HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-15, Page 5February 15 th, 1017 Clinton News -Record Huron Will Do Its Share. The following latter lice boon re. .'rived by I4rs, 1lanilton of Godes- cell Presleget of tie Federated WO alta sP atriatia Saoroties 01 Huron tohfrlty, and i'y her hent along 10 ilia Seeretaryt of the C,W, C1.A., , here, Mrs, Axon, A2re, llamill0rl would very much like if the Societies' of i1urou could raise $500 and thus ;provide fora room in .1110 new hos- antal building. The Executive sus - pets' that to nfue Sooietios ship. Plug from Clidten centre raise $75, which would be a fair share. 'There . aro many_ 01(115 and there will con - thew :to be many calls ; those who cannot fight ,Rust pay and 'roust not tire. 'It Is an easy wall of doing `bur ]kit"' To the .p'a'triotic workers of Wes- iern Ontario :—Tho great war is note well 0n, into the third year and back to Canada aro corning the men who in the prime of life .and strength • Weal out, to fight folk freedom. "They are coming back broken and disabled, and: wetly of then victims of the terrible soourgo of 'Tuberculosis. The Government is ere.ting at 13yron Stmt tum, special buildings where 0slaber of those unfortuihato hero- ' es may r'cefvo care and treatment,( eft , and .the London Branch of the O.E. C.S. has undertaken the' furnishing and equipment of these buildings at a' cost of at least $15,000. While this fs distinctly, Rad Cross wore+', 11 15 a. special object, and the, Society counts on the generosity of its con- tributors throughout Western Ontar• 10 to aid in this magnificent work. A contribution of $500 entitles the .Society or individual so contributing 't0 imene a zoom.. These rooms are to accommodatefrom four to six patients, and the buildings altogeth- er will accommodate some 120 pa- tients, Is it not well worth while to have a share in restoring these men to health andstrength , and en- abling them to again take their places in the world instead of -allow- ing them to return to their homes to be a sure source of contagion to their families and the community at large ? If your Society( or any in- dividual therein, wishes to contribute any sum to this fund, kindly com- munieate with the Treasurer or Cor, See. of the London Branch. Please make all cheques or money orders . payable to the Red Cross Society. Goderich Township The Young Ladies' Patriotic Socie- ty ,meets next Wednesday, afternoon At the home of Miss Flossie Cole. Mr, aud Mrs, John McCartney left 111ondap for their home at Hilton, Man., after a visit with the former's brother„Mr. T. 111. McCartney. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment .with kill members present. Minutes of last meeting, read and approved. `1'he auditors presented the 'financial statement for the year 1916.•. On motion of Councillors Holland and Ginn. the reeve, declared the aud- itor's report received. The following accounts received the sanction of the council and orders were drawn on the treasurer and signed by, the reeve for the' same. Geo. W. Sturdy for valuating sheep killed by, dogs $4, Geo. 0. Sturdy sheep kilted by dogs $20, George Mcllwain, sheep kil- led by.' dogs $15;! Chas. Lee, nails • 11,20, Auditors Gould and Sturdy $5 each, postage -sand stationary 25c. On motion of Councillors holland and Gfnn the council accepted the tender of the Goderich Star for printing for the year 1017. • The following changes were made in the ' pathmasters and . poundkeep- ers : James Johnston instead of $, .rd Chambers for patlnnaster for di'ision No. 23. Russel Neal and Chris. Beacom, were appointed by mistake for "the sante load division -tire council decided that Russel Neal be pathmaster for Road Division No. 31, and J. R. ;Holmes was ap- pointed poundkeeper instead of Win. Mullholland for polling division No. 5. On motion of Vanderburg and Ginn the council adjourned to meet thlt first Monday in. March,—Adam Caute- lon, Clerk, Marriages ADAMS,—FOX.—At Wingliahu, on February 3rd, 'I4arry. Adams to Margaret Ethel Fox, both of Wroxeter. Births E:ING.—In Goderich, on Feb. 1st, to 1/r. Mid Mrs. Gree. E, Ring, a daughter. A.DDISON•,—In Hullett, on February 8th, • to IVIr, and Mrs. William Addison; .a son. , Deaths rl'HOIVIPSON.- In Clintou, on Feb, 4.4041.4th, Robert Thompson, aged 79 .years and 11 months, £#RAHAIVL I0 Goderich, on Fobru- • 9131 7th, Jane Whitely, widow of the late James Graham of Shen- pardton, aged 87 years, MOIR.—In Toronto, at the home of his son -111 -law, Dr. Seller%, on. Feb, 1st, William Moir, formerly of Heiisall,' in his 80th year. HAILDING,--L1 Gerrie, on February. 1st,' John Harding, in his 70th year.; also his wife, Margaret Jane Irwin, fn herj 00th year, J'ARDINE,—In Goderich, an Jane- ary 31st, Elizabeth Jardihe, wi- dew of the late .Jobe Jardine, aged 66 years and 10 months, +Jl LLYAR—At Bowmenville, Feb. 130, Mrs. John Heltyer•, mother -of Mr, W, H. IJ'ellyar of, town, aged 87 %tars and 7 months, Ro131,RTON• -At W(llkerberii, on Feb, 60, Alexander Roberton,, aged 80 years, $itanleb Township Mx. and 1Vlr5. Wm, Honker and Faster Russel 'spout Sunday at the home of the latter.'s parents, lir.. and Mrs. Jas. lloyee, ROM McKinley attended the War Auxiliary meeting at Clintou last weer(, Mrs, J, E. Hartwell, who has neon visiting friends in this vicinity for 50015 time, loft for her home in the •west on Tuesday, Mr,..Harnwell pre- ceded her abouts two'weolcs ago, Mr, John Davidson, who is work, ing in the munition factory, Sea- forth, spent the weak -end with his 1001113' in Bayfield, Mr, and Mrs. Will Foster and Miss Opal .spent Friday' evening at the home, of Mr, \vuh, Rathwell; ' Mr, Goorge'MeC•linelaey has sold. his farm to lir. Albert Boyce for the sum of $8600. This farm contains' fifty acres of good soil, Albert has got the cage now, no dpubt the bird will be forthcoming. Mr, M0C11nchey has purchased Mr. Andrew Dunkin's -.larin near Varna, for which he pays $0500. This is al- so a good farm and well built on. We coegratula'to George on his pur- chase. The following 1,e the January re-' port ofS.S. No. 5. Tho names are o S order er of merit : ind Sr, 4th—Pearl Stephenson 375, May Pollock 180 (missed one exam.) Jr, 4th -Elinor McKinley 168, Myr- tle' Armstrong 144, Wilmer McLinch- ey 42 (missed one exam). • Sr, 3rd—Edna McLinchey 05, Ilia - bel Calver 57. Jr. 3rd—Willie McLinehey 83. Jr. 2nd—Frank MeLinchey 241, Alice McLinchey 221, Clara Stephen- son hon - son 181, Ernest McLinchey 84 (miss- ed one exam), Carnet McLinchey 78 (missed one exam). Tart 2ntl—Mabel McLinchey 25. Primer—Irene McLinchey. The best spellers in the monthly spelling match were : Sr. 40 -Pearl Stephenson. Jr, 4th—Mytrtle Armstrong., Sr. 3rd—Mabel Calver. Jr. 3rd—Willie Mclanelhey, Jr. 2nd -Alice McLinchey. Pt. 2nd—Mabel McLinchey. R. Mcl3eth, Teacher.. The following is tite January mon- thly report of S.S. No. 14, names in order of merit : 5th—H. W. Rathwell S. _II Thompson, G. C. MacLean. Sr. 4th—A—R. V. lIc'Clynront, Z. 13, Moore, M. A. Cooper. Sr. 4th— 13— E. P. Fisher, N. J. Hood, 0.. H. Fairbairn. Sr. 8rd--L. E. Hyde, W. M. Ross, W. L. Workman. Jr, 3rd— L. S. Near, L. M. Foster, F. R. Par- sons. Sr. 2nd—W. A. Ross, L. C. Workman, D. 111. Foster. Jr. 2nd — Ruth Jarrot, ID. F. Anderson, 0. M. • Anderson. 2nd pt—Jean E. Macken- zie. 1st pt—H. A. Dinsdale, , P, M. Mackenzie, L. Moffatt. The 1 best 'spellers in the monthly spelling mat- ches were :-5th—Sidney Thompson. Sr. 4th—r1—V. h IcClymont. Sr. 4th —13—Grace Cooper. 3rd—W. L. Work- man. Sr. 2nd—Lloyd Workman. Jr. 2nd—Elva Anderson. • ist pt— H. A. !Misdate. Auburn The Patriotic concert given in the Forester's hall on Friday night was well attended. Mr. Ilarvey Lloyd of Toronto kept the audience laughing all the thne. The chairman, Dr. lIilne of Blyth, made a very excel- lent address on Patriotic work and urged every person to help whatever way possible. Proceeds amounted to over ninety dollars. Miss Eliza Pierce has' been laid up for the past month and is not re- covering as fast as her many' friends would like to see. Miss Fanny Scott is ' indisposed with a severe attack of la grippe. One of the oldest pioneers of Hul- lett township passed • away on Tuesday in the person' of- Mr, Mex, Roberton of \\'alkerburn. The deceas- ed was born in the township of Dun - fries, near Galt, about eightyyears ago, and came to Hullett at the age of twelve years. He is survived by Mrs. Roberton, three sons, Robert of Galt, James of Hullett, aud W. T. of Londesboro and two daughters Mrs. Whitley of Manitoba and Mrs. Wright of Hullett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott of Win- nipeg are spending a (were at the home of Mr. John McKnight. A ubIrn Alossre, Chas. Beadle and itir. Pa- ler are busy getting all their sup11131 of ace, The annual convention of the Au- burn Sunday Selma Aseoci<atiou was hold in Knox church on Wednesday' of last week and Vwa5 very well at- tended. There wore afternoon and evening sessions , and among the speakers were Rev, :a•, Laing, Rev. W, I3.,. Hawkins, Rev, J, W. Med- ley, Rev, R, 0. MoDiarmld, Mr, John Dustow and •Miss Marion Ir- win, Last Wawanosh The Young People's Club . of 8, S. No, 10, East Wawanosh intend hold ing a box social in . the McGowan school 'eii t -he evening of ,Feb. 23rd. An excellent programme is being prepared' consisting of readings, dia- logues, drills, vocal and :instrument- al music, etc, Each lady is re;iuest- ee t0 bring a box hired with lunch for two. Boxes will be auctioned, Proceeds to be given to the Red Cross Society. FOR SALE.-FRAMIJ HOUSE AND Stable, on Rattenburyi Street. Ionso has s fl rooms, electric light, t , furnace, town water and soft wa- ter in the kitchen. Must be sold at once as the proprietor is leaving town.—J. G. West. -76. PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD effects, at my hone, Londesboro, on Feb. 28rd and 2Ith.--Mrs. Jas. Woodman, 76-1 SHEEIP AND PIGS FOE SALE.— 7 well-bred Leicester ewes and six chunks of pigs. For particulars apply to—Gifford Crich, R. R.' No. 3, Seaforth. Phone, 10 on 136, Clinton. -,76. I \tISII TO INFORM TIIE LADIES of Clinton that I am prepared to make switches and fancy braids. Nothing but absolutely elean hair handled. Money refunded if work is not clone satisfactorily],— Mrs. William Proctor, Wellington St. —76-12 AUCTION SALE ON FARM STOCK and Implements' will be held at Lot 16, Bayfield Road, Stanley, mile west of Varna,, on Friday, March, 2nd, at 1 o'clock. Horses —draft mare, 8 years old, draft marc rising 5 years in foal, Perch- eron filly rising . 4 years, , draft fir ly rising 4 years, draft gelding ris- ing 3 years, Blood mare 4 years old, sired by Noupariel,, dam by Lord Ferguson, grand dam by Oliv- er Wilks. .This is a green mare and has shown a mile in 2.22, and with good care and training is likely to be very fast. She is also kind and gentle and a good driver. Cattle -4 cows in calf, hei- fer, rising 3 hicalf, 3 steers rising 8, 2 • ]lepers rising 3, 2 steers ris- ing 2, 2 heifers rising 2, 4 spring calves, 2 dry cows. Sheep -13 reg- istered Shropshiredown ewes, 2 rams. Pigs—brood sow due to lit- ter April 14th, 6 store pigs. Imple- ments—MasserHarris binder, al- most new, • Deering Giant mower, Tiger ' steel rake, Massey Harris cul- tivator, disc Barrow,' 14 plates, steel land roller, Cockshutt single riding plow, Noxon seed drill, Kan- garoo two -furrow plow, swifter, stoneboat, fanning mill, set weigh scales, capacity 1000 lbs., 2 lumber wagons, set bobsleighs, hap 'rack, stock rack, pulper, cutter, steel tired buggy, set diainond harrows, rubber tired buggy, ,walking plow, set double harness, 2 sets single harness, cream separator, churn. A quantity of hair, 12 bushels of a.' choice clover seed, 2 hives of bees, a number of bee boxes, also some household furniture and other ar- ticles. All will be sold as the proprietor • has sold . his farm. Terms :—Sums of ten dollars and under, cash. Over that amount 8 months' credit on approved joint notes. A discount of l cents on the dollar will be allowed for cash on credit amounts.—A. Duncan, Pro- prietor, T. Brown, Auctioneer. —,76-2 MAKE YOUR DOLLARS AT THE FRONT'. B U Y DOMINION OF CANADA THREE-YEAR WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES $ 25.00 FOR $ 21.50 50.00 " 43.00 100.00 " 86.00 y INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES. LIMITSC1 ro moo. FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE rINANem b6PARTM(0NT OTTAWA JAN. 3, 1911 Concert Don't Miss it 1Enederaged I(y tllo .succors of last year's play the 3 001)g people of Sten - ley have deoidod to put on wittier in Baird's wheel house, 2011 000,, on Friday, Feb, 23rd The ,pla31 1S'a cpmdy in live acts ontltod, n'phe Deaeo,' Full of life card wit, Proceeds tomgo to Patriot- fo Association of Stanley. Ilvery- lledyr come. F011 SALE ;CHEAP. FRAMD staple, to be taken 110(5,1 anti re- moved. For particulars apply to— J. Torrance, Clinton. —70, FOR SALi,.—MR. WILFRID COL- Clough oilers his fine farm, 80 acres on the 11 con, of Co(loricih town,:_ ship, for sale, It is situated 111. miles south of IIolmesvillo, is in good state of cultivation, 32 acres plowing clone, 48 acres under hay; 2 never -failing wells, one with wind- mill attached, in good 'working or- der. (toed frame barn 40x50 feet:' rearm well fenced, - mostly woven (vire fencing. For particularsapply to—Wilfrid Colelougb, R. le, No, 3, ,, Clinton. —76. TWO HEAVY DRAI`T GELDINGS and 4 bushels of No. 1 seed beans for sale. Apply( to—R. ' E, Col- elough, It R. No. 3, Phone 20 on. 160, . —70. SEED 01T FOR S L A U AA- ty of improved Banner Oats: Ar - ple-Henry' Peacock, London Road, . or call phone 13 on 146. —75-2. MAN WANTED.—MARRIED MAN, for farm work. Steady! employ- ment with good home, eta, Duties to begin Mareh 10111. Apply—D. A. Forrester, Clinton. -74, VANTED—HORSE HIDES, BEEF Hides, Skunk, Coon, Mink, or an% other Furs. -James Steep, .Licensed ta deal• in furs. - - —04 FARM FOR SALE, — 100 -ACRE farm for sale, 2zi• miles,- north of Clinton on the' Gravel Road, Hul- lett township. On the premises are a bank barn 50x60 with stone stab- ling underneath and 1- storey 8 - roomed 11:0010 house with good cel- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush ; first class soil. This farm is convenient to schools and churches ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purchas- er. For particulars apply to—John -Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., Strat- ford, Ont. —62, BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. Ten rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc.— T. T. Murphy. —44. FOR SALE—THE PROPERTY ON Rattcnbur street occupied Dr. y p by Gaudier, including house, office, barn and -two lots. Will -he sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in stable. Hard and soft water in bathroom, kitchen and summer lc! 1- chen.—Apply to Dr. Gandier. -40. NOTICE NOTIOO is hereby given that Mar- garet Bell Oharlesworth, of the Town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the province of Ontario, wife of Leo- pold Otto Oharlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will apply to the Par- liament of Canada at the next session thereof for a hill of divorce from her husband, the said Leopold • Otto Oharleswortb, of the said town of Blyth, in the County of Hm'on. fn the Province of Ontario, merchant, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, this 10th day of January; 1017. Margaret Bell Charlesworth, -• By her Solicitor, William Thornburn Witness, A. V. Darrach. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the part- nership heretofore existing between Seeley & West will be ended on Feb. 10th, 1011 It is necessary that all aec0nnts due this firm be paid not later than Feb, 3rd, 1017. After said, date all accounts nor, (hoc paid will necessarily be col- lected, Persons having aceo(anbe against said firm will please send them in so they can be settled by Feb, 101114011, Seeley & West BOARS FOR ShIlVICi.—A YORK - shire and a Berkshire at Lot 34, Coll. 1, Stanley, one mile south of Clinton, on London Road. Terms-- $1 at time of service with prfvil» ege of returning,—John Ashton, 75•-8. PURR BMA) R.IdG15f1'I AJ D Y011,1C.4 shire, bred by J, T, us'ethout of Burford, Ont. Terms i $1 cask or $1.25 if not So paid. — Fred f„ Potter, Huron Roads —46., McCOIIM10K AII'IDNCY.- I I•IAVE. talten over the agency for the M, Ogrmicic Implements and moved it to my place of business, the oar, riago and repair slop, Huron street, where I will keep on hand a full lino of ihnpiemeets, repairs; twine ete. .An order r from yo u will receive prompt attention,— Wilson Elliott. r45 CREAM WANTED, — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply' two cans free,. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par, We pay, the high- est market prides Consistent with an honest test, 'resting done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement ,returned, Thane in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr, Hall who will deliver le here, Weito for cans and (Pe us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth 'Cream- ery., Box 480, Seaforth, Ant. FOR SALE 012 J'0 RENT.—AN 8 - roomed house on Princess street. Furnace and bath. Now occupied by W. C''ollyer.—For particulars ap- ply to W. S. Harland, Rattenbury street, Clinton. —55 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED. RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible -notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good ,work. I ala prepared to French Dry Clean Ladiess Sluts, Or -anti's Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended to, Rooms over Johnson's jewelery Store.—Wm. J. Jago. —55 Cream Wanted Any quantity of cream handled at highest price for butter fat, Cream called for or taken in the first three days of the week at Holmesville. Yon may see ynur cream tested for your- self, - Satisfaction Guaeanteed, Cream paid for every week PHONE 17 ON 143 „,,,,, L„ M. JERVIS HOLMESVILLE. Cream Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken in every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed, tested and paid for while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan- ted. Fowl received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON, General Merchant, SUMMERHILL, BIRTHDAY GIFTS Here Are a Few , suggestions Wiist;.Wiitehes and Pocket Watches ;L:oc1ets, Fobs, Necklets, Diamond Pearl and Signet Rings Mantle Clocks, Kitchen Olocke, and Small Fancy ()locks I have the largest and best assorted display of Clocks ever shown in town 8 daypMantle:Clocks with cathedral gong, in oak and mahogany. Manicure Sets, Cut Glass, Silverware Spectacles of all kinds 'and Repairs, Drop in and look around, you are, under no obligation to buy. ' R. H. JOHNSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Optician and Jeweler DessertforDinner Are you looking, for something to make Dessert for Dinner if so we can supply yon with Quality Goods for Dessert, Extra Nice Prunes for Pies or Sauce 2 lbs for 25c Oooking figs 10c per lb. Good cooking apples always on band . Rice, Tapioca, Cornstarch, etc, all make•asplendid Dessert for dinner at this time of yeer. Magnolia Peas, Corn and Tomatoes are of the highest Braude, New stock of Catsup, Sweet and Mixed Pickles (in bulk or bottle) H. P, Sauce and Oliyes all add zest to the ap- petite. 2 large cans of Pork and Beans for 25c Try our leader in 25c Soap, € bars for Highest Market Price for Produce %Johhnson & Co. The Store of Quality. 9'Iimee orders pcomptly, attended to, vOR SAM—IIOUSJJ O' 0 BATTEN, bury street formerly occupied by the late Mrs, Wm, Murray, A.1) - ply to 0, D. McTaggart, —32' GIRLS ..TED WE ' CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A3 PEW MORE KNIT-. T.1ItS, ETC. APPLY AT ONCE, Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED. • II�E I PoRTRY MINTED T p6 d1tl/N ED e moa. We are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry., Ilighest mar k e t price paid.—Phone 14 on 106. Special prices for fat hens W. MARQUIS D00'I About the high price of grain and feed for your flock of.hons, as eggs and poultry are expected, to ha corres- pondingly thigh this coming season, u0 Now is the time to order your Prairie State Incubator Why depend on the uncertain old hen for hatching when an incubator will do the work better and cheaper. Get your chickens hatched early and get the big price for broilers. The early pullets will be your next win- ter's layers. Get an lncubatnr and hatch your chicks when you please GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live TELEPHONE Your Groceiy Wants to GUR STORE We are always glad to have you visit our store in doing your purcbas. lug so we may personally select your goods and so we may become better ac quainted with you and your needs, When you find it more convenient to telephone, however you can depend on us to look after your orders is a man- ner that wilt please you, CALL 45 And you will have your order taken, packed, and delivered in a satisfactory manner. We appreciate your phone trade. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs a E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. PLACE YOUR ORDER for some of our Western Oats, which we have just received and we will charge you no more than if they were just the ordinarygrade of oats. If you wish ta secure some of these Oats, place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full stack of Flour and Feed. W. Jenkins & Son. FI,OUR AND FEED, Phone 199, highest prices paid 101 Grain and Wool, Ellevator, Rosideneo bkiono 9-142e r-Ekc ll'ESI A' BARGAIN FOR YOU We are selling this week, large luscious dried Peaches at only 10 cents per lb. These sre away below whole- sale price and will not last tong. , Just the thing for pies, Brimfield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and Cement Yards, We are again prepared to pay the highest spot Cash prices for all kinds of logs, in bulk or by the thousand, either in the bush or de- livered in our yards, We also handle all kinds of I cgs and Lumber, Lehigh Valley and Scranton Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can- ada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc.. If in the market for any or the above items it will pay you to tel- ephone. JOHN B. MUSTARD Head Office BRUCEFIELD. We have added a stock or New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store, We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stook and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken In ex•, change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Respite?. Plumbing, Heating and Eavetroughing.. Get our prices on your next season's ea.vetrough order now and save money. Agent for Hecla Furnaces • THOS. HAWKINS. tui SFijop , over Rowland's Hardware, a PHONE 53, The BigStore Ohoice Peaches (dried) 13c per lb Choice Prunes 15e per ib Syrup in Pails 35c each Syrup in Pails 70c each Molasses in 21b tins 18e each Purity Oats in packages 26c each Don't forget uhat we have Stantield's Underwear in all sizes, We sell P'errin's Dairy Cream Sodas in 13c, 28c and 3550 packages, or by the pound. Nothing to equal them, For Saturday A Good Broom for 26c 18 lbs Granulated Sugar for 1,00 wl Will pay you 88e for butter, in trade, 10. Bounsbery LOld DES. BORO The big stole with little prices