HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-15, Page 7the Business of Being a Boy is A strenuous PIQMent, Sturdy boys and girls are not built out of boob alone. The best food ' for growing youngsters is Shredded Wheat, the whole whet food that builds healthy tissue, good bone and develops sound teeth and healthy gums. For breakfast or any meal, with milk or cream. Delicious 04t1; preserved fruits. - Fashion Fads Made in Canada, AUSTRALIA'S NEW AUTO Tam, kadasdI Native Fibre and Pronounced Ileeda• Bullet, P`fail and Glaas Proof. als, aor ;kind of automobile tire— tialie. It s made of a native fibre. P$ '111.0 need that gave rise to its con- trivance, how it is made, and how listed, to described in the Weekly Bul- ''''.'" , lean, Canadian Department of Trade and commerce, as follows: L "Aa in other.,countries of vast dis- ; tanetae and comparatively few travel- ling facilititts, the advent of the motor adr'in Australia has, to a very con - eider -able extent, solved the difficulties oa transportation. In many parts o the country the roads are merely bush tracks or overland stock routes, on vitich herds of cattle are clriven long disMneea to the city markets or coast ail freezing works. "The rtiligh nature of the country 'ever which the cars travel and the ex ceseive heat often experienced have anade the ceased rubber tires a serious ;item in maintenance, thereby causing many experiments to obtain a subsid- tote 'for rubber at a moderato cost. The invention and recent perfection of the AuStrallart 'horning' tire is claimed to,have solved the problem Of produc- ing an emergency tire at a compara- tively erten cost. Tests with tires Made of various Rinds of fibre were macle; with the result that coir fibro was found to be the most suitable for ..,_ a.athe purpose because of its lightness, •""''' -aheapness, resilience, and durability. The graatest difficulty was to discover a method of joining the ends of the rope to make a complete circle of the same size but eventually a new splice was invented, and the tire as now sold hi Autatraila is perfect of its type, "When first placed ou the market the 'homing' tire was sold as an emer- ency tiro in case of a puncture or low -out, but it proved so satisfactory hat in ha country districts of sonic of the States the rope tires are fre- latently used on all the wheels of mo- tor cars, particularly for station or aanah work and over rough and stony a:mutt:v. . "The tires are bullet, nail, and glass a proof, and If a speed of sixteen miles is not exceeded it is claimed that they re almost as soft riding as pneumatic tires. it Should be understood that the `homing' tire takes the place of hoth inner tube and cover, being at- tached to thearim by four or five straps!' ithat k ominr—has appeared in Aus- The fashionable chemise frock of tan jersey trimmed with soutaehe and belted with a wide girdle of Paisley silk is here shown to unusual- nclvan- tage. A deep pleated flounce is the striking feature of this dress. McCall Pattern No. 7663, Ladies' Chemise f Dress.. Pattern in 6 sizes; 34 to 42 bust. Price, 20 cents. The Queen and Charity. Qaerat Mary has always set her face against indiscriminate charity. She strongly disapproves of it, and dis- cern-item/sees it as much as she is able. Since the outbreak of war an. enormous number of bogus charitable Appeals have been sent out, and peo- ple responsible for them have made special efforts to secure gifts from the lora- King and Queen, for the simple reason that a subscription from their Ma- ljesttee is regarded by the general i)ublic as an indication that the cause Is a good and deserving one. The Queen knows this, and is therefore specially careful not to give anything to an undeserving cause lest she en- • eouragea her subjects to waste their money. In Siam the musical scale is an equal division of the octave into seven parts and music never 18 written, -but learned by ear and handed down toad itionally You C4ri Snap Your finger at the ill effects of caffeine when you change from tea and toffee to • POSTUM "There's a Reason" Box -pleated frocks bring box-pleatP - l'ItONOR ¶SI (11.41014KIKliTTIAS, Rxperted Through flelIand, Calm and the United States. A short time ago a wine trade jour- nal of Paeje, the Vigneron Champet Viola, pointed put that chain/Algae bet- ties Made in A merieart glans works were being offered to the French In- dustry. America had never before supplied champagne bottlee, but tui the price was high enough to allow a profit on the double voyage from the United States to Europe and back the new departure was put down to the credit of the American manufacturers and considered a proof of their quick- ness in realizing that the war had Opened up a new market. This journal, however, made fur- ther investigations and now ennounees that; these bottles are of German man- ufacture, being made atGeresseheim, near Dueeeldorf, in the glass works of P. Hayes. They aro shipped to the United States or to Cuba, and return as American goods. As Holland had offered the same kind of bottles there is no difficulty in telling how they leave Germany, WOMEN WHO SUFFER Can Obtain New Health • Through the Use of Dr. Williams° Pink Pills. Every woman at some time needs a tonic. At special times unusual demands are made upon her strength. Where these are added to the worry and work which falls to her ' lot weakness andaall health will follow unless the blood is fortified to meet the strain. Weak women find in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the tonic exactly suited to their needs. Most of the ills from which they suffer aro due to blood- lessness—a condition which the Pills readily euro.. These pills save the girl who enters into womanhood in a bloodless condition from years of misery, and afford prompt and per- manent relief to the woman who is bloodless, and therefore weak. Mm. Wm. H. Wagner, Rosenthal, Ont., writes:—"After the birth of my se- cond child I suffered from troubles which most mothers will understand, without going into details. The doc- tor who was attending me said an operation would be necessary, but as I dreaded this and as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had been of great help to my sIster•I decided to try this medi- cine, and I can truly say that after using the pills for some time they made a complete cure and made life more enjoyable than it had been for a long time. I think every woman ud'ering from the ailments of our ex should give Dr. Williams' Pink ills a fair trial as I know from my own case the great benefit that fol- lows their use." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ed coats. This cunning model has two box pleats in the front and two in the heels and a large sailor collar. It is particularly adaptable te a light- weight broad -cloth, or serge. McCall •Pattern No. 7596, Girl's Box -Pleated Coat. Pattern in 7 sizes; 2 to 14 years. Price, 15 cents. - - These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, "Dept W". AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are an excel- lent medicine for little ones. They sweeten the stomach; regulate the bowels, break up colds and simple fevers, cure constipation and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. E. Quinn, Paratiiii; Que., writes:— "Baby was troubled with constipa- tion and nothing helped him till I began using Baby's Own Tablets. They are an excellent medicine for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 -cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. NEW AND INTERESTING FACTS Labor -Saving Inventions Used in All Parts of the World. Weight for wight, mi Manila rope is just about as strong as a steel one. Bristles are set in the ends of a nesv coat hanger so it can be used as a brush. Most; of the so-called Egyptian eig, arets are made Of Greek tobacco, as little tobacco is raised in Egpyt. Old age, a Runianian scientist con- tends, is due solely to a decrease in the amount of water in the human system. Under American control the number of lighthouses in the -Philippines has been increased froth twenty-nine to 161, A spoon with a strainer in its bowl to hold butter has been invented .to butter corn on the ear neatly. A hair brush and comb have been combined by an inventor in such a way that they can be used together or either separately, Electric power is being substituted for older forms of energy hi Bombay's extensive cotton mills. To save labor in building roads a cart has been invented that spreads stone evenly as it is dumped. In Mexico there is a 150 -feet bride over a river that is composed entirely of mahogany, worth, at the present price of the wood, almost $2,000,000. A Michigan inventor clairhs many advantages for his six -wheeled auto- mobile, which is steered by the for- ward and rear pairs of wheels at the same time. Thorite, a mineral found principally in Norway, has been found to possess some of the therapeutic powers et radium and to serve as a less expen- sive substitute for it, Swiss optician a have developed an are light in which the carbons are im- Pregnatod with iron salts, produeleg a light rich in ultraviolet rays, for scientific purposes. In a town in the heart of Russian salt fields many honsas. are built of salt,- mita is Matitiout dotes ,Oolao, Ato. Reward of Virtue. "Father, gimme a good lickin' and make me cry,' was the, astonishing request little Jimmy made one day. "What makes you want such an absurd thing?" inquired father.- * "You'll hit me and Pll holler with all my might and mother will wipe my face with her apron and give me a penny and buy candy," came the logical rejoinder. Fairville, Sept. 80, 1902. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,.—We wish to inform you that we consider your MINARD'S LINIMENT a very superior article, and we use it as a sure relief for son throat and chest. When I tell you I would not be without it if the price was one dollar a bottle, I mean it. Yours truly, CHAS:F. TILTON. There are said to be 800 uses for the palmyra palm, which grows throughout tropical India. nunextre Liniment Cures Garget Cows, A Nasty One. She (aftenaa tiff)—I presume you would like your ring back. He—Never mind, keep it, No other girl I know could use that ring unless she wore it on her thumb. heumatism attacks the "outside" man. Pains and aches stiffen his joints and muscles and reduces his efficiency. At the first twingelet Sloan's Liniment, easy to apply, it pene- trates nvIthout rubbing and soothes the soreness. After that long drive or tedious wait in the cold rain apply Moan's Liniment to those stiff fingers; aching wrists and arms. For gout, neuralgia, toothache, bruises, sprains, cold feet, it is promptly effective. At all druggist°, 25c. 50e, and $1.00. 752 14 AeTdmii '`tr's171g.:,. arhor*Ig, Whois Or spare Unto. Good pay. Work sant any pd'ifSone:k oti(ittAr.g.atttlendia end facturing Co., Montreal. , loatfa r "iivt ,'-'31W4450 THE gr.° °f '• of v._ ur barn is the first part to feel the effects a wear and weather. Make your roof wear - proof and you add Many years of better service to your whole barn. Pedlar's "Ceorge" Shingles not only offer the safest pro tec t ion • against weather, wind, fire and Ilea; kbutthtgheet Wh rY, tight on all four vides, make. than graeticedly destructible. imPossiblefor wind, rain Ilnd dominates to get beneath ohirigles and start to rot end doesy your toof. For c0008born roof, Pedlars= how. Write for "The Right Roof" Booklet wv, THE PEDLAR PEOPLE LIMITED (Established MU Executive Office 82 0 SRI IcVtBAar r NT. 3 151ontrLooan1: O 10,,; Ottawa ',Coronto; Winnipeg AtaittoN4 FLORA 01? THE ANTIPODES Great Forests of Australia Filled With Sunshine and Flowers. One readily understands why the Australian lovos his trees, says the National Geographic Magazine. The groves of giant eucalyptus form pic- tures never forgotten, and the scent of the wattle brings a homesick feel- ing like the smell of saga to the west- erner. The flora is not only beautiful, it is unique, and has no counterpart in oth- er lands. Of the 10,000 species of plants, mostfof them are purely Aus- tralian, and are unknown even in New Zealand. The general impression one gets of Australian forests is their total unlikeness to anything seen elae- where. The great forests of timber trees are not damp and shadded and all of one species, but are well lighted and filled with other forests of shorter trees. In places the woods consist of large widely spaced trees surround- ed only by bunch grass, and even in areas where water is not to bo found on the surface for hundreds of square miles true forests of low trees are present. Forms which may be recognized as tulip, lily, honeysuckle and fern take on a 'surprising aspect. They are not garden flowers, but trees, and the landseape of which they form a part reminds one 'of the hypothetical re- presentations in books of science of a landscape of Mesozoic time, a period antedating our own by millions of years. The trees are Indeed these of a by- gone age. In America and Europe shadowy forms of fossil leaves of strange plant species are gathered from the rock, and studied with in- terest; in Australia many of these ancient trees are living, The im- pression that one is looking at 11 land- scape which has forever disappeared from other parts of the world is se vivid that the elms and maples and oaks in some of the city streets strike a jarring note. FF,NCING THE HIGHWAYS. A Conspicuous Evidence Of 'How Can. Aida -Is Being Rapidly Settled: in n journey to -day across the Do- minion, one is impressed by the miles ot farm fencing', particularly in the far west. It seems but mi day when the vast stretches -of our Western ter- , itories from Manitoba to the .Coat were one wide field. To -day„ for hun- dreds of miles, in any direction you travel, railroad and other property ie. substantially fenced; it•shows to what extent these vast areas have come under cultivation either for crops or stock. No better evidence of sub- stantial growth could be had. It is also a tribute to the quality of fencing to be had of Canadian manufacturers. AVIATION TO TIPs INDUSTRY. French Commission Reports on After 'War Plans, mace and Agriculture for France, for the study of all questions regarding aeronautics after tiro war, particular- ly in national or international postal relations has held its first meeting, Deputy D'Aubigny, president of the commission, outlining its programme, said: "Aviation after the war will be an industry of transport, the nature of which must be examined into, itiner- aries between Prance and her colonies and between the Allies, types at ma- chines to be utilised studied and the organization of permanent and relay stations considered. The question of using the immense Mount ot. mater- ial now in service in the war after petite is signed mufti; also be carefully studied."! I • ' MAN' WOOL Hof a /BOW School beartied t4 TitYL ' Up To Their blotto. In the hills of northern Georgia thn Berry School for Boys belleVeii lit' 4o- ing whatever node to be done, 10 motto is, "Ile a lifter, not a Worker." But the position that it holds and the ideals that it maintains were net .at- tained without a struggle. In The Mea of the Mountains, Mr, Arthur W. Spaulding Mlle the story af one of the first cries in the history of the neh001. The mountain boy was ready to plough in the fields, chop ia the woods, hammer on the house; he was not wholly off his ground. in milking the cows, cooking his food and making his bed; but there wore seine things required ofhim that were too obvioile- ly woman's work, The diet Monday Miss Berry summoned her young guard of mountaineers for their first lesson in laundering. The laundry was a washtub out under a tree. "NOw, boys," said Miss Berry, "we aro going to wash clothes. I will show you how. Then each boy is to wash his own garments." There was silence, an electric si- lence, while the naeuntairiliers con- sidered: Then their spokesman, a tall, strapping young feliow, said, "No, ma'am! I ain't never seen no man do no washira, and what's more, I ain't goin' to do it." Calmly Miss Berry played her last card. "If you will not do the wash- ing," she said, "you may watch me while I do it for you." Into the tub wont her round, white arms. It was her first washing, like- wise. Up. and down "sloshed" the clothes over the washboard; up and. down bent the back of the gentle washerwoman. Tho boys stood shee15- ishly regarding her. Exhausted, she finally straightened hor aching back and leaned in weariness against the tub. The chivalry of the mountaineer asserted itself at last. "I ain't never seen it done," deelar- ed the boy who had spoken before, "but I'm a-goin' to wash them clothes." And dashing in, he led his compan- ions in a charge to victory. They Made Him A Different Man What'll Draper Says of Docld's Kidney Pills His Troubles Were.Numerous and of Long Standing, But Four Boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills Drove Them All Away. Sedley, Sask., Feb'y leth (Special.) "Dodd's Kidney Pills made me a dif- ferent man." Tho speaker was Mr Benjamin Draper, well known 'and highly respected here. He is a Inc healthy representative of the prairie , provinces and he says he owes his ' health to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I was in bad shape all round when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills," Mr. Draper continued. "My trouble came from hard work when 1 was young. My joints got stiff, my muscles cramped and I suffered ter- ribly from a sore back. I was de- pressed and low spirited, I was always thirsty and I had, flashes of light be- fore my eyes. "I had rheumatism and heart Rut- terings, mny appetite was fitful, my memory was failing and I was troubled with shortness of breath, Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pine made Inc a new 'mac." Dodd's Kidney Pills cured all Mr. Draper's troubles because they all came from sick kidneys. If you have any of his symptoms Dodd's Kidney will help you. The Judge's Turn. The judge—It seems to me that I have seen you before. Prisoner—You have, my lord, I used to give your (laughter singing lessons. The 'Judge—Twenty years. When Your Eyes Need Care 'bee MurIne Eye Medicine, NO Sinartin g—Pcel Plne—Aots Quickly. Try ft for Red, Weak, Sore Eyes sad Granulated Eyelids, Morino la compounded by our Oetursts—not 0"Patent Mediclnem—but mein successful Phystela,ne, Pl0C4100 for many years. Now dedicated to the Publle and sold by Druggists at 50c per Bottle. Murine Ryo Salve in Aseptic Tubes, e5a and 50a. Wrtio for Book of the Tye rpm MUrinel Eye Remedy Outmn, Ohloogo. Ada Among the tallest tred in the world is the Australian eucalyptus, which attains a height, of nearly 500 feet. Minaret's Liniment Carps Distemper. The New Hat. "Papa, dear, I feel it in my bones that you are going to buy Inc a new hat." "Whieh bone, darling?" "I'm not euro, but I think it's my wishbone. Y ara The commissieti recently appointed aa; ;Iata atra, by 13i. Olemeetel, Minister of Com- attinartve r,tatitiout duns ntaliniositt. Would yon like to end that ter. rible Itching, that burning pale; to heal those horrid soros? Tpu have tried all sorts or fatty' ointments, lotions and powders, Put them aside now and give Nature a chance as represented by Bain -Butt. Zion-Buk is made from herbal es- sences; is a natural healer, Is not something you have to send to the and of the World for, and pay heavy pricel Every druggist will Sell you Zeal -lank and for 10e. Only. Just give it a fair trial end met- ' deafly give yOurself cast by the quickest route. See name on boxm— XSSIJi8 No. 7---'17 MICA AXLE GREASE Makes your wagon run as if it had hall bearings. 11 is the Mica that does it Mloa makes 11 smoother bearing sur- faceand a longerwearing grease, Dealers every- where, THE IMPERIAL 011. COMPANY Limited BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA 9s 014 Upward TRIAL Jimeticam, FOLLY GIDRAMILD ' CREAM SEPARATO *SOLID PROPOSITION 10o105 NT•P:t'011"t11°. '"Y ,l000retar 80. 741r2, gftgig,r. taIloroatT:41 MonthlyPaymentPlan Shipments made promptly front, Orlit'5A1ri01!"*.°0;• ;daIy lo laro 000,011, :nrog; 507100nt phm. B.A.11EIAN SEPARATORZ8I4 7/44.WillP438101/18 tr070 .0414,711 laftOPIT-AtetIcat°1YS 4410 7crrl Onleee for sole in sopa Peterte *ewes. ,Inwierionoet:lzyul eoralv I:iota:00m Pinas 7S West Atlatalae atraet, emot.. or all euateeasett all terormajtori ea eaplication le Witaan Febilletiln Cent. e'lAssmart, TUMORS, LUIYIPS. Ee, Ttt Internal and 01tternni, oaredWttts. out faith by OUP hams tveatrnent. wen* Us before tea late, Pr, notelet* ueetoat timkteo, ceittneweeo, oat, 000Se ON DOG DISEASES Audi How to Feed • waned tree le any mums by A111111111's the aaelor flues' H. CLAY GLOVER CO., Inc. Beg Remain 118 Weet 3Ist Skeet, Near York The Soul of a Piano is the Action. Insist on the IOTTO PIANO AOTION ..nrataasammonnanetwamanaomusouar..... -ATtificitil Teeth Bought Send us your Old. false tootin plates and gold. We remit best nosh value by return inert. Gold & Platinum Refining Cos 54 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Ilk LAMEST FililffROOP RESORT ' ncrinal TIE WORLD ,Alaata Who Spirit of Asnorion, at play Magnttude and Cheerfulness AMADD,ICAN PLAYS' EATROTDAIL/ PLAN 51,11 liffleiter, Pres. T. W. hitott, uramenzmwarzza,. Pocbtr Tells How T Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent Ira One Week's Time In Many Instancea A Free Prescription Yon Can Ilave Filled and Use at Home. asseen.—De yriu wear glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? If on, you will bo glad to know that according to Dr. Lexie there is real hope for you. Many Whose eyea were foiling say they have bad their eyes restored through the principle of this won- derful free prescrintiOn. One man says, after trying It: "1 waa almost blind; could not see to read at all. New I can read everything withoutany glossae and my eyes do not water any =ore At night they would pain dreadfully; pow they feel Ana all the time, 11 was like a miracle to me." lady who used it soya: The atmosphere seemed basy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems clear. I can oven read fine print without glasses." It is believed that thousands who we glossae oan now discard them In a reasonable time and Multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so 00 to be spared the trouble and expense of over getting glasses. Eya troubles of man), tiesrriptiona. may be wonderfully. benefited by followini th5 simple rules. Hero is the nemesi Ha- oot Lo to any active drug store and get a bottle or Bon-Opto tablets. Drop one lion -Opt, tablet in a fourth of a glass of wetter and allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four Cotes daily. You should notice your eyes dna. up perceptibly right from the start and inflammation will quickly disappear. If your Dyes aro bothering you, oven a little, take steps to save them now before it is too late. Meer hopebtorly hired might have been Laved it they bud cared for their eyee in time. Noto: Another Malin.= Physician to whom the above allele was submitted. *0)1): "Bon-Ooto ts very remarkable remedy. Its constituent ingredients aro 1011 10000 to eminent eye epealellsta and widely prescribed by them. The nInnUfttctUreni 500ranto0 It Lo fitrOngthen Oyffilght 60 per 000t In 000 10,051* Unto AIi111lm01i"rtIM% Zoom 40Oltupgt 0,0001', 10 ecu 110 o,ot 11, 0110 01 111, very kir preparations 1 ice) !mould be kept on hand ler regular One In almost every family. rho Velma Drug Co., 010,0 4. Toronto. vita GI your orders U 7001 drUgglIt. C00110i. .111.14travxmralluamariplacq9IsSIT. Bigger—War-Crops Are an Investment Worth While Put into your hungry soil a few- dollars/ worth et proper fertilizer and take out many extra dollars in profits from larger crops. Farmers all over Canada are making extra profits in these days of splendid market prices by enriching their lands with FERTILIZERS They are food for both the seed and, the soil. We want you to let our experts give you their advice in the proper selection of fora Isere for your owe particular smile,' From our reports of testa and results even by our 25 different kinds of fertillzern used in various soils all over Canada, we are able to help you select the right fertilizer that will get bigger crops for gee, There is a liarab-Davies fertilizer for every kind of soil. Our fertilizer booklet and bulletins give directions that will enable you to get excellent results. Write for them now, Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto. sliNt4-174,,I., • - 77: Making Two Blades Grow Where Only One Grew Before. 8It)::iyoeecutti:tiva tion'af ti malt area is more profi tab te Mau the unskilled farming of a large one. Tire judicious nee of the proper fertilizer on your laud will incrense raw' profits front so to ItOGRESSivu farmers to -day recognise Lhe fact that they cannot continually atop their lauds. drawing ou ptant foods in the soil—wl tit out puitingsomething back—and realise that the GUNNS rani:12NA' particularly cotnpounded f or use ou Canadian 8011. Properly n ad consistently applied they are not all expeuditure, but an investment which will yield constantly increasing returns 1.11 larger Drops. Polly years` experience and reputation back them up. Pm booklets and mice list write 77-C GUNNS LIMITED, WEST TORONTO •�11..."'V A 1,:e11,44`,104.1• en anted for the Navy The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve, wants men for imme. diate servige Overseas, in the Imperial Navy Candidates must be from 18 to 38yeers of age end sous of natural born Britiolt lals0bAjee14, $1.10 per dtty end itowertis . Free Kit. •••••''‘7 ••• SoparfttiOnt 01lowanoc, $20,00 monthly. laxecrieuced teen from 18 to 41, and boye from la to 18 are wanted for the CANADIAN NAVAI. piruois. Apply to CoMfiebolta re11111.1138 JARVIs. Revel Rectultirie Officer, Ontario Area, tel IIAY STREET, TORONTO. or to the Paper ttl en L of Naval Service, 0'AVA,