HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-15, Page 5iii' "4—e ) da s .Mrs, A. Woods spent fol a v y. visiting friends aroltnd St, Helen's labii}, Me, and Mrs. D. -Furrier•: attended the fuuer'al of the foruior's sister, Mrs. Dalton of Ashfield, last Sat - =day. Miss Jennie McDonald pt Kinloss s e it the week -end with Miss Winnie Woods, k f the Luc now The members o Guild spent a very eirjoyeblo even- ing with their St. Helen's friends on Monday evening. A ,good program was presented by the Lueltnow mem- bers after which a .social our was agent ir1 games, eta. A. dainty lunch was provided. We hope to see the I,ucknow members beak again some 'time, Miss Luella Shaw bas returned to lier home, at I1luevalo after visiting Miss Edna Woods, 14 it. Donald McDonald lost a very 'valuable Horse lately. March OM 1917 Clinton News -Record St, Helena Ragfieid Report of . Senior llepartnmnt et Bapfeld School for January, and February, Sr, Sidi -A1g,, Geom , Ar ii ,, Grail. C011tp,, Shelling --L,. . Woods 71 per tient., N. Woods, 08, M. Icing 55, 0', Elliott 58, N. Beard 57, Jr. Otth— Alg„ Aritb., Gram., Comp., Spelling —G.Baker 40. Sr. 4th- • Arith,, Gram., Lit., Comp., Spelling—R, M'e- •Donald 72, E. Drehman 55, IL Balser 51, IL Weston, and S,• Kin 5$, hl, Howard 50, M. Currie '45. Jr, 4th— Arith,, Comp., Gram., Lit., Spelling Jowett 75, J, , Woods 66, F Erwin (11, J?Drehrirann58, A, Cope- land 52,,E, Gemeinhardt 48, L. El- liott 40, 11. Harrison 35, N. Gomiin-•• hardt 33., *C, Cleminhardt 10. Sr, aid—Aritllg, Comp., bit., Spelling— A, Rickard 88, L. Elliott 65, J. Clark, and R, Davidson 51, G. Blair 45, W, Drown 41, N. Toms 40, W, Parlter 20. * Absent rn account- of siolniess.—Dean, Geddes, Teacher, btescse I i iIE fn � t A Placa, 1cr, You f i 1 z ec anted. Producti*n Just as surely as Lack of food is strangling Germany day by day, so plenty of food is winning the victory for the allies. The French armies, for instance, were never better fed than n ow, for France cannot forget the awful lesson of 1870—the failure of her food supply, To this she attributed the loss of that war. To feed the trench soldiers arotind Verdun, more than 25,- 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. This gives a faint idea of the colossal task of feeding an army. Canada and Britain have huge army of fighting heroes on the line ; every man MusT have plenty of food,in spite of a world shortage. Upon Canada's food production all principally rely. The Farmers of Ontario Urgently Need Help The Department of Agriculture appeals to then and boys to enlist in the f arm help campaign. The Department appeals to men unfitfor military service, or who find it impossible to enlist in the army. Do your "bit" by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportunity. The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no occupation (retired), of business men who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordinary affairs to plan to help some farmer friend, particularly 3.13. seed time and harvest. Confer with your county District Representative of the Department of Agriculture, or write, "]3arm Help Cam- paign," care Department of Agriculture, Toronto. Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture Parliament Buildings Mail Contract SF)ALOD TIiONDT1RS, addressed..40 the,PostInasto6' 0000101, will be M- edved at Ottawa until Noon, ')n Fri- day, the 20111 day of April, 1017, for ;the 'conveyance of I-Iis Majesty's MAUS, on 'a proposed Contract for four years, siX tln)es. per Week over GOQerleh No. 1 Rural Route, from the 1st, clays of Julyl, 1017. Printed 11o1i0es containing further in- formation as to conditions of pro- posed Contract May be seen and blank forms' of Tender' may he ob- tained .at the Post Offices of Coder - lob, and at the office of the .Post Ono Inspector, London. •Post Office Department, Canada, lIlail Service Branch, Ottawa, 0111 March, 1017, Ci. S. ANDERSON, 80-3. 1 uperiitonden 1,, Marriages PIC'b.l.,TT-WALKER—In Clinton on March 7th, by Rev. I)r. Rutledge, Clara, daughter of 31r. Robert_ Walker, to Henry John Pickett. BLAY.—FAiI C.LTT=In London, Eng., on January 240, Florence Faw- cett to Pte. Ernest Blay, both formerly of Clinton, Births CA,SLIOK--Iu Wingham, : on March 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs, Earl Cas- liek; a son. McCIZEATII-At Toronto, on 1Vlarch 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs.: B, , II, McCreath, a daughter. DEYELL—In \Vingham, on March 3rd, to 112r. and Mrs. J, Deyell, a slaughter, Deaths EMMERTON—In Clinton.,, on March 0th, John Eminerten,, aged 82 years and 7 months. WALKER.—In Clinton, March 10th, Alexander Walker, aged Q0 years and 2 months. GRAINGER—At Brucefield, March 9th, James Grainger, in his 78th year. RANGE FOR SATS..—COAL OR wood with water front and reser- voir. In good condition. Apply— P. B, Derr, Ontario street, (0'- Nei1's new house). —80 TIIE YOUNG LADIES' PATRIOTIC Auxiliary otters for sale 2 refrig- erators in first class condition, us- ed by 161st battalion at Camp Borden, Also wood cook stove, in fair 1 condition. Apply—Mrs. Fair - full or Miss Olive Cooper. —80. Si.ED OATS FOR SALE—A QUAN- tity of O.A.C. Oats. No. 72. Apply —N. J. LeBeau, R. R. No, 5, Phone • 9 on 146. Clinton. —79. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.— T. T. Murphy. —44, NOTICE NOTICE',' is hereby given that Mar- garet Bell Obarleswoi U of the Town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, iu theprovinee of Ontario, wife of Leo- pold Otto Charlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par- liament of Canada at the next session thereof for 0 bill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopold Otto Charlesworth. of the said town of Blyth, in the County of Enron. in the Province of Ontario, merchant, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this 19th clay of January, 1917. Margaret Bell Charlesworth, By her Solicitor, William Thornburn Witness, A. V. Darragh. THE WAR LOAN The Nelsons ,Bank will bo Pleas - Oil to receive sribseriptlons for the, ., New Doinirrion of Canada War Loan, Prospectus lied particulars 1nnybe had upon application,. 75-2 MEN WANTED TO LEARN 'P11111 spring and axle trade, ,stoady work year round and good wages, must be sober and itudustrious, apply The Dowsley Spring & Axle Co,, Chatham; Ont, —80-3 WATCII FOUND.—IN CLINT 0 N yesterday), man's silver watch 'with chain attached, Owner can have sameby calling at The News -Rec- ord -office, proving propertyand paying for this advertisement. 80-3 311.N WAN l'i':D;—A FEW 0001) SMV mill risen.. Good wage paid and good board supplied. Apply-,1ohn 1f. Mustard, Brumfield. • -80. AUCTION SALE OF IIOUSI:IIOLD Furniture, lady's writing desk with two chairs to match, parlor suite; ore., at the residence of ll6rs. Thomas Holloway, Ontario street, on Saturday, March 17111, at 2 o'- clock, 0•, H. Elliott, Auctioneer, SEED FOR SALE. -ABOUT 70 BU- shels of 0.A,C; No, 21 Barley and a quantity of Ligoway Oats No, 1 seed. Apply—F. fI. Powell, R. R. No. 3, Clinton phone 9 on 157. -80 SERI) OATS FOR SALE.—A (TITAN-. tlty of Regenerated Banner Oats, good quality', free from noxious weeds Ap»lr — Chris: O'Brien,0B Con. 2, Tuckersmith, Phone 13 on 137, Clinton. —80, SOW FOR SALE.—;'GOOD RELI- able Yorkshire sow, , due tale 7th day of May. Apply -David Garvie, Lot 15-16 Goderieh .township. 80-2 FOlt SALE,—FRAME HOUSE AND Stable, on Rattenbur5' Street. House has 9 rooms, electric light, furnace, town Water and soft wa- ter in the kitchen. Must be sold at once as the proprietor is leaving town,—J, G. West. —76. WANTED, POSITION ON FARM, by married man, experienced 01 all kinds of farm work, Apply — 0. Hall, Londesboro. —79. FOR SALE -0. A. C. BARLEY NO. 21, and Improved Banner Oats, grown from registered seed, free from noxious weeds,—J. G. Cart- wright,' Phone 287, Londesboro. 78. FOR SALE -BARRED ROCK EGGS, Bred -to -lays. Last year 87 of my pullets"ittid 161 eggs each for the }rear. Eggs from these hens and their daughters $2 per 15, 83 per 30, $4 per 50, $7 per 100. Fairview Poultry Yards—Jabez Rands, Clin- ton, —78 FOR SALE—I HAVE A LiMITED quantity of Marquis spring wheat for sale. It is an excellent sam- ple. For particulars phouo 4 On 156—Fred Middleton, R. R. No. 8, Clinton. —78-5 HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT— Roomy house on corner of Ontario and .William street. All modern conveniences. Garden and young fruit trees.—Apply to Mrs, A. Bea- com 011 premises or to W. Brpione Clinton, 77. FOR SA. E-20 ACRES, PT. LOT 40, Con, 12, Ifuliett township. Ap- ply to—James W. Roberton, Au- burn. BRITAIN--aCALLS TO CANADATHE Y THE FARM She must have Food— for her Armies in the Field—for her Workers in the Factory—in the Munition plant—in the Shipyard—in the Mine. THERE'S DANCE.. IN SIGHT—BUT YOU CAN (HELP Do YOU KNOW -- that the rapidly rising price of food stuffs means that the World's reserve supply is getting small ? DO YOU KNOW— that a world-wide famine can only be averted by increasing this supply? DO YOU KNOW— that a "food famine" would be a worse disaster to the Empire and her Allies,than reverses in the Field ? YOU CAN— help thwart Germany's desperate sub- marine thrust on the high seas. YOU GAN— do this by helping to make every bit of land in Canada produce—the very last pound of food stuffs of which it is capable. AND REMEMBtR— that no man can say that he has fully done his part—who having land—be it garden patch, or farm, or ranch—fails to make it produce food to its utmost capacity. BRITAIN APPEALS TO CANADA THE NEAREST PRODUCER OF STAPLE FOODS India and Argentina are more than twice the distance away and Australia more than four times. 2625 MILES agsmano 6000 Canada to Britain - - India & Argentina to Britain - ,MiLEs 11500 MILES voron Australia to Britain ewaiggrszagmemymmsmswggffamszgragssw THESE FARM PRODUCTS ARE NEEDED FOR EXPORT WHEAT, OATS, BEEF, ACON, CiiiEESE, EGGS, UTTER, POULTRY, s: EMS & PEAS, WOOL, FLAX AND FLAX "FIBRE, DRIED VEGETABLES "No matter what difficulties may face us, the supreme duty of every man on the land is to use every thought and every energy in the direction of producing more—and still more." Martin Burrell—Minister of Agriculture, The Department invites every one desiring information on any subject relative to Farm and Garden, to write---- rNr'"ORMATIoN BUREAU DitliNION DEP r'T. OTTAWA F MUM= McCOR1vIIOlc .Ap 1:NCY, —I HAVE taken ofer the agency for the Me; COriniok implements and moved it to My pleee of business, the ear riage and repair 01(91), kluron street, where 1 will. keep on hand a toll line of tnipleinents, repairs, twine, oto, An order, from you. will roeoive prompt . attention,— Wilson Elliott, --13 CREAM WANTED, -,•. DAIRYMEN having cream 110 sell write to us 1r cans. We simply two cans free, .o »» y Pay all express, charges and issue chocjuos twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay, the .high- est market prices consistent 'with ern honest test. Testing done by a competent pian. Each trill careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned.. Those in the vicinity of lf:inburn may leave their Cream with Mr.' Hall who will deliver it here.' Write tor cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinitp of Varna may deliver. their cream to Beatty Bros, Store _and it will be taken care of there—Tito Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ont, FOR SALE 0 II E A P , FRAME stable, to be taken down and re- moved. For particulars apply to— J, Torrance, Clinton, —76. WANT1ID.-POSITION AS I10USE- keeper, in toil'n or country,—Mrs. Mogridge, Clinton.. —70.. FOR SALE.—MR. WILFRID COL- - clough' offers his fine farm, 80 acres on the 11 con. of Goderieh town- ship, for sale. It is situated 1•k miles south of Ilolmcsville, is in good state of cultivation, 32 acres plowing clone, 48 acres under bay, 2 never -failing wells, one with wind- mill attached, in good working or- der. Good frame barn 40x50 feet. Farm well fenced, mostly woven wire fencing. For particurars apply to—Wilfrid Colclough, R. R. No. 3,. Clinton. -76, FARM FOR SALE. 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 23- miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hul- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ling underneath and 11/ storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to—John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St„ Strat- ford, Ont. --82. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED: RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice, Both Lad- les' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared 'to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent'k Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —55 BIRTHDAY GIFTS 4.i Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen Clocks, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted display of Clocks ever shown in town 8 daylMantle:Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and ,mahogany. Manicure Sets, (Jut Glass, Silverware Spectaeles'of all kinds and Repairs. Drop in and:ilook around, you are under no obligation to buy. iEt. H. JOHNSON, Issuer. of Marriage Licenses, Optician and Jeweler THE Sprig Drive FOR SAL T1 -I133 ; PROPERTY O10 Ratteribnry street oectihled by Dei Gaudier, inoludiee house, ernes, barn and -t,wo lots, Will be sold separately or .'.together;'... Fleet& lighting throughout, • Water in stehlc. Elard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and glummer Ii(t- ohen.—Apply to Dr, Gaudier, --40. The time for the big drive is ap- proaching and now is the time for you to prepare and get your ammunition ready for the big drive of Dust and Pest that has accumulated during . the long winter monthe, Here we (five a few suggestions es to the amntnnition yon will need for a successful drive Powdered Ammonia . Brooms Dutch Cleanser Bon Ami Naptha Powder. Chloride of Lime Lye Pearline Scrub :Brushes Stove Brushes Furniture Polish Dust Dane Soap and Soap Chips OUR LEADER -7 bars Pm'o pp Soap for L� CIRLS VIANTED -tom WE CiAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO Al PEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE. ClintonKnitting Co, LIMITED, Calves for Sale o� I Have made arrangements to secure a, number of well bred young calves each week. we MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 Bou'l \Worr9 9 About the high price of grain and feed for your flock of hens, as eggs and poultry are expected to bo corres- pondingly high this coming season, Now is the time to order your Prairie State Incubator Why depend on the uncertain old hen for hatching when an incubator will do the work better and cheaper. Get your chickens hatched early and get the big price for broilers. The early pullets will be your next win- ter's layers. Get an Incubatnr and hatch your chicks when you please GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. You will enjoy a nice cup of tea der ing house cleaning season. We recon mond our bulk teas, which aro a good buy now, Ask our prices this week— They will interest you, Highest Market Price tot Produce Johnson St Co. The Store of Quality. Piieao 'orders' iirnniirtly attended •to. 1'340N10 111., TSE CORBES STORE Live and Let Live 1.IB b Tasty and Nutritious's Lenten Dishes The family that denies itself meat during Lent will find in our store a great many wholesome foods as substi Intel in the following list Fresh Caught Herring Fresh Halibut Finnan Haddie Filletts and Cod Fish Canned Salmon KipperedHerring Sardines Finan Hacldle Lobsters and Crabs SPECIAL Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruits, Lettuce. and Celery Highest Market trice for Produce E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. PLACE YOUR CRIER i3eamux Butter Soup; To three cups of hot milkh - . add half pea,- P of pa nut butter dissolved in hot water. Season with nutmeg and salt, and serve with our fresh bro- ken soda biscuits, at 10e e pound. 1? Children Cry for it Creal ai ted Any quantity of cream handled at • highest price foe butter. fat. Cream called for or taken in the first three days of the week at Holmesville, Yon may see your cream tested for your- self, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cream paid for every week. P110N1: 17 ON 143 L. M. JERV IS I1OLNIESVILLE. • Cream Wanted._ Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every, WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. anted. Fowl received Wednesday) morning each week. T. E. MASON, General llrerchant, SU-MMERIIILL. We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store, No also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce to ors in change for goods. for seine of our Western Oats, whieh we have just received• and we will charge you no more than if they were just the ordinary grade of oats, If you wish to secrlre some of these Oats, place your order early as they aro going fast. We always have a full stock of Flour and Peed, W Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND PEED, Phone 199. Highest prices paid 101 Grain and Wool. Elevator 'Residence phone 0-1421 D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital. ORDEiR YOUR Sap Pans and Buckets, NOW and be ready when the season opens THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Shop over Rowland's Hardware, 1 PHONE 53. . The BigStore SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS Seecl Potatoes, hone grown, bag $8.755 Timothy 4,25 Red Clover ..., , , ... 14.(0) Alsike 1$,06(0 Alfalfa, northern grown, Royal Purple Calf Meal, 106 lbs , 4.00 " Poultry Specific, pkg .50 " Stock Specitle, plcg , , .50 " Stock Specific, pkg , , 1,50 Dr. Hess' Stock Food, pkg 65 and 1.00 " Poultry Pauacea, pkg .35 Poultry Panacea' pkg ,85 " Louse Killer, pkg,,., ,35 01-f+7 J Saturday SSpecials. 5 lbs of our Special Japan TeaI,7« 5 lbs of our Special Mixed Tea, , 1,75 Ilbof Monarch Coffee .,,.,...,. .80 Only 5 lbs of Tea aud,l 113 of Coffee t0 a customer J. O. Lounsbery LONDEsBORO The brig stole with little ia>rlae 1