HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-15, Page 1Linton No, 1980--- $7th Year CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH Hsth; I9117 THE HOME PAPER Canada a `� Canada during the coning season adds to e mi ilre, andthat EXTRA BUSHEL OF FUO STUFF grown of ^ E d „�egrna WatCkQ$ Reliability in a Watch (�,`'�L ACz..�,. Is the result of superior ma- 44.4 0Th t•erials, combined with pains- 4t, ¢+ , in putting them Tks: 'taking Gale 1 p � together. Knowing that every Regina Watch is as good as can be made, we have no hesitation in endorsing the universal guarantee which 8sol uTl t Y CaUARANTI E6 goes with every one of them • t_ TO. It. Y6elltsrar Clinton e'weler Store -in Oldest Established I y id C? i. 2- (1(100 ..00 Authorized n ut ' al A not O 1 I2,000,000 Capital Paid-up Reserve and Undivided Prcfits 214,300>D00 Totass* 0s lA Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed 4QD nga Banking business transacted, 'ori Savings Deposits. General B g E. �? v� ,dna Manager r Clinton Branch A he OF CANADA. Incorporated 1860, $�l 'WESLEY CHURCH. Next ,Sunday Itev, Dr. B,arhor of London will conduct anniversary , u - •) lhesb ' 1 Wesley church, services t1 y jest of his sermon in the eve:Meg will be : "Britain on the Borders of Palestine". Dr, Barber has travelled extensively and has spent some time. in Palestine and therefore knows something of the country, Dr.,Aar- be>: was in Germany when war was deelaretl. ie. 1014 null in a lecture in the Church on Monday cveniag will tell about his escape frons that coun- try,. A SPRING+ "SHOWER," A number of the younger 'ladies of St,Pw.11's congregation Met flat the rec- tory on llfriday evening and 'present- ed Mss' Mary McIntyre, ono ;of their: number, with a shower of miSeellan:. cons artdcles useful to one contem- plating the responsibility of • ta'lisig up housekeeping, Miss McIntyre was taken n Coo fete1Y U3 SUT rI5 B, the C a l - fair having been cleverly planned so that she shoilld ,not have an inkling of it until the right moment arriv- ed. A very jolly hour was spent by the young ladies, taMpukcstuueneiew INCORPORATED185 »..»»...,.. ..,(, S Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted, Circular Liners of Credit Bank Money Orders. Savings Bank Department. Interest allowed at highest current rate. rte, lC. E..Dowding, Manager, Clinton Brand T1 -I0 LOCAL MARKET, Wheat $1.Qs. Buckwheat; • 1,15, Barley 93 .00. Oats 00e, Butter 85e to 31le. Eggs 28c to 20e. Live Hogs $14,50, APPRECIATED KIND THOUGHT, The Young\Ladies' Patriotic Auxil- iary received the Following (Alicia' letter from Mout,-COL: Combe, the other day, The letter .omelette it- self : • ,. "Witley 'Camp, Feb. 261;11, 1017. The Young Girls, Patriotic Saa'e- ty, Clinton .—I wish to thank yam Society on behalfof the O.lieers, Non -Commissioned Officers, and Men of the 15151 Ile -nation, from Clinton, ter the boxes which reached• us list week. To those of the Clinton Con- tingent wiio are in France, wo have forwarded their boxes to thein. The ccintents o! ti's boxes V ErO a great treat, ' - far lllare is• t we value but what the kind Lhou,]tt that prompted LCd t he sending of the treat. - IL B. COMVIBE, Lieut. -Col. 0.0. 1ii'ist Battalion, Can, Inf." ANOTHER WAY TO HELP: Mr. Yeigb of Toronto was fn town oil Tuesdap in the interests of Y.M.C,A, work for -tete soldiers, and a meeting of the businessmen was called in the evening when ler. Y ei h presented the claims of the work and ittee • comm n d of runes and -a the pec was fern ed witha titcw t 0 doing something by way of assistence. Mr. H. •Wiltse was appointed cheirman of the committee, A. T. 1.oa rer , secretary and H. 1e. Paull, trensttree, with the following members . B. .1. Gibbets, • N. Ball, R. E. !`Tanning, W. II. Ilellyer, W. ]3lvdone, .1. Tor- rance,' G. D. MCTageart, .1. E. 11o;- ey, Co]. Hance, W. Jackson, D. 1<. Prior, and Capt. Fairfull. This com- mittee is making arraw'zentcnts for a public meeting in the town hall next Wednesday evening at which Capt. John McNab, who has been at the front, will tell something of the a cam- paignY. PI. C. A. • and afterwards paign will be inaugurated to help raise funds to assist in the work, READY-TO-WEAR 1 2 he g orrisll OLOTHINO Clothing Co. CEDE 1NED CLOTH IWO The Very Suit You Want is Hese. That's one big advantage of Coining Here for a Suit. Our stock is complete in assortment of styles and range of values, that no matter what style of a suit you have in mind or what price you want to pay, jou aro almost certain to find it here. Excellent, indeed, are the Suits we are Selling, at $10.00 and $12.00 Much better than ordinary value are to be found in the assortment of suits at $15.00 and $20.00 To the man who is accustomed to custom tailored styles and uality, we ,9ffer for i°::s ,most critical in- spection, our display of hand -tailored suits at spectloll, p ,� $2Oo0 and 25.00 THE MflRRISH CLDTHING Agent C. P. Phone 18 for:Sunday] or rTigAit tails. CO, PASSING Ole JOHN EMMERTON, John Envnerten passed into his long rest on Fridayl last after ' a somewhat tedious illness, having reached the great age of eishty.two years and seven months. The late Mr. Emmerton was born at' Acton, Middlesex, England, but came to this country in 1849. The family first settled on a farm near Kincardine, which is still in the hands of a brother, but the subject of this sketch later moved to God- erich, where the lived for a great number of years. For the past fif- teen years be has been a resident of Clinton, wherehe had won •the es- teem of all with whom he came in contact. Though so many years out from the Old Country Mr. Emmerton nev- er forgot the land of his birth, He -cherished fond recollections of his early hone and had in his posses- sion several heirlooms which had been handed clown tram father to son for several hundred years. A few years ago be visited England and saw many 'of his relatives who still reside there. Ile. Emmerton was a leery kindly, friendly and sociable man. He had many friends here who thought ]highly of him and with whom lie delighted to have a chat as long as his physical health permitted him to get about. In religion he was a Methodist, being a member of Wes- ley church, end in politics a .Con- servative. lie was a Fenian Raid veteran, having belonged to the Ar- tillery Corps at Goderich during the mid in 1850. Mr, Emmerton is survived by his wee, who was formerly 11Irs, Jun - .)r, and by one son,, J, T., and two daughters, Mrs. llarry •i ohnston, Fort; William, and ivrrs. James II, 13e11, Oelwine, Iowa. One brother re- sides at Kincardine but was too 11 to attend the funeral. During his last illness, which has continued since Christmas titne, Mr, J. 'r, Enmtorton and his wife and son have been with him. llavi'lg disposed of 'his business at B;rvie Mr, Emmerton intended, after a vis - L; here with his father, going with hid wife and son to' spend` the win- ter in California, When he saw how fra:1 his father was, however, they (Melded to forego their trip and re - maned in Clinton and wore with Mei to the end, The funeral took place from the family residence, Isaac street, on Monday, interment being made 15 Gorer.lch cemetery, where other members of the fondly lie buried. Rev. lar. Itutietige condtiet'od the •service at the house and goy, J, 15. Ford, a • former pastor, tdad the services at the graveside at Goderich. The pallbearers here wete Messrs, ,1. Maltaity, Win, Stew- at't1, L. Lawson, and George Levis. Amongst those froth a distance - Who, were Isere for tlhtt funeral wore Mrs. Alf. Emmerton aftd &Irv. Geo, illninetto3, Kincardine, and Mr. 'Mel Mrs, LeY, ➢ � nta. • Levy, oto Mrs. l:mmerton and Mr, J. T. I.lm- 'nettati wish to eetelhd titeir sihfeere Athirst to tee .friends and tieialseers for the many, stets of kindness showis rumps 111e ilhtess of Mt, lett- Mellott slid also •.to 313)06"0 11.110 Se to th0 - r'O1131 'dourly tont dieWete, 111.1?:s, NOTES, the prosperity EVEB� HEIPS V\ IN TH.L pi{ The members of elle Women's Pa- triotic Soolety!'will meet for work on • Friday afternoon and it is re- questet that all -finished , work 1 o turhied in so that it may .be • got ready for shipment. • Everybedjl Is invited to the tea In the council 011anlbeu or Wednesday af torno05. next, when. an o,hi.itiet. of week will be shown, All wino are interested 'in the " boys at the front are asked to come and see the ('oln forts prepared for them, • THEY OOT MIXED. ( In reporting the; shipment of the C!.\V.t',A. -last week the secretary in- adverten'tIy •credited the Unity: Club with the supplies sent in by the Stanley Maple Leaf and Maple hoof' with the l nity ('lub supplies. The report should have read as follows ...Stanley Maple Leaf : 16 fla:inol shirts, 1hospitalshint 12 sheets, > f socks, � ' B snits n , ..9 Wipe, 3 6 ] F , Unity Club 17 flannel shirts, 25 pairs of socks. A RissOiRCT;L'UL OFFICER. Capt 'Alex; Keine, brother of Rev. C. C. lOilno of Lo rete ro, who firs with the t cu ntie- overseas wont gent, enlisting 1,t Fort Francis, has been awarded the military cross for gallantry, on the held. (apt. Keine is Saha 10 be one' of the meat re- soureefel officers in his division. Ile Mee - name he of t , • bins 1 has e. rued. fr i „ � she is Q' 1e na,c c !I ,a• f ways creeping ihro'gilt the enemies' tines and coming g bace w.th val :- able information He has matte bint- self very useful to his superior of- (ieers and to the unit to tvhi 1 he belongs. 1 LI'f'1'L 1, LOCAi,l4. le L. 1'..#. NOTES. e atter were ek t matte's Several inportau discussed at the meeting' of the Young ladies' Auxiliary on Thurs- day evening last. $100 was voted' Lo the Canadian Red Cross. end 120 to the Y.M.('.A, work oeerseas. Daring the 1:ext Lamle of woes Parcels containing a pair of so cats and other comforts will lee sent to France. a' 1 a e Clinton boys in I f t each of the Ca As the officers, as u r;Je, ere well looked after, the Auxili sty decided to omit their names from the list this time. EC3Rl interest n , let - urs from (lintel men ae' uoul.uig- ung the parcels sent ' ant Jen Lary were read. The question of buying a knitting machine was tliecussrd and a com- mittee was named to en:luire into the price for suitable machine. 'l'he annual meeting will i:o held 0n Thursday evening cif next week, All the young ladies of town who are interested is patristic . ttror;c' should attend these meetings as th^y would find them inspiring and help- ful and would also find in them an opportunity to help. CAPT.- FAIRFULL U01l1d, • aty'de id. bir, Robert. Me11ve11e of 13awlf, Alberta, spent a few days the past Week with friends 111 tile' village, Don't forgot StYall1c,t S social l in the basement of St, Andrew's church on Friday 'evening, Mrs. Peter Clark Ls spending the week at Toronto. Mrs, 'Thomas Sanderson, who has spent the past winter in 'roronto, was in the village the past .01)0e with her sone ler, (George Sanderson, disposing of their house ftrnlshings prior to her departure with her hus- band for the west where they ex- pect• to spend the Futuro with theft sons. • Weed was .received yesterday that Pte. Robs, !Murray McLeod, who en- listed with the. 71st Bettelloa and who has been le Prance for- several months, had been 'trilled in action on March 1st. Pte. McLeod was a hro- ther of Mr, W. J. McLead of this village, Another brother, Lewis, is in tlf, tig 1 rip line. Mist; u at .t of I ,onclon is Ada 11aro � home o1 a s'lm:t stay seeing confin- ed .to the buuse with •asprained ankle. Mr. •Itattray of Sombre was. the guest of, his daughter, 'Mrs, J. Ll;, tones, at the persclllee Abe past t3'eelc, IITS wife, rvho has spent the past two ntenths at the. parso.lagc, returned home with hila. lir. 11Ileharl Dupee of Seaforth is spending a week in the viilaee. Mr.--•CUovcnie.ck of Seaforth is the guest of hi-, daughter, Mrs. William Ferguson, e itis week, The following leiter was recently received by Mrss Toms, 1'001 her her, with his br t c li who , U Intl 11tt1 ih s rnit4ttst with the 101st, and these oris ods will be read with interest by their Hayfield friends : '\\sl1ot camp,l Jan.u, ith 1917! Dear Mother and I ether : Itecciv- ed your long looked for letter today end tees certainly glad to steal from you, I am in the hest of health and s0 is Wilfrid and the: rest of the Hayfield Ibys. We got moved ileo this camp last W'eetltesday and it stere is fine here, the best we have v four h moved V been 111 ' 1 • Have been u yet b c tinges since we landed in J:nglan'1, I guess they' want us 10 sre the country before we go to France: The weather is fine here, ground frozen a little., no snow ant' sun shining ev- ery clay., Dandy's weather for drilling, Our battalion is re -organized and we are going to France together. Crl1551 there is sonic class to us. Ford King and Tillie Brandon are in this camp. I see them every, night, lloih are looking -fine, I was promoted to Lance Corporal today and start a course tomorrow. Clan think of no more news this time, Your loving ewe—MALCOLM." Don't forget the 5t-. Patrick's sup- per in the basement of St. ,Toseeh s church of leo:uiay evening next, Rev. Prof. leviel41 of Huron Seetler e will preach in tit. f'aun's church on Sunday next at both services. Captain, the Rev, • J. K. 'Fairfull, who went to England last fall as ehaplain of :the 101st battalion, re- turned home Saturda3t night. Capt. Fairfull was anxious to remain with "the boys" as 110. affectionately calls them, as long as he could • but of course it has been known for some time that the chaplains could not accompany their battalions to France. Indeed, since going to Eng- land Capt. Fairfull has been brigade ehaplain and received his orders' from' London. Opt. Fairfull speaks in the 11511 - est terms of the Hurons. "They're the cleanest, finest bunch .of bays live ever had anything to do with," ho said, "and many who 1 left home unthinking, ir- responsible bops b a v e de- veloped into splendid men. They are a credit to the county which pro- duced them," Capt. J"airfull saw quite a : good many interesting sights while away. He visited Old London and also in Scotland, his home land. He des- cribes the darkness of London streets as being very confusing. "When you enter a Canadian city, with the elec- tric lights blazing, theatres open and people going about 011 pleasure bent everywhere its Il'ao getting into lu new world," he said. According to Capt. Fairfull the p'eopie in the old lend are taking the war seriously and are helping in every way possible to strengthen the hands of the leaders in winning the tear. The Women's institute meets- next Thursday afternoon at the ]tome of Mrs. Fairfall. Good program and tea will he served. A collection will be taken to raise money for yarn for soldiers socks, Mr. and Mrs, -C, Hoare wish to thank the friends and neighbors for the kindness shown in their recent bereavement in the sudden death of the former's brother, the late Geo. Hoare.. Tile LATE ALEX. WALKF]R: "Britain is now prepared," sail Capt. Fairfull. "From what can gather Britain and her allies are now Much better equipped' in every way than the enemy, on land, on sea and in the air." On coning over on the Scandinav- ian Capt. FaitOOull saw a couple of victinis of the German submarines but the transport of which 11e trate e11ed was well Protected, Clinton's Oldest Native Born Citizen Celebrates Birthday. Alexander Walks', who passed away at the home of• his hrothcr-iu- Mw, Ile, Donald Smith, on Saturday afternoon last, was a native of Stanley township, having been born on the Second a little over sixty -sl -c years ago. He received his educa- tion at Baird's sc11001, being one of the many stem% men Who passed through the competent hands of that venera1!e educator., Mr, Thomas Bair(1.f4 ifter growing to manhood he himsel .naught for a number of years and since retiring from tate duties of his profession he has Made his home in Clinton, ivIr. Walker is survived by one bro- ther, Daniel, who is teaching at tlacoun, Sask.; and five sisters : Mrs. James Linelater, Willmar, Sask. ; Mrs. John Sheppard, I-Iart- ney, Man.; Mrs. Wm. Bare, Steelton; Mrs. W. C. Baldwin of Rainey River, and illiss Minnie Walker) of Clinton. .The deceased was of a quiet, re- tiring disposition. The funeral took place on Tuesday -afternoon from the home of err. Smith, Isaac street, in- terment being made In 13aird's cem- etery. Rev. J. Te: Hogg eoclucted the services and the pail- carers were ; Ne McGregor, H. Gilmour, and 0. Baird, J. Moffatt, and J. Ilutchar't, Speaking of the submatlne men- ace Capt, Fairtull admitted the ser- iousness of it but sate no one out- side the 'Admirably ']lows anything about what is really being accom- plished against it, Ile told of leav- ing asked an oltl Scotchmen, a sub- marine "fishor>nau" "flaw we were getting along evitlh them '1" "Wool, was the cautious seawor, "1 Anna, ken boo mo0y „ tre horn' fetched in, but if everyane's daein 51 wecl as we are, we're daein' no sa bad." Capt. Fairfull speaks in the high - at terms of the worst ,of the Y. 141, 0. A, sssongst the soldier boys, They look after a than physically, metltally and spiritually and are fight on the spot with whatever he needs. (rapt„ Fairfull assisted for to short tune in a Y.14,C1,A, '11531 5 w051(1 Have 1)03113. 5111(1 to remain but his o endo io't3' f k ulat s ro Ito g t t that transfer to teat Work, 'dept. Fairfull is Melting tint„ !tis tee) across the Atlttiitie 11avi1ig n- greed with bile, but 116 very meth. 1egr015 the Met that he mere net 4550511341'1} :hie Mee battalion 3iglit H+i`itlineavilie Miss Jennie riolm:s of Clinton visited her cousin, Ivliss D, A. Holmes, for a Mw days recently, leaving here tb visit her brother, Mr, John Holmes of Cloderich town- ship. trey. J. Harvey Moore, B. A., rec- tor of St. Paul's • church, lIcnsall, will preach in St. John's church, o1 Sunday afternoon nest at three o'- clock, The A,Y,P.A, of St. John's will meet .at the home of Mr. Sam- uel Sturdy of the Huron Road on the last Friday in :March..A splen- did program is being prepared for this eventtrg, • M8. .TC11IN GIDDINGS. On Thursday even:ng last a very happy family party gathered at the home, of Int, and Mrs. John Celle belies, the occasein 'being lite somas ty-eighth birthday of tlic host. Children raid few Hraudchildren and a w intimate Reseda g.lthercd aro End the. festive hoard and a pleasant thee of social intercourse tris eSl- .0yecl, Sped 1 interest sUrsounds' Lee birthday ('elc':ration of Mr. 111".1 1 ;s s ea, Clinton's n,d t t sC he is he au -C1lit Ly' • -Cis' ye as Live -Mau cltizcn, h e ago, in a small log house, not very far from the present family 1Y residence, e Mr. >''ht "f (iill,in•s first saw the light day, and l.e has been an almost conal art t s.ea i'n cis o'er since, Ie and Clinton grew up to - erten, for it was- but a settlement in the wools at teat time. For many years lir, 0i;lbiugs was en- gaged in 'business dere but for some time now he has been living retired and he has thus tee more time to devote to • his church duties, in which he has al- vY been nl e 11 h interested. Mr. as 1 0 ibbings is a man who enjoys the esteem of his fellows the friendship of a large circle and the love of his family. Surely, a man has not was. ted his life when the 51CT0.1(1(1)5 years 15115 him an posses1i-n of these things. The News -Record, on behalf of the citizens of Clinton, extends congraf illations to the most venerable eft' zen of them all on the attainment of another birthday ahtl expresses the wish that be may travel welt on past the fourscore mark. Londesboro. Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond and family of Morris township spent Saturday with Mr. 'rhos, i\Iillar, Mrs, John Cartwright has returned home after visiting friends in Lon- don township. The auction sale last Friday night under the 'auspices of the Red Cross Society was a good success. Mr. and Mrs. Durkee Atchison ani family of LIOydtfinSter, are visiting friends around here. The Glance which was given in Cartwright's hall by some of the boys was much enjoyed bp a11. firs. Charles White of Drayton is visiting her brother, Mr. 1'. Millar. Rev, Mr. Abrey went to Toronto last week anti of his return was ac- companied by Mrs. Abrey, Sapper F. W. and Mrs. Lee are spending a Mw days with friends here. Goderich Township Sergs. A. F, Cooper of the Army Dental Corps, TOrotito, Was here last week •spending his final leave et his parental borne oft the Oth con, Sorgt., Cooper leaves for overseas at Mt early date, The 'Iottng Ladies' Patriotic Socie- ty will 51001 at the !home of eliss •d afler none Un T]turs a 'tee Y A, Steep 1Wednesday. oI instead 1 xt, 0 , h Re V, T. 'Hervey Moore, B. A , tee - tot of St, ..1.1101 s attach; mes Oft Ha:Sall, , a choral will preach to St, 1 Sunday teething text lit eleveft b'• r1oc1(, Lev tryone.Weleeme• to this sets Vice. Varna The mild weather or filo past few days, has macre things look as if spring is not Mr ell. Miss Lulu Coleman spent the week-enid at the hone of her uncle, NM, Frank Coleman, Parr Line. Rev, A. W. Browh who 'atte.lded the meeting held by the DOnli,i:n Alliance, in Toronto last wave, Inas returned honkie, '.Cho man31 friends of Mr, Ilac Mc- Naughton are glad to hear that he will soon be around again. A play entitled "The Staten Dia- monds" will be given in the town- ship hall next, Tuesday evening, un- derathe auspices of the Varna Patri- otic Society, Mr. Chas. Stelcic, who has been laid up with a bad cold, is a`:le to be around again. 'fliere will , be a Sp01111 service in the Methodist church next Sunray evening, the pastor, Rev. A, W, Brown, having arranged for "A Day for the Boys." B.rucetield. The many friends of Lieut. W. N, McQueen, who was' wounded in France in September of last year, that he Is learn t t t oa will 1)e pleased t 0 slowly recovering, 1100151 stili con• fined to bed, Leta. McQueen is ,alt a hospital in London, England, Sunirnerhill "rho Vo33E31 s 'atriotid Soci(Will meet on Thursday afteiteei1 next at the home of Mug 'r, re, Meson, This Society has reeeetly shipped 30 Delta of socket, 10 field shirts 031(1 10 towels. Sixty-f.,ur Years Married Mr. and Ales. Charles Cole, of the Base Line just north of town cele- brated the sixty-fourth anniversarry of their marriage on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and 1\lrs. Cole are a remark- able couple. Mr, Cole is a Cana- dian, born of Irish parentese, Quebec Province, white Mrs. Cole, though born in England, came as a small girl to Canada and both have spent nearly all their lfces a1oet Clinton. . Mr. Colo 15 eighty-five years of age and on more than one occasion last seminar walked into town. While his goad wife, though in her eighty-second year, ntto:rds to her owu household duties and her- self prepared the holiday feast for nearl31 fifty guests whom they hae bidden to help tbem celebrate their wedding anniversary. • Their family consists et cue Son and four clatu htere ; Mrs. T. 0. Do- herty, London ; Mrs. Angus Cole, Wayne, 101:1., Mts. Guy Ilices, God- erich township and Mrs. T; D. Johnson and err. W, 13. Cole of Clinton, All the nearby relatives were present et the festive gathetiug and during the day hearty cotlgrat illations were extended the worthy couple and the wish expressed that the gathering plight be repeated next year. Among those Present 1178r8: hirs, T. 0: Jansen, Mr. and "tilts. W. le, Johnson and little son, Mrs. Jas, Lindsay, Mr. 0, Lindsay, Mt., and Mrs, Peter Cole, leer. and Mrs. T. z Lindsay, and family, rift. Mel Mrs. Wm. Jointing nail Mr. lOtank J. • and Mrs Oliver Jervis .r.viseln Jenkins, ivli. and minil and Miesettd. Mrs. J. t1a1'vEy and fluidly, Tito aged bride altd taint—settees tee ceiviid many useful re'1581nb1'alICCS of the day from their Mends and tela. 111, Es. •