HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-01, Page 8School ot C..IIillicrCe CLINTON, ONTARIO WiN EEt TE1,'VY begins Wednesday. January 3rd, 1917 If you cannot attend day school, you may take a course in Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping by attending Night Classes. Classes Monday and Wednesday Terms ,Moderate. You have always intended to take a Commercial and Stenographic Course sometime—DO IT NOW Learn More to Earn More Positions Guaranteed to Students, B. F. WARD, B.A. M.Accts., Phone 208.. Principal 1 ladies raills 4.05 During the next two weeks it" is our; aim to turn every ladies or child's mantle uow in stock into cash— In order to do this we have simply ignored thmegular prices of these goods and are marking them at prices that must mean a quick:clean-up of every garment... As an extra special wehave put in one lot, about 15 Ladies Coats that originally sold et from $10 to $15 and have priced the lot, choice $4 95 Also some Children's Coats at 1.98 up We are also cleaning up at big Price Reduction a lot of odd lines and broken siies of winter goods which we positively will not carryover for another year. Small Profits Phone 25 rnstePl AGENTS—SEMI-READY CLOTHING, .l. ll POS. Mora • Business NEW IDEA PATTERNS gs9 hoes 1 If your boy is hard on his shoes, bring him here ! We have had shoes built to stand the abuse the average boy gives his shoes. Parents who teat our Boys Shoes find that it requires less money to keep the boy in good looking shoes when they buy the sort of shoes we sell I Gun Metal, Box Calf, and Uris Leathers Inside and Outside Stays to Prevent Ripping Solid, Durable Shoes, but not Clumsy 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50 According to size. 1111111111111111111111111s FRED. JACKSON THE GOOD SHOE STORE 1 s 16191. A Beautiful Arty,Sq care lends a -charm to the room, ft has other advantages al- eo, being easy to clean, easy to remove, We have at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels, Asmins! ers,'VVi1- tons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you,; JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director, 28 * Phone 28 1 The News -record For Neal, Well Execnted Joh Work. "wo New RO O S Fragments from Fiance The warreduced to grim and grue- some absurdity; the fern of the weir by one who has been through it, incl shows what he tics seem, and heard, and fele—anti laiighed ab, BINDLE: 26,1100 copies sold ie n foi43 mon the, Some of the words said about it ' 'aro, "Bindle will twist a smile 3iven .the wryest mouth," "it makes us gurgle quietly and con. tieuously." A delicious piece of fooling." • Doth above are good to send to the boys at the front or in the hospital. They will help the efforts of the med- ical seen. q W. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest Ahuays the Best �IlWinu u mine M s. :Henry Peeic of Bayfield is vis ting her ufece, Airs. V. Wheatley of town. Mrs. Jbhu McIntosh spent over the week -end with frionds and rela- tives hi Scaforth, Mrs. Walter Kltig returned Saturday alter spending a month. vititi)g with her -son in Hamilton.. - • Sergt.• J. Munn of the Dental Corps, Toronto, a former student of the C,C.I., was in town last meek. airs. Id. Thompson was in Blyth last week cisiiieg her daughters, Airs. Tierney and Mrs. McTag'art, Mr. George Holland Jen Monday for Toronto and Lower Townships, where he intends buying a load of cattle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hanley of God- erich township were guests on Sun- day at the home of the lady's sis- ter, Mrs: E. Finch. Rev. J. W. Ilediry of Nile„ who is assisting. Rev. Dr, 'Rutledge in spe- cial services .this week, is a guest at Wesley parsonage. Miss Amy Andrews left last _ week to visit her cousin, Mrs. Fred F. Gil- lies of Kitchener, and with other friends at different points. Miss Lizzie Burnett left on Satur- day last to visit tier sister, Mrs, Thomas Dunbar of Sarnia, and with other friends in Port Huron. Mrs. J. Finch and Me. Elmer Finch and his little daughter, Norine, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs, R. Colplough of Go_d- eriah township. Mr. A. T. Cooper took a little run down to Toronto to see his broth- ers, Lieut. -Col. J. A. Cooper and Lieut, E. H. Cooper, before they left for overseas last week, Mrs. R. Fitzsimons and her son, Mr, H. Fitzsimons, were. in Toronto on Thursdays and Friday of last week attending the farewell to the 198th Battalion prior to their leaving for overseas. Bombadier Norman Fitz- simons is a - member of the "Barts." Pte. John Cantelon, who has been visiting frionds hereabouts for 'a few weeks, left wistcrdey afternoon for Calgary, where he enlisted for overseas. Pte. Cantelon saw some • severe 'fighting in France but ex- press -s his willingness to return to the front if he is called upon] Mr. T. Jackson returned last week from London, where he had • been spending a few weeks in St. Jos- eph's- hospital. "Uncle 'Coin" is Welting quite like; his old self a- gain, his many friends were glad to see, but he left Monday to spend a few weeks in the South so that he may by fully restored. Messrs. W. FI. Snell„-alontrenl, Gen- eral Passenger Agent, of the C.P.R. and W. Bi Howard of Toronto, District Passenger A.gont, C,P.Il., were in town on Monday evening as the guests of . Mr. -' W. Jackson, local agent. The gentlemen were on a teen inspecting the different a- gencies of the Company in Western Ontario. Mrs. Wm. Cooper and Miss Olive were in Toronto for a few days last week, having gone down to say farewell to the foriner's ,sons, prior to their, leaving for overseas, Lieut,-CoI, ,John A. Cooper ant 1 Lieut. E. FI. Cooper' of the 198th Battalion. The Canadian Buffs, which left the cityfor. the east on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Jolih lila.gieson of Sault Ste. Mario were the guests ou Saturday, of Mrs. Kearns of town. ':'his week they aro visiting Mrs, Eaglesoii's brother, Mr. Al-, bort Townshend of the Base bine. Mr. and Mts..Eagleson were called home to Luekitow by the illness of the fornter's father, who 10 still in a lOw state of health, Mr. J. El. Challenger was in • town yesterday seeing his wife and lit- tle dattglitir, Esther, eft to the.r home at Egerton, Alta., and this teething' left himself with a cat of settlers effects. Mr, and Irs. Chat- 1cnger have been in the vicinity !Rice the middle of December vis- iting the lady's parents, 'Ide, and Mrs. WM. hardy of the London Road, and with other friends and relatives. loo: News- Record More tot, 1917 FADELESS INDIGO SERGES are in the Spotlight of Popularity for men's and women's suits. They are made of the finest Australian wool, in the hands of .only Skilled and Competent craftsmen. They are soft and pliant—yet firm and strong. They are rich in feel and . lustre—and will neither grow ''shiny" with un --nor fade. They are the re- sult of years of experience in the weaver's art. Incidentally ---we stock INDIGO SERGE, in all weights and prices. If you like blue serge clothing, do not hesitate because yuur Iast one faded or got shiny. Buy a Fadeless Indigo Serge because we are behind it with an absolute guarantee. Our stock of Guaranteed indigo Serge is one of the largest in Canada. Women's Store Dry Goods, HouseFurnishings phone 67 Nest to Royal Bank COME IN AND SEE THEM Hen's Store Custom Tailoring and phone 103. Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library 10 - Sur nmerhill 'rhe members of the Red Cross So- ciety and their Friends gathered at Pineridge. Farm, the home of • Mr. and Mrs. J. Macdonald, on the Base Line, on Tuesday evening to spend a social evening and also to add something to the Funds of ,the Socie- ty. Games were indulged in, also music and dancing, Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald ,exhibiting some very pretty Scotch dancing. Mr, Norman Bail donated a little pig to the So- ciety, and it must be borne in .mind that "pigs .is pigs" these days. This was disposed of by ticket on this evening, Mrs. H. ivlcBrien holding the lucky number. The lady gave hack the pig to the Society and it was then auctioned off for a good price. A collection was also taken during, the evening and altogether the Society was ,twenty-five dollars to the good when the affair ended, The ladies had brought along Iunch which Mk as served before the com- pany broke tip after thanking the hospitable host and hostess for their kindness in giving the use of their House and for the hos;itaiity shown. The Society meets at the home of Mae. John 0Lbbings on' l'hursda3i af- ternoon next. Coderieh. Mr. Geoffrey Holt of Toronto Was home last week. Mr. Thos. laundry was in Galt cast week attending the funeral of Miss Margaret' Wilkinson, Mr. Wm, Barkwell of Yellow Grass Sask., is visiting his nie:e, Mrs. Ben. Allen. Rev. J. 5, Ford "'has been appoint- ed a member of the Collegtate board. Miss I'.11ino>• Agnes Moss was mar- ried in St, Peter's church on Feb. lath to Mr. James M;cAullille of London, Ont, Dr, H. I. Strang was conlincd to his home owing to illness iast week but is now improving. Miss Celia Story has returned to Cleo, Oklahoma, after a visit of some months with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C, L, Moore. 1VIrs. James Stewart has returned from a Visit with her son ill Winni- peg. ' Mr. Will Johnston has gone to Toronto and may reniaiti for some time, a! Capt,. Reginald Bassitt of Toronto - formerly of Cbllingwood and well known here as his boat, the Maris- lea, made frequent calls at this har- bor, died ht Toronto on Saturday week, The funeral t^ok place at Vie old home town of Collingsvood on Tuesday. (]apt. Bassitt was but thir-' ty-two years of ago and leaves a young wife, his parents and two sisters, Hollln>iesville AIrs. Ilowell of Goderich is visiting her sister, Miss D. Holmes. , - The Lord's Day Alliance held a meeting in the Methodist church on Tuesday' night. Mrs. Webster and ta`e and ;Miss Agnes Stirling ret •rned on , Fri lay from visiting friends in Brantford, Primrose Sale Choice Plants at special prices while they last, Cut Flowers at reduced prices for Saturday 'Cuninghame FLORIST. Grand Minstrel Show and Catchy Playlet Presented by the Young Ladles Patriotic Auxiliary in the Town Hall, Clinton, March 1st. Pian open at Fair's Book Store at 9 Saturday, Feb. 2l.th, Reserve Seats 35c Rush Seats 25C PLUMBING, HEATING, TIN- SMIT'HI'NG, ROOFING, &C. REPAIRS PROMPTLY DONE. A NUMBER OF SECOND-HAND° HEATERS IN awn REPAIR. erooraosnom BYAM & SUTTER Sanibary Pliunbors. Phone '1. Heasall, Grain, wood and logs are being brought into market here in very large quantities and meet with a ready demand and good prices. A respected resident, lir. Robert Carlisle, the oldest resident of the village recently passed his eighty-fif- th birthday and is unusually hale and hearty for a man of that age. Pte. George Jackson, who has so long been confined to his room through illness, is now able to get out. Mr. Wm. Buchanan, of the town- ship of Tucicersmith, recently sold a fine span of matched "browns" to James T. Smillie, of Inwood. The meat merchants, hotels and restaurants are getting in tine sup- plies of ice this season, Hullett Township Mr: Howard Snell leaves for Alber- ta next week with three carloads of choice stock, forty bul's and three stallions, He expects to he gone a month or so. Mrs. George Krauskopf of Dublin has been visiting relatives on the sixth Con, Mr. Thomas Glazier of the •Huron Road has purchased the one hundred acre farm of Mrs, Alex. Jan)iesaii ou the Huron Road, Tuckersinith, and will take immediate possessi.m, 11111=M11.6,30100 111111..VOISM4121.11•9M11000.111MMW Winghar Rev. J. W. Hibbert has been. invited to become pastor of the Es- sex Methodist church at the close of. the conference year and the Wingham Methodists have extended a call to the Rev. B. F. Armstrong of Es- sex. Both invitations have been ac- cepted subject to the consent of the. conference. Mr. F. Buchanan was in Toronto ias't week attending the Grand Coun- cil of the Royal Templets. Mrs. Stillwell has returned home from Wroxeter, where she has been visiting her sister. Miss Edith Treleaven of Dungan- non has been visiting Miss Elv.e Johnston. Miss Eva 'Patterson has returned from a visit with London friends. Mr. and' Mrs. W, H, Willis enter- tailed the Rev. Byron F. Stauffer while he was in town. —� There is an agitation in town for the using up of the vacant lots a- bout town for the growing of vege- tables. Mr. Robert King spent a few daya last week in Toronto and Wood - Stock,' While in the latter plane - he attended the wedding of a fri- end, . Miss Annie Beattie of Brandon, Man,, spent a few days recently as. the guest of Mrs. Robt. Beattie. LINE V ^OM +.':LIARS AT THE FRONT. BUY DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES $ 25.00 50.00 100.00 FOR $21.50 `{ 43.00 Y° 86.00 INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO $1500. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY LANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE WI ID TePARTM N -r JAN. 9, 1917- .t 71,' h'9.A W.\