HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-08, Page 4Olintgrn News -Record
March Baht (9 j7
We've Unleaded the Largest
S Wall -Paper .a..
�� Spring 'V�" P per 1ver
o This
Jt Will
Papp You
to Berg
���DD ��uu �9}.. Q� . e aI1i d Agent
Ca N. iY lekeYi a.E n -Telegraph Agent
iQ�� gyp-+ }�,� �+
NEWS, Joseph kiaist, Credition East, On,
carie, say's ; -
"Last spring I bought and used.
Homestead Fertilizers on grain and
sugar beets. In both instances I
lean safely. say I met with veryi
good results."
- The Canadian. Pacific Railway�o]TPpb
--Pram Camp Beirden we •eaoht to
roct connection is „"1'aue for Florida,
via Cinema 'and Atlanta, Ga.,
7-Efilonville, Florida, is reached sec-
ond morning after leaving Detroit,
The Canadian Pacific -Michigan Cen-
tral Route will bo found the ideal
line to Chicago, where direct connec-
tion is made for the Southern Stat-
es. New Orleans is reached second
morning after. leaving Toronto. The
Dining, Parlor and Sleeping Car ser-
vice between Toronto, Detroit and
Chicago is up-to-date in every par-
ticular.. Connecting linos also oper-
ate through sleeping and dining cars.
Those contemplating a trip of any
nature will receive full information
froth. any Canadian Pacific Agent or
W. B. Howard, District Passenger
Agent, Toronto.
1'. N, Low, N lc.li.UI;; �ahtario,
• says ;
"I 118/1- Homestead Bone Black
F"'r'tilizer on my Fall wheat' and 1
find that I can grow as good a
crop With it as I can with barn-
yard manure, as I tried them side
by side."
Calvert Brothers, 'Telfer, Ontario,
says :
"We used Homestead Bone Black
Fertilizer on our wheat and meadow
this Pall. We solved a strip across
the field without fertilizer and the
difference between the fertilized and
the unfertilized is so great that we
surely think it pays to sow ferti1-
izer., We attend using More on the
Spring Crop." .- .
Write Michigan Carbon Works, De-
troit, for free book end particulars
about their homestead Bone Black
, m ,,„ tel
Dry Goods Millinery
[;costCoin J 4; C�f�uC*0 Readand nto.
rurnishin lfirear
g 1110NI? 75.
C.-11 a la
Graoo Corsets
Stale, Qualitg, Colr>rsfort.
The `combined features that have
given 0 C. a la Grace Corsets their
ever increasing popularity,
Laced back or laced
in ffont,
Our range is large
showing the newest
models, as well as many
older styles, which are
still too popular to dis-cif(
Ask for C. -C, a la N23z6
Grace Corset --the cor-
set that never sacrifices >:\
quality in material for
a deceptive outside
slims lug appearance.
We also carry the famous
Nemo and BiasFilled Corset
House Dresses 98c
,rust to hand this week, five dozen Ladies' House
Dresses, made of good quality print,` elastic band,
square neck, short sleeves. " Would be;good value at
$1.5O. Sizes 84 to 42, Your choice 98e. ••
Flannelette Blankets .1.95
Another shipment of Flannelette Blanket ,s largest
SW. These blankets are going up in price. This will
be your last chance to buy them at $1,95.
Winter Coats
Just a few Winter Coats left to cl0ai
'Your choice of any coat ,in stock
notier*ti Pianos,,.
Limited •
PU'i3LIS) NO'i`lC'E 'Is hereby "ivoit
Waiffinder the First fart of 01140e'r
79 of the Re ised Statutes of Can-
ada, 19QO, known 01 "'rite Cottt1PD'
les •Aet,,, lettere pa4oitt have been
issued under the Seel or the Seem,
targe of State of Canada, bearing
date the lath day of ,lanuary', 1917,
incorporating Jelin Frederick Grant
and Chester Icretierieir Stevens, mane
ufaeturors, Charles Henry IVey and
Richard Green Ivey, Esquires, and
Margaret Amelia Bell, stenographer,
all of the City of London, in the
Pr'ovlitee of Ontario for the follow-
Ing purposes, viz, :---
(a) To manufacture, buy, sell and
generally trade in pianos, organs,
'tial parts of same, stud all kinds of
musical instruments and , parts 01
UMW, piano stools; 'benches,wade
cabinets, piano players in all and
any of its branches, and to manu-
facture, buy, or otherwise dispose of
and tit any manner deal in the raw
materials required bYt
the con
ai fn
connection with the above mentioned
(b) To purchaser or 'otherwise ac-
quire, build, construct, hold, take oil
(.ease, license, rent, •use, operate,
reap. let, sell,convey or otherwise
dispose of and In any manner deal
in and with piano factories, saw
mills, railway sidings and other
works, machinery, pl.utts and e•tuip-
ments for the manufacture of pianos,
organs and . other musical instru-
ments, and any end all other material
used or usable in 00 in connection
with the manufacture or treatment
of seine ;
(c) To acquire, purchase, take on
lease, or license, hire, hold, use, se'1,
grant lease of, exchange, alienate--�.
dispose of and otherwise tp`. o'
contract with ;Pley,;ace to timber
lands at ...J�nrber, limits, lands or in -
~in lands, perso.:al property
of all kinds or interests therein,
rights, privileges, licenses and con-
005eions ;
(d) 'l'o carry on,. any other busi-
ness, whether manufacturing or oth-
therwise capable of being carrvenie-ttly
carried on in connection with the
business or calculated directly .or
indirectly to enhance ;the value of or
render profitable any of the company's
property or rights ;
(e) To acquire and take over as
going concerns or otherwise the un-
dertakings, assets and liabilities of
any person or company carrying on
'any business in whole or in part
similar to that which the compaup
is authorized to carryi on or posses-
sed property suitable for the pur-
posed of this company, and with a
view thereto to acquire, all or any of
the shares pr liabilities of surly com-
(f) To apply for, purchase or otl
erwise acquire any patents, brevet
d'inventions, licenses, concessions a
the like conferring any exclusive . o
limited right to use any secret o
other informations as to any nave.
tion witielt may seem capable of .be
ing used for any of the purposes o
the company or the acquisition o
which may seem calculated direct]
or indirectly to benefit the company
and to use, exercise, develop or gran
licenses in respect of or otherwis
turn to account the properties, right
or information so acquired ;
(g) To buy, sell, manufacture an
deal in all kinds of goods, stores
implements, provisions, chattels an
effects required" by the company o
its workmen or servants;
(11) Notwithstanding the p. -vision
of section 44 of The C'ompanie's Ac
to subscribe for, purchase assume 1'
ability under, acquire,`hold, sell, ex
change, dispose of or otherwise des
in or contract 'with reference t
bonds, debentures, stocks or other s
eurities or obligations or any estat
or interest therein aucl to apply o
to accept in whole or in part a
consideration or satisfaction or se
curity for any contract, indebtnes
or obligation to or of the companyl
property, obligations, shares and se
curifies of ant kind at such value
tion and upon such terms as may b
agreed upon ; and to apply or•to ac-
sept as security for any indebtednes
to the company mortgages of land
or chattels upon such terms as may
be agreed upon ;
(i) To. sell, lease or otherwise dis-
pose of the property or undertaking
of the company or any part thereof,
for such consideration as the com-
pany may think fit, and in partt.u-
lar. and notwithstanding the provis-
ions of section 44 of The Companies'
Act lox shares, debentures, or recur•
ties of any other partnership, asso-
ciation or company ; '
(j) 'So rlutdufacture or • trade in
property and goods of all kinds ;
(10) To enter into partnership or
any, arrangement loo sitttring•profits,
union of interests, co-operation,
joint adventure, reciprocal conces-
sions,, or otherwise, with any person
or company carrying on or engaged
in or about to carry on or engage
in any business or transaction which
this company is authorized to carry
on or engage in or ally business or
transaction capable of being conduc-
ted so as to directly or indirectly
to benefit the company', and to lend
moneys to guarantee Lite contracts
of, or otherwise assist any such per-
son or connpany,%and to take' or oth-
erwise acquire shares and security of
any such company, 'slid to sell, hold,
re -issue with or without guarantee
or otherwise deal with the same;
(1) To dran', make, accept, en-
orso, execute and issue promiesort
rotes,: bilis of exchange, bills of
ading, warrants and other negoti-
blo or transferable instruments ;
(in) To invost and ' deal 'wait the
moneys of the company not imtnedi-
ately required, and in Midii manner
as from time to time may be de-.
termined ;
s(ri) Tate enter into any ' arrange-
•fnonte with any governinent autltbri.
ties, inunlcipal, local or otherwise
that'tnay seem cond(tcive to the town,
patty's objects er arty of them,. and
to obtain rola any such government
e -
or authority any rights,, privileges
awl cernreeetous which Ilia cotlu)any
may think ft dogrel/10 19 obtain And
,ttrry .out, exer9isc Mull comply with
any such arrattgeittetlts, Matte, priv-
ileges and eoncessfoits ;
(o) To predgee and a9oulnulate
ateatlt and eleetr'ioity. Or other 'ageiT
similar or otherwise, anti to lase
Cad raptly lite sante For power light
atul heating purposes in connection
with the business of the . company,
and to sell Mull dispose of ally sur-
plus steam' or cleotriclty For power,
lighting and heating purposes, sub-
jeot to alto provincial, and tnuuioipal
laws and regulations ;
(p) PO prooure ' the company to
bo registered,.ltecnses or otherwise
recognized In foreign country? and to
designate and appoint persons there-
in as attorneys or representatives
of. the company, with lull power to
represent the company in all Mat-
ters according to 'the law of foreign
country, and to accept seri ice for
and oft behalf . of• the company of any
process or suit;
(q) To establish and support or
aid In the establishment and support
of associations, institutions, Funds,
trusts 'and conveniences calculated to
benefit eiitployees or ex-employees of
the company or its predecessors in
business, or the dependents or connec-
tions of such persons, and to grunt
pensions and allowances, and•to matte
payment towards insurance and to
subscribe and guarantee money for
charitable or benevolent objects or
for any exhibition or for any public,
general or useful object;
(r) To promote any company or
companies for the purpose of acquir-
ing all or aoj% of the properties,
rights or .liabilities of thi'. ;;tiny
or for any ataiepaan;;" witch may seem
clingct i Jr indirectly calculated to
bernef]C this company!
(s) To lend money to customers
and others having dealings with the
company, and to guarantee the per-
formance of contracts hp any snob
(t) 'Po adopt such means cf mak-
ing known the products of the coo -
patty as may seem expedient,, and in
Particular by advertising in the press
by circular, by purchase and exhibi-
tion of works of art or interest, by
Publication of books and periodicals
and by !Panting prizes, rewards' and
donations ;
(11) To pay for any property,
rights, privileges acquired' by, or
with the approval of the sharehold-
ers, for services rendered to the com-
pauy by the issue of fully paid or
partly paid-up noir-assessable shares
in the capital- stock of this com-
pany, ;
(v) To pay. out of the funds of '
the company all the expenses of or
incidental' to the formation, regis-
tration and advertising of the com-
pany ;
(w) To do any and all things set
forth as its objects as principal, a-
gent, contractor or otherwise, and
to carry out any or all of the fore-
going objects as principals, agents,
suit -contractors, or' otherwise, and by
and through trustees, agents, sub-
contractors or otherwise, and alone
'or jointly with asp ether corpora-
tion, association, firth or person, and
to do all and every thing necessary!
or incidental for the accottiplishment
of any of the purposes or the at-
tainment of ant One or more of the
objects herein enumerated or inside t-
tal to the powers heroin named, or
which shall at anytime be necessary
o e ser
or incidental for the protection or
benefit of the corporation ;
(x) The objects specified in each
paragraph hereof shall except where
otherwise -expressed in such para-
graph, be in no wise limited or re-
stricted by reference to or inference
from the terms of any other para-
graph or the name of the company ;
(y) And to do all such other
things as are Incidental or conducive
to the attainment of the above ob-
jects or any of them.
The operations of the company to
be carried on throughout the Domin-
ion of Canada and, elsewhere by the
name of " a)ohertyt Pianos, Limilud,"
with a capital stock of two hun-
dred thousand dollars, divided tato
2,000 shares of one hundred dollars
each, and the chief place of business
of th0 said company to be at tate
Town of Clinton, in the Province of
Dated at the otaroe of the Sec-
retary of State of Canada; this 23rd
day of January, 1917.
Under-Secretary oI State.
Co derich.
Miss Beatrice (farrow, - daughter of
the late Justice Gamow, was mar-
ried in Toronto recently to Mr.
Kenneth Macdougall of Toronto,
Mr. J. M. Proudfoot had the mis-
fortune,to fall the other day and
dislocate his shoulder.
14Ir.. Grafton Burdette of Detroit
visited friends in town for a few
days last week,
Special Fares now in effect to re-
sorts in 1 eridu, Georgia, North and
South Carolina, Louisiana and oth-
er Southern States, and to Ber-
muda and ..the West Indies.
l or full information writer to
Union Station,
- . Toronto, Oat,
•I A971It'0Rf A SON,
Uptown Agents, Clinton,
Phone 1.17r
Qo)ttstan e
Ger wheel teacher, Mr, Bert Ir-
win, and Mrs, Irwin, aro both stole
in bed with Ger,nan. measles, Miss
Cattllihell is taking obage of school
for the time being.
Misses Cook of Goderich township
spent a few days visiting Mr. and
Mbe. George Riley,
Will Moore alit brother,. of Torun -
t9 aro visiting friends around here,.
Tile Dramatic Club will hold a.
concert in the hall on Friday even -
lag, Proeoeds int all of Tied Cross,
The Patriotie 13a11 held , in the
kaorest0r' hall last week was ,a, great
success as usual, •
The following is a report of 5,5,
No, 8, Willett, for the month of`
February, The names are' in orddr
of merit. Those marked with an as-
torick have attended every clay. Sr.
•dth--*B', Wheatley, 9', Daie, Verne
Dale. Jr, 4th-('iltlord 13ritton, Jim
Armstrong. Sr 3rd -Jean Lawson,
Wilfred Scott, Jacic Kellar, • Lorne
Lawson, Mcrae Dale, Clifford Carter,
Jr,Ord—Violet; Sc Wake-
, Oi let , oft 1 haobe 4Pa e
field, Si 2nd -.lector Dunlop, Alvin
Dale, *Charlie Riley, Ir..2nd—*Prank
Riley, *('111Tord Colcfough, 13. Stev-
ens, *Mildred Britton, Hazel Bar-
wick, Arnold Dale. 1st -Willie Dale,
Josephine' Barwick, AE(ltth Riley. -
1.3.' Irwin, Teacher. '
The public will welcome the new
issue for 1917 of 5,000 Facts About
Canada," tine popular • and , valeablg
a oC'
cyclopedia, a,gttia7'i dates, com-
pv..ea by frank Yeigh of Toronto,
the .well-known writer and lecturer
on the Dominion. No up-to-date and
intelligent -Canadian ran afford to be
without this• "hardy! annual,"
which is a revelation in con-
crete forst of the wonderful growth
Of our cot]ntry despite war con-
ditions ; indeed, it circulates all
over the world, and as such is a
splendid advertisement. The chapter
of "War Facts" is, by the I way,
both timely and illuminating. Fifty
other chapters are devoted elpha-
hetically to everp phase of our na-
tional life, from Agriculture..to the
7'oukon, while several sketch snaps
are of high value. Copies may be
had from newsdealers or bye send-
ing 25c.' to the Canadian Facts
Pub. Co., 588 Huron Street, Toron-
to, Canada.
.Londori Road
l4Trs, G., 13, ila11}0y: SpQttt g few
days. with (roderiell'iriends recently,
Mrs. Wltn. ,Sta11'yury . returned to
Toronto with her sister, Mrs. 13ov
5115, who had been' visithtg' her, and
made -.a short shay.
Mo, Milton Wiltso itas moved to
the farm reeontly naoated by Mr,
Paul Cadieux and is getting nioely
Mrs, 11, Livermore 1tas boon visit-
ing friends in 110speler,
Mr, and Mrs. H. peacock moved to
Clinton Jest weeds and took posses -
5100 of the residence recently pur-
chased there, Mr, and Firs. Peacock
will be greatly tnisscd oil The Road,
where they have lived so long, Mr,
Fred Tyndall book immediate posses
Mon of the farm vacated by . Mr;
Peacock, baying taken over the stook
as well,
rl e f ollowitig is the report of 8.8,
No, 12, Goderiglt and Mullett, for
the month' of ,February, standing
based on daily marks ,-Sr. .4th
Kilda Forbes, Bessie Lindsay, Gard,
on Ball, Mary Wright, Jr, 4th -
Jean Farquhar, Nellie J3eacoin. Jr,
Ord—Eddie Johnston, Mabel Wright,
Norman Wright, Sr. 2nd - Walter
Forbes, Robert Johnston. Pt. 2nd—
Ray Mason, Russell Jervis, Elva
Smith, Primer — Viola Johnston,
Clarence Ball Y1"let1 ;' tL,,,
h'R* apeiiers fox the month are : --
Sr, 4th Kilda Forbes. Jr. 4th --Jean
Farquhar, Jr. Ord—Eddie Johnston,
anti—Walter Forbes. Pt, 2nd — .Ray,
bfason.—E. Holland, Teacher,
Mr. and 11Mrss R. Parsons paid an
enjoyable visit to friends near . St.
Mary's recently.
Mr. Alex, McKenzie visited his
mother last week in Bayfield.
Mrs. W. H. Johnston spent a plea -
sent two two days' visit with
friends in Exeter.
Miss Grecta Ivisot is visiting
friends in Peterborough. Her grand-
mother, Mrs. William Ivison; is
spending the winter there with her
daughter, Mrs. Walker, awl other
Our sk.illul harness -maker, Mr.
may, , MelCoale 18 very inney as us•
nal, lie Is one of the best...4nakera
of horse collars i)1 Canada and as
result he ships them near and far„
Ills later#`' shipment was W Al-
berta and just before that . her elied
1111 order In 13ownianville for a . Urfa
winO are regular customers,
Rey. A. la, ,Smith of Victoria. Un-
iversity, Toronto, preached le be-
half of the Hducatiotal Society! of
the cllurolt on Sunday 1459, Mr.:
Smith is alt able Preacher who is air
old Iluron boys, ltaviug been born
in; Varna when his father was past-
or Of the Vartta"circuit.
On Fridap evening next a concert
will be held in the schoolhouse in
tf. 11. No, 14, Stanley, la the Inter-
est of patriotic fund,
It is surprising that itis necessary,
to repeat again and again that the
health' lc -beauty of late' • ekin
that the blood shall be pure,.
If the arteries or the skirt receive
impure blood, pimples and blotches
appear, and the individual suffers
from humors. Powders and other ex-
ternal applications are sometime
used for these affections, but wile
never have the desired effect while
the causes of impure blood remain:
The indications' are very clear that
H's illa m
successfuloodSarsaparnted,icino c«r
is ppoifyftitsng thoste
blood, removing pimples and blotch-
es, and giving health and beauty! to,
the .skim it gives tone to all the
organs and builds up the whole sys-
tem. Insist on having Hood's Sar-
saparilla when yin • ask: for it:
Don't titre anything else.
Commencing Monday,February 12th,
Transcontinental train for Sudbury,
Port Arthur, Fort William,Winnipeg
Brandon, Saskatoon, Calgary, North
13attlelord, Edmonton, Vancouver and
the Pacific Coast, will leave Toronto,
Union Station at 9 p.m. instead of
10.45 p.m, Monday, Wednesday and
Principal repayable lab October, 1910.
Interest payable half -yearly, lst April and 1st October by
cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at
the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase.
Holders of this stok will have the privilegeof surrendering
at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay-
ment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue in
Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short
date security.
Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only.
A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed
to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in.
respect of applications for this stook which bear their stamp.
For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of
Finance, Ottawa.
OCTOBER nth, 1516.
A Word to Our
Subscribers ;
The proprietor of The News -Record has been much
encouraged by the loyalty of the subscribers, a very great
number of whom have already renewed their subscriptions
for 1917, and a few for 1918. • In doing so many have ex—
pressed their pleasure in reading the paper and have said
they would not like to be without it. We are convinced that
the great majority of our, readers appreciate our efforts to
turn out a live, newsy weekly at the old price of one dollar
per year. _There are a few, however, who have not yet
renewed and some are still in arrears. We would like to
have every subscription paid up to the beginning of 1918, We
are determined that The News -Record shall keep its place in
the front rank in the weekly field, but in order to do so at the
old subscription price, we must have every subscription paid
in advance. Now is the ;tire° far anyone who is still in
arrears to bring in or send in ttleir subscription to }' uron
County's Loading Local Paper,