The Clinton News Record, 1917-03-22, Page 81
; • sotos..-otcommereo.
began Wednesday, January 3rd, 1917
If you:cannot attend day school, you may take
a course in
Shorthand, Typewriting and"Bookkeeping
by attending Night Classes
Classes Monday and Wednesday
Terms Moderate.
You have always intended to• take a Commercial
and Stenographic Course sometime -DO IT NOW
Learn More to Earn More
Positions Guaranteed to Students.
B. F. WARD, B.A. M.Accts.,.
Phone 208. Principal
It wilt pay you well to read every word of -this
little ad.
Do you know we are making high-class handtailored Cloth-
ing for men and boys at prices very little higher then before
the war
Yon may have been looking around for the kind of suit you
used to wear, and have come to the conclusion that they have
gone beyond your purse. Don't be deceived, -xG lee us a eau,
We can show you an exceptionally large range of patterns in
this season's neweet imported tweeds and worsteds '
'We are Shov, ing I°ten's High -Class
Bench=tailored Sults at from $18 up
See our fine Blue Worsted Suits at $23 and $26 (pure:Indigo
dye) and all are thoroughly shrunk, They ace the •equalof
most 433 Salts
We tailor these clothes to your own measurement and.
style selection
Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed
Give us a call while the assortment is large, 'Choose your
cloth and leave your measure, and we will deliver your suit any
time during the spring
Phone 25
Small plu steelnos• More
Profits Business
Be Good to Your Feet
Foot Comfort Means Mind Comfort
Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes
Means Foot Comfort
There are many makes of shoes that are
Stylish and Durable, though few indeed
are also Comfortable.
Dr, A. Reed Cushion Shoes are made for comfort,
in all styles and leathers, and have many individual
features that are exclusively their own. making them
vastly different from any other make of shoes.
Without a doubt they aro
to be had only at
Fragments from Fiance
The war reduced to grim and grue-
some absurdity; the i'uu of the war by
one who has been throngh it, and
shows what he has seen, and heard,
and felt—and laughed at.
25,000 copies sold in a few months,
Some of the words saki about it
are, "Bindle will twist a etnile
x•om the wryest month," "It
makes us gurgle quietly and con-
tinuonsly." "A. delicious piece of
Both above are good to send to the
boys at the front or in the hospital,
They 'will help the efforts of the med-
ical men.
line W. 11 Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
prmsut =WWI ,
— = uxuuU llu.
Clinton ' News- Record
Motreh 0' i
Miss Daisy Middleton was the guest
last week of Miss Rate Scott.
Miss Cela Rathwell of Ethel has been
visiting her aunt, Mrs, A. Beacom
of town, during the past week,
Mr. A. A. 11111 of Winnipeg Is visit-
ing his parents, Mr, and Mrs, By -
and Mill of town,
Mrs. Follett of Exeter was the guest
over the week -end of Rev. E. G.
and Mrs. Powell.
Rev. Prof. Wright of London was the
guest while in town over the week-
end of Rev. J. A. and tIrs, Robin-
son at the rectory,
Lance -Corporal George Weber return-
ed to London on Friday afternoon
after a ten days' leave spent a
mong old Clinton friends,
Mrs. ,lock Willis and little daugh-
ter, Vera, left Tuesday morning for
her home at Ritchie, Sasir,, Ater
spending the winter with, her mo-
ther, Mrs. Leppington.
Mr. H. R. Sharpe of Alvinstou was
in town Inc a few daps this week.
He will assume his new duties on
the staff• of the Molsons )lank in
the course of'a few days.
Mrs. Mitchell and little sun of
Clarksburg returned to their home
on Saturday after a fortnight's
visit with Rev. J. A. and Airs.
Robinson at Stn Paul's rectory,
Miss M. J. Evans left Tuesday
morning after spending a fortnight
as the guest of her brother, Dr. J,
S. Evans, for Detroit where site
will visit a short time before re-
turning to Winnipeg,
Sapper C. Wilmer Wallis spent :e few
days at home last week prior to
leaving for overseas. Sapper Wal-
lis has been in Ottawa all winter
but expects to leave almost im-
mediately for England•
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jennison arrived
from Swift Current, Sask., last
week and are visiting the fernier's
home in town, Mr. Jennison has
not been in the best of health but
it is 'hoped that a rest will re-
store him,
Mr. J. W. Newcombe of Fort `Wil-
liam and Mr. W. H. Newcombe,
of Vancouver, B. C., - who have
been in Toronto on business, aro
expected to spend a few days • in
town this week visiting their sis-
ter, Mrs. J. S. Evans, and their
father, the Rov, H. Newcombe.
Dr, and Mrs. Donald Ross of Swift
Current, Sask., have been visiting
the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W.' T. O'Neil, and with other re-
latives here for the past tpoek. It
is but a flying visit they are mak-
ing' east, the Doctor conning to
visit the hospitals in Toronto and
Pte, Thos. Leppington, eldest son of
Mrs, Leppington of town, who has
been in hospital in England for
the past .couple of plonths is not
improving, according to latest re-
ports. He is receiving the very. hest
of attention, however, and it. 1s
hoped he will soon take a turn Inc
the better.
Miss' Edith Jolifle, daughter of Rev,
W. J. Jelin,' a former pastor of
Wesley church, has recently joined
the nursing state of the Queen Al-
exandria hospital, London, Eng,
She was met on her •arrival in
London by her- brother, Ernest,
who had been in Trance for some
time with the 75th Battalion.
Miss Skimings of Goderich had the
misfortune to fall upon an icy walk
last week one day, fracturing her
hip. This is the second accident of
the kind which Miss Skirtings has
sustained and she has not altogeth-
er recovered from the former one.
Her friends overynwhore will learn
of her misfortune with keen regret.
bit. N. W. Trewartha, manager of
the local branch of the Gunn,
Langlois Co., Ltd. was in Toron-
to on Monday attending the Egg
Exporters' convention, As shippitng
space will be very limited this sum -
bier a deputation was' appoin-
ted to wait on the Govern.
eat at Ottawa on March 27t5
to urge the (natter of the
British .Steamship Companies giv-
ing Canadian eggs a preference over
the American product. If this is'
done producers will redeive a Hotter
price for their eggs this year than
they otherwise would, '
A Beautiful
Art Square
lends a; charm to:the room.
It has other advantages al-
so, being easy to clean, easy
to remove, VGe have at
present an excellent show-
ing of fine rugs ineludiog
Brussels, Axmutsters, Wil -
tons, etc., that w el have
ppaced at attractive prices,.
We would be most pleased
to show them to you.,
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 ' Phone 11a.• 28
axa7a' "e°rLvsysrst
o cnlvY E
Union Station -11 a.ol, (except Saturday)
10 a.m, (except Sunday)
All Modern Equipment
Through tickets to Ottawa via Toronto and
the Canadian Northern Railway aro obtain -
able from local ON R, agent or G.T.R. egeilt.
Telephone or telegraph collect to
IrotChoyto A, T. Oooper, book
aoapassenger W, Clton CANADIAN NORTHERN
A Representative of
Canada's Largest Custom Tailors
(Opposite the Market Square)
With a Full Range of -
JR V V 1 JLT A l Y G S
For the purpose of introducing these high-grade garments
we offer a cash discount of ten pet cent. off all orders taken
by Mr. Irving.
Come and See This Range Whether You Buy or Not.
Women's Store
Dry Goods, HouseFurnishings
phone 67
th, Next to Royal Bank
flen's Store
Custom Tailoring and
phone 103. Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
People You Know. I Holreesville
Mrs. H. Penuobaker is spending a Dor• Mr. J. Little and fancily have ro-
ple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. moved from the village to their new
home on the farm of Mrs. P. Can-
teen on 'the 7th.
We understand that. Mr, D. J.
Burrows of Sheppardton.
�l r. and Mrs, H. G. Eastman were
gnests with Arkoma friends for a few
days; lir. East-manl has retnrded
but Mrs. Eastman iswmakiug a long- Burns has rented the house belong-
er visit: ing to Mr. P. Potter in Holmesville
Mr, G. Whittington of Parry Sound and will occupy 1t very shortly, We
evisiting his mother and other tri- will welcome Mr. and Mrs, Burns to
enols in town,
Mrs. French returned yesterday after i our village as they will make good
spending the winter with her sister, citizens:
at Centralia. The sale of farm stock and imple-
ments of Mr. W. 'Tebbutt, just ad-
joining the village, which took place
on Tuesday last was a very success-
ful one. The stock was good and
brought good prices. Having rented
his farm to his brother, Mr. Oscar
Tebbutt, Will has accepted a Posi-
tion with the Imperial Oil Co., Lon-
don. We wish him success bet are
sorry* to have him leave the ln.ali-
Rev. A. Sinclair preached practic-
al sermons on Sunday _ last, in he
evoning taring for his subject the
life and labors of St. Patrick. ,_ It
was most, interesting and w„s moth
appreciated by all who heard, Re
emphasized the fact that for about
seven hundred yiears the Irish
Church, as founded by St, Patrick,
was most exemplary in its reli;•ious
freedom and fervor and ideal In its
protestant' principles of truth and
On Easter. Day a special service
will be held in St. John's church
at three o'clock in the afternoon
when Rev, Rural Dean, J. A. Robin-
son, Clinton, acting for HIis Lordship,
the Bishop of Huron, will unveil the
new charicel window which has been
resented to St, John's church,
r, Frank McDonald of Porters
Hill has engaged with Mr. J. B.
I-Iolmes for a year and is occupying
the house recently vacated by AIr,
Little, the Stanley homestead. Yr,
McDonald is a good citizen and we
hope he and his family will enjoy
residence in Holmesville,
The fourth monthly meeting of the
organized class in the Methodist
Sunday school was -held at tae home
of Mr. and Mrs. N, Trewartha on
Friday evening week, A fine literary
program was provided by members
of the class, The president, Mr.
Howard Trewartha, vacated the chair
in honor of the pastor, Rev. A.
Sinclair, and his openingf remarks
were both suggestive and interesting.
Others taking part were : Miss Min-
nie Proctor, who sang a solo, ; Mr.
Loren Jervis, selections' on the
mouth organ ; Mr, Bert Finlay read
the class journal ; Mrs. F. Potter
and Miss Frances Potter rendered an
instrumental duett, Mrs. E Trewar-
tha gave a reading,"'rhe Life of Ed-
ith Cavell"; Mr, Fred Potter sang a
Patriotic • solo ; • violin selections
were given by Mr. Ira Merrill ; Miss
Elva Proetor sang,. Mr. Clarence Pot-
ter rendered "Rocked in the Cradle
of the Deep" and Mr. N. W. Trew-
artha spoke briefly on "The Value
of Organization," pointing out that
organizatiot'•in any sphere of life
tends to unite effort and therefore
leads to greater achievement. A pi-
ano duett by Misses Ella and Mar-
ion Rutledge was also much enjoy-
ed. bliss Clara Glidden acted as ac-
companist during the evoning. An-
other special feature of the evening
was an oyster supper, the boys plen-
tifellyi supplying the oysters and the
girls the dainties to go with .them.
Needless to say this part of the en-
tertainment was' much enjoyed, al-
so. Musio, ete,, whiled away the
remainder of the evening and. before
the company broke up a hearty veto
of thanks was passed and all joined
in singing,, "Auld Lang Syne".
Owing to `the Foresters' supper on
Fridays evening the-.A,Y.P.'A, of St.
John's church will meet at the ltotue
of Mr. 5, Sturdy, the Baron' Road,
on Thursday evening next. Address-
es o11 China will be given by Misses
Elvira Churchill and Emily Ford and
Mortars. I;averne'Metahill, 1Thnest
Ellwood, Win. Marshall, Robt. Row -
den, Harry Ford and Rev. W. B.
Moulton, A splendid program has
beet prepared.
A couple of week's speoiai Services aril a couple of choruses, and it was
conducted in the Methodist eiarch bye very mtteh enjoyed. After the pro -
the pastor were well attender), grain was served and a social half
bIr, N, tt'. Trowar•th3, an'l Li tie hour was spent. 'film sleeting will be
daughter, Miss i8ihei, wont tei 'to.t- at the home of Mr. George Watt
onto Monday, retuning 'ruesdny,; next week,
London Road
Mrs. Wm. Hardy is not hnproving
as fast as her friends could wish.
It is hoped that the spring weather
will have a good effect upon her
Lawrence Stephenson had a
wood bee yesterday afternoon:
It la said that wedding bells may
ring out ere long in the West End.
The League held their monthly lit-
erary meeting on Tuesday evening at
the Monte of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Layton,. The program, which was
given entirely by the young people,
correlated of a dialogue in two acts
Hallett Township ' `IBRTTIE illy OF PE
A very pleasant evening was spent
at Highview harm, the home of Mn,
and Mrs. J, G. Gibbings, on Wed-
nesday last when the, members of
the Summerhill Women's Patriotic
Society and their friends foregather-
ed to spend a social evening togeth-
er. The members of the foremen-
tioneel society are so diligent that
it is almost impossible for them to
keep in funds for -,.the purchase of
necessary supplies and as their ma-
terial was used up and no funds
forthcoming 'Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings
hospitality offered their home for a
box social. The whole neighborhood
turned out, the ladies brought the
well-filled boxes and the men their
pocket books and all "went merry
as a marriage bell," Games wero
played, music helped while the happy
away and then the boxes were auc-
tioned off and all sat down to en-
joy the contents. The host very
generously donated• a little pig to
the Society and this was disposed of
by ticket. Mr. R. Smith was the
holder of the lucky ticket and he at
once presented the porker again to
the ladies, (pigs, by the way, are
now' considered very suitable gifts .to
ladies, especially to members of
Patriotic Societies), and the little
animal was then auctioned off to the
highest bidder. The proceeds from
the sale of the pig and the sale of
the boxes amounted to thirty-six
dollars. The company brol:e up in
good time after enjoying a very
pleasant evening and heartily thank-
ing their host and hostess for same,
Mr. J, E, Challenger, who return-
ed to his home 'at Egerton, Alta„
recently taking with him a car of
stock, had in the lot a fine pair of
fillies which he bought from 7'. Ma -
Michael & Son. One was a foal and
the other a yearling and Loth were
Prize winners at Toronto, Guelph
and London. Both fillies were sired
by International, Mr. Challenger is
to bo congratulated upon obtaining
such an excellent team of colts,
Much talked of Photo Drama
in 9 reels.
Town Hall, Clinton
Wednesday & Thursday-
March 4th and 5th
Evening.performance 8 p.m,
Matinee 2.30 p•nl.
Tickets 25c Reserve seats 35c'
Plan open at Faih's, Maid 2
adults 25e, children l0c
Sanitary Plumbers. Phone 7.,
riag IVI11!illOFy O
Friday and Saturday,
March 23rd an i• 2'i.•hh
and Following Daus
We -cordially invite the ladies es of town and
country to come and sec the latest in Spring
Bats which are now on display.