HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-15, Page 8School 61 0001stwri* CLINTON, ONTAR10• ,, WIN rER TERM. . begins Wednesday; ;January 3rd, 1917 If you_cannot attend day school, you may take a course in horthand, Typewriting and7-Bookkeeping - by attending. Night Classes Classes Monday and Wednesday Terms Moderate. You have always intended to take a Commercial and Stenographic Course sometime --DO IT NOW Learn More to Earn More Positions Guaranteed to Students. B. F. WARD, B.A. M,ACcts., Phone 20S, Principal ablittatrIEMB=73===e3=MIZI211t== ' isuo..121ileamm=s*...mca MWR234::7LSNZI=ZMiEF1ME wev uam, rwaese -A ON'T PAS'-, THIS! It will pay you. well to read every word of this little ad. Do yen kuow we are making high-class band -tailored Cloth- ing for men and boys at prices very little higher than before the war You may have been looking around for the kind ot suit yon used to wear, and have nine to the cow:Wein that they have gone beyond your purse, Don't be deceived, Give us a call, We Can show you an exceptionally large range of patterns in this season's newest imported tweeds and worsteds 'We are Sho‘rIng rlen's High -Class Bench -tailored Suits at from $18 up See our fine Blue Wor-ted Sul; s at $28 and 820 (pine Indigo dyp) rind all are thoroughly shrunk, They ate the equal. of most 1835 Suits We tailor these clothes to your own measurement and style selection Fit and Satisfactiort•Guaranteed Give us a call while the assortment is large, Choose your cloth and leave yourmeasur e, and Nye will deliver you suit any Lime during the spring . • _ Phone 25 smai! Plumsteel Bros 11()F Profits Business AGENTS—SEMI-READY CLOTHING, NEW IDEA PATTERNS TwoNew 1309KS Fragments from Fiance The war reduced to grim and gen- some absurdity; the fun of the war by one who has been through It, and shows what he has seen, and beard, and felt—and laughed at. BINDLE • g5,000 copies sold in efew months, Sono Of the words said about it aTO, "Biedle will twist a smile polo the wryest month." "It makes us gurgle quietly and con- tiononsly," "A delicious pieee of f outing.' Both aluoVe are .good to send to the boys at the front or in the hospital. They'will help the. efforts ofthe med- ical oxen onnonsesas4aresnonsmiseiteroc.. CS If your boy is hard on his shoes, bring him here ! We have bad shoes built to stanthe _abuse the average boy gives his shoes. Parents who tent our Boys Shoes find that it requires less money to keep the boy in good looking shoes when they buy the sort of shoes we sell! Gun Metal, Box Calf, and Uris Leathers Inside and Outside Stays to Prevent Ripping ,5ojicl, Durable Shoes, but not Clumsy 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50 According to size. `0.1511. MILISIIIIM611111120111i11111i1M1.11.1. FRED. JACKSON THE GOOD SHOE STORE no W. 11 Fair Ga.. Often the Cheapest Always the Best eaMMEN=26,94==antaigerrENSOTAX2CSOMEMEIMEZ A Beautiful Art Square lends a charm to:the room. It has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove, vVe have at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including 13russels, Axminster.% Wil - tons, etc., that w e hay e priced at attractive prices. We would he most pleased to show them to you.; JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone We. 28 Itiaeomstawarammwereatiosio IN jjha5 (1111 111111111111 IN '111111111 • Clinton News- Record Mise McCool is now reco miug from a somewhat severe illness. Miss S. A. Mutiny of Turento is vis- iting at the home of Mr sister, Mrs. . • Alin 'Mary, Turner of •.Teciceramith . was a week -end guest with :Miss Marion (Mailings. Mrs. Thomas and • two :children of Preston are visiting the -.lady's sister, Mrs, 3. W. Nedizer, Mr. Cbas, F. Libby, manager of the Clinton Knitting Co., paid a flying visit to New York City this week; Miss Violet Argent has taken a pos- ition as head milliner at Spring- field: and has gone to assumes her duties. . Mrs, (Pr.) Kay of. Lapeer, Miah„ spent a few days during the past week es the guest of her 1 ether, Mr. John Gibbing% Misses Sadieand Mary Milhr of Staffa have been visiting during the past week at the home of their aunt; Mrs. James Mahaffp. Mr. John Mulloy and Mrs. Geo. 18. Stotts of Detroit are in town, having come over to visit their sister, Mrs. dames Twitchell. 51r, John Whittingham of Herschel, Sask., who has been visiting fri- ends in Clinton and vicinity for the past couple of months, has re- turned home. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Twitchell and lit- tle son are here from Edmonton and will remain a few weeks. They started from their far west- ern home as soon as they heard of the illness of the former's mother. Misses Shirley ,BaWden and Margaret Schoenhals played hockey with the Stratford team in Chosley on Fri- day evening last. Thep played an Owen Sound team, the latter win- 111.05 bit. and Mrs. Harry Twitchell came up from Toronto Friday last on account of the severe illness of the former's mother, who is now, The News-Rmord is glad tto state, improving. • Miss Kate Taylor, sister of Mrs. Beaton -of Clinton, who has been • nursing in New York City for some years, left on Saturday for overseas to "do her bit" as a nursing -sister. A brother is an officer in the 175th Battalion, now • in England, having gone from Med- icine Hat, • Mr. Rufus IL Andrews, formerly of Clinton lant for the past good many •}tears of Gleveland, Ohio, has just severed his connection with the Strong, Carlyle anh Hammomd Co., after eighteen years' canoe- tioit, and has beenme identified with the Harter-Milar Hard- ware Co,, Akron, Ohib, being at), pointed secretary, Mr. Andrews is ' a brother of Mrs. B. V. Gibbings of town and will be rememberea by many old friends here. 1 POLITICS TRANS POR TATION . FOR,. BUSYMEN CONVENIENT TRA INS Leave Toronto Union Station -11 a. M. (except SatUrday) 10 shm, (exeept Sunday) All Modern Equipment Through tickets to Ottawa via Toronto Mad the Catiaclitin Northern Railway are obtain. COI1NERCE SCIENCE OTTAWA INDUSTRY FINANCE LEYSTONj -- OF CANADA Ale feoni locant ().N R. agent or ELT.R. agent, Telephone Or telegraph collect to eity Paefienger agent,'Toronto, for reservation% GO ts ()Ply 10 A. T. Cooper, book store sued G,N,W., (Clinton,A linton,CANADIAN NORTI1 NUN Still in Need of Help The following official facts reard- ing Belgian Relief are furnished by the officers in Montreal and ought to bo reassuring to those who aro interested and have hem anxious re- garding the work : The American members • of the Commission for the Relief in Bel- gium have been asked by the Ger- mans to remain at their posts, and the work in Belgian -is therefore pro- ceedings under exactly • the same guarantees as hitherto. The fact that the Commission for Relief in Bel- gium continues to receive largo sums from the Allied Governments is in itself enough to prove that they, who are most hitrestod, have no reason to believe that Germans are directly benefitting. Furthermore, the Commission have effected an ar- rangement with the British Govern- tnent on 'one side and the German Government on the other by which an acceptable lane for Belgian re- lief ships between North American porta and Rotterdam bas been fixed so aa to ennui tile 4.011'. tinuity of supplies, The Commission for Vend in Belgium is facing to- day' a monthly deficit of $8,000,000. Hence it is more then ever in need of the 1111 hearted support et tho public: March ii5th, 110016214 Magliaftralataligalgailag* ...'ARTAA,FAAITA.710.;*rn..ACCAH.A.` simasi.N."10MuluEnn.1102X, VRWI ON THURSDAY, THE TWENTY-SECOND OF MARCH A Representative of • THE HOUSE • OF HOBERLIN Canada's Largest Custom Tailors WILL BE AT 'BROWN'S MEN'S STORE (Opposite the Market Square) With •a Full Range of SPRING AND SUMME SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS also MODEL SUITS OR WHICH THIS HOUSE IS FAMOUS For the purpose of introducing these high-grade garments we offer a cash discount of . ten pet cent, off all orders taken by Mr. Irving. Come' and See This Range Whether You, Buy or Not. ..........lawdaaaroarearaaciata Women's Store Dry Goods, HoueeFurnishings phone 67 Next to Royal Bank rlen's Store Custom Tailoring and phone.103. Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library Zussimiluslakilliesessumo Stardeg-Township • On Friday evening last a number of the friends and neignbors gathered at; the home of Mr. John Pearson and, prior to his leaving for over- seas, presented kir. Will 'illepregor With a handsome gold watch. An ad- dress was read by. Mr. Pete Moffatt and the presentation was made by Miss Abbie Stawart. The young people spent a very happy evening together but in spite of the jollity prevailing there was. an undercurrent of sad- ness at the thought of the breaking up ot a happy, circle, Mr. McGregor being the first of this immediate vicinity to go overseas. Mr. McGregor was a student at Faculty, Toronto, leaving to join the Canadian 'Engin- eers. He left Mondale for Quebec and expects to be in training a short time • before crossing the At- lantic, • The folleWing is the send; of' S. S. No. 10 for February. Sr, 4t11 — Lorna Aikenheacl, Richard Welch. Jr. Ith—Ruth Higgins, Alice Mustard, Edna McCown, • Janet Aikenhead, Joe :Higgins, Ada Reid, Fr auk Welch. Sr. 8rci—Austin Wheeler. Jr. 2rd—Isabel Fraser, Irene Snj.der, Edna Thompson, Clete Pepper, Elgin Thompson, Lorne Pepper, Wilfrid Ai- kenhead. Sr, 2nd—Gla5ys Addi-on, Margaret A ikenhead, Teddy NI: elah, Northam Wheeler, Jack Kaiser. Jr. 2ncl—Gra.ce Addison, Florence Poyee, Laura Swan, Johnny Helmer. Jr. Ond (a)—Jeatt Fraser, Maid Bbyce, Eleanor Snider. Jr. pt. 2nd — John McCowan, Norman Baird, Gordon Fowler, Dorothy- Welch. Jr. 1st — Alex. /Addison, Lorne Beattie, Kath- leen Snider.—M. Elliott, teacher. Coderieh Township Council met on Monday with all members pre3ent. Minutes of last meeting read an approved. The Poi - lowing accounts , received the sanction of Lite council and orders were drawn 0 n the Treasurer and signed by the Reeve for the payment of the sante : Grant to Clinton Spring Show $10 ; IVIuniciPal World, supplies, $5,80 ; N. W. Trewartha, registering births, deaths and marriages for 1015, $18.- 20 ; , Jos. McMillan, winter road, $2 ; Chas. Puller, winter road, $1 ; Hur- on Comity Children.' Aid .Society, so. Moved by Connoillers Lindsay and Vanderburg that 13y -Law No. 8 malt- ing rho allowance to be spent by each Road Commissioner 'as how read be passed (tarried), 00 motion of Counoillots Vander - burg and Lindsay condi adjoUrned bo meet lint Money ' in April,— Adam Cantelon, Clerk, St. Helens A sleigh load of yong people at- tended the carnival in Lucknow'rs 'ltesday evening driven by Wallacea Miller'who succeeded in getting the prize for the most load of people at• the rink, ClilitollFinf 111 Just received a Oar of Oorn also it Car of Western Oats Orders are being rapidly filled for Corn a ' nd Oats and it will pay anyone needing same to get our prices berme buying When buying Flour ask vnur dealer for North Star, Maple Leaf OV Snow Flake Brands. Do not let your dealer sell you any other brands till you try oat the above ONCE US ItD—ALW rLYS USED A Share of the Public -77 Patronage Solicited John Schoenhals Phone 8.] Clinton,' Ont. ErniErniI1cit Egesight Specialist te Spend Ten Daus 'in Cii-to SATURDAY SPECIALS ;CUT FLOWERS „Daffodils, Carnations, and Double Tulips 50c per doz PLANTS See Our Isc Window Hyacinths, Ferns, Daffodils, Priniroses, etc. Choice 15c. Cuninghame FLOR IST. •••••••,•*.i...,A1 PLUMBING, HEATING, TIN- SMITHING, ROOFING, ,K;0, IMPAIRS PROMPTLY DONE. SLICOND-IlANI) TIFIATErtS 11g 0001) REPAIR. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary l'Iumbera. Phone 7. of Montreal the well-known Eyesight Specialist, will be at mv store giving Free Examinations with his new and wonderful "Shadow Test" system. From Thursclati, March 15 Until Saturdag, March 24 HE LOOKS INTO THE EYE. Weak muscles strengthened, Headaches cured, and Cross. Eye in many cases straightened when glasses are worn which are fitted by this advanced method. This is truly a great opportunity to consult a specialist, whose reputation an .1 ability are so widtly recognized • and no doubt hundreds will take advantage of Mr. Graham's visit to Clinton during the next few days, Come Early as the last few days are usually busy HOURS -9 a. In, to 8 p.m, Daily Artificial light used, so evenings will be just as good as day time.. I will complete my course in the new system while Mr, Graham is here. JEWELER CLINTON OPTICIAN N.B.—(Owing to the wonderful success Mr. Graham has had with his advanced system, he has often been inpursonat. ed by peddiars. Beware of such as Mr, Graham does work only at Haynes Jewelry Store.) 1 .,,,' , ...i. • ,_ •11 1 11 ILO 110 \ _„,\V 1 , \A A -----: ,,- 4...... ,---. i.-:, ,_._.:._ ....,= v t 1 • -.-1 • i I d --:'1 ii 111111111111111111 1 al 1 k, ' \ ill 41, HE LOOKS INTO THE EYE. Weak muscles strengthened, Headaches cured, and Cross. Eye in many cases straightened when glasses are worn which are fitted by this advanced method. This is truly a great opportunity to consult a specialist, whose reputation an .1 ability are so widtly recognized • and no doubt hundreds will take advantage of Mr. Graham's visit to Clinton during the next few days, Come Early as the last few days are usually busy HOURS -9 a. In, to 8 p.m, Daily Artificial light used, so evenings will be just as good as day time.. I will complete my course in the new system while Mr, Graham is here. JEWELER CLINTON OPTICIAN N.B.—(Owing to the wonderful success Mr. Graham has had with his advanced system, he has often been inpursonat. ed by peddiars. Beware of such as Mr, Graham does work only at Haynes Jewelry Store.)