HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-08, Page 2a. D, Me'I'AGGART MgTAGOAR'r ggart Biose ...,- QA N fi 1,It14 ,-�•. 211 GENERAL NETNO SUSI• NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DIS OUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE, POSITSt SALB NOTES "UR' CHASIW. µ l >n. T., RANCE -- NOTARY 1111111,10, CONVEY. L OI A L RRA. ANGER,. FINANCIAL, E AND TrTroy MICR ANOEESTATAGENT REPRESENT ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES DIVISION COURT CFPICR, CLINTON. W. MITI/ONE. BARIiIRTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO., Ounce-- Sloan Block-CLINTON 61. G. CAMERON K.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. CONVEYANCER. ETC 0111ee on Albert Street 000uped by Mr. Hooper. in Clinton on eiery Thursday, and on any day for which ap- pointments are made. Office boors from 0 a.m• to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. OMee open every .creek -day. Mr.loofor Mr u flake any appointments Cameron. Clinton News. Record OI,INTON, ONTARIO, Terms of sabserlptlon-41 per year, advance; 1.50 luny be charged if not so pad. No paper diseoii- tinued until all .ar'rear's aro paid Ile eP. atT1 e dates o of the y subseripticia is Data 10 denoted on the label. ,_ • Advertising Kates -- Transient ad- vertiseluonts, .10 wine per non- pared line for first Insertion and 4 cents per Ilne for each rubra• eluent insertion. Small advertise• monks not to, exceed one inch, such as "Lost," " Strayed," or " Stolen," etc., inserted once for 85 coats, veld each subsequent In- sertion 10 cents. Communications Intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, bo accompanied by the name of the writer, G. E. HALL, Proprietor. CHARLES 11. HALL Conveyancer, Notary Public. Commissioner, Eta. REAL ESTATE, and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON BTI;EET, - CLINTON OQ9. GIiNN & DANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.S. C.S., Edio. Dr. J. C. Gaudier, B.A., M.B. CfSce-Ontario St., Clinton. Night galls at residence, Rattsnbury St., sr at Hospital. Fertilizer DR. 0. W. THOMPSON PHSYIOIAIV. SURGEON, ETC. Special attention gives to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and imit- able glasses prescribed Office and residence:11 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, We carry a Complete Stock of Stone's Natural Fertilizer, No better on the market. Flay We pay at all seasons the highest market prices for Hay for baling. Seeds GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can he made for Salt. Date si The News -Record. Clinton. or by sailing Phone 13 o0 157. Charges moderate and astfafaotios rtuaranteed There is a C®id Day Coni Wby not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley oat. None beter in the world. House Phone 12. Office Phone 3. American Feed Corn, Red Oto- rer, Alsike, Timothy and Alfalfa. FORD & McLEOD CLI N TO N. How is Vow GL•tiery Supply ? Ton know that Jewelry Stora , Cutlery is out of the com- mon class. At least, OURS Is. It carries a distinctiveness - an air of superiority, that comes from being made with the greatest care and ut- most skill from the highest - priced materials, II you can nee.. some of this Cutlery in your home, yon will be proud of it every time you see it on the table. Carvers,- cased, $3 00 np. Knives, Forks and Spoons„ $1.00 doz. ,up. Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, 113.00 doz.' up. Let us show you our Cutlery line Let us tell you mofe about why it is the most desirable that you can put your money ipto. W. R. COUNTER dk.11EI.M111 and 1SSLLCH of MARRIAGE LICENSES. rove THE KIPN.EN yrom all parte of the world we receive words of praise for Gin PIUV ss tbq groat VeinOlY fpr I0c1ne7 traublos. Elie following ie from Tamaiga Where Gln Tilla enJoy a rerY large 010. "'X was s clerk In a store in Taeoatoa but find to give u my oeition sale aoogngt of kldneY trquble, S parobaged one box of Gbi {'ills from a local Druggist and before it was as Ania,od r was entirely better • ho woe 140 114o uxn to my a 01i1111M'' conditionZa$ lietried them themdod to thef Nam4e ggod rayesult,. Imtell you I tried many remedies in ;melee before f got your om utile. Tours res truly, Tomas irrlae, Bog }Nabs raulaies,,r If ren euffer frau aceleaohe, evionen joints, oonetent hoadacbma, ee, reeu- • tion, sofatiaa nod ether Aiaoeeoe 400 to kidney trouble, write fur a froo oamrle. Or buy a bmr from your druggist -60e. a bon, 6 bores 100 412.00.. National Drug & Chemical' Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto, Ont. II, fl, Address -NA -DAV -00, Ina, 1; 208 blain lit,, Buffalo, ifi r,�,,y, er,-,,a erneegreal xese9u.r017F, . 007pRJif.Pmro'r5o fgren.1b+Tr'}47R4'r'i. rroa.mP allraintly�l s�yIS+ ,totkto ��P�r.. �: - �����-:.•r�„r2=� .. .M�: l •rev Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell. The object of this department Is to place at the service of our farm readers the advice of an acknowl- edged authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and crops, Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, In care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, To- ronto, and answers will appear in this column In the order In .which they are received. As space is limited It to advisable where Immediate reply' Is necessary that a stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when the answer will be mailed direct. Question -W. W. M,: -Is there any utes in a mixture ofgallons o I ,M„eoura nr aaoe eaa s 4wd00.70 e•Y•. Depend `hose Kiddies � This group of refugees Is typical of the bulk of .the Belgian people to -day. Their faces show pitiably the hard- ships they have undergone in the last two years. Most pathetic of all are the children. Thanks to the splendid work of unsel- fish philanthropists, they are being fed well. But apart from this there is little that can be done for them. It is impossible, for instance, to supply them with homes, or with those use- less but delightful gifts that charact- erize the holidays in more fortunate lands. Least of all can these chil- dren know the joy that comes of mak- ing such gifts. Surely in these circumstances the least the people of the British Empire You For M' k` Upon ,Mills, U n P. t Belgians and can do is to see that be their babies are fed, And this they have been doing. British, Canadians and Americans have responded nobly to the call, and have kept alive the na- tion that saved them from the Ger mans. In full confidence that they will con- tinue their generous gifts the Bel- gian•Relief Committee is romiii ling us that every day of the'year as long -as the Germane• are in Belgium it 1s necessary that food be supplied to the grown-ups and the kiddies of ..this stricken land. Contributions for this purpose may be sent to the Centra) Belgian. Belief Committee, 59 St. Peter Street, Montreal, or to the local offices in each community or district. t t 11 f wa CIA A DECIDES quantity of spring wheat grown in ter to one-half pound - of fo•malh}• Kent and Essex Counties? Would There are other treatments, but this you advise planting spring wheat in is one of the handiest.and most effec- Kent County on a good day loam tive, as formalin can easily be pur- soil, tiled 3 rocls apart, 4 in. tile? chased at any drug store. Some When should it be planted so that, it farmers prefer to sprinkl the mixture will be 'sure to ripen? `• of water and formalin on the wheat Answer: -Spring wheat has been and to cover the wheat -pile with bags successfully grown in both Kent and over night, so that the formic acid gas, Essex counties•• In 1911 Kei,t Ceun- which is dissolved in the mixture of ty was growing 1,018 acres while 1.1 water and formalin, will be kept 1914 there were only 183. In 1911 in around the wheat as long as pos- Essex County was growing 1,345 acres Bible. It is this gas which kills the and in 1914 there were reported only tiny smut spores. - 177 acres. From a study of the Question -K. G,: -We had 40 acres climatic conditions, both the range of of alfalfa which we cut three times temperature and the rainfall, I see no reason why spring wheat cannot be successfully grown in these counties, if proper precautions are taken. According to investigations at On- tario Agricultural College, spring wheat should be seeded as early as the ground can be worked. I note that Your. ground is clay loam and is well supplied with tile. This ground should not be worked while it is sticky, nor should it be left unworked until it plows up into a rough seed -bed. In order to insure a good stand -of wheat, `News -Record's" g New Clubbing Rates For 1917 A. J. HOLLOWAY The McKillop &taal Fire Insurance Company Head office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY President, James Connally, Goderiob ; Vice., James • Evans, Beechwood ; Sec. -Treasurer, Thos• E. Hays, Sea- forth. Directors: George McCartney, Sea: forth ; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth ; J, G. Grieve, Winthrop ; Wm, Rhin, Seaforth ; A. McEwen, Brucefield ; Robert Ferris, Believe. Agents : Alex. Leath, Clinton; a. W. Leo, Goderich ; Ed. Hlnchley, Sea. forth ;' W Chesney, Egmondville ; 11. S. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Any money to be paid be ma;• be paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above olbcers addressor to their respective post office:. Losses Inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene, NALLY* ---TIME TABLE. -- Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as followst TO J014 ALLIES Pr linlinary Negotiations Now in Progress at Pekin. - A despatch form Pekin says: Wed- nesday the allied Ministers presented a memorial to the Chinese Govern- ment expressing sympathy with the 'attitude taken by China in regard to last summer. Am afraid it went into Germany, and promising favorable winter rather weak. I have a good consideration of the questions.of sus - supply of manure. Would you ad -m• during the war of the Boxer vise manuring this field? Would you indemnity payments and •revision of advise liming it? If so, when? the tariff in the event of China's ef- the f alfalfa has gone into festively severing relations with Ger the winter in -weak shape it should many and Austria. Delay in the ex - 11 given good care early dn andthe a goodspring, poctcd development in German-Ameri- cits vigor isbto produced. revived and you hacan relatifs- and the absence hitherto som •is fairly well If have of any colleeiive intimation on the some vpr rotted manure, 1 pant of the allies that China would be t would!advisetons of spreading at least two welcome among them have caused the to four tons of this to the acre on the Chinese to hesitate regarding future action. The Germans, it is needless to say, have been doing their utmost among the officers of the army to es- tablish a party -opposed to the rup- ture. The timely action of the' allied Ministers seems likely to have the de- alfalfa field. I would also advise ap- you would do well to apply 200 to 300 plying from one to two tons per acre pounds of a fertilizer carrying from of finely ground limestone, evenly dis- 2 to 3% ammonia and 8 to 10% tributed over the field. When the available phosphoric acid. The am- snow is gone in the spring and the monia will give the young crop a good, alfalfa has gotten a good start, It will vigorous start, while the available greatly help it to top -dress the alfalfa phosphoric acid will hasten its ripen- with about 250 to 400 pounds per acre sired result. ing At a recent meeting of the On- of acid phosphate or bone meal. The ', tario Experimental Union, Prof. late Joe Wing, the great American CANADIAN IAN C UITS Zavitz strongly recommended the use . alfalfa authority, said: H r of Marquis wheat.. If this is sown at "The phosphorus generally stimu- • Take Hood's 8oreaperiilee the Old Rella'bie Spring Tonto. / ^- Don't let the idea that you may feel better in a Clay or 4w0 prevent yen from getting a •'bottle ofBood's $arsepal'illa today from ay drag store and starting at once on the rand to'health and strength,. When your blood is impure and impoverished it leeks vitality, your digestion is poor, and all tine func- tions of your body aro impaired, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great- est known blood tonic. It'will build you up gnieker than any other media eine. 14 gives strength to dp and power to ena ure. is the old standard tried and trapIt all-the,year- round blood purifier and smasher, 'l e 'zer, N othin dee i atr tonic and a it acts like it, for nothing vise has the 041110 formula or ingredients, Bo slue to ask for Hood's, got it today, and begin taking it at onds, ' ONE BELL IN A CHIME MAY BE RETAINED �1. despatch from Copenhagen says: -Germany is now drawing upon church bells for war requirements. An order appropriating bronze church bells after March 1 is published in the German press. One bell in a chime may be retained in default'of other means for summoning the congrega- tion to worship, A regulation cover- ing the confiscation of aluminum cook- ing utensils is also published. He -The fools are not all dead yet. She -,-That's as true as you live. the rate of one and a half bushels per'lates the little alfalfa plants and acre on well prepared Ana,. there is makes them hustle to get ahead of the good reason to expect a profitable re- weeds and grass. On Woodland turn. a Farm we have used raw bone meal and Question -S, R, P.: -I a had it bad acid phosphate with about equal re - dose of smut in my wheat last sum- sults, as far as the eye could see. It mer. What treatment will make it is our practice to put on 250 to 400 safe to use as seed next spring? pounds per acre of 16% acid phosphate Answer: - The disease in your when the alfalfa is sown on soils well wheat last summer may have been filled with lime. Acid phosphate is denary force between February 15 either the loose smut or the stinking about the most soluble of the phos- ' smut or Bunt, About the only cure photic fertilizers and'tlius is best for and February 28 numbered 3,298 and for the loose smut is careful selection h numberf recruits en- d seed from grain which is healthy, 3 94&1 The enlistment dui followed by soaking the seed five hours in cold water and then 10 min- utes in water at 130 degrees Fahren- heit. It is most likely that the disease in your crop was stinking smut or Bunt. This attacks the young wheat seed- ling and the seeding parts or spores are carried in sacs which take the place of the wheat kernels. Ex- perimental tests show that the best method of killing Bunt or stinking smut is to immerse the seed 20 min- 'p6�`I!J III.a-I1U ibtal Enlistments Since the Out- . break of War Reach 399,434. A despatch from Ottawa says:-.-- Enlistments ays:- Enlistments in the Canadian expedi- ',4 t 0. There was a noticeable decrease last year in the number of deaths from hog cholera In places where it was long prevalent. We suspect that a closer attention to sanitation had a great deal to do with the change. Mills, shorts, and finely -ground oats make the best feed, for young pigs, and very little is ,required the first few weeks after weaning. Care shoutlsd be taken at all times to have the pige clean up the feed in the trough after every meal. The :feed- er must use; his judgment as to the amount of grain to feed. Ask Sons To Surrender. A Canadian just back in England from France says that Gentian hoops have been wen fed hitherto, but that a great deterioration is shown in their food recently. Young Germans sur- rendering declare that their mothers asked them to do so. The weather at the front has been penetrating. Cana- dians feel it as much as they do the severe cold in Canada. WEEICLEES. . News -Record and Family Herald and 1.85 Weekly Star News -Record and Canadian 1,60 Countryman News -Record and Weekly Sun ... • 1.86 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.60 News-lteeord and Farni & Dairy1.85 News -Record and Canadian Farm 1.86 News- Record and Weekly 2.36 llessenger 1.60 News -Record itnd Saturday Night360 News -Record and Youth's Com- panion 3,26 MONTHLIES. News -Record and. Canadian Sports- 3,25 Sports- man News -Record and Lippincot'e Maga- 8 26 Maga- zine DAILIES News -Record and World .. , , - . , .03.60 News -Record and Globe 3.60 News -Record and 110al1 & Umpire3.60 News -Record and MorningcFree3.60 Press 3 80 News -Record and Llvenlng Pros 3 00 Press News -Record and Toronto Star,,., 8.35 ;;ewe -Record and Tnro,,to Ne1Va... 5,35 11 what you want is not in this list let us lcnow about it. We can supply you at less than i,1 would Cost you to send direct. In Order iPostal Note Nxpr ss Order orlCf, or Registered letter and address G. E. HALL, Publisher News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO. BUFFALO AND GODERICI:i DIV. Going East, depart ` 7,83 a.ln, 44 14 44 2.58 p.m. eking West, depart 12.45 p.m, " ar: 6.82, dp, 6.46 p,rn, "" depart 11.28 p.tn, LONDON, TIUEO T & IIRU0E DIV. Goint; South, ay. 7.83, dp. 8,05 pa. Ctoing North, depart, 6.40 pa. Cc,nc/UCZed .,5Y .I'FrD m -Caw , 'l • Mothers and daughters of all ages are cordially invited to write to this department... initials only will be published with each question and its answer as a means of Identification but full name and address Wsrs wust be lt be given in each letter. Write on one side of paper only. mailed direct If stamped and addressed envelope Is enclosed. Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 7S Castle Frank Road, Toronto. Mrs. F. M•:-1. If lemons and ing causes: (a) insufficient sleep; (b,) oranges are placed in boiling water ee the poisonous influence of stale aur in the bedroom; (c) a late and heavy supper; (4) general nervous conclition. Remedies for the first three are obvious. For the fourth it is usually sufficient to rise promptly, to dress should be placed on the dinner Tam briskly, thereby imaproving the circula- with the meat. 3. A Child's Tura j tion, and to take nourishing break - 0' Shal-ter hat after being washed fast. 2. To gain weight, eat raw should be stretched over a dinner eggs and mills, cream, -rice, cereals,, in a hot oven for five minutes before squeezing the juice can be easily ex- tracted. 2. Vegetables should not be served in individual side dishes, but plate to preveit it from shrinking and losing shape. 4. Cornstarch added to the flout' for pie. crust will snake it more flaky. If you aro using pastry flour add one tablespoon to every sup of flour; if ordinary flour add two tablespoons to every cup, 5.. The olive oil and grape juice, butter an starchy vegetables, M. M. R.: 1. Towels which are to be given to a prospective bride should be embroidered with the initials of her maiden name, not that of her prospec- tive husband. 2. Nothing yon could top -dressing when there is abundant brought the o task of washing the family handker- give your college friend would be more. lime in the soil On oar rolled since the beginning of the war chiefs is easy according to the follow - crocheted appreciated than a knit or farm we give the alfalfa meadows a up to 'ing method: In a vessel containing crocheted set of afghan and pillow in heavy caressing of phosphorus (phos- ing February totalled 7,836 as conn- at least two gallons of warm water, the university colors for file inevitable phone acid, and this practice pays pared with ,7 f ina tJYear. Military 2Gtar8 put four heaping tablespoons of any • college couch. A pennon macre of wenn in February2f last year. Dlilis at If the alfalfa field is fairly heavy District No. 2, wth headquarteris at good soap or powder dissolved and felt in the colors is also most accept. soil and it appears to be pretty close- Toronto, led in the number pf recruits one tablespoon coal oil. Plunge soil- ly compacted, it would greatly help accepted during the last 'two weeks ed handkerchiefs into this and bring the alfalfa to work the field by Har- of February with 1,186. The Mont- slowly to a boil, then put them into rowing with the teeth of the harrow real district was next with 363 men clean strong suds and very little rub - turned back so as not to tear the added to the overseas forces. The re- bing either by hand or machine will poor and invalid schoolmaster, stied in Tants out. This also would stir up , cord of other military districts was: manse them snowy white. (3. Colored early manhood, and David was p clothes should be ironed on the wrong • brought up in humble circumstances a soil mulch and help retain the wa- Loxton 328, Kingston 31.7, Quebec 3 , side 7 Boil a slits of raw potato by an uncle in 1Vules. 2. Td centi- ter that is so necessary to big crops, the Maritime Provinces 317, Manitoba m fat which has been scotched o late a o able. G, II.: iL David Lloyd George was born in Manchester, England, in 1863, of Welsh parentage. His father, a Snow is said to be the poor man's fertilizer, and it is -an the sense that any man who depend$'on it is bound to be poor.. A, Texan is the patentee of a new harness to hold a rod for a fisherman and leave his hands free .for other purposes. r hasroom without draughts, take an 055, No, 11, British Columbia, 174; No. 12, Saskatchewan, 202; No. 13, Albert, 69. Since the beginning of the war 88, Toronto district; 35,652 in the Alone- s- - - 097 recruits have been enlisted in the F • R 1; -1 If you wake ttory empoi ired it y " t e" is a secretary for � burned taste and the flavor will be old window screen, stretch thin mus - restored. 8. Sprinkle starched lin or cheese -cloth across it and tack clothes with worm Waal'to manse them it in place, and put it in a window as you would a fly -screen. 3. A secre- i r- the follow- the time being" eel district; 7,991 he the Quebec des- ' probably due to one of trio; •3'1,490 in Louden district; 44,678 185y0f t0 SLAVES ill GERMAN AFRICA in Kingston district TO BE i LIVEN FREEDOM BY BR000 ITAIN QUEBEC VOTES TO I?$1TT IOi'1C FUND. �£� FREEDOM ji A despatch from Quebec says: The City Council on Friday night lnlaulim- ously--adopted the report of the civic finance committee recommending the voting of $100,000 as the city's share to the Canadian Patriotic Fund and Red Cross Society. Although the cam- paign n has not been officially opened Society$1201,662 Unsolicited subscriptions Secretary of State fol• the Colonies to tion of the appeal is sanctioned by have h' "i reevived, including the declare by proclamation the freedom tho:Coaonial Office. - me�city - An Appeal by Anti -Shivery Society Published Under Sanction of the Colonial Office. • A despatch ,from London says: The of 185,000 slaves in the territory Anti -Slavery Aborigines 'Protection I known recently as the German East has issued an `appeal to the ; African Protectorate. The pu iliete- ToM, I WANK MRS.JONES TO WALK OVER l o THe DRUG STORE Will ME- WILLYoUTAKE CAR OF HER 9AB9 UNTIL WE COME 5AcKL1 1'LL `(fci I1' I<ITC141=`1- I<ITCREt/ KITCHEN/ - 1<oo- 1°1l' cATcN Vol) f I'LL CATCH NOV OH,SP-E 'THE - PR -I'll WATCH, 00 K- see __----', -if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable - for that's a sign your liver is out of order, 'Your food is hot digesting -it stays in the stomach a emir, fermented mass, poisoning the system. Justtake a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets-• they make the liver do its work -they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive orotom. You'll feel five in the morning. Al all druggists, 250„ or by mail from Chamberlain 1Vfedicino Company, Toronto 14 LOOK-SEE 1 E. NICD 1R1NGs- WHAT- WoNDE.RFOL - l 1-1.11\I65 - NOW IF TNEV Lt. oNi-y HURR`! AND Come-13Ac11� 1' ----c---,-- irikt/ Yi