HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-29, Page 6March 29th, l917 Clinton .News,' Record Holmesville Boy Had A Narrow tsc. aPe Tho following letter was roeeived by Mtn, D. Glidden from a cbun, of her son, Pte. Percy Glidden, who was re- oontly wonndpd'France, Feb. 17, 11111 Dear Mrs. Glidden -Asa now: sincere port1 Of Pelt' •'s T ain.t0khtg'the op - t ty aortunity of sending yeti a j;ow lines, loping 11) will enlighten matters a Men h re ars 61x lee 1 a #oryou. There little ncrew, Ono chap and riiachiite gen cx v to 601E were • just volleyed at 1 ,p,rn. a,n Tuesday last, I believe -Porgy's birthday, by him and No,1. gripper, Thole time was nil at 2.80 a•m., Wed- nesclay. It was 0,331. thatthe mis- fortune, or fortune, as some flunk It a good. thing to get wounded so as to have some holidays in England, where T hope he has gone, The Buns threw a rifle grenade in the post, I ander. stand Percy was ou the llring etep while his mate was walking up and down, to keep warm, \Ye take it iu tern, 13 is elate was militn lie bed and died ates after, Percy fell on�him but was only hit, 133 the right foot by the sh1'apitel, He liad seven holes tore in his foot below the ankle, and was hit in the calf of the leg. However, I am pleased to shy it is nob serious, from the information .I could gather, He walked in from his post to a gas guard • ;wherehereceived (htaid. Personally 1 had the pleasure of seeing him be- fore he left the front line, He had a few scratches•on his face, but he look - ,ed fine. No, 2 was a fine sqliare chap, 37 years of age, a wife and two chil- dren in Eugland. My address is, "A" cOom any, 58th Battalion. Franco. 'You lava no need to worry as God's arms are above, underneath and around 'him. The rest of the crew join me in wishing him goad luck and a safe and soon return home to you. - 1 am at your service. TE 11. H. BEER Featured in This Issue �'eat goings Of the Duffs. A hnm0roue story in ptetere farm. The Fashions, Newest ideas in Wemen'e wear. Farm Crop Queries. Questions anrywe.rod by Prof, henry it lseli, ' Housewife's COrjier. ' Tested Recipes ane Helpful the busy FousCwite, Serial Story. HMOs Your Problems; A question and Anawor. Department for Women - , !4 FUTVYiw PROVINCE, Newfoundland Requires Capital los Necessary Industries. The important questions of roeou- struction wore touched on recently by Mr. Boner Law and Sir Edward Morris, premier of Newfoundland, at a luncheon given by the West India club in honor of the former. Sir Ech ward eemarkod that it had been said that the overseas dominions had, come to the aid or rescue of the mo- ther country, but he did not like that Idea. Probably tale groat war had donemore i • than all the colonial con r ever made to cement Um British ommissions, and reportd m pire together, but it should be kept in view carefully that the war was not entered into for this purpose., When England went to war the whole Empire went to war. It did not stand by like the United States while their friends, Belgium, France, and Russia, were being conquered, It was inconceivable and impossible. This war was forced upon them td defend themselves from brutal as- sault and for the defense of those for whom they were trustees: Newfoundland, Sir Edward contra- ped, was not a large part of the Em- pire. It had a population of but a quarter of a million, but it was iti proud boast to be England's oldest and most loyal colony. Possibly after the war there would not be colonies, but a united Empire for the defense of the whole. That unity in 11 defense was something good that would emerge from this terrible cata- clysm of war, Newfoundland was advancing ma- terially, and the earning powers of its people had doubled in twenty years. The utilizatiot of its forest wealth had added considerably to the sources of labor, and consequently to, improvement of revenue. But, like other portions of the empire, New- foundland lacked capital necessary for the development of great indus- tries. Newfoundland, a counties' larger than Ireland, only a few years ago had not a human habitation a mile from the coast. Only within the last thirty or forty years had a rail- way been constructed throughout the country, and after the railway came the establishment of the large paper mills by Lord Northcliffe and his as- sociates. There were large deposits of min- erals; iron, copper, asbestos, and oil has been found in Newfoundland, but capital was necessary. It might be possible after the war that something should be done to carry out large ideas put forward by the press and by public men in England and the Dominion, plans_ agreed to by which loans might be effected to develop resources all over the Empire, so that in future tlley would not have to depend on neutral or hostile coun- tries ouptries for actinide on which sueeec0 in -ten .41J12021L, se y AUTOMOBILE - LICENCES -IP, U, NVcod, 4rodertch has been appointed official. issuer of automobile ilcenses for the County of Huron All appli- cations for licenses for 101.7 cleoid bs Made to him when same will roeeive proMP attention, ,Address -,F, 14.. Wood, Box 237, Godesiob, 8`3.1 Seaforth. Sirs. Seal of Oraubrook has been visiting her daughter, Mrs, A. A. Naylor Miss Whiteman of Blyth has been .a guest at the home of Mr. anclMrs, 111. Minchley Mrs. J. R. Archibald is visiting in Hamilton Mrs, and airs. Smillie and family have gone to resile iu Toronto Mrs. Donald McLean of London was the guest of Col. and Mrs. Wilson for a few clays recently • Mr. and Miss Brooks left last week for their home near Edmonton Miss Nettie Wilson of London and Miss Helen Tweddle of Fergus were visiting at the former's home in town last week .Miss Margaret Sutherland accom- panied her sister, Mrs. Murdie of A.,ucknow, to her home last week and ..lis spending a period there Word was received last week that Lieut. George Mulholland had been killed in action in France on March 20th r'�.s.54 'Rya '8' PIGS FOR SALI]•-10 OMUNKS 00!` pigs and one Yorkshire sow, due about middle of April, Appply- Atnos Townshend, Clinton, Phire Lan 180, 82-2 TE!l0flEll WANTED -MALI;` o1 female for S, S. No, 8, Stanley Town - shin, ' own -shin,' Normal certificate enol exper- ience' preferred Duties to ..coin, reenacl4 pat! 10,th eatery x;150 to $400 according to quelillcatioos and one pertenee, Appllcathins (nervosa] prel'eri ed) will be received app to A)dril7 by the uudersigued secretary 113 G. Reid, Varna. 82.2. E002 FOR SALE - FROM L. 13,, Guild's 218, and and J. W, Sp'aek's 235 egg strain Barred Rocks, $2 per 15, $8.50 per 80, nnl'ertile eggs replaced free of charge, WANTED -1000 muskrat skins at 50c each, Skins must be well stretched and free from boles. Kitts and dainaged skins at value. Nu shot skins taken at env Clinton. 82 -H . Hovey, O 1 price. -H. A. p HOUSE FOR SALE -SMALL I3UT comfortable house, centrally located good garden, will be sold on easy terms. Apply -News -Record. -82 Londesbore. Inhere passed away on March 21st, an old and most highly respected resident of Hellete, in the person of Sarah Oot- tie, beloved wife of George Longman, in her 73rd year. The deceased carne to this Country from Devenshire, Eng., in the year 1807, and was married three years later to her novr bereaved hus- band, and resided in Mullett continu- ously since. She Buttered a stroke of paralysis six weeks ago from which she never recovered. Although suffering severe pain itt times, she bore it pa• tiently and died trusting in her Sav iSur. Besides it sorrowing husband she leaves a family of three sons, Wil- liam and Harvey of London, and Frank on the homestead, and one ditto .ghter, Mrs. George Stevens, also of Mullett, to mourn the loss of a kind wife and a devoted mother One bro- ther, Air. Thomas Cottle of Clinton, and one sister, Mrs. James Darch of " Batavia, N.Y., also survive. The fun- eral was held from her late residence, on Friday last, to Loudesboro Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were her three sons, her son-in-law, brother, and Mr. Wm. McCool, a brother-in-law. Mr. George Longman and family wish to thank the many friends and neignhora for the kindness shown dur- ing the recent ilines and bereavement in their home. Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addz00005 to the postmaster General, wil'i be re- ceived at Ottawa until Noop, on Fri- day, the 20t1i day of April, 1017, for the conveyance of Ilie 1Viajosty's IVlaiis, on a proposed Oontraot for four. years, rix times per week over Goderich No, 1 Rural Route, ay of Julp, 1 01,7, d � from the 1st n Printed notices containing further r in- formation as to conditions et Pro- posed Contract nine be seen and blank terms', of Tender may be ob- tained at tto Post.0111ces of Gorier - lob, and at the office of filo Poet Office Inspector, London, Post Office Department, Canada, Mail • Service Branch, Ottawa, 0tlt March, 1017.- 0. S. ANDERSON, 80-3. Superintendent, LOST -BETWEEN O'NEIL'S STORE and I-lolmesville, about March 101h, parcel of lady's clothing. Finder kindly leave at or conaunicete ith O'Neil's (Minton 82-1 SAWYER WANTED - FOR T'IIIS season's cut. Good Wages. Applp -John Hutton, Londesbore. -81. Auburn In announcing the receipts of the ''-,1ummage sale recently held, the ,fig- - ores got twisted somehow and it was stated that the sale netted $25, The sum was- actually $5,50. The pity is that the eerrocbone, rbut then mer tit wasn're was t, the • Blyth • Mrs. George Beatty returned last , �, week to her home in Iugetsoll after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Francis Mason Mrs, George Hironis has been visit- ing liar daughter, Mrs, McDonald of '. Brussels 8 Messrs. Bert Bembridge and Wil- 11a1.t Nesbitt have gone to the Woet Births .MoiLENZIE-[u Clinton, on March 26 to Mr. and Mrs. George McKenzie, a son, (Charles Lloyd George) MORRISON-In (Stanley townnship. on March, 17, to Mr. and Mrs. E. W'. Morrison, a son .BOLTON -In Goderich township, on March 14th, to Mr. and. Mrs, WW. Bolton, a daughter ABERBART In Egmondville, on March 19111, to Mr, and Mrs, Henry Aberhart, a daughter LOGAN-At Blyth, on March 17th, to Mr, and Mrs, William Logan, a daughter Marriages CVmouFloul�lill Eggs for Hatching From Hens that Lay 'Single comb White Leghorns bred - to -lay strain, eggs at 00c per setting of 18, or $4 yer 100 Incubator lots a specialty We sold $005 04 worth of eggs from our 230 White Leghorns, in 1910 lolmesville Poultry Yards N. W. TREWARTHA, Proprietor' 0 Phone 4 on 142 Just received a Oar of Oorn also a Oar of Western Oats Orders are being rapidly filled for Corn and Oats, and it will pay anyone needing same to get one prices befoi e buy,ing When buying Flour ask veer dealer for North Star, Maple Leaf or Snow' Flake Brands. Do not let your dealer sell you any other brands Iill you try oat the above Ste 4s' p13 A'Place far You ONCE USSD-ALWAYS USED °I MAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to Neil write to us for caul. We eupply two cane free,, Pay all express ohergas and issue cheques twice each mobil, ohequee payable at par. We Pay, the high- a t naacket prices consistent with an honest test, Testing done by a competent man. Each ban oareful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arriVal and statement returned. Those in the Vicinity of Kinburn may leave Choir cream with Mr. (Tall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial, Patrons to the vicfnitp of Varna ... may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros, Store and it will be . taken care of there• --The Seaforth Cream , ery., Box 1380, Seaforth, Ant, EGGS FOR HATCHING RHODE Is1•tnd Reds, 400 per setting of 13. Ap- •ply Noble Holland, phone 10 51144, Canton A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited McCORMIOK AGENCY, -1 ITAVE taken over the agony for the Mc- Cormick Implements and moved to my place of business, the car- riage and repair shop, TIuron street, where I will keep ou baud a full line of implements, repairs, twine, etc, An order from you will receive prompt attention.- Wilson Elliott. -13 SEED OATS FOR SALE-Aquantity of good, clean Clydesdale Oats, the �V m, Tebhatt oats, at 05e per bushel. Your credit Is good -S. R. Meelatirl 11, R. No; 2, Goderich ' QUAN- tity OATS FOR SALE -'A AN - a tity of O.A.C. Oats. No. 72. Apply -N. J. LeBeau, R. R. No. 5, Phone 9 on 140. Clinton. -79. PR1VATE SALE -OF FURNITURE, bed, couple of rockers, hall rack, hanging lamp. gasoline stove, side- board •and other articles. Apply - Mrs. W. W. Collyer, residence of '11. J, Miller, Wellington street. -81. John Schoenhals Phone18. Clinton,tOnt.. TEBBUTT-FISHER At Winnipeg, on March 21st, by Rev. W. Nivens, Nettie Fisher of Goderich, to Wall - gate Tebbutt of Druid, Seek, Deaths MORRISON-In Stanley Township on March 19th, the infa3tsort of Me, and Mrs. 11. W. Morrison BOOTT- In .Last Wawa,nosh,on March 15th, Hugh Melvin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 11. Scott, aged 8 years and 7 menthe lyiel226d, Antis MoDerrlidn aeMarch3, L2nd, years and 11 months LONGtM(AN-In ilullett township, on March Geo ige LongmCottle, n, i 1 1131r 78fe r1 year Recruits Wanted for. Production ' just as surely as lack oflood is strangling Germany day by day, so plenty of food is winning the victory for the allies. The trench armies, for instance, were never better fed than now, for Prance cannot forget the l £u To tli she attributedhe loss of that l lesson, of 1870—the failure of her wn supply. war. To feed the Illrench soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,- 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. This gives a faint idea of the colossal task of feeding an army. Canada and Britain have a huge army of fightingheroes on theline ; every man MUST have plenty of food, in spite of a world shortage. Upon Canada's food production all principally rely. The Farmers of Ontario Urgently Need Help 'rte Department of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals to men tinfitformilitary service, orwho fin i p s to enlist in the army. Do your .`bit" by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportunity. Thefarmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no occupation (retxred), of business men who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordinary affairs to plan to help some farmer friend, particularly in seed time and harvest. with your County District Representative oft the Dopar Department of Agriculture, or write, "Barna help Cam- paign," care Department of Agriculture, Toronto, Ontario Department of AglApiculturere W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto YOUR OfscrroI1$ 'CLEANED, RE - paired. and Pressed and at the sbortest possible notice. Both Lad les' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to de 'good work. I ata prepared to French Dry Clean Latlies Suits, Gentili Suits and all knids of woolen clothing including Sweat- era, eco. All orders promptly at- tended t0. Rooms over Johpscn's jewelory Store, -Wm. J, Jago. -58 I lID COL- WILFRID \ ,SALE. -MR. 1'OR COL - dough offers his flues [arm, 80 acres on the 11 con. of Goderich town- ship, for sale, It is situated 14 miles south of Holmesville, is, in good state of cultivation, 52 acres plowing done, 48 acres under hay, 2 never -failing wells, one with wind- mill attached, in good working or- der. Good frame barn 40x50 feet. Farm well fenced, mostly woven wire fencing. For particulars apply to-Wilfrid..Colelough, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. -70. MEN WANTED TO LEARN '1IIE spring ,and axle trade, steady work year round and good wages, must be sober and industrious, apply The Dowsley Spring & Axle Co,, Chatham, Ont. CIRLS VIANTED 0• WE CiAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, IOTC, APPLY AT ONCE. Linton Knitting C LTMITED. FARM FOR SALE. - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 24 miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Mul- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ling underneath and 14 storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres. hard wood bush ; first class soil. This. farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. WATCH FOUND. -1N CLINTON yesterdap, man's silver watch with chain attached. Owner can , have same by calling; at The News -Rec- ord office, proving property, and paying for this advertisement. 80-3 ad SEED OATS FOR SALE. -A. ()U jN- tity of Regenerated Banner bats, good quality', free from noxious weeds. Apply Chris, O'Brien, Con. 2, Tucicersmith, Phone 13 on 137, Clinton. -80. TIIE YOUNG LADIES' PA'1RIOTIC Auxiliary otters for sale 2 refrig- erators in first class condition, us- ed by 181st battalion at Camp Borden. Also wood cools stove, iu fair 1 condition. Apply -Mrs. Fair - full or Miss Olive Cooper. -80. FOR SALE. -FRAME HOUSE AND Stable, on Rattenburp Street. House has 9 rooms, electric light, furnace, town water and soft wa- ter in the kitchen. Must be sold at once as the proprietor is leaving town. -J. G. West. -76. FOR SA. 11'-20 ACRES, PT. LOT 40, Con. 12, Mullett township. Ap- ply to -James W. Roberton, Au- burn. --.77. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc. - T. T. Murphy. -44. • FOR SALE -0. A. 0. BARLEY N0. 21, and Improved Banner Oats, grown from registered seed, free from noxious weeds. -J. G. Cart- wright, Phone 287, Londesbore. 78. BIRTHDAY GIFTS •e.: Calves for Sale I have made arrangements tq secure a, number of well bred young calves each week„ W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 The British Empire Calls for More Eggs and Poultry. Itis therefore our duty to increase production in these liees, and prices promise to be exceedingly high for all poultry products during this coming year 11111 Our Incubators Are giving the best satisfaction, and why not buy one and pay for it in poultt•y next tall13 Fat Hens Wanted at 18c per pound Our wagons will call for your eggs as usual, paying top prices in cash, or orders given on town stores. • B A GAINS Show Day, April sth Fresh sodabiscultl(broken)1h leo Peanut Better ,, ,.. . Pork and beans, large tine , 16e Our Own mixed tea G lbs Ass Our Own Japan tea, 250, 5 lbs 1,15 5lbs nrly to a0usto ei ) in 15 c kin powder, t Our Own baking p r Lipton's black tea, 015 price ; 40e Gingernuts,2i lbs ,,,. Domestic shortening ,0lb tin 00e „ 5 1b tin 1,10 Macaroni (Calcite's milk) pkg 11)8 Spaghetti pep pkg ,,,,,., ,, 100 We will be "At Home" to wen mine yell, all day, whoth„er you buy or not essesseereesei Everything 'Ticketed arid prices lowered for the Day. T. Oiiell Cream Wanted Any quantity of cream handled at highest price for butter fat. Cream called for or taken in the first three clays of the week at Holmesville. You may see- your cream tested for your-, self, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cream paid fol! every week PHONE 17 ON 148 GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen Clocks, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted display of Clocks ever shown in town 8 dayMantle'Clocks' with cathedral gong, in oak and mahogany. Manicure Sets, Cut Glass, Silverware Spectacles of all kinds and Repairs. Droundern o d obligation tarouno you are FOR SALE -BARRED ROCK EGGS,. Bred -to -lap, Last year 37 of my pullets laid 101 eggs each for the year. Eggs from these hens and their daughters $2 per 15, $3 per 30, $4 per 50, $7 per 100. Fairview Poultry Yards -Jabez Rands, 017-. ton. FOR SALE -I HAVE A LIMITED quantity, of Marquis sexing wheat for sato. It is an excellent sam- ple. For ne 4 on 150 -Fred Middleton, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. --78-5 HOUSE FOR SALE On TO RENT- Roomy house on ilrner of Ontario and William street, A11 modern eenvenlences. Garden and young fruit trees. -Apply( to Mrs. A. Bea- com .on premises or to W, Braid 77 lllinton. NOTICE R. H. JOHNSON, Issuer of. Marriage Licenses. Optician and Jeweler THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live 11114 L. M. JERVIS i -i OLPdI E5V ILLS. Special Prices == Apr. 5 Your Chance TEAS Teas are good baying as we all know they are advancing - 05c Value black or mixed 40e 451 Value black or mixed 350 40c Value Japan tea 35c 30c Value Japan tea 211c Not more then 5 lbs to any customer RICE SPECIAL to Rice for Se, ob more then $1,00 to auy To obine at tpain your supplies in Grocery purobasing some of these linerices we cannot s you an save nonce. Our specials offered below aro some swe tore, offe1 and hh ore willwibe had aour. NOTICE ie hereby given that Mar- garet 13e11 0.7.-7arleswortlr, of the Town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the provinceof Ontario, wife of Leos poltl Otto Cbavleswortb, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par. Ilameet;of Canada et the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopold Otto Charles\vortb• of the said town of Blyth, in the County of Moron. in the Province of Ontario, merchant, on thegronnd of iadttltery and desertion, i)4ted at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this 101 I clay of Januafy,, 11017, . Margaret Bell Oherlesworth, 13y her Solicitor, Willtatri Thornbllrh Witness, A. V. Darrach, Cream. Wanted Highest price paid for cream,, which will be taken in every, WEDNESDAY morning and weigher -tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMERHILL. South -End Grocery, One door North of the Hospital Grand Mogul Tea at per lb 40400 Lipton tea 0 1350 Japan tea 25e OOc Black tea for Helmet Salmon per tin 150 250 Red salmon per 'tin Pull Line of Fresh Groceries in Stock Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs Goods delivered to any part of the town FIG SPECIAL 13 lbs tor $1.00 Sugar -specialprice by the Hundred PSOAP SPECIAL 21 cakes, of Snolight, Surprise, Victor, Gold or Naptha for $1.00 0 cakes of Comfort or Electric for 25e I large bar N. P. Soap for 150 Highest Market Price for Produce Tea is one of the Best Buys and we have some Good Blends we are going to offer to you for Show Day only- JAPAN TEAS Reg 80e, per lb, Show Day 51bs for 1.25 Reg 40o per lb Show Day, 5 5 s for lbs for .75 tl0 Reg 50c, per lb, Show Day, OUR BLACK WE RECOMMEND Reg 40c per lb, Show Day, 5 lbs for1,75 Reg 50c per Ib, Show Day, 5lhs for 2,25 lteg OOc per ib, Show Day, 51bs for 2.50 51bs to each customer Supplies limited -Come Early LAUNDRY SUPPLIES 7 Bars Pure Soap for 25e 3 Boxes Laundry Starch for 25e Other Speciale we will announce in our window on Show Day. Highest Market Brie for Produce E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Johnson & Co The Store of Qtiality raw order! p'rotnetle attended to. PHONE Ilia PERCE YOUR ORDER D. N. WATSON ORDER YOUR Sap Vans and Buckets NOW and be ready when the season opens THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Sapp over Rowland's Hardware, ' PHONE 53. for some of otir Western Oats, which we have just recetvec1 and we will charge .you no more than if they were just the ordinary, grade of oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. We always bane a ball stock at Flour and reed. W. Jenkins & Son4 FLOUR AND FEED. [ailione 199, Migliost ptices paid 'tor Grain and Wool. 101ovatot, Residence photo 9.1424 The Big Store Before you start house-cleaning visib our store and you will find everything requiredto snake it as easy as possible Scrub Brushes all kinds from 50 to 25o Bon -Ami (for cleaning windows) in powder or cake . , ..... , .... 15o Pauline 50 Lux 10e Ammonia Powder 4 Soap of all kinds . 50 Soap Chips 5o Gillette Lye , .... 13c Comfort Lye 10c or 3 for 250. Caustic Soda 05o Liquid Veneer,..... ,.....25c and 600 Renuall 25c and 60c Wash Tubs, galvanized, all sizes and prices Galvanized pails and tin pane all sizes aed prices J. O. Lounsbery L,ONIMESEORO The trig stole with little 11rites