The Clinton News Record, 1917-03-22, Page 5March 2nc1, 1917 Glintolg NOWS-Re cord ,Hopes to ,be There for the "Big Push" Tio ioilowing letter was xoceivell meetly by Miss L, Stevens, iii ro- .SpOatce to a parcel seat cry the ;members of the Young LediWs' txiotie enxilliarir, from Pto, _ Elmer d3oaeolen a wcllknown Clinton boy t "i.ondoti, Feb, 20. Deer- Miss Stevens :---l\iy sincere and .Heartfelt thanes for your most coin - plat) Marcel, which 1 rocoived a few days ago. Such a parcel would lir d boys decd be. a qo send to 4lie b y down vn an camp, ad wliil0 perhapsMelia-bed as I am cannot • appreciate tile' contents as much as they, sti11, it is pleasure to feel that one is not forgotten and that the horne folic take an interest in our welfare, The Young Ladies' Patriotic . Auxjliiry seelus to be a very lino society and deserve great credit, .I am sure, for what they Have accomplished. the lines .have indeed fallen to me in ;pleasant places. for the last year or more in this 'great ,game of soldier- ing. Immediately. after taking up our winter `quarters in Quebec in Decem- ber 1915 I secured a clerkship. in our battalion pay office with Capt. Dow- -ding. 1 was more than pleased to .yry.e + Idle position as the .climatie t conditions of Old ( booter . Lne in winter n are anything but pleasant for drill- inthei t o ri al cityin 1 We left hso c g ,• -the middle of March' arriving in Eng - feed about the end of the )month.. 'I 'carried on' in our pay office over Imre , in our camp at Shornolifle for some six weeks and then, as the re - suit of an application to the t Chief Paymaster, was seconded up here for duty and have been here ever since. I was assigned to the audit- or's branch where the pay sheets are audited• for possible errors, and al- together have found the work . con- genial,, my pay office experience, mak- ing things comparatively easy For me. We receive a sustainenee allow- --aoce, and . are allowed to live any- where we choose in the city, so it is almost a$ good as being in civil- ian life. Our time outside e office hours, which are most reasonable, is all. our own, so that altogether con- ditions are most' agreeable. I have been in London over nine'inouths now and know the city very well, having explored the greater .part of it at one time or another. It is truly said that there 'is but one London' for it really is a most remarkable •oity. No ole who has not seen it can form anidea of its colossal size and in fact I can hardly do so t , It yiytYelf. Sufficient to say that ' it is a wonderful place, for any deserip- tioe I could pen could never do it justice. I had the pleasure of seeing a bit hof Old Erin in November last. Having ten days' leave I went across with my chum, whose home is very. near Belfast. We- spent the greater part of out Vme in and around Belfast with the exception of a trip to Dub- lin for a couple of days. My chum has hosts of friends in the 'Linen clay' and- we were everywhere feted and altogether had a regal time. I eball always remember my visit to Ireland with a great deal of pleas - 4` `. urs. In all probability I shall be leaving , London . ere long, and at most before the end of March, as a general order has been ,promulgated in all the offices that all fit men, . which of course includes me, must be relieved for service in France. I shall not be sorry. as at times I' feel very much of a slacker on this job. No doubt I shall get there in . time to do my bit, in the 'Big . Push,' which after all is a man's work, rather than pushing a .quill. Again thanking you, believe ' me, Yours most sincerely.—Elmer C. Beacom.." Lsndesboro. ...find Mrs. Arthur Kerslake re- turned' to their home at Exeter on Tuesday. Mrs, James Crich and little dau- ghter, June, have been visiting their uncle, Mr. M. Brown. • Mr. Thomas Millar and Miss Elsie, accompanied by Mrs., C'. White of Drayton, were in Goderich last week attending the funeral of their sis- ter-in-law, Mrs, Nancy Ross, wbo wasfound dead in her home. Marriages SLOMAN—MOINTYRE—In Clinton on March lith, by the Rev. J, Robinson, Mary Mclntyre, daugh- ter of the late James McIntyre to Franlc. Sidman of Hazen - more, Sask. 'TALBOT—ICEYS—In Seaforth, on March 140, Mayme J., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. L. Keys, to 1VIelyin 0. 'Talbot of Stanley township. I OL1VIESTEAD--MCLEAN- In Seas. forth, March 12th, Mrs. Irate Brine McLean, to l', Hohnestoad, both of Seaforth. McDERMID--TUFFORD--In Seaforth ret (arch 14th, Malcolm MoDer- ' Hullett to Josephine Tul- 1 I ford, of Seaforth. • SLOAN—BENNETT—On March 17th, in London, England, Gladys Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1, 01 Bennett of Blyth, Ont., to Captain R. It. Sloan, 2nd Battalion, First Brigade, C.E.F. Deaths -READ—In London, March 6th, 1VIrs. Russel Road, formerly of Clinton] aged 73 years. SUTHERLAND—In Seaforth, March 14th, Alexander .13. Sutherland, aged 72 years. SLOAN,—At the home of ma daugh- ter, Mrs. WesIes Walker, lower- lob, on March 18th, Andrew W. Sloan, of Blyth, in his 75th year; MaCDONALD--In "Cloderiolf, on March i.ttb, .Malcolm Mactloftalcl, aged 82 years, Codeliich Township pox socials are the order 'of 1110 day all about, The Unity Web, that enterprising 'company of woolen who bane been working diligently for the comfort of tiro soldiers' over since the beginning 01 the wax, had a box social at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Macdoclaltl, the Base Lino, on 'rneetlay evening, A very flee pro- gram was' given, Air. 0, Jervis be- ing in the chair, Atnongst the num- bers o11 the program wore ; solos by Miss Lobb, Airs, Bayley, Mr, re Weir and little Miss Joan Weir, Mrs. T. ornat Carter readings by Rev.W.B,Moulton, Alvin Townsend,]'. Lindsay, Miss Audrely Carter and Airs, Macdonald ; (luett by Misses Stevens and instrumentals by Miss McB'rien and Mise Jean Lindsay, Short apeeehes were given by Reeve Lobb and Mr, W. I), Connell, After the program the boxes were auction- ed off, the prize for the.b'ighcst pried being won b}i Reeve Lobb; the box being theproperty of Miss Etta Make The proceeds amounted to fif- ty -dye dollars and twenty cents, which will lie used by the ladies in buying material to carry on their work o4 making soldiers' ,comforts. McKillop P P i Township. • •There are manysigns ig s of spring although their is a lot of snow, es- pecially in the woods. While moving the house which Hen- ry Thornton recently bought from Wm. Kerr, the buildingcollapsed. and is now being moved in sections, ssium Michael Johnson, one of the earli- est settlers in McKillop, is very ill and his recovery is doubtful. Many who have sugar woods are thinking of tapping there maples `and some have made preparations already. Messrs. henry Bennervies, Jr.,: and Jeremiah O'Hara have both severe at- tacks of infiamatory rheumatism and are still suffering. . Solomon Bell, who has been work- ing in a monition factory in Toronto all winter, has returned home. Our genial. assessor, Wm. Evans, has again been ou the rounds, This is the twenty-sixth time in succession that he has:assessed the township. Slow Sale of Seed Oats Thus far only sixty odd, thousand bushels of No. 1 Canada Western seed oats have been ordered for all points in Eastern Canada. Flour and feed merchants are somewhat averse to purchasing carlots with- out assurance as to its being want- ed for seed. its a matter of fact this seed oats should bo worth the extra price for feed, because the light grain and weed seeds have been removed in cleaning. Farmers desiring No. 1 0. W. seed oats should order promptly through their dealer, or club together and purchase in carlots. These seed oats are of the Banner and Abundance varieties and the germination is much superior to Eastern grown oats of the 1910 crop,—Seed Branch, Ottawa: AUCTION ;SALE 011 FARM STOOK and Implenient8 at Lot 14, Co,e 13, Stanley.,, Friday, March 30th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, the following horses`;—Agriet4tural mare, 8 yrs old in foal to Earl O'Clay; Agri- cuitural gelding '7 years Aid, black ; agricultural £illy rising 8 yrs old i1'ily 0ising 1 year eic1, Cattle -2 crows,• duo to'calve in May, ; 1 fresh cow ; 1 young calf ; 2 calves rising 1 year olcl ; 5 cattle, rising 2 pre old ; 5 fat heifers ; 3 steers,, half fiat.: Pigs 1-2 stere hogs, Ileus 00 belts. Implements,: Massey 1Iar- ris binder, 7-1t, cut, has only eft 45 acres, Deering • u• g mower G -1 emit, cut one season ; Deering hay race, 10 ft, wide ; Noxon drill, 12 11oe ; Noxon disc harrow, 4 seetfelt dia- mond harrow, walking plow, Bain wagon, nearly freer, wagon box and' spring seat, two Rayl, racks, set sleighs, nearly now, gravel box, feed rank for cattle, Mikado buggy,. fanning mill, set scales 1200 lbs, capacity, set heavy harness, set plow hairless, 2 new collars, item logging chain, Hayt-;-2 stacks of Hungarian and millet mixed, Also a quantity of hay., 2 tons feed kiln dried cora, 1 dozen of good grain bags, horse blankets, sugar kettles, cider barrels, stove wood. chains, forks, neck yokes, whiffle - trees, shovels,'etc., etc. Positively o reseeve as the Proprietor has n r P rented his farm.Terms :All sums of $10 and .under, cash ; over that amount 8 months credit will be giv- en on furnishing approved joint' notes. A discoing of . four .cents on the dollar will be allow- ed on credit amounts. Ilay and grain cash. E. Bossenbury, Auc- tioneer ; Robt. W. Delgaty, Propri- etor, —81-1 SAWYER WANTED — FOR THIS season's cut. Good Wages. Apply. -John Hutton, Londeshoro. -81. CJ1II1IIIIP1OII11 1VI111 Jost received a Oar of Corn also a Oar of Western Oats Orders are being rapidly filled for Corn'and Oats, and it will pay anyone needing -same to get our prices before buying When buying Flour ask vmur dealer for North Star, Maple Leaf or Snow Flake Braude. Do not let your dealer sell you any other brands till you try oat the above ONOE USED—ALWAYS USED A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited John Schoenhals Phone 8. Clinton, Ont: To City, Towio and Village Dwellers in Ontario A Vegetable Garden for Every Home -9 N this year of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source upon which they rely. Everyone with a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables 'i It saves money that you would otherwise spendfof a vegetables. 2. It helps to lower the "High cost of living." 3. It helps,to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for export. Growing your own vegetables saves labor of others V, whose effort is needed for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you 1, The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manu- facturers, labor unions, lodges,scilool boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 be, "A vegetable garden for every home." k-' Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive talks by practical gardeners on the subject of vegetable growing. In where it is impossible to secure suitable local speelers, tire -Department of Agriculture will, on request, send a suitable man. The demand for speakers will be great. The number of available experts, being limited, the Department urgently requests. that arrangements for meetings be made at once; if local speakers cannot be secured, send applications promptly. The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prizes for best vegetable gardens,1 It ie prepared to assist ie. any possible way any organization that may be conducting a campaign for vegetable production on vacant lots. It will do so by sending speakers, or by supplying expert advice in the field. To any interested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about implements necessary and methods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan of a vegetablegarden indicating suitable crops to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free of charge to any address. Write for Poultry Bulletin Hens are inexpensive to keep, and you will be highly repaid in fresh eggs. Writefor free bulletin which tells how to keep hens. Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign," Department of Agricul- ture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture Wi Ills tleaeit,, IVIh inter of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Toronto 1i Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- eolvet' et Ottawa until Noon, on i''ri- eey, tbo PQth day of ;Agri►, 1017, for the conveyance of 'tris Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week over Goderich No, 1 Rural Route, from the 1st dap oe Ju1il, 1917, Pri.nteenotleos containing further in f ri tito co di 'i i o f eons n toys o Pro- posed f ro 1 posed Contract may he seen and blault forms' of 'reader may be ob- tained at ,trio Post 011ices of Cioder- ich, and at the office of the Post Office Ins'peotor, London, Post Office Department, Canada, Mail Service Branch, Ottawa, Oth March, 1017,— G, S, ANDERSON, 80--8, Superintendent. N TICE DR, GANDIII1t wishes to announce that be is moving hie office from the old location on Ontario Street to the property on Victoria Street, two doors south ol'the Batten bury House, form. erly known as the "Whitehead pluee,'• Ole will be in his new office on Wednes- dny. March 28th. FI HOURS - 1.80 — OF UD OURS 1.80to8.80 p.m, 7.80 to 0,00 p.m, Sundays 12.80 to 1.30 pen. Other hours by appointment only Eggs for Hatching From Hens that Lay • Single comb White Leghorns bred - to -lay strain, eggs raffle per setting of 18, or $4 yer 100 Incubator lots a specialty We sold $505 64 worth of eggs from our230 White Leghorns, in 1910 Holmesville Poultry Yards N. W. TRP W ARTPIA, Proprietor Phone 4 on 142 81-6 EGGS FOR HATOHING• — RHODE isl'rnd Beds, 40c per setting of 13. Ap- ply Noble Holland, phone 16 on 144, Minton 81. SIZED OATS FOR SALE—A quantity, of good, clean Clydesdale Oats, the Wm. Tebbutt, oats, at 05c per bushel. Your credit is good—S. R. Mebiath) R. 1t. No, 2, Goderich PRIVATE SALE—OF FURNITURE, bed, 'couple of rockers, hall rack, hanging lamp. gasoline stove, side- board and other articles. Apply— Mrs. W. W. Collyer, residence of R. J. Miller, Wellington street.. —81. MEN WANTED TO LEARN THE spring and axle .trade, steady work year round and good wages, must be sober and industrious, apply The Dowsley Spring ,k Axle Co., Chatham, Ont. —80-3 WATCH FOUND.—IN CLINT0 el yesterdays, man's silver watch with chain attached. Owner can have same bp calling at The News-Roc- ord office, proving property, and paying for this advertisement. 80-3 SEED OATS FOR SALE,—A nUAN.- tity of Regenerated Banner Oats, good quality, free .from noxious weeds. App1p — Chris. O'Brien, Con. 2, Tuckersmith, Phone 13 on 137, Cliuton. —80. SOW FOR SALE.— GOOD RELI- able Yorkshire sow, • due the 7th day of May. Apply—David Garvin, Lot 15-16 Goderich township. 80-2 FOR SALE.—FRAME HOUSE AND Stable, on Rattenbury' Street. House has 9 rooms, electric light, furnace, town water and soft wa- ter in the kitchen. Must be sold at once as the proprietor is leaving town. -J. G. West. —76. WANTED, POSITION ON FARM, by married man, experienced in all kinds of farm work. Apply — 0. Hall, Londesboro. —79. FOR SALE -0, A. C. BARLEY NO. 21, and Improved Banner Oats, grown from registered seed, free from noxious weeds.—S. G. Cart- wright, Phone 287, Londesboro,-78. FOR SALE—BARRED ROCK EGGS, Bred -to -lay. Last year 37 of my pullets laid 101 eggs ,each for the year. Eggs from these hens • and their daughters 12 per 15, 13 per 30, 14 per 60, 17 per 100, Fairview Poultry Yards—Jabez Rands, Clin- ton, —78 FOR SALE—I HAVE A LIMITED quantity of Marquis spring wheat for sale. It is .au excellent sam- ple. For Particulars phone 4 on 156—Fred Middleton, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. *-78-5 HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT— Roomy house on ayrner of Ontario and William street. All . modern conveniences. Garden and young fruit trees, Apply to Mrs. A. Bea- com on premises or to W. Brytdone Clinton. • 77. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given Ling Mar- garet Bell Oheriesworth, of the Town of Blytb, in the County of Huron, in the province of Ontario, wife of Leo- pold Otto Charlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par- liament of ar-liamentof Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopoldo Otto Obarleswoi'th, or the said town of Blyth, in the County of Huron. to the Province of Ontario, merchant, on. the ground al adultery and ttesertion. Dated at, Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this 10th day of January, 1017, Margaret Bell Charlesworth, By Iter leelieitor, William Thmeth Mei Witness, A, V, Dart'nch, MOCOl1MIOIC AGENCY, -1 HAVE taken over the agency £er the • Ma- Oormicic Implements Sad moved it to my place of business, the oar,. riago and repair shop, 13urOp street, where I will keep on head a full litre of inlPlelnellts, reliafrs, twine, etc. An order from! you will receive prompt attention.— 14'ilson Elliott, -43 CREAM WANTED, .- DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us tor cans, We supply two cans free,, Fay all express charges and issue obs u twice month, cheques wcq ear hmn qcho os payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. 'resting done by a competent man, Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity' of 'Rinburn may leave their Dream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in. the vicinity) of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken Dare o£ there—Tho Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ant. FUR SA E-20 ACRES, PT. LOT 40, 'Con. 12, Hullett township. Ap- ply to -James W. Roberton, Au- burn. -77. Au- burn, , FORCOL- clough SALE.—MR. TLP ID U - SAL WILFRID L clough oilers his fine farm, 80 acres on the 11 con, of Goderich town- ship, for sale. It is situated 1,' miles south of Ilolmesville, - is in good state of cultivation, 32 acres Plowing done, 48 acres under hay. 2 never -failing wells, one with wind- milI attached, in good working or- der. Good frame barn 40x50. feet, Farm well fenced, mostly woven wire fencing. For particulars apply to—Wilfrid Co lclough, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. —76. FARM FOR SALE. — 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 2e miles north of n Clinton on the.Gravel Road, Ii 1- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x60 with stone stab- ling underneath and 1h storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. 3lral telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to—John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. —62. THE YOUNG LADIES' PATRIOTIC 'Auxiliary oilers for sale 2 refrig- erators in first class condition, us- ed by ],Gist battalion at Camp Borden. Also wood cook stove, in fair1 condition. Apply—Mrs. Fair - full or Miss Olive Cooper, —80. SEED OA'fS FOR SALE—'A QUAN- tity of 0.A.C.Oats. No. 72. Apply —N. J. Lel3eau, R. R. No. 5, Phone 9 on 146. Clinton. —79. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model scbool. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.— T. T. Murphy. —44. BIRTHDAY GIFTS std Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Icings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen Clocks, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted display of Clocks ever shown in town 8 dayt'Mantle,Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and mahogany. Manicure Sets, (Jut Glass, Silverware Spectaales of all kinds and Repairs. Drop in and look around, you are under no obligation to buy. R. H. JOHNSON, . Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Optician and Jeweler THE Spriug Drive The time for the big drive is ap- proaching and now is the time for you to prepare and get your ammunition ready for the big drive of Dose and Pest that has accumulated dating the long'tvinter months, Hero we give a few suggestions as to the ammunition you will need for a successful drive Powdered Ammonia Brooms Dutch Cleanser 13an Ami Naptha Powder Lye Chloride of Lime ' Pearlino Scrub Brushes Stove Brushes Furniture Polieli Dust Bane Soap and Soap Chips OUR LEADER -7 bars Pure nn Soap 'for � You will enjoy a nice cup of tea dur ing house cleaning season, WVe recom trend our bulk teas, which aro a good tiny now, Ask our prices this week -- They will interest you. Highest Market Price for Produce Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Phone order/ Otoleetie attended 10 PIIONB 11:1, YOUR CLOTHES O1e214.N10D, 1137. paired and Pressed and at the shortest pessiblo notiee, Both Toad- and Gee -Wen -ma's clothes, 13' guarantee to do good worlf. 1 am prepared to French Dry Olean Ladies Suits, Gent h ,Sults and all kinds of woolen Pio thing inoluding $went ere, oto, All orders promptly a.'t• ' tended to, Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store,—Wm, J, Jago, -55 inis 1NANTD WE CAN GIVEE, EMPLOYMENT TO Al FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton KnittingC ro, LIMITED. Calves for Sale 1 •,e: I have made arrangements to secure a•, number of well bred young calves each week: W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 The British Empire Calls for More Eggs and Poultry. 11is therefore our duty to increase production in these Bees, and prices promise to he exceedingly high for all poultry products during this coming year moo+ Our Incubators Are giving the bent satisfaction, and wby not buy. one and pay for it in poultry next fall ? Fat Hens Wanted at 18c per pound Our We -One -will call for your eggs as usual, paying top prices in cash, or orders given on town stores. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm Phone 190. CLINTON THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live O. d Tasty and Nutritious Lenten Dishes The family that denies itself meat during Lent will find in our store a great many wholesome foods as substi tutes in the following list Fresh Caught Herring Fresh Halibut Finnan Haddie Filletts and Cod Frslt Canned Salmon Kippered Herring Sardines • Finan. Haddie Lobsters and,Urahs SPECIAL Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruits, :Lettuce and Celery Highest Market Price for Produce E. E, HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. PLACE YOUR 000E1 for: some of our Western Oats, which we have just received and wo will charge you no mere than if they were just the ordinary grade of oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a fell stock of Flour and Peed. W. Jenkins & Son. FIOUR AND FEED, Phone 199. Highest prices paid tot Grain and Wool. Elevator,. Residence phone 0.142, Peanut Butter Soup To' three cups of hot milk add.balf cap of pea- nutert b U t dissolved in hot 'water, Season with nutmeg and salt, and serve with our fresh bro. ken -soda biscuits, at 10c per pound. Children Cry for it I!'\fci1 -tt Cream Wafted Any quantity of cream handled at highest, price for butter fat. Cream called for or taken in the first three days of the week at Holmesville. Yon may see your cream tested for your- self, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Cream paid for every week PHONE 17 ON 148 - g . M. JERV I S HOLMESVILLE. Cream. Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every,. WEDNESDAY morr<ing and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait, Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday) morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMLRHILL. We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and 'other linea to be found in a grocery store, We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share o1 your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in es-, change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital?, ORDER YOUR Sap Pans and Buckets NOW and be ready when the season opens THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Ueda Furnaces Slliop over Rowland's Hardware, I PHONE 53, I, The BigStore SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS Seed Potatoes, home grown, hag $8.75 Timothy 4.25 Red Clover ............: 14.00 Alsike 13.50 Alfalfa, northern grown, 18.00 Royal Purple Calf Meal. 100 lbs 4,00 Poultry Specific, pkg .60 Stock Specific, pkg , . .50 " Stock Specific, pkg , , 1,50 Dr. Hess' Stock Food, pkg 65 aucl 1.00 " Poultry Panacea, prig .85 " Poultry Panacea' pkg ,8I6 " Louse Killer, pkg ,35 Saturday Specials G lbs of our Special Japan Tea... , 1.75 5 lbs of our Special Mixed Tea, , , , 1,75 1 ib of Monarch Coffee .60 Only 5Ibs of Tea and 1 lb of Coffee to a customer -u-�++.-+is.-.•�:.AM+.a-rim."-"` J. 0. Lounsbery LONDESBOR0 The big store with little prices