HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-15, Page 4pzi i11 4it CS it eta llil( t 1'- 1917 Ford T "curing Car $495.®0 F. 0. B. FORD. ONT, Yoa pay less for this car but it gives you more enjoyment, • more milenge, and longer service than those which `y cost more. The Touring Car gives the utmost in automobile val(1e, pride of ownership, and econatiiy. Buy a Ford this year and save money --when saving is tr national duty Bert Langford DEALER CLINTON PHONE 183 iDA ei l III iI r• r 016„,......„...„,_ 4 We've Unloaded the Largest Stock. of Swink Wall Pape.L Ever Brought .ou t to This Store Clinton .News -Record Marclh I5th, 1917 Bought Betore 1n1 Prices .Advanced 0 Q, 'a N. W. an C. Ns. Tie ': et ad .TeIegra h Age CLINTON It Will Pau You to Btig During g, Ft/blur-eh Dry Goods and House Furnishing Cope PI1QNE 76. • Millinery and Ready•to- Wenr Garments ,Springy Ispl cly Thursday, larch 22nd and following Days, We cordially invite the ladies of Clinton and the .surrounding country to come and `sae our grand display of high-class " Millinery, Suits, Dresses, and „Vliaists,-Etc , Thursday, March 22nd,.and following days. Women's and Misses Suits We have a very choice.assort- ment of the newest styles in gabardines, serges, popiiss and tweeds, in all shales that will prevail this season. Newest fashion touches of stitching and pockets. Over seventy-five dif- ferent ifferent styles to choose from. Prices from $ 17 to $40.00 Ladies' Chidren's and Misses Spring Coats Magnificent showing of light weight velour checks, plain ve- lours, coverts, gabardines. serges and other novelty .cloths,with rich linings of spring silks. Prices range from $8 to $35 Women's and Misses Spring Skirts New m odels made of 'Collets, Silk, Gabardine and Serpa, Some have shirred top belts, Unique pockets and handsome . buttoil triixlnaings Prices from $6 op f:o $iU.00 The Store that Shows the New Things Pirst Dolleartb, Pianos, Limited PUBLI.0 NOT1Ul1 as herebyb iven that under the First Part of chapter. e of tine lle iced Statutes•el Can - Ada 1000, keo n as"The -UoiriPan les Act," letters potent have Veen issued totter the Seal of the Seere' tarp of State of Canada, bearing date jibe 12th clay of .ianuary, 1217, iile0rporatiug .john ,lvredorielc Grant and Chester hrederiok Stevens, man- .elaoturers, Charles henry Ivey• and Richard Green Ivey, isqutres, and 14largaret Amelia 13011, stenographer, • hil of the City of Landau, in the province ol, Ontario for the follow,- pig. ollow-fig, purposes, viz.:� (a) Po manufacture,, buy, sell and generally trade in. pianos, argaus, pad 'pasts, of sante, and all- kinds of musical instruments and parts of, saute,piano stools, benches, music cabinets, piazlo, pl.tyersin all and auy of Itt brandies, and to manu- facture, buy, or otherwise dispose of and hi anyr manner deal in the ratio; materials required by the eonpeny In connection with the above mentioned objects. ' (IS) To purchas6 or otherwise au - Tare, ;bnild, c.quire,;build, construct, Bold, take on lease, license, rent, use, operate, lease. let, sell, convey\or otherwise dispose of and in ituy manner deal in and with piano factories, saw Stills, railway sidings 'andother works, machinery, trots and eluip- menus for the manufacture of pianos, organs aed other musical instru- ments, and any and all other material used or usable in or in connection with the manufacture or treatment of same ; (o) To acquire, purchase, take on lease, or license, hire, hold, use, se'1, great lease of, exchange, alienate, dispose of and otherwise deal in or contract with. reference to timber lands and timber limits, lands or in- terests in lands, personal l'rolerty of all kinds or interests therein, rights, privileges, licenses and con, ocSSials (1) To carry on any other busi- ness, whether manufacturing or oth- erwise ca.pabin of being convcnie.tt]y carried on in connection with the business or calculated directly or indirectly to encbance;tlte value of or render profitable any of the company's property, or rights, (e) To acquire and take over as going concerns or otherwise the un- dertakings, assets and liabilities of any person or company carrying on any business in whole or in part similar to that which tit conpanyi is authorized to earryi on or posses- sed property suitable for the pur- poses of this company, and with a view theretoto acquire all or -any of the shares pr liabilities of such com- panies. (f) To apply for, purchase or oth- erwise acquire any patents, brevets d'inventions,licenses, concessions and the like conferring any exclusive or united right to use any secret or other informations • as to any! inven- tion which may seem capable of be - ng used for any of the purposes of he company or the acquisition of vhich may seem calculated directly ✓ indirectly to benefit the company, lid to use, exercise,develop or grant Menses in respect of or otherwise turn to account the properties, rights ✓ information so acquired ; (5) To buy, sell, manufacture and eat in all hinds of goods, stores, tnplemonts, provisions, chattels and [Teets required by the company or is workmen or servants , 11) Notwithstanding the p -visions f section 44 of Tho C'ompanie's Act, o subscribe for, purchase assume 11- bility under, acquire, bold, sell, ex- hange, dispose of or otherwise deal n or contract with reference to onds, debentures, stoclrs or other se• urities or obligations or any estate ✓ interest therein ; and to apply or accept in whole or in part .as onsideration or satisfaction or se- urity for any contract, indebtness ✓ obligation to or of the company!, ropertyr obligations, shares and se- uti' tics of cup kind a1• such valva - on and upon such terms as may be gleed upon ; and to apply or to ac- ept as security, foe Any indebtedness o the company, mortgagee of land ✓ chattels updn"such" terms as may o agreed upon ; (1) To sell, lease or otherwise dis- ose of theproperty or undertaking the company or any part thereof, ✓ such consideration as the eon, any may think fit, and in partitu- r and notwithstanding the provis- ns of section 44 of The Contpatiles' et for shares, debentures oe sectir- los of 04 outer partnership, asso- ation oe company (j) To manufacture or. trade 111 opetty and goods of all kinds (k). To enter into partnership or iyt arrangement for sharing profits, non of interests, co-operation, int adventure, reciprocal conees- ons, or otherwise, with any person company carrying 00or engaged or about to carry on or engage 'any business or transaction which 1s company is authorized to carry 01 engage in or any business' or ',mention capable of being °endue- d so as to directly or indirectly benefit the eompanyi, and to lend over to guarantee the contracts , or otherwise assist 0113* such por- n of e0mpany, land to take or 0111 Wise acquire shares and security of y such company, and to sell, hold, issue with or without guarantee otherwise deal with the same ; I) To draw, make, accept, en- rse(exosute and issue proreislerp tee, bills of exchange, bills of ing, warrants and other negoti- lo or trausferablo instruments in) To invest and deal with the oncys of the company not immedi- elyrequired, and in such manner frain time Io time may bo de milled ; n) To enter into any 'arrange- ats with any government aatlmtl- s, municipal, local of otherwise at may went conducive to the cont- ty''s objects or any of thein, and obtain teem any such .government authorityi any rights, privileges t. and cottcesslons which tint eonzltatty, Stay 4140 it .desirable 10 obtain and carry put, exercise and comply with any,su(lt arrangements, rights, wiveileges and oonceSsiolts ; (0) '1'o Produce and eceumulato steam and oleelrioity or other agen- cies similar or otherwise, and to use and supply the satire for power light and boating purposes in connection with the business of the company, and to sell and dispose of ally, srtr- pius steam or electricity for power, lighting and heating purp000s, sub- ject to the provinci!aI, and municipal' laws and: regulations ; ' .,,. (p) To procure the company .to be registered, licenses or otherwise recognized itt foreign country' and to designate and appoin¢ persons there- in. as attorneys or representatives of the company, with full power to represent the company in all mat - tors according to 'the law of foreign country, and to accept service for and ;:on behalf. of the company of any proeese..or suit ; (q) To establish and support or aid ht'tlto establishment and support of 'associations, institutions, 'funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit employees or px-employees of the company or its- predecessors 'iib business; or the dependents er connec- tions of ermet-tions.of such persons,and to grant pensions and allowances, and to make payment towards insurance and to subscribe and guarantee money for charitable or benevolent objects or for any exhibition or .for.' any public, .general or useful object ; (r) To promote any company or companies for the purpose of aequir ing all or 1109 of the properties, rightsor liabilities: of Ibis company or for any purposes which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit ibis company! (s) To _lend money to customers and others having dealings with the company', and to guarantee`' the per- formance of contracts bp any such persons (1) To adopt such means cf mak- ing known the products of the com- pany as may seem expedient, and itt particular by advertising in the press by circular, by purdiase and exhibi- tion of works of art or interest, by publication of books and periodicals and by gtenting prizes, rewards and donations; (u) To pay for any 'property, rights, privileges acquired hy, or with the approval of the sharehold- ers, for services rendered to the com- pany by the issue of felly paid or partly paid-up non -assessable shares in the capital stock of Ibis com- pany ; (v) To pay. out of the funds of the company all the expenses of or incidental• to the formation, regis- tration and advertising of the coin - ; patty (w) 'ro do any and all things sot forth as its pl jeets as principal, a- gent, contractor or otherwise, acid to earry. ant any er all Of the fore- going ofjecte as principals; agent!, sub-contraetors, or'otllerwlee, ane by, and through trustees, agents, salt-. eontraotors•or• otherwise, and alone or jointly with'algi othter corpora tion, association, firm or person, and to do ell and every thing nnoessaryt or iaeidental for the accomplishment of any of. the purposes or the at- taitiinent of any* ono or more of .the ohjeets herein enumerated or fneiden- tal to the powers herein named, or which shall a1 any time be necessary or incidental for the protection or a. benefit of the Corporation ; (x) The (Meets speelfiod in each paragraph hereof shall except where otherwise "b:*preseel in, s rei.i' pare- gt•apll, be in 00 wise limited er re- stricted by reference to or inference from the terms of an other para- graph or the name of the company (y) Ana to do all Such other things as aro incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above oh- jests or any Of therm. The operations of the company to be carried on throughout the Domin- ion of .'Canada and, elsewhere by the name of "Doherty) Pianos; Limited," with e capital stock of to o hun- dred thousand dollars, divided into 2,000 shares of one hundred dollars each, .and the alilef piece of business of the said eotnparcy to be at the`., •„ Town OR Clinton, in the Preainoe ell 0nterio. Bated at the olMfee of the Sec.; rotary of State of Canada, tine 23ra tiny of January, 1017, '11I01vIAS MULV> X, Uhler -Secretary of State. Sale Reglstsr Saturday, March 17111, at one o'clock, p.,n., at li gtnoudviile, house- hall furniture, 'Miss Annie Broek, proprietress, T. Brown, auctioneer, Wednesday, March 21st, at 1 p.0., at Lot G, Con, 0, Tuelcersmith, farm sloelc and implements. llenry For- sythe, proprietor, T. Brown, auction- ,�na_..nsat-�,•,A--•--w-.-..rnuc�- Gr.,...•-.,.,...::.�.r,r .�.:.-w,..,� ,,.•.............. • 0510151110 MAN 012E 00 IT 013 1315 11I..i-i_ta61I1Pfl 021 6I''Lf£d'HOrdt- A AT UR 4. E. Ames co. Investment Bankers. 3'slablisked r6.S9, EXPENSE. FOR THE. NEW MONTRd1,IL Union Bank Building, sy King TV,, TORONTO 111:Elr' YORZ t J` i' ' 1aC azi :'.[ N ZIMIERMI? EEZIs Ei:+Y}:iKt.i7(M1 C ORRAi''. 1". Ki OORR/ K E • onds Maturing A st March, 1937 THE PROCEEDS Or ME LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. issue of WA. R. ' LOAN N O IN1 150,000,000 5% e AN Payable at par at Ottawa, Ilalifax, St John, Charlottetown; Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. • INTEREST PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY, lst MARCH, let SEPTEMBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. ISSUE PRICE 96. A FULL FIALF-YEAR'S INTEREST . WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER, 1917. THE MINISTIOR of FINANCE offers herewith, on behalf of the e• h• Government, the above-named Bonds for - ,o Subscri P tion at 96, payable as"follows:— "`` 10 per sent on application; Si.. 30 " 16th April,' 1917; I 30 " 15th May, 1917; 26 " 15th June, 1917. ,, The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited to one, hundred and fifty million dollars, exclusive of Elthe amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as the equivalent of cash under the terms of the War rfl Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915. • i►g' The instalments may be paid in full on tho 16th clay of Ei April, 1917, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under a discount at the rate of four per Gent per annum. All rel payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any R9instalment when duo will render previous payments liable to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. E Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must bo forwarded through the medium of a chartered -bank, Any branch in Canada of any. chartered bank will receive subscriptions and issue provisional receipts. itri This loan is authorized under Act of.the Parliament ea of Canada, and both principal and interest will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. kV en Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any ,Assistant Receiver General in Canada. Subscriptions must be; for even hundreds of dollars. In ease of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount due on the April installment. Scrip certificates, nonnegotiable or payable to bearer *R in aceordanee with the choice of the applicant for F„ e' registered or bearer bonds, will be issued, after allotment, M in exchange for the provisional receipts, Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. s. The issue will be exempt from taxes—including any income tax—imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General atHalifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria, or at the Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by ,pheque, which will be remitted by post. Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. Both cheques and coupons, at the option of the holder, will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank, or at the 'Agency of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds. without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominittions without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. Tho books of the loan will bo kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. moogg000mmommomm Recognized bbnd and: stock brokers, having offices and al carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a commis- sion of three-eighths of one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, however, that aio commission will be allowed m respect kV Ri When the scrip; certificates have been paid in full and of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender jig M' payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd Azi money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, November, 1015, or in respect of the amount of airy az with coupons attached, payable to bearer or registered allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when stock maturing 1st October, 1019, No commission will prepared, without coupons, in accordance with thebo allowed in respect of applications on forms which application, have not been printed by the Ding's Printer. SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL OLOS1 ON OR I :LF(iRt `'lit 23rd Or MARG1l, 1917. Dtirmittriosx oi+ 11iu ttoln, OrrAw,t, March lint, 100. axe