HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-08, Page 8Clinton News- Record February lith,, 181'7 Soho Commerce CLINTON, ONTARIO WIN TIER TERM begins Wednesday. January 3rd, 1917 if you cannot attend day school, you may take a course in Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping by attending Night Classes Classes Monday and Wednesday Terms !Moderate. You have always intended to take a Commercial and Stenographic Course sometime—DO IT NOW Learn More to Earn More Positions Guaranteed to Students. B. F. WARD, B.A. M.Accts,., Phone 20S, . Principal Ladies atlas 4.95 During the next two weelis it is our aim to turn every ladies or.child's mantle now in stock into cash— In order to do this we have simply ignored the regular prices of these goods and are marking them at prices that must mean a quick clean-up of every garment. As an extra special we:have put in one lot, about 15 Ladies Coats that original13 sold at from $10 to $15 and have priced the lot, choice $4 95 .iso some Children's Coats at 1.05 up We are also cleaning tip at big Price neduction a lot of odd lines and broken sizes of winter goods which we positively will not carry over for another year. _. Phone 25 swan JL 1Uhlst3 '•'` Os More Profits • Business AGENTS—SEMI-READY OLOTHING, NEW 1.DEA PATTERNS Two New BOORSI Fragments from F1 once The tsar reduced to giro aunt gene,' some absurdity; the fen of the wee by opo who lies been through 'it, and shows what Ire has seen, and hetrcl, and fait --incl laughed at. BINDLE 21,000 copies sold in a few months, Home of the words said almnt it are, "13ipole will twist a smile pout the wryest mouth." It ., makes us gurgle quietly and con• ou tieusly.' "A delicious piece of fooling:" Both above are good to send to the boys at the front or in the hospital. They will heip•the eireets of the mod - Mal men. Tf a W.11 Fair Co. Often the Cheapest Always the Best t Mew ensue UN 14Iis. Janes A. Ford is in London this week; • - I)r, Gaudier was in. Toronto for a day or so 11iis week. Miss Kate Webster was in Luckuow over the week -end. Miss Rena Pickett visited. with Sea - forth friends oVel; the wee t -end, Miss Lizzie Cameron of Bayifield was the guest of Mrs. Holmes over the week-end,t,!risiiim c{lj Miss Clete Ford of the Conservatory stall, London, spent last week at t I tier home in town. Miss Menne Falk, of C'radebill, was the guest of ..her aunt, Mrs. C. AR - am for a few days last week. Mrs. J. A. Robinson roturnel Fri- day last from a visit of several weeks at her home in Merkdalo. Miss Marion Irwin was one of the speakers at the Sunday school con- vention onvention held at Auburn yesterday. Miss Florence Cmunghame is in Tor- onto this week visiting friends and taking in the Mendelssohn concerts. Diss. Kitty returned last week after a two months' visit with her dau- ghter, Mrs. IL. 1'. Westgate of Sandwich. arks HIattie Baker of Fullerton has been visiting at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs, E. G. Cotirtice ddriug the past week. Mrs. J. Twitchell -left yesterday mor- ning for a visit with her son, itIr, Harry Twitchell, and other friends in Toronto. Mrs. Chambers- is naw able to bo about after being confined to the house -Mr several weeks with an at- tack of grippe. Miss Leila. Ford left • Monlay morn- ing For London, where she has ac- cepted a position on the supply staff of the Public scnools, • Mr. and Mrs. T. White of Lloydmin- stor, Alta., are visiting the- for- mer's sister, Miss White of town, and may remain for some •time. Mrs, Perrott of Paris and Mrs. A, J. Henderson of l3uffalo are guests at the home of the latter's moth- er, Mrs. J. Shepherd, Townshend r t1 Bous9 hoes If your boy is hard on his shoes, bring him here ! We have had shoes built to stand the abuse the average boy gives his shoes. Parents who test our Boys Shoes find that it requires less money to' keep the boy in good looking shoes when they buy the sort of shoes we sell ! Gun Metal, Box Calf, and Uris Leathers Inside and Outside Stays to Prevent Ripping Solid, Durable Shoes, but not Clumsy 1.50 2.00 2.50 to 3.50 According to size. .orrattr. FRED. JACKSON THE GOOD SHOE STORE MINVIIIREMeene asisszriu A Beautiful Art Square lends a•charm to the room. It has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We h ave at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels, Axminstera, Wil. tons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prides. We would be most pleased to show them to you.; JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone fry 28 s nee I. Mrs. J. P. Sheppard and her daugh- ter, Miss Myrtle, of New 13rigden, *ata., who have been visiting rela- tives at Oil Springs for some weeks, have been in town and vie- infty during the past week visiting friends. • Mrs, Jas. A.. Tucker of Saskatoon, Sask., formerly of town who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and 1VIrs. Williamson of Goderich town- - ship, and with other friends ia tine vicinity, since carlp In December, left yesterday for her borne in the west. Mr. ]7. J. Howard of London Was in town for a couple of days last week, "Ed." was for several years a well-known citizen of Clinton and he does. not forget his old friends here. Nor do his friends forget hint for they are always glad to wel- come him on his return visits. The ewsReeord For Neal, Well Exeeuited Job Vforli. eret.� A� yur u �1� 1 ,�,�� A to --Unkno ntler You can tell at a glance whether an Underwear garment is warm; whether it is com- fortably soft:. whether it Is well finiFhed, BUT: Its wearing power remains obscure. So does its resistance to the wash -tub. !How are you going to know—positively-that it will resist the hardest wear yon can give it for several seasons ? How can you be sure it will net shrink? We answer: Come here and buy a suit of Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear. Care- ful making has given it stamina, And it is guaranteed against shrinkage. ,SthfirEELIN hiDERWEAn ALSO A FULL LINE, of MEN'S FURNISHINGS at MEN'SOUR STORE Opposite Public Library r tl sliyIILDS wiakawiaa Women's Store A DryGoods, HouseFurnishIngs phone 67 Next to Royal Bank Lien's Store Custom Tailoring and pb one 103. Men's Furnishings Opposite Public Library Saejfeld The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church intend giving a play, "The Stolen Diamonds" on Friday vot- ing; of next week in the town hall. Half of the proceeds will she donated to the Patriotic Fund, Rev. F..Rickard left en Monday for Ms former home at Dorchester, where he will spend a few weeks tor the benefit of his health. Dr. Woods and A. ,Id. Erwin at- tended a meeting of the Huron War.. Auxiliary at Clinton on Tuesday. Mrs. F. A. Edwards left on S'e:l- uesday for Kitchener to spend a few weeks with friends, • In Kincardine on Tuesday morning James Dewar, aged eighty-four ears passed away. The remains were brought to the home of his son, Dav- id Dewar of the Sizable Line, Stan- ley, on Wednesday morning and in- terment takes place this afternoon to the Bayfield 'cemetery. Rev. A. Mac- farlane Conducts the .services at the house and grave. Word was received here last week of the death on January 20th of Mrs. Robert Morrison, which took place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Marks, Oberlin, Kansas, with whom she has made her home for a number of wars. Some seven weeks previous slie had a fall,. the injur- ious effects of which she ,was unable to overcome. The deceasei, Lucy Marie Plested, was born at'A,cas- ter, Ont., February 24th, 1812 an:i married to Robert Morrison, Sept. 0th, 1881. They had a family of eight children, four of whom, Edwin D., and Bertram of Los Angeles ; George TC., of Winnipeg and Mrs. R. A. Marks of Oberlin, and two step children, Mts. John Watson of Winnipeg, and W. A. Morrison of London, survive, 'The body was tak- en to Florence, Ontario, ,the home of her childhood, where it, was laid to rest beside of that of her husband and the children who have gene be• fore. Mrs, Morrison lived for many years in Buyfleld, Mr. Morrison hav- ing, conducted business in. the 'store now owned by F. A, Edwards, and het loving, Christian character and many acts of kindness will never be forgotten by 1,er many friends who will regret to hear of her demise. • Stanley Township Mr, and Mrs, Wellington Elliott and Miss Olive and INi.ss Florence Pollock and also Miss Lottie 'Pollock of Canaro; Sask., were guests at the home of Mr. W. Rathwell on Wednes- day evening of last week, Mr. Chas. Rathwell is visiting fri- ends ill London at present, Mr. Allen iticGse's many friends will be sorry to hear that he got his leg broken while working in the munition factory in Senrorth, by a large box falling on it. Mr. Wellington Elliott sold his Clydesdale stallion to Mr. Janes Johnston of Alberta receiving a good figure,. This is a good- horse and We eongratulate Mr, Jahnstoi oh his purchase, He was bred from 'leper - ted stock add raised' bIl Mr. Elliott, Mr. Alf. Austen and Me. Wnu Clack while falling timber in the let- ter's btIsli one day last week tagged Three large coons. They bad beautiful coats, the fur being pro• to-WWWI by Mr. 'Wilbur Johnston, OM it it geed Plage, es Al, Summerhill Mr. George Hill, who is visiting his daughter, Mrs.' N. Ball, is at pre- sent sulTering from -a severe attack of congestion. We hope that he will soon be around again. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston spent a day with their daughter, Mrs. C. Dale, while on their way to see. their eldest son, who is just re- covering from pneumonia. Masters Fulford and Grealis of Clinton spent a. few days with Sum- merhill friends. Mr. and Mrs. T', Clifton of Bruce - field spent Sunday at Mrs, George Tyner's. The boys of Summerhill and vicin- ity have succeeded in fitting vp a splendid shating rink on the river and some good sport is being en'oy- ed. Their. motto is "Come and bring your hockey stick." Auburn Mt, Sutton, manager of the Sterl- ing Bank here, has i b'eeived word'to go to Toronto on Friday. Mx. Sutt- on lies made many friends daring his ten mottle stay in Auburn mad he will be greatly missed. Mr. Mathews or Godericin succeeds bit. Sutton the Bank here, Mr, and .Mrs. Robert Stalker left on Thursday for a visit with their dalighter, Mrs. Finch of lrliiit, Mich, • A i'atriotie cencert will be given ih the Forester's hall on Friday (W- elling, bit. Harvey Lloyd of Toronto the assisted by loonwillcve ,t latentg program. Warden Dr. Milne of Blyth Will 000tlpy the chair. Proceeds 10 and of the Red Cross Fund, , Sanitary Plumbers. 'The following is the report of S.S. No. 12, Goderich and Mullett for the months of December and January.— Sr: anuary—Sr: 4th. — Dessie Lindsay, Mary Wright. Jr, 4th—Gordon Ball, Hilda Forbes, Nellie Beacom, 'Jean Farqu- har. Jr. 3rd -Eddie Johnston, Nor- man Wright, Mabel Wright. Sr. and —Walter Forbes, Robert Jo'lirst'm.. Pt, 2nd—Russell Jervis, Elva. Smith, Ray Mason. 1st — Viola , Johnston, Clarence Ball, Violet Watkin. Best spellers-4th—Joan Farquhar. 3rd — Mabei Wright. 2nd -Walter 'Forbes. Pt. 2nd—Elva Smith,—E, Holland, VALENTINE SOCIAL A Valentine Social under the auspices or Ontario Street Church will be field on Monday, Everting, Feb. 12 at eight o'clock. One of the in- teresting features of the pro- gram _will be a debate 00 Women Suffrage the affirmative to be taken by the Young Women, the nega- tive b1 the Yo'iOg Men. • Lunch will be served. 1\dmission 1fic or 25c a couple A kind invitation extended to all. Come and bring yollr Valentine, PLUMBING, l'-II;ATINCI, T]N- SIVIITI3ING, ROOFING, ce,C, REPAIRS PROMPTLY DONE. A. NUMBER OF S1mS't0N1MIAND 'HEATERS IN G'oOD REPAIR. Rattenbury House on Wednesday February 14th. vorenwena's OF TORONTO Canada's foremust hair'goods manufacturers will exhibit for your inspection their finest and latest hair creations in ladies SWITCHES, CORONET and FANOY BRAIDS POMPADOURS, TRANSFORMATIONS CHIGNONS, WAVES BANGS, and FOR BALD MEN TOUPEES AND WIGS of hygenie and scientife construction that are aa, lifelike AS nature, cannot be detected from a person's own hair, and will render ong service and satisfaction. A Demonstration of any of these Hair -Structures Is FREE OF CHARGE. It will not obligate you in:any w ay.. Remember the Date WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14th ORENWEND'S Bead Olifee and Showrooms 105 Yonge Street, Toronto COMMENCING THIS WEEK Three New Departments Helpful, Interesting and Entertaining Features that will make each issue of this paper worth the full year's subscription price. Each departrnent is in charge of a specially qualified writer. Prof. Henry Q. Belt will conduct a question and answer department called "FARM CROP QUERIES," and Mrs. Helen Law will have charge of a splendid Department for Women entitled "YOUR PROBLEMS.,Then comes one of the best comic serials published, You will thoroughly enjoy the "DOINQS OF' THE DUFFS;' Full particulars will be found elsewhere in this Issue. Turn to them now Information that will dbee supplied toad about eyou each Wa interesting; 3 BIth Rev. Geo.' Telford was ordained and inducted as pastor of the Blyth Pres- . a ,pored n the last Thursday l ileo Church riA r h Yd Mr, fi etre tv i14, lY Jan mar , le SUT� R 1 y Is a native of Iediltl>urglr, St:ntiaisti, l'hefie 1, and came 10 Canada in 11105, Hullett Townshlp Mr, Thomas ('arbert sold a three' your old colt last week for the sum of $250. ...Tho many friends of hir, William Morrison of the (1raVcl (toad w11 h pleased to hear that; he is improving. after his recent severe illness.