HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-29, Page 9ra,Ii 1l►
1917 Ford Touring Car
You pay less for this car but it gives you more enjoyment,
more mileage. and longer service than those which
cost more.
The Touring Oar gives the tmost41 entoinobile value,
pride of ownership, and econamy.
Buy a Ford this year and save uuouoy--when saving is a
national duty
ert angtord
An Ounce of Prevention is Bette'
Than a Pound of Cure.
Protect yourself from the spring raino and avoid
the risk of a bad cold or a dose of pneumonia by in-
vesting a few 'dollars in one of our new Raincoats.
We are showing an exceedingly large
range at from $3.50 to $15.00
Special..for Horse' Show Day—flen's
and Women's Raincoats at
Also some very:special values in Ladies' Spring Coats,
Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots
and Shoes. .
Don't fail to see our special made -to -measure, pure
Indigo blue serge suit at $25.00
SmallPlumsteel Bros
s Business
Two H,New
Fragments from France
The war reduced to grim and gene -
some absurdity; the fun o1 Ube war by
one who has been through it, and
shows what be lane semi, and beard,
and felt --and laughed
25,000 Copies sold in a Few months,
Some of the words said about it
are; .-Bindle will twist is smile
groin the wryest, month''• "It
makes us gurgle tllaietly and con-
tinuonsl.' A delicious piece of
Both above are good to send to the
bays at the front or in the hospital.
'They will help the efforts of the med-
ical men•.
Tao,' .11. Fair Co
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
Miss Florence Cunirigbame was in
Londun on 141onday. •
&Ir. -0. D. McTaggart has been
in Toronto this ween.
Mrs. W. D, Fair s,leut the wce'.:-end
with Seaforth friends.
Mr. and ?1rs. II. E. Pauli leave to-
day for their nen, hone at Ali ins -
Miss Margaret Schoenhals is spend-
ing a kw days ia. London this
Capt 1 K. and Mrs. Fairfull are
visiting frieauls la Leamington this
Mr. 12. 1:. Sharpe, aeti:'g manager
of the Molsons Bank, is in London
today,. .
Mrs. 0, II. Coultis of the ' Huron
Road anent the week -cud with..
\\Ingham friends.
Mrs, W. J. \Coolidge of Toronto is
visiting her daughter, firs. Cleo.
MacKenzie 01 town.
Capt. R. J, Irwin, chaplain of the
227th Battalion, is enjoying a
short leave at his home in town.
Mrs. H. 13. 000113e returned Satur-
day from a fortnight's visit in
Kansas City, Mo., and other
Miss Jennie Hol nes returned home
on Monday after spending a couple
of weeks with her brother near.
Pte, Melvin Schoenhals of the 122nd
Forestry Battalion, Galt, is hone
this week -end on last lease before
proceeding overseas,
1VIrs. J. A. Macdonald visited her
sister, Mrs. J. (1. Clandier, for a
few days during the past week,
returning to Toronto yesterday.
Miss Zetta Bawden is in London
this week as a delegate to the.
meeting of the Huron Diocesan
Branch of the Women's' Auxiliary.
She will also visit her sister, Miss
Ila, at Watford,
Mr, Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in
town this week. Although Mr.
Taylor likes the Queen City and is
working up a nice business there
Clinton seems more like homo and
he enjoys. a few days in the old
Be Good to Your Feet
Foot Comfort Means Mind Comfort
Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes ,
Means Foot Comfort
There are many makes of shoes that are
Stylish and Durable, though few indeed
are also Comfortable.
Dr, A. Reed Cushion Shoes are made for comfort,
in all styles and leathers, and have many individual
features that are exclusively their Owl . making them
vastly different from any other make of shoes.
Without a doubt they are
to he had only at
A Beautiful'
Art Square
lends a charm tov,the room.
It has other advantages al-
so, heing easy to clean, easy
to remove. We have at
present an excellent, chow.
ing of fine rugs including
Brussels, Axminsters, Wil -
tons, 'etc., that welhave
priced at attractive prices.
We would he most pleased
to show them to you.;
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone itcas. 28
Clinton Newt' Record
11 ,s
March 29th, IS'
Are a Special Feature of Our
> DRIESTLYS' Dress Goods are famous for their
- wide rorage of fashionable shades, their fast colours
and splendid '11,iaiing,llualitic's. Made of the finest
grades of silk and wool.
We are showing a most attractive assortment of
the new Spring, Priestley fabrics. You must see them
to realize how delightfully they combine beauty with
long -wearing utility.
Wornen's Store
Dry Goods, House Furnishings
phone 67
Next to Royal Bank
In this year of world-wide scarcity
of woolens and dress goods, we are
showing a remarkably fine. display
• of the world-wide
,5 GOO D
((f fit'hethcr .your fancy runs to Blacks or Blues •or
Colors, Wool or,''Silk and Wool Material In' heavy
or lit ht weight, you can satisfy your taste:
And remember when you buy Parasma s' Dress
Goods you are obtaining goods' that have won the
approval of the women of all nations.
.Among the newest cloths are Salisbury Serge,
Mohair Serge, `Fool San Toy, etc.
Lor: k for the name on the selvedge.
See Our New
Spring Coats and Coatings
Our Stock of
Guaranteed Indigo Serge
• is one of the Largest in Canada.
lien's Store
Custom Tailoring and
phone 103. Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Mrs. Frank McCartney and son
Ernest have returned to Cadilac, Sask.
after having spent the winter in Gocl-
Dir. Thomas Trafford left last, week
for Port McNichol join his " boat
which had been wintering thele
Major H. 0 Dunlop Inas gone to
France, according to report received
Sergt. Arthur Sutherland of the A.
11.0. was up from Toronto a few clays
Captain Gallow was home from Lon.
'don tor over the week -end recently
Miss Alloe Fraser has returned to
Toronto where she is training as a
Dr, Callow was presented, while in
town recently, with a handsome wrist
watch by the -members of his "Hest
aid" and "home nursing" class
Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. McLaughlin
leave next week for their home at
Aberdeen, South Dakota, after
spending the winter in Clinton.
Mr. and' Mrs, McLaughlin do not
feel quite satisfied unless they get
back to the old town overy couple
of years.
IVIr. Albert Palmer of Seatorth, for-
merly of Clinton, is laid up just
now owing to an accident. While
working in a munition factory a
shell dropped upon his foot crush-
ing it rather severely. His fri-
riends. trust, howover, that it will be
a temporary. disablement.
Capt• Mills Shipley, who joined the
Army Medical Corps and has been
in training at Calgary for some
months past, left recently for ov-
erseas. 10 charge of • a draflt of men
from the A.M.O. Capt. Mills Ship-
ley is a soon of Mr. Wm. Shipley
and a grandson of Mrs. R. A.
Mills of town, Mr. Shipley has
now two sons overseas,
Mrs. I'. B. Rerr and little Miss
Ruth left Thursday last for Wood-
'stack'to spend a few weeks with
friends. Mr., 'Kerr joins' them the
beginning of the week and they
leave almost immediately for the
west. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr I have
matte manp friends during their.
short' stay? 'la Clinton who deeply
regret their departure but who wish
them success in their new home.
Mr. Frank Jr Libby :of Lowell, Mass.,
oldest son of Mr. Chas.:F. LibbY,
manager of the , Clictoit Knitting
'Co.'who has had considerable ex-
perienee fin tho hosiery business un
der his father and others, is com-
ing to Clinton about the first of
,April to take charge of the branch
about to be established by the
Company. Mr. Libby is the father
of young Emerson, wile Came to
Clinton with his grandparents. If
Mr. Frank J. Libby proves' to be
as good a citizen as his father hag
beon he will be en neiuisition to
the town and helie:i g that he
will bo The News -Record, fit the
tante of the citilens, bids him a
hearty welcome to "The ITub of
The Women's Institute will meet in
Foresters' hall on Wednesday next,
Readings will be givin by Mrs. F.
Johnston and UM.. P. Little. The
W. I. recently donated twenty-five
dollars to the Bryon Military "Hospi-
tsal. The ladies wish to acknowledge
gratefully a donation of five dollars
from Reeve Armstrong of Hullott.
Spring is a Month
-Earlier There.
Another letter from a Clinton sol-
dier written in answer to a box
sent by the Young Ladies' Aux-
The Price of
Potatoes 1 Mrs. Adam Schaeffer was called to
•Port Albert last week owing to the
When the Minister of Agriculture • illness of her mother, Mrs. James
for Canada made investigations Quaid.
which showed that we had a surplus ' &Ir. Albert Colliug was marriarch t
ed in
of two million bushels in Canada, ► Pasedina, California, on M0h
a newspaper friendly -to the .Govern- to Miss Ethel L. Hall,• -daughter of
ment said. that the high prices
were due to "apathy 'at Ottawa."
What would this newspaper critic
have the Government do 7 ile does
not suggest any action. He merely
complains, and places .the "blame up-
on'hpathy at Ottawa. Other critics
have called for an embargo on po-
tatoes shipped to the United Stat-
es. The answer to, that is that the
embargo is a thing' that two can
play with. We might place an em-
bargo,on potatoes going -to the
United States in the same way that
the United States may place an em-
bargo oa coal coining into Canada.
One might very easily be the re-
sult of the other in which event the
central provinces of ,, Canada would
have double cause to comllain be-
cause the potatoes surplus and the
coal deposits are at the eastern and
western ends of Canada. . A more
reasonable critic would place the dif-
ficulty in lack of transportation fa-
cilities which would carry the pro-
ducts of the west and east more
freely to the centre. But that can-
not be due to apathy at Ottawa lie -
cause the same difficulty? exists ev-
erywhere, particularly in the United
States. The writer of an article in
the issue of March 10th. of tho the
Saturday, Evening Post •on "Cabi:a, es
as a Luxury," says :—
"Goods shipped from the west
months ago . are standing on side-,
walks at way stations while train-
loads of munitions are whizzing
past, day after Clay."
On March 0th the New York her-
ald commences an editorial on the
food situation with this sentence
'Morel never has been a famine of
foodstuffs in this country but al-
ways there has been a lack of ade-
quate distributing ageheies that fre-
quently has resulted is what ap-
proaelted famine prices."
"Witley, March 5th, 1017.
Dear Friend of a Soldier,—I re
wiled your letter in the box Idiom
the Ladies' ,Auxiliary, Your socks
were beautiful. All the girls say it
is the first pair they have knit but
they look as though an old hand had
knit them. I sincerely thank you
from the bottom of my heart aitd
the kindness. of the people at home
in Clinton will never lie forgotten. I
received a box the other day with
six brown apples in it. I didn't
want to throw thein away so I told
the boys they were roasted so they
would keep on the 111115 journey, how-
ever, the boys called nue a 'stranger
from the truth' after taking just one.
bite. I atm in a merry as lights . are
to hake my. lovely, soft, comforta-
out in fifteen minutes and I have yet
hle, cute bed elso to hand in the
'Matto Report of the section, that is,
every man is in before ten p.ni. or
lights ouft. There were three *ea -
sand Of kis soldiers' marched back
from Aldershot, fifteen miles with
eighty pound pack singing all the
soldier songs, it was great, I will say,
The weather is grand now, Spring
is a month earlier here. The prim-
roses are,coniing tali fast and the
trees are la bud 'while you people
are enjoying skating about now, I
will new ring oft again thanking
yeti for your kinthtoss, 'Yours sincere-
1y,-Oordon owes."
Mr. and Mrs.' T. Hall, formerly, of
Wingliam, They will reside in Wing -
Mrs, Wm. Hogg has returned to
her homo at Fair' Hill, Sask., after
spending the winter as the guest of
her sister, D2rs, G. A. Phippen,
Mr. Reg. S. Briokett spent a fete
days in Toronto recently.
Mrs. R. J. Spicer has been spend-
ing a few days with her sister in
Mr. Donald Rae made a business
trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo
last week.
Messrs. Will and Ed. Shrigley left
last week for Wilkie, Sask,
Mr. J. J. Mitchell of Brandcn,
Man:, has been visiting his sister,
Mrs. Joseph Guest.
Mrs, Brett left ,the end of the
week for her home in British Colum-
bia after spending the winter with
her mother in Lower Wingham. Her
brother, Mr. Archie Kennedy accom-
panied her.
That is in the United States out-
side the "apathy of Ottawa." •
Btit a goverruncnt' can c16 anything
in war time and why not then fix a
maximinn price of potatoes 7 It has
been done in the case of paper, a
commodity controlled by a few
which the many need. i Nothing else
can take its place, Bat every • man
eau grow potatoes, and tho Govern-
ment is calling upon the people to
d0 so, High prices furniish a better
argument and incentive than all the
aiilonls the Government can make.
Mrs. J. D, Campbell has returned
to her home in the West, She Was'
accompanied by her .n'ecc, Miss Del-
fa Reid, Who intends taking a posi-
Mr. and :Mrs. Ben. Snell and Dlrs,
Taylor of Hamilton attended the
funeral of the late Andrew Sloan of
Mrs. 0, Sutherland returned last
week Iron? Toronto.
The Domino Club has disbanded for
'the season.
Wood bees and the making of ma-
ple syrup are the order of the day.•
B1S th
Mrs, Archibald Shipley of Denfield
was here last week attending the fun -
oral of her nide, the lane Daniel Mc-
Gowan, and visited relatives for a few
days '
airs Wiilianm Murphy of Grand
Rapids, .Mich„ has been visiting her
parents, 11,' and Mrs, Alpert Young.
Dir. Earl McElroy has gone to Sarnia
to work in a munition factory
Mr. Whitfield McCormick of Trow-
bridge visited at the parsonage for a
few days recently
Reliable Vegetable
and Flower Seeds
On sale Saturday; March 31st.
Regular 5c package at 2 for 5c
Don't miss this chance to
get good, fresh seeds
Saturday—Cut Flowers
Carnations, Roses, Violets
and Tulips.
Dl5, GANDiER, wishes to announce
that he is moving his ilflflee from the
old location of Ontario Street to the
property on Victoria St, eat, two donrs
south of the .Rsttenbury ?-louse, fntrn-
arly known as the "Whiteltend hbtee.
lie will he in bis new ofllec on Wednes-
day. March 28111.
I, 80 to 3 80
00158-1,80to880 p.m.
7,80 to 0,00 pan.
Sundays 12,30 to 1.130 p.in,
OIher hours by n'moth 'Lineal, only
Much tallied of Photo Drama:.
in 9 reels.
Town Hall, Clinton
Wednesday & Thursday,
March 4th and 5th
Evening performance 8 p'.m.
Matinee 2.30 p.m.
Tickets 25e Reserve;seats 35e
Plan open at Fair's, March 24.
adults 25c, children 10c
Sanitary Plumbers. "Phone T.