HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-29, Page 1No. 1982 -37th Year inton ec rd Ev 1. CLI TON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1917 on 'Thursday, April the 5th, the day of Huron's Spring Show THE HOME PAPER SIS dprin�; $hiv, Visrs t inton on that da. will be welcomed v Ito o Cll y at our store whether for a friendly Or a business call, Our stock, as usual, is tat ge and well aesortod.. We carry WATCHES, . CLOCKS; RINGS, •JEWELER', CUT GLASS, AND CHINA Also a complete line of Spectacles and Eyeglasses your eyes accurate) We can fit . y y Do: not forget we are headquarters for 'watch, clock and jewelery repairing, , . , r Oldest Established Iewelery Store.. in Clinton ,mac-�.�.,a��•s.®�, - -- .,�^�,-, rh 0,1 OF CANADA. Ineorporated 1809, Capital Authorized Capital Paid-up lieserve and Undivided Profits Total Assets anti $20,000,000 12,000,000 14,:300,000 270,000,000 400 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed 00 Savisrgs Deposits. General Banking business' transacted. n, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton 'Branch • INCORPORATED 1005 Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business. Transacted.. Circular !Utters of Credit Bank Money Orders, Savings Bank Department. Interest allowed at highest current rate. C. E. Dowding, Manager, Clinton Branch. READY-TO-WEAR OIATHINe 2 he c6lorrish Clothing Co. ORDERED CroTarxa • 2.50 Hat Fr..,:. On. Stock Show , Day We will give with every suit _ from $15 up, purchased on SpringShowDay,your choice of any $ 2.50. hat in the store. Our stock of suits is the lar- - swe have ever shown and , gest prices are from 2.00 to 5.00 $ $ below the present market value. This offer is for . Spring Show Dag Onl Store open on this date,A p ri' pN 13th „ until 111 p m. C�THE OTHING . CO.MORRISH Agent C. P R. /e 1 a for Sunday ofnight calls. ONTARIO STREET CTIURCH. Last'Suiidt), evening thirty young ladies were,ereeeived ciao membership at a sunnier" reception service. Rev, J, i1, Robinson addressed. the Sunday school on Sunday afternoon. On ,Sunday morning next a reeep- tion will be held foe seniors. ' The pastor well preach at both services, taking for his subject in the even- ing ; "What a Young Man Needs," • A COUPLE Op' PRESENTATIONS, The members of the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's church, on Monday ev- ening, at the home of Mrs. Ferran, presented Mrs, Il, E. Paull with a prayer book, prier to her departure from • town. The choir of FIt. Paul's, of whfe:h, Mr, Paull was a valued member, made this popular couple the recipi cs enof a nice piece of cut glass, as a 'reminder of happy associations. Mr, and Mrs. Paull will l;e much missed by the, congregati-n of St. Paul's, FELLED TILE CHANT. • A large elm which grew upon the. lawn of the property • on I-Tttrcn street recently purchased by Mrs. Peter Gantelon, was cut down one day last week by Messrs. W. and 7I Alexander anti R. Currie. The •trce was a king of Its kind • mea using. four feet, four inches fn diameter, It seemed a pity, to doom it to the axe and there are many of the opine ion that such a stately specimen should have been left standing but the owners of the property willed that it s':ottld be cut, Several cords of stove wood has been nlaile from the fallen giant. I'UBLIP 'LIBRARY OPENED. Tnc Clinton public Library, which has 1 e n closed to the puLiic, with ..the excepti.:n of tee reading room, for some time past, is again . open for distribution of books. The Library is not by any means the stone Library[ as lefore it was closed but a much more useful, bet- ter equipped and efficient cne. Very fete of these who have been in the hab- it of using the•library, However, have any clear idea of the changes which hate been wrought in it. Of course it is well known that a new wing has been 'added. This was commenced in the fall of 1915 and is now complete. The nevi wing has been converted Otto a stack room and. the seven tithusand odd volumes, which were packed and jammed into close quarters, filling every inch oft, space from floor to ceiling fn • the old stack room, are much more ccn- vcmently disposed of in the new. Ev- en then there is little enough space for new books to be added from time to time. The old stack room has been util- ized as .a reading room for the chil- dren and theirboo::s hate been placed there. The whole i,rterior has bee;i re - papered, painted and fitted. ' with a new system of lighting ; a drinking fountain has been put in and a lava- tory has been installed fu the base- ment. The whole building, new and old i sewzg sa resents Might, p b L, cheerf.il and attractive , appearance. But after all it is among the books that the greatest im- provement has. been made, an en- tirely new system having been intro- duced. They are now catalogued by the Dewey Decimal • System. Every book has been classified, its contents noted and dards made out indicating same. Each book has at lets( four cards, many a dozen and sonic" more, describing their contents and each class of books ds- 50 numbered. and marked that it can be told at a glance where it belongs. Patrons will be allowed to choose their own books from the shelves and no matter what subject a patron may wish to study he can go to a card index and find the number and, name of the book dealing with that subject. If he wishes to study the works of a particular author he can (find out easily how many the library oohtates' and where to lay his: land on then(. If onl;.t the name of a book can lie reaped it is essily found and if neither name nor auth- or is known and only the sub;ect natter is recalled a 01 nee throegh the card index quickly brims it to light. The Newark., System of charging, Which is considered the most up-to- date, will be used, As will be readily understood all these :changes have necessitated a vast amount of work, 'Phe new wing was made •possible by a grant front bir, Andrew Carnegie and the money,,, has been expendaid with the greatest care and to the very best•adveittagc,l But the bulk of the work in mimic - lien with the chance in the new sp• Stem of distribution and handling of books has been done by the librarian and the chairman of the board, who have worked early and late blit wino. now have the satisfaction of knowing that thele thoroughness has '.(snsured for this itnpreved library system the most complete trial. Iit the remacit- ing of the hanks smile volunteer a .s- aIst aae rysgaveIbut though that was no light talk it was g c olnirtg' within sight Of the end and' follow- ed on the heels of a long 1er at (1 meth It more oxactlie g task, Clinton people have reason to be proud Of thole Public 1:1braey, which 10 today the .most cdeiplete and up- to-dato one this side et London, RECEIVED NICE LEGACY. Rev, Jerrold Potts of Toronto, for- niorly rector el Ste Pal's clench, Clinton, has been named executor and trustee of the, estetejof tato late Mrs, iv!oorhouse of 'Por,nlltO, who left property valued at nearly) 000. Mr, Potts was' left' a legacy of $500, AN INTERL+:STING SOUVENIR. (G:oderieh Star.) "Manager Rumball 0) the Bell Telephone Co, is' the possessar'of a ring made from the aluminum nose of a German shell; with British arms in copper.' The ring was senij him by, liis brother, Fred, now in .France who enlisted with the 03rd battery," THE Y.M,C,A. 'FUND. The campaign for the raising of funds fon; the -Y M.C,A,. work a- mong the soldier hoys is ,going on a- pace. The :time for turning an the lists had to be extended as the col- lectors found it ,impossitle to got over the ground in the time. From the returns coming in it loo! -s as if Clinton would ma"e a good showing' finally. Anycue who happens to Lo missed could hand a contra' utiou to the treasurer, Mr, 0. 0. MeTag ag art, or to any member of the committee. 'Tis for a good cause. Let -Clinton show what can be done in s Bch a ease. Y.L.P.A. IIA9 ANNUAL. MEETING', On Thursday evening last the 'Young Ladies' Patriotic Auxiliary] held their fleet ahnui,l meet n when reports were reed s ud the ofee ers elected as f.11ows President, Miss Olive Cooper. 1st Tice; • 'Hiss \\'uni: 0 Neil, 2nd •'\'Ire Miss Amy Howson. 3rd Vice, :Hiss Rent Pickett, Secretary, Miss Belle Draper. Treasurer, Miss , can. McTag:,art. Publicity 'Committee Convener, :Hiss W. Thompson, Rays and Means ('onnmitteo- Con- vener, Mrs, Fairfull. Wool Committee, Misses Ailey How- son and Jennie Robertson. Tho following is a summary of the financial report of the Auxiliary for the past six months, since last elec- tion of officers Balance from previous six months, $109,03. Fees, $4.11 ; donations. 954.12 ; musicales, $33,80 ; Lamar, $255.12 ; advertising, 948.50 ; sale of Tapers, $70 ; rink, 961.30 ; minstrels and play, 9222.70 ; te:s, $53.48 ; sun- dries, 915.15 ; interest 92;01, total receipts, $929.32, , Expenditures,—For prisoners of war $60 ; British Red Cross, 125 ; Cena• than Red Cross, $100 ; $25 ; Belgian Relief, $25 ; \Yemen's Patriotic Society, 950 ; Weal, $103.- 90 103:90 ; Boxes to boys at front, (exclu- sive of wo:.1 and ca''es) $181 ; ex- penses for bazaar and minstrel. show, 970.35; paper press, $8 ; sun- dries, draying,.postage, etc. 123.81 ; balance on hand, $167.26, total, $929.32. POPULAR CITIZEN BANQTJETTED The Board of Trade and a number of his business associates tendered a banquet to .Mr. FI, 11. Paull, acting manager of the local branch of the Molsons Bank, who this week leaves to assume the management, of the Aivinston branch, at the Rattenbury House on Monday evening, About fifty of the business and professional men' of Clinton sat down to the teally excellent supper provid- ed by, Mine Host -Rattenbury, • Mr. le. Jackson acted as toast toaster, filling the - position with grace and .acceptance. The toast "'The Icing" brought ev- erybody ,to his feet and tine 'Nation- al Anthem was heartily sung, Then Mr G. D. McTaggart propos- ed "Our Guest' and while upon his feet, in a neat speech, presented to Mr, Paull, on behalf of the assem- bled company, a very handsome club bag. The presentation came as a com- plete surprise to Mr. Paull but be responded warmly to the toast and also thanked his friends for the handsome gift, •assuring tlienn, howev- er, that he did not need 'a tangt,,ie reminder to keep green the memory of Clinton as he had thoroughly en- joyed his sojourn here and would say farewell to the .towe. with Been regret, Col. Mance proposed 'the toast to Mr. Sharpe, •Mr. Paull's successor, who replied in happy vein,. recalling the time, some tuventy years ago, when he served as junior on the staff of the Bank to whish he 110W returns as acting manager, He said his recollections of Clinton were very vivid and very pleasant. • "Oar Educational Interests" was responded to by Rev, J. A, Pebin- son, Rev, W. 11. Moulton and Messrs. J. W. Treleaven and C. 1). Bonds; "The Board of Trade" brought to their feet in turn -the president and secretary, Messrs, D. Cantelon and A. 1'. Cooper, who each spoke brlcf- ly. " Our Metchantile Interests brought replies from Reese Ford W. slt� ' roti V. Jar .lames S , and Messrs, , Chas, Libby. and ha., F. Jack - soli aiY The affair passed oft Very. 9Ceasat t - ly; the onlyregrettable Cetitt 'cbeing the fest that it was a fareweil to a most woetlt3l and highly esteemed citizen, foe Mr, Patill Maids tllintMI bearing with bliss the greed Wishes of ail r1asses of 4iti741m TTII- I,OCA.L.AIARF1IT, Wheat 91;70, • Buckwheat $1.15', Barley $1.00, Oats 60e; Butter 350 to 311e, .Eggs 80c to 81e..' Live I:Togs 915,00.. HOUSECLEANING ACCIDENT, While engaged . bocseuleanicg on Saturday morning hist Mrs J. W. ,Sliaw fell from a stepladder, receiv- ing inure. or less serious iiilurle. Though bruised and sha' en Mrs. Shaw escaped without a broken isone and it as Hoped she will soon to quite recovered. MOVING 1.'0 NEW IIOMTII. Dr, Gaudier is nloeing this week into his new property, tl:e White- head place on Vieteria street, As his office and residence will Le to- gether this will be much more con- venient for him. Mr. George Phalen has purchased the Doctor's cotta;e on Rattenbury street and will tale possession almost at cum. WRIST WATCH FOR NURSEC. Before leavin;; for Montreal, where ,,. • r 1 she re i,c on Feeley e a i ay last and from where she leaves for o v c r seas with a party of other narking -sisters; BTf;s Kate Scott was presented by the Women's Patriotic So:•ieLy and the Young Ladies' Aexiii;'ry with a h'ndsome twist watch. Bliss ;Scott is the third Clinton nuts, to coast for o:erseas eervice, bliss Violet' i•ewt'll ..nd Mete 1. ergiteo n being -already:. rat. duty(, the Conner for eyes a year, TU)41L} VROel '1111'1 FRON'1. • 'Pte. 11'. Ilay • C antclan 'addressed the members of Wesley church Leag- ue on Monday evening, 'telling of con- ditions In the leen hes in France, where he spent several mouths. One could hardly imagine anyone more cheerful than Mr. ('anteloit was as he answered questi n after c,u s- ti0n, he didn't pretend to have a set speech, about the life of etc ('unadi• an soldier living underground in France, I3ardships and dangers were apparently taken as a matter of course. Not the least of the bravery shown) by our brave,soidicr 'lads is the cheerful spirit with which the in- evitable discomforts are borne. This simple; intimate little talk ty the first of the Clinton boys to return from the war was exceedingly inter- esting to all who heard it. NEXT THURSDAY'S TITE: DAY. The executive of the iluron County, Spring Stock ,Show axe nta',ing ar- rangements which will ensure that the Show this year,' next Thursday, April 5th; will be better than over before, and that is saying a g:od deal. More money is being paid in prizes and altogether, given good weather, the show next Thursday will be a hummer, E.erycne will take the day off and come to Clin- ton on that day. It will be worth while just to see the help driers' contest, before the postoffice at four o'clock. oc . On the afternoon and e.eniug of Horse Show Day and the evening be- fore that thrilling pictorial story, "The Battle Cry of Peace", will be shown in the town hall under the auspices of the Horse Show and the Young Ladies' Patriotic Aslxiiitry, the proceeds to be di; Bled bebtveen the two societies. This is said to be the greatest film ever shown in Western Ontario and 'everyone should endeavor to see it. During the performance the V.L.P. A, ladies will sell homemade candy to the` audience, HURON W. C. A. The tea and. exhibit of work tv„ieh was held, 111 the council chamber no Wedsiesdey afternoon last was a de- cided success. The supplies from the various societies' were in excellent condition' and on every hand was hoard the expression ;,"Isn't it a splendid shipment 7" A display of suck; beautiful work must be such a stimutlus and such a satisfaction to all who ate doing their best work for the soldier boys. The proceeds of the tea amounted to $20 and in addition to this 97,65 , was re:aized from the sale of extra coolcing. The shipment consisted of the following : 'Varna Patriotic Society ; 88 flannnel shirts, 8e pair socks, 30 trench, tow- els, 11 pyjamas. Bayfield Pat. Society ; 8 flannel shirts, 65 pai0 of socks, 3 quilts, Stanley;,` Maple Loaf ; 9 flannel shirts, 14 pair of socks, Unity Club ; 11 flannel shirts, 30 pair of snobs. Young Ladies, Ooderieh Tp ;' Sit pair of seeks, Bethany Society ; 30. pair socks, Turner's Church Society'; 28 Palr of socks. Clinton W.1',S.; 37 flannel shirts, 80 hospital shirts, 10 sheets, 52 slips, 177 pairs of kooks, 1 scarf, 80 trench towels, - 12 pyjamas, 1 package of old cotton.. All the Societies are asked to re- member t shower soclt shot r for the t61st Battalion. 'Every woman in each el the societies shipping from Clinton c knit rain is staked to 0110 pair so as to 1 make the Ship/Rent as large as Pos- sible. Put name end name.,.cf Socie- ty the sool1,0 and bring or send fate the cotUseil climber on 1t,ltlles- day next, Huron ,spring Show Day. JTNGACUP/MEN'l' ANNUL/NC/ED,. Yf1^ anl Mrs, John Hoppe, oroi- to, annomlco the engagement of thein dauglitor, Nora Tem, to. Mee Wil- liam, Stewart Paisleys, son of Mr, and Mrs, W.J._Paisley, Clinton, Ont,, marriage to take plane early in Ap- nil, 1\r, P. 5. NOTES. The • Women's Patriotic Society will meet as usual for work on Fri- day: afternoon. Plenty, of work for willing workers and the " need is great. The ladies are asked to re montber the sock' shower -for ' the "Hurons." .0n Horse Show Day, People You Know Mrs: Slack of Gndericin is the guest of "Mrs, W. .J'ackson, 1111, Harry ('.antelon of 'Toronto was in town for a couple et clays last week, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Twitchell return- ed to Toronto Monday morning af- ter spending a iortnieht in town. Mr. John Watts 'of Holten .has been visiting his brother, NIr. Thomas Watts of tarn, during the past r w . Rev,oe) J. A. Robinson end Rev. W. 13. Moulton attended the Induction of Rev. A. L. G. • Clarke het() the rec- torship of St, `Cc r ,e's church, • Goderi h ou 'I'hursd y evening lest, .1n, illustrated arldriss,,"Front tine Garden to the Tomb," will be giv- en in St. obit's church on Tuesday evening next Ly Re:. W. B. eluuliu u, 1t will Le ii'ee,y and interesting. Everybody wi 0 eine. The Clesncrse Uissi et Circle -in- tend giving an eutsies lament the second Fridays in Aria. The Glean- ers usually manage . to put c n en en- tertaining program and will no doubt do so on 'this occasion, At the last sleeting et the Patrio- tic Society twenty-four • members be- ing present, it was decided 'to take a subscription from the.peaple of the neighborhood to protide fends for carrying on the work. The commit- tee in charge report favora'ly aid -it is expected that at the next meet ing•Lhey will have a substantial sunt to hand in. A bale of se =teen grey flannel .shirts and ninety-six pairs of socks 'vas packet, this being the work .of the Society for the past four weeks. On account of Thursday being C3intan Slsow Day the meeting next week will be held on Tuesday. Badfi eld. Miss . Maggie McLeod of Detroit is visiting her brother, W. J. McLeod, Messrs. William and Al'eert Leetcll left the past week for Swift Cur- rent, Sas'';. Mrs, George Copeland received word on Thursday last of the death of her brother, Mr. Shaw of Mt, Al- bert, and on Friday Mr. and 1Mrs'. Copeland left to attend the funeral, returning on • Tuesday 1 e �y evening. Aliss Hilda King,. who spent the past two months at Stratford, re- turned home last week. Air, John Davison, who is working in the monition factory at Seaforth, spent Sunday and Monday. at his home in the village; Pte. Fred Weir, who was reported the past week as wounded in 'France; has since died of wounds. He was a nephew of Mrs. Fraise Kee;;an of this village. Btanleg Township Pte.. Franklin Boyce, who was wounded in Entice aul.t who spent some time in an English hospital, has recovered and has reterne;l to the trenches. Mr, and Mrs, Win, Reid entertain- ed a fcw of their poling friends at their hound on Taurs1ay evening hist. We aro glair to report that Mr. D. J, Stephenson, who has been so seriously ill is now improving, tino.tgh not yet out of danger. We trust, however, that his recovery) will now be speedy, Refd Bros. have sold and delivered a good driving mare to Mr. lio'.t. Webster of Lec'.cnow end ha• a also disposed of a One Shorthorn tonic) Mr. Janus Smillie of Tcc!cersmith. For both these animals they received handsome figures, Messrs, Samnel Hehner and Wm. Sparks have leased Mr, Rol;ert Del- gaty's farm for a term of years. }Mr, Goo. Flewitt spent the week- end at the home of Mr. William Ratliwcll. Airs, James Reid, who has. been s\voelwhat ind'aposed, is not reco,- Bring as fust as )ter Iricuds could isam: Miss Lucinda Re 0, who has beck ill has now recovered. • Somme h rail 'Phe 1:Yemen's Patriotic. Society will meet at the home of Mrs, A, Morrell on Tuesday( aItetneen next instead of Thursday. All filo tactics wlto are working for the society are asked to rotitrss finished. scales so they can be packed for the boys at the trent, Varna The play[ siuu10tled ,''Tlse S7toleA Diamonds" was presented by the Bayfield Dramatic Club on Tuesday, evening 0i last weekunder the aus- isices of the Varna Patriotic. Society, and proved to' be quite a success, The play; is in three acts and occu- pied two hours and a half. Splen- slfd music want furnisll'otl betweenncts by the Varna orchestra, The play- ers were ; `Misses Edith Spaokutau, Lucy Woods, Jessio McKenzie, Mar- garet Campbell, ,Dean Geddes end. :Messrs. Victor Evans, O. W. Melee., Donald Mckenzie; Willard Sturgeon, ,James Reid and Lrank Cameron, The enthusiastic manner in width each '\ie presenter) their part was much a'p preeta ted :.by the audience, which was evidenced I:y the marked attention given. The people of Varna and vicinity, and especial-, ly the members of the Patriotic So- ciety, are very grateful to the Dra- matis (lint kr tee selfndict even- ing's entertaimnent, also to Mr. Wil- liam Loran, who re'tdered ao accep- tably 01101 1 o;s, lar and Louati(: 1 song, "0 Canada," Mr. Tl:oinas Dennison, who has spent the winter 1n Los Angeles, Cal. ifornla, visitmg friends, has reru)a ) home Mrs, T. eleAsli, who has beta vis- iting her daughter in Michi;an and friends in the west, has returned home. 'Mr. an•1 tiers. lugs spent the weer - end with friends in Land.ts. 'Wedding bells were ringing in c 11 vi^in ity last wee!: when Mr. Italie: 0 tenhees`nn w, s gerstly nsarretd to ;\Tiss Fell of oc1r Mitchell. techool se .tier No. b will 1:140 a, concert in the town hell, Verna, on Friday next, A emel program is l:e- ing prepared. Wood cutting has been the nreee of the dap in our village during the past week, Mr. Tom Reel spent the took-rnd at his home near here, Mr. W. Peacock et Toronto spent a few clays as the grest of Mr. J. T, Reid last week, Gocterich Township A lantern service and illustrated address will be given in St. James' church, )Middleton, un the evening of Good Friday. "From the Cradle to the 'Tomb, or The Story of the Cross in Word and Picture," Address and hymns will be illustrated by slides. All axe welcome to this service. ' The Young Ladies' Patriotic Socie- ty met on Thursday afternoon last at the home of Miss A. Steep and re -organized for the year, appoint- ing the. following officers : President, Miss Mita Middleton. Vice, Miss A. Steep: Secretary, 'Miss Flossie Cole. 0 Treasurer, Hiss Alma Elliott. . Since October last the following funds have been collected and ex- pended by the Society : Collected is fees and donations, 9118.80 ; balance on hand in October, $47.15 ; total, 9215.95. Expended for wool and oth- er material, etc. 9168.13 ; balance on n hotel 67 82 • total, �l 9 $$ 5, a. , Miss A. Steep a s t ep w s appointed pp to to look after the giving out of wool and getting in the socks, so anyone wishing to assist by knitting may procure wool from her, Since Octo- ber last the Society has knitted 160 pairs of socks, the greater number being knitted since Christmas. 'Phe meeting next week will be at the hone of Miss Daisy Middleton. All members are reglrested to tee present as boxes are to be peciced for the Goderich township boys who are Rt the front, Lots of Clinton ,,, oats There. - The following letter from an, old. Clinton boy, now with the "Hurons" at Willey Camp, was received by, Mrs, A. J, McMurray : "Witley Campy 1, arch 11th, Dear Mrs. McMurray,—As this Is Sunday morning and I have nothing else 'to do except write fetterseee thought' I would start out by writ- ing you a few' lines. I wish to Cross Society for the parcel sent thank you and the girls of the Red and which I received two wcet s a- go. We were certainly glad to get it, yt0t1 may imagine the caro and other good things s0011 disappeared; as anything that cones front Cana- da always does. I found your note 111 the pair of socks, I was very, glad to get the soc::s. I have sit few pair but most oe them have some very fancy mending 1n them 80 you see it is a change to put on a pelt that is not mended. We have moved about a good de .1 since we came to England. We hate been in three or four military mines but tl1 s is far the largest and best. There are both infantry and artillery here. I have seen two or tfitee Clinton boys, Clarence lerty also Jack Lely are ht Witley camp, At present there must be nearly isalf of the 161st quarantined for Mumps, my lint le andCr quarantine araht nY a1i I w ill certainly Y begb wet. There le lad when got ou , lie no fun staying in the but every eve ening. I' suppose Clinton is the same old place, how I would li''o to spend ail evening on the rink there, Uhl my thanks to the R. 0. Society and to Bliss Lucy Slovens for the );cod things scitt us, hoose sincerely Robert fisher,"