HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-04-05, Page 5April 6th, 1917 Chalon News..Recnrd A. Notable Tribute Tile New York 'Tribune, one of the greatest 01 Arneriean newspapers,' printed iu its issue og ,larch' 20th, to !'win mutt/cable trioto to h fol o g relent! al to i u i'ev the acl i , omen's of Canada in the war t :. "Canada's, part; in the war is elle of the most brilliant chapters in tile world's history. "In wo Yeare and' a half a ' .nat ion ,tai eight million, trained in the arts of peace, indifferent to the manoeu- vrings of 'war hasbeeome a big tee- ter on the battlefield and ft . the iipanoial operations': on Witioh . mili- tary) success is based.. This peaceful, energetic neighbor of ours decided to raise an army of 40,000,increased it to 400,000, and Ix now aiming.. at 500,000 with a cer- tainty of success. "A year before the war Canada's trade ,balance was $130,000,000 on the wrong side ; its exports for the present year exceed its imports by $345,000,000. '!'hough not fully de- veloped industrially, the Dominion has been able to provide fully for its armies, to manufacture aiiuuitions for its allies, finance the ,Payments to raise millions for war relief and to participate in 13ritlsh loans, ss -s,' "Starting out with a loan on the' another country, Canada' soon round h interior r as the result of terror refs ms i 'forced by the war • that she could payher own way and this she is do- ing ungrudgingly." Seaforth. :Airs: 0, Jones and daughter, who have been visiting at the home of the lady's mother, Mrs. S. Dickson, have returned to their home at Fort Saskatchewan. • 'Miss Grace. Weir of New .fork City tae ,been visiting her mother here. Mr. Lloyd Hodgins of Concord, N. H., and Mr. Cecil, Hodgins of San Francisco, Cal., ; were in town as the quest of Miss. Dorothy Wilson, Mr.Israel of Wallcerville has bean in town visiting his son and daught- er. • Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, who have been spending a week at the home of Mr. James Hicbingbottom, left on Monday' for their home at Girth, Sask. ' -Mr. and Mrs. Adams have returned -to their home in Windsor after spec .,.•dteg their honeymoon at the home of the bride's parents, that of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lawlor. Mr, Loren .Pleatser is indisposed at present but we hope to see him a- bout again soon. The death occurred on Monday ot Mrs. Adam Lauteisiayer, The de- ceased had been in poor health for some time The funeral toolc place on Wednesday, interment being made in•the cemetery near Blyth. - - Miss Eliza Pierce passed into .the better world on Monday after a ling- ering illness. The funeral took place on Thursday to Bali's cemetery. Owing to •carelessnoss in set- ting down figures neither the re- port nor a correction published later of the result of a rummage sale held in the interests of the Red Cross here recently was correct. The sale, according to the president ot the Society, brought in the handsome sum of $525, a result of which the people of Auburn and vicinity night to, and no doubt do, feel very Proud, Marriages - FA.RQUHAR-JOHNSTON-In '.ioder- ich, on March 31st, Lottie Viola Maud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston, to Cecil Chester Farquhar of Clinton. -113SON--JOHNSTON-In East Wa- wanosh, on March 22nd, by Rev. R. J. McCormick, Margaret Bea- trice Johnston, to James Francis Gibson of Morris township, STEPHENSON-FELL-At Mitchell on March 21st Ralph Stephenson; Varna, toIsabella Fell, Ribbert, Births lt1cMATH-In Goderioh, on March 24 to Mr, and Mrs, S, R, McMath, a daughter (Winnifred Esther) WDATI-IERWA•X-In Orilila, April; 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Woath- wax, a daughter. Deaths 1IELLYAR-In Clinton, ora .April 2nd, Fanny M. liellyar, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. H,. j klellyar, aged 16 years and 4 an s. m h t ALCOOK-In 'iIamilton, on April. 1st, Anne Chidleyi, widow of the late John Alcock of Stratford and formerly) of Clinton, in her 88th year. GILCHRIST-In Ayr, on April 2nd, Catharine Marion Gilohrist, relict of the late 11. J. Neat of Platts- ville, and daughter of the late G. D. Gilchrist, Clinton, pik OGDENI--In Toronto; Marsh 30th, Alvin Benson Brogden, son et Mt. and Mrs, acorge.,Brogdon,? Lona„ 'desboro, aged 30 years, DUNLOP -In Stanley, on April 2nd, Lillian McGowan, wife of Mr, Fred Dunlop of Dundas, lZZARD-In Goderidh Township,' nn March 28th, Joscph hoard, aged 76 years. JORDAN -1n 0015100 on March 20111 Edward Jordan, aged68 years, F+i0.ITZLE' -At Port• Albert,. on March 27th., Naney Jane, wife of Mr. John I'rilzley, in her (30th year •THOMPSON-In Weal; 'Wawahosh, on March 20th, Smile( Thompson, aged Ol years and 20 days, a -les e McDE11,M1D-tri TTnlleit on hfareh 22, Angus McDermid, aged 82 years and 11 months, 1100TtI.7-In London, on Marelt 24111, Mfrs, Anna. Jane Moore of liensail, INGOLD-••In lavha(f memory of 0(Mlle fl:, ngold, Who died on March 27th 1010,-•• Family and sister. Covernmept. Looking, Atter it Hon, - 1, 13. Lupe outlined ie the' - egmS 1 u10 the other .daq, the' 'Gov- . crmont s plans fare k1g good the prontiectsthat,the .women of Ontario would be able exercise "the Irauchise 'ibe next election, As :• far as the counties., are concerned the • plan .• is this a consisting t S. a board, st g o f two judges, the sherif, county clerkrk and county crownattarny, will meat and appointenumerators or • registrars for' the different inunicipali-ties,•.. who will take up the work i1ritlmlf''as the ass, essor does, going about the municipal- ity mid unicipal-itytuid registering everyone entitled to vote. This will mean not only; elle women but returned .soldiers and others who should be upon the list in case of an election. Stanley Township The members of the Goshen Meth- odist congregation, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Talbot, piaor to their departure, !tura for 'their new home on the Saubie, acid prese•rtod them with an address and an, -oak rocking chair as a token of their es- teem and appreciation, Following is the address t "To Mr, . and Mrs. 'Talbot and family. Our dear friends; -We have ;:come to your home this evening to pass a friendly and social hour with you before your removal from our imme- diate vicinityi. Since your coming a- mong us you have won out respect and esteem. Your neighborliness, your favourable attitude to all that is good your assistance and fellow- ship in association with our church life, have been much appreciated bym us. ..The appearance of the Talbot family at Sunday School, church and Epworth League when ever health and opportunity permitted, has in- deed been creditable and admirable. Although you are changing your res- idence, we trust that you will still continue to worship with us, if reg- ular attendance is not possiblewe trust that you will come as frequent- ly as you can. We assure you that you will always be welcome, Your Christian friends will pray that God will bless you and prosper ypou, and that manly happy . years will be yours. We have inuch pleasure in presenting you with this gift as a token. of our esteem and regard, Signed on behalf of the congrega- tion: -Bert Peck, Elston Dowson. Zurich Miss Pauling Faust of .La Grange, Ill., is visiting friends hereabouts,. Miss Celia I-Iess visited last week with .her sister, Mrs. G. A. Bissett of Saitford Heights. Mr.Roy A. Faust was here from Toronto for a few days recently. Miss Vera Siebert is visiting in Detriot, Pioneer of Ooder<•ich '1"ovyni- ship Goes on Before. A pioneer'':' }il (Cloderiob townshijz passed away on Thursday last whisk l Joseph Izzartl was gathered -to hill fathers. The deceased was a eative of Eng- land, having been born at, Norton, Herefordshire, England, on 'Meech 22nd, 1811 In 1855 be came to C a- aria and for time made is 11oa with his sister, the late Mrs, Geo. Curren. In 1803 he wasunited 14 marriage with' Miss Eliza Wigginton] who survives him, .ShortlJ ;;4fter their marriage they settled oesAne 14th concession and there he continued to live ulitii the end; ' Mr. Izzard was ;a quiet, manure- ing -man, one who minded: tvpil "the affairs of his own household and his own family, but who took no active part in public affairs. His last ill- ness, which was of: a couple of years' duration, was borne with the frhti- tutle and patience 'characteristic •of him, .. . Besides his wife Ms. Iezard is. sur- vived bYtnee sons and five daugh- ters, augh- ters homely • r - n N , M 1s. Wm. • Grummott, Tuokersnith ; Mrs. M. Flick,, Goder- ich township ; Mrs. 0. Josling, Mul- lett ; Mrs. W. J. R. Fowler, and Percy. lizard, Toronto ; E. W. R. lz- zard, Montreal, and Albert and Miss Eliza at home. One child predeceas- ed hien, , The funeral took ekce Troia the hone on Sunday afternoon, the fun- eral serviees being conducted by. Rev. H. Odhner of Kitchener. The pall- bearers 'were all-bearers'were two sons and four sons- in-law. All the members of thsifam- ily were, present with the exception of the one in Montreal, -who spent several days with his father the pre- vious week. Thus passes another of the men who by their industry and applica- tion have z madethis t I country . • amtyiwhat it is today. Birth NIr, Isaac Crittenden is very ill at the Home of his son, Mr. D. D. Crit- teun,_ NIder, John Potter sold recently' a calf not quite a mar old •,for the sum of ninety-eight dollars. Shows there's )Honey in stock. Mrs. 0. 0. hiooper and family. have gone to London to join Mr. Hooper, who bas taken a .position with the London Cartage. Co. FOR SALE OR RENT -A' TEN - roomed house on Mary street. New furnace, waterworks connection, soft water. Two lots with garage and stable. Apply' to -W. H. Cole, Phone 133. -83 MILLINERY, -WE 'HAVE OPENED our first consignment of ladies' and childrens' hats. They are all trim- med and up-to-date and at the very lowest prices. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. -E. F. Merrier, 13ayfieid. -83-2 �r 40-41 •:ta ti roma, h e. i-•+ C`ra''.yrlin1�.r.6'S4rCs{'.•'• Sul �' :'�'""r�"4 Re' To City, Town an Village Dwellers in Ontario. Keep hens this year GG and poultry prices, the like of which have seldom' - .iG or never been experienced, certainly make it worth anyone's while to start keeping hens. By doing so . you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same time you have the splendid satisfaction of knowing that you are doing something towards Helping Britain, Canada, and the .Allies achieve victory this year. Increased production of food helps not only to lower the high cost ofli living, but it helps to increase the urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export.i s It saves money otherwise spent tor eggs and :poultry' at High prices, and saves the labor of others whose; effort is needed for more vital war work. The Ontario • Department of Agriculture will give' every possible assistance by affording information about poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells bow to keep hens (address below). "A vegetable garden . for every home" Nothing should be overlooked in this vital year of the war. The Depar(•mnent.eartiestly invites everyone to help increase production by growing vegetables, teen the Smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amount of vegetables. Experience is not essential. ' On request the Department of Agriculture will send ' valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc- tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, etc. A plan of a vegetable garchm, indicating suitable crop to grow best 'varieties and their guinea -tent in the garden, will be sent free to any acldres5. Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. ldetirat, Moister at Agriculture Peirliarriecit htxitditfg's Toronto 11 ttrrA MUlall Contract" SEALED TENDERS, addressed led to the Tostruastor Genera, will be re - mime at Ottawa until Noon, on Fridayr, the 1,,1th day'oi May, .1011, for the conveyanoo of 'Me . Mitlestr'a Mafia, on a proposed Contract for fouryears,six times a perweek over Clinton No. 5 Rural Route, from the 1st of July, )817, Printed notices containing further information as to,. conditions of proposed Contract may be seen alai -blank `forfns of Tonder. mays be obtained at the Post ,011lces of Clinton, Ilolmesviile and Seaforth'. and at the office of the Post Office Inspector,. Loudon. Post office De- partment, . Canada, • Mail Service Brailelz, Ottawa, 30th March, 1.917.- 0. C. Anderson, Superintendent. 83-3 OATS We expect another car of choice Western oats within aweek, • Book yotrorders early. We carry a large stock of. Bran, Shorts, Low Grade and High Grade Flour. John Hutton, Londesboro PIGS FOR SALE -10 ORUNKS OF. pigs and one Yorkshire sow, due about middle of April. AppIy- 2mos Townshend, Clinton, Phone 82-2on • TEACHER WANTED -MALE 011 female for 8. 8, No. 3, Stanley Town- ship, Normal certificate and exper- ience preferred. Duties to com- mence Apia 10t11 salary $550 to $000 according to qualifications and ex- perience. Applications (personal preferred) will he received up to April by the undersigned secretary R. G. Reid, Varna, 82.2 EGOS FOR SALE,- FROM L, R, Guild's 218, and and J. W. Park's 235 egg strain Barred Rocks, $2 per 15, $3.50 per 30, nn fertile eggs replaced free of charge. WANTED 1100 muskrat skies at 50c each. Skins must be well stretched and free from holes, Kitts and damaged skins at value. No shot skins taken at env price, -11, A. Hovey, Clinton. 82 HOUSE FOR SALE -SMALL BUT comfortable house, centrally fixated good garden, will be sold on easy terms. Apply -News -Record. -82 SEED OATS F011 SALE• -A quantity of good, clean Clydesdale Oats, the W in, Tebbutt oats, at O00 per busbel. Tour credit is good. -S, R. cMath, R. R, No. 2, Goderich. 81 Eggs for Hatching From Hens that Lay Single comb White Leghorus bred - to -hay strain, eggs at OOc per setting of 13. or $4 yer 100 Incubator lots a specialty We sold $505 61 worth of eggs from aur 230 White Leghorns, in 1010 Holmesville Poultry Yards N. W. TREWARTHA, Proprietor Phone 4 on 142 81.0 WANTED, -TWO rFURNIS7-IED rooms, bedroom and sitting room, by young ladies itt town. -Apply at News -Record Office. -83. SEED OATS FOR SALE -A_ QUAN tity of O.A.C. Oats, No. 72. Apply. -N. J. LeBean, R. R. No. 5, Picone 0 on 146. Clinton. -79, SEED OATS. FOR SALE. -A nUANi- tity of Regenerated. Banner Oats, good quality', free from noxious weeds. • Apply -- Cliris,i. O'Brien, Con. 2, . Tuekersmith, Phone 13 on 137, Clinton. -80. W FOR SALE. -FRAME HOUSE AND Stable, • on Ratteubur a Street.' .House has 9 rooms,. electric Light, furnace, town water and soft wa- ter in the. kitchen. Must be sold at once as the proprietor is leaving town. -J. G. Wdst. -70. FOR SALE --BARRED ROCI .EGGS, Bred -to -lay. Last year 87 of my pullets laid 161 eggs each for the pear.Eggs kernthese hens an d their daughters $2 per 15, 53 per 80, 54 per 50,. $7 per 100. Fairview Poultry Yards -Jaber Rands, Clin- ton, -78 HOUSE FOR SALE 013. 10 RENT - Roomy' house on 'artier of Ontario and William street. 'All modern conveniences, Garden and young fruit trees.-APplyi to Mrs, A. Bea- com on premises or to W. Brpdone Clinton, 77. NOTICE Montle is hereby ggavett the( Mar garet Bell Charlesworth, of the Town of Blyth, fu the County of Huron, in the 11arovince of Ontario, 'wire ef Leo- poid Otto Charlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par- liamentof Canada the next session thereof for a hill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopold Otto Oharleswvortb, of the said town of Blyth, in the County of Huron. in the Province ofOnattier Merchant, on the gron nd et adultery laid desertion, Dated at Winnipeg, In the Province of Manitoba, this 1010 day of January, 1(117•. Margaret 13e1( Oharlesworth Sy het, Solicitor, Wil Ilain Thorn burn %Vltness, A.'cr, Darnell, YOUR CLOT IE,s CLEANED. RJB- Paired and, Pressed and .at . the shortest possible netlee, }Joni Lad' • les' and Gentlemen's olothes, Ws _guarantee to do good work: I am prepared torrenc Dry Gfpan Ladies s Suits, •Gent's ,Suits and all - kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers; cite. All orders, promptly .ate• tended to, Rooms -over Johnson'e •je)velery Store, -Wm. J. Jago, -53 McCORMIG4 AQ•ENCY.-I FIAVE taken over the agency for the '.Me- Cormick Implements and 'moved it to my place of business, the car- riage and repair strop, Huron street, where I will keep en hand a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc. An order .from you will receive prompt attention.- Wilson Elliott, FARM FOR SALE. - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 2k miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Htt1, lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 5000 with stone s tab- linb underneathand storey 8- roomed 'frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard ' wood hush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy ' terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St,, Strat- ford, Ont, -62. FOR SALE -0. A. C. BARLEY NO. 21, and Improved Banner Oats, grown from registered seed, free from noxious weeds. -J, G. Care - Wright, Phone 287, Londesboro. 78. CllulonFlo�r�Iill Jost received a Oar of Corn also a Oar of Western Oats Orders are being rapidly filled for Corn and Oats, and it will pay anyone needing same to get our prices befog e buying When buying Flour ask your dealer for North Star, Maple Leaf or Snow Flake Brands. Do not let your dealer sell you any other brands till you try oatthe above ONOE USED -ALWAYS USED A Share of the Public - Patronage Solicited John Schoenhals Phone18. Clintons Ont. iBIRTHDAY GIFTS d•ai Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen Clocks, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted dieplay of Clocks ever shown in town 8 day/Mantle:Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and mahogany. Manicure Sets, Out Glass, Silverware Spectacles of all kinds and Repairs. Drop in and look around, you are under no obligation to buy. R. H. JOHNSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Optician•and Jeweler Your Chance To obtain your supplies In Grocerg Line at prices we cannot repeat,. By purchasing some of those lines you can save phoney. Our specials offered below are some we offer and more will be had at our store. Watch out window. Tea is one of the Best Buys and we have some Good Blends we are going to offer to you for Show Day only JAPAN TEAS Reg 80e, per Ib, Show Day 5 lbs for 1.25 Reg 40c per lb Show Day, 51bs for 1,75 Reg 60c, per i0, Show Day, 5 ibe for 2.00 OUR BLACK WE RECOMMEND Reg 40e per ib, Show Day, 5 Ibs for 1,75 Reg 60e per ib, Show Day, 51bs for 2.26 keg OOc per lb, Show Day, .5 lbs for 2.60 5 ibe to each customer Supplies !united --Conte Early LAUNDRY SUPPLIES 7 Bare Pure Soap for 25e 3 Boxes Laundry Starch for Zoe Other Semialgwewill announce in our window oh Show Day, Highest Market !'rice for Produce Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality Cfosti 'orders nromntlY iitlehdiid to. • P1,101419 111, DREAM- W,i ANTVP. P. DAIIRYMEN having cream to,'sell write • t� us for eons. We eupply two emus free, • • Pay all express eharges•and: lane, ohequos twice each month! ehe9 Uea payable at a. We pythe � /Z_ est market prices consisteat with. ant honest testa Testing done by a competent man, Eaelt can careful- ly weighed, sampled acid tested on arrival and statement reternc4. Pilose in the vicinity of ICinburn may y leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver ib here, Write for eons and give us a trial, Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and It will ,be taken care of there -Tho Seaforth Cream- ery,, Box 480, Seaforth, Ant. , BRICK NOUSE FOR SALE. -000D location on William street, near the Model school,, Ten' rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc. - T. T. Murphy. -44. GIRIS VRNTED O®4 WE CiAN - GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY -Al' ONCE. Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED, The British Empire Calls for More Eggs and Poultry. It is therefore our duty to increase production in these (lees, and prices promise to be exceedingly high for all ppoounitry products during this coming Our Incubators Are giving the beat satisfaction, and why not buy one and pay for it in poultry next fall ? Fat Hens Wanted - at 18c per pound Our wagons will call for your eggs as usual, paying top prices in cash, or orders given on town stores. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON THE CHHNER STHHE Live and Let Live ;oe4e. Special Prices = Apr. 5 TEAS Teas are good buying as we all know they are advancing - 65c Value black or mixed 40c 45c Value black or mixed 36c 40c Value Japan tea 35e ' 30e Value Japan tea 21e Not more then 51bs to any customer RICE SPECIAL 6c Rice for'5c, not more then 51.00 to any customer PIG SPECIAL 13 mos for $1,00 'Sugar -special price by the Hundred Pounds SOAP SPECIAL 21 cakes, of Sunlight, Surprise, Victor, Gold or Naptba for $1.00 0 cakes of Comfort or Electric for 25c 1 large bar N. P. Soap for 15c Highest Market Price for Produce E. E. •HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. PLACE YOUR ORDER for some of our Western Oats, whieh wo have just received and wo will oharge you no more than If they Were just the ordinary grade of oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats, place your • order early as they aro going fast. We always have a full stook of Flour and Feed, • • W. Jenkhis & Sou. FI,OUR AICD FEg», iliote 109, tTighost plaices paid hoer Gtain and Wool. Elevator. Residence phone 0-142, aster Specials Fresh Halibut Fresh Lettuce Green Onions Spanish Onions Cabbage Pineapples ■ a. �'Hdll Calves for S .:".le I have made arrangements to, secure a., number of well bred young calves each weeks W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will bo taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesdayj morning each week. T. . E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMERHILL, South=End Grocery, One door North of the Hospital Grand Mogul Tea at per Ib 40c Lipton tea ,... 46c Japan tea 250 60c Black tea for 400 Helmet Salmon per Lin 15c Red salmon per tin 25c Pull Line of Fresh Groceries in Stock Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs Goods delivered to any part of the town D. N. WATSON Leave Your Order Early fo r Eavetroughing, Heating or Plumbing you're going to have done this year PRICES ARE ADVANCING FAST iT THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces. Slop over Rowland's Hardware, , PHONE 53,, OP Tho BigStore Wall Paper We are now showing Our new Wall Papers and the de- signs and colorings' are the most beantiftil we have ever shown, The borders come in single and double widths plain and out out with band and are charming. The prices range ftomt - zi cts to50 cts Single ROfl 0.Lounsbery r LormesBditO Thous beg O* e with lettff prlees