HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-08, Page 5'March 8th, 1917 '64D114410" Ki Nm has NO Kick 000311 g. at all. The toidowiug is az> extth¢li from u• letter receival* '1)7. .his Inotl?er eines Pte, T. R, Shepherd, (Chum) who enlisted for service overseas ip the Atley 1lleclicel Corps end trains atd.. at Camp leinghes, Manitoba, "Chum" resignell a position as niaii BMW of the Royal Bank branch at Deiisle, Sask„ to enlist Dear Mother :--TXave just received two letters from you dated. Dec. 12 and Jan. 3rtl.. Ie the past three days I have had thirteen s letters which have been held ,ip some place, but I do not know where, Our Col- onel lime is 'a nlembei: of the Can adieu parliament and I understand that Conscription is to be wrought up at the not • session. It . is too bad that an untrue report is beim circulated regarding our food here, Tile Canadians are fed better_ than any other soldiers and our food- se far has 'been hotter than it was in Canada. 1 have always had plenty to cat and cannot see why anti one should complain, While a good many articles have gone up in Price since the war started it is remark- able that the prices aro not much •'k higher, when we consider that prao- ically everything has to be import- ed In sp of � ire fact that so i tie many boats are used for transports and the navy the food „stuffs still keep coining in and no one need go • the least bit hungry. There is con- siderable peace talk going on here but every one seems to be of the .salve opinion, that there can only be one peace and that will be when the terms are dictated by the Allies. They are making great preparations i for a tremendous aA n the ext spring 1ria g surprised and T. would not be sinp i to see a settlement in the near future. 3n the meantime the civilians here are depriving themsl.eves of all sorts of luxuries and doing everything in 'Mee; powder to ricin win the great Victory. We have been''Aaeing some real Canadian cold weather the past week, which• makes it feel a good deal .more like hone, Tho days isave been fine, clear and cold, quite a change from the wet foggy weath- er we had been having. One of uur patients is being invalided back to Canada and is going direct to Toronto so I ata, sending a letter by him. In the office where I am working we have another Bank Manager, and a former Bank of Montreal clerk, and we have things so arranged that we -et our leave in turn. My turn comes next and I am planning a trip to Edinburgh. Received a letter the other day from Winnie mailed in Toronto the 17th of November, have received a number of parcels which Were a long time on the way but 'nevertheless the contents were much appreciated, and in good condition." Sale Register On Wednesday, March loth, at 1 i ,m., Lot 8, Con. 11, MoKillop, farm stock and implements,-Micbaol 0 - Touchier, Prop., T, Brown, Auction - ter. On Thursday, March' 15th, 1 p. n ., Lot 27, Con., 13, McKillop, esten- - sive sale of horses, cattle and pigs. -John Balfour, Prop,, T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Monday, Match 120, at 1 p.m. at Lot 21, Con, 3, McKillop, farm stock and implements. Mr, Grim- oldby,• proprietor, T, Brown, auction- eer. Saturday, March 17th,at one •o'clock, p.m., at EgmondvilIe, house- hold furniture. Miss Annie Brock, proprietress, T, I3rownn, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 21st, -at 1 p.m., at Lot 5, Con. ,5, Tuckersmith, farm stock and hnplements. Henry For- ^4- tithe, proprietor, T. Brown, auction- eer, Marriages ARMSTRONG--WHEATLEY-In Sea - forth, on March' 7th, Margaret, only daughter of the late William Wheatley and of Mrs. Wheatley of town, to Rainey Armstrong of Rosetown, Sask. i3EALY-HELL-At Goderich, on February 22nd, Ellen, slaughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bele, to Jeremiah ITealy, both of Goder- lob. • MACDOUG.ALL-GARR0114'-On Feb- ' ruary 240, at 'porotlto, Kenneth 14laedougall, M.I.O.E., to Mary Beatrice, daughter of the late Mr, Justice .I. T, Garrow• Births I4ILLORA•N-In Goderich,' on Febru- ary 28th, to Mr. alid Mrs. Jas. L. Killoran, a son. McNA.BB-In Seaforth, 00 Feb. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex, McNabb, a son, Deaths PINNING -In Clinton, on Match Gth, Rebecca Jones, widow of the late John Pinning, aged 54 years and 10 months, • I`OARS-In Clinton, on March Oh, George Hoare, aged 70 pears, BRINDLEY-At Port Albert, on Feb, $8th, • William Henry Brindle)e, aged 73 ewes and 7 months. GIIMOLDY-In MoiC I op Febru- ary o rt-ary 27111, ,Ellen Hall 1'urnbeli, wife of Thomas Grimoldby;, aged 60 years, l'ATiuRSON.-In • Wissgham, cis Feb- ruary 26th, Catharine ,Jolliiston, Wife of Mr, Archibald Pateeson, aged 57 years. SNIDER -'fit lereleh, on Feb 28th, Jacob Snider, aged 80 years and 4 months. COUNTER -lit SlmeoC, on Feb. 28th Marion Counter, hi her ' 43rd year., sister of We II, Counter . of Clinton, Varna 1'lae following clipped emu tis) North Star, Parry Sound, has refers cites tc 40 old Varna boy,. His ,aiil. friends hero will waft good wishes "A very pretty wedding "]vas sol- (=meed at the home of Mrs. Lillian Isobel Pratt, when her only daughter Dorothy Either, :wee united in wor- dage to Dr. William Stoddart Ililiot of Copper. Cliff. The bride, was. unat- tended and wore her travelling suit of Burgundy velours with self em- broidery and a small French hat rent veil to match and white fox furs with a corsage bouquet of bride roses and lilies of -the valley, After a, short hancymoen Br, and' Mrs,; lf1 lint will beat, b vie in Cobalt 81.,.. Copper Clift." • The Varna Patriotic Society re- cently! packed a bale consisting of the following for the soldier bops : 38 Pairs of socks, onepair fhngeeless mitts, one scarf, l6 treneli towels, 15 pairs of 'pyjamas, '2 Hospital shirts, barrel of fruit, can of honey; ease of .dried apples and a bale el reading matter. The Society, renew- ed from the Orangemen, the proceeds of 'a recent social e'vdning Heid . by them, thesum of $87. Reeve McKin- ley donated $10 for Red Cross pur- poses and Miss Mcl3oth ]sanded' over to the treasurer $11, the proceeds of a Christmas at ut s ertai n eit eat u s ther school. For all these donations the Society is very grateful. Auburn - • Tlie concert, which was to have been heldunder the auspices of the Red Cross ,en Friday evening, is being postponed on account of the illness of one p1 the Young ladies taking Par t. Mr. John and Miss' Mary. Hoare are in Clinton this week on account of the' sudden death of their broth- er. Mrs. Edgar Lawson is spending a few weeks at her parents ,some at Seaforth. • Mrs. Moat .'r Guelph is spending a few weeks at the reaidettee of John Pierce, Mrs. Roble McGee received a bad shaking up on Sunday week . when coining out of church when she slipped on a piece of ice and had to be taken to Mr. Dyer's home where she was obliged bo remain for some days. The committee of the War Auxili- ary, of Auburn made a special can- vas, of the village and the surround- ing country district for donations of saleable articles of any kind which they offered for sale at the rum- mage sale yesterday at the Orange ball. The ladies of the Red Cross Societst served lunch the same after- noon in the Forester' hall, proceeds in aid of the Red Cross. Constance. Mr, John Smith, the assessor, is making his usual rounds. The many friends. of Mrs, Wm. Dunlop of Klnstead, Sask., will to sorry to hear of her sudden death last week, auflerd. Some people WW1 it unwise to loud parcels to the soldiers and es- peetally to prisoners, believing they, aro not received,' The followine,lS e copy of a letter received last week by the ,Secretary of the ifayfleld Pa - 1110110 Society Froin a prisoner of. war, to whose support this 8leei013 Is contributing and shows that' par - eels arrive safely 'Minden, Gorman), Dec, 15111, 1019 Miss Maud McGregor :-Dear Fri- end :-I. take pleasure in writing you to thank you for your kindness to - weeds me in sending parcels, I re- ceived two parcels through the Rea Cress In good cois8111on from you, It is very good of the people athome to remember the boys over here and is appreciated by us very much, We are getting' along -nee here and hope to be back before long. T am bar- bering in the camp here and ant kept fairly. busy, • I 'hope I may be able to thank, you personally When. I get back. I wilt close for now again thanking you for your kindness. ,loping this finds you in the best of health. I remain, Yours sincerely, VTNCFNT A. HURLEY," Coderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic Soeie- ty will reorganize for - its second year of work at the meeting nest Wednesday afternoon, the meeting to be held at the dome at Miss Mina Middleton. The following is the report of S. S. No. 11, for February : Sr, 4th- Elsie Ferguson 75 percent,, Ruby Churchill 70, pears Churchill 62, S Francis Powell Verna Elliottl 61,1 L 66 • , Bruce Holland u o 39.Jr. 4th -Glenn Ferguson 65, Clifford Castle 59, Howard Currie 41. Sr. 2nd -Elmer, Trick 78, Oliver Ferguson 55, Laura Currie 54. Pt. 2nd -Verna Colclough. The best spellers for the month are Sr. 4th -Elsie I+'ergusoe. Jr. 4th - Glenn .Ferguson. Sr.. 2nd - Eimer Trick. -Erma Diehl, Teacher, UNRESERVED AUCTION S.r1LIr1 OF Farm Stock • and Implements at Holmesville, March 20th, at 1.30 p. ns. The undersigned has instructed T. Gundry, to sell by public elm- tion uo-tion the following : team draft gel- dings rising 4 yrs, light colt rising 2 yrs, registered Durham bull (Col. White) 8:_, mos. old, 14iblaok heif- ers about 800 lbs., 4 black heifers about 750 lbs., 6 black yearling heifers, 6 ,grade Durham heifers 700 to 800 Its., 3 steers 11 pr old, Heavy wagon, light wagon, buggy, cutter, buggy pole, sot single har- ness, set light double harness, set brass mounted carriage harness and a Lew other articles. Some hay and 'about 300 bus, good. clean oats (Clydesdale). Anyone wishing to leave cattle can do so at 5.0e. per head per week till April 14th. Terms. -Seven months • credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or 3 percent. oft for cash on credit amounts. Hay and oats and all sums of 110.00 and under, cash, -W, Tebbutt, Proprie- tor i T. Gundry, -Auctioneer. 70-2 Il2r To City, Tow2a and Village Dwellers in Ontario A Vegetable Garden for Every Home N this year•of supreme effort Britain and her armies must have ample supplies of food, and Canada is the great source .upon which they rely. 1veryone with a few square feet of ground can contribute to victory by growing vegetables. Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables im.i. It saves money that you would otherwise spend for vegetables. 2, It helps to lower the "high cost of living." 3, It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surpltis of lr produce for export, 4. Growing your Own vegetables saves labor of others whose effort is needed for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you I The Ontario Department of Agriculture appeals to Horticultural Societies to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable growing; manta- facturers, labor unions, lodges, school boards, etc., are invited to actively encourage horn gardening, tet the Slogan for 194 be, "A vegetable garden for every home." i Organizations are requested to arrange for instructive tains by practical garcicuiers on the subject of vegetable growing, In oases where it is impossible to secure suitable local speakers, the Department of Agriculture will, on request, send a suitable man. The demand for speakers will be great. The umber of available eltperts being Iimited! the Department urgently requests that arrangements for rneetmgs be made at epee; if local speakers cannot be secured, send applications promptly. The Department suggests the formation of local organizations to stimulate the work by offering prises for best vegetable gardens: It is prepared to assistfn any possible way any organization that may be conducting a cainpaign for vegetable production on vacant lots, It will do so by sande% speakers, or by supplying expert advice in the field, To any one interested, the Department of Agriculture will send literature giving instructions about implements necessary and blethods of preparing the ground and cultivating the crop. A plan of a vegetable garden indlea(ing suitable crops to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be Scut free of -charge to any address. Write for Poultry Bulletin • Rens are inexpensive to keep, aed sod will be highly repaid in fresh eggs.. Write for free bulletin weielt tells hobo to keep hens. Address letters to "Vegetable Cainpaign," Deperttneutof Agricul- ture, Parliamcut Buildings, Termite, Ontario Departretett of Agrioultura, WW ii, IdtSsrek, Minister, of Agrlcuttbrr qt Parlioment Buildings Toronto to Clinton News -Record THE WAR LOAN The 1vlolsons 130,0k will be plees- e'd to rooeivq bubporiptions for the Now Dominion of Canada War Loan, Prospeetus nzi(1 particulars mile be hand Upon implication, 79-2 SEED QA'1S FOR SALT; --A QUAN-- titp of 0,A,C.Oats. leo. 72, Apply -N, J. Leljeau, R. R. No, 0, ,, Phone 0 on 149, Glnuton, -70. WANTED, POSITION, ON FARM, by married man, experienced in all kinds of farm work, Apply - 0, halt, Londesboro. „ -70, THE NEW, CANADIAN WAIL LOAN -will be offered on March 12th, Information given and applications received ane forwarded Irmo of charge.-W.Ilrydone. -79-1 MISS GLENN of GLEN. C11ARL1S, Toronto, Canada's Hair l ashi-n. Store, will be in Clinton, T ties. STa1, 13111, Rattenbury Hotel, with a full .line of Ladies' and Gentleman's Hair Goods, if ;you are not Aden - ed with the appearance. of . your hair t C consult Mss Glenn, Free nn do- onstration, -79-1. WANTED. -POSITION AS HOUSE- keeper, in town or country. -Mrs. Mogridge, Clinton. -70, WANTEDi-LOCAL AGENT, PART time or whole time, for Clinton and vicinity, Sun Life Tnsu •as t L i zee Co. Apply -L. E. Doherty, rty, Ageu y Manager, Stratford. -79. IF YOU HAVE ANYTIIING TO Sell -It will pap .you to advertise same in The News -Record. The cost is shall, the results large. 1, l7iv.^.L•L'1-.1.t,;-.a1 ,_rc:, RAR�I EY NO. 21, and Improved Banner rims,• grown from registered scud, free from noxious weeds. -J. G. Cart- wright, Phone 287, Londesboro,18. FOR SALE -BARRED ROCK EGGS, Bred -to -lay, Last year 37 of • my pullets -NA 161 eggs •each for the pear. Eggs from these hens and their daughters 12 per 15, 13 per 80, 14 per 50, 17 per 100, Fairview Poultry Yards -Jabez Rands, Clin- ton. -78 FOR SALE -PANDORA RANGE, TN good condition, with or without water front and reservoir. Also gas range, not long in use. -C. G. Mid- dleton, Huron Road, Clinton, Phone 8 on 155. 78. FOR SALE -I IIAVE A LI1IiIITED quantity of Marquis spring wheat for sale. It is an excellent sam- ple. For particulars phone 4 on 156 -Fred Middleton, R. R. No. 3, Clinton.. -78-5 FOR SALE - ON TOWNSE•IEND street, a 7 roomed frame house with summer kitchen. Garden with some fruit trees, berry bee - hes and frame barn 12 x 26, Ap- ply to -Bert Langford: -77, FOR SALE. --A LIMITED QUANTI- ty of A.O.C. No. 21 seed barley. Apply to -Wm. W.. WiseR. R. No. 3, Pbone 16 on 155, Clinton, -77 HOUSE FOR SALE OR 'i.'O RENT- Roonsy house on earner of Ontario and William street, All modern conveniences. Garden and young fruit trees:-Appfys to Mrs. A, Bea- com on premises or to W. Brp1one Clinton. • 77, FOR SA E--20 ACRES, PT, LOT 40, Con. 12, Heliett township. Ape ply to -James W, Roberton, Au- burn. --,77, FOR SALE. -FRAME HOUSE AND Stable, on Rattenbut3 fetteet, House has 0 rooms, electric light, furnace, town water and soft wa- ter in the kitchen. Must bo sold at once as the proprietor is , leaving town. -J. G. West. -76. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD loeatioh on William' street, neat the Model school. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc, - T. T. Murphy. -44. NOTICE NOTICLI is hereby given that Mar- garet Bell Charlesworth, of the Town of Blyth ill the County of Huron, . in the province of Ontario, wife of Leo- pold Otto Oharlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par - lin men tof Canada at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her bushand, the said Leopold Otto Charlesworth, of the said town 01 Blyth, in the Uoubby of Huron, in the Province of Ontario, merchant, on thope:su d ofadnitory and desertion. Dated at Winnipeg, In the Province of Manitoba, 1111019111 day of Jaeuary, 1917. Margaret .Bell Charlesworth, 13y her Solicitor, Will law Thorn burn Witness, A, V, Pennell, PURE BRED Ih egistri0ih1;D YCitlt shire, bred by a, 'I`. Brethotir of Ilur{ord, Oftt: 'Terns; $1 cash 00 1.1..25 if not so paid, -- lied t„ NUM, 14uren Read. •x-76, MoCOBMi0N, ACr>dNCX--I IIAVJD taken over the agency for the Me - Corral* Implements and moved it to my place of business, ,the car- riege aad repair shop, Hume street, where I will keep on fiend a 011 line of implements, p , x oPnirs, twine, etc. An order front you will receive prompt attention,- Wilson Pilton. --48. CREAM WANTED, =- DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans, We supply two_oans free, Pay all express ohargus and issue ' cheques twice each, month, cheques Payable at par. We pay, the .high- est market prices consistent with aaa honest test. Teethig done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on'. arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity of, I{inburn may leave thee cream with Mr. Katt who will deliver it here, Write for cans and give • us a trial. Patrons in the vicipitp of Varna may deliver Choir cream to Beatty Bros,.• Store and ft will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ant. FOR SALE C II E A P . - FRAME stable, to be taken down and re- Moved. e- i v naed. For particulars apply to - J. Torrance, Clinton. -76. FOR SALE. -MR, WILFRID. COL- ciough otters his flue farm, 80 acres on the 11 • con. of Goderich town- ship, for sate. It is situated le miles south of IIolmesviile, is in good state of cultivation, 32 acres plowing done, 48 acres under hay, 2 never -failing s a withd- g wells,one wind- mill, attached mg •cod working or- der. Good frame barn 40x50 feet. Farm well fenced, mostly woven wire fencing. For .particulars apply to -Wilfrid Colelough, R. R. No. 3,. Clinton. -76. FARM FOR SALE. - 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 2e miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Kel- lett township. On the premises are a, rank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ling underee'at1i end It ,.S• y" 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -02. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- fee' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, GenVb Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All. orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's )(meters, Store." -Wm. J. Jago. -55 BIRTHDAY GIFTS Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen Clocks, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted display of Clocks ever shown in town 8day'.11'lantle;Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and ,mahogany. Manicure Sete, (Jut Glass, Silverware Speotasles of all kinds and Repairs. Drop in and; look around, you are under no obligation to buy. R. H. JOHNSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Optician and Jeweler Pancake Days are on Now le the. time of the year we de- efr.% a little change in Food, What about PANCAKES Made from Old 'Virginia Pancake Flour are fine and you certainly would enjoy theist with - Corn or Maple Syrup pate file ftnish• ing taste to Pancakes. Try a Jar of Corn Syrup at 25c a jar also pub up in pails or bulk • To add zest to appetite, would re- commend outlines of- Catsups, Olives, Settees', Swed or Mixed Pickier Peas, Corn, Tomatoes Pork * Beahe, est, Watch for Show flay Specials Highest Market Price for 'seeded!) Johnson & Co The Store of Quality. mew ww orders promptly, eitttaded to, )70 SALE -THE PROPERTY ON 1;attoiiblsry street ecetiliiott by Dr, Gaudier, lnohiding lioose, oflic°, barn and -two-lots, Will be sold Separatelyor together, Electric lighting throughout. Water 14 stable. Hard, and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer hit, ehen.-;Apply to Dr, Gaudier, --40. GIRLS 11„IINTED WE CiAN GIVE IIISIPLOYMENT TO Al FEW. MORE TONTT- P.ERS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE: Chi ton Knitting g Co, LIMITED. Calves for Sale ,40� I have macre arrangements to: secure a; number-, of well bred young calves each week, W. MARQUIS Phone 14 on 166 1 011'! d ry d About the high price of grain and feed for your flock of liens, as eggs and peultay are expected to be corres- pondingly high this coaling season, Now is the time to order your Prairi a`Sia -! nG uba_to_r_ Why depend on the uncertain old hen for hatching when an incubator will do the work better and cheaper. Get your chickens hatched early and get the big price for broilers, The early pullets will be your next Win- ter's layers. Get an Incubatnr and hatch your chicks when you please • GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Tasty and Nutritious Lenten Dishes The family that denies itself meat during Lent will find in our store a great many wholesome toods as substi tutes In the following list Fresh Caught Herring Fresh Halibut Finhan Biddle Flllette and Cod Fish Canned Salmon Kippered Herring Sardines Finan Haddie Lobsters and Crabs SPECIAL Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruits, Lettuce and Celery Highest Market Price for Produce E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER, PLACE YOOR ORDERR for seine of our Western Oats, which we have just received and We will charge you no more than if they were just the ordinary grade of oats, If you wish to secure some of those Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full stock of Flour and Need. W Jenkins & Son. FLOOR AND FEDI), Phone 109, Higlloot prices paid fon Crain iOid Wool. bilovator, Residence prion 0.1424 Pe nnSoup ut ButterSj`r sTo y morrarremarat To throe cups of hot milk add half cup,gf pea- nut butter dissolved ilT hot water, - Season with nutmeg and salt; and serve with our fresh bro. ken; soda biscuits, at 10o per pound.. Children Cry for it eil Cream Waiu ted Any quantity of cream handled at highest price for butter fat, ()ream called for or taken in the first three days snE v thew week at Hol , s ' n e vslle Yon mey serour cream cam tested for self, Satisfaction Guaranteed.your- Cream paid for every week PRONE 17 ON 143 L. M. JERV S HOLMESVILLE. Cream. Wanted Highest price paid for cream", which will be taken in every W,EDNESDAY morning and weighed, ies-seed-seed paid fon while you wait. Also all -kinds of live fowl wan- - ted. Fowl received Wednesday . morning each week. T, E. MASON, General Merchant, S(T MMERHILL: We have added a stook of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lineal to be found in a grocery stored We also sell Conner's Bread. This is am addition to Flour and Feecl of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share ei your patronage. A11 kinds of Produce taken in err, change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital, OPDF R YOUR Sap Pans and Buckets NOW and be ready when the season opens 1111 THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Sleep over Rolvland's .Hardware, j PHONE '53,, a Tho Big Storo All our big stock of Wool, Lined Mitts and Gloves Regular 1.00 for,79 Regular 75 for 54) Regular 50 for Alen's Canvas Leggings reg 1.50 for 1,20 M.en's Leather Leggings reg 2.00 at 1,50 We Have a big Stock of Seeds Red Clover, A.isike, Alfalfa and Timothy, •from Wm, Remits Go,, and the prides,are right Also Calf Meal at $4er 100 lbs gleep 1I 1 i,� Saturday Specials 25 large, heavy Glass Pitchers, worth 86e for 20c ,110 pairs Corsets worth 1,00, 75e, and 50e for 60e, 8710 and 25e pair ie cake Castile Soap for 5e O. Lounsbery LONDISBORO The big store with tattle ptieet