HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1917-02-08, Page 5February 8th, I$I7 Clinton News -Record s _ b s c 1 r COderioh Township Maw, .1111e A'�rs, Jelin riieC%artitey, 4f outhern n7anitoba ePellt the' week- nd' with the lorinee's bIothor, Me, Cobert, eleCertney of the Cut Lem, 1tis reunion of the brothers teas a - articularly llaPpy one as they had et seen each others' st000 T11cy were mall bops. ' Yeung Ladles' Patriotic So- The S tety,Will meet next Weeneethee peter- oon at the hoose' of Nie. 11, Wise, . full atteudance of the niclnbers is specially requested as the pareeie ar the boys will be packed on that ay. Y• 'following Pension c.ommuhications Stanley Township The fa'llawitig is the report of S,Ike :. 1— Foster, Jr 4111 S. Na, 7 , 5ti b, 11, Love, W. brtwcin, CI, Anderson, V. Reid, Sr. 8rt1—W, Cochrane, L. Turner, (equal). Jr, 3124—l1, Love, L. Co1ontan, I7, :Ste thcuson, • Sr. end 1 --A, Love, Jr, 2nd -'-A, Turnor, E, Love, W. (Menlo,. Cothran, V, L o, Smith AI, Stelk W. A:ndersol i1. Turner, Pt. 2nd—G. Coleman, el. Stephenson, M. Carlile, C;. 1'{rueg°r,.: G. Stephenson, It, Turner, E. Love, Printer—V, Stolle le, Turner, — V, Evans, teacher. Hlullett Township r . nifbel! of Mel illo a eti:oh. r, W u. 1 'X� 1 be axe fisc<1 a span of two.. `ear old p l P S geldings, Pee from M. Tilos, T,,iv- ingstoai and one teem 31'r, James. the sum of -.$350 for Garter, They them, 'l'etey aro well matched and are said t0 he as fine a ymung tears of colts as is to 1)0 found ill the township to whicll they go, They y were both street by Cilenrae, MoMPeh-trotters°r, act's ]torso, Messrs: Thos. McMichael and Wil- lien Gro i of tidy township were ap- S pointed by the Blyth Agricultural Society as delegates to t11e meeting FOIL SAL 11,—'1'i1'O CHOICE COWS, ane freshened the outer due. au MaWilliam J, Votiden, lot 30, eon, 1.4 Goaerich townsliip, Motto , 0 on 1.0.7. -44-2. • HAVE 1VdcCORMTGXC 4.fiANgX. -X X3 talon) over the money for the 6 Me- Qorielek Implements awl moved it to any place of easiness, the 'car- riage and repairs Shop, Huron street, where I will, keep on ' hand a NU line of implements, repairs, twist°, etc, 0 order Prem you will receive prompt attention.-, Wilson Elliott. --43 FOR SAL10, IXOUSE ON RATTEr7- bury street formerly eecupicd by .. the late 7'Trs, Wm, Murray. AP-.. ply, to G, D. McTteggart, -••32 PE.ACHES G Clinton�r I GKitting l w" WE EM PL FEW PERS, AT . NANTED! ,.,e GAN GIVE) OY ENTr M TO A MORE KNIT- f.NIT- ETO, APPLY ONCE. . COt LIMITED. MAN .l1ANTED,—MARRntlD MAN, for faint work. Stea1•yi employ- i h rood home, etc. Duties wentwith 6 • to begin Marek 10411. Apply—D. A, Ciittbou, —74. M --°--- --.--.., A I BARGAIN FOR YOU< .•+.+....+... We nee willing dale week, large ;' luscious dried ' Peaches at only k g, 10 cents per lb® $ These are away below whole - sale price and will nob Iasi long. " g• 3ust site thing for pins v CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We su 1 PP y two peas Ir°e, Pay all express Merges and issue cheques twice each month, chequer payable at par. We pap the high. est market prices consisteob with an honest test, Testing done by a competent man. Eaoh can 'careful- !p' weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of'Kinburn may leave their }beam with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here, Petite for cans and give us a trial, PatV4ns In the vicinity o[ Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros, Store and it will be . taker care of shore—The Soaf4rth Cr°am- ery;,--Bog- 486, Soaforth, Ont. WANTED—HORSE I'IIDES BEIM+ I Hi4os, Skunie, Coon, A9lu10, or an}1 other Furs,—Jalnos Stools Licensed to steal mPers. -04 The is the 12600rt of S.S. 0. 11, for Januar}' :. Sr, 4th .Elsie ereuson 340 b Ruby Churchill 500, ramie Powell 278, Pearl Ceuretiill r 74, \ ori=a Elliott; 20 t, Bruce 1fl not 'resent for part of the ex nts,) Jr 4th—Cliilord Castle, lee, , TO Test hour Own .geed t .he Seed I,abora•$or grain is It t YFOR tested to determine, stir percentage of vital seeds by placing one hundred of the Fall Lairs Associattml in tor- onto on 'l'uet,da .and }; pduesdn of y X this week. Y. McMichael is attend- ing while away blto meeting of :tb° Clydesdale Association and the Cuelplt 1Vinbsr Dair, SALE. --11 STORY FRAMs; house in the Village of Bayflole, with acre of land attached contain- Good well and orollard 011 lace. Also eight; acres in P g one block on the °peseta side of the street. Will by sold separately or together to suit purchaser, For particulars apply to the executors —Mrs. Xi. Darrotip or Mrs. John Davison,Ba field. —68. kernels between blotters, . keeping----,"ing,atalile. prrh Special fps' �pp� IR 8 �ULTIIV �TD ' e.o.t We are prepared to handle all kinds of live poultry,: Highest m a r k o t g price paid.—Phone 14 on 166. prices for fat hens • W. MARQUIS tool Ferguson 182, Howard Currie 03. Sr, 2tel--Elnter Trick 1:1, 01- ,er Ferguson 05,Laura' Currie' 71, gmoisture he best spellers for the month are :I�L r, 41 Ferguson.Churchill, Jr. 4:th,— 1°rut FergsoSr. 2nd - Elmer rick.—Erma--Dielil; t°ichor. School report for S.S. No, 10 forv no month � of January, names in or- u; of merit ;- Sr, 4th,—Edward Ilut- tio s, Jr. 4t8—William North, Vio- Mugs, e Hutchings, Brown Stewart, brad- rick Ellwood.. Sr, 3rd—Beit North, ;°wart Middleton, Jr, Ord Diary ,tewar11, Edward Lindsay. Mid. 2nd Shirley Beacom. Jr, 2nd—Charles roves, George Groves; Willie:WI-rut- hinge, Randle Cole, Marion Lindsay, t ewis Ellwood. 1st class — Flossie indsay, Marton Middleton Pruner— :enneth Whitmore, Reta Beacom, E -churches Middleton, Joan' Groves, Muriel ;athwell, Dorothy Rothwell, Fourth lass was examined 111 geography and pelting- third class in geography andWOrff oscitation, the other classes in genet- Number l proficient Number on 1011-24, .vera a attendance -15.— Mar R. ,ibex , `teacher. Y them at a suitable temperature and supplied with the proper am00114 of its special germinating chain- hers. The results of such a test shote what proportion of the seeds' are vi - P P tat but a more accurate idea of the value of the grain. for seed could be gained from a soil test, Such test': are not practicable in a laboratory. Where thousands of samples are, un- der test at one time, Any ono ,can test seed for himself by putting one hundred roods taken "just as they come from the grain he wishes to test, in soil in a flower pot, box or eater convenient receptable, and keep- ing it moistened, but not over, in some Place where it will be not too in the day time, and where it will be coolest, but .will not freeze, at alight ;the alternation of tetuperatuie night favours germination. By noticing the number of plants produced , whether they come up quickly and are strong or weak, one can determine the suit- , , ability of the grain for seeding per- poses more accurately than from the results of a test which he does not see. If seed that' is known to be of .AUCTION SALE 010 FARM STOCK —T lion, Gantlzy wilt soli by public auction on T.ot 14, Concession 6, elullett, on. the farm of Joint leer- r gusop, on Thursday, I °Uruaiy 15tU the followingHorses-Two four rY ear old drivers, 000 a ladies' dei- yen ver, Cattle—One registered Here- ford cow iit calf, . Hereford heifer, two este old in call' S Hereford years , steers twoyears pill 4 Holstein , heifers in calf 8 Durham 11ei- gradelett fere in calf, 2 fresh cows with calv- es' 20 head of one and two year old s=teers and heifers, one large Durham heifer in calf, 16 pigs be- tweatt 80 and 90 pounds, 4 Shrop- shire ewes, bred. el quantity; of seed oats, No. 72,grown on new land and will test over, °standard, some millets seed new hu ggy, Mas- se Harris send drill; galvanized Y ga tank, 12 barrels capacity, Terms- Flvo months credit on . approved joint notes 6 per scut per annum off for cash.—P. Gundry, Auction- ser ; James E. Medd, Proprietor. a - $ t -- — ® , l FOR•*SALE OR TO RENT,—AN 8- repined house on Princess street. Furnace and bath. Now occupied by -4V .C'oliyor.—For particulars aP- Ply to W. S. Marland, Rattenbury street, Clinton. —55 FARM FOR SALE. — 100 -ACRE 2 farm for sate, h miles north of Clinton one the Gravel Road, Kul- toiynship, On the premises are a bank barn 50x60 with stone stab- lin underneath and 1 ° storey 8- g i roomed frame house with good eat- lar. Rural telephone. 5 acres hard wood bush_ • first class soil, This farm is convenient to schools and ; will be sold on easy terms ; possession to suit purcilas-' er. Por articulare applyto—John p Reynolds, 130 Nelson St., .. Stmt- ford, Ont. —62. �' �- .. _.. a ..• • .ry • YOTIR CLOTHES CLEANED, . RE- paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad - ies' and Gentlemen's clothes, We guaranteegood work. T. am to. do ' prepared to French Dry Glean Ladies Suits,. Gent'b Suits and all kinds of woolen elothin inctudtu Sweat g g ere, etc, All orders promptly at tended to. Rooms over Johnson's jeWelery Store,—Wm, J. Jago, —55 Brucefield Brucefield and Bayfield Lumber, Coal and y' Cement lards. , About feed 1 pondin for g 7 the your are I Y ® __—, high price of grain and flock of hens, as eggs and expected to be comes- high this coming seasonR g g BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE.—GOOD location on William street, near the Model school. 'Pen rooms, electric light, waterworks, bathroom, etc,— T. T. Murphy. —44. --- r V e are again prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of logs, in bulk 'or by the thousand, eitherthe hush or d°� yards, We also handle all kinds of Lo s and Lumber, Lehigh Valleyand g Scranton Coal, Canada Cement, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Can- oda Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile, Cedar Posts, Etc. If in the market for any of the Y above items it will pay y011 to tel- epho¢e, `� JOHN B. MUSTARD Head Office BRUCEFIELD. ��SALE, -----i A democrat wagon, buggy, set light double harness, and a dra3 saw outfit, Buffalo robeingood condition, set; single harness used only a lfew times, * For prices and particulars apply to W. R. JOWEIT, Box 50 Ba field, y or phone 5 on 174 IIIa�ta�,esvilte The quarterly, official board of the lothodist church -met on Tuesday14th, hen the business of the circuit was fund' to' be ws expellent shape. A strong vitality can be planted e=iderpoultry exactly the same conditions as the seed whose vitality: is being deter- mined, ythe test will be more vale- able. Cleaning grain over a good fan- nfng still to remove from one-third to one-half of the bulk including all immature TI'IE GIRLS' CLUB OF wild,S Church intend holding a Valentine octal on Wednesday evening, Feb. An invitation is extended tog all, Admission fourteen cents, -15-1 ----u^..— • Now is the time to order our y ° Prairie State Incubator Why depend on the uncertain old hen for hatchingwhen an incubator will do the work better and cheaper. Get ehtakeus hatched earl youry and getthe big price for broilers. The early pullets will be your next win- ter's layers, Get an Ineuhatnr and, hatch your chicks when you please —•--+- GUNN LANGL®IS CO. 9 The Up' -to. -date Firm CLINTON. FOR SALE—THE PROPERTY ON Rattenbury street occupied by Dr, Gaudier, _including house, office, barn and ewo lots. Will be sold separately or together. Electric lighting throughout. Water in g g g stable. Hard aid soft water in bathroom kitchen and summer les t- chen.—Apply to Dr. Gaudier. —40, 0ngregabioual meeting will Ue held D1110 time soon the date not et aviu been fired followed U Y a g y bort series of special services'. The the light, shrunken and seeds, will greatly improve its qual- ity as seed.—Seed Branch, Ottawa.. , - T11E-YOUNG LADIES PATRIOTIC Auxiliary will have a 'ten cent tea a the home of Mrs. Gordon Cue- emir of the circuit is going on well oder the direction of Rev. A, Sin- lair, who was given a unanimous �fitation to remain for a second Serve bio Saving The new War Savings Certificates inghame on Wednesday afternoon next from three o'clock to six.' All welcome, , 75.1 Ci'eam Wanted Highest price paid for cream, which will be taken is every WEDNESDAY morning and weighed,paid for tested and while you wait. Also all kinds of live fowl wan - ted. Fowl. received Wednesday, morning each week. T. E. MASON. General Merchant,' SUMMERHILL. r AUCTION SALE -- THE UNDER- has been instructed to sell by public auction, at lot 47 con, 1 Tuck- ersmith, (Loudon Road) at 1,30, on Movdav, Feb. 12th, the following -2 colts agricultural, cow feeh lit Nov. 7year old, farrow cow 3 yrs, ,y s, 3 heifers rising 8 years, steer rising 3 years, 3 steers rising 2 years, 2 heifers rising years, 5 calves, a quantity of seed oats Benner and O.A.C. Finery walking plow, Mogul. gas and coal oil engine §horse power good as new, cutting box. Terme—All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit twill he allowed on furnishing approved joint notes, 5 per cent straight allowed off for cash on credit amounts. Seed oats, cash ' Patil Cadieux, proprietor; T, Gun- dry, auctioneer, 74-2 ear. Owing .to the severe storm there vas not a large attendance at the ivarterly religious - service on Sundays art bi the Mothosidt church, Next ,Sunday evenings subject is United 'The United States and the War," whieh have been created b tho Gov- y' ernment to encourage thrift and econ-signed omy and to give everyone an oppor- tunity to assist in financing our war ex enditure are now on sale at ev- Pspring er bank and money order post office Y Y P in Canada. The $25 certificate _sells '$43, THE W. C.. T. L . WILL IIAVEI A sale of home-made cooking, in the Council Chamber, on Friday after- noon, February= 0111. Proceeds for the Cocoa Fund for the soldiers. Members are requested to send cooking for sale, 75-1. r. We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teae� Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store., We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which wo keep a full stook and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We will appreciate a share of your patronage. All kinds of produce taken in me, change for goods. D. N. WATSON Victoria Ct., Next the Hospital, —a. for $21.50, the $50 for and the $100 for $8'6. As an investment these Write the— Commissioners The Dominion Government have ap- minted a Board of j CllSipri Commis- loners for Canada with -offices in Ot- certificates offer many attractive fee- tures-chief of which are the abso- lute security and the excellent inter- est return, For ever $21.50 lent to Y the Government now, $25 will be re -or turned' at the end of three years, t SEED OATS FOR SALE —A biL ANT- thy of improved Banner Oats. Ap- Pl Henx i Peacock, London r— }Road, call phone 18 on 146, -75-2. -.- ` L THE CODNED STORE Live and Let Lire le le TELEPHONE Your GC®ce r 'Wants to y Oil O STODE We are always glad to have you visit our store in doing your purchas- ivgso we may personally select your goods and so we may become better ac g qua{nted with you and your needs, when you find it more convenient to telephone, however you can depend on P Y us to look after our orders in it. man- y ser that will please you, CALL 45 And yon will have your order taken, packed, and delivered in a satisfactory manner, We appreciate your phone trade, Highest prices for Butter and Eggs `^� E. E HUNNIFORD • LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. awe. As this Board wishes to cause s little delay as possible in dealing with communications with regard to tensions, they wish the public to car- espond directly with the Board of 'Commissioners, Ottawa. A ommenel i delay may be causedgy being sent through ither Departments of the Govern- uent. The Patriotic Ieund, Associa- doll and the Military Hos,iitals Coin- nission have kindly consented to give nformation and assialance to those wishingto write. direct to the Board of Pension Commissioners. These so- :idles have offices in' certain Mean- ;ies throughout Canada. In addition, There aro two other features which are especially interesting to small in- vestors. First, the certificates may be surrendered at any time, if the buy- ei should need his money ; and sec- end, each certificate is registered at Ottawa in the buyers name and, if lost or stolen, is therefore i valueless to anyone else. But while they are excellent from an investment stand- point, the certificates should appeal strongly to Canadians because they offer to those who must servo at home a splendid opportunity for a most important patriotic . service, The person who honestly saves to the extent of his ability and places his disposal the Concert! Don't. Miss it Encouraged by the success of last year's play the young people of Stan- ley have decided to put on another ' P in Baird's school house, 2nd ems., 0n Friday, 3rd aif Feb,s The play; is a comedy in five acts full of life entitled, !ho Beacom,",old and wit, Proceeds to go to Patriot- is Association of Stanley. Every- body, come. 1 y 91 CJ J!l{0. BIRTHDAY Here Are suggestions Wrist Watches Lockets, Pearl Mantle Clocks, Small I have the display P 8 da �� cathedral and Manicure Spectaeles Drop in under R. Xssuer Optician 1 m 1 � ..e a and Fobs, and Kitchen Fane largest Y of Clocks in Mantle;Clocks :mahogany. Sete, Cut and and look no obligation H. JOHNSON, of Marriage and A 7 .CLIA PV. � Few Pocket Watches Necklets, Diamond Signet Rings - Clocke, and Y Clocks and best assorted ever shown sewn with gong, in oak Glass, Silverware of all kinds Repairs. around, you are, to buy, ,.,., Licenses. Jeweler NOTICE NOTIOE to hereby given that Mar- garetBali Charlesworth, of the Town of Blyth, in the County of Huron, in the province of Ontario, wife of Leo- Otto Oharlesworth, of the same place, merchant, will,appply to the Far- o 1'iament of Canada at the nextseaein thereof fora bill of divorce frmn her husband, the said Leopold Otto Oharloswortb, of the said town of Blyth, in the County of Huron. in the Province 08 Ontario, merchant, on the ground of adultery aid desertion. Dated at Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba this 10th dayof January, 1917, Margaret Bell Charlesworth g By her Solicitor, William Witness, A. V. Darrach. Plumbing, Heating and Eavetroughing. ----. e ret our prices on your neat e8,vetrou h order now season'sg and save money: Agent for Hecla Furnaces t=a el THOS. HAWKINS. Sleep over Rowland's Hardware„ 1 PHQNE 53', n order tot facilitate 1 topeningrantfra of =stone, the Board is, BranchCOl`i onsion offices in Vancouver, �'algary. xdmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, London Jtlawa; Montreal, Quebec, SU. Johns Hamilton Toronto, Barrie Kingston g and Halifax, All information with copiedtopensions may Jte obtained savings at the of Government by purchasing these ter- tificates, may feel that he is having a direct share in fending, equipping, and munitioning our Canadian sol- Biers, who are so nobly doing t2 t:ir part, INC, CO!'IING° , 1 xof. E. Katz, the well-known Eye- Sight Specialist, of Listowel, that has done so much good •work around here for years in relieving Eye -Sight Troubles, Eye Strain, Headache,�will 'Pone these- offices, be at the Rattenbury House, Olin- ton, Tuesday, Feb. 130, will exam- „ Cream Wanted Any quantity of cream bundled at highest price for butter fat, - Cream for or taken. in the first three days of the week at Holmesville, Yon may see your cream tested for your- self, Saiiefaetion Guaranteed. Cream paid for every week PHONE 17 ON 148 .„ M. J ERV I S .:01�1 HOLMESVILLE. Marriages COX- EDWARDS—In London, Jnntt- ary 31st, by Rev, C. R. Flan- dors, First Methodist chetah, 011 -called len J. Edwards of McGiilvray;, to R. Y. Cox of Goderich township• OLIVER-1VIc1VIiINNGY—In Clpdouteb on Feb, let, Alice Alberta Me- Francis READ THE NEWS -RECORD FOR TOWN, TOWNSHIP' AND COUNTY NEWS, Inc Eyes by the method that never fails. Prof, Katz Is well recommend- ed by thousands and acknowledged to bo the most skilled optician in On- title, No ;natter bow defective Veer sight is Prof. Katz can relieve it ev- en when others failed, E. KATZ, - OPTICIAN B. Th st _._.._.. _ �-- Choice Peaches (dried) 15c pee lb Chaim Prunes lee per ib Syrup m Faits $8c each Syr¢pinPa's 70e each Molasses in Ib tins 13c each Purity Oats in packages 25c each Don't forgetUndubat wearetn all sizes e nfield's we sell Perrin's Dairy Cream eu 18c, 28e and 85e packages, or pound. Nothing to equal them, For Saturday A Geed Broom for 25c 13 lbs Granulated Sugar for Ae'1 Will pay you 88e for butter in Wade. e Sodas by the 1,00 Whinney of Dungannon, to Olver of Fort William efeMILLAN—BOGIE-At Goderich on Jan. 31st, Florence Elizabeth 130. ,,r p_ - � 1 111111 1 I llllII DessertforDinner __, Are you looking for something to'mic�� Dessert for Dinner if so we can supply you with Quality Goode for D.essert, Extra Nice Prunes for Pies or Sauce 2lbsfor25c Cooking figs 10e per ib. cooking apples always on hand Rice, Tapioca, Cornstarch, etc, all mnke asplendfd Dessert for dinner at this time of yen', Magnolia Peas, Corn and ma cies ere of the highest Brands, g New stock of Catsup, Sweet and Mixed Pickles (in bulk or bottle) El. P, Sauce and Otiyes all add zest to the ap' p°tete, 2 large cans of Pork and Beans for 25G Try' our leader in 25 Soap, 8 bars fir Highest Market Price for Produce .,.„mi - ejOh•ItsOt 64.CO+ The Store of ()utility-" • r OEo 013011 promptly 101341 1 to, illi ��+ �,m yp a v, t t \—✓' ___ = . , gie of Sheppardton, to William J, McMillan, of Loyal. Births ' hAWSOh,—In Clinton, on Feb, 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Entree Lawson, twins, a son and daughter. g O'RIwins,T Ln MplCillop, eonu Ja¢u- ary 28th, to Mr, and Mrs, Jos, O'Rourke, a son. 11 LANNERY —In Seatortit, on Jane- ary 29t11, to Mr, and Mss., John r Flannery, n son: ALEXANDER.—In 'Pudtersmith on January 29th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Alexander, jr., a daughter, MAKE YOUR A!•R JO LLI RS Fill i' ; t i 0 .fi ll AT' T' H E F R 0 N T. 13 U ¥' DOMINION ® CANADA • •make Dissolution ®f pt�, Partnership. „••..� Notice is hereby given that the part- heretofore existing between Seeley & West wilt be ended on Feb. 10th, 1017. It is necessary, that all aec0unta due this limn be paid nob later than Feb, all+ ebeo col- 1017.011After said date all acbe col- nos then paid will id date leeted, Portions having accounts against said fientiwillplease send them in so they can be settled by Feb, lOblt,1017. ,_ r Seeley& YY est p ifh lllydthl'U4 c 1+ 4` s,z�P�trf Q Alle. w + - w — k i - -- a � lj '- tl (t> `iJAT3 9 ix/ • t=,,nr � I ; b l 1, �r'II I I� + - q� 1 AT` le til l`S;