildres and
bcan speak very highly of them as I
could not get along without them.
ilabY's Own Tablets are the only niedI•
cine I would use for my children." The
Tablets cure all the minor ills of lithe
ones and the mother Wile always keeps
a box ofthem in theh n
ease may fool
reasonably safe against the consequen-
ces of suddenattacks
of P illness. 1 ass. They
are sold by medicine dealers or by mail
a( 26 cents a box from the Dr. Wil-
ii'alns' Medicine Co„ Brookville, Ont,
Bristles are set in the ends of a
new coat hanger so it can be used as
a brush.
Minarg's Liniment Cures Dandruff.-,
The amount of moisture in the soil
is much below the normal. " All the
more necessary, then, for early and
thorough cultivation for conservation
of 'soil moisture.
IT is always safe to send a Dominion
Express Money Order. Five dollars
costs three cents.
Alfalfa removes much lime from
the soil and grows best or. soils well
supplied with lime.
Minarft's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta.
Book "Patent Protection" Press
Formerly Patent Office Examiner. Estab. 1877
Branches: Ottawa and Washington
Pioneer 10. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc.
Dog Remedies 118 West 31st Street, New York
And How to Feed
Bulled free to any address by
the Author
'Clean firs BOILER
8 Gnfi7WCUtlp
For An Boiler Feed Waters
Cyclone Shaking and Dumping Grate
Barn for all requirements
Canadian Steam Boiler Equipment
':o., Limited
Tol. Gerrard 3060
20 McGee St. - Toronto
When buying your Piano
insist an having an
OIL is a scientific pre-
It is a pure mineral
oil, therefore , cannot
turn rancid.
It contains no acids, and
so docs not destroy stitch-
Eureka tones up all black
leather—makes it bright,
shiny, pliable—newlooking,
Throughout Canada
916 SALX,
OR BAI. 1 pOHBA-IN-00O .tp^.
1 1
ti e o e s
re airg god p w g ound. Io rood
D good . ply 11, McGrath,
,'e ecu and
D'aaitei one, s ply 1t. IvltlC3t'alh, 1Q7toontor,
Truilsconn, lYlpun,
ittrlWIly ticel.,te !'03 ®AL*
01Boss for p0 e9 in, good onturlo
erl'9n, Tho most useftt1 and ln%erostt:Ai
otE al] businepses, ]Pull information op
npp1IOatlon to WU-pn Publiahing, Cpm,
Nanny, 70 Wept Adelaide Street, Toronto,
7u4IsoBxtR.RN ERua
.1 Iianq. rp12,0Q up, Send for spoolal
HpaU111aoe NAve., Tt. OrOnto, yelp worsts, 918
elANCmJt, 'TUMORS, LIJMps, ma,.
Internal and external. oared with.
out pain by our home treatment. Write
pps before too late, Dr, Mailman Medleai
Co,, Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
Furnish Your
Horne on Easy
Full information in our
new free illustrated cat-
alogue. Sent on request.
345-347 Queen St. W.
Toronto, Ont.
With a steady winter and contimn-
ous blanketof snow, conditions so far
are as favorable as they well could
be for a fruitful season of production
in 1917.
1 B
i RA9�1X0 01
Reduces Strained, Puffy Anklesl
Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula;
Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts,
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is a
Docs not blister or remove the
hairand horse can be worked. Pleasant to use.
$2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
for special instructions and Book 5 M free.
ABSORBING, JR„ antiseptic liniment for mankind, re-
duces Strains, Painful, Knotted. Swollen Veins. Concen-
trated—only a few drops required stun application. Price
51 per bottle at dealers ar delivered.
W. F. 80885, P. D. 0., 510 Lyman Oldg,, Montreal, Can.
ibsorblue sod Absorblee, Jr.. art made 1a Candi.
Poct r Tells How T Strengthen
Eyesight 50 per cent In 0
Week's Time Ira 1 s'iy Inst
A Free Prescription You Can Have
Filled and Use at I-Iorne.
London,—Do you wear glasses? Are you a
victim of eye strain or other 0yo weaknesses?
If so you will be glad to know that according to
Dr. 'Lewis there is real hope for you. Many
whose eyes wore failing say they have Ind their
eyes restored through the principle of this won-
derful tree prescription. One man says, after
trying it: "I was almost blind; could' not see to
read at all. Now I era read everything without any
Oases and my eyes do not water any more. At
night they would pain dreadfully; now they fuel
fine all the time. It nes like a miracle to me',
A lady who used it says: "The atmosphere seemed
bogy with or without glasses, but after using this
prescription for fifteen drys everything seems
clear. I can even read fine pont without glasses."
It is believed that thousands who wear glasses
can now discard thew, in a reasonable time and
multitudes more will bo able to ei sanative their
eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense
or ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many
descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by
following the simple titles. Euro is the prescrip-
tion: Cio to any active drug store and got s
bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one Bon -0 to
tablet in a fourth of a glass of weber and allow
to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes
two to four times daily. You should notice your
eyes clear tip perceptibly right from the start and
inflammation will quickly disappear. If your
oyes are bothering you, even a little, take steps
to am them now beforeit is too late. Many
hopelessly blind might have been saved if they
had oared for their eyes in time.
Note: Another prominent Pbystolan to whom the
shove article was submitted, said: 13p,rspto Is a
very remarkable remedy. 1ls constituent ingredients
ars will 11,080 to e.m15,55 r3•O apedullste and widely�
prcetringt en them. Tho e,r cent turero guersolec 11
le strengthen eyesight 50 per rent In ono weck'a time
le many montane or rotund thedruggist
mnnoy It eau be
trent any good drugllst and 18 ono 01 thud
very few' troparatalm I feel should he, beton hand
for regular use 1m almost every trolly. o Vnlmar
Drug Co., store 4, Toronto, 0111 ail your soder, it
50011 druggdt cannot.
Writer today for our bid
showing our full line of Bicycles for
Men and Women, Boyo and Girls—
Tires, CoasterBrakes, Wheels, Inner
Tubes, Lamps, Bells, Cyclometero,
Saddles, Equipment and Parts for
Bicycles. You can buy your supplies
from us at wholesale prices.
T. W. BOYD et SON,
27 Notre Dame Street Wont. Monti eel.
aacg,th Crnlon
Have a Bottle Handy!
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