The Clinton News Record, 1917-03-08, Page 8Clinton News., Record
March 8t1t, K;
Selaool off Commerce
begin Wednesday,' January 31d, 1917
If you cannot attend day school, you may take
a Bourse In
Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping
by attending Night Classes
Classes. Monday and Wednesday. •
Terms Moderate.
You have always intended to take_a Commercial.
and Stenographic Course sometime—DO IT NOW
Learn More to Earn More
Positions Guaranteed to Students.
B. F. WARD, B.A. M,Accts.,
Phone 208 Principal
csasmains r
It will pay you well to read every word of this
little a'd. ..
Do you know we are making high-class hand -tailored Cloth-
ing for men and boys at prices very little higher than before
the war ?
You may have been looking around for the kind of suit you
used to wear, and bave come to the conclusion that they have
gone beyond. your purse. Don't be deceived, Give us a call,
Wo can show you an exceptionally large range of patterns in
this season's newest imported tweeds and worsteds
We are Shoo. ing l fen's High -Class '
Bench tailored Suits at from $18 up
See our line Bine Worsted Suits at 5425 and $20 (pure Indigo
dye) and all are thoroughly ,shrunk, They ace the equal of
most $35 Suits
We tailor these clothes to your own measurement and
style selection
Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed •
Give us a call whit 1t e ieeeFtmeni is .large, Choose-your
elnib e,41 -leave ynurmeasuce, and we will deli ver your suit any
Lime'diMing the spring -
Phone 2
lumsteel � •Business
If your boy is hard on his shoes, bring him
here! We have had shoes built to stand the
abuse the average boy gives his shoes,
Parents who teat our Boys Shoes find that
it requires less money to keep the boy in
good looking shoed when they buy the sort of
shoes we sell!
Gun Metal, Box Calf, and Uris Leathers
Inside and Outside Stays to Prevent Ripping
Solid, Durable Shoes, but not Clumsy
1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50
According to size. -
A Beautiful
lends a charm to the room.
It has other advantages al.'
so, tieing easy to clean, easy
to remope. We bave at
present an excellent stow -
tons, etc., that w
��1 '•�,o `. i' OiC 1 Mg of fine rugs including
o ha v e
�0`"' ppriced at attractive prices.
We would he most pleased
to show them to you.,
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 Phone i$ 28
The 1ewsRecord For
Neal, well Fxecnted
Job U7ork..
Two New
Fragments from France
rhe war reduced to grim gild gyne•
some absurdity; the fnu of the war by
olio who has been through it, and
'shows what he has seen, and heard,
and felt—and laughed at.
25,000 copies sold in a few ittanthee
Someof the wards said abotit it
ave, "Bindle will twist a smile
horn the wr'y'est mouth:'"It
makes us gurgle quietly and con,
t',inubusly." 'A. delicious piece of
Both above are good to send to the
boys at the . front oe in the hospital.
They will help the efforts of the med-
ical mon,
Tie W. D. Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest
Always the Best
He summer ler Inlet
i'I'ss Wheatley is in Toronto this
Mrs. J. E. Tlovelt was in London
est week.
Aft, Arthur Cantelon is spending a
few dliys in Toronto.
Mrs, II. 13, Combe is spending a few
weeks 'with friends in Kansas City.
Mr. W. II. Kerr of the Brussels Post
was in tows the latter end of -the
week. •
Miss lln Bawden has taken a, posi-
tion at Watford for _.trice millinery
season, - ' •
Misses Mary Reid and Margaret
Campbell of Bayfield Wore in town
on Fridays,
V. Holloway, of I`Cterhni,, lies
been 1,isivi.,g in town during the
past week.
Mrs. Mills of Norwich is visiting
Rev. J. A.' and Mrs. Robinson at
St. Paul's rectory.
Arrs. Rowe of Exeter was a guest
at the home of Mr. and Airs, A.
J. Holloway last week,
Mr. Jacob 'Taylor was up from Tor- j
onto last week in connection with
his"bllsiness interests Here.
Miss Crooks left co Monday+;;for Or -
fills, where she has taken a posi-
tion for the millinery season.
Mrs. Sadie Johnston and Miss Isa-
bel left this morning for. Toronto,
where they will spend a few days,
Miss Mate Parke of 'the Bayfield
Line has, been a guest at the home
of Mrs, 15. J. Cleft, during the
past week,
Miss Jonnie Holmes returned last
week after spending several weeks
with friends at Brantford and
other Points,
Mr. C. J. Wallis is shipping a couple
of cars of horses to the west this
week and follows himself to look
after their disposal.
Miss White of Walkerton and Miss
Hewitt of Cayuga have taken charge
of Couch fie Co's millinery estab-
lishment for the spring season.
Miss Reta Knott left for her home
in Clarksburg on Monday after
spending several weeks as the
guest of Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Rob-
inson at the, rectory.
Mr. W. R, Counter was in Simcoe
last 'week, owing to the illoess
and subsequent death of bis sister,
—Miss Marion Counter, whose funer-
al occurred on Friday last.
Rev,' R. Fulton Irwin of Glencoe,
who has been assisting in special
services in Wesley church this
week, has been a guest at the
home of his brother- Mr, J, A,
itev. A, 1:I. Drumm lies resigned the
pastorate of St. Pauls Presbyteri-
an church, Bowniunville. Mr. Drumm
is ah old Cliirtonian and' will be
remembered by some of the older
Mrs. FI, C. holland visited last
week with Mr. and Mrs, .J, Percy
Cole at their new home in Tucker -
smith, Mr. Holland and Misses
Mary and Gladys intend spending
this week -end with Mr, and Mrs,
Mrs, W. P. Glover and little son,
Master Goorge, Fingall, and her
cousin, Miss Eva 1VIcLean of Col-
borne, oast of Toronto, were guests
at the home of Mr. W, S. Marland
last week, Mrs. Glover is a sister
of Miss Mabel Harland,
Mr, L, E. Doherty, agency manager
for the Sun Life, Stratford, was
in town on Thursday last, It was
purely a business Visit blit Mr,
Doherty likes to retail to the
old town occasionally and he has
many friends hero who are always
glad to welcome him.
Mr, Noel iblarshall, who is a promi-
nent Toronto businessman and w11e
was recently elected President of
the Canadian National Exhibition,
has some interest for Clinton rest -
dents as his wifeis the youngest
daughter of Mrs. Vantassel, for-
merly a well-lciloivn resident of
FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in the Spotlight of Popularity for
men's and women's suits. They are made of the finest Australian wool, in the
hands of only Skilled and Competent craftsmen.
They are soft and pliant—yet firm and strong. They are rich in feel and
lustre—and will neither grow "shiny" with use—nor fade, They are the re-
sult of years of experience in the weaver's'art.
Incidentally -.-we stock INDIGO SERGE in all weights and prices.
If you like blue serge clothing, do not hesitate because your last we faded or got
shiny. Buy a' Fadeless Indigo Serge because We are behind it with an
absolute 'guarantee.
Our stock of Guaranteed Irfdigo Serge is one of tl. largeeLin Canada.
Women's Store
Dry Goods, House Furnishings
phone. 67
Next to Royal Bank
i'len's Store
Custom Tailoring and
phone 103. Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
' Londesboro.
Mrs. Geddes and 'Mrs. Sturdy vis-
ited watt their sister, Mrs. McGee,
,of Auburn, on Friday last. Mrs.
McGee had the misfortune to fall
and hurt herself,
Last Sunday was Ed:national
Sunday in the Aictbodist church.
Prof, Roberton spoke along that line
in the morning.
Mrs. Milton Hooper of St. Mary's
is visiting at her home on the 13th
The Loudesboro branch of the Red
Red'•Cross Society intend holding a
rummage sale in the township hall
on Friday evening at seven o'clock,
when such articles as wood, potatoes
apples, oats, wheat, straw, flour,
preserves, pickles, butter, bread,
stoves, .whips, pigs, fowl, 'etc., and
other articles too numerous to men-
tion will be accepted and sold, 'The
Society last week shipped 68 pairs of
socks, 35 day shirts, 15 hospiiial
shirts, 4 sheets, O pairs pillow cov-
ers and 13 towels.
The Women's Institute intend hay-
ing their annual pia social on Friday
evening, of next week when supper
will be served in the Temperance
house and the program in the hall.
The program will consist of a play,
"Toe Country Postoll'.ce". The pro-
ceeds will be devoted to patriotic
Sitanleag Township
The following is the February
131onthly roport or S. 8, No, 14,
Names are in order of merit : 5th
—14I, W. 11&thwell, 0, C. McLean,
S. Thompson. Sr,, a—M. A.
Cooper, R. -V. McClyinont, Z. 13.
Moore. Sr. 4th, b—L', P. Fisher,
N. J. Hood, (1. J, Cooper, Sr. 3rd
—11,1,. Heide, W. L. Workman, W. J.
Ross. Jr, 3rd—L, C`. Workman, W.
A. Ross, D. M. Foster, Jr. 2nd—
R. T. Jarrot, E. F. Anderson, 0.
AI, Anderson, 2nd pt—Jean E. Me -
Kenzie. ls't pt—II, A. Dinsdale, • P,
M. McKenzie. The best spellers 1' in
the monthly spelling matches were :-
50 --Harold Rathwell. Sr, 4th, a—
Margaret Cooper.. Sr, ith—b—Ella
Fisher. Sr. 3rd— Erna Hyde. Jr.
'ilrd—a--Tared Parsons, Jr,. 3511—h--
L,loyd Workman. Jr, 2nd—ttuth .lar-
Ott., 1st—Jean McKenzie
Mr. Edward Johnston sold a team
of "horses to Mr, Robt. Pollak and
Mr. Wm. Pollock sold one horse to
the seem buyer. AIr. Penhele ship-
ped horses to the west on Friday
MVtr. Robert l3opee of the Bronson
Line has sold his farm to Mr.
Stet -ride ahll has purchased a one -
hundred -and -fifty -ore farm near
Sorry to report that Mfrs. • James
Reid is seriously 111, lose she
will soon be . ab)o, to lie around a-
gain. Sanitary 1'ltitiibers, Phone 7,
Stanley Township
Mr. Fred Rumball of London has
purchased a quantity cf timber in
this locality and will have McHwen
Bros, out it into lumber with their
portable saw mill in the spring,
Mr. Thomas Reid, who got his
hand Injured while working in the
munition factory in Seatorth, has
fully recovered and is able to go to
work again.
On Wednesday evening last a very
interesting and profitable , prayer
meeting was held at the home of
MIt. John lines. About sixty people
met to hear Rev, Dr. Stewart. He
said it was a pleasure for him to
hold a meeting once a year on the
second and said this might be h s
last, Ile spoke on repentance and
conversion. It was a solemn appeal
to the unsaved, He said so mann
put oft the important' question tit!
laid on their death bed, which was
a great mistake, although . some had
been saved at the eleventh hour,
Word has been received recently by
the parents of Pte, Franklin 13oyl:e,
of the lGlst,who was wounded some
time ago, is still in the hospital in
England suffering from a wound 111
the eye by a shrapnel, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Stephenson of the Goshen
Line have received word that their
son, Gciorge Henry], is missing. He
also belonged to the 3Olst.
ilt Flown
Special for Saturday
Princess. Violets
only 25c a bunch
Carnations, 50c a dozen
Eminent Eyesight Specialist to
Spend Ten Days inn Clinton
of Montreal
the well-known ,Eyesight Specialist, will be at my store
giving Free Examinations with his new and
wonderful '`Shadow Test" system.
From Thursday, March 15
Until Saturday, March 24
Weak muscles strengthened, Head'lches cured, and Cross
Eye in many cases straightened when glasses are worn
which are fitted by this advanced method.
This is_truly a great opportunity to consult a specialist,
whose reputation and ability are so widely recognized
and no doubt hundreds will take advantage of Mr.,
Graham's visit to Clinton during the
next few days.
Colne Early as the last few days are usually busy
HOURS -9 a, m. to 8 p.m, Daily ,tib
Artificial light used, so evenings will be just as good as day
time, T will complete my course in the new system while
IVTr. Graham is here.
N.I3.—( the wonderful success Mr, Graham has
had with his advanced system, he has often been inpsrsonat-
ed by peddlars. Beware of such as Mr. Graham does work
only at Hellyar's Jewelry Store.)
�II I�
1 \
Weak muscles strengthened, Head'lches cured, and Cross
Eye in many cases straightened when glasses are worn
which are fitted by this advanced method.
This is_truly a great opportunity to consult a specialist,
whose reputation and ability are so widely recognized
and no doubt hundreds will take advantage of Mr.,
Graham's visit to Clinton during the
next few days.
Colne Early as the last few days are usually busy
HOURS -9 a, m. to 8 p.m, Daily ,tib
Artificial light used, so evenings will be just as good as day
time, T will complete my course in the new system while
IVTr. Graham is here.
N.I3.—( the wonderful success Mr, Graham has
had with his advanced system, he has often been inpsrsonat-
ed by peddlars. Beware of such as Mr. Graham does work
only at Hellyar's Jewelry Store.)