HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-03-01, Page 5} "March 1st, 1917 Clinton News -Record 8111th. Mr. Oats, Potter has been visit - Jugfug lfis sister in Sarnia. )Vlr. a ltd IVErs. John Cockerline, who have been visiting in town Or a fortnight, left last week for Tose onto to spend a few darts before re - North #,urn t1 to heir home i t at g Bay, , Miss Ilattie Spafrord'is in Toro - to attending the millinery openings. MrS. Whitfield. McCormick. of '!`row- Madge was a guest lust week at the Methodist parsonage,' with ber spar Rev, R, J, McCormick, Mr, and Mrs, 0, Tl. Reese visited last, week With Milverton friends, Miss Dorothy .Tierney of the Tor- onto University is holidaying at. ber ]tome in town. Mr. David Gibson of Port Chester, N.Y,, was a. guest for a foav Gays at tale home of Mrs, Woodeoerr; Mrs, •Ae M. Babe of '1`cestvator I'as bceu a visitor in town, being called • home on account of the ilbtess of her another, Mrs, II, Mc`)uarrie, hire, Moor, who has been c+sitieg her. mother,' Mrs. Mason, 'er,, Who itis been ill, has returned to her home at Mt. Forest. •ailrs. Russel Sellers of Toronto is 747nowa. Mr, Sellers spent a wee'r- end with his mother. Miss Lillie M. Carr, who is tak- ing a course of training at the General Hospital, Toronto, is now a patient in the 'Isolation hospital suf- fering from an attack of scarlet fe,Y-. HELP FOR N. S. A. The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives desires ..gratefully to acknowledge the follow- ing oll w inorontributions'eceired in Olfnton b the Field Secretary 0ft10 Nrtdon1 Sanitarium Association;-Oolleetiou 2.35, Ms. Adams 2.00, Miss Macdougall 2.00,• Miss Sinclair 2,00, Rev, W. L, Rutledge D. D, 2.00, Jno T. Harland 2,00, 13. Wiltse 1.00, P. A. Axon D. D. S. 1.00, J. A.. Irwin 1.00, W. H. llellyar 1 00, H, Bartliff1.00, I3, Phuustee11.00, •J. E. Hovey 1.00, Miss Isabel Draper •1,00, Miss Olive Cooper 1.00, _;Miss H, (Mortice 1.00, A friend ,60, Town Clerk 2.00 J. W. Treleaven 1.00, 11ir. Graham 2.00 Miss Kilby 2,00, •James Scott 2.00, H. Fowler D, 1). 5, 2;00, G. D. MoTaa Bart 1.00, A. .f. Morrish 1,00, F. Jack- son 1.00, R. Rowland 1,00, Rev. W. B, Moulton 1.00, J. P. Sheppard 1,00. Rev. Jno A. Agnew 1.00, Miss M. -Wiltse 1.00, Miss L. Stevens 1,00. Miss W. Thompson • 1.00, Miss J. Wilson 1.00, Mrs. M. Ross .50, Town of Clinton 5.00. Sale Register -0n Thursday, March 1st, at 1 p.m, Lot 17, Con. 8, Tuckersmith, 1 miles west of Egmondville, farm stock and implements. - Mrs. H. Grieve, Proprietress, T. Brown, Auc- tioneer. On Friday, March 2nd, 1 o'clock p. m., Lot .16, Bayfield Road, Stanley, 1, mile west of. Varna, farm stock and implements -A. Duncan, Pro: 'stricter, T. Brown, Auctioneer. On Wednesday, March 14th, at 1 ' p.m., Lot 8, Con. 11, McKillop, farm stock and implements. Michael 0- louchlur, Prop., T, Brown, Auction- eer. On Thursday, lylarch 1530, 1 p. Lot 27, Com, 13, McKillop, exten- • sive sale of horses, cattle and pigs. -John Balfour,- Prop., T. Brown, Auctioneer. A Town By -Law Renders it Legal. Q. -Can a mayor of a town vote •on a subject unless it is a' tie ? Can 'he vote and make it a . tie ?-Clinton, 'Ont, Ans.-1. No ; unless he is sitting Air -committee and not chairman, un- less there is a bylaw of the town council providing that he San do so, 2. -No ; unless he is sitting in 'committee and not chairman, unless' there is a bylaw of the town coun- cil providing that he can do so. LOST -ON FEB, lath, 'BLACK AND tan foxhound, medium size, letters J. H., showing indistinctly flack of right shoulder, answers to name of Pat. Reward for information lead- 'ing to recovery -.rim Heddle, R. R. No, 4, 0oderich. -78-1 Marriages NICKLIN-KINiSMAN. •-1 At Exeter, on February 21st, Harold Stor- ey Nicklin, B.A.Sc., of Acton, to M. Anina Tifnsman,ilaughter of the late Dr. I I. Kinsman, Births JOYNT.-'At Seaforth, on Feb, 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert ,Joynt, a son. I3EILEMANN-In Ciodericir, on Jan- uary' 20th, to 1)r. George Helle- ev'-;niann, and Mrs. Heileman,'a son, Deaths OARDNER-In Clinton, on February 20th, Joan Brown, widow of the late David Gardner, in ber 68th year, CARTER -In Clinton, 011 Feb, 28rd, Sarah Jane Bell, willow of the late Isaac Cartel, aged 70 years and 4 months, COLCLOUGI-1.-In Gederich town- ship, on Feb. 240, Mary ML Os- trander, widow of the late John Colelough, aged 93 years and 5 MOOS, • BRANDON -I#1 Winghain, on Febru- ary:18th, ThomaS 5, Brandon, in his 75th year, AUCGUSTINE.-At Dungannon, 011 February 2051i, Benjamin Augur• Hilo, aged 70 years, + uti 1 n Pott , r. -In o s ariclt o B1iI NS is N RO 21sii, Mrs, Itobtlee, wife of 11e, 19:1 ItObbind, aged 85 years'.; Doherty Pianos, Limited PCI3I4Ia NO'1'IClji is herebygiven that under the I•irst Part of chapter 70 of the Revised Statutes of Ven- etia, 1006, known its "The Oompan- ies Act," letters patent have beet) issued ruler h Seal .of the c'o- tss e under the S I 1e Se >r tarp of State of Canada, bearing date the 12111 day of January, 1017, incorporating John Frederick Grant and Chester P rederiok Stevens, man- ufeeturors, °aortae henry Ivey and Richard Green Ivey, Esquires, and Margaret Amelia I3s11, stenographer, 'all of the City of London, in the province of Ontario for the follow- ing purposes, viz, :- . (a) To manufacture, buy, soli and gonereliy trade in pianos, organs, and parts of sante, and ,all ]rinds of lnttsical instruments and parts of sante, piano' stoole,' benches, music cabinets, piano players in all and any of de branches, ' and. to manu- facture, buy; or otherwise dispose of and in any planner Ileal in the ra\v materials required by the company fn connection with the above mentioned objects. (b) To purchase or otherwise ac- quire, build, construct, )told, take on lease, license,. rent, use, operate, lease, let, sell, convey or otherwise dispose of and in any ma111100 Ileal. in and with piano factories, saw mills, railway sidings and other works, machinery, plants and equip- ments for the manufacture of pianos, organs and other, musical instru- ments, and any and all other material used or usable in or in connection with the manufacture or treatment01 same;- (c) To acquire, purchase, take on lease, or license, hire, hold, use, sell, brant lease of, exch nge, alienate,e , dispose of and otherwise doal 111 or contract with reference to timber lauds and timber limits,, lands or in- terests in lands, personal, property of all kinds or interests therein, rights, privileges, licenses and cbn- cessions;- (d) 7'o carry on any other busi- ness, whether manufacturing or oth- erwise capable of being conveniently carried on in connection' with the business or calculated directly .or indirectly to enchance',the value of or render profitable any of the company's property or rights ; (e) To acquire aid take over as going concerns or otherwise the un- dertakings, assets and liabilities of any person or company carrying -011"- any o1'any business in whole or in, part similar to that which t1Pe company is authorized to carry)on or posses- sed property suitable for the pur- poses of this company, and with a view thereto to acquire all -or any of the shares ;or liabilities of such coin= panes. (f) To apply for, purchase or oth- erwise acquire any patents, brevets d'inventions, licenses, concessions and the like conferring any exclusive or iffnited right to use any secret. or other informations, as to any inven- tion which may seem capable of be- ing used for any of the purposes of the company or the acquisition of which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit the company, and to use, exercise, develop or grant licenses in respect of or otherwise turn to account the properties, rights' or information so acquired ; (g) To buy, sell, manufacture and deal in all kinds of goods, stores, implements, provisions, chattels and effects required by the company -or Its workmen nor servants ; (11) Notwithstanding the previsions of section 44 of The Companie's Act, to subscribe for, purchase assume li- ability under, acquire, hold, sell, ex- change, xchange, -dispose .of or otherwise deal in or contract with reference to bonds, debentures, stocks or othei se- curities or obligations or any estate or interest, therein ; and to apply or to accept in whole or in part as consideration or satisfaction or se- curity for any. ' contract, indobtness or obligation to• or of the company, property obligations', shares and se- curities of any kind at such valua- tion and upon such terms' as may be agreed upon ; and to applt or to ac- cept as security for any indebtedness to the company, mortgages of . land or chattels upon such terms as niay be agreed upon ; (1) To; sell, lease or otherwise dis- pose of the property or Undertaking of the company or any part thereof, for such consideration as the cone pany may think fit, and in partiicu lar and .notwithstanding the provis- ions of senior' 44 of The Companies' Act for shares, debentures or secur- ities . of ecurities.of any • other partnership, asso- ciation or company ; (j) To manufacture or' trade in property and goods of all kinds ; (lr) 'Po' enter into partnership or any arrangement• for sharing profits, union of interests; co-operation, joint adventure, reciprocal. conces- sions, or otherwise, with any person or company carrying on or engaged in or about to carry on or engage in any business or transaction which this company is authorized to carry on or engage in or any business Or transaction capable of being conduc- ted so as to directly or indirectly to benefit the company, and to lend money to guarantee the contracts of, or otherwise assist any such per- son or company, land to • take or nit.: erWlse acquire shares and security of any such company, and to sell, )told, re -issue with or without guarantee or otherwise deal with the same (1) To draw, make, accept, en- dorse, execute and issue promissory* notes, bills of exchange, bills of lading, warrants' and other negoti- able or transferable instruments (m) ,'Po invest and deal with tate moneys of the company not • immedi- ately required, and in such manner as from title to' time may be de- termined (n) TO sitter into any 'arrange- ments with any government authori- ties, ntunicipal, local o1' otherwise that May seem condtleive to the corn - pang's objsrlts of ally of than, and to obtain (10111 any, each goverintient of authority! tiny' rights, privileges 151}d concessions 'which the company May think .it deetrable t0 obta1)1 and carry Out, exercise and volfply avid} any such. (lrral}geMeitts, rigllts, prig- lieges and cpueessions ; (o) To produce end accumulate stearal x1111 electricity, or other agen- cies alt r otherwise,and to use • similar 0 and supply 1110 came foe power light and heating purposes in eonneetlon with the business of the compluly, and to sell and dispose of any su0 ,plus stearal or electricityfor power, lighting and heating purposes, sub- ject to the' provinefal, and municipal laws and regulations.; -• • .(p) To procure the company to be registered, licenses or otherwise recognized in foreign country' and to designate and appoint persons there- in as attorneys or roprosentatives of the company, with full power to represent the company 115 all mat- ters according to 'the law of foroi,;n country, and to accept, service for and on behalfof the (0(00any of any process or suit ; - • (q) To establish and support or. aid in' the establishment and support of associations, institutions, funds, trusts and conveniences calculated to benefit enipfoyeee or ex-employees of the company or, its predecessors in business, or the dependents or connec- tions of • such persons, and to grant pensions and allowances, and to make payment towards insurance and to meteoritic' and guarantee money for charitable cr benevolent objects or for any exhibition or for any public, general_ or useful object ; (r) Po promote any company or compa}tics for the purpose of aciluir- ing all or anq of the properties, right .or iiahilitjes 50! this company or for any purposes which nla.yseem directly or indirectly calculated to this company ' benefit t s n pall l 1 S , (5) To lend uto}ley to customers olid others having dealings Auit11 the company, and to guarantee the ,per- formance of contracts by any such persons ; (t) To adopt such means of mak- ing )mown the products of the com- pany (15 may seem expedient, and in particular by advertising in the press by circular, by purchase and exhibi- tion of 'works 6f art or interest, by publicatio1I of books and periodicals and by et'anting, prizes, rewards and donations ; (u) To pay for any property, rights, privileges acquired by, or with the approval of the sharehold- ers, for services rendered to the com- pany by the issue of fully paid or partly paid-up noir-assessable shares in the capital stock of this com- pany ; (.v) To pay out of the funds of the company all the expenses of or incidental• to the formation,regis- tration and advertising of the com- pany ; (w) To do any and all things set forth as its objects as principal, a- gent, contractor or otherwise, and to carry out any sir all of the fore- going objects as principals, agents, sub -contractors, or 'otherwise, arid by and through trustees, agents, sub- contractors' or otherwise, and alone or jointly with any other corpora- tion, association, firm or person, and to do' all and every thing necessary or incidental for the accomplishment of any of the purposes or the at- tainment of any one or mare of the objects herein enumerated or incide's tal to' the powers Herein named, or which shall at any time be necessary or incidental for the protection or benefit of tile corporation ; (x) The objects specified in -each paragraph hereof shallexcept where otherwise -expressed in such para- graph, be in no wise limited or re- stricted by reference ter.. or inference from the terms of any other para- graph or the name of the company ; (y) And to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above ob- jects or any of them, - The operations of the company to :be carried on throughout the,. Domin- ion of Canada and , elsewhere by tite name of "Doherty Pianos, Limited," with a capital stock of two hun- dred thousand dollars, divided into 2,000 shares of one hundred dollars each, and the chief place of business of the said company to be at the Town of Clinton, in the Province of Ontario. Dated at the office of the Sec- retary eo-retary of 'State of Canada, this 23rd day of January, 1917. THOMAS MULVEY, Under-Secretary of State. GRAIN MUCH BETTER FILLED. FI. Richard, Dorchester, Ontario, says ; "I -. used Homestead Bone :Black Fertilizer on four acres of oats last Spring with very good results. The field consisted of ten acres of soil, half of which had been manure" ( the previous year, while in meadow, and we applied the fertilizer 209 pounds to the acre to the balance of the field. Tile growing crop showed much 'bettor growth all through the' sea - sort where the fertilizer was used than where it had been. •manure(), and at the time of Cutting the grain. seemed much better. filled," Write 'Michigan Carbon Works, De- troit, for free book and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer, NOTICE Conunericfftg Monday, February 120, Transcontinental train for Sudbury, Pert Arthur, Fort. "William, Winnipeg 13raudon, Saskatoon, Calgary, North 13attielord, Edmonton, Vancouver and OM Pacific Coast, will leave Torento Onion Station at 9 p,115, instead of 10.45 p.nn Monday, Wednesday and Friday; A NADJAN :NDRTH RN lE P025 HAVE ANYTHING TO Soil-lt will past 5011 •to' advertise same i,r The News-Itoeord, Tile cost, 5 small, the results largo, AUCTION SALE Ola .0ATTL131--•ON Tuesday, March 8511, at 1,30, at Mr,. Geo, lc1la td' 6 halff mile south o f Clinton, on the Hayfield Line-Highgrade COWS and young cattle -2 new }sulkers 4 years old, 1 extra Durham roan 5 years ofd due time of solo, 4. high grade Durham cows, due in March, $ high grade sows due its. Aprii, 2 Durhai 'heifers due in May, 8 extra -fine grass sows, 1 well bred young Durham bull fir i'or ssrvioo, 0 head of young cattle, 8 young calves, This Mamie is young and 10 good con ditfun, and sold snhject to the fon lowing guarantee ---A11 sows repro. 60nted to bo in calf and proving not to be one month from clay of sale,, can bo returned, aria 11100ey or note will be refunded. 1'cs•11ts-6 niont.hs o,wdit o>'0 per rcu11 p01 15111111>58 011for cash. Geo, I'Wheal, promieiwo1; T, (i m matey, auctioneer," 5. A. I NTERTAlNIell':iN , TUBA - day, March 0th, 8 p,in, The jun- iors will give good program, con- sisting of singing, recitations, dia- logues, drills, .etc, Also prizes will be w,istributed to the 5.5, scholars. Soaforth and Godericli officers will he present. ,All are invited to come and spend .a happy evening in the 5, A. Hall, Admission 100,-78-1, FOR SALE -0. 'A, C. 13ARLPY NO. 21, and Improved Balmer Oats, grown from registered seed, .free from noxious weeds. -J. G. Cart- wright, Phone 287, Londesbora: 78, FOR SALE -BARRED BOCK EGO'S, Bred-to-laja Last year 37 of my pullets laid 1.01 eggs •each for the year. Eggs from these hens and their daughters $2 per 15, $3 per 30, $4 per 50, $7 pe): 100. FairvieW Poultry Yards-Jab,'z Rands, Clin- ton. -78 FOR SALE -PANDORA RANGE, IN good condition, with or without water front and reservoir. lslso gas range, not long in use. -0. G. Mid- dleton, Huron Road, • Clinton, Phone 8 on 155,, 78, FOR SAL3II-I FIAVE A LIMITED quantity of Marquis spring wheat for sale. It is an excellent sam- ple. For particulars phone 4 • on 156 -Fred Middleton, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, --78-5 FOR SALE -• ON , TOWNSHEND ' street, a 7 roomed .frame ILouse with summer kitchen. Garden with some fruit trees, berry bus - hos and frame barn 12 x 26. Ap- pip to -Bert Langford. -77, FOR SALE. -A LIMITED QUANTI- ty of A.0.C. No. 21 seed barley. 'Apply to -Wm, W. •Wise, R. 11. No. 3, Phone 10 on 155, Clinton, -77 HOUSE FOR SALE OR, TO RENT - Roomy house on corner of Ontario and William street. All modern conveniences. Garden and young • fruit trees.-Apply,'to Mrs. A. Bea- cons on premises or to W. Breilone Clinton. 77. FOR SA 11--20 ACRES, PT. LOT 40, 'Con. 12, Flullett township. Ap- ply to -James W. Roberton, Au- burn.. --877. FOR SALE. -FRAME FIO'U+SE 'AND Stable, on Rattenburyi Street. House has 9 rooms, electric light, furnace, town water and soft wa- ter in the kitchen. Must be sold at once as the proprietor is leaving town, -J, G. West. -76. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE. -GOOD location on William street, near the Model school: Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc. - T. T. Murphy. -44. FOR SALE -THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr. Gandier, including house, office, barn and -two lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout: Water in stable. Hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer ki S- chen.-Apply to Dr. Gaudier. -40. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Mar- garet Bell Charlesworth, of the Town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the province of Ontario, wife of Leo- pold Otto Charlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par- liament of Canada at the next session thereof fora bill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopold Otto Charlesworth.. of the sand town of Blyth, in the County of Huron. in the Province of Ontario, merchant, on the 1017 ground'of adultery and desertion. Dated at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this 19th day of January, Margaret Bell Chaelesworth, By her Solicitor, William Thornburn Witness, A, V:Darrach, PURE 3111,1) REGISTERED YORK - shire bred by .T, T. Brethour of Burford, 011t. Terms f $1 can or $1.25 if not so paid. -- Fred L. Potter, Iluron Road. --•76• i+itf+ Nt4w8 uncoIVD IAE005100;- '1'OtVN, TOWNSHIP AND COUNTY NEWS, McCQ5Mi;IG? , AGENCY.-4TIAV taken over the :agency ter the bio- • Cormick Implements and moved 11 10 1217 pl°ace of business, the oar- riags and repair shop, Iluron street, where I will .keep on halal li a full line or implements, repairs, twine, etc. An Ardor from you will receive prompt t atA nt 10n - Vilsen Elliott, ,-43 CREAM WANTED, DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for sans, We supplytwo cans froc,, Pay all express ;charges and issue cheques twine each month, cheques payable et par, We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test, resting done by a oompoteut plan. ,.Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statornent returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburu May leave their cream with Mr, Fial1 who will deliver it here: Write for cans and give- us a trial.' Patrons in the vicinity, of Varna may deliver their cream 1,0 Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, rant. FOR SALE .CHEAP, - FRAME stable, to be taken down and re- moved. I+or particulars apply to - j, Torrance; Clinton. - -•76. FOR SALE. -MIR. WILFRID' COL- clough offers his fine farm, 80 acres on the 11 con, of 0oderich town- ship, ownship, for sale. It is situated -1, )piles south of Holmesville, is in good state of cultivation, 32 acres plowing done, 48 acres under hay. 2 never -failing wells, one with wind- mill a.ttaclled inoo working d r g vo t er- g der. Good fronto 'barn 40x50 feet, Farm „'veil fenced, mostly woven wire fencing. For particulars apply to -Wilfrid Colelough, le, R, No. 3, Clinton, -76. FARM FOR SALE. - 180 -ACRE farm for sale, 2 t miles north of Clinton on the Gravel Road, Hal- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x00 with stone stab- ling underneath and lfr storey 8 - roomed frame house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. Thiq farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to -John Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. -62. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies" and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. I am prepared to French Dry Clean Ladies Suits, Gent'!; Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing -,including Sweat, ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jawelery Store. -Wm. J. Jago. -55 BIRTHDAY GIFTS' • �0v Here Are a Few suggestions Wrist Watches and Pocket Watches Lockets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen Clocks, and Small Fancy Clocks I have the largest and best assorted display of ()locks ever shown in town 8 daylMantle-Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and ,mahogany. Manicure Sets, Cut Glass, Silverware Spectacles of all kinds and Repairs. Drop in and;jlook around, you are under no obligation to buy. r-• R. H. JOHNSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Optician and Jeweler. Pancake Daus are on de- sire a little1e change in time of tFood, ar wWhat about PANCAKES Made from Old Virginia Pancake Flour are fine and you certatuly would enjoy them with - Corn or Maple Syrup puts the finish• ing taste to Pancakes, - Tr y. a1 Jar of Corn Syrup at 25e a jar also put up in pails or bulk 1'o add zest to appetite, would re- cotntnend outlines of - Catsup, Olives, ciwucns, Sweet or Mixed Pickles Peas, Corn, Tomatoes .. Pork & Bens, etc, Watch for Show Day Speciale Highest Market Price 100 Produce Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality. Mose orders promptly, attended to, TWO IW)AVY DRAFT GELDINGS and 4 bushels of No, 1 deed beans ter 81110, Apply; to -R, 10, Cola dough, 13, 11•, No, 8,Phone 20 on 100, -70, BIEILS WANTED ! WE, CON GIVE FIDIPL0Yl1iENP TO Al FEW MORE KNIT- TERS, ETC, APPLY AT O11C13, Ctilt�l Knitting CO* LIMI'1'IJD, LIEPO LTOV add U 'TED ea else We are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry. Highest market price paid. -Phone 14 on 166. Special prices for fat hens W. MARQUIS IJoift About the high price of grain and food for your flock of hens, as eggs and poultry are expected to bo coarse. pondingly high this coining season, -on Now is the time to order your Prairie State Incubator Why depend on the uncertain old hen for hatching when an incubator will do the work better and cheaper. Get your chickens hatched early and get the big price for broilers. The early pullets will be your next win- ter's layers. Get an Incubatnr and hatch your chicks when you please GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. 1'he Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STOOE Live and Let Live Seo Tasty and Nutritious Lenten Dishes The family that denies itself meat during Lent will find in our store a great many wholesome toods as suited tutes in the following List Fresh Caught Herring Fresh Halibut Mahan Haddie Filletts and Cod Fish Canned Salmon • Kippered Herring - Sardines Finan Haddie Lobsters and Orabs SPECIAL Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Grape Fruits, Lettuce and Celery Highest Market Price for Produce E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. PLACE TOUR OROE- R for some of our Western Oats, which we have just received and we will charge- you no more than if they were just the ordinary grade of oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full stock of Flour and Peed, Wa Jenkins & Son. FIrorR AND F1000,, I"ilene 199. M glted; prices paid for Grain a G rad Wash Elevator.Itesidenee plioae 9-142, enertsepaitl ismiltoert paNice Peanut butter • Soup To three cups of hot milk add half cap of pea- nut butter n d dissolv@ i- hot water, Season with nutmeg and salt, and serve with our fresh bro.- ken"soda biscuits at 10c per ken: pound, Children Cry for it ell Cream Wanted Any quantity of cream handled at highest price for butter fat, ()ream called for or taken in the first three days of the week 1 v e at Ho me vi s lie. Yon may see your cream tested toreyour- self, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cream paid for every week PHONE 17 ON 143 L. M. JER `y YS HOLMFSVILLE. Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken is every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMsIERHILL.• We have added a stock ori New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store, We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stook and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken In ex. change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the HoopttaL 0,10 ORDER YOUR Sap Pans and Buckets NOW and be ready when the season' opens THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces. Slipp over Rowland's Hardware, PHONE 53, The BigStore 45 pates Lidice Rubbers, Reg. 75 for 50 30 pairs Men's Rubbers, Reg, 1.00 foe 75 80 pairs Men's Heavy Work Shoes Reg, 4,60 for 4,10 20 pairs Children's Patent 8 strap slipper. Reg. 1,85 for 1,10 only Children,, all wool Sweaters Reg. 1,00 for '70 8 only elen',s Sweaters Reg,1,50 for 1,00 • 'tier : I I I !. Per'riu's Sodas are delicious we.sell'em Timothy, Red Clover, Alsi lee and Alfalfa now in stock 30 bags hnme grown potatoes at $4,00 per bag of 00 pounds •{ WAS 1 i. Saturday Specials 8 lbs Sulphur for 20e $ lbs Salts for 25c 2 lbs Saltpetre for 25e J.0. . a i�.P Lounsbery LONDESBORo The big stote with little prices.